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McGaughey with Andrew Klekocuik. And Andrew actually just recorded another interesting  McGaughey with Andrew Klekocuik. And Andrew actually just recorded another interesting 

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Macquarie Island story that we just add on the record. Right. So, when we took our  Macquarie Island story that we just add on the record. Right. So, when we took our 

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went to photo, what we decided to do was to go off on up to the Gulf to went to photo, what we decided to do was to go off on up to the Gulf to

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a half way up uh.. north head and so, we got the whole station together and we're going to a half way up uh.. north head and so, we got the whole station together and we're going to

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take this further after lunch so we all popped up there and we noticed one person take this further after lunch so we all popped up there and we noticed one person

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missing that was Gwen Kowolika, station leader and we noticed that he was just missing that was Gwen Kowolika, station leader and we noticed that he was just

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having having

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a hard time climbing up um.. the hill and uh.. he got there and you know we took the photo a hard time climbing up um.. the hill and uh.. he got there and you know we took the photo

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and we didn't think much of it later on, but a little while later, I think maybe and we didn't think much of it later on, but a little while later, I think maybe

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a few couple weeks later, Gwen went on  a few couple weeks later, Gwen went on 

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a trip down the Island and um.. Well, in those days yes you could go to a trip down the Island and um.. Well, in those days yes you could go to

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Gwen go to 2 people and then you had to have an extra person to go to Gwen go to 2 people and then you had to have an extra person to go to

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a good point anyway so Gwen managed to get to her point but slightly breaking the a good point anyway so Gwen managed to get to her point but slightly breaking the

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rules or in fact definitely breaking the rules. Umm.. Gwen came back from her  rules or in fact definitely breaking the rules. Umm.. Gwen came back from her 

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point to gringo which by himself along the coast. Gwen was point to gringo which by himself along the coast. Gwen was

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a very experienced umm.. mountaineer. Had done a very experienced umm.. mountaineer. Had done

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a lot of amazing things, umm.. very capable person, new news capabilities inside a lot of amazing things, umm.. very capable person, new news capabilities inside

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now and and. uh had done things like I would say in now and and. uh had done things like I would say in

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a slide show of Glenn. umm.. I remember in, might have been Turkey, climbing mountains a slide show of Glenn. umm.. I remember in, might have been Turkey, climbing mountains

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there and the pictures of him climbing the candlestick of the south coast of Tassie there and the pictures of him climbing the candlestick of the south coast of Tassie

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you know various other things. So, yeah.. Glenn was great at that but anyway, you know various other things. So, yeah.. Glenn was great at that but anyway,

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Glenn didn't call in at the scheduled time in the evening for skids Glenn didn't call in at the scheduled time in the evening for skids

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and that then set in process. Um.. our search and rescue and that then set in process. Um.. our search and rescue

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activities. So, if you failed to make the evening skid, they said you would start activities. So, if you failed to make the evening skid, they said you would start

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that night. Yeah, what would happen was that the comms operator would stay on line that night. Yeah, what would happen was that the comms operator would stay on line

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and basically be calling in, or listening for the call ins and then after might and basically be calling in, or listening for the call ins and then after might

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been about 2 hours then, um.. the next stage happened. Anyway what would have happened was, I think been about 2 hours then, um.. the next stage happened. Anyway what would have happened was, I think

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we've gone to the next stage where we'd actually assemble we've gone to the next stage where we'd actually assemble

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a search and rescue team and had worked out what needed to happen. Um.. and I can't a search and rescue team and had worked out what needed to happen. Um.. and I can't

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remember if we decided that um.. activities going to start that night, we had to wait remember if we decided that um.. activities going to start that night, we had to wait

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until the dawn the next day. Anyway, what happened was that Gwen until the dawn the next day. Anyway, what happened was that Gwen

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had managed to call in, I think it was quite late, it might have been had managed to call in, I think it was quite late, it might have been

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about midnight but basically that was just fantastic, because he'd, he'd basically had about midnight but basically that was just fantastic, because he'd, he'd basically had

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a hard time walking on the coast and part of that was because unbeknownst to him he a hard time walking on the coast and part of that was because unbeknownst to him he

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had a heart condition and um... Was just very out of breath and and had had a heart condition and um... Was just very out of breath and and had

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a hard time walking. I think also in the dark basically he'd been sort of slowed up a hard time walking. I think also in the dark basically he'd been sort of slowed up

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over this and just took over this and just took

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a long time and then became more difficult in the dark walking around rock stacksand so on a long time and then became more difficult in the dark walking around rock stacksand so on

