Antarctic Expeditions
Kent Keith interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 23rd June 2011 in Bowral, NSW. ...
5m 31s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian McLeod interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 24th June 2011 in Canberra, ACT. ...
14m 9s
12 contributors

Pride 2023
Alex Greenwich [Part 1] interviewed by Martin Portus, 18 September 2023.
Alex Greenwich (he/him) discusses growing up...
1h 27m 2s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 1 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Childhood in Tumbulgum,...
31m 38s
6 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 37 Side B] Interview with John Seed.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
15m 10s
6 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 11 Side B] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 28s
12 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 43 Part 1] Interview with William J Beggs
Interview summary: William Beggs discusses...
29m 55s
18 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 8 Side B] Interview with Ken Johnson
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
24m 13s
14 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 6 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Travel to the 1951 Youth...
31m 35s
30 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 2 Part 3] Eager Family
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
7m 6s
8 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 11 Side A] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 26s
15 contributors

Pride 2023
Fiona Kelly McGregor [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf 16 November 2022.
Fiona Kelly McGregor is a writer and artist...
1h 25m 52s
2 contributors
74% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Ray McMahon interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 1st August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
50m 24s
13 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4A Part 3] James Spaile, Greg Morris, Sue Mackie
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6m 53s
10 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Dr Anthony Cutler [Part 1], 18 Jaunary 2018
Dr Anthony Cutler is the son of Roden...
1h 27m 57s
24 contributors
100% have edits
12% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 26 Side B] Interview with John Garbett; Peter Verasdonck.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 31s
8 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Andi Chairiani Dwipasatya
Andi Chairiani Dwipasatya speaks of growing up...
1h 40m 35s
5 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 4 Side B] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
8m 44s
16 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 1] Interview with J.R. Lloyd
Interview summary: J. R. Lloyd speaks of his...
8m 9s
16 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 29th January 2011 in Swansea,...
15m 21s
4 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Ms Anni Rowland Campbell [Part 3] 29 November 2017
Anni Rowland-Campbell is the daughter of James...
41m 59s
9 contributors
100% have edits
13% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Ray McMahon interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd interview]
Recorded on 2nd August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
29m 4s
7 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Richard McNair interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey and Michael Ooyendyk [Part 1]
Recorded on 14th May 2011 in Vermont,...
56m 46s
4 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 27 Part 2] Interview with Lynn Irvine
Interview summary: Lynn Irvine discusses his...
19m 33s
6 contributors

Pride 2023
Ian Roberts [Part 2] interviewed by Martin Portus, 14 September 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
3m 53s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Pride 2023
Ahmed Suhaib [Part 4] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 23 October 2023.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
8m 47s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 31 Side B] Interview with Diana Roberts.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 51s
10 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 21 Side B] Interview with Nan Nicholson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 28s
12 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
George Casasayas interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 16th August 2011 in Sandringham,...
45m 21s
5 contributors

Pride 2023
Simon Hunt [Part 1] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 16 August 2022.
Artist and musician Simon Hunt (he/him) works...
2h 41m 42s
5 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 2] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
29m 58s
15 contributors

Pride 2023
Svetlana Gilerman [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
16m 57s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [2nd interview Part 4]
In this interview Dawn adds to her previous...
7m 56s
4 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 28 Side B] Interview with Will Singer.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
23m 2s
10 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Joan Bowler
This interview gives a firsthand account of the...
28m 25s
23 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bill Budd interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 20th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
46m 52s
1 contributor

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 3] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
32m 23s
17 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4A Part 1] James Spaile, Greg Morris, Sue Mackie
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
5m 24s
8 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4B Part 3] Fran Drew, Steve Horsley
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
11m 13s
6 contributors

Pride 2023
Fiona Kelly McGregor [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf 16 November 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
3m 39s
2 contributors

Women in sport
Kate Gill interviewed by Tanya Evans, 29 November 2019
Kathryn Anne (Kate) Gill, born 1984 in New...
36m 48s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Brian Joyce interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 27th August 2011 in Smithton,...
25m 43s
8 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Mary Pappin [Part 1]
In this interview Mary talks about growing up...
1m 46s
4 contributors

Pride 2023
Tonina Harvey [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
16m 37s
2 contributors
45% have edits

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 8] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
5m 4s
7 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Eddie Firth interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 27th August 2011 in Lower...
59m 20s
6 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 8 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Visiting schools and...
30m 40s
13 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Louise Crossley interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded 11th August in Hobart, Tasmania. ...
1h 6m 15s
7 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 6 Side A] Interview with Nick Matheson-Lines
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 6s
12 contributors
100% have edits

Women in sport
Jane Flemming interviewed by Tanya Evans, 6 February 2019
Jane Flemming, born 1965, is a former...
1h 12m 22s
8 contributors
100% have edits

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Jacqueline Samuels [Part 3], 9 December 2017
Jacqueline Samuels is the wife of Gordon...
1m 48s
4 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Mohammed Anwar
Mohammed Anwar speaks of his life, and that of...
1h 14m 53s
5 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 1] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6m 59s
9 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 3 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: WWII begins; experiences...
31m 36s
17 contributors

Drought NSW
Willy Redington interivewed by Louise Whelan, 3 May 2021
Willy Redington talks about his experience...
49m 18s
9 contributors
100% have edits

Australian Dance
Stephen Page interviewed by Martin Portus
Stephen Page has been the artistic director of...
2h 17m 11s
30 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 38 Side B] Interview with Severina Perin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 59s
23 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Women in sport
Layne Beachley interviewed by Tanya Evans, 21 February 2019
Layne Beachley was born in 1972 and adopted by...
1h 4m 49s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 12 Side A] Interview with Linnet Pyke; Simon Cass.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 30s
18 contributors

Drought NSW
Robert Miller [Part 1] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 20 September 2018.
Robert Miller is a fifth-generation dairy...
1h 10m 26s
12 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 12th February 2011 in Devonport,...
56m 8s
13 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 14 Side A] Interview with Tommy Gaynor
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
24m 45s
23 contributors
100% have edits
8% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Joseph Brennan interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 6th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
20m 56s
11 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 8 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Continuing travel through...
20m 8s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Jacklyn interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 12th August 2011 in Geilston Bay,...
52m 44s
12 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
George Casasayas interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 16th August 2011 in Sandringham,...
25m 54s
5 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Richard McNair interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey and Michael Ooyendyk [Part 2]
Recorded on 14th May 2011 in Vermont,...
16m 11s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dave McCormack interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 22nd August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
42m 55s
13 contributors

