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This is Ingrid McGaughey, It's the 5th of July 2011 and I'm interviewing Neville This is Ingrid McGaughey, It's the 5th of July 2011 and I'm interviewing Neville

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Parsons who is commonly known as Nod Parsons. Nod was Parsons who is commonly known as Nod Parsons. Nod was

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a cosmic ray physicist down at Macquarie Island in 1950 and Mawson in 1955. He then returned a cosmic ray physicist down at Macquarie Island in 1950 and Mawson in 1955. He then returned

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to Macqaurie Island for the summers of 1962-63 and 63-64 where he was involved to Macqaurie Island for the summers of 1962-63 and 63-64 where he was involved

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in balloon flights for the University of California, good morning Nod. [Neville] Good morning in balloon flights for the University of California, good morning Nod. [Neville] Good morning

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Nod can you tell me what made you think of going to the Antarctic?  [Neville] Well I was one of uh Nod can you tell me what made you think of going to the Antarctic?  [Neville] Well I was one of uh

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very few people uh in universities in Australia involved in cosmic ray work. very few people uh in universities in Australia involved in cosmic ray work.

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I was I was

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a graduate student at the University of Tasmania at the time, and the uh University of Tasmania  a graduate student at the University of Tasmania at the time, and the uh University of Tasmania 

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physics department and the University of Melbourne physics department were the only physics department and the University of Melbourne physics department were the only

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two really involved in cosmic ray work and uh the University of Melbourne initiated two really involved in cosmic ray work and uh the University of Melbourne initiated

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cosmic ray work down cosmic ray work down

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south and I went over in 1949 and uh at the University of Melbourne south and I went over in 1949 and uh at the University of Melbourne

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constructed equipment which I later took down to Macquarie Island, and uh a year or two later constructed equipment which I later took down to Macquarie Island, and uh a year or two later

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most of the cosmic ray work, or the focus of the work shifted to the University of Tasmania most of the cosmic ray work, or the focus of the work shifted to the University of Tasmania

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physics department and thereafter it was uh based here in Tasmania. physics department and thereafter it was uh based here in Tasmania.

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I worked mostly uh at the university of Tasmania in the years between my trips south. I worked mostly uh at the university of Tasmania in the years between my trips south.

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I was with the Antarctic Division for a total of some 14 years I think uh, actually on the I was with the Antarctic Division for a total of some 14 years I think uh, actually on the

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staff as staff as

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a physicist, and uh in between trips down south I was responsible for a physicist, and uh in between trips down south I was responsible for

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training up the people who would go down and look after the equipment and so on for training up the people who would go down and look after the equipment and so on for

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the next year and uh, at the same time I was writing up theses and things. the next year and uh, at the same time I was writing up theses and things.

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Eventually um it seemed that  Eventually um it seemed that 

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if I wanted to uh progress in my profession I might have to move away from here and across to if I wanted to uh progress in my profession I might have to move away from here and across to

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headquarters in Melbourne at that stage, and at that time uh I received an offer to headquarters in Melbourne at that stage, and at that time uh I received an offer to

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go to the University of Calgary in Canada,  which I accepted and so uh my time with the  go to the University of Calgary in Canada,  which I accepted and so uh my time with the 

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Antarctic Division ended when I moved to Canada. [Ingrid] So how did you actually Antarctic Division ended when I moved to Canada. [Ingrid] So how did you actually

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get involved with the Antarctic Division in the 1st place? Did you approach them or did get involved with the Antarctic Division in the 1st place? Did you approach them or did

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they advertise? [Neville] No, at that early stage there was uh no they advertise? [Neville] No, at that early stage there was uh no

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real selection process [laughs] the uh they were looking for someone I think to uh to go down real selection process [laughs] the uh they were looking for someone I think to uh to go down

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 and do the work and I volunteered and that was that. I didn't have to go  and do the work and I volunteered and that was that. I didn't have to go

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through any, any great screening process or anything. [Ingrid] Did you have to have an through any, any great screening process or anything. [Ingrid] Did you have to have an

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interview with Phil Law or any selection fundamentals? [Neville] Not really uh, Phil Law interview with Phil Law or any selection fundamentals? [Neville] Not really uh, Phil Law

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wasn't in fact, um, in charge of it when I first joined. wasn't in fact, um, in charge of it when I first joined.

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The Group Captain Campbell was I think in charge until Phil Law took over in The Group Captain Campbell was I think in charge until Phil Law took over in

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thereabouts yeah. But Phil Law was um Director of the Division uh for all thereabouts yeah. But Phil Law was um Director of the Division uh for all

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the years that I was with it and I knew Phil, you know really quite well, and he started off the years that I was with it and I knew Phil, you know really quite well, and he started off

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as a cosmic ray physicist himself so we had as a cosmic ray physicist himself so we had

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a mutual interest. And um he'd taken some cosmic ray equipment from the University a mutual interest. And um he'd taken some cosmic ray equipment from the University

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of Melbourne. On the Wyatt Earp down to uh, I think of Melbourne. On the Wyatt Earp down to uh, I think

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they got down to the Balleny Islands and back, um, and that was the initial they got down to the Balleny Islands and back, um, and that was the initial

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involvement of the University of Melbourne in um in cosmic ray work down South. [Ingrid] What  involvement of the University of Melbourne in um in cosmic ray work down South. [Ingrid] What 

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was Phil Law like? [Neville] I admired Phil's tenacity was Phil Law like? [Neville] I admired Phil's tenacity

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and uh I thought he was and uh I thought he was

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a great bloke. Um he was determined,  he- he suffered enormously a great bloke. Um he was determined,  he- he suffered enormously

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I think in his [laughs] relationships with the government trying to persuade them uh that I think in his [laughs] relationships with the government trying to persuade them uh that

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there was some point in doing science down south and he was continually there was some point in doing science down south and he was continually

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frustrated in that regard I think in the early years, I think the uh main interest of the frustrated in that regard I think in the early years, I think the uh main interest of the

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government was in just flying the flag in uh Antarctica, but eventually government was in just flying the flag in uh Antarctica, but eventually

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Phil's determination gradually uh saw the build up of all kinds of scientific work  Phil's determination gradually uh saw the build up of all kinds of scientific work 

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down south, and uh it's never looked back. But um, oh he was a  down south, and uh it's never looked back. But um, oh he was a 

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a nice guy uh, unfortunately he was not a nice guy uh, unfortunately he was not

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a good sailor. Uh [laughs] he could- he was usually seasick on the way down and so on,  but um a good sailor. Uh [laughs] he could- he was usually seasick on the way down and so on,  but um

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you know he bore- he went down I forget how many times, 20 or more maybe you know he bore- he went down I forget how many times, 20 or more maybe

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30 times, 30 trips down south. And um he was an adventurous sort of character 30 times, 30 trips down south. And um he was an adventurous sort of character

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and um, he had all sorts of  and um, he had all sorts of 

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interests himself in uh, in development of the scientific work down south interests himself in uh, in development of the scientific work down south

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but um, he was not a- he was not a nautical man by any means. I remember but um, he was not a- he was not a nautical man by any means. I remember

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before we went down to before we went down to

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Mawson we'd -I was in Melbourne- we'd just taken delivery I think of uh a new launch Mawson we'd -I was in Melbourne- we'd just taken delivery I think of uh a new launch

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with Macpherson Robertson, which was to go down south uh, quite frequently and in with Macpherson Robertson, which was to go down south uh, quite frequently and in

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subsequent years [throat clear] anyway with this um new launch Phil took a subsequent years [throat clear] anyway with this um new launch Phil took a

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group of us out from Williamstown uh, to practice handling this launch. group of us out from Williamstown uh, to practice handling this launch.

