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My name is Martin Portus My name is Martin Portus

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and I'm interviewing the Sydney-based international lighting designer Nick Schlieper on the 17th of April two hundred to and I'm interviewing the Sydney-based international lighting designer Nick Schlieper on the 17th of April two hundred to

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2017 in the studio of the Redfern Community Centre in Sydney 2017 in the studio of the Redfern Community Centre in Sydney

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This oral history interview is being conducted for the State Library of New South Wales Oral History Collection. Nick This oral history interview is being conducted for the State Library of New South Wales Oral History Collection. Nick

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has received five Sydney critics or six Melbourne Green room awards has received five Sydney critics or six Melbourne Green room awards

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and four Helpman awards for his lighting and productions working for all the major performing arts companies in Australia in and four Helpman awards for his lighting and productions working for all the major performing arts companies in Australia in

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theatre, opera dance and musicals. Nick thanks for talking with me, it's a pleasure, you were born and raised in Sydney. theatre, opera dance and musicals. Nick thanks for talking with me, it's a pleasure, you were born and raised in Sydney.

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What sort of early family life.. What sort of early family life..

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did you have?  [NS] Um, entirely a German one in a bubble in Australia my whole family, including my siblings are German. did you have?  [NS] Um, entirely a German one in a bubble in Australia my whole family, including my siblings are German.

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It's technically my first language.  I didn't learn to speak English until I went school. It's technically my first language.  I didn't learn to speak English until I went school.

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Ah, I was very much an afterthought baby so much older siblings are Ah, I was very much an afterthought baby so much older siblings are

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but my parents came from really quite wealthy families, lost absolutely everything during the war, but my parents came from really quite wealthy families, lost absolutely everything during the war,

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so we arrived in a very strange state for them, ah, of um, very new economic circumstances so we arrived in a very strange state for them, ah, of um, very new economic circumstances

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and much reduced one. Ah, I was just born in Australia and obviously went to school here, and much reduced one. Ah, I was just born in Australia and obviously went to school here,

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but that's, that's very much my but that's, that's very much my

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my background.  I don't particularly consider myself German my background.  I don't particularly consider myself German

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but I don't particularly consider myself that Australian either so, but I don't particularly consider myself that Australian either so,

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so I dressed somewhere in the middle.  [MP] Were arts are part of your early childhood?  [NS] Very much so. so I dressed somewhere in the middle.  [MP] Were arts are part of your early childhood?  [NS] Very much so.

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So my brother was a painter, ah I say was because he died two years ago. Ah, my sister is a music teacher, So my brother was a painter, ah I say was because he died two years ago. Ah, my sister is a music teacher,

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My mother had studied to be an art historian My mother had studied to be an art historian

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and had to break off her studies during the thirties because of what was going on in Germany at the time and had to break off her studies during the thirties because of what was going on in Germany at the time

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and she ended up working both initially as a model, and she ended up working both initially as a model,

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she was very beautiful, but um, she ended up designing and making clothes and she continued to do that in Australia perforce because  she was very beautiful, but um, she ended up designing and making clothes and she continued to do that in Australia perforce because 

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My father was sick, so most of my life here, My father was sick, so most of my life here,

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he died when I was eleven. Um, so it was really up to Mum to get the whole family through he died when I was eleven. Um, so it was really up to Mum to get the whole family through

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and certainly to bring me up from scratch.  Ah, so she ... no, others and certainly to bring me up from scratch.  Ah, so she ... no, others

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I grew up surrounded by fabrics and fittings I grew up surrounded by fabrics and fittings

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and her beautiful sketches of clothes.  She, back in the thirties, actually designed some and her beautiful sketches of clothes.  She, back in the thirties, actually designed some

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costumes for a couple of (?Orfo?) films but that was as close as she ever got to the theatre, costumes for a couple of (?Orfo?) films but that was as close as she ever got to the theatre,

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but her real love always was art history, and she in- inculcated that in me very, very strongly. but her real love always was art history, and she in- inculcated that in me very, very strongly.

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Other than her designs, the costumes, were there other elements in your life Other than her designs, the costumes, were there other elements in your life

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like light, which led you, or the visual arts, which ah, look, in retrospect like light, which led you, or the visual arts, which ah, look, in retrospect

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suggest your later career?  [NS]  Ah, absolutely my brother.  So he was eleven years older than me.  All through my youth he would suggest your later career?  [NS]  Ah, absolutely my brother.  So he was eleven years older than me.  All through my youth he would

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paint all night and sleep for most of the day when he was supposed to be at University.  So every morning paint all night and sleep for most of the day when he was supposed to be at University.  So every morning

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when I got up to go to school. when I got up to go to school.

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I walked through his room, and I would see how the canvas had progressed overnight I walked through his room, and I would see how the canvas had progressed overnight

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and that was everything from painstakingly slowly, some nights there would have been a flurry of activity and that was everything from painstakingly slowly, some nights there would have been a flurry of activity

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and, you know, a huge amount of work done.  Some nights tellingly, and, you know, a huge amount of work done.  Some nights tellingly,

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the only difference the next morning was that the whole picture had gained enormously in depth. the only difference the next morning was that the whole picture had gained enormously in depth.

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For instance, he was a technically very skilled, painted in oils, and did black and white pen drawings. For instance, he was a technically very skilled, painted in oils, and did black and white pen drawings.

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And the oil painting was just, ah, the very technique of oil painting where you build something up with layers And the oil painting was just, ah, the very technique of oil painting where you build something up with layers

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and layers of glaze and just keeps becoming more and layers of glaze and just keeps becoming more

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and more enriched, enriched each time.  I think I learnt as much about what I currently do, and more enriched, enriched each time.  I think I learnt as much about what I currently do,

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which of course, also sometimes includes set design which of course, also sometimes includes set design

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but even just in terms of lighting, I think I learned as much from that experience but even just in terms of lighting, I think I learned as much from that experience

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and then of course endless conversations with him. and then of course endless conversations with him.

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once I was old enough to have them. Um, and watching his painting style change radically over the course of three once I was old enough to have them. Um, and watching his painting style change radically over the course of three

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or four decades.  He started off as a wildly abstract painter, went through a stage of very figurative (breath)  was always accused of or four decades.  He started off as a wildly abstract painter, went through a stage of very figurative (breath)  was always accused of

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being very Teutonic his work, but figurative social commentary being very Teutonic his work, but figurative social commentary

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if you like, work, ah, and ended up painting landscapes, um but with an incredible technical facility. if you like, work, ah, and ended up painting landscapes, um but with an incredible technical facility.

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so I learnt an awful lot of technique. A great deal of which can be applied, I - I now, so I learnt an awful lot of technique. A great deal of which can be applied, I - I now,

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when I teach I often teach via the medium of that analogy, that parallel between painting when I teach I often teach via the medium of that analogy, that parallel between painting

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 um, painting on a flat surface and painting with white in the three-dimensional space.   [MP] We will get to that, of course, um  um, painting on a flat surface and painting with white in the three-dimensional space.   [MP] We will get to that, of course, um

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You left school at about 1977, and you went straight into a job as stage manager for the Independent You left school at about 1977, and you went straight into a job as stage manager for the Independent

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Theatre in North Sydney.  What's your memories of that place, Theatre in North Sydney.  What's your memories of that place,

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at that time? I did read that you caused a lot of chaos by continually adjusting the lights every night at that time? I did read that you caused a lot of chaos by continually adjusting the lights every night

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in a production (laughs) so no one knew what was happening.  [NS] Dreadfully unprofessional behaviour, in a production (laughs) so no one knew what was happening.  [NS] Dreadfully unprofessional behaviour,

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I can only plead ignorance at the time.  Um, I left school with the benefit of spending my last few years there with one of I can only plead ignorance at the time.  Um, I left school with the benefit of spending my last few years there with one of

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those teachers that we all hope we have at least one of our lives.  In my case it was my history teacher, a man called Douglas those teachers that we all hope we have at least one of our lives.  In my case it was my history teacher, a man called Douglas

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Booker, who had had some involvement in the theatre, Booker, who had had some involvement in the theatre,

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I think in the UK, I never really got to the bottom of what that was, I think in the UK, I never really got to the bottom of what that was,

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but he certainly got me interested in light and lighting.  I ended up spending far too much of my final two years at school but he certainly got me interested in light and lighting.  I ended up spending far too much of my final two years at school

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directing, designing, and making the works, everything but performing in directing, designing, and making the works, everything but performing in

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I think no less than five or six productions in the high school hall ...  [MP speaks over] At which school? I think no less than five or six productions in the high school hall ...  [MP speaks over] At which school?

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I got a higher school certificate.  Um, Chatswood High School.  Um and he, he just opened my eyes to this world I got a higher school certificate.  Um, Chatswood High School.  Um and he, he just opened my eyes to this world

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(? inf?).  Um, and in parallel to that my mother occasionally took me to the opera (? inf?).  Um, and in parallel to that my mother occasionally took me to the opera

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when we could afford it.  My brother went to the theatre when he could afford it. when we could afford it.  My brother went to the theatre when he could afford it.

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So it's not like that was happening in a vacuum.   But not nearly as intensively as he spoke about it. So it's not like that was happening in a vacuum.   But not nearly as intensively as he spoke about it.

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He just kind of lit a spark, and ah, I was kind of He just kind of lit a spark, and ah, I was kind of

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blindly heading off to study Arts Law.  Because I did miraculously get an okay HSC, and um changed my mind blindly heading off to study Arts Law.  Because I did miraculously get an okay HSC, and um changed my mind

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virtually at the doorstep of Sydney University, virtually at the doorstep of Sydney University,

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and thought no there's something not right about this.  Ran into that teacher in the street, who said to me, and thought no there's something not right about this.  Ran into that teacher in the street, who said to me,

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so how did you go getting into NIDA? And I said what's NIDA? and he shouted at me, so how did you go getting into NIDA? And I said what's NIDA? and he shouted at me,

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just near the station at Chatswood, [both laughing] do I have to do everything for you kind of thing, um. just near the station at Chatswood, [both laughing] do I have to do everything for you kind of thing, um.