Pride 2023
Norrie [Part 2] interviewed by Darby Carr, 15 December 2022.
Norrie (you/she/they) discusses family...
49m 46s
1 contributor
97% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Knowles Kerry interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 10th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
22m 4s
5 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 9 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Recent visit with Hans...
30m 33s
11 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 2] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
32m 23s
16 contributors

Pride 2023
Tonina Harvey [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Tonina Harvey (she/her) recounts growing-up in...
33m 18s
1 contributor
25% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 3]
Recorded on 24th August 2011 in Swansea,...
38m 37s
1 contributor

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Stephen Webb
In the interview Stephen says that he aims to...
51m 6s
33 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4B Part 1] Fran Drew, Steve Horsley
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
13m 49s
9 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 12 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: 1950s; Friendship with John...
11m 48s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 2 Side B] Interview with Graeme Dunstan.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 29s
19 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 7] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
8m 11s
9 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bruce Eyers interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 1st September 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
37m 31s
2 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4B Part 2] Fran Drew, Steve Horsley
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
16m 7s
6 contributors

Women in sport
Liz Ellis interviewed by Tanya Evans, 23 May 2018
Liz Ellis talks about her childhood and her...
1h 14m 15s
7 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 38 Side A] Interview with Severina Perin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 59s
15 contributors
100% have edits

Pride 2023
Ahmed Suhaib [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 23 October 2023.
Ahmed (he/him) was born in Pakistan, grew up...
1h 15m 13s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 39 Side A] Interview with Severina Perin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
32m 2s
12 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
John Windolf interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 18th December 2011 in Coolum,...
37m 27s
11 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Margy Burn [Part 3] interviewed by Bruce Carter, 2 November 2022
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
2m 40s
4 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 3 Side A] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 35s
13 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 14 Side A] Interview with Marie Soward; Charlie Soward; Don Johston.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 29s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Mark Milnes interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 3rd July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 33m 50s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [3rd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 27th August 2011 in Devonport,...
37m 4s
15 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 6 Part 2] Maurice Fletcher, Robin Fletcher
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
9m 38s
4 contributors

Pride 2023
Atul Joshi [Part 1] interviewed by Bruce Carter, 11 January 2023.
Born in Burma, Atul Joshi (he/him) migrated to...
2h 33m 2s
3 contributors
62% have edits
1% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Martin Betts interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 2nd September 2011 at Blackmans...
36m 27s
4 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Penny Woodward [Part 1], 12 February 2018
Penny Woodward is the grand-daughter of Lady...
59m 27s
20 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Amna Karra-Hassan
Amna Karra-Hassan describes her family,...
1h 13m 10s
11 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 36 Side A] Interview with Johnny Allen.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
28m 11s
12 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter Clemence interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 17th January 2012 in Mt Eliza,...
1h 1m 40s
3 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 7 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Meeting Dmitri Shostakovich...
20m 37s
10 contributors

Pride 2023
Frances Rand [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023
Frances Rand (she/her) speaks about 'Lesbians...
31m 17s
1 contributor
4% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Noel Barrett interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Hobart, Tasmania....
47m 12s
6 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 20] Interview with Doug May
Interview summary: Doug May discusses working...
13m 47s
8 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Trevor Cowell interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 28th August 2011 in Perth,...
46m 41s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jim Brooks interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 1st November 2012 in Adelaide,...
35m 11s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter Cutler interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 26th August 2011 in Evandale,...
51m 37s
16 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Reverend Nicole Fleming [Part 2] interviewed by Patricia Curthoys, 21 October 2022.
Rev. Nicole Fleming (she/her) works with...
1h 12m 38s
2 contributors
5% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Richard Willing interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 1st November 2012 in Adelaide,...
1h 2m 7s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Jamie James [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
6m 14s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
David Johns interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Lenah Valley,...
52m 17s
2 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 2] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
2m 52s
7 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Roy Kennedy and Beryl Kennedy
In the interview Roy speaks at length about his...
1h 31m 43s
27 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Elizabeth Nash, 15 December 2017
Elizabeth Nash (nee Northcott) is the daughter...
51m 45s
7 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jack Ward interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview]
Recorded on 10th January 2011 in North...
55m 13s
4 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 25 Side A] Interview with Benny Zable.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
26m 38s
9 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Abbas Aly
Abbas Aly speaks of growing up as a Muslim in...
1h 44m 31s
18 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Susan Filson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 23rd March 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
29m 59s
10 contributors

Pride 2023
Ahmed Suhaib [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 23 October 2023.
Ahmed (he/him) was born in Pakistan, grew up...
1h 17m 55s
0 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Kent Keith interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 4]
Recorded on 23rd June 2011 in Bowral, NSW. ...
1m 22s
3 contributors

Women in sport
Heather McKay interviewed by Tanya Evans, 1 October 2018
Heather McKay (née Blundell) AO, MBE is an...
1h 8m 46s
7 contributors
100% have edits
31% awaiting review

Women in sport
Poppy Starr Olsen interviewed by Tanya Evans, 10 May 2018
Poppy Starr Olsen is a professional...
46m 43s
6 contributors
100% have edits
23% awaiting review

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 12 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Alf Clint and the...
31m 24s
11 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Patrick Quilty interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
49m 45s
2 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Dr Anthony Cutler [Part 2], 18 Jaunary 2018
Dr Anthony Cutler is the son of Roden...
35m 11s
10 contributors
100% have edits
27% awaiting review

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Taufik Mansuri
Taufik Mansuri gives an account of his...
1h 9m 20s
11 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 33 Side B] Interview with Jan Oliver.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 49s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dave McCormack interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 22nd August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 20m 18s
4 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 2] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
9m 54s
4 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 36 Part 2] Interview with Stan London
Interview summary: Stan London discusses his...
37m 33s
27 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Louise Crossley interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded 11th August in Hobart, Tasmania. ...
36m 39s
4 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Mike Webb interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 9th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 6m 17s
12 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 7] Interview with Hugh Dunn
Interview summary: Hugh Dunn speaks of his...
25m 25s
16 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Patricia Johnson [Part 3]
In this interview Patricia talks about the...
19m 42s
11 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 4] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
15m 16s
4 contributors