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And uh he stood up in the bough pretending that we were trying to navigate through And uh he stood up in the bough pretending that we were trying to navigate through

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birdie bits and ice flows and things, there were several of us on board running the birdie bits and ice flows and things, there were several of us on board running the

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engines and Phil suddenly called out engines and Phil suddenly called out

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"Go aft!" and uh some of us uh thought he meant "Go aft!" and uh some of us uh thought he meant

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go go

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astern, and others rushed to [laughs] the rear of the boat so he wasn't uh, uh you know astern, and others rushed to [laughs] the rear of the boat so he wasn't uh, uh you know

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what you'd call nautical. [laughs] Anyway um, uh I had a what you'd call nautical. [laughs] Anyway um, uh I had a

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quite a, a good relationship with Phil and ah partly because he was interested in the quite a, a good relationship with Phil and ah partly because he was interested in the

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cosmic ray work himself. [pause] But [Ingrid] Did you- [Neville] So- [Ingrid] Sorry. cosmic ray work himself. [pause] But [Ingrid] Did you- [Neville] So- [Ingrid] Sorry.

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But um the reason for the cosmic ray work down south But um the reason for the cosmic ray work down south

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was basically that um cosmic rays bombard the earth from all was basically that um cosmic rays bombard the earth from all

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directions and their intensity varies directions and their intensity varies

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a little bit from time to time, and in order to um, come to grips with a little bit from time to time, and in order to um, come to grips with

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the reasons for some of these variations and so on, it's necessary to have the reasons for some of these variations and so on, it's necessary to have

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observatories located at different points all around the earth. And uh the fact that observatories located at different points all around the earth. And uh the fact that

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there were very few observing stations in the southern hemisphere gave us there were very few observing stations in the southern hemisphere gave us

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a good opening to establish cosmic ray observatories at both Macquarie Island and at a good opening to establish cosmic ray observatories at both Macquarie Island and at

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Mawson and in all the years that they were operating they contributed Mawson and in all the years that they were operating they contributed

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very much to the worldwide pattern of uh observations that enabled very much to the worldwide pattern of uh observations that enabled

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a lot of uh- uh better understanding of the reasons for a lot of uh- uh better understanding of the reasons for

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cosmic ray variations and so on, particularly in relation to um, uh some cosmic ray variations and so on, particularly in relation to um, uh some

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solar effects. Most of the variations in cosmic ray intensity are in fact solar effects. Most of the variations in cosmic ray intensity are in fact

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ultimately of solar origin because um, the Sun ejects a ultimately of solar origin because um, the Sun ejects a

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very strong solar wind all the time, which is very variable, and the interplanetary very strong solar wind all the time, which is very variable, and the interplanetary

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space between the Earth and the Sun is all a lot of mixed up magnetic space between the Earth and the Sun is all a lot of mixed up magnetic

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fields and cosmic ray particles, being charged particles, are deflected when fields and cosmic ray particles, being charged particles, are deflected when

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they pass through magnetic fields and uh this is part of the reason why they pass through magnetic fields and uh this is part of the reason why

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cosmic ray intensities vary occasionally because of events on the Sun disturbing cosmic ray intensities vary occasionally because of events on the Sun disturbing

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the interplanetary space and so on but um, in later years the the interplanetary space and so on but um, in later years the

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observatory observatory

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at Mawson has gone underground. And the reason for that is that at Mawson has gone underground. And the reason for that is that

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if you just look at the lower energy particles, they tend to come if you just look at the lower energy particles, they tend to come

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pretty uniformly from all directions and you can't work out where they've come from pretty uniformly from all directions and you can't work out where they've come from

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originally because their paths have been deflected so much in the magnetic field originally because their paths have been deflected so much in the magnetic field

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region around the earth, but the higher energy particles which can penetrate the deep region around the earth, but the higher energy particles which can penetrate the deep

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levels underground have been unaffected by the magnetic fields, so traveling levels underground have been unaffected by the magnetic fields, so traveling

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at the speed of light and uh the reason for looking at those is to see whether at the speed of light and uh the reason for looking at those is to see whether

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there are any particular directions in space from which they come. there are any particular directions in space from which they come.

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And it still remains And it still remains

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a bit of a mystery as to where the higher energy particles come from, but that was basically the a bit of a mystery as to where the higher energy particles come from, but that was basically the

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reason for establishing observatories down south. [Ingrid] So when you went down to reason for establishing observatories down south. [Ingrid] So when you went down to

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Macquarie Island was there already equipment there or did you need to take it down? [Neville] No, no Macquarie Island was there already equipment there or did you need to take it down? [Neville] No, no

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we uh, I built we uh, I built

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a set of equipment uh at the university of Melbourne to take down and the same a set of equipment uh at the university of Melbourne to take down and the same

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thing happened at Mawson we- we built it here in Hobart and I uh took it down to Mawson. In thing happened at Mawson we- we built it here in Hobart and I uh took it down to Mawson. In

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each case uh, had to build the hut to put it in to start with, and uh that was each case uh, had to build the hut to put it in to start with, and uh that was

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quite a trying exercise. Was interesting the on- the uh prefabricated hut quite a trying exercise. Was interesting the on- the uh prefabricated hut

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that we had to erect at Macquarie Island was quite- quite that we had to erect at Macquarie Island was quite- quite

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a long one, and uh it was one of these prefabricated huts with a long one, and uh it was one of these prefabricated huts with

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sections. Wall, floor, roof sections and so on. And uh we went sections. Wall, floor, roof sections and so on. And uh we went

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down in the Labuan, the HMAS Labuan. And uh the down in the Labuan, the HMAS Labuan. And uh the

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captain of the ship uh thought it'd be captain of the ship uh thought it'd be

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a good idea I think to uh send a lot of his vital crew people ashore to help with a good idea I think to uh send a lot of his vital crew people ashore to help with

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the works, so uh the whole lot of these people directed over to help construct the the works, so uh the whole lot of these people directed over to help construct the

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cosmic ray hut and someone, I don't know quite who, decided that if we measured things cosmic ray hut and someone, I don't know quite who, decided that if we measured things

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up correctly, we could start from both ends and uh, anyway this up correctly, we could start from both ends and uh, anyway this

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worked, uh up to worked, uh up to

