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So its Ingrid McGaughy 5th of July 2011 talking to Nod Parsons and we've just been So its Ingrid McGaughy 5th of July 2011 talking to Nod Parsons and we've just been

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talking about ah playing the trombone down at Mawson and the musical instruments that were down talking about ah playing the trombone down at Mawson and the musical instruments that were down

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south Nod can you tell me what sort of other activities you did for recreation? south Nod can you tell me what sort of other activities you did for recreation?

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We didn't have any recognised sort of orchestra. We didn't have any recognised sort of orchestra.

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 but occasionally there was  but occasionally there was

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a trombone a clarinet and a recorder I think that a trombone a clarinet and a recorder I think that

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contributed contributed

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a little bit to recreational nights on a Saturday  a little bit to recreational nights on a Saturday 

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remember. One thing. I remember from those nights was the remember. One thing. I remember from those nights was the

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persuaded me on Fox to, er, sing the Wild Colonial Boy and then on persuaded me on Fox to, er, sing the Wild Colonial Boy and then on

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had a beautiful voice I can hear him now it was really beautiful. He sang this wild had a beautiful voice I can hear him now it was really beautiful. He sang this wild

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Wild Colonial Boy and that was Wild Colonial Boy and that was

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a memorable thing. Did Leon have any other key songs?. a memorable thing. Did Leon have any other key songs?.

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In any other songs that he liked to sing? Well no I don't remember any others. In any other songs that he liked to sing? Well no I don't remember any others.

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Well we had quite a few things to occupy Well we had quite a few things to occupy

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our time. We had a good library if you want to read we had quite our time. We had a good library if you want to read we had quite

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a lot of records and things. Played quite a lot of records and things. Played quite

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a bit of chess. We even played chess by radio with the Russians on Murnie. a bit of chess. We even played chess by radio with the Russians on Murnie.

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And I think that we started playing chess with the Japanese whaling And I think that we started playing chess with the Japanese whaling

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ship way off the coast near ship way off the coast near

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Mawson. At least we used to exchange weather information with this Japanese Mawson. At least we used to exchange weather information with this Japanese

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whaling factory ship I guess it was. And it was whaling factory ship I guess it was. And it was

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a gap of them 3 or 4 days we heard nothing from them until a gap of them 3 or 4 days we heard nothing from them until

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finally he came back on the radio. Apparently there'd been quite finally he came back on the radio. Apparently there'd been quite

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a storm and His little message was caught in terrible billow too much a storm and His little message was caught in terrible billow too much

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much rolling rather head  much rolling rather head 

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a headache. That got us back on stream again with the exchange of weather information a headache. That got us back on stream again with the exchange of weather information

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We had quite We had quite

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a few, um, films, old 16 millimeter versions. a few, um, films, old 16 millimeter versions.

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Some of them were awful some were reasonably good with particular we had er Pride and Some of them were awful some were reasonably good with particular we had er Pride and

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Prejudice with Lawrence Olivier and Greer Garson at Macquarie Island, and San Francisco  Prejudice with Lawrence Olivier and Greer Garson at Macquarie Island, and San Francisco 

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with Clark Gable and Jeanette McDonald and they were both enjoyed we used to with Clark Gable and Jeanette McDonald and they were both enjoyed we used to

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turn the sound off occasionally turn the sound off occasionally

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and contributed a dialogue. We learnt the dialogue for Pride and Prejudice and contributed a dialogue. We learnt the dialogue for Pride and Prejudice

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pretty well. That was entertaining of course pretty well. That was entertaining of course

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the dialogue was embellished somewhat. San Francisco was it very the dialogue was embellished somewhat. San Francisco was it very

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interesting in the sense that we used to play it backwards occasionally when interesting in the sense that we used to play it backwards occasionally when

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the. When it's on in forward version Clark Gable the. When it's on in forward version Clark Gable

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is busy rescuing people from underneath rubble and so on and you'd play it back is busy rescuing people from underneath rubble and so on and you'd play it back

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and. He grabs someone and pushes them down and piles rubble on top of them and. He grabs someone and pushes them down and piles rubble on top of them

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all looks very realistic without the sound and in the forward all looks very realistic without the sound and in the forward

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version you might have version you might have

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a. Big crack opening up in the street and. Horse and a. Big crack opening up in the street and. Horse and

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cart disappearing, and people falling in. And uh, to play it backwards cart disappearing, and people falling in. And uh, to play it backwards

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crack gradually closes up and just in the nick of time people and horse and cart would pop out crack gradually closes up and just in the nick of time people and horse and cart would pop out

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safety. But. We had. safety. But. We had.