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and so forth. Anyway, I mentioned and write it in. So, it was aiming for waterfall bay and so forth. Anyway, I mentioned and write it in. So, it was aiming for waterfall bay

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well, in fact in those times we didn't have well, in fact in those times we didn't have

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a waterfall bay um.. hut but basically the yeah basically the only spot between good a waterfall bay um.. hut but basically the yeah basically the only spot between good

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point and the green gorge were the 2 huts and they went in the other shelters they point and the green gorge were the 2 huts and they went in the other shelters they

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could go to. Um.. Lucy bay, yeah I think there was could go to. Um.. Lucy bay, yeah I think there was

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a Lucy bay hut. Umm... but he'd managed to walk on from there and he said he could probably go on a Lucy bay hut. Umm... but he'd managed to walk on from there and he said he could probably go on

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back to the bay he decided to keep going to going forward. So, we didn't really know back to the bay he decided to keep going to going forward. So, we didn't really know

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at the time and a bit of at the time and a bit of

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a slight practical joke i suppose. Umm.. As such a slight practical joke i suppose. Umm.. As such

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rescue guys are all ready to go, in fact John Reeve and um.. umm.. just try rescue guys are all ready to go, in fact John Reeve and um.. umm.. just try

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Peter.. umm.. just trying to remember. There are other 1st responder, Peter.. umm.. just trying to remember. There are other 1st responder,

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a field trials worth a field trials worth

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a course that's right. Um... play ready to go and Johna decided to take a course that's right. Um... play ready to go and Johna decided to take

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a life break in the newspaper that we had with coming over the tell system a life break in the newspaper that we had with coming over the tell system

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take take

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a copy of that um.. and drop at the door of gringo hut before Glen woke up the next a copy of that um.. and drop at the door of gringo hut before Glen woke up the next

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morning and so I think they left at something like 2 in the morning or thereabouts and morning and so I think they left at something like 2 in the morning or thereabouts and

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actually pretty much ran all the way the green gorge got there before 6 in the actually pretty much ran all the way the green gorge got there before 6 in the

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morning which was pretty much sunrise and had got back to the station before going morning which was pretty much sunrise and had got back to the station before going

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and they've realized anybody been there so, umm.. yeah that was just one of those things and they've realized anybody been there so, umm.. yeah that was just one of those things

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but as we found out later on when Gwen came back to Australia he had umm..  a bad but as we found out later on when Gwen came back to Australia he had umm..  a bad

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heart condition that required a transplant and you know that having a transplant. heart condition that required a transplant and you know that having a transplant.

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a few years later and um.. Last time we saw Gwen, he was in in good health. Did you have a few years later and um.. Last time we saw Gwen, he was in in good health. Did you have

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any other medical issues or emergencies during? Um.. not really. Um..  we're pretty good we any other medical issues or emergencies during? Um.. not really. Um..  we're pretty good we

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had a few teeth that uh.. I remember umm.. needed had a few teeth that uh.. I remember umm.. needed

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a bit of attention. Dave slipper managed to umm.. In the summer the 2nd a bit of attention. Dave slipper managed to umm.. In the summer the 2nd

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summer had managed to get his hand bitten by an elephant seal. I was the um.. one summer had managed to get his hand bitten by an elephant seal. I was the um.. one

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it's just because the Sorcerer's Apprentice sells. Sullivan's assistant in the it's just because the Sorcerer's Apprentice sells. Sullivan's assistant in the

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surgery. Davis, I think it was bitten, um... he'd been down taking some seals and surgery. Davis, I think it was bitten, um... he'd been down taking some seals and

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turned around on turned around on

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a big bull is right next to him and lunged his hand and it managed to umm.. break the a big bull is right next to him and lunged his hand and it managed to umm.. break the

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skin and did a bit of damage to Daves hand. Peter put him into some surgery. skin and did a bit of damage to Daves hand. Peter put him into some surgery.

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I have an art and then Dave wasn't feeling too good the next day and but I remember I have an art and then Dave wasn't feeling too good the next day and but I remember

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Peter removing the bandage on Daves hand and this enormous burst Peter removing the bandage on Daves hand and this enormous burst

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of pus filled the room and went everywhere, it was of pus filled the room and went everywhere, it was

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a big mining explosion and it's basically that there was this incredible um.. a big mining explosion and it's basically that there was this incredible um..