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a point, and we- we got to the middle and discovered that uh we had to saw an inch off a point, and we- we got to the middle and discovered that uh we had to saw an inch off

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all the floor, wall and ceiling panels to get the thing to fit. [laughter]. Anyway all the floor, wall and ceiling panels to get the thing to fit. [laughter]. Anyway

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that was quite an exercise. [Ingrid] What was the hut made out of? [Neville] Well it was um I that was quite an exercise. [Ingrid] What was the hut made out of? [Neville] Well it was um I

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think the inner and outer surfaces were think the inner and outer surfaces were

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a marine ply, but they were separated by quite a marine ply, but they were separated by quite

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a thickness of um Onazote, some- some kind of foamed a thickness of um Onazote, some- some kind of foamed

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insulation material, um, and the uh, the roof insulation material, um, and the uh, the roof

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braces and the- the main beams and so on all come together and they had pre-drilled braces and the- the main beams and so on all come together and they had pre-drilled

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holes you know tha- that the bolt would fit through, and that was all very well in practice. holes you know tha- that the bolt would fit through, and that was all very well in practice.

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The builders thought all you needed was The builders thought all you needed was

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a spanner to tighten them up you see. But uh, in reality you needed a sledgehammer as a spanner to tighten them up you see. But uh, in reality you needed a sledgehammer as

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well to help get the bolts through [laugh]. [Ingrid] So how long did it take you to build your hut? [Neville] Oh at well to help get the bolts through [laugh]. [Ingrid] So how long did it take you to build your hut? [Neville] Oh at

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Macquarie it uh, it didn't take very long at all. [Ingrid] So was it like Macquarie it uh, it didn't take very long at all. [Ingrid] So was it like

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a couple of hours or a couple of days? [Neville]Well, no, several days yeah, and um we were plagued by  a couple of hours or a couple of days? [Neville]Well, no, several days yeah, and um we were plagued by 

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pretty bad weather too, it made it a bit difficult. And uh at pretty bad weather too, it made it a bit difficult. And uh at

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a- at Mawson it took um- mm, 2 months really a- at Mawson it took um- mm, 2 months really

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to get it fully built and uh I had the uh pour to get it fully built and uh I had the uh pour

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big concrete piers to stand the equipment on and so on all that- [Ingrid] So you did all that? [Neville] All of that took a bit of time, big concrete piers to stand the equipment on and so on all that- [Ingrid] So you did all that? [Neville] All of that took a bit of time,

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yeah um, the cosmic ray equipment that I had at yeah um, the cosmic ray equipment that I had at

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Mawson contained a couple of tons of lead Mawson contained a couple of tons of lead

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because um we were measuring the cosmic rays that could penetrate quite because um we were measuring the cosmic rays that could penetrate quite

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a thickness of material and we got this lead and so we needed a  a thickness of material and we got this lead and so we needed a 

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very substantial concrete pier to stand the equipment on, but uh we used the very substantial concrete pier to stand the equipment on, but uh we used the

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high aluminous cement which um, sets very rapidly, high aluminous cement which um, sets very rapidly,

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and what's more, it generates its own heat it uh becomes quite warm. And so we and what's more, it generates its own heat it uh becomes quite warm. And so we

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weren't plagued by freezing temperatures uh pouring concrete. weren't plagued by freezing temperatures uh pouring concrete.

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And I believe that ah, John Bechervaise insisted that we put a, a copy of the er And I believe that ah, John Bechervaise insisted that we put a, a copy of the er

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[Ingrid]Walkabout?  [Neville] No the, er the station operations' manual. Ah it's imbedded [Ingrid]Walkabout?  [Neville] No the, er the station operations' manual. Ah it's imbedded

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in that concrete pillar that we built. Ah and I'm not sure whether they ever knocked  in that concrete pillar that we built. Ah and I'm not sure whether they ever knocked 

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it, knocked it down to recover what [Ingrid] So was it in it, knocked it down to recover what [Ingrid] So was it in

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a container within that concrete pier?  [Neville] Yes I think not sure just what sort of a container within that concrete pier?  [Neville] Yes I think not sure just what sort of

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container it was in, but anyway, ah it was in the concrete pier somewhere, and they container it was in, but anyway, ah it was in the concrete pier somewhere, and they

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may well have ah knocked it down by now, I don't know. [Ingrid]How big was the concrete pier? may well have ah knocked it down by now, I don't know. [Ingrid]How big was the concrete pier?

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It was about er... 3 feet square and ah It was about er... 3 feet square and ah

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3 feet high.  [Ingrid] It was quite sizeable really.[Neville] Yeah.  [Ingrid] And what about putting all the equipment  3 feet high.  [Ingrid] It was quite sizeable really.[Neville] Yeah.  [Ingrid] And what about putting all the equipment 

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into Macquarie Island.  What sort equipment did you have or had you built? [Neville] Well into Macquarie Island.  What sort equipment did you have or had you built? [Neville] Well

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a lot of er, what  are called trays of Geiger counters. a lot of er, what  are called trays of Geiger counters.

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When a cosmic ray particle goes through, through  a Geiger counter you get When a cosmic ray particle goes through, through  a Geiger counter you get

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a little electrical pulse and you count these pulses, and that's essentially it. a little electrical pulse and you count these pulses, and that's essentially it.

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Did you have any other monitoring equipment? Did you have any other monitoring equipment?

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But uh, I was only one of 2 cosmic ray physicists at er Macquarie Island.  Peter But uh, I was only one of 2 cosmic ray physicists at er Macquarie Island.  Peter

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Fenton, from the University of Tasmania,  came down as well and he had his own Fenton, from the University of Tasmania,  came down as well and he had his own

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separate piece of equipment and we both operated in the same hut. Ah, he was separate piece of equipment and we both operated in the same hut. Ah, he was

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making different kinds of measurements, he was primarily interested in the  making different kinds of measurements, he was primarily interested in the 

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what's called the East West what's called the East West

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Asymmetry, um of cosmic ray intensity, there's rather more particles arrive  Asymmetry, um of cosmic ray intensity, there's rather more particles arrive 

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from the east than from the west, and er he was studying this er difference. from the east than from the west, and er he was studying this er difference.