Pride 2023
Betty Hounslow [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 12 October 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
8m 13s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 1] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
21 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 13 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Travel by boat to Ambym...
16m 15s
5 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 10] Interview with Jack Rue
Interview summary: Jack Rue speaks of his...
22m 28s
18 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 27 Part 1] Interview with Lynn Irvine
Interview summary: Lynn Irvine discusses his...
17m 6s
16 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Richard Willing interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 1st November 2012 in Adelaide,...
26m 49s
3 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 7 Side A]
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
35m 24s
16 contributors
100% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 10 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Pearl Gibbs; Muir and Marg...
31m 3s
6 contributors

Pride 2023
Atul Joshi [Part 2] interviewed by Bruce Carter, 11 January 2023.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
2m 31s
5 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 9 Side B] Interview with Bob Hopkins.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
23m 42s
12 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jack Ward interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 4]
Recorded on 11th January 2011 in North...
9m 42s
5 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4A Part 4] James Spaile, Greg Morris, Sue Mackie
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
3m 26s
4 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Andrew Klekocuik interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 29th August 2011 in Kingston,...
15m 29s
2 contributors

Drought NSW
Graham and Roger Clarke interviewed by Louise Whelan, 7 August 2019.
Graham and Roger Clarke discuss their ancestry...
1h 17m 22s
8 contributors
100% have edits
11% awaiting review

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 14 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Documentary with Bill Peach...
29m 51s
22 contributors

Pride 2023
Paul van Reyk [Part 2] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 25 May 2022.
Paul van Reyk (he/him) is a gay activist,...
2h 41m 42s
3 contributors
13% have edits

Pride 2023
Betty Hounslow [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 12 October 2022.
Betty Hounslow (she/her) was awarded Member of...
1h 9m 48s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Drought NSW
David Baker interviewed by Louise Whelan, 10 August 2019.
David Baker talks about growing up in...
38m 57s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 24 Side A] Interview with Benny Zable.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 28s
9 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 8 Side B] Interview with David Hallet.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
21m 48s
15 contributors

Drought NSW
Ken Barraclough and Athol Woods interviewed by Louise Whelan, 24 September 2019
Ken Barraclough and Athol Woods describe...
39m 4s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Australian Dance
Michael Scott-Mitchell [Part 1] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Michael Scott-Mitchell's...
2h 38m 17s
41 contributors
100% have edits
13% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
John Windolf interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 18th December 2011 in Coolum,...
55m 19s
12 contributors

Drought NSW
Nea Worrell interviewed by Louise Whelan, 15 May 2019.
Nea Worrell shares her personal experiences of...
45m 48s
5 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 30 Side B] Interview with Katrina Shields; Alan Andreasen.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
32m 2s
5 contributors

Pride 2023
Barry Charles [Part 3] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 22 July 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
3m 37s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [3rd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 28th August 2011 in Swansea,...
35m 25s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 19 Part 1] Interview with Charles Brown
Interview summary: Charles Brown discusses his...
30m 13s
10 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 34 Side A] Interview with Sally Oliver Geake; Jonah Oliver
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 58s
11 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 41] Interview with Clarrie Erdman
Interview summary: Clarrie Erdman discusses...
30m 16s
14 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Trevor Cowell interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 25th August 2011 in Perth,...
1h 8m 32s
16 contributors
100% have edits
9% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter Shaughnessy interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 29th November 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 2m
5 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 5] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
15m 32s
4 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jack Ward interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 11th January 2011 in North...
2m 9s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Fiona Kelly McGregor [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf 16 November 2022.
Fiona Kelly McGregor is a writer and artist...
54m 39s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 36 Part 1] Interview with Stan London
Interview summary: Stan London discusses his...
46m 38s
20 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Andrew Klekocuik interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 4]
Recorded on 29th August 2011 in Kingston,...
39m 48s
10 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [2nd interview Part 3]
In this interview Dawn adds to her previous...
9m 46s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Patrick Quilty interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
34m 21s
6 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 4 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Effects of the Depression...
6m 40s
6 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 3 Side B] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 32s
9 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Michael Ooyendyk interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded 20th January 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
22m 54s
6 contributors

Pride 2023
Jamie James [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023.
Photographer Jamie James discusses growing up...
1h 36m 35s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 11 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Aboriginal-Australian...
30m 58s
4 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Patricia Johnson [Part 1]
In this interview Patricia talks about the...
51m 18s
20 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Brian Davies CVO [Part 3], 14 May 2018
Brian Davies was the private secretary to...
29m 3s
6 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Andrew Klekocuik interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 29th August 2011 in Kingston,...
49m 56s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Patrick Quilty interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
19m 20s
7 contributors

Pride 2023
Svetlana Gilerman [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Svetlana Gilerman was born in Ukraine and...
1h 11m 53s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 15] Interview with Norman Schofield
Interview summary: Norman Schofield speaks of...
30m 23s
23 contributors

Pride 2023
Ahmed Suhaib [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 23 October 2023.
Ahmed (he/him) was born in Pakistan, grew up...
16m 35s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 4 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Depression era, 1930s;...
31m 38s
18 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Fred Elliot interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 14 May 2011 in Berwick, Victoria. ...
54m 12s
2 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Lady Suzanne Martin, 1 December 2017
Lady Suzanne Martin is the wife of Sir David...
1h 44m 57s
14 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 13 Side A] Interview with Clive Madigan
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
46m 26s
18 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Brian Davies CVO [Part 2], 14 May 2018
Brian Davies was the private secretary to...
1h 44m 12s
4 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 5 Part 2] Erna Sewell, Peter Luton
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6m 22s
12 contributors

Pride 2023
Frances Rand [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023
Frances Rand (she/her) speaks about 'Lesbians...
1h 30m 27s
3 contributors
6% have edits
1% awaiting review

Drought NSW
Anika Molesworth interviewed by Louise Whelan, 5 August 2019.
Anika Molesworth is a sustainable farming,...
1h 31m 34s
6 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Bill Storer interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 17th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
42m 26s
1 contributor

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 18 Side B] Interview with Martin Kovacic; Gloria Constine.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 30s
15 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 3 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Women's Land Army; grape...
14m 15s
10 contributors

Australian Dance
Kate Champion interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Kate Champion introduces...
1h 42m 53s
19 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Christine Dean [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 15 November 2022
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
1m 38s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 7 Side B] Interview with Jyllie Jackson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
18m 33s
16 contributors

