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My name is Ingrid McGaughey and I'm having My name is Ingrid McGaughey and I'm having

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a conversation with Dick Thompson the date is the 18th August, 2011. Dick a conversation with Dick Thompson the date is the 18th August, 2011. Dick

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joined the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs in 1950 as joined the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs in 1950 as

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a supply officer and later also picked up the additional job, of  a supply officer and later also picked up the additional job, of 

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Administrative Officer.  He continued working for them until 1960 and much of the Administrative Officer.  He continued working for them until 1960 and much of the

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conversation this morning is going to focus on the actual set up of the Antarctic conversation this morning is going to focus on the actual set up of the Antarctic

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Division in the very early years.   Hello Dick.  [Dick] Good morning. [Ingrid] Dick can you tell me Division in the very early years.   Hello Dick.  [Dick] Good morning. [Ingrid] Dick can you tell me

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a little bit about your life before you joined the Antarctic Division. [Dick]I a little bit about your life before you joined the Antarctic Division. [Dick]I

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was a, an officer of the Commonwealth  Public Service what was called  was a, an officer of the Commonwealth  Public Service what was called 

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a permanent public servant. I had started work at age 14 as a permanent public servant. I had started work at age 14 as

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a telegraph messenger, quite commonplace. That is the great number, the greater a telegraph messenger, quite commonplace. That is the great number, the greater

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number of people left school at 14 to go to work.  The Postmaster's General Department number of people left school at 14 to go to work.  The Postmaster's General Department

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was by far the largest part of the Commonwealth public service in those days, 60 percent was by far the largest part of the Commonwealth public service in those days, 60 percent

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of the public service was in the post office as we called it.  After working out on of the public service was in the post office as we called it.  After working out on

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the road, riding the road, riding

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a bicycle on delivering telegrams, I worked inside the Central Telegraph Office until a bicycle on delivering telegrams, I worked inside the Central Telegraph Office until

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I joined the Navy in the middle of 1942 and I I joined the Navy in the middle of 1942 and I

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served in the Royal Australian Navy as a signalman, that is served in the Royal Australian Navy as a signalman, that is

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the visual signalman not a  radioman, ah for nearly four years.  All of it the visual signalman not a  radioman, ah for nearly four years.  All of it

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in what we call Pacific Ocean areas and I returned to the Public in what we call Pacific Ocean areas and I returned to the Public

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service in 1946.   I was back home after nearly 4 years service in 1946.   I was back home after nearly 4 years

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service before I was 22.  By then started to study service before I was 22.  By then started to study

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and was told by the government that if,  subject to me getting to matriculation and was told by the government that if,  subject to me getting to matriculation

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level on my own level, they would send me to, they would fund me to University under the level on my own level, they would send me to, they would fund me to University under the

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Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme,  which was available to all ex-service Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme,  which was available to all ex-service

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whether they wanted to be a bricklayer or a carpenter or, as whether they wanted to be a bricklayer or a carpenter or, as

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a friend of mine was, a radio announcer. And so I did that a friend of mine was, a radio announcer. And so I did that

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and I commenced at university to do and I commenced at university to do

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a degree at the University of Melbourne, that is to do a degree at the University of Melbourne, that is to do

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a degree in economics.  The reason for that is because it had no prerequisites, a degree in economics.  The reason for that is because it had no prerequisites,

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everything else had everything else had

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a prerequisite of maths  or physics or Latin.  You couldn't do arts without  a prerequisite of maths  or physics or Latin.  You couldn't do arts without 

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a language, and I didn't have any languages,  so economics had no prerequisites I a language, and I didn't have any languages,  so economics had no prerequisites I

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elected, even though I was entitled to  full time benefits, I elected to do it part time elected, even though I was entitled to  full time benefits, I elected to do it part time

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which was at night time and Saturday mornings and public holidays.  Lectures started at  which was at night time and Saturday mornings and public holidays.  Lectures started at 

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5:15 at night up until about  10 o'clock.  I was 5:15 at night up until about  10 o'clock.  I was

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a clerk in the post office. Everybody was a clerk in the post office. Everybody was

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a clerk and also for short time,  in the Department of Navy stores department a clerk and also for short time,  in the Department of Navy stores department

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and I applied for and I applied for

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a job which had been advertised in the Commonwealth Government Gazette which was a job which had been advertised in the Commonwealth Government Gazette which was

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supply officer in the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs  supply officer in the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs 

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whose duties encompassed a required knowledge of mountaineering, snow and whose duties encompassed a required knowledge of mountaineering, snow and

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ice building, radio, engineering. ice building, radio, engineering.