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So your working day, was it something that you needed to be in the hut, every So your working day, was it something that you needed to be in the hut, every

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day or? [Neville] Yes in the sense that er the, um,   day or? [Neville] Yes in the sense that er the, um,  

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the registers that um accumulated the counts of cosmic the registers that um accumulated the counts of cosmic

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ray particles had to be read each day. We had  ray particles had to be read each day. We had 

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a sort of 24 hour cycle in which er, um they all started  a sort of 24 hour cycle in which er, um they all started 

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up again, so you had to read it once up again, so you had to read it once

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a day. Um, and ah these days, of course,  you'd have automatic equipment a day. Um, and ah these days, of course,  you'd have automatic equipment

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then. We had a lot more manual effort in those days.  [Ingrid] So how do you read then. We had a lot more manual effort in those days.  [Ingrid] So how do you read

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that sort of information?  [Neville]  Oh well, it's simply, well we had that sort of information?  [Neville]  Oh well, it's simply, well we had

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a whole bank of um, message counters um, from the PMG, a whole bank of um, message counters um, from the PMG,

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er, little relay counters that er,  er, little relay counters that er, 

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?typed? up 4 digit display and ?typed? up 4 digit display and

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that's the way the er intensities,  once per hour were totalled that's the way the er intensities,  once per hour were totalled

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read on those. [Ingrid]Were you involved in any of the other physics, or in any of the other science read on those. [Ingrid]Were you involved in any of the other physics, or in any of the other science

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projects while you're on station, at Macquarie?  [Neville] Yes, particularly at er projects while you're on station, at Macquarie?  [Neville] Yes, particularly at er

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Macquarie.  Peter Fenton and I er undertook Macquarie.  Peter Fenton and I er undertook

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a fairly rigorous ah, series of observations of the Aurora, a fairly rigorous ah, series of observations of the Aurora,

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which of course requires you to, to look at night [laughter] and so we, we ended up er, doing which of course requires you to, to look at night [laughter] and so we, we ended up er, doing

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a lot of our work at night.  He'd take a shift and I'd take  a lot of our work at night.  He'd take a shift and I'd take 

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a shift.  And the surprising um, you think of Macquarie Island as  a shift.  And the surprising um, you think of Macquarie Island as 

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very cloudy and  er not much opportunity to watch Auroras, but it's surprising through very cloudy and  er not much opportunity to watch Auroras, but it's surprising through

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most nights, at least there's some period during which er you catch a glimpse of  Auroras most nights, at least there's some period during which er you catch a glimpse of  Auroras

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through the clouds and so on. Um and we maintained the full visual record through the clouds and so on. Um and we maintained the full visual record

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of the Auroras and that's been published in ANARE reports. Um, down at Mawson of the Auroras and that's been published in ANARE reports. Um, down at Mawson

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it was more it was more

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a matter of um, simply noting the occurrence, there wasn't much time to organise a matter of um, simply noting the occurrence, there wasn't much time to organise

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a full blown Auroral project down there, but both stations were a full blown Auroral project down there, but both stations were

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very good from the  point of view of, um location for studies of the Aurora very good from the  point of view of, um location for studies of the Aurora

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and Macquarie Island particularly, um is of interest.  It's one of the furthest north and Macquarie Island particularly, um is of interest.  It's one of the furthest north

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where the Auroral zone reaches and that's one of the reasons why where the Auroral zone reaches and that's one of the reasons why

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in 1960, 61. No in '61, '62 and in 1960, 61. No in '61, '62 and

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again in the summers of '63, '64, um we joined with again in the summers of '63, '64, um we joined with

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a team from the University of er, California, Berkeley,  in a series of a team from the University of er, California, Berkeley,  in a series of

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balloon flights underneath Auroras.  They flew similar equipment in Alaska balloon flights underneath Auroras.  They flew similar equipment in Alaska

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at the other end of the magnetic field line that passes through Macquarie Island, so  at the other end of the magnetic field line that passes through Macquarie Island, so 

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the interest was in comparing the record simultaneously taken by er pairs the interest was in comparing the record simultaneously taken by er pairs

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of balloon flights, at the northern and southern end of the magnetic field line, of balloon flights, at the northern and southern end of the magnetic field line,

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and ah,  we flew um x- and ah,  we flew um x-

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ray detectors because the electrons that cause the Aurora also produce ray detectors because the electrons that cause the Aurora also produce

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x-rays and the x- x-rays and the x-

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rays can penetrate rays can penetrate

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a little bit deeper into the atmosphere than the, er, ah the electrons that a little bit deeper into the atmosphere than the, er, ah the electrons that

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produce the light, and ah, all the produce the light, and ah, all the

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counting of x- counting of x-

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rays in the equipment, that was carried up by high altitude balloons is radioed  rays in the equipment, that was carried up by high altitude balloons is radioed 

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back to the surface and we had, er, recorders at the surface that recorded  back to the surface and we had, er, recorders at the surface that recorded 

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the x- the x-

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ray intensity up, at about 100 000 feet level, very high, only about one percent of the ray intensity up, at about 100 000 feet level, very high, only about one percent of the

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atmosphere is above that and, um, there was atmosphere is above that and, um, there was

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lots of very interesting er pulsations, and huge increases and decreases and lots of very interesting er pulsations, and huge increases and decreases and

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x- x-

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ray intensity and, er much of the interest in these, centred  ray intensity and, er much of the interest in these, centred 

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around the degree to which, there were similar events happening at the other end of around the degree to which, there were similar events happening at the other end of

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the magnetic field line, because the magnetic field line, because

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a lot of the electrons that um cause the Aurora, actually spiral a lot of the electrons that um cause the Aurora, actually spiral

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around magnetic field lines and can bounce from north to south along the same around magnetic field lines and can bounce from north to south along the same

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magnetic field line, and so you can get simultaneous events at both ends  magnetic field line, and so you can get simultaneous events at both ends 

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of the magnetic field line.  Anyway, er, we did that ah work of the magnetic field line.  Anyway, er, we did that ah work

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and published a few papers er out of that. And it was partly as and published a few papers er out of that. And it was partly as

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a result of um, of that, that er I was ultimately offered a result of um, of that, that er I was ultimately offered

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a job in er Canada doing similar sorts of work, and that's when I left the a job in er Canada doing similar sorts of work, and that's when I left the

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Antarctic Division and went to the University of Calgary.  [Ingrid]  How did you coordinate the  Antarctic Division and went to the University of Calgary.  [Ingrid]  How did you coordinate the 

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simultaneous balloon release?  [Neville] Well it was er quite often simultaneous balloon release?  [Neville] Well it was er quite often

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a bit of hit and miss, but um, there are indications a bit of hit and miss, but um, there are indications

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of possible magnetic disturbances of possible magnetic disturbances

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ahead of time and it's usually associated with these that the Aurora occurs ahead of time and it's usually associated with these that the Aurora occurs

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so you know, ahead of time, you could  be fairly certain that there'd be some sort of so you know, ahead of time, you could  be fairly certain that there'd be some sort of

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disturbance on  particular night and er arrange to fly disturbance on  particular night and er arrange to fly

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a balloon. Now ah we also tried radio contact, but it wasn't very satisfactory a balloon. Now ah we also tried radio contact, but it wasn't very satisfactory

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so, although we, we managed occasionally to synchronise the balloons by radio so, although we, we managed occasionally to synchronise the balloons by radio

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communication, it was often a question of er, well we'll fly because there's communication, it was often a question of er, well we'll fly because there's

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going to be a disturbance and um they did the same of the other end.  [Ingrid]  At  going to be a disturbance and um they did the same of the other end.  [Ingrid]  At 

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a particular time?  [Neville] Yes, ah, well starting in the evening when the a particular time?  [Neville] Yes, ah, well starting in the evening when the