Pride 2023
Norrie [Part 1] interviewed by Darby Carr, 15 December 2022.
Norrie (you/she/they) discusses family...
1h 40m 37s
3 contributors
93% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Mike Sherwood interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 31st August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
56m 10s
4 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 44 Part 1] Interview with Jack Munro
Interview summary: Jack Munro describes his...
30m 23s
14 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Jacqueline Samuels [Part 2], 9 December 2017
Jacqueline Samuels is the wife of Gordon...
6m 10s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 35 Side B] Interview with Johnny Allen.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
47m 57s
16 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 1] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
7m 49s
6 contributors

Australian Dance
Rafael Bonachela interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: The interview covers a...
2h 34m 39s
63 contributors

Pride 2023
Margy Burn [Part 2] interviewed by Bruce Carter, 2 November 2022
Margy Burn (she/her) discusses her working...
6m 26s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 24 Side B] Interview with Benny Zable.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 28s
16 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 38 Part 2] Interview with S.C. Robertson
Interview summary: S.C. Robertson discusses...
32m 30s
17 contributors
100% have edits
6% awaiting review

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 7 Side B]
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
40m 6s
16 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Silma Ihram
Silma Ihram speaks of her childhood and...
2h 3m 16s
21 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 18 Part 1] Interview with William Brindle
Interview summary: William Brindle discusses...
12m 34s
7 contributors

Pride 2023
Virginia Keft [Part 2] interviewed by Tammi Gissell, 28 August 2023
Virginia is a Murriwarri Woman and an artist,...
1h 3m 45s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 6 Part 3] Maurice Fletcher, Robin Fletcher
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
7m 27s
5 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Randa Abdel-Fattah
Randa Abdel-Fattah speaks of her family,...
1h 26m 7s
11 contributors

Pride 2023
Reverend Nicole Fleming [Part 1] interviewed by Patricia Curthoys, 21 October 2022.
Rev. Nicole Fleming (she/her) works with...
1h 34m 3s
2 contributors
9% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
David Challis interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 5th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
55m 6s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 30 Part 2] Interview with Frank Villagrand
Interview summary: Frank Villagrand speaks of...
18m 20s
9 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 30 Part 1] Interview with Frank Villagrand
Interview summary: Frank Villagrand speaks of...
23m 26s
13 contributors

Drought NSW
Susan Ainge [Part 1] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 13 May 2019.
Recorded at Coonamble. In the first of three...
1h 46m 52s
6 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [3rd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 28th August 2011 in Swansea,...
54m 39s
7 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 17] Interview with George Evernden
Interview summary: George Evernden speaks of...
20m 3s
18 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 3 Side A] Interview with Graeme Dunstan.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 42s
11 contributors

Women in sport
Alison Tucker-Munro interviewed by Tanya Evans, 11 November 2019
Alison (Ali) Tucker-Munro is a Kamilaroi...
1h 8m 46s
9 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 11 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Protests; Ken Brindle;...
10m 55s
3 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Mehreen Faruqi
Mehreen Faruqi describes her life growing up...
1h 11m 27s
11 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Mary Pappin [Part 2]
In this interview Mary talks about growing up...
49m 27s
18 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 6 Side B] Interview with Martin Mays, Harry Freeman.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
19m 59s
9 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 19 Side A] Interview with Bob Tissott.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 29s
15 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 1] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
30m 31s
17 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 12 Side A] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
47m 47s
14 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Rex Filson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 23rd March 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
53m 7s
6 contributors

Pride 2023
Christine Dean [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 15 November 2022
Christine Dean is an artist, teacher and...
1h 13m 9s
5 contributors
33% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 11] Interview with Jack Edwards
Interview summary: Jack Edwards discusses his...
18m 48s
14 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Tasnim Saeid
Tasnim Saeid provides an insight into Kurdish...
2h 12m 8s
26 contributors
100% have edits

Pride 2023
Betty Hounslow [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 12 October 2022.
Betty Hounslow (she/her) was awarded Member of...
1h 5m 4s
4 contributors
49% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 28 Part 1] Interview with Dave Irvine
Interview summary: Dave Irvine discusses his...
27m 21s
20 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 21 Side A] Interview with Stuart Anderson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 8s
16 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter Cutler interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 26th August 2011 in Evandale,...
43m 56s
7 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 9 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Begins relationship with...
24m 41s
15 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Knowles Kerry interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 10th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
49m 38s
4 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [2nd interview Part 5]
In this interview Dawn adds to her previous...
10m 42s
3 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 2 Part 1] Eager Family
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
4m 42s
8 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 34] Interview with Bert Payne
Interview summary: Bert Payne discusses his...
10m 42s
11 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 5] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
13m 8s
16 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Diaa Mohamed
Diaa Mohamed speaks of his experiences as one...
46m 13s
13 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
John Williams interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 25th June 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
57m 27s
6 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Patricia Johnson [Part 4]
In this interview Patricia talks about the...
5m 48s
2 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 2] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
30m 31s
17 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Trevor Cowell interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 28th August 2011 in Perth,...
45m 23s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 10 Side A] Interview with Floresta Vergine.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
17m 6s
10 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 1] Interview with Jack McCrae
Interview summary: Jack McCrae discusses his...
21m 39s
9 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 26th August 2011 in Devonport,...
39m 31s
6 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 5 Side B] Interview with Erica Mann and 'Shirley'
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 38s
14 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian Marchant interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 9th August 2011 in Bonnett Hill,...
45m 34s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Fred Elliot interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 14 May 2011 in Berwick, Victoria. ...
32m 15s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Liza-Mare Syron [Part 1] interviewed by Tammi Gissell, 6 September 2023.
Liza-Mare Syron (she/her) is a Biripai woman...
1h 6m 8s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 6 Side A] Interview with Martin Mays.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 27s
17 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dick Thompson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 18th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
29m 20s
5 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 33] Interview with Cliff Anning
Interview summary: Cliff Anning describes his...
30m 3s
16 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Aida Zein
Aida Zein speaks of her schooling, career and...
44m 6s
6 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 16 Side A] Interview with Robyn Moore.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 38s
7 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 3] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6m 17s
2 contributors

Women in sport
Melissa Wu interviewed by Tanya Evans, 18 October 2018
Melissa Wu (born 1992) is an Australian diver....
58m 15s
8 contributors

Women in sport
Hannah Campbell-Pegg interviewed by Tanya Evans, 17 December 2018
Hannah Campbell-Pegg, born in 1982 in Sydney,...
58m 14s
7 contributors
100% have edits
8% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Ross Dunlop interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 4th December 2011 at The Gap,...
37m 51s
4 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Beryl Kennedy [Part 1]
In this interview Beryl speaks about the Mungo...
46m 2s
24 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Collins interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
43m 13s
14 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 29 Side A] Interview with Graeme Askey; Judy Arpana; Paul Burr.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 50s
12 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 13 Side B] Interview with Clive Madigan
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
39m 31s
15 contributors
100% have edits
7% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 1 Side B] Interview with Jenny Del.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
29m 7s
23 contributors