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some not very memorable films at Mawson too. One of them in particular some not very memorable films at Mawson too. One of them in particular

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think we voted never to see it a 2nd time. It was awful think we voted never to see it a 2nd time. It was awful

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Fox described it as running the full gamut of the human emotions Fox described it as running the full gamut of the human emotions

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from A to B but most of the er from A to B but most of the er

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the time people had to spare they weren't really looking for er things like the time people had to spare they weren't really looking for er things like

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films to watch and books to read they want to be outside. Most people films to watch and books to read they want to be outside. Most people

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were keen photographers and used every opportunity to get outside. were keen photographers and used every opportunity to get outside.

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There were always lots and lots of things to do. Most of the station chores used to There were always lots and lots of things to do. Most of the station chores used to

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be shared around, and so on. [Ingrid] I understand you did some fishing be shared around, and so on. [Ingrid] I understand you did some fishing

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while you were at Mawson as well? [Neville] Oh we tried fishing, yes we broke a while you were at Mawson as well? [Neville] Oh we tried fishing, yes we broke a

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a hole through the ice in the Bay In fact I think we used a hole through the ice in the Bay In fact I think we used

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explosives to the help get this hole through but nevertheless we tried fishing explosives to the help get this hole through but nevertheless we tried fishing

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through them and caught quite a few smallish fish called mot- through them and caught quite a few smallish fish called mot-

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motathenia? but they were weren't  very appetising when you cut them motathenia? but they were weren't  very appetising when you cut them

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open they seemed to be full of worms they had the interesting experience open they seemed to be full of worms they had the interesting experience

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of when you haul them up of when you haul them up

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out of the water in minus 15 degrees temperature or something they flap out of the water in minus 15 degrees temperature or something they flap

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a couple of times and then this freeze solid in mid flap, you know it's sort of, quite a couple of times and then this freeze solid in mid flap, you know it's sort of, quite

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dramatic. Um. We had... dramatic. Um. We had...

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What else did we have? At Maw- at Macquarie What else did we have? At Maw- at Macquarie

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We had We had

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a billiard table and this was I don't know how it came to be there done there really because a billiard table and this was I don't know how it came to be there done there really because

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it didn't fit properly in one of these little 13-sided huts. It served it didn't fit properly in one of these little 13-sided huts. It served

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a had a big cover over it as the main dining room table. And a had a big cover over it as the main dining room table. And

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but if you take the cover off and tried your hand at billiards but because it only just fitted but if you take the cover off and tried your hand at billiards but because it only just fitted

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In the, uh, in the hut. We had to have it In the, uh, in the hut. We had to have it

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a set of cues of various lengths depending on where the shots had to be taken a set of cues of various lengths depending on where the shots had to be taken

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from. And the table had a distressing habit of er. from. And the table had a distressing habit of er.

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Altering its level as you walked around it and the foundations weren't very secure in the Altering its level as you walked around it and the foundations weren't very secure in the

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hub, so the balls had hub, so the balls had

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a tendency to wind up at one end of the table so it was all  really interesting. a tendency to wind up at one end of the table so it was all  really interesting.

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Most of us, um, would rather get out doing things. Visiting penguins Most of us, um, would rather get out doing things. Visiting penguins

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rookeries or visiting something or other, going for a rookeries or visiting something or other, going for a

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walk on the ice at Mawson, than stuck inside. walk on the ice at Mawson, than stuck inside.

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I did manage to go on two er. I did manage to go on two er.

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Field trips at Mawson. It was very fortunate because Hugh Oldham the geomagnetic Field trips at Mawson. It was very fortunate because Hugh Oldham the geomagnetic

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magnetician he was able to look after my equipment for magnetician he was able to look after my equipment for

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the appropriate period. And I went with the 1st party depot laying the appropriate period. And I went with the 1st party depot laying

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journey. Prior to the main Southern journey that went down to the journey. Prior to the main Southern journey that went down to the

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Prince Charles mountains and we went about a 100 miles inland. Prince Charles mountains and we went about a 100 miles inland.

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Laying fuel depots and that was very entertaining. Laying fuel depots and that was very entertaining.

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 Travelling over sastrugi and some crevasse   Travelling over sastrugi and some crevasse 

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territory it was a bit nerve-wracking at times, but very interesting. We had one territory it was a bit nerve-wracking at times, but very interesting. We had one

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were we camped, when there was a total white out. Everything was just were we camped, when there was a total white out. Everything was just

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disappeared, totally white, there was no, no, um,  disappeared, totally white, there was no, no, um, 

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sign of any horizon or anything else. It was just completely blank white out. sign of any horizon or anything else. It was just completely blank white out.