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Aurora usually starts.  [Ingrid]  Can you describe to me the process of actually  Aurora usually starts.  [Ingrid]  Can you describe to me the process of actually 

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getting balloons ready and releasing them? [Neville] Well it was getting balloons ready and releasing them? [Neville] Well it was

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a pretty er exciting business at Macquarie,  because as you know,  the er, the winds at a pretty er exciting business at Macquarie,  because as you know,  the er, the winds at

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Macquarie are mo- more or less ah, permanent and strong, and it's necessary to Macquarie are mo- more or less ah, permanent and strong, and it's necessary to

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get as much shelter as you can to inflate these huge balloons. They're about 100 000 get as much shelter as you can to inflate these huge balloons. They're about 100 000

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cubic foot balloons and we took um, ah, the first year cubic foot balloons and we took um, ah, the first year

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we took down lots and we took down lots and

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lots of cylinders of helium, and the second year we took down 2 or 300 cylinders, big lots of cylinders of helium, and the second year we took down 2 or 300 cylinders, big

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cylinders of hydrogen to fill these balloons and, ah the only place cylinders of hydrogen to fill these balloons and, ah the only place

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that you could reasonably attempt to do it at Macquarie, down on the beach in that you could reasonably attempt to do it at Macquarie, down on the beach in

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the shelter of er the plateau near Gadget Gully, and um  the shelter of er the plateau near Gadget Gully, and um 

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we had to lay out this huge balloon er on  we had to lay out this huge balloon er on 

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the big plastic sheet on the ground to keep above all the grit and rubbish, with the the big plastic sheet on the ground to keep above all the grit and rubbish, with the

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payload, er at one end, and the filling part at the other end of the balloon payload, er at one end, and the filling part at the other end of the balloon

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and, as you know, when you fill these high altitude balloons, it looks very  and, as you know, when you fill these high altitude balloons, it looks very 

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relatively small at ground level, but as it goes up to high altitude ah it relatively small at ground level, but as it goes up to high altitude ah it

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expands and fills the entire balloon, and um, ah we expands and fills the entire balloon, and um, ah we

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had lots of exciting times launching these balloons because of the wind, um had lots of exciting times launching these balloons because of the wind, um

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not surprisingly, you might feel it relatively sheltered where you'll actually not surprisingly, you might feel it relatively sheltered where you'll actually

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launch the balloon, but when it rose above the level of launch the balloon, but when it rose above the level of

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the plateau, the wind screaming across the plateau, would frequently take the balloon the plateau, the wind screaming across the plateau, would frequently take the balloon

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out more or less horizontally, until it started to er ah really climb out more or less horizontally, until it started to er ah really climb

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seriously, but ma-, mostly they would stay up for the best part of a day seriously, but ma-, mostly they would stay up for the best part of a day

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and ah, we'd track them, with the radio antenna, and record the intensities through x-rays and ah, we'd track them, with the radio antenna, and record the intensities through x-rays

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So you mentioned  the first year you used helium in the balloons and the second year hydrogen? So you mentioned  the first year you used helium in the balloons and the second year hydrogen?

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Yes um, hydrogen is a  Yes um, hydrogen is a 

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a little  little more er effective, I mean it's it's a little  little more er effective, I mean it's it's

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a light gas than helium so you need a light gas than helium so you need

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a little less er hydrogen to fill a balloon than  er helium, but the American a little less er hydrogen to fill a balloon than  er helium, but the American

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party that er er shared the work on the first party that er er shared the work on the first

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trip down brought the helium. Ah and then for the second trip down brought the helium. Ah and then for the second

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lot we got the hydrogen in Australia.[Ingrid] So you bought it down pre-made did you? You weren't  lot we got the hydrogen in Australia.[Ingrid] So you bought it down pre-made did you? You weren't 

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making it on the station? [Neville]  All in er hundreds of these big cylinders and it took about 6 making it on the station? [Neville]  All in er hundreds of these big cylinders and it took about 6

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cylinders of hydrogen to fill the balloon.  [Ingrid]  How big were the  cylinders of hydrogen to fill the balloon.  [Ingrid]  How big were the 

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cylinders?  [Neville] A very dangerous business because of the slightest electrical spark and so on cylinders?  [Neville] A very dangerous business because of the slightest electrical spark and so on

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hydrogen's explosive. [Ingrid]Did you wear protective clothing? hydrogen's explosive. [Ingrid]Did you wear protective clothing?

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Well. Not really except that we tried to make sure that there were no likelihood of Well. Not really except that we tried to make sure that there were no likelihood of

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generating any spark anywhere by  metal on metal or anything like that and generating any spark anywhere by  metal on metal or anything like that and

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We had to fill the balloons very rapidly because of one of the climate and the wind We had to fill the balloons very rapidly because of one of the climate and the wind

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[Ingrid] How many cylinders would you use for one balloon?  [Neville] Oh about 6 or 7   [Ingrid] How many cylinders would you use for one balloon?  [Neville] Oh about 6 or 7  

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[Ingrid] cylinders.  [Neville] Sorry? [Ingrid] Have big were the cylinders?  [Neville] Oh the usual ah [Ingrid] cylinders.  [Neville] Sorry? [Ingrid] Have big were the cylinders?  [Neville] Oh the usual ah

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5 foot long are they, say, sort of, yeah normal gas cylinders. 5 foot long are they, say, sort of, yeah normal gas cylinders.

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What about other science projects, we were involved with working with any of the What about other science projects, we were involved with working with any of the

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other scientists or the tradespeople on station?  [Neville] Yes, ah other scientists or the tradespeople on station?  [Neville] Yes, ah

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both in my year at Macquarie and again at Mawson both in my year at Macquarie and again at Mawson

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some of the scientific work was  er put in place for the first part.  For instance some of the scientific work was  er put in place for the first part.  For instance

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at Macquarie um the magnetic observatories were established when we went down and at Macquarie um the magnetic observatories were established when we went down and

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a seismic observatory was established on the side of Wireless Hill um and ah a seismic observatory was established on the side of Wireless Hill um and ah

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 at Mawson, magnetic observatories are also established and  at Mawson, magnetic observatories are also established and

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there was, um, ah, preparation made for a seismic observatory there was, um, ah, preparation made for a seismic observatory

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at Mawson and so on, and the meteorological work was extended and the whole thing at Mawson and so on, and the meteorological work was extended and the whole thing

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developed quite rapidly as scientific establishment. Um but ah developed quite rapidly as scientific establishment. Um but ah

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I found it very very interesting to be able to learn I found it very very interesting to be able to learn

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some of the routine work with the other people would do, so that, um, it was possible some of the routine work with the other people would do, so that, um, it was possible

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to allow them to get away from the station for to allow them to get away from the station for

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a day or 2, I could go and take their records daily and so on and they could do the a day or 2, I could go and take their records daily and so on and they could do the

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same for me and that'd mean they would need to get away from the station a few days at a  same for me and that'd mean they would need to get away from the station a few days at a 

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time um. But in that regard it's really time um. But in that regard it's really

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a very interesting experience because you learn a lot about other a very interesting experience because you learn a lot about other

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peoples' jobs. And what's more, you become a bit of peoples' jobs. And what's more, you become a bit of

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a jack of all trades, which is very useful when they come back. a jack of all trades, which is very useful when they come back.