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A great list of things that nobody could possibly know everything about and A great list of things that nobody could possibly know everything about and

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desirably some tertiary qualifications unstated. desirably some tertiary qualifications unstated.

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There was There was

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a field, I heard later on, of about fifty applied and I was selected. In the those days a field, I heard later on, of about fifty applied and I was selected. In the those days

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there was an appeal process of people who thought they were there was an appeal process of people who thought they were

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aggrieved.  I passed that and I commenced with the Antarctic Division in late aggrieved.  I passed that and I commenced with the Antarctic Division in late

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1950.   We were then physically located at what was called Albert Park 1950.   We were then physically located at what was called Albert Park

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Barracks in various parts of Australia. Two storey Barracks in various parts of Australia. Two storey

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asbestos cement type buildings were built and they were all, while  asbestos cement type buildings were built and they were all, while 

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well they were built as office buildings and not as accommodation matters. well they were built as office buildings and not as accommodation matters.

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They were They were

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very similar to identical buildings I saw in Washington USA and.. very similar to identical buildings I saw in Washington USA and..

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so down there at Albert Park Barracks which is an offshoot of Victoria so down there at Albert Park Barracks which is an offshoot of Victoria

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Barracks in St Kilda Road was various offices of Army and Navy and Airforce Barracks in St Kilda Road was various offices of Army and Navy and Airforce

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and one half of the block was the Antarctic Division.  We were very small we had and one half of the block was the Antarctic Division.  We were very small we had

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a director, ah  Phillip Law. Later on he got a director, ah  Phillip Law. Later on he got

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a secretary. Ah the next thing there was an acting admin officer who was a secretary. Ah the next thing there was an acting admin officer who was

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from External Affairs in Canberra and then there was from External Affairs in Canberra and then there was

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your supply officer, responsible for the purchase and supply of all the equipment your supply officer, responsible for the purchase and supply of all the equipment

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that was to go away with the expeditions.  That of course included all of the that was to go away with the expeditions.  That of course included all of the

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food and all of the radio parts and the machinery parts and the field in the snow food and all of the radio parts and the machinery parts and the field in the snow

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equipment and the building equipment.   Every single thing had to be handled by the equipment and the building equipment.   Every single thing had to be handled by the

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supply officer.  He had supply officer.  He had

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a staff of junior or subordinate clerks keeping a staff of junior or subordinate clerks keeping

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a record of these things and a record of these things and

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a store house located in the RAAF'S Number a store house located in the RAAF'S Number

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2 stores depot at Tottenham, 2 stores depot at Tottenham,

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a western suburb of Melbourne.  The store man in charge was George a western suburb of Melbourne.  The store man in charge was George

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Smith, a great asset to the organisation.  The rest of the  Smith, a great asset to the organisation.  The rest of the 

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Antarctic Division comprised a scientific section, Antarctic Division comprised a scientific section,

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which was, at that stage, one person plus which was, at that stage, one person plus

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a technician to help him.  That was Dr Fred Jacob plus Jim Valentine a technician to help him.  That was Dr Fred Jacob plus Jim Valentine

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the instrument technician to make the equipment that Fred wanted. We had the instrument technician to make the equipment that Fred wanted. We had

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a photographer, we had a librarian and we had a photographer, we had a librarian and we had

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a number of typists. And that was a number of typists. And that was

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about it.   The total staff was probably about 20 and that was the, that was the about it.   The total staff was probably about 20 and that was the, that was the

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office staff to run the expeditions.  At that stage we were running stations at office staff to run the expeditions.  At that stage we were running stations at

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Heard Island and Macquarie Island because the government had been unable to get Heard Island and Macquarie Island because the government had been unable to get

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a ship good enough to penetrate the pack ice  to get through to the Antarctic mainland. a ship good enough to penetrate the pack ice  to get through to the Antarctic mainland.