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infection happening in Dave and he was quite ill and, even with the antibiotics that  infection happening in Dave and he was quite ill and, even with the antibiotics that 

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that he was on. so, there may have been covered in pus from Dave's lip which is a bit  that he was on. so, there may have been covered in pus from Dave's lip which is a bit 

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a bit unusual um.. and also I remember, the other thing I did was when Peter Sullivan was a bit unusual um.. and also I remember, the other thing I did was when Peter Sullivan was

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out out

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 I kind of had look after things and in that 2nd summer um.. Tim Price had  I kind of had look after things and in that 2nd summer um.. Tim Price had

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managed to get the foot, a fish hook stuck in his finger he'd been doing managed to get the foot, a fish hook stuck in his finger he'd been doing

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a little fishing off the rocks and got a little fishing off the rocks and got

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a fish hook quite deeply embedded up to well up to the bar in his middle finger and a fish hook quite deeply embedded up to well up to the bar in his middle finger and

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I, well without any assistance from Peter, I made I, well without any assistance from Peter, I made

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a decision on what i'd knew and had taken it out and made sure that when attendants are a decision on what i'd knew and had taken it out and made sure that when attendants are

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stuck in the line, I guess that was one of the little successes that I had. Good. One stuck in the line, I guess that was one of the little successes that I had. Good. One

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One of the final question I thought of, is was the presence of the cat and the rabbits One of the final question I thought of, is was the presence of the cat and the rabbits

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and the rats evident that stage and you still have wakers around? Yes, they were  and the rats evident that stage and you still have wakers around? Yes, they were 

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 wakers on the Island and I did see  wakers on the Island and I did see

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a waker and they were hard to find but they were still there. Also, when at the a waker and they were hard to find but they were still there. Also, when at the

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hands by point. The cats, umm.. were still hands by point. The cats, umm.. were still

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a problem. Um.. in our winter, we had Bob Hamilton from Tasport who uh.. you know a problem. Um.. in our winter, we had Bob Hamilton from Tasport who uh.. you know

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know was very um.. diligent in going out for the cats in the previous summer we had uh.. know was very um.. diligent in going out for the cats in the previous summer we had uh..

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Biggles umm.. who, his names escapes me at the moment but umm.. Yeah..Biggles from Biggles umm.. who, his names escapes me at the moment but umm.. Yeah..Biggles from

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from Ted's pools and and between Biggles and Bob they really brought the cat from Ted's pools and and between Biggles and Bob they really brought the cat

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numbers down. Big was kind back in the 2nd summer. Darryl Beans is his name numbers down. Big was kind back in the 2nd summer. Darryl Beans is his name

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that's right and I think uh.. Darryl Biggles as he preferred to be that's right and I think uh.. Darryl Biggles as he preferred to be

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called. I think yeah actually might have got 100 cats for the summer that he was called. I think yeah actually might have got 100 cats for the summer that he was

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the 2nd summer he was there and I remember um.. uh.. one of things just before leaving. the 2nd summer he was there and I remember um.. uh.. one of things just before leaving.

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Is that Biggles was still shooting cats in the around the compound area at Mecca on Is that Biggles was still shooting cats in the around the compound area at Mecca on

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the day the ship was going. I think he got the day the ship was going. I think he got

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a couple of cats that day. Umm.. but it was very interesting. Um.. yeah  a couple of cats that day. Umm.. but it was very interesting. Um.. yeah 

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I, I remember some interesting things then. Nigel's brothers was I, I remember some interesting things then. Nigel's brothers was

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a person who was there he was looking at um.. the effect of rabbits and cats on the a person who was there he was looking at um.. the effect of rabbits and cats on the

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Island and um.. Geoff Copsten was there at one Island and um.. Geoff Copsten was there at one

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point we had some discussions with him and I remember rising back then the issue of point we had some discussions with him and I remember rising back then the issue of

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what happens when you take out the cats and you're left with the rabbits you know what happens when you take out the cats and you're left with the rabbits you know

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what's going to happen, Well, I think the feeling there then was that mix of the toys what's going to happen, Well, I think the feeling there then was that mix of the toys

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this would. Um...  and help Khaleesi virus as well eventually if they were going to bring this would. Um...  and help Khaleesi virus as well eventually if they were going to bring

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that in in Clichy came in the 2nd the 2nd trip I had there but um.. yeah there was that that in in Clichy came in the 2nd the 2nd trip I had there but um.. yeah there was that

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concern. Um.. and yeah what controls the cats were actually providing there at the concern. Um.. and yeah what controls the cats were actually providing there at the

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time. So, um.. we had problems with rats in our buildings and so forth and umm.. time. So, um.. we had problems with rats in our buildings and so forth and umm..