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[Ingrid]So what sort of skills did you learn down there outside your own area? [Neville]  Well a [Ingrid]So what sort of skills did you learn down there outside your own area? [Neville]  Well a

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bit of everything really, ah, um. We all took bit of everything really, ah, um. We all took

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a hand, of course, in the in the general station routines and chores that had a hand, of course, in the in the general station routines and chores that had

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to be looked after. We to be looked after. We

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had to learn how to run the diesel generators.  We started off with had to learn how to run the diesel generators.  We started off with

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no 24 hour power at Mawson because none of the scientific no 24 hour power at Mawson because none of the scientific

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work was up and running and requiring 24 hours service so the night watchman work was up and running and requiring 24 hours service so the night watchman

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had to be able to restart the generator first thing in the morning and that sort of had to be able to restart the generator first thing in the morning and that sort of

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thing and, um, so that was one.  Had to look after, help look after the dogs and saw up seals thing and, um, so that was one.  Had to look after, help look after the dogs and saw up seals

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and so on, for the dog food, but um. Oh you learn to drive a  and so on, for the dog food, but um. Oh you learn to drive a 

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weasel and various things like this. And you will have cook weasel and various things like this. And you will have cook

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Tell me Tell me

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a little bit about that. [Neville] Well at Macquarie um we a little bit about that. [Neville] Well at Macquarie um we

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all took a turn, of course, to give the cook a day off all took a turn, of course, to give the cook a day off

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but we didn't have very much in the way of fresh meat at Macquarie, whereas at  but we didn't have very much in the way of fresh meat at Macquarie, whereas at 

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Mawson we had Mawson we had

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a lot of fresh meat stored in a ice cave for most of the year but at  a lot of fresh meat stored in a ice cave for most of the year but at 

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Macquarie we augmented the  Macquarie we augmented the 

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the food supply,  fresh meat supply with the old seal occasionally. the food supply,  fresh meat supply with the old seal occasionally.

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Seal meat's very good. Particularly leopard seal. But Seal meat's very good. Particularly leopard seal. But

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we had we had

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a biologist, Eric Shipp, who frequently went down the island,  and he was a biologist, Eric Shipp, who frequently went down the island,  and he was

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under strict instructions each time to bring back under strict instructions each time to bring back

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a bag full of rabbit legs, which made a welcome change to the diet, a bag full of rabbit legs, which made a welcome change to the diet,

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and there were lots of rabbits even in those days.  I er and there were lots of rabbits even in those days.  I er

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I had an interesting experience, I wasn't much of I had an interesting experience, I wasn't much of

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a cook in those days, at Mawson I found, I found a recipe  a cook in those days, at Mawson I found, I found a recipe 

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that sounded good, but um it was meat and vegetables and it was to be accompanied by  that sounded good, but um it was meat and vegetables and it was to be accompanied by 

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things called puff de lunes. They're sort of soft spongy dumplings things called puff de lunes. They're sort of soft spongy dumplings

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like things, anyway these puff de lunes, I was determined I was going to make those  so like things, anyway these puff de lunes, I was determined I was going to make those  so

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I read the recipe and it said 2 tbs, 2 tsps  I read the recipe and it said 2 tbs, 2 tsps 

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of baking powder. And my culinary  of baking powder. And my culinary 

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vocabulary wasn't quite up to scratch there and I, I read this as 2 vocabulary wasn't quite up to scratch there and I, I read this as 2

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tablespoons full, you see, so I, and I had to multiply it by 4 because of tablespoons full, you see, so I, and I had to multiply it by 4 because of

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16 of us.  So I put all this baking powder in and this stuff started to froth up 16 of us.  So I put all this baking powder in and this stuff started to froth up

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and grew like crazy, like the Day of the Triffids,  over onto the bench onto  the and grew like crazy, like the Day of the Triffids,  over onto the bench onto  the

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floor and I eventually got the cook, he came to my rescue and floor and I eventually got the cook, he came to my rescue and

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we wrestled this thing outside and um at minus 20 degree that killed it. we wrestled this thing outside and um at minus 20 degree that killed it.

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And then he put right on this tsp business, it was teaspoons not tablespoons And then he put right on this tsp business, it was teaspoons not tablespoons

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and the puff de lunes were actually very very enjoyable after that. But er I done  and the puff de lunes were actually very very enjoyable after that. But er I done 

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a lot of cooking since then and my skills have a lot of cooking since then and my skills have

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increased enormously.[laughing] [Ingrid]What equipment did you have to cook on?  [Neville] Oh there was a  increased enormously.[laughing] [Ingrid]What equipment did you have to cook on?  [Neville] Oh there was a 

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big um, a-agar stove, briquettes I think they big um, a-agar stove, briquettes I think they

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all kept ... you know.  [Ingrid]  And that was the  all kept ... you know.  [Ingrid]  And that was the 

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same on Macquarie Island and Mawson? [Neville] Yeah, yeah. [Ingrid]  What about your other cooking same on Macquarie Island and Mawson? [Neville] Yeah, yeah. [Ingrid]  What about your other cooking

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experiences how did they go?  [Neville] My own? [Ingrid] Your other experiences experiences how did they go?  [Neville] My own? [Ingrid] Your other experiences

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down south?  [Neville] Oh. I don't remember down south?  [Neville] Oh. I don't remember

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very much about the other experiences.[laughing] We're er, on field trips and very much about the other experiences.[laughing] We're er, on field trips and

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so on, we had er, um took some iron rations and so on so on, we had er, um took some iron rations and so on

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with us and ah, I don't like pemmican,  not much good at pemmican, and we had with us and ah, I don't like pemmican,  not much good at pemmican, and we had

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things that were christened Masonite biscuits.  I don't know whether you've ever tried a  things that were christened Masonite biscuits.  I don't know whether you've ever tried a 

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Masonite biscuit, but that was about the texture of them. I didn't Masonite biscuit, but that was about the texture of them. I didn't

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like those much, um and I remember I went like those much, um and I remember I went

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down the island at Macquarie with Jack Ward and I can remember we  down the island at Macquarie with Jack Ward and I can remember we 

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opened up one of the ration packs and Jack had opened up one of the ration packs and Jack had

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a thing called a fruit block and it was rock hard. Anyway, Jack got a rock to try and a thing called a fruit block and it was rock hard. Anyway, Jack got a rock to try and

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break it and succeeded in breaking the rock.  That  was the, [laughing] that was the fruit block. break it and succeeded in breaking the rock.  That  was the, [laughing] that was the fruit block.