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He was an inspiring teacher but he was not an easy man.  He was an inspiring teacher but he was not an easy man. 

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and so I put in a very late application to NIDA thinking this was hopeless.  Best thing that could have happened to me, I was and so I put in a very late application to NIDA thinking this was hopeless.  Best thing that could have happened to me, I was

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put on a shortlist of three, but technically rejected that time round because I was seventeen and you needed to be eighteen. put on a shortlist of three, but technically rejected that time round because I was seventeen and you needed to be eighteen.

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[MP interrupts] For what must be new design course at that time.  [NS] Ah that was a production course.  [MP repeats over] production course.  [NS] I don't know [MP interrupts] For what must be new design course at that time.  [NS] Ah that was a production course.  [MP repeats over] production course.  [NS] I don't know

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(speaking over each other) [MP] not sure how long it had been ... [NS] No, it had been around for a while ... [MP] the production one ...yeah, um (speaking over each other) [MP] not sure how long it had been ... [NS] No, it had been around for a while ... [MP] the production one ...yeah, um

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and ah so you didn't get in, and you began a very practical career working for sort of seven years and ah so you didn't get in, and you began a very practical career working for sort of seven years

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once you left the Independent, um, as a stage manager ... [NS over top] But the point of not once you left the Independent, um, as a stage manager ... [NS over top] But the point of not

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the point about not getting in was that I was guaranteed a place the following year...  [MP] Oh  [NS] because I had been shortlisted the point about not getting in was that I was guaranteed a place the following year...  [MP] Oh  [NS] because I had been shortlisted

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or I was on their, you know, reserves list or something, somebody dropped out, um, and so cocky was I or I was on their, you know, reserves list or something, somebody dropped out, um, and so cocky was I

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Nine months later, when NIDA rang me Nine months later, when NIDA rang me

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and said well, you know, where are you kind of thing, that I was incredibly arrogant about it, looked long down my nose and said well, you know, where are you kind of thing, that I was incredibly arrogant about it, looked long down my nose

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and said well you know, I'm now a stage manager at the Old Tote Theatre company, sod off, but and said well you know, I'm now a stage manager at the Old Tote Theatre company, sod off, but

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why do I need you kind of thing? um ... [MP chuckles] ... which began a long history of, kind of verging on antagonism between me and why do I need you kind of thing? um ... [MP chuckles] ... which began a long history of, kind of verging on antagonism between me and

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the institution that is NIDA.  But the institution that is NIDA.  But

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so I, you know, I fluked this job at the Independent, it was almost dead man's shoes, so I, you know, I fluked this job at the Independent, it was almost dead man's shoes,

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the guy operating alliance got a huge electric shocks through the lighting desk, the guy operating alliance got a huge electric shocks through the lighting desk,

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which nobody told me about until I'd done that night's performance for him because he was in hospital.  My, ah,  which nobody told me about until I'd done that night's performance for him because he was in hospital.  My, ah, 

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acquaintance with electricity has always been at the very best minimal and passing, so that was kind of a bit of a wake up call acquaintance with electricity has always been at the very best minimal and passing, so that was kind of a bit of a wake up call

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but long story short, but long story short,

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I ended up being the stage manager, managing nobody else. There was nobody for me to manage apart from the cast, ah I ended up being the stage manager, managing nobody else. There was nobody for me to manage apart from the cast, ah

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and from virtually the second show on that I did there, I ended up lighting each show.  Because my knowledge of lighting was so and from virtually the second show on that I did there, I ended up lighting each show.  Because my knowledge of lighting was so

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limited and sketchy I had to experiment didn't I? To get better at it. limited and sketchy I had to experiment didn't I? To get better at it.

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And I was reading lots of books. Richard Pilgrim's book was my bible. And I was reading lots of books. Richard Pilgrim's book was my bible.

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and so I thought well I'm in the perfect, uh, position to try out some of these techniques that I keep reading about. and so I thought well I'm in the perfect, uh, position to try out some of these techniques that I keep reading about.

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And I've got a tame cast of actors onstage that I can experiment on every single night, so I did unconscionably unprofessional  (MP laughing) And I've got a tame cast of actors onstage that I can experiment on every single night, so I did unconscionably unprofessional  (MP laughing)

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things, and I did indeed completely change the lights, every night, on occasion, if I felt like it  (MP laughing) things, and I did indeed completely change the lights, every night, on occasion, if I felt like it  (MP laughing)

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but I, you know, I met Doris Fitton at the very, very end of her life; she was still nominally running the theatre. but I, you know, I met Doris Fitton at the very, very end of her life; she was still nominally running the theatre.

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She nominally directed a production of Our Town.  I think her seventh or something while I was there, ah, ... [MP interrupts] and paid? She nominally directed a production of Our Town.  I think her seventh or something while I was there, ah, ... [MP interrupts] and paid?

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Was I paid?  I want to say forty five dollars a week. Was I paid?  I want to say forty five dollars a week.

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This is in 1977, even in those days, not a princely amount of money.  Um, This is in 1977, even in those days, not a princely amount of money.  Um,

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and I, I, kind of did everything, which was just brilliant experience. I had to pull a set down every Friday night and put and I, I, kind of did everything, which was just brilliant experience. I had to pull a set down every Friday night and put

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up a kids' show set for the Saturday matinee and then pull that down up a kids' show set for the Saturday matinee and then pull that down

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and get the evening's show back up again.  Absolutely on my own. So you learnt to move scenery and get the evening's show back up again.  Absolutely on my own. So you learnt to move scenery

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and you learnt how to not break it, and not break yourself and all those things. and you learnt how to not break it, and not break yourself and all those things.

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What about that period, um, which did go for about seven years or so What about that period, um, which did go for about seven years or so

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when you were a stage manager, that was your, your job title, and um ... ah ... you worked for um ... wh-what did you  when you were a stage manager, that was your, your job title, and um ... ah ... you worked for um ... wh-what did you 

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wh-what did you learn from the stage management's desk about what you were later to use in lighting design?  [NS]  Well the reason I wh-what did you learn from the stage management's desk about what you were later to use in lighting design?  [NS]  Well the reason I

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fell into stage management because that was never an interest, was very simply that after ... again fell into stage management because that was never an interest, was very simply that after ... again

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an arrogantly short amount of time, I'll say seven or eight months now. an arrogantly short amount of time, I'll say seven or eight months now.

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From memory I decided what I actually wanted to be was a director. From memory I decided what I actually wanted to be was a director.

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I was never one for going to institutions to learn something if I could learn it in situ I was never one for going to institutions to learn something if I could learn it in situ

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and I doubt that I could have in those days.  Nobody had assistant directors in those days.  The stage manager was the and I doubt that I could have in those days.  Nobody had assistant directors in those days.  The stage manager was the

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absolute right hand of a director, and you, I mean, on occasions even in my short time at the absolute right hand of a director, and you, I mean, on occasions even in my short time at the

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at the Old Tote before that became the second company I closed, um, I would go take a small group of actors into the next room at the Old Tote before that became the second company I closed, um, I would go take a small group of actors into the next room

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at the director's request and rehearse them in a specific scene.  I mean, you were that much at the director's request and rehearse them in a specific scene.  I mean, you were that much

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the directors right hand. the directors right hand.

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and I did that in order to learn the job of directing.  I discovered very quickly that I, in fact, didn't want to be a director. and I did that in order to learn the job of directing.  I discovered very quickly that I, in fact, didn't want to be a director.

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Um, but then I was kind of stuck because I found that I was rather good at being a stage manager and Um, but then I was kind of stuck because I found that I was rather good at being a stage manager and

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when the Tote closed, ah, which is the end of seventies ... 78 ... 78 or 79 when the Tote closed, ah, which is the end of seventies ... 78 ... 78 or 79

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No, 78.  Um, there were eight of us suddenly on the market.  Well I just got job after job after job, and never looked back. No, 78.  Um, there were eight of us suddenly on the market.  Well I just got job after job after job, and never looked back.

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And it was very difficult to be a lighting designer in those days.  Um, Nigel Levings was probably the only person who had And it was very difficult to be a lighting designer in those days.  Um, Nigel Levings was probably the only person who had

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that title, that title,

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and certainly had a job to go with it.  All the lighting was done by the head electrician of the company you know with the and certainly had a job to go with it.  All the lighting was done by the head electrician of the company you know with the

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director and set designer.   [MP] It was a tech job.  [NS] Absolutely a tech job. director and set designer.   [MP] It was a tech job.  [NS] Absolutely a tech job.

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and look to this day there are a lot of people who see my ... see my title and look to this day there are a lot of people who see my ... see my title

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and assume that I spend half my life up ladders ...   [MP interrupts] Despite what you said about electricity, basically an electrician. and assume that I spend half my life up ladders ...   [MP interrupts] Despite what you said about electricity, basically an electrician.

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Yeah, don't let me near your ... don't ever ask me to rewire a plug in your house. You will smart for this, um, so I Yeah, don't let me near your ... don't ever ask me to rewire a plug in your house. You will smart for this, um, so I

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kind of got sucked into it. kind of got sucked into it.

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I was suddenly earning really good money ... [MP interrupts] as stage manager for Opera Australia  [NS simultaneously] Opera Australia, Australian Opera,  I was suddenly earning really good money ... [MP interrupts] as stage manager for Opera Australia  [NS simultaneously] Opera Australia, Australian Opera, 

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[MP] the new Lyric Opera of Queensland ... [NS] yeah  [MP] the State Opera of South Australia ... [NS] by when I was production manager ... ah, so a long time ago. [MP] the new Lyric Opera of Queensland ... [NS] yeah  [MP] the State Opera of South Australia ... [NS] by when I was production manager ... ah, so a long time ago.