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It was felt that the cats were trying were also helping to keep the Rats under It was felt that the cats were trying were also helping to keep the Rats under

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control as well. Did you eat much rabbit during the year? We did. We had rabbit stew control as well. Did you eat much rabbit during the year? We did. We had rabbit stew

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Occasionally a very nice um.. public and bring Occasionally a very nice um.. public and bring

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a few back. You know, you have to spit out shot occasionally, I think depending on a few back. You know, you have to spit out shot occasionally, I think depending on

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what emanation Bob was using but um..  yeah, that was quite we look forward to what emanation Bob was using but um..  yeah, that was quite we look forward to

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actually I remember that being quite a.. a nice actually I remember that being quite a.. a nice

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a homely part of the meal and at the field huts we'd eat  a homely part of the meal and at the field huts we'd eat 

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some of the um.. the Perifilla um... the Macquarie Island cabbage. some of the um.. the Perifilla um... the Macquarie Island cabbage.

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And you know you do that sort of stuff just see what it's like know it's not you. Did you have And you know you do that sort of stuff just see what it's like know it's not you. Did you have

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the opportunity to try penguin eggs or? No. No. any of the meat from the No. No. local inhabitants? the opportunity to try penguin eggs or? No. No. any of the meat from the No. No. local inhabitants?

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No local meat or any proteins like that but yeah it was bull kill No local meat or any proteins like that but yeah it was bull kill

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Ritson Macquarie Island cabbages, I remember just to try it out there was Ritson Macquarie Island cabbages, I remember just to try it out there was

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a lot. Oh pretty salty and pretty kind of all the book up was tough but I think the a lot. Oh pretty salty and pretty kind of all the book up was tough but I think the

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cabbage was okay. It was bit like cabbage was okay. It was bit like

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a bit like.. bit like broccoli in some ways but um. Yeah that was just one of those a bit like.. bit like broccoli in some ways but um. Yeah that was just one of those

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things you did because you're on a Macquarie Island um.. but no. No penguin eggs or things you did because you're on a Macquarie Island um.. but no. No penguin eggs or

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penguins. In fact we treated the Penguins with penguins. In fact we treated the Penguins with

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a lot of respect but your embassy was as well.  Did you have any culinary a lot of respect but your embassy was as well.  Did you have any culinary

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highlights? Did you have any cooking catastrophes? Um..  No cooking highlights? Did you have any cooking catastrophes? Um..  No cooking

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Catastrophes really. Um.. but I guess the highlight was Marco was just great chef and Catastrophes really. Um.. but I guess the highlight was Marco was just great chef and

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yeah he had yeah he had

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a lot of flavour and we had some great um.. special Sunday nights dinners and special a lot of flavour and we had some great um.. special Sunday nights dinners and special

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Events. Umm.. You know having cray fish and full of the you know exotic things that's great Events. Umm.. You know having cray fish and full of the you know exotic things that's great

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Remember Lucky's one point because they were there for the 1st summer. Umm.. finding Remember Lucky's one point because they were there for the 1st summer. Umm.. finding

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things to do and somebody made up a cray pot and they tried to find if there was things to do and somebody made up a cray pot and they tried to find if there was

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Macquarie Island cray fish but we never found Macquarie Island cray fish but we never found

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found any. (Laughs) Um...  But um.. Yeah.. yeah..we had found any. (Laughs) Um...  But um.. Yeah.. yeah..we had

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had I guess no no disasters there because Marco really was consistent throughout the year and had I guess no no disasters there because Marco really was consistent throughout the year and

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You know we did things like the Sunday chef summit as You know we did things like the Sunday chef summit as

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a bit of variety, Sunday cheffing. But um.. Yeah, I'm pretty a bit of variety, Sunday cheffing. But um.. Yeah, I'm pretty

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sure we all pitched in pretty well. Yeah other reason that we stands out sure we all pitched in pretty well. Yeah other reason that we stands out

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Yeah. So, I think in general it  Yeah. So, I think in general it 

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felt pretty good. Any other recollections before we finished up? Well, I guess the only felt pretty good. Any other recollections before we finished up? Well, I guess the only

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thing for me was coming home, umm.. it was thing for me was coming home, umm.. it was

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a little bit interesting coming back because I've been on that um.. on that you know a little bit interesting coming back because I've been on that um.. on that you know

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a day and going down. And I got on the lady Franklin which was the ship that a day and going down. And I got on the lady Franklin which was the ship that

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was replacing the that being with the program, I think one season was replacing the that being with the program, I think one season

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previously going south. Um... when the lady Franklin came, they previously going south. Um... when the lady Franklin came, they