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It was a strange feeling, you just stand there and feel as though, you know, you're the only one in the It was a strange feeling, you just stand there and feel as though, you know, you're the only one in the

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universe universe

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A little eerie. The other field trip I had  A little eerie. The other field trip I had 

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was in the height of Summer, uh. We visited was in the height of Summer, uh. We visited

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the, mountain ranges which are just inland from Mawson and the, mountain ranges which are just inland from Mawson and

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West of Mawson. The, uh. Well, Mount Henderson West of Mawson. The, uh. Well, Mount Henderson

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is directly inland from Mawson but Masson, David and Casey is directly inland from Mawson but Masson, David and Casey

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Ranges are west of that, ah those, and  Ranges are west of that, ah those, and 

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about oh, 8, 10 miles inland ah they commence and run due south. about oh, 8, 10 miles inland ah they commence and run due south.

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And these ranges are about 8 or 10 miles apart. And we were the first party  And these ranges are about 8 or 10 miles apart. And we were the first party 

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ever to visit these er, three mountain ranges in glorious weather most ever to visit these er, three mountain ranges in glorious weather most

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of the time.  24 hours of sunlight and it was quite an of the time.  24 hours of sunlight and it was quite an

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experience to be the first people ever to step onto these, these mountains experience to be the first people ever to step onto these, these mountains

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I found that really very interesting and I remember those, that trip I found that really very interesting and I remember those, that trip

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particularly, it  it was great and I have particularly, it  it was great and I have

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a mountain named after me even.  [Ingrid] How did that come about?  [Neville]  Well I think a mountain named after me even.  [Ingrid] How did that come about?  [Neville]  Well I think

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the leader of the er, our group,  John Bechervaise, at the end of the the leader of the er, our group,  John Bechervaise, at the end of the

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 year had to submit um  some proposed names for some of the  year had to submit um  some proposed names for some of the

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features that had been visited for the first time and I guess he submitted the features that had been visited for the first time and I guess he submitted the

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name Parsons attached to one of the mountains.  Mount Elliott is just north of Mount Parsons. name Parsons attached to one of the mountains.  Mount Elliott is just north of Mount Parsons.

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Some of the other members of the party have features named after them.  [Ingrid]  Did you get any say in Some of the other members of the party have features named after them.  [Ingrid]  Did you get any say in

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whether you would like an island or whether you would like an island or

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a mountain or  a nunatak? [Neville]  No, no. [Ingrid]  No input whatsoever.[laughter] [Neville] No, I didn't a mountain or  a nunatak? [Neville]  No, no. [Ingrid]  No input whatsoever.[laughter] [Neville] No, I didn't

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realise that it was going to be done. [Ingrid]Did you see Mount Parsons realise that it was going to be done. [Ingrid]Did you see Mount Parsons

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itself?  [Neville] Oh yes, we, I didn't climb it because it's itself?  [Neville] Oh yes, we, I didn't climb it because it's

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a pretty steep bit of  a pretty steep bit of 

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cliff thing but er, we pulled up with the weasel cliff thing but er, we pulled up with the weasel

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train, quite close on the eastern side of the range and walked up train, quite close on the eastern side of the range and walked up

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near Fang Peak actually.  Walked up to the ridge between Fang Peak and Mount Parsons near Fang Peak actually.  Walked up to the ridge between Fang Peak and Mount Parsons

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then looked over to the western side of the range. Quite dramatic steep cliffs. then looked over to the western side of the range. Quite dramatic steep cliffs.

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But no I didn't climb it. We did climb Mount Elliot, which is the next one south. But no I didn't climb it. We did climb Mount Elliot, which is the next one south.

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No that was a really enjoyable No that was a really enjoyable

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trip and it was terrible trying to decide trip and it was terrible trying to decide

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to go to sleep at night, because with 24 hours of sunlight and glorious weather. to go to sleep at night, because with 24 hours of sunlight and glorious weather.

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We made it with one weasel which didn't break down fortunately. We made it with one weasel which didn't break down fortunately.

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[Ingrid] Did you do much travelling with the dogs while you were at Mawson? [Neville]  Not personally but I [Ingrid] Did you do much travelling with the dogs while you were at Mawson? [Neville]  Not personally but I

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did a few dogs sledding runs out of the sea  did a few dogs sledding runs out of the sea 

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ice, ah, a couple of times we collected seal meat, seals to feed the  ice, ah, a couple of times we collected seal meat, seals to feed the 

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dogs with and there was dogs with and there was

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a remote, little remote weather station set up on one of the islands, [cough] a remote, little remote weather station set up on one of the islands, [cough]

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went out to visit that occasionally. But er I enjoyed running along with the dog went out to visit that occasionally. But er I enjoyed running along with the dog

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sleds much more than rumbling along in a noisy ah, weasel,  vehicle  sleds much more than rumbling along in a noisy ah, weasel,  vehicle 

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or something. Very enjoyable about swishing along. or something. Very enjoyable about swishing along.