Pride 2023
Alex Greenwich [Part 2] interviewed by Martin Portus, 18 September 2023.
Alex Greenwich (he/him) discusses growing up...
42m 19s
2 contributors
28% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Brian Joyce interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 27th August 2011 in Smithton,...
1h 2m 44s
16 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian Marchant interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 9th August 2011 in Bonnett Hill,...
50m 4s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Noel Barrett interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Hobart, Tasmania....
42m 55s
6 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 13] Interview with Archie Meek
Interview summary: Archie Meek discusses...
18m 42s
14 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 22 Side B] Interview with David Spain; Kali McLaughlin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 23s
13 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 2 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Faith's childhood and...
31m 36s
14 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 43 Part 2] Interview with William J Beggs
Interview summary: William Beggs discusses...
17m 24s
18 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Martin Betts interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 2nd September 2011 at Blackmans...
58m 43s
2 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 22 Part 1] Interview with Harry Vasiere
Interview summary: Harry Vasiere speaks of his...
5m 54s
7 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 23 Side A] Interview with Kali McLaughlin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 31s
8 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Adrian Dean interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 27th July 2011 in Margate,...
59m 45s
4 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dick Thompson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 18th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
28m 11s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 12th February 2011 in Devonport,...
4m 37s
10 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 31 Side A] Interview with Alan Andreasen; Diana Roberts.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 50s
9 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 8 Side A] Interview with David Hallet.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 34s
19 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian McLeod interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 24th June 2011 in Canberra, ACT. ...
24m 16s
13 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Jacqueline Samuels [Part 1], 9 December 2017
Jacqueline Samuels is the wife of Gordon...
36m 56s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 34 Side B] Interview with Sally Oliver-Geake; Jonah Oliver
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
6m 40s
9 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 16 Side B] Interview with Robyn Moore.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
24m 37s
7 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 15 Side B] Interview with Peter Pedals.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
27m 23s
15 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Michael Young [Part 2]
Over two interviews Michael speaks about his...
2m 33s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jack Ward interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 11th January 2011 in North...
34m 48s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 2] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
30m 24s
20 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 3] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
21m 54s
15 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 24 Part 2] Interview with Bill O'Brien
Interview summary: Bill O'Brien discusses his...
20m 17s
11 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Hans Brinkies interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 7th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
47m 27s
2 contributors

Pride 2023
Ian Roberts [Part 1] interviewed by Martin Portus, 14 September 2022.
Actor and former NRL footballer Ian Roberts...
3h 9m 51s
1 contributor
27% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 4] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
6m 14s
9 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Norm Tame interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 15th August 2011 in Oakleigh,...
1h 8m 43s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 14] Interview with Ivan Stenson
Interview summary: Ivan Stenson discusses his...
25m 32s
14 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [3rd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 27th August 2011 in Devonport,...
36m 49s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 12 Part 2] Interview with Tom Evans
Interview summary: Tom Evans speaks of his...
2m 12s
10 contributors

Pride 2023
Margy Burn [Part 1] interviewed by Bruce Carter, 2 November 2022
Margy Burn (she/her) discusses her working...
2h 44m 40s
6 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Llynne Salom, 4 June 2018
Llynne Salom (nee Morgan) was the private...
1h 42m 29s
12 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Joseph Brennan interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 6th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 17m
5 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 13 Side A] Interview with Terry McGee; Daisy Stewart.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 33s
13 contributors

Pride 2023
Svetlana Gilerman [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Svetlana Gilerman was born in Ukraine and...
1h 22m 55s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Pride 2023
Virginia Keft [Part 3] interviewed by Tammi Gissell, 28 August 2023
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
13m 5s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 46 Part 2] Interview with Bill Tarlington
Interview summary: Bill Tarlington worked as a...
19m 12s
14 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 1 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Faith's memories of her...
30m 59s
14 contributors

Australian Dance
Stephen Curtis [Part 1] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Stephen Curtis's interview...
2h 36m 14s
18 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Michael Young [Part 1]
Over two interviews Michael speaks about his...
15m 56s
3 contributors

Australian Dance
Sue Healey interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Sue Healey is a...
2h 7m 35s
12 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 3] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
29m 40s
22 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 22 Side A] Interview with Nan Nicholson; Hugh Nicholson; David Spain.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 25s
8 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [2nd interview Part 1]
In this interview Dawn adds to her previous...
6m 18s
5 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 3] Interview with Bob Colefax
Interview summary: Bob Colefax speaks of his...
7m 1s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Ken Smith interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 6th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
35m 58s
6 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
David Carstens interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
54m 9s
3 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 5 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Activism with the NSW Peace...
15m 21s
5 contributors

Australian Dance
Stephen Curtis [Part 2] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Stephen Curtis's interview...
1h 52m 58s
14 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 3] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
10m 37s
12 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 30 Side A] Interview with Katrina Shields.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 54s
11 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 11 Side B] Interview with Terry McGee, Marie Soward, Don Johston.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 29s
13 contributors

Pride 2023
Joy Ng [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 9 June 2023.
Joy Ng discusses moving to Australia from...
58m 22s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Pride 2023
Jamie James [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023.
Photographer Jamie James discusses growing up...
55m 27s
1 contributor
8% have edits

Pride 2023
Simon Hunt [Part 2] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 17 August 2022.
Artist and musician Simon Hunt (he/him) works...
3h 9m
3 contributors
17% have edits

Pride 2023
Tonina Harvey [Part 1] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 11 October 2022.
Tonina Harvey (she/her) recounts growing-up in...
1h 15m 24s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 32 Side A] Interview with Pauline McCabe.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 54s
8 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 16 Part 2] Interview with Harold Rootsy
Interview summary: Harold Rootsy speaks of...
13m 47s
12 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 20 Side A] Interview with Gloria Constine; Gretta Seed.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 41s
9 contributors