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He must be what I learnt from that job. I learnt masses because of the nature of the stage manager 's job they are. He must be what I learnt from that job. I learnt masses because of the nature of the stage manager 's job they are.

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they are such a central point of contact, for just about every part of the production. they are such a central point of contact, for just about every part of the production.

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And any of the points that they don't function in that way for, tend to be picked up by the job, production manager. And any of the points that they don't function in that way for, tend to be picked up by the job, production manager.

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So by the time you've been through those two professions you have so much greater an overview of how a piece of So by the time you've been through those two professions you have so much greater an overview of how a piece of

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theatre is put together. theatre is put together.

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and then, if you got half a brain, that very quickly leads you to to thinking about why pieces of theatre are the nature and then, if you got half a brain, that very quickly leads you to to thinking about why pieces of theatre are the nature

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that each that each

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and every one of them are, because you have this overview.  That, sort of, to the philosophical side of it, if you like, ah, to the and every one of them are, because you have this overview.  That, sort of, to the philosophical side of it, if you like, ah, to the

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practical end of it, you learn exactly the nuts and bolts and mechanics of putting a show on stage, practical end of it, you learn exactly the nuts and bolts and mechanics of putting a show on stage,

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making it work, getting it to happen despite all the circumstances.  Knowing which strings to pull, which buttons to press making it work, getting it to happen despite all the circumstances.  Knowing which strings to pull, which buttons to press

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and I mean the human ones, not technical ones.  Um, and I mean the human ones, not technical ones.  Um,

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but of course you also learn an awful lot about the specific nature of every single person's job because you are in but of course you also learn an awful lot about the specific nature of every single person's job because you are in

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contact with every single person.   [MP] It might come as a surprise to people listening to a lighting man having such a conceptually contact with every single person.   [MP] It might come as a surprise to people listening to a lighting man having such a conceptually

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wide, ah, sense of what theatre is.   Both in its nuts and bolts, as you just said, wide, ah, sense of what theatre is.   Both in its nuts and bolts, as you just said,

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but also conceptually involving all these different occupations and you just, so to speak, but also conceptually involving all these different occupations and you just, so to speak,

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do the lights.  [NS]  Yes, but because I, so to speak, do the lights.  [NS]  Yes, but because I, so to speak,

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just do the lights that doesn't make me an idiot (laughs)  [MP] No, but that very wi-wide perspective that you bring to doing the lights just do the lights that doesn't make me an idiot (laughs)  [MP] No, but that very wi-wide perspective that you bring to doing the lights

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which were talking about you, but again that's that's that's part of the job that is, I went with a underestimated. which were talking about you, but again that's that's that's part of the job that is, I went with a underestimated.

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it's just not known that the breadth of knowledge required to be, and I say this very pointedly, to be a good lighting it's just not known that the breadth of knowledge required to be, and I say this very pointedly, to be a good lighting

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designer is enormous.  It's got very little to do with electricity and nuts and bolts. designer is enormous.  It's got very little to do with electricity and nuts and bolts.

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It's got a great deal to do with being as active a contributor to the conception of a production is anyone else on that  It's got a great deal to do with being as active a contributor to the conception of a production is anyone else on that 

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production team.  So as any of the other designers and the director.  If you don't bring that to the table, production team.  So as any of the other designers and the director.  If you don't bring that to the table,

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then you are, in fact, just the guy who does the lights.  [MP] We'll talk about this then you are, in fact, just the guy who does the lights.  [MP] We'll talk about this

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Throughout this whole interview, of course, Throughout this whole interview, of course,

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at this stage though of your production manager, originally stage manager, experience you're working mostly in the form of opera at this stage though of your production manager, originally stage manager, experience you're working mostly in the form of opera

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um, and what did that particular, how did that particular thread of experience which was considerable, um, and what did that particular, how did that particular thread of experience which was considerable,

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wh-what wh-what

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what did it give you to your future life and career, clearly a very sound sort of musical base   [NS]  Yeah, I mean I, I was attracted what did it give you to your future life and career, clearly a very sound sort of musical base   [NS]  Yeah, I mean I, I was attracted

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to opera because I got, ha, I got bored with being a stage manager very quickly. to opera because I got, ha, I got bored with being a stage manager very quickly.

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I found it very, very easy to do. I found it very, very easy to do.

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err, let's say that the actual ... certainly, the calling of a show component of it, and I, I found that a bit dissatisfying err, let's say that the actual ... certainly, the calling of a show component of it, and I, I found that a bit dissatisfying

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and I thought um ... there was a job advertised, and I thought oh well, I read music. and I thought um ... there was a job advertised, and I thought oh well, I read music.

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I flirted with actually being a musician at one stage.  So I read music well, well um, I love music I flirted with actually being a musician at one stage.  So I read music well, well um, I love music

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and I know that at the opera everything is a thousand times bigger and ... better, in inverted commas, but, you know, flashier, lot more going on and I know that at the opera everything is a thousand times bigger and ... better, in inverted commas, but, you know, flashier, lot more going on

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and, gimme a break I was 19 or something, I thought um ... and, gimme a break I was 19 or something, I thought um ...

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This might be more exciting, This might be more exciting,

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Only to discover that it reinforced my already existing musical prejudices about the large part of the sort of capital C Only to discover that it reinforced my already existing musical prejudices about the large part of the sort of capital C

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classical canon of music that I don't like. In other words, anything from the Romantic period. classical canon of music that I don't like. In other words, anything from the Romantic period.

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So there goes most of the standard repertoires, (laughs) um, and occasionally I got to do, ah, twentieth century works So there goes most of the standard repertoires, (laughs) um, and occasionally I got to do, ah, twentieth century works

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and then I was happy as a pig in poop.  Give me Britten or Janacek any day and, and then I was happy as a pig in poop.  Give me Britten or Janacek any day and,

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of course earlier works like Mozart and Handel.   But I, um, look, it it of course earlier works like Mozart and Handel.   But I, um, look, it it

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It refined ... refined my confidence in running a stage. It refined ... refined my confidence in running a stage.

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I was suddenly working with pretty difficult crews, massively older than me, I mean I was a 21 year old I was suddenly working with pretty difficult crews, massively older than me, I mean I was a 21 year old

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running an entire crew at the Opera House ... um, the head mechanist, the stagehands, they were a force to be reckoned with running an entire crew at the Opera House ... um, the head mechanist, the stagehands, they were a force to be reckoned with

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with and the electricians were not far behind them. with and the electricians were not far behind them.

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they were kind of difficult people. So you you learn an awful lot of people management skills very quickly, um they were kind of difficult people. So you you learn an awful lot of people management skills very quickly, um

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and then because it's a rep company and because I very quickly ended up calling fifty percent of the repertoire, ah, and then because it's a rep company and because I very quickly ended up calling fifty percent of the repertoire, ah,

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and I divided that up very amicably with my colleague.  She liked doing all the big Joan Sutherland shows and I divided that up very amicably with my colleague.  She liked doing all the big Joan Sutherland shows

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and shows where ... that were technically very, very straightforward. and shows where ... that were technically very, very straightforward.

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I liked doing the other repertoire which tended to be more challenging, technically difficult shows I liked doing the other repertoire which tended to be more challenging, technically difficult shows

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and the music is more difficult as well of course. and the music is more difficult as well of course.

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Of course, Arnhem, but because I was doing so many shoppers Of course, Arnhem, but because I was doing so many shoppers

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and because I again so quickly got jaded, bored with the job, and because I again so quickly got jaded, bored with the job,

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I would do also fairly unprofessional things like, I wouldn't open the prompt copy until the first piano dress rehearsal, I would do also fairly unprofessional things like, I wouldn't open the prompt copy until the first piano dress rehearsal,

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so I was sight reading a score written by somebody else from the previous revival of that production, so I was sight reading a score written by somebody else from the previous revival of that production,

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not even in my own hand, just to see if I could wing it.  Ah, and with a Britten opera where some pages are black not even in my own hand, just to see if I could wing it.  Ah, and with a Britten opera where some pages are black

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The ki..The time signature  The ki..The time signature 

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changes every three bars, that's just sort of setting yourself ridiculous little personal challenges. changes every three bars, that's just sort of setting yourself ridiculous little personal challenges.

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[MP] Which you never messed up?  [NS] Oh, I'm sure I did, but I never killed anyone.   [MP] Which you never messed up?  [NS] Oh, I'm sure I did, but I never killed anyone.  

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and you had to handle nudges the divas backstage because the beavers front stage and are an array of directors. and you had to handle nudges the divas backstage because the beavers front stage and are an array of directors.

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People like Elke Neidhardt, who you were to go on to have quite constant collaborations with at that time People like Elke Neidhardt, who you were to go on to have quite constant collaborations with at that time

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um, then it seems like your first kind of step into lighting design happened in about 1985  [NS] mm hm  [MP] um, solely I mean um, then it seems like your first kind of step into lighting design happened in about 1985  [NS] mm hm  [MP] um, solely I mean

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Stepped back, because it is, it is really where my first interest lay when I started, Stepped back, because it is, it is really where my first interest lay when I started,

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but I was just so quickly sidetracked into stage management. but I was just so quickly sidetracked into stage management.

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Yeah yeah, um Yeah yeah, um

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and and it was with Barry Humphries, so you were doing a Barry Humphries show, [NS over top] which was pretty hard  [MP] um  [NS] I don't know that that, no, that would not have and and it was with Barry Humphries, so you were doing a Barry Humphries show, [NS over top] which was pretty hard  [MP] um  [NS] I don't know that that, no, that would not have

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been the first show. been the first show.