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Nod, when you went down south, you were relatively young did you have a Nod, when you went down south, you were relatively young did you have a

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wife or wife or

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a girlfriend at the time or?  [Neville] Well I was er, single a girlfriend at the time or?  [Neville] Well I was er, single

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when I went down to Macquarie Island and had no firm attachments, but when I went down to Mawson when I went down to Macquarie Island and had no firm attachments, but when I went down to Mawson

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 I was already married and er, my  I was already married and er, my

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wife was quite er, you know, encouraging about my going for the experience. Anyway  wife was quite er, you know, encouraging about my going for the experience. Anyway 

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my son was born while I was down at Mawson my son was born while I was down at Mawson

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in the middle of the year.  And that was quite an experience, I learned about this by  in the middle of the year.  And that was quite an experience, I learned about this by 

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coded radio message. In those days communication wasn't what it's like today, coded radio message. In those days communication wasn't what it's like today,

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everything had to come and go by Morse code and the radio messages. everything had to come and go by Morse code and the radio messages.

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It was quite an experience to be there realising [laughter] your wife was at home with It was quite an experience to be there realising [laughter] your wife was at home with

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a young baby, yeah. [Ingrid] Was it difficult being at Mawson where you're relatively isolated a young baby, yeah. [Ingrid] Was it difficult being at Mawson where you're relatively isolated

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at least in at least in

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a physical sense from the home setting when, knowing that you had a wife a physical sense from the home setting when, knowing that you had a wife

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and a young child back home?  [Neville] Well I suppose to some extent, it was and a young child back home?  [Neville] Well I suppose to some extent, it was

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a little difficult but er, not really.  I think they were a little difficult but er, not really.  I think they were

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the parents and friends back home and my wife very keen the parents and friends back home and my wife very keen

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on my going I mean they, they were all envious, I think, of going down and there wasn't on my going I mean they, they were all envious, I think, of going down and there wasn't

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any any real problem of that sort, no.  [Ingrid] Was there  any any real problem of that sort, no.  [Ingrid] Was there 

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a support network set up formally for the um wives or children who were at home? a support network set up formally for the um wives or children who were at home?

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Well uh, I don't think there was Well uh, I don't think there was

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a great deal in those days, ah, particularly for those a great deal in those days, ah, particularly for those

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who may have been Melbourne.  They may have seen who may have been Melbourne.  They may have seen

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a little bit more of the Antarctic Division Office, and so on, but  ah Jean was in a little bit more of the Antarctic Division Office, and so on, but  ah Jean was in

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Adelaide at at the time so she would have received the odd Adelaide at at the time so she would have received the odd

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message for me and er, occasional brief newsletters, I think, from the Antarctic Division. message for me and er, occasional brief newsletters, I think, from the Antarctic Division.

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Not a great deal.  She in fact  Not a great deal.  She in fact 

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the Mawsons in Adelaide and I got a  the Mawsons in Adelaide and I got a 

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letter from um Paquita Mawson which she wrote. letter from um Paquita Mawson which she wrote.

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That's one of my treasured possessions.  I met Mawson himself That's one of my treasured possessions.  I met Mawson himself

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2 or 3 times. Yeah he was a very striking figure.  Blue eyes that could 2 or 3 times. Yeah he was a very striking figure.  Blue eyes that could

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see over the horizon almost and er. But he died in what I think '58 see over the horizon almost and er. But he died in what I think '58

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[Ingrid] Did you also meet John King Davis or any of the other crew from the ??? [Neville] Only the  [Ingrid] Did you also meet John King Davis or any of the other crew from the ??? [Neville] Only the 

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sort of incidentally, we um, after we came back from Mawson sort of incidentally, we um, after we came back from Mawson

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there was there was

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um, a little ceremony at the Royal Society in Melbourne, at which the um, a little ceremony at the Royal Society in Melbourne, at which the

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Duke of Edinburgh who was Duke of Edinburgh who was

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out in Melbourne to open the Olympic Games.  He was present to out in Melbourne to open the Olympic Games.  He was present to

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pin polar medals on us. And er I think the last year in which pin polar medals on us. And er I think the last year in which

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imperial polar medals were handed out. Anyway at that imperial polar medals were handed out. Anyway at that

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little ceremony, um Mawson was present and I think  John King Davis I think was little ceremony, um Mawson was present and I think  John King Davis I think was

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present, er Priestley and  present, er Priestley and 

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?Reason? Larsen, [inaudible] I think they were there at that ceremony. ?Reason? Larsen, [inaudible] I think they were there at that ceremony.