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There had been this abortive expedition with the Wyatt Earp There had been this abortive expedition with the Wyatt Earp

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in 1948.  But there was no ship at all, of any consequence, that could do this work in 1948.  But there was no ship at all, of any consequence, that could do this work

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and so we are running scientific programs,  both in upper atmosphere physics and in and so we are running scientific programs,  both in upper atmosphere physics and in

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biology work that is biology work that is

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a study of the seals and the penguins and the birds at Heard and Macquarie Island,   a study of the seals and the penguins and the birds at Heard and Macquarie Island,  

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weather observations and the transmission of all of these things back to Australia weather observations and the transmission of all of these things back to Australia

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by radio using Morse code.  by radio using Morse code. 

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The .... so that that was the organization, the our director The .... so that that was the organization, the our director

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Dr Phillip Law was something like a polymath he did know Dr Phillip Law was something like a polymath he did know

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a great deal about everything scientific,  vitally interested and an  a great deal about everything scientific,  vitally interested and an 

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outstanding leader and he did outstanding leader and he did

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rely upon and and ah delegate enough authority for all of his supporters to do rely upon and and ah delegate enough authority for all of his supporters to do

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work. I was very fortunate in that respect for all of the years I was in  work. I was very fortunate in that respect for all of the years I was in 

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the Division. So essentially I was the Division. So essentially I was

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Phillip Law's right hand man and continued to be that through various Phillip Law's right hand man and continued to be that through various

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changes in the organisation over the eleven years I was there. changes in the organisation over the eleven years I was there.

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The resupply of the to the expeditions of Heard and Macquarie Island The resupply of the to the expeditions of Heard and Macquarie Island

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was carried out in those days by the Navy was carried out in those days by the Navy

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using a wartime vessel called a landing ship tank,  whose name was HMAS using a wartime vessel called a landing ship tank,  whose name was HMAS

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Labuan.  And it would go off to Heard Island, do the resupply Labuan.  And it would go off to Heard Island, do the resupply

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there come back and then do Macquarie Island and  that was it then it would go  back to normal Navy there come back and then do Macquarie Island and  that was it then it would go  back to normal Navy

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duties essentially as duties essentially as

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a store carrier for the rest of the time. The Navy did most of the work that a store carrier for the rest of the time. The Navy did most of the work that

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is to say, that the sailors would unload.  The ships were big enough to carry Army is to say, that the sailors would unload.  The ships were big enough to carry Army

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amphibious vehicles called ducks.  D..u.. amphibious vehicles called ducks.  D..u..

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k..w.  And the expeditioners their physical work was k..w.  And the expeditioners their physical work was

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unloading the ducks at the station. Essentially uh Naval unloading the ducks at the station. Essentially uh Naval

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ratings did all the heavy lifting and cargo work and the army ran the ducks. ratings did all the heavy lifting and cargo work and the army ran the ducks.

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So you mentioned that there were expeditions down at Macquarie Island and Heard. How did you know  So you mentioned that there were expeditions down at Macquarie Island and Heard. How did you know 

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what to purchase for the expeditions?  [Dick] There were...this was largely based upon what to purchase for the expeditions?  [Dick] There were...this was largely based upon

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signals from the station saying what they wanted and these would be the various signals from the station saying what they wanted and these would be the various

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replacement parts for the various equipments whether they be radio or replacement parts for the various equipments whether they be radio or

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engineering or any of the other equipments  or any replace,  worn out things and engineering or any of the other equipments  or any replace,  worn out things and

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brilliant ideas of their own as to what they would like. Then there would be any new programs that we brilliant ideas of their own as to what they would like. Then there would be any new programs that we

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would going to put in and the actual equipment necessary for that. The would going to put in and the actual equipment necessary for that. The

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food had been, was in that,  had been left in the hands of the Navy and the Navy food had been, was in that,  had been left in the hands of the Navy and the Navy

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ah the Navy victualling office would supply us with the food for a year based on their standards. ah the Navy victualling office would supply us with the food for a year based on their standards.