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but also you know early on, very early on.  [MP] What was he like to do lights for?  [NS] Oh fabulous, a great time.   Actually we had a but also you know early on, very early on.  [MP] What was he like to do lights for?  [NS] Oh fabulous, a great time.   Actually we had a

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really great time.  There were maybe three really great time.  There were maybe three

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or four of us only, um, helping him to develop the script for the show which mainly consisted of being a very attentative or four of us only, um, helping him to develop the script for the show which mainly consisted of being a very attentative

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audience for Barry soliloquising.  Um... but just that whole insight into this legendary figure of Dame Edna audience for Barry soliloquising.  Um... but just that whole insight into this legendary figure of Dame Edna

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and the others, as our favourite remains to this day, Sandy Stone. Um, that was fascinating. and the others, as our favourite remains to this day, Sandy Stone. Um, that was fascinating.

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The actual show was so out of my ken, in that it's ... it kind of ends up being like a great big variety show. The actual show was so out of my ken, in that it's ... it kind of ends up being like a great big variety show.

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So there's lots of colour and follow spots, So there's lots of colour and follow spots,

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it's that ... it's that repertoire of lighting that to this day I kind of avoid it's that ... it's that repertoire of lighting that to this day I kind of avoid

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and it's certainly not my ascetic cup of tea at all. and it's certainly not my ascetic cup of tea at all.

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I would never regret doing that show because the joy of working with Barry is enormous I would never regret doing that show because the joy of working with Barry is enormous

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and just being that what you make it up virtually every night. and just being that what you make it up virtually every night.

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Sensational...[MP]  well it must be a touch of vaudeville really.  It was ...though at this time too, this was Sensational...[MP]  well it must be a touch of vaudeville really.  It was ...though at this time too, this was

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was when you began a freelance lighting design  [NS over] Yeh  [MP] career, so it was, it was possible was when you began a freelance lighting design  [NS over] Yeh  [MP] career, so it was, it was possible

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and it was profitable to do that  [NS over] it was  [MP] at stage in Australian theatre and in your career. and it was profitable to do that  [NS over] it was  [MP] at stage in Australian theatre and in your career.

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It was barely possible.  Um, first of all when I started saying no to stage management work It was barely possible.  Um, first of all when I started saying no to stage management work

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My phone has never rung so often. All I had to do was say no. My phone has never rung so often. All I had to do was say no.

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Three more offers would come in.  All of which I would religiously, politely, turn down.  Um, Three more offers would come in.  All of which I would religiously, politely, turn down.  Um,

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but the phone never rang saying do you want to come and light this show.  Ah,  so having gone from, you know, earning really probably quite a but the phone never rang saying do you want to come and light this show.  Ah,  so having gone from, you know, earning really probably quite a

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lot of money from both and a twenty-three or four-year-old, doing that manic job lot of money from both and a twenty-three or four-year-old, doing that manic job

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at Lyric Opera in Brisbane.  Um, suddenly no money.  Ah, but I, I kind of knew at Lyric Opera in Brisbane.  Um, suddenly no money.  Ah, but I, I kind of knew

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and I still give this advice to people now, um, starting out. and I still give this advice to people now, um, starting out.

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we, we pigeonhole people so rigidly in this industry.  If you become known as job X, we, we pigeonhole people so rigidly in this industry.  If you become known as job X,

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you will never get to work in job Y.  It's just really unfortunate, but that's the way it is.  And yeah you will never get to work in job Y.  It's just really unfortunate, but that's the way it is.  And yeah

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I am all for specialists and horses for courses I am all for specialists and horses for courses

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but I think it sad that we pigeonhole people so early in their lives.  [MP] You think the theatre might be more lateral but I think it sad that we pigeonhole people so early in their lives.  [MP] You think the theatre might be more lateral

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almost by definition, trying on different costumes all the time... [NS over top] You would think so, almost by definition, trying on different costumes all the time... [NS over top] You would think so,

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but it, it really is not. I find, even now it's very rigid in that respect. So yeah, there was probably two but it, it really is not. I find, even now it's very rigid in that respect. So yeah, there was probably two

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or three very lean years, and I just had to kind of stick to my guns and keep saying no no no no no or three very lean years, and I just had to kind of stick to my guns and keep saying no no no no no

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An early highlight must surely have been lighting the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Lawler's Summer of the An early highlight must surely have been lighting the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Lawler's Summer of the

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Seventeenth Doll. Seventeenth Doll.

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and, um, Michael Gow's "Away", um, which was, um, sexy because it went to New York too. [NS] they both went to New York . [MP] That's ...  looks good on an early  and, um, Michael Gow's "Away", um, which was, um, sexy because it went to New York too. [NS] they both went to New York . [MP] That's ...  looks good on an early 

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CV.  [NS] Not so much the Doll because I didn't like the production in Sydney.  Um, ah ... the now-defunct Summer Fair festival in New York CV.  [NS] Not so much the Doll because I didn't like the production in Sydney.  Um, ah ... the now-defunct Summer Fair festival in New York

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invited the STC to bring two shows invited the STC to bring two shows

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and I think "Away" was possibly, being only one -year-old. was that we first did that production, and I think "Away" was possibly, being only one -year-old. was that we first did that production,

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which I did always like.  Ah, we did it which I did always like.  Ah, we did it

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in '87, and I'm, I'm pretty sure I'm right, in saying that the original production of "Away" was only in '87, and I'm, I'm pretty sure I'm right, in saying that the original production of "Away" was only

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performed at the Stables [MP yep] and so I think that's the one the festival was actually after performed at the Stables [MP yep] and so I think that's the one the festival was actually after

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but we had to bring Doll to go with it, so I re-lit Doll in New York, but it wasn't my original design. but we had to bring Doll to go with it, so I re-lit Doll in New York, but it wasn't my original design.

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Can you remember the images that you sought in a way?  Um. So how do you do it? Can you remember the images that you sought in a way?  Um. So how do you do it?

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How do you do this, How do you do this,

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lighting job?   You had to do beaches, storms, and transitions for war, a staging in the play - a Midsummer Night's Dream.  What lighting job?   You had to do beaches, storms, and transitions for war, a staging in the play - a Midsummer Night's Dream.  What

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Www - what were the images that you were after, that you wanted to light?  [NS] The strongest one is the ... belongs to Www - what were the images that you were after, that you wanted to light?  [NS] The strongest one is the ... belongs to

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the set, it seems that you have for very obvious reasons, not just mentioned because they seem so unchallenging the set, it seems that you have for very obvious reasons, not just mentioned because they seem so unchallenging

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and inconsequential by comparison to series of scenes in the two children's houses that we get to meet the two sets of and inconsequential by comparison to series of scenes in the two children's houses that we get to meet the two sets of

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parents and then the third set of parents without child. parents and then the third set of parents without child.

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and in that production, which Robert Kemp did a very beautiful set design for, for the reasons of economy, and in that production, which Robert Kemp did a very beautiful set design for, for the reasons of economy,

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I guess, not money economy but this economy of space.  Those scenes were played out in front of three model houses. I guess, not money economy but this economy of space.  Those scenes were played out in front of three model houses.

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The just flew into an enormous empty space The just flew into an enormous empty space

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And they were played in fairly tight areas in front of the appropriate model house on education. And they were played in fairly tight areas in front of the appropriate model house on education.

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The other actors were still on stage.  That was the first time, I can remember anyway, where I had to try The other actors were still on stage.  That was the first time, I can remember anyway, where I had to try

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and create a studio naturalistic realistic bit of light for people to perform in, in a space that was completely and create a studio naturalistic realistic bit of light for people to perform in, in a space that was completely

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obstructed and stylised. obstructed and stylised.

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And that is fantastically useful learning experience because so much theatre takes place in stylised spaces...  [MP interrupts] But you ... And that is fantastically useful learning experience because so much theatre takes place in stylised spaces...  [MP interrupts] But you ...

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... warmth to still evoke the right sense of place and possibly time of day ... warmth to still evoke the right sense of place and possibly time of day

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and possibly location.  [MP] While keeping a tight domestic focus of light?  [NS] Yup and possibly location.  [MP] While keeping a tight domestic focus of light?  [NS] Yup

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and I approached that then from an incredibly simple point of view.  I actually remember consciously doing this. The scene and I approached that then from an incredibly simple point of view.  I actually remember consciously doing this. The scene

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Tom had with his parents, I decided in my mind, because it could have been anywhere Tom had with his parents, I decided in my mind, because it could have been anywhere

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I decided it was on the back porch, at night, under a single naked light globe.  Now do that on the Drama Theatre stage that's I decided it was on the back porch, at night, under a single naked light globe.  Now do that on the Drama Theatre stage that's

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17 metres wide, and don't lose that sense of time and place and the atmosphere 17 metres wide, and don't lose that sense of time and place and the atmosphere

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that it creates.  It's that simplistic a thought process.   [MP] Pretty good that it creates.  It's that simplistic a thought process.   [MP] Pretty good

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I can see it.  Um, you, you fairly quickly after that in 1989, you, you came to have your first commission overseas I can see it.  Um, you, you fairly quickly after that in 1989, you, you came to have your first commission overseas

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with the Schiller Theatre in then West Berlin.  Um, and this followed very quickly in '91 with the Schiller Theatre in then West Berlin.  Um, and this followed very quickly in '91

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you are doing a play in Stuttgart, in Vienna. Next year. you are doing a play in Stuttgart, in Vienna. Next year.

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the UFA review whatever that was, in East and then in West Berlin.  Um... oh how did you find Berlin, then the UFA review whatever that was, in East and then in West Berlin.  Um... oh how did you find Berlin, then

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b-before the Wall came down and particularly its theatre lighting techniques? b-before the Wall came down and particularly its theatre lighting techniques?

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Berlin before the Wall came down was the most exciting place I have ever been in the world. It was extraordinary. Berlin before the Wall came down was the most exciting place I have ever been in the world. It was extraordinary.

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It is certain for I think pretty obvious It is certain for I think pretty obvious

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and self-explanatory reasons,  you have, you have less than a million, or just on a million, I think was then, people and self-explanatory reasons,  you have, you have less than a million, or just on a million, I think was then, people

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completely surrounded by an East Bloc country with, people used to say as a joke at the time, completely surrounded by an East Bloc country with, people used to say as a joke at the time,

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but I think it actually was true, half the combined nuclear arsenal of the world. but I think it actually was true, half the combined nuclear arsenal of the world.

