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Ingrid McGaughey talking with Mike Sherwood. Mike was the electrician Ingrid McGaughey talking with Mike Sherwood. Mike was the electrician

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at Davis in 86. We've already had at Davis in 86. We've already had

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a discussion about the social recreational aspects of that year, but I was interested Mike a discussion about the social recreational aspects of that year, but I was interested Mike

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if you could give me if you could give me

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a bit of an outline about your work program. [Mike] Right. Well, my work program a bit of an outline about your work program. [Mike] Right. Well, my work program

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was fairly varied, through the year, being the was fairly varied, through the year, being the

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maintenance electrician for a start I had all the usual stuff like looking after the maintenance electrician for a start I had all the usual stuff like looking after the

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fire equipment, looking after the fire extinguishers, the Drager breathing apparatus, fire equipment, looking after the fire extinguishers, the Drager breathing apparatus,

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the, both the electric and petrol driven fire pumps as well as the basic the, both the electric and petrol driven fire pumps as well as the basic

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upkeep of the, of the electrics on site and the, and the what was then called the upkeep of the, of the electrics on site and the, and the what was then called the

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emergency powerhouse as  emergency powerhouse as 

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the new powerhouse and just been commissioned and put on line. Ah, I had to the new powerhouse and just been commissioned and put on line. Ah, I had to

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help with additions to the radio, radio  help with additions to the radio, radio 

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there was section put on the radio room for the radio maintenance tech, a new workshop   there was section put on the radio room for the radio maintenance tech, a new workshop  

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area so I had to rewire that and also there were several area so I had to rewire that and also there were several

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experiments being conducted by the upper atmosphere physicists experiments being conducted by the upper atmosphere physicists

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and that needed to have and that needed to have

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power put on to them which meant running cables out across the rocks etc. to the power put on to them which meant running cables out across the rocks etc. to the

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next nearest building to supply power to them and to, and to set the experiments up next nearest building to supply power to them and to, and to set the experiments up

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with those that were running them to make sure they were working alright. Apart from with those that were running them to make sure they were working alright. Apart from

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that, there was helping the that, there was helping the

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DHC electricians with the new building that was going in there which was DHC electricians with the new building that was going in there which was

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the operations building up behind the living quarters building which was the the operations building up behind the living quarters building which was the

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latest of the buildings to go onsite as far I can remember. So it was latest of the buildings to go onsite as far I can remember. So it was

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putting temporary power on to that and also helping run all the  putting temporary power on to that and also helping run all the 

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temporary power temporary power

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etc. required for all the concrete pours etc. What happened there was that etc. required for all the concrete pours etc. What happened there was that

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because it was so cold in the permafrost down there they had trouble because it was so cold in the permafrost down there they had trouble

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setting the concrete, so we went and ran what they call heat trace around setting the concrete, so we went and ran what they call heat trace around

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all the reinforcing rods etc. in the piers and in the footings and in the all the reinforcing rods etc. in the piers and in the footings and in the

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slabs, ah, to, and that heat trace was then powered up from  slabs, ah, to, and that heat trace was then powered up from 

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a temporary switchboard and all the concrete wrapped in blankets so that a temporary switchboard and all the concrete wrapped in blankets so that

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so that it would actually set off, rather than freeze. So, a lot of my summer was so that it would actually set off, rather than freeze. So, a lot of my summer was

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involved in doing things like that. Winter was involved in doing things like that. Winter was

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a lot quieter of course once everything had settled down and the, and the a lot quieter of course once everything had settled down and the, and the

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people that were there at summer left. One of the things I did also through the people that were there at summer left. One of the things I did also through the

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year was to do through all the fire alarm year was to do through all the fire alarm

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boards in all of the different buildings and configure them properly. boards in all of the different buildings and configure them properly.