Drought NSW
Susan Ainge [Part 5] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 15 May 2019.
Recorded at Coonamble. In this third and final...
14m 30s
4 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 19 Side B] Interview with Bob Tissott, Gill Jones.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
23m 11s
7 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Adrian Dean interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 27th July 2011 in Margate,...
57m 41s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Mazz Image [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 7 March 2023.
Mazz Image (she/her) reflects on a life spent...
1h 2m 38s
2 contributors
86% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Parsons interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 5th July 2011 in Hobart, Tasmania....
36m 49s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 24 Part 1] Interview with Bill O'Brien
Interview summary: Bill O'Brien discusses his...
18m 22s
11 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 37 Side A] Interview with John Seed.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 50s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Mazz Image [Part 4] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 7 March 2023.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
5m 47s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 6 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Living in Woolloomooloo;...
30m 3s
10 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 2] Interview with Jack McCrae
Interview summary: Jack McCrae discusses his...
47m 19s
17 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 18 Part 2] Interview with William Brindle
Interview summary: William Brindle discusses...
16m 33s
10 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 13 Side B] Interview with Marie Soward; Daisy Stewart.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 32s
8 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 29] Interview with Harry Tomrop
Interview summary: Harry Tomrop discusses his...
37m 18s
13 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 23 Side B] Interview with Kali McLaughlin; Sally Spain.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 32s
10 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Michael Young [Part 3]
Over two interviews Michael speaks about his...
38m 4s
9 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 7 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Post-War Austria and...
26m 33s
6 contributors

Drought NSW
Jamie Henderson interviewed by Louise Whelan, 13 August 2019
David James (Jamie) Henderson is a helicopter...
51m 2s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 35] Interview with Mrs McCrae
Interview summary: Mrs McCrae speaks of her...
18m 11s
14 contributors

Pride 2023
Liza-Mare Syron [Part 2] interviewed by Tammi Gissell, 6 September 2023.
Liza-Mare Syron (she/her) is a Biripai woman...
24m 18s
1 contributor
3% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 28 Side A] Interview with Will Singer.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 32s
12 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Ms Anni Rowland Campbell [Part 2] 29 November 2017
Anni Rowland-Campbell is the daughter of James...
1h 6m 16s
8 contributors
100% have edits
13% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 7 Side A] Interview with Jyllie Jackson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 36s
16 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 5 Side A] Interview with Erica Mann and 'Shirley'
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 36s
16 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Shirley Sinclair [Part 2], 14 March 2018
Shirley Sinclair was the wife of Rear Admiral...
8 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Brian Davies CVO [Part 1], 7 May 2018
Brian Davies was the private secretary to...
1h 15m 43s
9 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 25] Interview with Pat Crawley
Interview summary: Pat Crawley disccusses his...
23m 38s
14 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bill Budd interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 20th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
24m 55s
1 contributor

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter King interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 26th August 2011 in Devonport,...
1h 6m 48s
12 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review

Australian Dance
Nick Schlieper interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Nick Schlieper's interview...
2h 34m 22s
17 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 4 Side A] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 3m 3s
12 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 2] Interview with Vin G Moloney
Interview summary: Vin G. Moloney speaks of...
2m 49s
11 contributors

Pride 2023
Virginia Keft [Part 1] interviewed by Tammi Gissell, 28 August 2023
Virginia is a Murriwarri Woman and an artist,...
49m 51s
2 contributors
99% have edits

Australian Dance
Brian Thomson [Part 2] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Brian Thomson interview...
3h 57m 37s
23 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Trevor Cowell interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 25th August 2011 in Perth,...
30m 7s
7 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 10 Side A] Interview with John O'Donohoe
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
46m 54s
22 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Dick Thompson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 4]
Recorded on 18th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
33m 47s
3 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 4A Part 2] James Spaile, Greg Morris, Sue Mackie
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
9m 13s
13 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
George Cresswell interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded 30th June 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
55m 21s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dick Thompson interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 18th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
51m 43s
3 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 3] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
3m 49s
9 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Kent Keith interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 23rd June 2011 in Bowral, NSW. ...
7m 8s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
David Johns interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 4th July 2011 in Lenah Valley,...
29m 20s
2 contributors

Australian Dance
Michael Scott-Mitchell [Part 2] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Michael Scott-Mitchell's...
1h 54m 52s
9 contributors
100% have edits
12% awaiting review

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Patricia Johnson [Part 2]
In this interview Patricia talks about the...
1m 9s
4 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Peter Clemence interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 17th January 2012 in Mt Eliza,...
33m 32s
1 contributor

Pride 2023
Norrie [Part 3] interviewed by Darby Carr, 16 December 2022.
Norrie (you/she/they) discusses family...
1h 6m 47s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 38 Part 1] Interview with S.C. Robertson
Interview summary: S.C. Robertson discusses...
32m 32s
11 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 5 Side A] Interview with Harry Freeman.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 42s
18 contributors

Pride 2023
Mazz Image [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 7 March 2023.
Mazz Image (she/her) reflects on a life spent...
54m 20s
1 contributor
9% have edits

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman
Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman describes his journey...
1h 3m 43s
13 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian Allison interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd interview]
Recorded on 30th August 2011 in Dynrrnne,...
1h 2m 33s
8 contributors

Women in sport
Simaima Taufa interviewed by Tanya Evans, 13 December 2019
Simaima Taufa-Kautai, born in 1994 in Tonga,...
1h 3m 25s
12 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Andrew Klekocuik interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 29th August 2011 in Kingston,...
51m 11s
7 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 1 Side A] Interview with Jenny Del.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 23s
17 contributors

Pride 2023
Frances Rand [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 8 June 2023
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
4m 53s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Mike Sherwood interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 31st August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
26m 36s
1 contributor

Drought NSW
Susan Ainge [Part 4] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 15 May 2019.
Recorded at Coonamble. In this third and final...
35m 44s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 2 Part 2] Eager Family
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
John Pinn interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 26th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 32s
4 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 5 Side B] Interview with Harry Freeman.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 37s
10 contributors

Women in sport
Erin McKinnon interviewed by Tanya Evans, 23 September 2019
Erin McKinnon, born 1998, is an Australian...
51m 27s
10 contributors
99% have edits

Drought NSW
Brendan Cullen interviewed by Louise Whelan, 25 September 2019
Brendan Cullen talks abou the importance of...
2h 9m 58s
9 contributors

Drought NSW
Susan Ainge [Part 2] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 14 May 2019.
Recorded at Coonamble. In the second of three...
23m 15s
5 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Suzanne Stallman interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 2nd September 2011 at Blackmans...
27m 7s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Hans Brinkies interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 7th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
26m 11s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
David Carstens interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
16m 8s
2 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 1] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
47m 5s
16 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 17 Side B] Interview with Eddie Buivids.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
18m 7s
9 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 7 Part 1] Ken Green
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
6m 20s
8 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Collins interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
45m 10s
7 contributors
100% have edits
31% awaiting review

