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[IM] So did you have any regrets at all? [KK] I only had one regret later on. [IM] So did you have any regrets at all? [KK] I only had one regret later on.

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I didn't know at the time and I didn't know till about 5 years ago, 6 years I didn't know at the time and I didn't know till about 5 years ago, 6 years

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ago. Ah, I was at work at the time and a-, it was ago. Ah, I was at work at the time and a-, it was

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a deputy director of the Antarctic Division, Don Styles, he a- a deputy director of the Antarctic Division, Don Styles, he a-

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phoned me up from Melbourne and a- invited me out phoned me up from Melbourne and a- invited me out

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meet 'im for lunch in a- Canberra on a- meet 'im for lunch in a- Canberra on a-

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Friday he was coming up here. Oh yeah, I'll go anyway for free meal. Friday he was coming up here. Oh yeah, I'll go anyway for free meal.

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I met up with him and we had a- had a I met up with him and we had a- had a

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very nice meal and we talked and then he said well he had to get back to very nice meal and we talked and then he said well he had to get back to

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Melbourne and a- could I take him out to the a- out to the aerodrome. Melbourne and a- could I take him out to the a- out to the aerodrome.

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And no trouble, took him And no trouble, took him

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out put 'im on his plane and got back to my car and thought 'Well what was all that about?' out put 'im on his plane and got back to my car and thought 'Well what was all that about?'

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you-know, he flies up, has you-know, he flies up, has

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a lunch and goes back? Well you-know for the next week I was thinking a lunch and goes back? Well you-know for the next week I was thinking

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'well, what was all that about?' But ?inaudible? forgot about it then and it was only 'well, what was all that about?' But ?inaudible? forgot about it then and it was only

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a- a- 4 or 5 years ago we were down in Melbourne for a- a- a- 4 or 5 years ago we were down in Melbourne for a-

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a reunion for our 50th a- reunion and a- Ian Adams a reunion for our 50th a- reunion and a- Ian Adams

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OIC at the time, my OIC then, he a- he said they were very disappointed I OIC at the time, my OIC then, he a- he said they were very disappointed I

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that I didn't accept the job. And a- I just looked at 'im, I said 'What job?' that I didn't accept the job. And a- I just looked at 'im, I said 'What job?'

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'Oh when a- Don Styles went up to see you in Canberra.' 'Oh when a- Don Styles went up to see you in Canberra.'

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An' I just looked at 'im all blank. I said 'What's all that about?' An' I just looked at 'im all blank. I said 'What's all that about?'

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Oh, he says a- 'I put your name forward to a- lead a sledging Oh, he says a- 'I put your name forward to a- lead a sledging

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party and I thought and a- Don went up to interview you to offer you the party and I thought and a- Don went up to interview you to offer you the

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job'. Oh, I said 'Well what's the 1st or heard of it.' job'. Oh, I said 'Well what's the 1st or heard of it.'

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Oh yes, yes Oh yes, yes

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I remember just before we went down in that, in that hectic week I was actually with a- I remember just before we went down in that, in that hectic week I was actually with a-

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um, my boss from Canberra was in um, my boss from Canberra was in

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Melbourne and a- I was, Phil invited us out to dinner 1 night with a- Melbourne and a- I was, Phil invited us out to dinner 1 night with a-

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I was invi- included in it so a-, I always remember, I've heard about people doing it but I was invi- included in it so a-, I always remember, I've heard about people doing it but

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I've never seen 'em where he sent back I've never seen 'em where he sent back

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a bottle of wine and wasn't up to standard. [laughs] I'd heard a bottle of wine and wasn't up to standard. [laughs] I'd heard

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about it but never seen it done. [IM] You saw it that night. [KK] I saw it that night. But a- about it but never seen it done. [IM] You saw it that night. [KK] I saw it that night. But a-

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a great person and a great leader, I think one of the outstanding a great person and a great leader, I think one of the outstanding

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things I remember just before we left, Phil was giving us all one of things I remember just before we left, Phil was giving us all one of

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Phil's pep talks and a- I had to admire 'im for it. He said 'Now things are Phil's pep talks and a- I had to admire 'im for it. He said 'Now things are

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gunna go wrong 'n' gunna go wrong 'n'

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not gunna be smooth for the whole year' and he says 'but remember one thing, don't not gunna be smooth for the whole year' and he says 'but remember one thing, don't

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take it out on the OIC, if anyone gets to blame, you blame me, you don't take it out on the OIC, if anyone gets to blame, you blame me, you don't

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blame the OIC.' And I thought that was a, a great statement to make to blame the OIC.' And I thought that was a, a great statement to make to

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a bunch of fellers heading south. But a- yes, he had a bunch of fellers heading south. But a- yes, he had

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a great life and a- oh, I saw him many times before he retired. a great life and a- oh, I saw him many times before he retired.

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When you came back to Australia, did you have a period where you had When you came back to Australia, did you have a period where you had

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a de-briefing, you know where you needed to s- um talk to you either work colleagues back a de-briefing, you know where you needed to s- um talk to you either work colleagues back

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at the division or.. [KK] No, no, we ah came back, had at the division or.. [KK] No, no, we ah came back, had

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a couple weeks off, ah, went back to, went back to Brisbane and a- then a- then a couple weeks off, ah, went back to, went back to Brisbane and a- then a- then

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back to work. Ah, hardly ever had anything a- to say to back to work. Ah, hardly ever had anything a- to say to

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anyone. Kept in touch with Mike Hines when he was down there for the year and then a- anyone. Kept in touch with Mike Hines when he was down there for the year and then a-

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It was only in the last ah, oh 5 or 6 years since we've been over here that It was only in the last ah, oh 5 or 6 years since we've been over here that

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sometimes the schools ask me to go and talk to a mob of kids or something. sometimes the schools ask me to go and talk to a mob of kids or something.

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Oh, couple of years ago I was at Oh, couple of years ago I was at

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a little school called Reid's Flat. An' of course technology has gone ahead since my day a little school called Reid's Flat. An' of course technology has gone ahead since my day

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and I took along the slide project and some of the slides. But of course and I took along the slide project and some of the slides. But of course

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these kids had never seen slides, and here I was hanging pictures on the wall by magic, these kids had never seen slides, and here I was hanging pictures on the wall by magic,

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was the way they termed it, they'd never s- never seen anything like it. was the way they termed it, they'd never s- never seen anything like it.

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Makes you think doesn't it, yeah. Makes you think doesn't it, yeah.

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But you-know I talk to the local Probus club and the a- Laurel club, people But you-know I talk to the local Probus club and the a- Laurel club, people

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like that and if they get onto me in a good mood I'll go and talk to 'em. like that and if they get onto me in a good mood I'll go and talk to 'em.