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In that, what actually happens is, when the fire alarm goes off it would be In that, what actually happens is, when the fire alarm goes off it would be

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hard to tell which building was actually, the fire alarm was actually going off in from hard to tell which building was actually, the fire alarm was actually going off in from

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outside, so what I did was put an extra sort of control outside, so what I did was put an extra sort of control

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module in each of the fire alarm panels so that they would relay module in each of the fire alarm panels so that they would relay

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the fire signal to the internal alarms etc. in all the buildings so 1 the fire signal to the internal alarms etc. in all the buildings so 1

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fire alarm went off, they all went off. However, when you went outside, the fire alarm  fire alarm went off, they all went off. However, when you went outside, the fire alarm 

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only on the building involved was actually, was actually going off and the only on the building involved was actually, was actually going off and the

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flood, not the flood lights, the strobe lights etc. only on that particular flood, not the flood lights, the strobe lights etc. only on that particular

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building operated. And that was fairly time consuming, took me probably 2 or 3 building operated. And that was fairly time consuming, took me probably 2 or 3

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weeks to complete that. But apart from that, there was no, nothing major as far weeks to complete that. But apart from that, there was no, nothing major as far

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as electrical work goes. [Ingrid] Did you have any fire alarms while you were down there? [Mike] We had 2 as electrical work goes. [Ingrid] Did you have any fire alarms while you were down there? [Mike] We had 2

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fire alarms while we were down there, 1 being at about 2 o'clock in the morning. And what had fire alarms while we were down there, 1 being at about 2 o'clock in the morning. And what had

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happened was that we'd had a happened was that we'd had a

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mini blizzard that day or the day before mini blizzard that day or the day before

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and the um, spindrift from the snow had actually gotten in to the ventilation and the um, spindrift from the snow had actually gotten in to the ventilation

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system for the new powerhouse and it had settled in the, settled in the air,  system for the new powerhouse and it had settled in the, settled in the air, 

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con- the, not air con- the, not air

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conditioning duct, but it had settled in the fan duct work above the main  conditioning duct, but it had settled in the fan duct work above the main 

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powerhouse control room and then, then proceeded to melt and drip down off the duct work  powerhouse control room and then, then proceeded to melt and drip down off the duct work 

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into the fire alarm system. So, it wasn't so much a fire alarm as there was a fire, it was into the fire alarm system. So, it wasn't so much a fire alarm as there was a fire, it was

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a false alarm because of the water getting into the back of detectors in the, a false alarm because of the water getting into the back of detectors in the,

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actually above the switchboard. And, the other 1 was actually above the switchboard. And, the other 1 was

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a similar, similar thing. What had happened was that again, a similar, similar thing. What had happened was that again,

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the water had got into the back of a, a detector in the the water had got into the back of a, a detector in the

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workshops. But that was workshops. But that was

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a daytime 1. [Ingrid] So what sort of firefighting capacity did the station have? [Mike] The a daytime 1. [Ingrid] So what sort of firefighting capacity did the station have? [Mike] The

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station had station had

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several 100 fire extinguishers. I didn't realise how many there were until I went several 100 fire extinguishers. I didn't realise how many there were until I went

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round and did all the inspections on them, but we had 2   round and did all the inspections on them, but we had 2  

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petrol powered pumps 1 was on the top of the old donga line petrol powered pumps 1 was on the top of the old donga line

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and the other 1 was up near the main workshops and also we had and the other 1 was up near the main workshops and also we had

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a hose reel system which went down the main services line which was fed from  a hose reel system which went down the main services line which was fed from 

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2 electric pumps in the tank house and there was 2, 2 tanks in the 2 electric pumps in the tank house and there was 2, 2 tanks in the

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in the tank house that were wholly and solely in the tank house that were wholly and solely

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for firefighting water which we had to make sure were maintained all the time and so for firefighting water which we had to make sure were maintained all the time and so

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what we would do every now and again roll out what we would do every now and again roll out

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a hose reel and actually run the pumps just to make that everything was, a hose reel and actually run the pumps just to make that everything was,

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everything was working. [Ingrid] And who was in the [Mike] And we had to keep the cabinet we also had to everything was working. [Ingrid] And who was in the [Mike] And we had to keep the cabinet we also had to

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keep those water tanks topped up. [Ingrid] Who was in your firefighting team? [Mike] There was   keep those water tanks topped up. [Ingrid] Who was in your firefighting team? [Mike] There was  

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myself [Ingrid] As the fire chief. [Mike] As the myself [Ingrid] As the fire chief. [Mike] As the

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fire chief, the deputy fire chief was normally the plumber, so Tim Price was the fire chief, the deputy fire chief was normally the plumber, so Tim Price was the

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the deputy firefighter and then I also had the deputy firefighter and then I also had