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Did you meet any other members of Mawson's BANZARE Did you meet any other members of Mawson's BANZARE

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Used to see quite frequently in Brisbane Alf Howard who was Used to see quite frequently in Brisbane Alf Howard who was

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on the last of the Mawson expeditions, ah he was the sole surviv- surviving on the last of the Mawson expeditions, ah he was the sole surviv- surviving

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member.  He died um  2 or 3 years ago at age 100 and something member.  He died um  2 or 3 years ago at age 100 and something

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but um he was going strong when I used to see him in the Adel- uh Brisbane.  He but um he was going strong when I used to see him in the Adel- uh Brisbane.  He

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came occasionally to the ANARE came occasionally to the ANARE

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club dinners. And he was working at the University helping club dinners. And he was working at the University helping

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students with some of their computer problems I think, ah well into, uh well into his  students with some of their computer problems I think, ah well into, uh well into his 

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nineties.  But ah, yes nineties.  But ah, yes

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that was a pity er when he died,  the last surviving member. [Ingrid]So when you were at Macquarie Island and that was a pity er when he died,  the last surviving member. [Ingrid]So when you were at Macquarie Island and

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Mawson did you have any visits by any other expeditions or any other ships or? Mawson did you have any visits by any other expeditions or any other ships or?

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Not at Mawson.  We were alone at Mawson the entire year until the Kista Dan Not at Mawson.  We were alone at Mawson the entire year until the Kista Dan

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came back down.  At Macquarie Island ah we had several visits came back down.  At Macquarie Island ah we had several visits

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British ship the frigate, the St Austell Bay British ship the frigate, the St Austell Bay

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called in.  It had been out to New Zealand, I think and came down. called in.  It had been out to New Zealand, I think and came down.

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Our cook, Norm Figg, was having ah domestic problems back Our cook, Norm Figg, was having ah domestic problems back

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home I think and he desperately wanted to get back and so he went back home I think and he desperately wanted to get back and so he went back

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on St Austell Bay, ah and a little later we had on St Austell Bay, ah and a little later we had

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a visit by the Discovery 2, and that brought a visit by the Discovery 2, and that brought

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a replacement cook, Ron Knightley. a replacement cook, Ron Knightley.

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And a little later again we had a visit from And a little later again we had a visit from

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the Commandant Charcot  on its way back from um, ah, Adelie Land the Commandant Charcot  on its way back from um, ah, Adelie Land

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And that took Cyril Park, our  engineer And that took Cyril Park, our  engineer

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back to er, I think he went first in New Zealand and then across to Tasmania but he back to er, I think he went first in New Zealand and then across to Tasmania but he

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was suffering from um, I think from some gall bladder problem and it was felt wise was suffering from um, I think from some gall bladder problem and it was felt wise

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that he should be repatriated, taking the opportunity at least to bring him back on the  that he should be repatriated, taking the opportunity at least to bring him back on the 

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Commandant Charcot.  Cyril, incidentally,  was the son of the  Commandant Charcot.  Cyril, incidentally,  was the son of the 

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Lord Mayor of Hobart, at the time, Archie Park.  A little later again we had Lord Mayor of Hobart, at the time, Archie Park.  A little later again we had

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a visit from a Lincoln bomber er which brought down a visit from a Lincoln bomber er which brought down

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from East Sale in Victoria, and brought from East Sale in Victoria, and brought

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some much needed replacement medical supplies, ah, and some much needed replacement medical supplies, ah, and

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it flew in low over the isthmus, dropped out of the clouds and it flew in low over the isthmus, dropped out of the clouds and

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dropped several ah big cardboard, torpedo like dropped several ah big cardboard, torpedo like

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things with the very rough hessian parachutes onto the isthmus things with the very rough hessian parachutes onto the isthmus

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and these extra medical supplies and we got and these extra medical supplies and we got

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a bit of mail and a bit of fresh fruit and so on ???.  But er a bit of mail and a bit of fresh fruit and so on ???.  But er

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they did the round trip er from East Sale down to Macquarie and back. But the they did the round trip er from East Sale down to Macquarie and back. But the

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yes, we had all those visits at Macquarie,  but nothing at Mawson. [Ingrid] You mentioned yes, we had all those visits at Macquarie,  but nothing at Mawson. [Ingrid] You mentioned