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had some sort of block blackout, it was there was some huge wave of had some sort of block blackout, it was there was some huge wave of

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Macquarie Island and I think that lost the generator and lost power and steerage for Macquarie Island and I think that lost the generator and lost power and steerage for

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a bit umm.. coming into the Island  but they got it going again after a bit umm.. coming into the Island  but they got it going again after

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a few hours so that was interesting but um.. when you out there were some big seas a few hours so that was interesting but um.. when you out there were some big seas

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and when we left Macquarie, uh.. pretty much destroyed into this enormous swell and when we left Macquarie, uh.. pretty much destroyed into this enormous swell

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and um.. Well, the crew on the ship said it was 22 metres and um.. Well, the crew on the ship said it was 22 metres

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running swell and we hoved to for about a day and running swell and we hoved to for about a day and

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a half. What happened was that um.. I'd managed to get up on to the bridge I think it early a half. What happened was that um.. I'd managed to get up on to the bridge I think it early

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in the morning it was just fast ending up there anyway and then the weather got in the morning it was just fast ending up there anyway and then the weather got

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steadily worse and then the decision was,  that we were going to hop to another steadily worse and then the decision was,  that we were going to hop to another

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as as

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a wait outside so, I actually ended up staying on the bridge. For pretty much the a wait outside so, I actually ended up staying on the bridge. For pretty much the

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whole day and into the night. We ended up sleeping up there in one of the cabins whole day and into the night. We ended up sleeping up there in one of the cabins

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because the bridge wasn't connected to the main combinational footlocker? No. No, that's right because the bridge wasn't connected to the main combinational footlocker? No. No, that's right

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what you had to do as you had to go down through some passage ways and then what you had to do as you had to go down through some passage ways and then

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out into the into one of the holes because they had um.. little containers in their sleeping out into the into one of the holes because they had um.. little containers in their sleeping

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modules and a mess. The mess was run by modules and a mess. The mess was run by

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a Canadian couple. Um.. and then you had sort of little dongles essentially inside the a Canadian couple. Um.. and then you had sort of little dongles essentially inside the

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 inside one of the holes so you actually had to sort of get outside  inside one of the holes so you actually had to sort of get outside

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get into a weather a weather area to actually go back to the accommodation so get into a weather a weather area to actually go back to the accommodation so

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stuck up on the show on the deck. I remember one of the things that the crew were stuck up on the show on the deck. I remember one of the things that the crew were

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fantastic, there were mainly from Canada, the new feets from Newfoundland was the move fantastic, there were mainly from Canada, the new feets from Newfoundland was the move

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from Simpson Jones Newfoundland and remember the 1st night had this habit of just from Simpson Jones Newfoundland and remember the 1st night had this habit of just

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continually play the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Um.. (laughs) It pop up occasionally because we had this continually play the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Um.. (laughs) It pop up occasionally because we had this

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it had it had

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a few types but he just you know every so often I just remember standing up the a few types but he just you know every so often I just remember standing up the

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exact stand up there for hours hours and hours. Um.. Yeah, the wreck of the image that exact stand up there for hours hours and hours. Um.. Yeah, the wreck of the image that

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year old would come back on occasionally when that was quite right and it was just year old would come back on occasionally when that was quite right and it was just

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amazing to see this huge ocean and the ship going in that the big green water amazing to see this huge ocean and the ship going in that the big green water

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breaking out of the front. And you could see the whole plates rippling as the waves breaking out of the front. And you could see the whole plates rippling as the waves

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hit the front and the crew were actually quite concerned hit the front and the crew were actually quite concerned

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about the ship. The fact that lost steerage on the way down there, made them doubly about the ship. The fact that lost steerage on the way down there, made them doubly

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uncertain but they said that yeah basically that that was the largest sea that uncertain but they said that yeah basically that that was the largest sea that

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ship live with a name and it was ship live with a name and it was

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a good test for it. You scared?  I thought that yeah I think that i was exhilarated it was like a good test for it. You scared?  I thought that yeah I think that i was exhilarated it was like

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a roller coaster, you couldn't get seasick because the ship was just riding up and a roller coaster, you couldn't get seasick because the ship was just riding up and

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down this huge swell. Um.. and you know you'd hang on as you're going up and hang on as down this huge swell. Um.. and you know you'd hang on as you're going up and hang on as

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you coming down again as well but that was quite exciting. So, they were this mother you coming down again as well but that was quite exciting. So, they were this mother

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ship in experience on that around that time. Good way that  ship in experience on that around that time. Good way that