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2, that was 2 other people trained up on how to use the, 2, that was 2 other people trained up on how to use the,

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the petrol powered pumps 1 was Albert, Bruehwiler and the other 1 was the  the petrol powered pumps 1 was Albert, Bruehwiler and the other 1 was the 

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other dieso, Neale Gentner. And also, I had about other dieso, Neale Gentner. And also, I had about

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half half

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a dozen people trained up had to use the Drager breathing apparatus, so that we a dozen people trained up had to use the Drager breathing apparatus, so that we

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could actually get into the buildings if necessary if they were full of smoke etc. to try and could actually get into the buildings if necessary if they were full of smoke etc. to try and

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fight the fire that way. And also Albert and fight the fire that way. And also Albert and

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Neale were well aware that 1 of the dozers had to be Neale were well aware that 1 of the dozers had to be

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operational at all times, just in case, with the old donga line system just to save some operational at all times, just in case, with the old donga line system just to save some

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of it we had to get rid of some of it. So, I also had, well I put of it we had to get rid of some of it. So, I also had, well I put

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everybody through training with using far extinguishers everybody through training with using far extinguishers

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and we had training on that  and we had training on that 

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a couple times during the year and I also once every couple of months would a couple times during the year and I also once every couple of months would

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spring a fire drill. So, what I would do is I'd go up into the LQ spring a fire drill. So, what I would do is I'd go up into the LQ

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and I'd write on the blackboard, fire drill today. And it was very funny to watch people, and I'd write on the blackboard, fire drill today. And it was very funny to watch people,

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everybody seemed to know where I was at all times. [laughs] So, they had, they had everybody seemed to know where I was at all times. [laughs] So, they had, they had

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this sort of try and preempt when this fire drill was going to be. this sort of try and preempt when this fire drill was going to be.

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So, I used to make sure that I could disappear every now and again and I'd just go and So, I used to make sure that I could disappear every now and again and I'd just go and

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press a button somewhere. [laughs [Ingrid] Was there also search and rescue teams? press a button somewhere. [laughs [Ingrid] Was there also search and rescue teams?

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Yes, I had, I had very little to do with it as far as search Yes, I had, I had very little to do with it as far as search

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and rescue goes, there were I think it was Rob had also   and rescue goes, there were I think it was Rob had also  

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put in place a search and rescue type operation, so put in place a search and rescue type operation, so

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I didn't, I didn't,

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like I said, with me, with having the firefighting side of things I like I said, with me, with having the firefighting side of things I

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didn't get involved in that because there was enough for me to do looking after the didn't get involved in that because there was enough for me to do looking after the

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breathing apparatus and the far extinguishers and the pumps etc. breathing apparatus and the far extinguishers and the pumps etc.

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not to get involved in that, in that side of things but ah. [Ingrid] You  not to get involved in that, in that side of things but ah. [Ingrid] You 

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mentioned the tanks had to be kept fairly full for firefighting was there mentioned the tanks had to be kept fairly full for firefighting was there

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a shortage of ah, water at Davis or were you on any form of restriction? [Mike] Because it's on an ice free a shortage of ah, water at Davis or were you on any form of restriction? [Mike] Because it's on an ice free

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peninsula we had to travel, I think it was about 5 kilometres to get to peninsula we had to travel, I think it was about 5 kilometres to get to

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snow that we could use as drinking water. We had a 6 wheel drive snow that we could use as drinking water. We had a 6 wheel drive

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Mack truck down there that we used to fill up with snow and bring it back to the Mack truck down there that we used to fill up with snow and bring it back to the

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station and down near the old donga lines we had a tank station and down near the old donga lines we had a tank

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a melt tank which we used keep topped up and that would supply us with a melt tank which we used keep topped up and that would supply us with

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our drinking water and keep the firefighting tanks topped up so what we our drinking water and keep the firefighting tanks topped up so what we

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would, what we would do is go out, get the snow, take it down, we had a Cat 950 front end would, what we would do is go out, get the snow, take it down, we had a Cat 950 front end

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loader which would then shovel the snow into the melt tanks, ah, the melt tank and then loader which would then shovel the snow into the melt tanks, ah, the melt tank and then

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once it had melted we had once it had melted we had

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a full tank, we would then pump it from there about 250 metres up the hill to the a full tank, we would then pump it from there about 250 metres up the hill to the

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tank house. [Ingrid] Did you have restrictions on laundry or showering during the year? [Mike] We had tank house. [Ingrid] Did you have restrictions on laundry or showering during the year? [Mike] We had

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a bit over a bit over

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the summer, although we had also the, the use of the water from the the summer, although we had also the, the use of the water from the

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station tarn over summer because because all the the surface snow had melted station tarn over summer because because all the the surface snow had melted

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at that stage. The tarn was fairly full, we didn't have that much of a restriction. at that stage. The tarn was fairly full, we didn't have that much of a restriction.