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So these are Russian packs that had So these are Russian packs that had

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been made up back in Melbourne to go down with you?  [Neville] Yes, I think we, in those days been made up back in Melbourne to go down with you?  [Neville] Yes, I think we, in those days

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I think we er used I think we er used

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a lot of things already prepared for army or navy or what have you. In the early a lot of things already prepared for army or navy or what have you. In the early

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days, Macquarie Island days,  I think days, Macquarie Island days,  I think

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a lot of the equipment, even clothing, came out of,um Air Force stores. a lot of the equipment, even clothing, came out of,um Air Force stores.

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So when you were down the Island and did um you supplement your ration packs with So when you were down the Island and did um you supplement your ration packs with

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penguin eggs or other sort of local produce?  [Neville] Not, not when I travelling down the  penguin eggs or other sort of local produce?  [Neville] Not, not when I travelling down the 

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Island, no, no.  I was only down there a few days at a time. But Island, no, no.  I was only down there a few days at a time. But

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no we only ate the wild life and penguin  no we only ate the wild life and penguin 

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 eggs and things back at the station.  I didn't  eggs and things back at the station.  I didn't

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like penguin eggs, they didn't quite taste like eggs to  like penguin eggs, they didn't quite taste like eggs to 

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me and. [Ingrid]Can you remember, um, what the field huts at Heard Point me and. [Ingrid]Can you remember, um, what the field huts at Heard Point

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at Lusitania Bay were like?  [Neville]  Well ah, there, there wasn't at Lusitania Bay were like?  [Neville]  Well ah, there, there wasn't

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a field hut at Heard Point and we in fact,  the year we went down to Macquarie a field hut at Heard Point and we in fact,  the year we went down to Macquarie

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we in fact, installed um little huts at er Sandy Bay and we in fact, installed um little huts at er Sandy Bay and

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Lusitania Bay, um and at that stage they were just Lusitania Bay, um and at that stage they were just

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aircraft engine crates, very primitive,  but nevertheless they were shelters aircraft engine crates, very primitive,  but nevertheless they were shelters

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and ah, I didn't go ashore at Lusitania Bay  and ah, I didn't go ashore at Lusitania Bay 

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when put the hut up there, but, that's when one of the ducks was wrecked when put the hut up there, but, that's when one of the ducks was wrecked

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on the rocks at Lusitania Bay and had to be on the rocks at Lusitania Bay and had to be

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abandoned.  Ah, and that was done  as the last thing abandoned.  Ah, and that was done  as the last thing

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before the ship left the Island and 2 or 3 of the new party were already ashore before the ship left the Island and 2 or 3 of the new party were already ashore

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and so they got, they got abandoned at, there and had to walk back to full length of and so they got, they got abandoned at, there and had to walk back to full length of

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the Island up to the station after the ship had left. the Island up to the station after the ship had left.

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So you were there in the very early years of Macquarie Island.  Was there  So you were there in the very early years of Macquarie Island.  Was there 

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big rebuilding or a big building program for the camp? big rebuilding or a big building program for the camp?

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Not anything very elaborate, ah , 'cause we, we put up the magnetic huts and the cosmic Not anything very elaborate, ah , 'cause we, we put up the magnetic huts and the cosmic

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ray hut and there was another store hut went up I think, ray hut and there was another store hut went up I think,

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the weather hut, a meteorology hut went up I think but the weather hut, a meteorology hut went up I think but

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it wasn't until subsequent years that there were any really significant extra building it wasn't until subsequent years that there were any really significant extra building

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projects there but, at Mawson projects there but, at Mawson

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ah, very major building when on when we arrived.  Sleeping ah, very major building when on when we arrived.  Sleeping

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huts, the doctor's surgery and all sorts of things cos- huts, the doctor's surgery and all sorts of things cos-

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a big cosmic ray hut.   We took down a couple of prefabricated a big cosmic ray hut.   We took down a couple of prefabricated

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huts from Heard Island, ah, the Met hut being one huts from Heard Island, ah, the Met hut being one

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because the Heard Island Station was being closed and we collected these prefabricated because the Heard Island Station was being closed and we collected these prefabricated

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huts from Heard Island and took them down, as well as taking down huts from Heard Island and took them down, as well as taking down

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a lot of dogs as well, from Heard Island. a lot of dogs as well, from Heard Island.

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[Ingrid]And what ship did you use to, um, go down to Mawson in?  [Neville] Kista Dan. [Ingrid]And what ship did you use to, um, go down to Mawson in?  [Neville] Kista Dan.

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I'd been on most of the ships. The the, the first trip down to Macquarie Island was on the Labuan I'd been on most of the ships. The the, the first trip down to Macquarie Island was on the Labuan

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LST350 LST350

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1. And we were supposed to be returned to Australia on the Labuan 1. And we were supposed to be returned to Australia on the Labuan

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but er, prior to its scheduled run down to Macquarie, it had struggled back but er, prior to its scheduled run down to Macquarie, it had struggled back

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from Heard Island, and more or less founded it on the way.  It had to be towed into Perth. from Heard Island, and more or less founded it on the way.  It had to be towed into Perth.

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And er so a relief ship had to be found to bring us back from And er so a relief ship had to be found to bring us back from

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Macquarie and Phil Law moved heaven and earth, heaven and Macquarie and Phil Law moved heaven and earth, heaven and

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earth to try and locate some appropriate ship that could come down to effect the earth to try and locate some appropriate ship that could come down to effect the

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changeover at Macquarie, and changeover at Macquarie, and

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a couple of months late.  We were there for about 15 months in total. He managed to a couple of months late.  We were there for about 15 months in total. He managed to

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charter the er, ah ore carrier, the River Fitzroy from Port charter the er, ah ore carrier, the River Fitzroy from Port

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Kembla and that came down.  That was quite  Kembla and that came down.  That was quite 

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a big ship. And we were returned to Port Kembla, on that ship, but then the a big ship. And we were returned to Port Kembla, on that ship, but then the

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subsequent years I went down subsequent years I went down

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to Mawson on the Kista Dan. And I travelled on to Mawson on the Kista Dan. And I travelled on

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the Magga Dan, the Thala Dan and the Nella Dan the Magga Dan, the Thala Dan and the Nella Dan

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and the Kista Dan was the smallest of them, only about 1200 tons and that bobbed and the Kista Dan was the smallest of them, only about 1200 tons and that bobbed

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around like around like

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a cork in the Southern Ocean. And I can remember ah my a cork in the Southern Ocean. And I can remember ah my

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bunk on the Kista Dan, was up in the focsle, right next to the chain bunk on the Kista Dan, was up in the focsle, right next to the chain

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locker, the anchor chain locker.  And you can imagine what trying to sleep up there was like locker, the anchor chain locker.  And you can imagine what trying to sleep up there was like

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with the chains bashing around in the chain locker while the ship did all with the chains bashing around in the chain locker while the ship did all

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manner of gyrations and so on, so, but subsequent manner of gyrations and so on, so, but subsequent

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trips I'd been more or less, amidships, so.  [Ingrid] So which was trips I'd been more or less, amidships, so.  [Ingrid] So which was

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your favorite ship?  [Neville] Oh your favorite ship?  [Neville] Oh

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probably I'd got probably I'd got

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a soft spot for the Kista Dan, 'cause it was 1st one. Yeah. [Ingrid] Hmm. So a soft spot for the Kista Dan, 'cause it was 1st one. Yeah. [Ingrid] Hmm. So

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Nod, how old were you when you were at Macquarie Island?  [Neville]  23 -4 Nod, how old were you when you were at Macquarie Island?  [Neville]  23 -4

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[Ingrid] And the other members of the group were they around your age or? [Neville]  Yes there was a bit of [Ingrid] And the other members of the group were they around your age or? [Neville]  Yes there was a bit of

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a scattering of ages I think, er, um we might have had 1 or  a scattering of ages I think, er, um we might have had 1 or 

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2 late thirties. Others quite young, early twenties. 2 late thirties. Others quite young, early twenties.