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pointing at this tiny patch of land. From both sides of course. pointing at this tiny patch of land. From both sides of course.

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That creates one kind of pressure cooker.  Into that pressure cooker you add the fact that the population of Berlin was That creates one kind of pressure cooker.  Into that pressure cooker you add the fact that the population of Berlin was

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massive....the demographic was massively skewed.  There are an awful lot of students because it was the one place that massive....the demographic was massively skewed.  There are an awful lot of students because it was the one place that

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whilst you were studying at university in Germany you could not be asked to do national service.  They had an exemption.  Not whilst you were studying at university in Germany you could not be asked to do national service.  They had an exemption.  Not

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very many people in the middle, and then a lot of people above, say fifty sixty's, so a very strange demographic. very many people in the middle, and then a lot of people above, say fifty sixty's, so a very strange demographic.

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The older people had largely opted to stay there The older people had largely opted to stay there

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and there was ...  It was my first experience of what I suppose we call an intelligentsia, of a group of people within a and there was ...  It was my first experience of what I suppose we call an intelligentsia, of a group of people within a

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society whose main preoccupation is earning a crust but is in fact thinking society whose main preoccupation is earning a crust but is in fact thinking

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and talking to each other about what they are thinking about.  You could walk into any bar and talking to each other about what they are thinking about.  You could walk into any bar

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or restaurant in Berlin at that stage, and if you were on your own within five minutes or restaurant in Berlin at that stage, and if you were on your own within five minutes

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you would find yourself in a conversation with the person sitting next to you. you would find yourself in a conversation with the person sitting next to you.

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And you wouldn't be talking about the weather.  People didn't stay at home and watch TV, they And you wouldn't be talking about the weather.  People didn't stay at home and watch TV, they

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when out as though it a minute. when out as though it a minute.

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There's, there's a sort of overtone of dancing on the volcano.  People There's, there's a sort of overtone of dancing on the volcano.  People

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went out as though it might be their last opportunity to go out.  There was an urgency about all that, that drove went out as though it might be their last opportunity to go out.  There was an urgency about all that, that drove

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an in- intellectual an in- intellectual

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and cultural life that you can't even begin to dream of in Australia.  There was something like eleven fully subsidised and cultural life that you can't even begin to dream of in Australia.  There was something like eleven fully subsidised

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companies in West Berlin alone and probably a few more than that again. Just the other side of the wall. companies in West Berlin alone and probably a few more than that again. Just the other side of the wall.

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I could go across to both, I could go across to both,

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so they had this sort of cornucopia of theatre.  [MP] Was the arts part of the arsenal?  Was that one of the reasons why they were so they had this sort of cornucopia of theatre.  [MP] Was the arts part of the arsenal?  Was that one of the reasons why they were

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so supported, so well?  [NS] Um...absolutely um... so supported, so well?  [NS] Um...absolutely um...

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It was called Kulture Politike, there's an actual term for it It was called Kulture Politike, there's an actual term for it

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and like when Germany rebuilt after the war, there was a conscious decision to concentrate on very specific, ah, and like when Germany rebuilt after the war, there was a conscious decision to concentrate on very specific, ah,

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engineer, largely engineering oriented manufacturing. engineer, largely engineering oriented manufacturing.

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So you get kind of, as it were, luxury engineering high-end engineering, So you get kind of, as it were, luxury engineering high-end engineering,

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but not a lot of dross that is produced in greater quantities.  So they specialised from that end but not a lot of dross that is produced in greater quantities.  So they specialised from that end

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and, I mean, Germany has al-always seen itself as the direct translation is that the navel of culture, the European navel of and, I mean, Germany has al-always seen itself as the direct translation is that the navel of culture, the European navel of

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culture.  Um, and another cliche, the land of thinkers and poets, both of which could be called into question, culture.  Um, and another cliche, the land of thinkers and poets, both of which could be called into question,

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but there is something to both of those ideas. but there is something to both of those ideas.

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And so the other political decision was, if you like, to market that.  They became the two founding cornerstones of the And so the other political decision was, if you like, to market that.  They became the two founding cornerstones of the

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rebuilt Germany after the war.  As a cultural centre, financed accordingly rebuilt Germany after the war.  As a cultural centre, financed accordingly

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and served as a place of precision manufacturing and that's why the arts have always been so heavily subsidised. and served as a place of precision manufacturing and that's why the arts have always been so heavily subsidised.

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[MP]  And your involvement to get there in the first place was it through the director Harald Clemen?  [NS] Yes [MP]  And your involvement to get there in the first place was it through the director Harald Clemen?  [NS] Yes

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[MP] Who seems to have been a constant, as many directors have been through  [NS] Yes  [MP] your career ...  but in this... in this you, um, [MP] Who seems to have been a constant, as many directors have been through  [NS] Yes  [MP] your career ...  but in this... in this you, um,

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[MP] you and him.  You, you work together a lot in Germany.  [NS over top] Yep. He, um, [MP] you and him.  You, you work together a lot in Germany.  [NS over top] Yep. He, um,

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he came out here, brought out by the Goethe Institute to do a production of Big he came out here, brought out by the Goethe Institute to do a production of Big

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And Little, a play that, given that it's performed very, And Little, a play that, given that it's performed very,

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very rarely anywhere in the world, seems to have made its way through my life a disproportionate number of times.  He come out very rarely anywhere in the world, seems to have made its way through my life a disproportionate number of times.  He come out

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here to do that, and he ... so this is '88, and in our cups after opening night, here to do that, and he ... so this is '88, and in our cups after opening night,

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he said, in kind of the same speech, that I had at that stage already heard so often, from visiting usually English he said, in kind of the same speech, that I had at that stage already heard so often, from visiting usually English

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directors.  Ah, to whit ... so, um um, I look forward to working with you in the UK or in London directors.  Ah, to whit ... so, um um, I look forward to working with you in the UK or in London

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or in this case in Germany, only Harald put it differently. He said ... we were both pretty sozzled ... so he said, or in this case in Germany, only Harald put it differently. He said ... we were both pretty sozzled ... so he said,

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So if I've, if I've got, if I've So if I've, if I've got, if I've

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If I've understood you correctly over the last few months, um, you'd prefer Berlin, but you'd  If I've understood you correctly over the last few months, um, you'd prefer Berlin, but you'd 

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settle for Munich.  And I said, what are you talking about?  You are more drunk than I thought you were.  And he said well settle for Munich.  And I said, what are you talking about?  You are more drunk than I thought you were.  And he said well

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when we do a show together in Germany you prefer if it was in Berlin but you wouldn't mind if it was in Munich. when we do a show together in Germany you prefer if it was in Berlin but you wouldn't mind if it was in Munich.

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and I said oh, um, I... sure.  Ah, unlike all those others within a couple of months and I said oh, um, I... sure.  Ah, unlike all those others within a couple of months

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he rang me at five o clock in the morning, as Harold never did get his head and time difference and said um, do you want to come  he rang me at five o clock in the morning, as Harold never did get his head and time difference and said um, do you want to come 

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and do a show in Berlin?  [MP] And just generalising across the work that you did in those few years with him, and do a show in Berlin?  [MP] And just generalising across the work that you did in those few years with him,

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what did he see in your work?  What was your emerging signature? It was appropriate for the sort of the theatre what did he see in your work?  What was your emerging signature? It was appropriate for the sort of the theatre

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that he was doing.  [NS] I am going to give you sort of the long version of this answer because I think it is pertinent. One of the reasons I think my that he was doing.  [NS] I am going to give you sort of the long version of this answer because I think it is pertinent. One of the reasons I think my

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career was slow to take off in Australia was that ... so difficult to generalise about this, career was slow to take off in Australia was that ... so difficult to generalise about this,

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but it is just my understanding, and I think w- when I started going to the theatre in Germany but it is just my understanding, and I think w- when I started going to the theatre in Germany

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it was, it was like a great realisation and it came fairly quickly, it was, it was like a great realisation and it came fairly quickly,

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that is, I suddenly understood where my ascetic had come from.  I felt like I was - I'd had aesthetically come home. that is, I suddenly understood where my ascetic had come from.  I felt like I was - I'd had aesthetically come home.

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So whilst in Australia, with my very early work So whilst in Australia, with my very early work

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mind you, I was jokingly criticised for being - my work being very Teutonic, and very stark mind you, I was jokingly criticised for being - my work being very Teutonic, and very stark

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but I don't use a lot of colour.  Um, I don't spend a lot of time trying to make people look nice.  I try to spend a great deal of time but I don't use a lot of colour.  Um, I don't spend a lot of time trying to make people look nice.  I try to spend a great deal of time

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trying to make people look right.  That's often the same thing.  Um, I use very steep angles. trying to make people look right.  That's often the same thing.  Um, I use very steep angles.

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I use very cold light. I use very cold light.

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All of those things were incredibly unfashionable in Australia. We- we were still very much in kind of, English boulevard All of those things were incredibly unfashionable in Australia. We- we were still very much in kind of, English boulevard

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theatre lighting territory here in those days.  Um, so that was a real eye-opener to me.  The other theatre lighting territory here in those days.  Um, so that was a real eye-opener to me.  The other

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eye-opener that accompanied this,  ah, was the realisation that there was no technique in German lighting and German stage light, eye-opener that accompanied this,  ah, was the realisation that there was no technique in German lighting and German stage light,

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or they have no lighting design. To this day my title in Germany is a list designer the job does not exist. or they have no lighting design. To this day my title in Germany is a list designer the job does not exist.

