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The transcript you are about to read was computer generated using speech-to-text software, so there are probably errors. This tool will allow you to listen to the oral history while you edit its transcript. Here's an example:
An example of how the transcript editor works (click for sound)
All your edits will be automatically saved but may not be immediately visible by others. Once three or more people have transcribed – and agreed – on the text for an individual line it will be visible to all but no longer editable and will then become part of our official transcript.
We have one central guideline: Use your best judgment to transcribe as you hear it.
For common tricky transcriptions, we have a handy list of conventions. Quickly access this reference by selecting the Conventions button on the top of the page.
Use the tool's commands navigate the interview's audio and transcript. These commands are available in the toolbar along the bottom of the screen and with the following keyboard shortcuts.
Shift + Space Bar | Hold shift and press space bar to play, pause, or re-play a line |
Down Arrow or Enter Key | Press the down arrow key or enter to go to next line |
Up Arrow | Press the up arrow key to go to previous line |
Shift + Left Arrow | Hold shift and press the left arrow key to move to previous word |
Shift + Right Arrow | Hold shift and press the right arrow key to move to next word |
Note the speaker for each line of a transcript by using the speaker identification button to the left of each line. You only need to note when a speaker changes. For lines with multiple speakers, select the final "multiple speakers" option. When you do not know the interviewer's name, select "interviewer" from the drop down options.
Lines highlighted in orange await verification. Click on the line and select the best transcription from those presented or flag that none of these transcriptions are correct. Once three or more contributors agree on the correct transcription, the line will be finalised. Administrators will be alerted if a line has no correct transcriptions.
Jump in and start editing this interview or select another from our homepage. If you'd like to listen to some of our audio collections before you start transcribing, select an individual item and click the Play All button.
This tutorial will always be available in the navigation above along with our helpful Frequently Asked Questions.
You don’t need to log in to participate but don’t forget to Track Your Progress (top right corner) if you want to keep a tally of all your own edits.
Remember the golden rule: Use your best judgement to transcribe as you hear.
Thank you so much for helping us to make the State Library of New South Wales collections more accessible, more discoverable and more valuable to all.
Note: this transcript contains a mix of computer-generated and user-generated text and may contain errors