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After I had been there two years I After I had been there two years I

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devised after a  devised after a 

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a lot of research... a food standards scale so for many many years we used that. a lot of research... a food standards scale so for many many years we used that.

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So that with the amount of... the amount of foodstuffs So that with the amount of... the amount of foodstuffs

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based upon by calories and all that stuff,  multiplied out by the number of men, plus enough based upon by calories and all that stuff,  multiplied out by the number of men, plus enough

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for 12 months in case a ship didn't get through,  because we always had this amount in for 12 months in case a ship didn't get through,  because we always had this amount in

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reserve.   Now when the reserve.   Now when the

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I should go back to say,  when the Antarctic Division had commenced its I should go back to say,  when the Antarctic Division had commenced its

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operations the leader of it was an Air Force group captain and he used the operations the leader of it was an Air Force group captain and he used the

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facilities of the three armed services wherever he could and this is how we had air force uniforms facilities of the three armed services wherever he could and this is how we had air force uniforms

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and air force blankets and air force equipment and we used the navy for and air force blankets and air force equipment and we used the navy for

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victualling and was victualling and was

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a most convenient thing.  The Navy also supplied us with waterproof clothing what a most convenient thing.  The Navy also supplied us with waterproof clothing what

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we called submarine suits for use in unloading all the wet weather work we did. So we we called submarine suits for use in unloading all the wet weather work we did. So we

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got got

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a great deal of assistance from the armed services.  Now when they a great deal of assistance from the armed services.  Now when they

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in running down after the many years after World War 2 ceased in running down after the many years after World War 2 ceased

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they stopped supplying us with this ?amount? so we were  buying it ourselves on the open they stopped supplying us with this ?amount? so we were  buying it ourselves on the open

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market.  You used to have to, the regulations of those days that you had to,  I use the term market.  You used to have to, the regulations of those days that you had to,  I use the term

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dollars. You had to get three quotations for anything that was worth more than $10.00. dollars. You had to get three quotations for anything that was worth more than $10.00.

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And so the great amount of work was writing down what you wanted, posting it out to three And so the great amount of work was writing down what you wanted, posting it out to three

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suppliers, getting in that thing and then placing an order.  So you needed typists. suppliers, getting in that thing and then placing an order.  So you needed typists.

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You would go out to Tottenham stores and when the expeditioners would come on You would go out to Tottenham stores and when the expeditioners would come on

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strength late in each year, they under the supervision of  store man George Smith would strength late in each year, they under the supervision of  store man George Smith would

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pack all the gear into boxes that fill or devised. In pack all the gear into boxes that fill or devised. In

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modular sized packing cases. [Ingrid] So before when the navy  was modular sized packing cases. [Ingrid] So before when the navy  was

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supplying the food stuffs were they supplying the food stuffs were they

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responsible for doing all the packing and  getting them out to the store?  [ Dick] No they what  responsible for doing all the packing and  getting them out to the store?  [ Dick] No they what 

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they would supply us with was the cardboard or wooden cartons or it was more likely wooden cartons they would supply us with was the cardboard or wooden cartons or it was more likely wooden cartons

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that was  that was 

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supplied to their own stores, so they would supply stuff from their own holdings or supplied to their own stores, so they would supply stuff from their own holdings or

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buy in material for us.  I should mention this at this stage that  because there was no buy in material for us.  I should mention this at this stage that  because there was no

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refrigeration there we were not buying any fresh food whether it be refrigeration there we were not buying any fresh food whether it be

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meat or fish or vegetables or fruit. People think this is odd,  we were going to sub meat or fish or vegetables or fruit. People think this is odd,  we were going to sub

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Antarctic islands, one of which was permanently covered with ice and snow but the fact is Antarctic islands, one of which was permanently covered with ice and snow but the fact is

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it used to take sometimes two weeks to get to Heard Island and  there was no   it used to take sometimes two weeks to get to Heard Island and  there was no  

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refrigeration no refrigeration on the ship. And so all refrigeration no refrigeration on the ship. And so all

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the food stuffs were dried and canned. And so there was the food stuffs were dried and canned. And so there was