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 39 Side B] Interview with Severina Perin.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
32m 2s
10 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 19 Part 2] Interview with Charles Brown
Interview summary: Charles Brown discusses his...
4m 11s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jim Semmens interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 25th August 2011 in Perth,...
1h 8m 26s
7 contributors
100% have edits
6% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Christine Dean [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 15 November 2022
Christine Dean is an artist, teacher and...
1h 1m 32s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bruce Eyers interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 1st September 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
55m 49s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Collins interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 4]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
32m 54s
7 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Barry Charles [Part 1] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 21 July 2022.
Barry Charles (he/him) aka Troughman, was born...
1h 20m 43s
2 contributors
6% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 23] Interview with Alf Shields
Interview summary: Alf Shields speaks of his...
23m 20s
16 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 27 Side A] Interview with John Garbett; Peter Verasdonck.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 36s
8 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 13 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Australasian Book Society...
31m 37s
15 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Jim Brooks interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 1st November 2012 in Adelaide,...
1h 3s
12 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 5 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Move to Sydney in 1940,...
31m 11s
18 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 32] Interview with Tom Ivory
Interview summary: Tom Ivory speaks of his...
27m 35s
17 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 31] Interview with Peter Meichen
Interview summary: Peter Meichen speaks of his...
18m 51s
21 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 14 Side B] Interview with Don Johston.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
17m 30s
10 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 9] Interview with Ian Ferrier
Interview summary: Ian Ferrier speaks of his...
46m 33s
27 contributors

Pride 2023
Norrie [Part 4] interviewed by Darby Carr, 16 December 2022.
Norrie (you/she/they) discusses family...
1h 27m 57s
1 contributor
99% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 29th January 2011 in Swansea,...
50m 6s
5 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 6] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
17m 11s
6 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Omeima Sukkarieh
Omeima Sukkarieh speaks of her family...
2h 13m 15s
11 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian Allison interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st interview Part 1]
Recorded on 23rd August 2011 in Dynrrnne,...
57m 49s
13 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian Allison interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [1st interview Part 2]
Recorded on 23rd August 2011 in Dynrrnne,...
33m 23s
7 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 44 Part 2] Interview with Jack Munro
Interview summary: Jack Munro describes his...
20m 16s
10 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Othman Al Bahri
Othman Al Bahri relates the history of Ibadi...
1h 9m
16 contributors
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 1]
Recorded on 24th August 2011 in Swansea,...
42m 12s
2 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
David Waterhouse interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 26th July 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 9m 17s
3 contributors

Australian Dance
Graeme Murphy interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Graeme Murphy discusses the...
2h 2m 3s
51 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Ian McLeod interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 24th June 2011 in Canberra, ACT. ...
49m 22s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 25 Side B] Interview with Jan Levy; Jae McFarlane.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 34s
15 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 22 Part 2] Interview with Harry Vasiere
Interview summary: Harry Vasiere speaks of his...
4m 43s
8 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 2 Part 5] Eager Family
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
9m 34s
7 contributors

Pride 2023
Simon Hunt [Part 3] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 17 August 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
2m 40s
4 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 33 Side A] Interview with Jan Oliver.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 49s
8 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [2nd interview Part 2]
In this interview Dawn adds to her previous...
38m 7s
7 contributors

Drought NSW
Robert Miller [Part 2] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 20 September 2018.
Robert Miller is a fifth-generation dairy...
12m 43s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 7] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
3m 49s
6 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 6 Part 1] Maurice Fletcher, Robin Fletcher
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
15m 4s
7 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 20 Side B] Interview with Gretta Seed; Stuart Anderson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 37s
10 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Enid Borschmann interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey and Michael Ooyendyk
Recorded on 19th June 2011 in Hobart,...
53m 37s
4 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Dawn Smith [1st interview]
This interview was done at the time of the...
29m 4s
9 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Penny Woodward [Part 2], 12 February 2018
Penny Woodward is the grand-daughter of Lady...
1m 13s
6 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 3 Side B] Interview with Graeme Dunstan.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
18m 55s
13 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Bill Storer interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 17th August 2011 in Sydney, NSW. ...
1h 12m 57s
3 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 8 Side A] Interview with Ken Johnson
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 3m 1s
19 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 11 Side A] Interview with Terry McGee.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 30s
17 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
John Williams interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 2]
Recorded on 25th June 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 7m 12s
4 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 2 Part 4] Eager Family
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
2m 39s
6 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Keysar Trad
Keysar Trad speaks of his family, his career...
2h 34m 44s
17 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Antarctic Expeditions
Bob Dingle interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 2]
Recorded on 24th August 2011 in Swansea,...
38m 35s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Collins interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 10th December 2011 in Brisbane,...
52m 4s
7 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Mary Pappin [Part 3]
In this interview Mary talks about growing up...
18m 50s
11 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 5] Interview with George Scott
Interview summary: George Scott explains the...
16m 14s
22 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 3 Part 6] Kerry Wellsmore, Cecilia Wellsmore, Mildred Wellsmore, Donald Wellsmore, Mark Troha
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
10m 52s
5 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 6 Side B] Interview with Nick Matheson-Lines
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
39m 1s
15 contributors
100% have edits

Australian Dance
Jennifer Irwin interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Jennifer Irwin's interview...
2h 49m 29s
28 contributors

Drought NSW
Anna Madden interviewed by Louise Whelan, 17 May 2019.
Anna Madden discusses her work as a researcher...
1h 29m 21s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 46 Part 1] Interview with Bill Tarlington
Interview summary: Bill Tarlington worked as a...
32m 14s
14 contributors

Drought NSW
Susan Ainge [Part 3] interviewed by Louise Whelan, 14 May 2019.
Recorded at Coonamble. In the second of three...
48m 51s
9 contributors
100% have edits

Australian Dance
Brian Thomson [Part 1] interviewed by Martin Portus
Interview summary: Brian Thomson interview...
2h 28m 19s
22 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Shirley Sinclair [Part 1], 14 March 2018
Shirley Sinclair was the wife of Rear Admiral...
1h 43m 44s
14 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 6] Interview with Bob Ross
Interview summary: Bob Ross speaks of working...
40m 39s
23 contributors

Islamic Faith in NSW
Interview with Brad Plater
Brad Plater speaks of his childhood, his...
51m 34s
11 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 21] Interview with Vera Holliday (Lawson)
Interview summary: Vera Holliday speaks of her...
22m 48s
8 contributors