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over winter, though, it was, we kept the tanks fairly full over winter over winter, though, it was, we kept the tanks fairly full over winter

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it wasn't, it wasn't it wasn't, it wasn't

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a big deal to go and get the water, the snow to melt for water it was just that we a big deal to go and get the water, the snow to melt for water it was just that we

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had to have so much of it. [Ingrid] So how often were you going up there to collect the snow? [Mike] Probably had to have so much of it. [Ingrid] So how often were you going up there to collect the snow? [Mike] Probably

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once a fortnight we would, but I mean that was, that was then once a fortnight we would, but I mean that was, that was then

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probably an all day operation you know the truck would be going backwards probably an all day operation you know the truck would be going backwards

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and forwards and backwards and forwards and so we would bring, the truck would be, and forwards and backwards and forwards and so we would bring, the truck would be,

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the front end loader would go out to where we were picking up the snow and it would the front end loader would go out to where we were picking up the snow and it would

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stay out there, the truck would come in, tip the snow, go back out, fill up again, come stay out there, the truck would come in, tip the snow, go back out, fill up again, come

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back in, tip the snow and then we'd have this humongous great pile of snow out the back of the back in, tip the snow and then we'd have this humongous great pile of snow out the back of the

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donga line and then the, then the front end loader would come back and slowly fill the tanks and donga line and then the, then the front end loader would come back and slowly fill the tanks and

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just keep filling it until, until we had enough water and once the tanks up the top just keep filling it until, until we had enough water and once the tanks up the top

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were full, we were right again until, till next time. [Ingrid] Was that part of usual work duties for say the were full, we were right again until, till next time. [Ingrid] Was that part of usual work duties for say the

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plumbers or was it more like a Saturday plumbers or was it more like a Saturday

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morning duty for the station? [Mike] It was, well, I, not so much the plumber morning duty for the station? [Mike] It was, well, I, not so much the plumber

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but the maintenance team would do it as a, as but the maintenance team would do it as a, as

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a thing same as with garbage collection we had an old Bedford truck down there a thing same as with garbage collection we had an old Bedford truck down there

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that we used to tow a sled  behind and then you would take it, you would have that we used to tow a sled  behind and then you would take it, you would have

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a roster system whereby um, you know, it's your week for the garbage, or it's your week for a roster system whereby um, you know, it's your week for the garbage, or it's your week for

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the slushy duty etc. or it's your week for night watch or your night, the slushy duty etc. or it's your week for night watch or your night,

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day for night watch. There was day for night watch. There was

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a, it would just depended on who was there at the time and what, what you were a, it would just depended on who was there at the time and what, what you were

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were doing, so it was a bit of a community effort, basically the tradies. were doing, so it was a bit of a community effort, basically the tradies.

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[Ingrid] So how did you get rid of your rubbish over the year? [Mike] We had, at that  [Ingrid] So how did you get rid of your rubbish over the year? [Mike] We had, at that 

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stage, RTA, wasn't, wasn't stage, RTA, wasn't, wasn't

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fully implemented, so we had a  fully implemented, so we had a 

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a couple of half containers out of, out the back of the LQ which were a couple of half containers out of, out the back of the LQ which were

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bended so the doors opened from the top and we used that for bended so the doors opened from the top and we used that for

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all our, 1 was used for things like  all our, 1 was used for things like 

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cardboard and paper and stuff like that, the other 1 had cardboard and paper and stuff like that, the other 1 had

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cans and bottles cans and bottles

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and that was all that came back,  the rest of our garbage was, we had and that was all that came back,  the rest of our garbage was, we had

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a garbage tip up the back of the station it was taken up there and burnt, I hear that's a garbage tip up the back of the station it was taken up there and burnt, I hear that's