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And that's how we we supplied sheep to Heard and Macquarie Islands so they could kill the sheep.  They were  And that's how we we supplied sheep to Heard and Macquarie Islands so they could kill the sheep.  They were 

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Border Leicesters.  They were supposed to be good for wet  weather and they could kill sheep  and have that Border Leicesters.  They were supposed to be good for wet  weather and they could kill sheep  and have that

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fresh meat, but that was the only fresh food they would have had for 12 months. [Ingrid] So where fresh meat, but that was the only fresh food they would have had for 12 months. [Ingrid] So where

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you source the sheep from?  [Dick]  We'd say to the navy, "Where do you source the sheep from?  [Dick]  We'd say to the navy, "Where do

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get sheep?" The navy would say "Ring Dalgety's".  There were lots of firms in those days, get sheep?" The navy would say "Ring Dalgety's".  There were lots of firms in those days,

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stock and station agents Dalgety's, Goldsborough Mort,  Elder Smith, uh New Zealand Loan stock and station agents Dalgety's, Goldsborough Mort,  Elder Smith, uh New Zealand Loan

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all these people who spent their time financing and looking after the wants of all these people who spent their time financing and looking after the wants of

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farmers and graziers all over the country. And so we always got good advice and we farmers and graziers all over the country. And so we always got good advice and we

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were told the best kind of, of animal to have was a Border Leicester. [Ingrid]Did were told the best kind of, of animal to have was a Border Leicester. [Ingrid]Did

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you source any other type of livestock such as cows for milk or meat? [Dick] No you source any other type of livestock such as cows for milk or meat? [Dick] No

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No we didn't.  One chap who was going away as No we didn't.  One chap who was going away as

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a cook suggested that, that he prepared to milk it. But we couldn't work out a cook suggested that, that he prepared to milk it. But we couldn't work out

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the logistics of how we'd get the cow there in its crate and so on like that in the logistics of how we'd get the cow there in its crate and so on like that in

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a in a in

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a 541 ton ship.  [Ingrid]  So how did the finances of ordering goods a 541 ton ship.  [Ingrid]  So how did the finances of ordering goods

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such as food work in those days? You mentioned you got the stuff from the navy did you have such as food work in those days? You mentioned you got the stuff from the navy did you have

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to pay the navy or was it part of a?  [Dick] Yes we paid, we paid, we paid uh to pay the navy or was it part of a?  [Dick] Yes we paid, we paid, we paid uh

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everybody. We were part of the financial everybody. We were part of the financial

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system of the Commonwealth Government which was quite straightforward. The system of the Commonwealth Government which was quite straightforward. The

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government in those days worked on, what we call Gladstonian, after Prime Minister Gladstone, government in those days worked on, what we call Gladstonian, after Prime Minister Gladstone,

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Gladstonian economics and that is that all, all Gladstonian economics and that is that all, all

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expenditure had to be voted in by the parliament for the annual budget. expenditure had to be voted in by the parliament for the annual budget.

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And so we prepared each year annual estimates of expenditure and we'd go to And so we prepared each year annual estimates of expenditure and we'd go to

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Canberra and we'd argue that out, first of all with our own head office at external Canberra and we'd argue that out, first of all with our own head office at external

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affairs and having satisfied the senior officers there, we  would go across to Treasury affairs and having satisfied the senior officers there, we  would go across to Treasury

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ah and whose main aim in life,  as it was then, ah and whose main aim in life,  as it was then,

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to see that we got nothing and we wanted to see that we got nothing and we wanted

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a lot more than that and so we negotiated all of those things. Ah the other a lot more than that and so we negotiated all of those things. Ah the other

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part of Gladstonian economics is every bit of revenue that comes into the government part of Gladstonian economics is every bit of revenue that comes into the government

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goes into consolidated revenue not into goes into consolidated revenue not into

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a trust fund, not that we ever had any revenue of any kind, we were a spending a trust fund, not that we ever had any revenue of any kind, we were a spending

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organization and so after two years organization and so after two years

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that became my job,  is to go to Canberra to negotiate the annual estimates of that became my job,  is to go to Canberra to negotiate the annual estimates of