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There are now- nowadays a lot of people running around in Germany calling themselves lighting designers, There are now- nowadays a lot of people running around in Germany calling themselves lighting designers,

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but they are exactly the same permanently employed head electricians, but they are exactly the same permanently employed head electricians,

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at all of the big state theatre companies.  [MP] It is like these earlier days in Australia we were talking about.  [NS over] Yep, yep.  [MP] They were producing a very at all of the big state theatre companies.  [MP] It is like these earlier days in Australia we were talking about.  [NS over] Yep, yep.  [MP] They were producing a very

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different sort of theatre in inviting impact isn't yet a they not in Germany. different sort of theatre in inviting impact isn't yet a they not in Germany.

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but You would think if like me, and I so many people who work in Australian theatre but You would think if like me, and I so many people who work in Australian theatre

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and have become enamoured of German theatre, if you base that assessment on photographs of German stage productions and have become enamoured of German theatre, if you base that assessment on photographs of German stage productions

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they often look stunning.  They're- they're beguiling big beautiful images. they often look stunning.  They're- they're beguiling big beautiful images.

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When you see those in the flesh that's likely to be the only image.  You might sit there When you see those in the flesh that's likely to be the only image.  You might sit there

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and look at that for twenty minutes.  Because of the, ah, the lack of relief to the eye and look at that for twenty minutes.  Because of the, ah, the lack of relief to the eye

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you get very, very tired eyes from trying to look at it. you get very, very tired eyes from trying to look at it.

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When you combine that with the fact that there is absolutely no technique for lighting actors, they don't learn that, When you combine that with the fact that there is absolutely no technique for lighting actors, they don't learn that,

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technique doesn't exist.  That is an American invention initially, technique doesn't exist.  That is an American invention initially,

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but it's practised in every English speaking country to some degree but it's practised in every English speaking country to some degree

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or other.  You know it's a- it's a cornerstone of how we light actors on a stage. It doesn't exist in Germany at all. or other.  You know it's a- it's a cornerstone of how we light actors on a stage. It doesn't exist in Germany at all.

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and in my experience of how lighting works there, when it gets to the actors and in my experience of how lighting works there, when it gets to the actors

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It's a case of every man himself and you know, so I literally heard people so will if he wants to go and It's a case of every man himself and you know, so I literally heard people so will if he wants to go and

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against the wall, against the wall,

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then tough luck, he is going to be in the dark. Well you could just actually learn a few tricks about how you light somebody then tough luck, he is going to be in the dark. Well you could just actually learn a few tricks about how you light somebody

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standing against the wall without having a big shadow behind them.  This is all do-able.  Um, so two realisations, standing against the wall without having a big shadow behind them.  This is all do-able.  Um, so two realisations,

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aesthetically I suddenly felt like I had come home; practically, oh dear, this is prehistoric.  So I was inundated with offers on the aesthetically I suddenly felt like I had come home; practically, oh dear, this is prehistoric.  So I was inundated with offers on the

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strength of those first two shows. strength of those first two shows.

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I did at the show, which were both in their middle size house, so they weren't particularly big productions.  Um I did at the show, which were both in their middle size house, so they weren't particularly big productions.  Um

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and they were lit very very simply, and they were lit very very simply,

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but they'd ... what people, particularly directors there were responding to, was, th- the attention to lighting actors but they'd ... what people, particularly directors there were responding to, was, th- the attention to lighting actors

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and the degree of, all of those tricks that we do ... making sure that you look in the right place at the right time, making and the degree of, all of those tricks that we do ... making sure that you look in the right place at the right time, making

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sure you lead the audience's eye, making sure you even play with their emotional responses to every single actor on sure you lead the audience's eye, making sure you even play with their emotional responses to every single actor on

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that stage at any given point in time.  Completely unheard of in German theatre.  Now the German theatre, ah ...  [MP over] Lighting designers that stage at any given point in time.  Completely unheard of in German theatre.  Now the German theatre, ah ...  [MP over] Lighting designers

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other roles ....  [NS] not practised... not practised.  There's a, there's a sort of pejorative term, ah, dramaturgical lighting, other roles ....  [NS] not practised... not practised.  There's a, there's a sort of pejorative term, ah, dramaturgical lighting,

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which is usually said with an accompanying sneer.  Um, I had arguments with actors in Germany because they accuse me of which is usually said with an accompanying sneer.  Um, I had arguments with actors in Germany because they accuse me of

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helping them and doing their job for them. helping them and doing their job for them.

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"I'd rather just be doing this standing under a fluorescent tube with all the house lights on" "I'd rather just be doing this standing under a fluorescent tube with all the house lights on"

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they say.  If I did that to an actor in England, in America they say.  If I did that to an actor in England, in America

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or in Australia, I would absolutely expect them to come to me and say "what the fuck do you think you're doing to me? or in Australia, I would absolutely expect them to come to me and say "what the fuck do you think you're doing to me?

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You are completely undermining my performance". You are completely undermining my performance".

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So w- we assume naturally that the way show is lit needs to be working absolutely in ?hand? with everything So w- we assume naturally that the way show is lit needs to be working absolutely in ?hand? with everything

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else. else.

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Otherwise why would you be doing it not as this placed in hangover Otherwise why would you be doing it not as this placed in hangover

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and it is very much a question, a hangover based in thinking in Germany, and it is very much a question, a hangover based in thinking in Germany,

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that you might even have a relatively naturalistic set, although that's unusual, but when it comes to the light, that you might even have a relatively naturalistic set, although that's unusual, but when it comes to the light,

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Nah, just turn on a big cold light and let everyone muddle through.  [MP]  So you see the scaffolding, if you like, Nah, just turn on a big cold light and let everyone muddle through.  [MP]  So you see the scaffolding, if you like,

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of the theatre.  There's no pretence.  [NS] Yep  [MP] Fascinating.  Um, we are still only up to 1990 of the theatre.  There's no pretence.  [NS] Yep  [MP] Fascinating.  Um, we are still only up to 1990

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when you are back in the STC, mainly applying some of the things that you've just said to Caryl Churchill's Hot Fudge and when you are back in the STC, mainly applying some of the things that you've just said to Caryl Churchill's Hot Fudge and

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Ice-cream', um, a double bill with again designer Robert Kemp, ah, with a lot of silhouettes, I understand, Ice-cream', um, a double bill with again designer Robert Kemp, ah, with a lot of silhouettes, I understand,

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and miniatures, a very witty design...  [NS] Mm  [MP] that somehow was evoking Baghdad and America, a very bold and miniatures, a very witty design...  [NS] Mm  [MP] that somehow was evoking Baghdad and America, a very bold

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and simple.  What kind of lighting do you bring to something like that? and simple.  What kind of lighting do you bring to something like that?

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Or have I just described the lighting as well as the design?  [NS] Well, Or have I just described the lighting as well as the design?  [NS] Well,

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as you should, because they should be invisibly one as you should, because they should be invisibly one

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and the same thing.  Um, I mean, it's no coincidence that I also work as a set designer.  I would never ever in my life design and the same thing.  Um, I mean, it's no coincidence that I also work as a set designer.  I would never ever in my life design

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a costume for anybody.   I, I really don't ... um ... I know its history, of course, I know where it's come from, a costume for anybody.   I, I really don't ... um ... I know its history, of course, I know where it's come from,

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but I really don't understand the natural twinning of set but I really don't understand the natural twinning of set

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and costume design, as the job done by, two jobs done by the same person. and costume design, as the job done by, two jobs done by the same person.

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I think the twinning of set and lighting design is so much more natural, because if those two things not working I think the twinning of set and lighting design is so much more natural, because if those two things not working

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hand-in-hand, then you're gonna have a problem.  Um, so the set designer that I work with most in my life, hand-in-hand, then you're gonna have a problem.  Um, so the set designer that I work with most in my life,

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Michael Scott-Mitchell, he Michael Scott-Mitchell, he

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and I have a shorthand that ... we- we can communicate in grunts sometimes. Nobody else in the conversation has a clue and I have a shorthand that ... we- we can communicate in grunts sometimes. Nobody else in the conversation has a clue

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what we're talking about.  But that is the product of years and years and years of planning everything, what we're talking about.  But that is the product of years and years and years of planning everything,

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and I mean every single last detail of what a production is going to look like, together.  [MP] Would you like to talk first and I mean every single last detail of what a production is going to look like, together.  [MP] Would you like to talk first

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about say Michael Scott-Mitchell because he is a constant in so many productions ...  [NS] Mm  [MP] um, which reach right about say Michael Scott-Mitchell because he is a constant in so many productions ...  [NS] Mm  [MP] um, which reach right

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through the 90's. I particularly remember Richard Wherrett's STC production in '96, of um ... I'm thinking of  through the 90's. I particularly remember Richard Wherrett's STC production in '96, of um ... I'm thinking of 

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Galileo.  [NS] Yep  [MP] ah, with Michael 's set design, um ... but that's just one, um Galileo.  [NS] Yep  [MP] ah, with Michael 's set design, um ... but that's just one, um

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and ah, you worked also on the, on the Verdi, ah, Falstaff, which you designed and ah, you worked also on the, on the Verdi, ah, Falstaff, which you designed

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[NS] ah no,  Il Trovatore  [MP] yeah, yeah, um, and many others. [NS] ah no,  Il Trovatore  [MP] yeah, yeah, um, and many others.

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Um, what's the um ...  T- talk about the relationship about, in that case, Um, what's the um ...  T- talk about the relationship about, in that case,

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because, um, do- do you need to have the set worked out first because, um, do- do you need to have the set worked out first

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and then you know where to put the lights or, how does it work?  [NS] You need to start from the question, the very simple and then you know where to put the lights or, how does it work?  [NS] You need to start from the question, the very simple

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question: why are we doing this play, opera, question: why are we doing this play, opera,

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whatever?  It's ah, the more it's a classic, like ninety percent of the performed opera canon, whatever?  It's ah, the more it's a classic, like ninety percent of the performed opera canon,

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the more that question becomes important, because, for instance right now I'm doing, the more that question becomes important, because, for instance right now I'm doing,

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about start rehearsals on my, my fifth Macbeth in my life. about start rehearsals on my, my fifth Macbeth in my life.