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not the case anymore, everything comes back. We actually got into trouble up there   not the case anymore, everything comes back. We actually got into trouble up there  

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1 day. We took up 1 day. We took up

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a truckload of rubbish to burn and tipped it and started it burning and then other a truckload of rubbish to burn and tipped it and started it burning and then other

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stuff got on fire, so we had a bit of a  stuff got on fire, so we had a bit of a 

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a fire drill, so to speak going up there and putting the garbage tip out. [laughs] [Ingrid] So you a fire drill, so to speak going up there and putting the garbage tip out. [laughs] [Ingrid] So you

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wouldn't just have let the rest of the garbage tip burn? [Mike] Well at that stage like wouldn't just have let the rest of the garbage tip burn? [Mike] Well at that stage like

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I was saying there was there was I was saying there was there was

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a lot of stuff up there that was actually RTA, or RTA-able  a lot of stuff up there that was actually RTA, or RTA-able 

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which was which was

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like, the next year were going to clean that up and bring it back. [Ingrid] So, the plan was   like, the next year were going to clean that up and bring it back. [Ingrid] So, the plan was  

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to bring it back. [Mike] Yeah. That, that was, I'm not sure it was the 1st or the 2nd year that to bring it back. [Mike] Yeah. That, that was, I'm not sure it was the 1st or the 2nd year that

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that was actually implemented that the all recyclables etc. that was actually implemented that the all recyclables etc.

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were coming back and then they were going to extend it further later  were coming back and then they were going to extend it further later 

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down the track, so that everything came back. And so there was, there was stuff down the track, so that everything came back. And so there was, there was stuff

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up there that was sort of earmarked to actually come back. [Ingrid] Did you have up there that was sort of earmarked to actually come back. [Ingrid] Did you have

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a pet skua outside the kitchen? [Mike] Definitely, it wasn't outside the kitchen it was  a pet skua outside the kitchen? [Mike] Definitely, it wasn't outside the kitchen it was 

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outside the radio room, yes. [Ingrid] Called? [Mike] One of the, it was just called  outside the radio room, yes. [Ingrid] Called? [Mike] One of the, it was just called 

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the chook, right.  And he used to have to tinned sausages the chook, right.  And he used to have to tinned sausages

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which was which was

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a no-no, he was, the guys in the radio room, were actually, Sambo mainly, was  a no-no, he was, the guys in the radio room, were actually, Sambo mainly, was 

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actually told not to feed skua.  Oh, sorry, his name was Fred.  actually told not to feed skua.  Oh, sorry, his name was Fred. 

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His name was Fred with two Fs. How he got that name  His name was Fred with two Fs. How he got that name 

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I don't know, but it was Ffred, that's right, yeah. [laughs] And he used to be fed tinned sausages and you'd go down there I don't know, but it was Ffred, that's right, yeah. [laughs] And he used to be fed tinned sausages and you'd go down there

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of a morning and there's Ffred and even had   of a morning and there's Ffred and even had  

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a shelf, on, at the outside of this window for him.   a shelf, on, at the outside of this window for him.  

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[Ingrid] Were there any other station pets? [Mike] No, no. We were  [Ingrid] Were there any other station pets? [Mike] No, no. We were 

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inundated by elephant seals at one stage, and we had to try and get off the  inundated by elephant seals at one stage, and we had to try and get off the 

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the station. For some reason they came up from the wallows down on the  the station. For some reason they came up from the wallows down on the 

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beach, yes, it was fun trying to get rid of those. beach, yes, it was fun trying to get rid of those.

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During the year, you mentioned that when you were out in the During the year, you mentioned that when you were out in the

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field you had radio scheds. [Mike] Yes. [Ingrid] Were there any other forms of communication with field you had radio scheds. [Mike] Yes. [Ingrid] Were there any other forms of communication with

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family or friends back in Australia? [Mike] At that stage there was only 2 family or friends back in Australia? [Mike] At that stage there was only 2

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communicat- or 2, 2 types of communication. We had telex and we had radio communicat- or 2, 2 types of communication. We had telex and we had radio

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telephone schedules which went through Radio Sydney and that was the only the telephone schedules which went through Radio Sydney and that was the only the

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only basically the only outside communications. We had a satellite only basically the only outside communications. We had a satellite

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phone which was to be used in case of emergencies. phone which was to be used in case of emergencies.