Drought NSW
Dr Beryl Philp-Carmichael interviewed by Louise Whelan, 9 August 2019.
Yungha-dhu (Dr Beryl Philp-Carmichael) is a...
1h 6m 4s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Joy Ng [Part 2] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 9 June 2023.
Joy Ng discusses moving to Australia from...
1h 7m 17s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 33 Side B] Interview with Pauline McCabe.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 51s
8 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Fritz Van Hulssen interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 15th August 2011 in Caulfield...
32m 4s
15 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 10 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Referendum petition launch...
31m 35s
8 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Dave McCormack interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 11th August 2011 in Sandy Bay,...
1h 6m 54s
12 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 42] Interview with Carl Schoultz
Interview summary: Carl Schoultz discusses his...
30m 37s
30 contributors

Pride 2023
Norrie [Part 5] interviewed by Darby Carr, 16 December 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
5m 49s
1 contributor
100% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Parsons interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 5th July 2011 in Hobart, Tasmania....
49m 2s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Kent Keith interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 1]
Recorded on 23rd June 2011 in Bowral, NSW. ...
56m 15s
3 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Neville Parsons interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [Part 3]
Recorded on 5th July 2011 in Hobart, Tasmania....
5m 45s
3 contributors

Pride 2023
Reverend Nicole Fleming [Part 3] interviewed by Patricia Curthoys, 21 October 2022.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
6m 24s
1 contributor
97% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 15 Side A] Interview with Peter Pedals.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 25s
15 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 7 Part 2] Ken Green
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
8m 23s
8 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 29 Side B] Interview with Paul Burr; Mark Jackson.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 41s
11 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Warren Clark
Warren has worked for many years to bring Mungo...
46m 52s
26 contributors

Pride 2023
Mazz Image [Part 1] nterviewed by Holly Zwalf, 7 March 2023.
Mazz Image (she/her) reflects on a life spent...
22m 16s
1 contributor
56% have edits

Antarctic Expeditions
Jack Ward interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey [2nd Interview Part 3]
Recorded on 11th January 2011 in North...
25m 53s
3 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 18 Side A] Interview with Martin Kovacic.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 35s
8 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 3] Interview with Jack McCrae
Jack McCrae discusses his work as concrete...
40m 43s
14 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 5 Part 1] Erna Sewell, Peter Luton
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
5m 57s
7 contributors

Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 10 Side B] Interview with John O'Donohoe
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
17m 3s
20 contributors
98% have edits

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 15 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Dismissal of Whitlam in...
27m 20s
6 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 17 Side A] Interview with Eddie Buivids.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 36s
10 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 4 Side A] Interview with Burrie Burriganjerram.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
27m 46s
19 contributors

Pride 2023
Paul van Reyk [Part 1] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 6 April 2022.
Paul van Reyk (he/him) is a gay activist,...
1h 59m 26s
4 contributors
15% have edits

Drought NSW
Gordon and Therese Hill interviewed by Louise Whelan, 25 September 2019
In this interview, Gordon, and Therese Hill,...
1h 58m 49s
3 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Maureen Reyland
This interview relates Maureen’s experience of...
47m 19s
24 contributors

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with Beryl Kennedy [Part 2]
In this interview Beryl speaks about the Mungo...
19m 23s
44 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 2 Side A] Interview with Graeme Dunstan.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 38s
18 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 14 Side B] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Death of Faith's sister...
18m 14s
7 contributors

Women in sport
Leanna Curtis interviewed by Tanya Evans, 20 December 2018
Leanna Curtis, born in 1993, is a BMX (bicycle...
42m 28s
5 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 27 Side B] Interview with John Garbett; Peter Verasdonck.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
28m 23s
11 contributors

Antarctic Expeditions
Elizabeth Van Hulssen interviewed by Ingrid McGaughey
Recorded on 15th August 2011 in Caulfield...
3m 24s
3 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 1] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
30m 33s
12 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 12 Part 1] Interview with Tom Evans
Interview summary: Tom Evans speaks of his...
46m 43s
16 contributors
100% have edits

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 35 Side A] Interview with Colin James.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
42m 55s
13 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 26 Side A] Interview with Jan Levy; Jae McFarlane.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
24m 4s
12 contributors

Faith Bandler
Faith Bandler [Tape 2 Side A] Interviewed by Carolyn Craig
Interview summary: Funeral of Faith's father -...
30m 18s
18 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 12 Side B] Interview with Linnet Pyke; Simon Cass.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
22m 42s
2 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 16 Part 1] Interview with Harold Rootsy
Interview summary: Harold Rootsy speaks of...
15m 55s
9 contributors

Rainbow Archives
Under the Rainbow [Tape 9 Side A] Interview with Bob Hopkins.
Collected by the Richmond-Tweed Oral History...
31m 39s
16 contributors

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 28 Part 2] Interview with Dave Irvine
Interview summary: Dave Irvine discusses his...
12m 57s
10 contributors

Snowy Mountain Bushfires
Snowy Mountain bushfires [Item 1 Part 4] Philip Reid, Robyn Reid, Lenny Thompson, Kerrie Evans, Barrie Aitchison
Oral history interviews with residents, fire...
19m 28s
5 contributors

NSW Governors' families & staff
Interview with Ms Anni Rowland Campbell [Part 1] 29 November 2017
Anni Rowland-Campbell is the daughter of James...
1h 42m 12s
17 contributors
84% have edits
23% awaiting review

Pride 2023
Barry Charles [Part 2] interviewed by Scott McKinnon, 22 July 2022.
Barry Charles (he/him) aka Troughman, was born...
2h 6m 29s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Drought NSW
Bruce Shillingsworth interviewed by Louise Whelan, 24 August 2020
Bruce Shillingsworth explains his parents'...
1h 7m 3s
4 contributors
100% have edits

Mungo Man
Mungo Man: Interview with James Bowler
This interview gives a firsthand account of the...
1h 11m 35s
33 contributors

Pride 2023
Joy Ng [Part 3] interviewed by Holly Zwalf, 9 June 2023.
Interviewees across the Pride 2023 oral...
6m 13s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 4] Interview with Walter Ellis
Interview summary: Walter (Wally) Ellis...
9m 39s
9 contributors

Drought NSW
Susan Jordan and Vanessa Latham interviewed by Louise Whelan, 12 August 2019.
Vanessa Latham and Susan Jordan, are mental...
55m 53s
6 contributors
100% have edits
7% awaiting review