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that um, you'd medivaced out  that um, you'd medivaced out 

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a person to Australia.  When you were Mawson did you have any training to assist a person to Australia.  When you were Mawson did you have any training to assist

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the  doctor with operations or emergencies?  [Neville] Well prior to the  doctor with operations or emergencies?  [Neville] Well prior to

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going down to Mawson, ah in the period just before we left Melbourne going down to Mawson, ah in the period just before we left Melbourne

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I was sent with 2 other people, two other fellows, along to the Royal Melbourne I was sent with 2 other people, two other fellows, along to the Royal Melbourne

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Hospital to gain Hospital to gain

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a little bit of experience, which might stand us in good stead, ah  if there was a little bit of experience, which might stand us in good stead, ah  if there was

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any need to assist the doctor at Mawson.  And ah,  any need to assist the doctor at Mawson.  And ah, 

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I was sent along just to watch operations and learn what went on and learn the I was sent along just to watch operations and learn what went on and learn the

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instruments and so on, so that I might be of some use to the doctor if the need instruments and so on, so that I might be of some use to the doctor if the need

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arose. The second fellow was ah, spent his 3 weeks down at  arose. The second fellow was ah, spent his 3 weeks down at 

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the Emergency um area, and the third one, I think, followed anesthetists around the Emergency um area, and the third one, I think, followed anesthetists around

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the idea being that the 3 of us might be able to provide some genuine help to the idea being that the 3 of us might be able to provide some genuine help to

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the doctor should there be any need.  Well fortunately there wasn't any such need but the doctor should there be any need.  Well fortunately there wasn't any such need but

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I found I found

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it a fascinating experience. And I I discovered it a fascinating experience. And I I discovered

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that if I wanted another career I could easily be that if I wanted another career I could easily be

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a surgeon, but that was a surgeon, but that was

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a good experience. [Ingrid]  Nod, when you came back Australia um did you ever a good experience. [Ingrid]  Nod, when you came back Australia um did you ever

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think that you would go back down south again some 10, 12 years later? think that you would go back down south again some 10, 12 years later?

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Well there might have been some expectation because when we came back from Macquarie  Well there might have been some expectation because when we came back from Macquarie 

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Island uh the cosmic ray work that I was doing had initially Island uh the cosmic ray work that I was doing had initially

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been connected with the Physics Department of the University of Melbourne but the been connected with the Physics Department of the University of Melbourne but the

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responsibility for cosmic ray work then moved to the university in Hobart. responsibility for cosmic ray work then moved to the university in Hobart.

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And, um one of the objectives of the university work in Hobart was to And, um one of the objectives of the university work in Hobart was to

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set up stations um, to get set up stations um, to get

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a greater coverage in the southern hemisphere. And there was always a bit of a greater coverage in the southern hemisphere. And there was always a bit of

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a target I think to er get something down on the Antarctic continent. a target I think to er get something down on the Antarctic continent.

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I was certainly there while we were planning, designing equipment and building I was certainly there while we were planning, designing equipment and building

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equipment for ultimately going down to Mawson. equipment for ultimately going down to Mawson.

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There wasn't any real problem with my volunteering to go down to Mawson [laughing] There wasn't any real problem with my volunteering to go down to Mawson [laughing]

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with the equipment that we'd built.  [Ingrid]  You were down in with the equipment that we'd built.  [Ingrid]  You were down in

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Antarctica and Macquarie Island in the very early years. I know you've stayed very much in Antarctica and Macquarie Island in the very early years. I know you've stayed very much in

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touch with Antarctic interests and affairs over the years. How do you, what do you thinks been  touch with Antarctic interests and affairs over the years. How do you, what do you thinks been 

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the greatest change for the Australian expeditions over the last 50 years? the greatest change for the Australian expeditions over the last 50 years?

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What do you think is very different now from how it was in your time? [Neville] I would What do you think is very different now from how it was in your time? [Neville] I would

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probably put communication at the top of the list. Things were pretty primitive probably put communication at the top of the list. Things were pretty primitive

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in the, in 1950 down at Macquarie Island.  It wasn't quite in the, in 1950 down at Macquarie Island.  It wasn't quite

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the heroic era but things were prim-  primitive nevertheless. And the only the heroic era but things were prim-  primitive nevertheless. And the only

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communication that we could engage in with people back home was by coded communication that we could engage in with people back home was by coded

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messages, um Morse code.  And we even had  messages, um Morse code.  And we even had 

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a set of special codes to stand for various phrases that you might want to a set of special codes to stand for various phrases that you might want to