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So, ah, I'm not sure the reason why, other than it was probably going to cost, back So, ah, I'm not sure the reason why, other than it was probably going to cost, back

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in those days about $22 a minute to use in those days about $22 a minute to use

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the satellite phone but that was to be used in the satellite phone but that was to be used in

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emergencies only and I think it was only ever used probably half emergencies only and I think it was only ever used probably half

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a dozen times while we were down there and it was only because we needed  a dozen times while we were down there and it was only because we needed 

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information urgently. Apart from that,  it was hit and miss with radio information urgently. Apart from that,  it was hit and miss with radio

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telephone schedules. You would, you had to book in to take a radio schedule and  telephone schedules. You would, you had to book in to take a radio schedule and 

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you were given you were given

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a time to go down to the radio room and then the radio operators would then   a time to go down to the radio room and then the radio operators would then  

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call up Radio Sydney and then they would manually connect you to  call up Radio Sydney and then they would manually connect you to 

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the phone system here in Australia. [Ingrid] Was there the phone system here in Australia. [Ingrid] Was there

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a private area where you could talk. [Mike] We had the phone booth. Which was funny because a private area where you could talk. [Mike] We had the phone booth. Which was funny because

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it actually had a gold phone it actually had a gold phone

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a Telstra gold phone sitting in it that wasn't connected up but then you had   a Telstra gold phone sitting in it that wasn't connected up but then you had  

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the headphones and the microphone. [laughs] And, well I don't suppose it was really private the headphones and the microphone. [laughs] And, well I don't suppose it was really private

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because you had the, probably had the operators in Sydney listening in to make sure  because you had the, probably had the operators in Sydney listening in to make sure 

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that because ?inaudible? had to monitor it anyway because the radio frequencies they that because ?inaudible? had to monitor it anyway because the radio frequencies they

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used were your standard short wave radio signal frequencies which faded in and out  used were your standard short wave radio signal frequencies which faded in and out 

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and some-sometimes it was near impossible sometimes you'd do down there for and some-sometimes it was near impossible sometimes you'd do down there for

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a radio schedule and the radio operator would just say, no, you better go back. [Ingrid] Had the gold phone been a radio schedule and the radio operator would just say, no, you better go back. [Ingrid] Had the gold phone been

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down for a purpose or for a joke? [Mike] No, I would think it was taken down for  down for a purpose or for a joke? [Mike] No, I would think it was taken down for 

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a joke. [Ingrid] Just diverting a joke. [Ingrid] Just diverting

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a little bit, when you were down there did you have a little bit, when you were down there did you have

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a plastic guide dog called Stay? [Mike] No. [Ingrid] No, because in more recent years they've had a plastic guide dog called Stay? [Mike] No. [Ingrid] No, because in more recent years they've had

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a plastic guide dog doing the rounds between the stations. [Mike] Oh right. [Ingrid] So, were practical jokes  a plastic guide dog doing the rounds between the stations. [Mike] Oh right. [Ingrid] So, were practical jokes 

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and nicknames part of the culture down there? [Mike] Yeah to a certain extent, everybody had and nicknames part of the culture down there? [Mike] Yeah to a certain extent, everybody had

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a nickname, so, yeah. [Ingrid] What was yours? [Mike] I won't tell you some of them and I won't tell you  a nickname, so, yeah. [Ingrid] What was yours? [Mike] I won't tell you some of them and I won't tell you 

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mine. [laughs] But I mean some them were just slants on your  mine. [laughs] But I mean some them were just slants on your 

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name, like I said, the chippie, Graham, he was South African and the way he used to pronounce his name, like I said, the chippie, Graham, he was South African and the way he used to pronounce his

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name caught on, so any, if you wanted, you want to talk to him you were talking to  name caught on, so any, if you wanted, you want to talk to him you were talking to 

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to Grum. So that was his nickname it was just Grum because that was what to Grum. So that was his nickname it was just Grum because that was what

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he used to say, but no, some of them weren't repeatable. [laughs] [Ingrid] [laughs] While I'd love to know we'll leave it  he used to say, but no, some of them weren't repeatable. [laughs] [Ingrid] [laughs] While I'd love to know we'll leave it 