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expenditure and that came about  because I was the supply officer  and I knew what we expenditure and that came about  because I was the supply officer  and I knew what we

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needed and I'd fill pages and pages of writing of what this costs and what needed and I'd fill pages and pages of writing of what this costs and what

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I expected to spend and then break this down into the 12 different expenditure I expected to spend and then break this down into the 12 different expenditure

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items and argue that up with ah with our own department and with items and argue that up with ah with our own department and with

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with Treasury.  Our own department were not necessarily difficult they were there   with Treasury.  Our own department were not necessarily difficult they were there  

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to make sure that we were doing to make sure that we were doing

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a very honest job and not make fools of ourselves when we got in front of Treasury. [Ingrid] So a very honest job and not make fools of ourselves when we got in front of Treasury. [Ingrid] So

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what were the various categories of expenditure items?  [Dick]  Ah well there is what were the various categories of expenditure items?  [Dick]  Ah well there is

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salaries and payments in the nature of salaries;  that's the actual title, and then salaries and payments in the nature of salaries;  that's the actual title, and then

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there's travel and then you get to equipment and the equipment covers every single there's travel and then you get to equipment and the equipment covers every single

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thing and I used to break it down into these groups of food and sustenance, thing and I used to break it down into these groups of food and sustenance,

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clothing, bedding, mess traps which is another word for clothing, bedding, mess traps which is another word for

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plates and saucers and pots and pans and food stuffs, radio equipment plates and saucers and pots and pans and food stuffs, radio equipment

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mechanical equipment, field and snow equipment. mechanical equipment, field and snow equipment.

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[Ingrid[ And can you ...[Dick] building [Ingrid[ And can you ...[Dick] building

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equipment.  [Ingrid]  Can you remember at all roughly what your budget was in those days?  [Dick] No I can't equipment.  [Ingrid]  Can you remember at all roughly what your budget was in those days?  [Dick] No I can't

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but I do know, I do know that I do know that in 1950, at the end of but I do know, I do know that I do know that in 1950, at the end of

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1953 when we had the charter for the motor ship Kista Dan 1953 when we had the charter for the motor ship Kista Dan

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from Denmark from the J. Lauritzen company that we our, our charted from Denmark from the J. Lauritzen company that we our, our charted

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fee was 500 pounds sterling a day fee was 500 pounds sterling a day

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for four months, ah, for five years we had, we had for four months, ah, for five years we had, we had

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a charter for five years. Ah and that was considered to be, we thought that a charter for five years. Ah and that was considered to be, we thought that

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was good value in the company obviously thought that was good too because they had was good value in the company obviously thought that was good too because they had

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it for five years. So, um, so there's it for five years. So, um, so there's

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a measure of those, but, no I can't, but I, I,  a measure of those, but, no I can't, but I, I, 

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I for example was, at that stage, was I for example was, at that stage, was

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earning eight pounds a week, that's $16.00 earning eight pounds a week, that's $16.00

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a week, as the supply officer, the third ranking person in the a week, as the supply officer, the third ranking person in the

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organization.  [ Ingrid]  Dick were you involved in any of the negotiations for  organization.  [ Ingrid]  Dick were you involved in any of the negotiations for 

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chartering the ships?  [Dick] No. We we, the Commonwealth Government  used the chartering the ships?  [Dick] No. We we, the Commonwealth Government  used the

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services of services of

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a chartering organisation in London and it was called, um, um. The a chartering organisation in London and it was called, um, um. The

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organisation is now a public company known as Wesfarmers, organisation is now a public company known as Wesfarmers,

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a huge company, um, and in those days it was a huge company, um, and in those days it was

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Western Australian Farmers Co operative and they, because they charted  vessels to send the Western Australian Farmers Co operative and they, because they charted  vessels to send the

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wheat crop from Western Australia  overseas they had wheat crop from Western Australia  overseas they had

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a chartering organisation in London called Westralian Farmers Transport Limited a chartering organisation in London called Westralian Farmers Transport Limited

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and the Commonwealth Government used that organisation to do and the Commonwealth Government used that organisation to do