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And as And as

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a group how did you sort of bond or manage through the year? [Neville] Very well a group how did you sort of bond or manage through the year? [Neville] Very well

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we, we seem to get on pretty well with one another at both stations and we had we, we seem to get on pretty well with one another at both stations and we had

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no major personnel problems of any sort. I think most of the people no major personnel problems of any sort. I think most of the people

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adjusted very well, in fact quite adjusted very well, in fact quite

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a few of the people particularly at Mawson, had been before and they knew a few of the people particularly at Mawson, had been before and they knew

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what station life was what station life was

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like and had adapted to it very well. But the there was an interesting characters and like and had adapted to it very well. But the there was an interesting characters and

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never the less and so on, but. I can remember all sorts of never the less and so on, but. I can remember all sorts of

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you know different er,  different people's characteristics. you know different er,  different people's characteristics.

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We had one fellow at Macquarie who vowed  that he was going to read the entire 12  We had one fellow at Macquarie who vowed  that he was going to read the entire 12 

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volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica while he was there. And he started off volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica while he was there. And he started off

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on this and he had on this and he had

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a good little sense of humour, and uh, he'd work into casual conversations a good little sense of humour, and uh, he'd work into casual conversations

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sometimes, some his new found  knowledge.[laughing] I can remember, at the sometimes, some his new found  knowledge.[laughing] I can remember, at the

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dinner table once he was quietly talking about dinner table once he was quietly talking about

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a friend of his who was, who was making an ?ablicat?. And anyway a friend of his who was, who was making an ?ablicat?. And anyway

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sooner or later, someone took sooner or later, someone took

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the bait and asked what an ?ablicat? was. He would be severely castigated the bait and asked what an ?ablicat? was. He would be severely castigated

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for his ignorance of what an ?ablicat? was not knowing that it was some for his ignorance of what an ?ablicat? was not knowing that it was some

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medieval instrument played by Laplanders and strung with reindeer gut, you medieval instrument played by Laplanders and strung with reindeer gut, you

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know that and he'd, he'd work these little things into the conversation, but um.  [Ingrid] How far down the know that and he'd, he'd work these little things into the conversation, but um.  [Ingrid] How far down the

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alphabet did he get?  [Neville] I think he got into the 'b's.  I'm not sure after alphabet did he get?  [Neville] I think he got into the 'b's.  I'm not sure after

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[Ingrid] not much further. [laughter]  [Neville] how far he got, but he, he came back from [Ingrid] not much further. [laughter]  [Neville] how far he got, but he, he came back from

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a trip down the Island with um, um  Eric Shipp, our biologist a trip down the Island with um, um  Eric Shipp, our biologist

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zoologist, and I think he ah, he strained his zoologist, and I think he ah, he strained his

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ankle or something on the way back and he was limping slowly and ankle or something on the way back and he was limping slowly and

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he told Eric to go ahead and he'd follow slowly.  Anyway he told Eric to go ahead and he'd follow slowly.  Anyway

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Eric told the doctor that Bill was limping along so the doctor got  Eric told the doctor that Bill was limping along so the doctor got 

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a bottle of brandy and took it down thinking that, you know, a sip or two of brandy might a bottle of brandy and took it down thinking that, you know, a sip or two of brandy might

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lift Bill's spirits and help him get home. Anyway some little time lift Bill's spirits and help him get home. Anyway some little time

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later they both rolled into camp having consumed the entire bottle of brandy! later they both rolled into camp having consumed the entire bottle of brandy!

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These little snippets you remember. At Mawson These little snippets you remember. At Mawson

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um, oh what can I remember there?  Alan Gowlett um, oh what can I remember there?  Alan Gowlett

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was was

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a member of the Salvation Army.  He was our engineer.  I can  a member of the Salvation Army.  He was our engineer.  I can 

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remember waking up on Christmas morning.  It was remember waking up on Christmas morning.  It was

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a pretty cool, fairly calm Christmas morning, and there was Alan a pretty cool, fairly calm Christmas morning, and there was Alan

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all by himself down by the tide crack belting out 'Hark the Herald Angels  all by himself down by the tide crack belting out 'Hark the Herald Angels 

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Sing' on his trombone.  And I reckon that was the first to the Antarctic Sing' on his trombone.  And I reckon that was the first to the Antarctic

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?conferment?. This echoing along the ice cliff. ?conferment?. This echoing along the ice cliff.

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What else can I remember?  [Ingrid] Did you have What else can I remember?  [Ingrid] Did you have

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a band at any of the stations or many musical instruments? [Neville] No, not really the a band at any of the stations or many musical instruments? [Neville] No, not really the

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we had, er, I think um, Peter Shaw had a  we had, er, I think um, Peter Shaw had a 

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clarinet I think and  er Fred Elliott had  clarinet I think and  er Fred Elliott had 

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a recorder at least, and I think, along with Alan Gowlett  they'd occasionally  a recorder at least, and I think, along with Alan Gowlett  they'd occasionally 

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tried a little bit of musical work but nothing very spectacular.  The tried a little bit of musical work but nothing very spectacular.  The

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year, the musical item that  I remember most clearly was  year, the musical item that  I remember most clearly was 

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every Saturday night was  every Saturday night was 

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a little party night, and usually er, as the evening wore on we  a little party night, and usually er, as the evening wore on we 

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managed to persuade Leon Fox, who was dog man to sing the Wild Colonial managed to persuade Leon Fox, who was dog man to sing the Wild Colonial

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Boy and Leon, I was always impressed, he had Boy and Leon, I was always impressed, he had

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a beautiful voice surprisingly and I liked  to listen to Leon.  I can still hear him a beautiful voice surprisingly and I liked  to listen to Leon.  I can still hear him

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singing the Wild Colonial Boy. Um, yeah these little things I can singing the Wild Colonial Boy. Um, yeah these little things I can

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remember.  [Ingrid] Well, alright, we might have remember.  [Ingrid] Well, alright, we might have

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a brake just there, and then we'll come back in a few moments. a brake just there, and then we'll come back in a few moments.