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there. And any other there. And any other

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practical jokes or incidents during the year. [Mike] Oh yes. [Ingrid] Just cos tradies are practical jokes or incidents during the year. [Mike] Oh yes. [Ingrid] Just cos tradies are

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legendary for that sort of thing. [Mike] Yeah, oh we used to. Well Roger the, the chef, the cook, whatever he'd like  legendary for that sort of thing. [Mike] Yeah, oh we used to. Well Roger the, the chef, the cook, whatever he'd like 

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to be called. He was notorious for sleeping in to be called. He was notorious for sleeping in

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you know, not so much when he was actually on duty as in you know he would be up you know, not so much when he was actually on duty as in you know he would be up

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cooking bread at 5 o'clock in the morning but other times he'd say oh cooking bread at 5 o'clock in the morning but other times he'd say oh

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we're going to, out the ice bergs today, are you coming out, he'd say yeah, yes, I'll come out with you we're going to, out the ice bergs today, are you coming out, he'd say yeah, yes, I'll come out with you

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so um, you'd go and pound on the donga door, cos he had,  so um, you'd go and pound on the donga door, cos he had, 

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he had a dongs which was he had a dongs which was

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a sea container donga, basically because it was close to the LQ. a sea container donga, basically because it was close to the LQ.

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And you'd go and pound on the door and you couldn't wake him. So 1 day we got the And you'd go and pound on the door and you couldn't wake him. So 1 day we got the

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shot firing siren and set it up inside the coolroom, ah, the cold porch door and  shot firing siren and set it up inside the coolroom, ah, the cold porch door and 

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just to see what would happen and we set it off and it then took him just to see what would happen and we set it off and it then took him

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about 3 minutes to finally open the door. We used to do things like about 3 minutes to finally open the door. We used to do things like

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that all the time, you know, just the little jokes like that, but ah [Ingrid] How did you feel about going home again that all the time, you know, just the little jokes like that, but ah [Ingrid] How did you feel about going home again

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after your time down there? [Mike] Strange. after your time down there? [Mike] Strange.

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Davis was home. Um, I can remember Davis was home. Um, I can remember

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packing everything up and looking at the bare donga and thinking, packing everything up and looking at the bare donga and thinking,

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why am I doing this? Got up the day that we were, come the  why am I doing this? Got up the day that we were, come the 

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day we were leaving, we'd had the the new guys on the station for 2 day we were leaving, we'd had the the new guys on the station for 2

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or 3 days and it time to head up to the LQ, say your final or 3 days and it time to head up to the LQ, say your final

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goodbyes and hop on the chopper. There were several calls for people to head up goodbyes and hop on the chopper. There were several calls for people to head up

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to the helipad to fly out and it took them about an hour and a half to get somebody up to the helipad to fly out and it took them about an hour and a half to get somebody up

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there to actually go. It was, [laughs] and you're standing there these watching these people hop on there to actually go. It was, [laughs] and you're standing there these watching these people hop on

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the chopper and, what, I'm not, I'm not, I don't wanna leave, this is  the chopper and, what, I'm not, I'm not, I don't wanna leave, this is 

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home, I don't wanna go home, mmm, it was very strange, it was apprehensive to go down there  home, I don't wanna go home, mmm, it was very strange, it was apprehensive to go down there 

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and then it was apprehensive to come back. [Ingrid] So what was it like actually coming back and then it was apprehensive to come back. [Ingrid] So what was it like actually coming back

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home and picking up you know friendships or relationships and moving I guess back into home and picking up you know friendships or relationships and moving I guess back into

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society? [Mike] Ah, it was very hard for me in that I society? [Mike] Ah, it was very hard for me in that I

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had sort of had the inkling about what was happening with my relationship with my had sort of had the inkling about what was happening with my relationship with my

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wife before I got back. The radio scheds didn't wife before I got back. The radio scheds didn't

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happen, things like that and it was very hard for me to get off the boat. happen, things like that and it was very hard for me to get off the boat.