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use in order to minimise the number of words that might be in a message but use in order to minimise the number of words that might be in a message but

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nowadays, of course, you can just get, pick up the phone and ring them and watch what's nowadays, of course, you can just get, pick up the phone and ring them and watch what's

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happening at Mawson on the internet and er, communication happening at Mawson on the internet and er, communication

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must have made an enormous difference to the life at the stations. The must have made an enormous difference to the life at the stations. The

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feeling of any isolation must be greatly changed. But I feeling of any isolation must be greatly changed. But I

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suppose communication would be the main thing that's changed. Other than that, of course, there's been a  suppose communication would be the main thing that's changed. Other than that, of course, there's been a 

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revolution in all kinds of revolution in all kinds of

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technology, equipment and so on . The buildings have technology, equipment and so on . The buildings have

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been changed enormously. I'm not all that been changed enormously. I'm not all that

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These big buildings with bright colors. I'd rather have These big buildings with bright colors. I'd rather have

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unobtrusive buildings that we had. But transport too unobtrusive buildings that we had. But transport too

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much much better vehicles than we ever had. much much better vehicles than we ever had.

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They manage without dogs. We quite enjoyed having dogs at Mawson, but They manage without dogs. We quite enjoyed having dogs at Mawson, but

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they manage these days without dogs. And of course they got they manage these days without dogs. And of course they got

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the Aurora Australis, which is a much bigger and better equipped the Aurora Australis, which is a much bigger and better equipped

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ship than we ever had.  Um, and they're even flying aircraft from ship than we ever had.  Um, and they're even flying aircraft from

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Hobart down to ah Casey Station. Hobart down to ah Casey Station.

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I'm aware that when you were down there,  at Macquarie Island in the 1960s, there was a lot  I'm aware that when you were down there,  at Macquarie Island in the 1960s, there was a lot 

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of discussion about women scientists coming down to summer.  Was there any of discussion about women scientists coming down to summer.  Was there any

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discussion in the early years, amongst the men about the possibility of women  discussion in the early years, amongst the men about the possibility of women 

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wintering  or was it just something that was so far fetched as to not even be considered? [Neville]  I wintering  or was it just something that was so far fetched as to not even be considered? [Neville]  I

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can't remember any serious discussion of it. Ah, we seemed to can't remember any serious discussion of it. Ah, we seemed to

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just accept that that was the normal state of affairs and get on with life. just accept that that was the normal state of affairs and get on with life.

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No I  No I 

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I can't recall any serious discussion either then or even at er, or even at Mawson. We knew I can't recall any serious discussion either then or even at er, or even at Mawson. We knew

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of course that the Russians had women at their station and so forth of course that the Russians had women at their station and so forth

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and er, there may have been some speculation about the future for Australian stations but and er, there may have been some speculation about the future for Australian stations but

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I think it's I think it's

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a good thing that the women now go down I share the a good thing that the women now go down I share the

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experience around. [Ingrid]  Is anything else you'd like to add Nod? experience around. [Ingrid]  Is anything else you'd like to add Nod?

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[Neville]  I could mention one or other little, little experiences, um.  [Ingrid] Please do. [Neville]  I could mention one or other little, little experiences, um.  [Ingrid] Please do.

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Because I, I was always mightily impressed with the  with the Because I, I was always mightily impressed with the  with the

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physical appearance of the Antarctic. Not so much Macquarie physical appearance of the Antarctic. Not so much Macquarie

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but Macquarie had it's own particular interest, it was grey and misty and gravelly but Macquarie had it's own particular interest, it was grey and misty and gravelly

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and windy and  teeming with wildlife and so on but totally different from and windy and  teeming with wildlife and so on but totally different from

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Mawson because I found it fascinating, pristine, totally clean Mawson because I found it fascinating, pristine, totally clean

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environment, ah air absolutely clear, um a sort of environment, ah air absolutely clear, um a sort of

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magical thing, um. During the year with the seasons magical thing, um. During the year with the seasons

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changing rapidly and so on, but large part of most days the sun was changing rapidly and so on, but large part of most days the sun was

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at very low elevations and people tend to think of the Antarctic as black at very low elevations and people tend to think of the Antarctic as black

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and white but er, these low elevation sun periods you get and white but er, these low elevation sun periods you get

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some glorious er coloured effects on the ice cliffs and so on, opalescent glows and so on. some glorious er coloured effects on the ice cliffs and so on, opalescent glows and so on.