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any chartering it required, and it, of course, in those days, it...outside the Antarctic any chartering it required, and it, of course, in those days, it...outside the Antarctic

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Division it wouldn't have done much charting of Division it wouldn't have done much charting of

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any vessels at all, it had no requirement.  And in these days we were talking about   any vessels at all, it had no requirement.  And in these days we were talking about  

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the fact that Australia had about eight or nine million people. That's 1950.  They had seven million people at  the fact that Australia had about eight or nine million people. That's 1950.  They had seven million people at 

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the end of the war ah and so it might have had about nine million people.  A very small modest country the end of the war ah and so it might have had about nine million people.  A very small modest country

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now so, Westralian Farmers Transport did the negotiations, they were pretty skillful now so, Westralian Farmers Transport did the negotiations, they were pretty skillful

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The chap, chap who ran things was a fellow called Neville Salversen, S..A..L..V..E..R.. The chap, chap who ran things was a fellow called Neville Salversen, S..A..L..V..E..R..

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S..E..N  a Norwegian name.  And indeed the Salversen family ran the factory the whaling S..E..N  a Norwegian name.  And indeed the Salversen family ran the factory the whaling

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fleets out of Tunsberg and the Sandefjord fleets out of Tunsberg and the Sandefjord

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in Norway, but he was English born and so he was in Norway, but he was English born and so he was

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the he was, he was the chartering person. [Ingrid]So your work was was obviously fairly diverse.  Were you  the he was, he was the chartering person. [Ingrid]So your work was was obviously fairly diverse.  Were you 

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also involved in the selection of expeditioners to go down south? [Dick] Yes I used to sit on also involved in the selection of expeditioners to go down south? [Dick] Yes I used to sit on

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The interviewing committee, it used to be. Phil Law and  myself The interviewing committee, it used to be. Phil Law and  myself

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and when there was a scientific ???? Fred and when there was a scientific ???? Fred

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?Jacob?, who was the scientific officer, that was his title, the scientific officer ?Jacob?, who was the scientific officer, that was his title, the scientific officer

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of the Division, I was the supply officer and then the admin officer he was of the Division, I was the supply officer and then the admin officer he was

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the scientific officer, they were the terms.  So Fred would sit on any interview for science. the scientific officer, they were the terms.  So Fred would sit on any interview for science.

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We'd read the man's application and we'd talk about his background and his suitability We'd read the man's application and we'd talk about his background and his suitability

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like this and then we make uh, make a  like this and then we make uh, make a 

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decision as to whether that person was suitable.   Phil would say "What you think of him?" decision as to whether that person was suitable.   Phil would say "What you think of him?"

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"I wouldn't go south with him"  I'd say.   Pretty scientific. "I wouldn't go south with him"  I'd say.   Pretty scientific.

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[Ingrid] And ones that you felt you would go south with...[Dick] that that is [Ingrid] And ones that you felt you would go south with...[Dick] that that is

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a light hearted way of saying it, it happened infrequently.  But largely we would then a light hearted way of saying it, it happened infrequently.  But largely we would then

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it was before the days of any psychological testing, we started to do that later it was before the days of any psychological testing, we started to do that later

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on at the suggestion of the army. Because they wanted some work to do really. And that was on at the suggestion of the army. Because they wanted some work to do really. And that was

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in the in the late fifties. We were largely wanted to make sure that we had in the in the late fifties. We were largely wanted to make sure that we had

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a person who was a good technician,  everybody there,  was of largely of a person who was a good technician,  everybody there,  was of largely of

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a technical nature.  You had the rad.. the, the we were a technical nature.  You had the rad.. the, the we were

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some of the people came from other Commonwealth  government organisations. The Bureau of some of the people came from other Commonwealth  government organisations. The Bureau of

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Meteorology supplied the weather officers and the, and the,  and in those days they used Meteorology supplied the weather officers and the, and the,  and in those days they used

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to have a meteorologist was a graduate type person, and the subordinate to have a meteorologist was a graduate type person, and the subordinate

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persons  were weather observers so the Met Bureau supplied those.  The Bureau of Mineral persons  were weather observers so the Met Bureau supplied those.  The Bureau of Mineral