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Um, surely if you don't begin that process with the very simple question, Um, surely if you don't begin that process with the very simple question,

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why are we doing the four millionth production of Macbeth in the history of the play? why are we doing the four millionth production of Macbeth in the history of the play?

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Why are we doing it in Melbourne in 2017? Why are we doing it in Melbourne in 2017?

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and even, why are we doing it at Melbourne Theatre Company knowing that that is a context different, quite different, to and even, why are we doing it at Melbourne Theatre Company knowing that that is a context different, quite different, to

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doing it well. doing it well.

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La Mama La Mama

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in Melbourne, in the same city, or doing it across the road at the Malthouse?  That is also a factor, not initially a in Melbourne, in the same city, or doing it across the road at the Malthouse?  That is also a factor, not initially a

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greater one, but it is a factor. greater one, but it is a factor.

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If you don't start by asking that dumb fundamental question, then you're likely to just be doing yet another production of Macbeth If you don't start by asking that dumb fundamental question, then you're likely to just be doing yet another production of Macbeth

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because it's there and we better do it again kind of thing. because it's there and we better do it again kind of thing.

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Once you answer that question that leads eventually on to what's the environment in which our production, now four Once you answer that question that leads eventually on to what's the environment in which our production, now four

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millionth production of Macbeth, is going to take place? millionth production of Macbeth, is going to take place?

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then it is a gradual process of homing in on that in view of Michael a revolving that in the directorate, then it is a gradual process of homing in on that in view of Michael a revolving that in the directorate,

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which in many cases is Simon Phillips.  Is, is, this case  [both speaking together inaudible]  [NS] I mean Michael ... which in many cases is Simon Phillips.  Is, is, this case  [both speaking together inaudible]  [NS] I mean Michael ...

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[NS] Simon is directing  [MP]  All right, okay, yes, that's how it works, crossovers um, so it's Simon, Michael, you, often  [NS] Yes [NS] Simon is directing  [MP]  All right, okay, yes, that's how it works, crossovers um, so it's Simon, Michael, you, often  [NS] Yes

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starting at the very beginning of its travels.  [NS over top] Yes, absolutely  [MP] Because normally lighting people come in later don't they?  [NS] Well, some people do, starting at the very beginning of its travels.  [NS over top] Yes, absolutely  [MP] Because normally lighting people come in later don't they?  [NS] Well, some people do,

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I don't.  I actually will not work on a production that I am not part of from the start, and that's been my- my line for as long as I have been I don't.  I actually will not work on a production that I am not part of from the start, and that's been my- my line for as long as I have been

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been able to do it like, certainly for the last few decades ... [MP] So what's the type of war, if that is what it been able to do it like, certainly for the last few decades ... [MP] So what's the type of war, if that is what it

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is the- the collaboration between you is the- the collaboration between you

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and Michael?  How does it evolve, um, with whatever production uses the best example of that?  [NS] Um, I'll use  and Michael?  How does it evolve, um, with whatever production uses the best example of that?  [NS] Um, I'll use 

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the monster of the Ring Cycle, the monster of the Ring Cycle,

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Just because it is like doing twenty seven shows in one cover such a massively broad-spectrum in its its kind of using Just because it is like doing twenty seven shows in one cover such a massively broad-spectrum in its its kind of using

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two brains, where you might in fact, just use one. two brains, where you might in fact, just use one.

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And I think the whole process of a production team is using four, five, sometimes six brains where you might just use one. And I think the whole process of a production team is using four, five, sometimes six brains where you might just use one.

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If those four, five, six people, like all the designers, the director maybe ah, a composer maybe If those four, five, six people, like all the designers, the director maybe ah, a composer maybe

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ah, maybe a dramaturg, you know that, that- that's a recipe for a kind of lowest common denominator, compromise version. ah, maybe a dramaturg, you know that, that- that's a recipe for a kind of lowest common denominator, compromise version.

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It's only worth doing that if the end result is greater than the sum of its parts. It's only worth doing that if the end result is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Therefore, every single one of those people needs to contribute to that process, Therefore, every single one of those people needs to contribute to that process,

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otherwise you would be much better off having an auto model where one person conceives the entire thing otherwise you would be much better off having an auto model where one person conceives the entire thing

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and then they have specialists who carry out that vision.  And I have no issue about, that's fine. It, it's kind of a way and then they have specialists who carry out that vision.  And I have no issue about, that's fine. It, it's kind of a way

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Barrie Kosky works. Barrie Kosky works.

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He's got a great brain, brilliant. He's got a great brain, brilliant.

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But that's, that's a model that, for obvious reasons, doesn't interest me.  If you going to do the more traditional one, I mean, you can't But that's, that's a model that, for obvious reasons, doesn't interest me.  If you going to do the more traditional one, I mean, you can't

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imagine five or six people sitting down to write a book, ah, I'm sure it's happened, imagine five or six people sitting down to write a book, ah, I'm sure it's happened,

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but very rarely would  five or six people work on the same painting, or on the same sculpture; it's really only theatre but very rarely would  five or six people work on the same painting, or on the same sculpture; it's really only theatre

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and film that use this model of more brains input. It is only worth doing. and film that use this model of more brains input. It is only worth doing.

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if those, if those brains, thanks to their, not just their own specialised knowledge, that of course, if those, if those brains, thanks to their, not just their own specialised knowledge, that of course,

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but also because they are different brains; they are inside different people. but also because they are different brains; they are inside different people.

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If that can come together If that can come together

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and clash in a positive tug-of-war then you're going to have an end result that is greater than the sum of the parts.   As soon as it and clash in a positive tug-of-war then you're going to have an end result that is greater than the sum of the parts.   As soon as it

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just becomes a compromise get out, fast. just becomes a compromise get out, fast.

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It's not, that's not going to help, it's only going to undo things.  So that's how Michael and I have always worked.  But that, similarly that's how It's not, that's not going to help, it's only going to undo things.  So that's how Michael and I have always worked.  But that, similarly that's how

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I work with Simon; that's how I worked with Harald Clemen in Germany; I work with Simon; that's how I worked with Harald Clemen in Germany;

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and certainly how I worked with Elke Neidhardt on many productions I did with her, um, and you know, and certainly how I worked with Elke Neidhardt on many productions I did with her, um, and you know,

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I also, I brought Michael and, Michael Scott-Mitchell and Simon Phillips together. I also, I brought Michael and, Michael Scott-Mitchell and Simon Phillips together.

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I brought Michael Scott-Mitchell and Elke Neidhardt together.  You know, it's, it's kind of you ... when you work in this way, you I brought Michael Scott-Mitchell and Elke Neidhardt together.  You know, it's, it's kind of you ... when you work in this way, you

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and up as a natural distillation process you end up finding each other in the very small in a world that is Australia and up as a natural distillation process you end up finding each other in the very small in a world that is Australia

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And you kind of, you distill together into these little families, And you kind of, you distill together into these little families,

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and there are,  as you can see, there are cross-fertilisations within those. But really the people, and there are,  as you can see, there are cross-fertilisations within those. But really the people,

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The group of people that I choose to work within within Australia is very, very small and it's one of the other reason, The group of people that I choose to work within within Australia is very, very small and it's one of the other reason,

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I started working overseas. Because I just felt there were not enough people here. I started working overseas. Because I just felt there were not enough people here.

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I wanted to work with.  [MP]  And ah, no wonder, you've um... Michael Scott-Mitchell has made you Godparents to his daughter, I wanted to work with.  [MP]  And ah, no wonder, you've um... Michael Scott-Mitchell has made you Godparents to his daughter,

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along with the ah, a- another frequent collaborator, along with the ah, a- another frequent collaborator,

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the late costume designer, Jenny Tate.  [NS] Yes.  [MP] Um, is it the same with Simon Phillips as a director, or is it different with the the late costume designer, Jenny Tate.  [NS] Yes.  [MP] Um, is it the same with Simon Phillips as a director, or is it different with the

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director, you worked on the, going back to '91, director, you worked on the, going back to '91,

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the premiere of Richard Meale's  Mer de Glace with the Australian Opera the premiere of Richard Meale's  Mer de Glace with the Australian Opera

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and later Verdi's Falstaff with the Australian Opera, for which you won a Greenroom Award, um, well, and later Verdi's Falstaff with the Australian Opera, for which you won a Greenroom Award, um, well,

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what sort of brief, working process, do you want from the director?  What...  [NS] Again it's not a brief. It's just a conversation about what sort of brief, working process, do you want from the director?  What...  [NS] Again it's not a brief. It's just a conversation about

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what are we doing, why are we doing it, and that inevitably leads to how are we doing it?  Um, Simon 's wife, Carolyn what are we doing, why are we doing it, and that inevitably leads to how are we doing it?  Um, Simon 's wife, Carolyn

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in a recent interview. in a recent interview.

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accused us of finishing each others sentences, to a degree that even she, as his long-standing wife, was, was not able accused us of finishing each others sentences, to a degree that even she, as his long-standing wife, was, was not able

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to do.  It's a, it, to do.  It's a, it,

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It's a kind of, it's a shorthand that ari... arises out of, obviously, like-minded thinking but, um. It's a kind of, it's a shorthand that ari... arises out of, obviously, like-minded thinking but, um.

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but also just practice, just doing it together.  Simon but also just practice, just doing it together.  Simon

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and I recently celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary of working together by co- designing a set. and I recently celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary of working together by co- designing a set.

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Now there's a recipe for disaster. Now there's a recipe for disaster.

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That's the first time I've ever done that.  Um, and there are obvious good reasons for not[laughs] doing that.  Very dangerous. That's the first time I've ever done that.  Um, and there are obvious good reasons for not[laughs] doing that.  Very dangerous.