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And sort of all fascinating stuff for me. Um, the drift snow And sort of all fascinating stuff for me. Um, the drift snow

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over the station rock was always of interest and occasionally we'd get a over the station rock was always of interest and occasionally we'd get a

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a very very fine layer of what would be a very very fine layer of what would be

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a mist back here, but er, a fog of very very fine ice particles a mist back here, but er, a fog of very very fine ice particles

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very  very 

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thin.  With the sun shining on this it all like g-,  like diamond dust, ah beautiful thin.  With the sun shining on this it all like g-,  like diamond dust, ah beautiful

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effects and er, you could look out over the sea ice effects and er, you could look out over the sea ice

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on on

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particular days you could see wonderful mirage effects with the particular days you could see wonderful mirage effects with the

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over the horizon um ice bergs apparently lifted up into the sky. over the horizon um ice bergs apparently lifted up into the sky.

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And uh the aurora of course, always And uh the aurora of course, always

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a beautiful thing to watch and we had much much clearer skies at Mawson than we ever a beautiful thing to watch and we had much much clearer skies at Mawson than we ever

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did Macquarie Island and er, ah that was did Macquarie Island and er, ah that was

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a fascinating thing to watch.  I just liked the, the sheer a fascinating thing to watch.  I just liked the, the sheer

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simplicity of the continent.   It simplicity of the continent.   It

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looks looks a simple landscape but, er you know, if you delve into it, it's all full of  looks looks a simple landscape but, er you know, if you delve into it, it's all full of 

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all sorts of interested. The uh all sorts of interested. The uh

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more microscopic sort of level and ah. I can, I can more microscopic sort of level and ah. I can, I can

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remember the er, the mountains that I mentioned, um, the Casey Ranges, I think, about 20, 25  remember the er, the mountains that I mentioned, um, the Casey Ranges, I think, about 20, 25 

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miles west of Mawson but the, the air was so clear miles west of Mawson but the, the air was so clear

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that you could hardly tell that it was that far away, in fact it was just as clear as  that you could hardly tell that it was that far away, in fact it was just as clear as 

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Mawson and, ah, er as the Masson and David Ranges Mawson and, ah, er as the Masson and David Ranges

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whereas back in Australia here you can always see which is the distance thing because whereas back in Australia here you can always see which is the distance thing because

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of the haze in the atmosphere. of the haze in the atmosphere.

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[Ingrid] What is the thing that you miss most about Mawson?  [Neville] What? [Ingrid] What is the thing that you miss [Ingrid] What is the thing that you miss most about Mawson?  [Neville] What? [Ingrid] What is the thing that you miss

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most about Mawson? [Neville] I don't know that I  most about Mawson? [Neville] I don't know that I 

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I don't know that I miss it, I like recalling ah things, but  I don't know that I miss it, I like recalling ah things, but 

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I don't ever feel like doing it again, sort of thing. I don't ever feel like doing it again, sort of thing.

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That was an experience let's  move on to the next experience That was an experience let's  move on to the next experience

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that sort of ah attitude, but, but I  that sort of ah attitude, but, but I 

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always recall with pleasure the period that I spent down there. always recall with pleasure the period that I spent down there.

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I was very very sad in I was very very sad in

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a way when we had to hand over the place to the new party. It was a way when we had to hand over the place to the new party. It was

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a little bit of a little bit of

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a wrench to know that you were handing over all this, where you'd lived for a year and built up and so on and a wrench to know that you were handing over all this, where you'd lived for a year and built up and so on and

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knew a lot of people.  You just hoped they'd  look after it.[laugh] [Ingrid] And when you arrived home knew a lot of people.  You just hoped they'd  look after it.[laugh] [Ingrid] And when you arrived home

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how did you find sort of, melding back into society, were there particular things that  you how did you find sort of, melding back into society, were there particular things that  you

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you noticed?  [Neville] Oh,  there was no difficulty at all really, it sort of you noticed?  [Neville] Oh,  there was no difficulty at all really, it sort of

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just got back into the normal routines rather rapidly actually.  I took a just got back into the normal routines rather rapidly actually.  I took a

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holiday.  Went up north, into north Queensland holiday.  Went up north, into north Queensland

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then came back and was soon into the cosmic ray work at the University in Hobart again. then came back and was soon into the cosmic ray work at the University in Hobart again.

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 And um of course, at that stage, I had my new son  And um of course, at that stage, I had my new son

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that was  that was 

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a delight to be back with him. I just recently visited a delight to be back with him. I just recently visited

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him up in Hong Kong, and he just had him up in Hong Kong, and he just had

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a new son, my first grandson so that was interesting. a new son, my first grandson so that was interesting.

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Well thanks now that's been very interesting. Well thanks now that's been very interesting.