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Very hard. Like everybody else, Very hard. Like everybody else,

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like family, friends and stuff like that, it was just as like I never left like family, friends and stuff like that, it was just as like I never left

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but that was sort of overshadowed a bit. And it took me but that was sort of overshadowed a bit. And it took me

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a while to recover. Um, one of the funny things that about it was a while to recover. Um, one of the funny things that about it was

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the next year of intakes for the Antarctic Division for the expeditioners the next year of intakes for the Antarctic Division for the expeditioners

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the Antarctic Division had just started and the liaison officer  the Antarctic Division had just started and the liaison officer 

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at the time for the ext-expeditioners was Kathy Last, great character. at the time for the ext-expeditioners was Kathy Last, great character.

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We were down at, I was down at the ?inaudible? or the beach house as We were down at, I was down at the ?inaudible? or the beach house as

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it was called I can't remember actually what it was called at the time, the hotel it was called I can't remember actually what it was called at the time, the hotel

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because it had because it had

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a couple of name changes before it actually turned into a set block of apartments or whatever. [Ingrid] That was the   a couple of name changes before it actually turned into a set block of apartments or whatever. [Ingrid] That was the  

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one down, in Sandy- lower Sandy Bay. [Mike] Yeah, yeah, and across the road from there was one down, in Sandy- lower Sandy Bay. [Mike] Yeah, yeah, and across the road from there was

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a set of units that the Antarctic Division were using and I was down there at the  a set of units that the Antarctic Division were using and I was down there at the 

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hotel and Kathy was there with a heap of new expeditioners and they were hotel and Kathy was there with a heap of new expeditioners and they were

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sitting there having sitting there having

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a drink and Kathy recognised me sitting up at the bar. And Kathy turns round and in a drink and Kathy recognised me sitting up at the bar. And Kathy turns round and in

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her usual loud voice says to the other expeditioners, these new expeditioners, see it doesn't   her usual loud voice says to the other expeditioners, these new expeditioners, see it doesn't  

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all go bad down, when, while you're down in the Antarctic, look there's Mike all go bad down, when, while you're down in the Antarctic, look there's Mike

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and his wife up there quite happy and I said, Kathy come over here and Kathy walks over and his wife up there quite happy and I said, Kathy come over here and Kathy walks over

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and said, what, I said, this isn't my wife, she said, oh shit, and said, what, I said, this isn't my wife, she said, oh shit,

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she turned and in a loud voice again she said, oh shit, I put my foot in it again. [laughs] she turned and in a loud voice again she said, oh shit, I put my foot in it again. [laughs]

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And I introd-, then I introduced the woman I was with as my ex wife's ex best friend. And I introd-, then I introduced the woman I was with as my ex wife's ex best friend.

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Well, they had a good laugh about that. [laughs] But ah yes, it was, it was Well, they had a good laugh about that. [laughs] But ah yes, it was, it was

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a very strange homecoming. [Ingrid] Do you think that the, that going to  a very strange homecoming. [Ingrid] Do you think that the, that going to 

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the Antarctic was a primary cause for your relationship breakdown? [Mike] No, definitely the Antarctic was a primary cause for your relationship breakdown? [Mike] No, definitely

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not. [Ingrid] So, did you ever consider going down again? [Mike] Yes, yes,I have actually applied not. [Ingrid] So, did you ever consider going down again? [Mike] Yes, yes,I have actually applied

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to go down again, oh well, I had applied probably 5, 6 years ago now, but to go down again, oh well, I had applied probably 5, 6 years ago now, but

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no, it wasn't successful and no, it wasn't successful and

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a friend of mine has been down and back and he said from what I can gather from a friend of mine has been down and back and he said from what I can gather from

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what you were saying about your time down there, if you went down again you'd be very what you were saying about your time down there, if you went down again you'd be very

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disappointed. And, I said, well, why is that and he said, I can sum it up very   disappointed. And, I said, well, why is that and he said, I can sum it up very  

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quickly in you could say OH and S  quickly in you could say OH and S 

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and the restrictions put on what you can and can't do down there now. and the restrictions put on what you can and can't do down there now.

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And he said you had And he said you had

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a great year. And, that was it, he said you had a great year a great year. And, that was it, he said you had a great year

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[Ingrid] And that's actually probably the perfect note [Mike] Yep, mmm. [Ingrid] to finish on because you did have [Ingrid] And that's actually probably the perfect note [Mike] Yep, mmm. [Ingrid] to finish on because you did have

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great year. [Mike] Oh yes, fantastic. great year. [Mike] Oh yes, fantastic.