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Resources supplied the geologists and the geophysicists.  The Division of National Resources supplied the geologists and the geophysicists.  The Division of National

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Mapping supplied to surveyor.  [Ingrid] So you mentioned that there would be Mapping supplied to surveyor.  [Ingrid] So you mentioned that there would be

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an external organization who would supply an external organization who would supply

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a particular job, such as the Met observers.  Did  you have a particular job, such as the Met observers.  Did  you have

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a say in selecting the Met observers or were they selected by a say in selecting the Met observers or were they selected by

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the Met Bureau?  [Dick]  They were selected by the Met Bureau, we had not say in any of those the Met Bureau?  [Dick]  They were selected by the Met Bureau, we had not say in any of those

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people. They were, they were totally unknown to us when they turned up.  people. They were, they were totally unknown to us when they turned up. 

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So other than the doctor and the OIC, officer in charge, and the radio operators So other than the doctor and the OIC, officer in charge, and the radio operators

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what other people did you select for?  [Dick]Ah, the person who was called what other people did you select for?  [Dick]Ah, the person who was called

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the diesel mechanic.  It was called that because the equipment was largely diesel and he had the diesel mechanic.  It was called that because the equipment was largely diesel and he had

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had to run that, but he also had to do, do the electrical work and the plumbing had to run that, but he also had to do, do the electrical work and the plumbing

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work and work and

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anything else that was going. The  and then we had the cook.  Ah anything else that was going. The  and then we had the cook.  Ah

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then we had another person who had no technical qualifications, was then we had another person who had no technical qualifications, was

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a person called the assistant cook/ store man who, one day in the week would take  a person called the assistant cook/ store man who, one day in the week would take 

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over from the cook and otherwise be the store man and general handyman around the place. over from the cook and otherwise be the store man and general handyman around the place.

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And I mention on the radio side we had a radio supervisor who had to be And I mention on the radio side we had a radio supervisor who had to be

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a technician plus three radio operators.  The radio supervisor had to be  an a technician plus three radio operators.  The radio supervisor had to be  an

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operator himself too, but in many cases, he was that this was not the same standard operator himself too, but in many cases, he was that this was not the same standard

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as the operators. [Ingrid]Were there  any other qualities or abilities that you would look for in as the operators. [Ingrid]Were there  any other qualities or abilities that you would look for in

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the man's application?  [Dick]  Well we were interested in what ah, of the kind of things the man's application?  [Dick]  Well we were interested in what ah, of the kind of things

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that we did.   Did was did he have any background in bush that we did.   Did was did he have any background in bush

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walking,  in skiing,  in field and snow activities, walking,  in skiing,  in field and snow activities,

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was he an outdoor type person that very much so that. was he an outdoor type person that very much so that.

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We, we looked for,  they all had to have We, we looked for,  they all had to have

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a medical examination which was was performed by the Commonwealth medical officer a medical examination which was was performed by the Commonwealth medical officer

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now there's now there's

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a great big Department of Health. But in, in those days the Commonwealth a great big Department of Health. But in, in those days the Commonwealth

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Government ran no medical things at all except quarantine and the Commonwealth Government ran no medical things at all except quarantine and the Commonwealth

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medical, the Commonwealth medical officer was located in the Spencer Street Post Office and medical, the Commonwealth medical officer was located in the Spencer Street Post Office and

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he was the same person who'd examined me for a telegraph messenger's appointment as he was the same person who'd examined me for a telegraph messenger's appointment as

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a permanent office the call of public service in 1939 .   He was a permanent office the call of public service in 1939 .   He was

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a Rhodes Scholar from the first war.  [Ingrid]  So what were the most popular jobs a Rhodes Scholar from the first war.  [Ingrid]  So what were the most popular jobs

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that people would apply for?  What sorts of numbers were you receiving in terms of application? that people would apply for?  What sorts of numbers were you receiving in terms of application?

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Probably probably the most common one were the radio person and the Probably probably the most common one were the radio person and the

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radio persons and then the the ah... I'll have to get that radio persons and then the the ah... I'll have to get that

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 We will just have a brief break.    We will just have a brief break.