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but, you know when that, in this circumstance, I can do that with complete confidence but, you know when that, in this circumstance, I can do that with complete confidence

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and without ever losing  ...  [MP] How do you refresh those partnerships?  Can't they go stale? and without ever losing  ...  [MP] How do you refresh those partnerships?  Can't they go stale?

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If you know what Simon is saying with every sentence it, If you know what Simon is saying with every sentence it,

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if you can finish it, how can you actually get fresh creativity if you can finish it, how can you actually get fresh creativity

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and in an industry which is quite small in Australia, you can't really be, ah, too choosy. and in an industry which is quite small in Australia, you can't really be, ah, too choosy.

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Can you about who you can work for, Can you about who you can work for,

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because um, ah, you need the work, and you need the stimulation?  [NS] Ah, this is why I am so lucky because um, ah, you need the work, and you need the stimulation?  [NS] Ah, this is why I am so lucky

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in being able to choose that's um... I think the single biggest turning point in my dubious career was the moment in being able to choose that's um... I think the single biggest turning point in my dubious career was the moment

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when I realised that I no longer had to say yes to every offer.  Was the- the sense of freedom of finally being able to when I realised that I no longer had to say yes to every offer.  Was the- the sense of freedom of finally being able to

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just do the things that I want to do.  That is the single most significant point, more significant than the Ring cycle just do the things that I want to do.  That is the single most significant point, more significant than the Ring cycle

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or- or any other production I could name, or (?mice are) set design or- or any other production I could name, or (?mice are) set design

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or any of those things.  It's simply being able to take that bit of your own life into your own hands or any of those things.  It's simply being able to take that bit of your own life into your own hands

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and just saying no, I don't want to do that.  To your point about getting stale it's, that's extremely true it is a very and just saying no, I don't want to do that.  To your point about getting stale it's, that's extremely true it is a very

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dangerous thing and it's a very great possibility.  Again another reason why I started working overseas.  A way dangerous thing and it's a very great possibility.  Again another reason why I started working overseas.  A way

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I keep, in small doses, but enough um, a) to stop the staleness within any one of those working relationships, I keep, in small doses, but enough um, a) to stop the staleness within any one of those working relationships,

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and, b) just to make sure I don't get, you know, twisted about the sometimes dreadful state of the very, and, b) just to make sure I don't get, you know, twisted about the sometimes dreadful state of the very,

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very tiny industry that is theatre in Australia. very tiny industry that is theatre in Australia.

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What was it like at around this stage of 90 What was it like at around this stage of 90

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to 91, working on Strauss 's Elektra in South Australia with the film director Bruce Beresford, because (inaudible) to 91, working on Strauss 's Elektra in South Australia with the film director Bruce Beresford, because (inaudible)

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as a director of opera.  Did you get on well with him?   [NS] Nah (laughs)  [MP] Why not? What sort of creative disagreements did you have that didn't work in as a director of opera.  Did you get on well with him?   [NS] Nah (laughs)  [MP] Why not? What sort of creative disagreements did you have that didn't work in

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that case?  [NS] Um, I think I will, I will loosely quote myself because I was very angry, that case?  [NS] Um, I think I will, I will loosely quote myself because I was very angry,

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one I've said since, and I probably will not completely get right, and it is a long time ago, one I've said since, and I probably will not completely get right, and it is a long time ago,

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but, (coughs) um, I essentially accused him of ah, initially approaching it under completely false pretences because I didn't get (inaudible). but, (coughs) um, I essentially accused him of ah, initially approaching it under completely false pretences because I didn't get (inaudible).

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Everything he had said to me was about how awful his memories of going to opera as a young man in the fifties were. Everything he had said to me was about how awful his memories of going to opera as a young man in the fifties were.

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The kind of opera that took place in those (inaudible - stygian). The kind of opera that took place in those (inaudible - stygian).

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 stygian? gloom, amongst other things.  Ah, only to discover that  stygian? gloom, amongst other things.  Ah, only to discover that

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when we were, we actually had the show in the theatre, um, that is in fact exactly what he seemed to want.  Um, when we were, we actually had the show in the theatre, um, that is in fact exactly what he seemed to want.  Um,

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and in fact, I offered to withdraw from the production.  That's how bad it was.  Um, so you've chosen very well there Martin. and in fact, I offered to withdraw from the production.  That's how bad it was.  Um, so you've chosen very well there Martin.

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But it was a nocturnal story that he wanted, that you delivered, that, lit by a moon? But it was a nocturnal story that he wanted, that you delivered, that, lit by a moon?

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Burning torches?  WAsn't that the kind of ...  lighting vision...  [NS over]  Yeah...  that that was his, but it wasn't mine, or  Burning torches?  WAsn't that the kind of ...  lighting vision...  [NS over]  Yeah...  that that was his, but it wasn't mine, or 

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it certainly wasn't what we discussed.  Um, it was just a really naff, boring old piece of  it certainly wasn't what we discussed.  Um, it was just a really naff, boring old piece of 

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 pseudo-naturalistic 1950s opera.  Plus I discovered that he knew nothing about staging at all, whatsoever, and  pseudo-naturalistic 1950s opera.  Plus I discovered that he knew nothing about staging at all, whatsoever, and

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th- the whole thing made worse by the fact that ... it was, like, that there's this... through a brilliant fluke Elektra is work th- the whole thing made worse by the fact that ... it was, like, that there's this... through a brilliant fluke Elektra is work

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that fell through the cracks in Australia.  Most opera in that, the  standard repertoire that fell through the cracks in Australia.  Most opera in that, the  standard repertoire

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and slightly wider field than that, (coughs).  Works from that time received productions in Australia very, and slightly wider field than that, (coughs).  Works from that time received productions in Australia very,

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very early on in their lives. very early on in their lives.

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Surprisingly, you'll find some company did it in the 1920s or 30s in Melbourne. Surprisingly, you'll find some company did it in the 1920s or 30s in Melbourne.

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Not Elektra.  In that, in that, ever.  Like, a major Strauss opera had never been performed in Australia. Not Elektra.  In that, in that, ever.  Like, a major Strauss opera had never been performed in Australia.

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So this was a golden opportunity to do the Australian premiere of Richard Strauss's Elektra.  [MP] Mmm, mm.  [NS]  Like that doesn't come So this was a golden opportunity to do the Australian premiere of Richard Strauss's Elektra.  [MP] Mmm, mm.  [NS]  Like that doesn't come

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along very often.  And in my opinion it was then given to somebody to direct, who was completely incompetent to ??inaudible.  [MP] Um... along very often.  And in my opinion it was then given to somebody to direct, who was completely incompetent to ??inaudible.  [MP] Um...

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Did you know that? Is Did you know that? Is

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that why you asked me that question?   [MP] No, I didn't know that.  [NS]  Because I don't think that's particularly well known.  [MP] Um, how did you go  that why you asked me that question?   [MP] No, I didn't know that.  [NS]  Because I don't think that's particularly well known.  [MP] Um, how did you go 

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then at about the same time doing, ah, Wagner's Lohengrin, um with the Opera Australia then at about the same time doing, ah, Wagner's Lohengrin, um with the Opera Australia

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designer Kenneth Rose set. [sic Kenneth Rowell].  Um. I wanted to ask you about this production because of the lighting, designer Kenneth Rose set. [sic Kenneth Rowell].  Um. I wanted to ask you about this production because of the lighting,

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There was described as dimming There was described as dimming

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and brightening to suggest a sort of shifting intensity in that Wagner opera. Um, is that wh.. is that what you were... is that how you and brightening to suggest a sort of shifting intensity in that Wagner opera. Um, is that wh.. is that what you were... is that how you

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Is that how you remember it?  [NS]  Ah, yes, the whole first act is set in a forest that was made of very stylised metallic structures. Is that how you remember it?  [NS]  Ah, yes, the whole first act is set in a forest that was made of very stylised metallic structures.

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and I spent a lot of time essentially trying to figure out ways of bouncing light off those metallic structures and I spent a lot of time essentially trying to figure out ways of bouncing light off those metallic structures

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and moving it very, very gently, very, very slowly, very, very subtly, so didn't it become this greatly distracting light show. and moving it very, very gently, very, very slowly, very, very subtly, so didn't it become this greatly distracting light show.

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But just sort of shifted within the natural movements of the first act, um, that was the beginning of my But just sort of shifted within the natural movements of the first act, um, that was the beginning of my

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Wagner career. [laughs]  Wagner being th- the composer that I particularly dislike. Ah..  [MP] We'll get to the Ring Wagner career. [laughs]  Wagner being th- the composer that I particularly dislike. Ah..  [MP] We'll get to the Ring

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of course; there's a lot of Wagner.  Why do you dislike Wagner..  [NS] Um  [MP] from a lighting perspective if not else?  [NS] No, of course; there's a lot of Wagner.  Why do you dislike Wagner..  [NS] Um  [MP] from a lighting perspective if not else?  [NS] No,

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nothing to do with lighting. I think, um, in fact the lighting is spec?? nothing to do with lighting. I think, um, in fact the lighting is spec??

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 is why I keep doing it.  Um, I think ... it's a very simple, I think there's two kinds of Germans.  is why I keep doing it.  Um, I think ... it's a very simple, I think there's two kinds of Germans.

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There's the kind who when they hear Wagner immediately leap to their feet, and find a, you know, impulse to raise their right hand, There's the kind who when they hear Wagner immediately leap to their feet, and find a, you know, impulse to raise their right hand,

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and then there's the kind who like me, get this very unpleasant feeling in the pit of their stomach, or in fact in my case and then there's the kind who like me, get this very unpleasant feeling in the pit of their stomach, or in fact in my case

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at the base of my spine usually, and it just makes me incredibly uncomfortable, at the base of my spine usually, and it just makes me incredibly uncomfortable,

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and I think his music is laden with his vile philosophy and I think his music is laden with his vile philosophy

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and thinking. It is so on display.  [MP]  W-, hold that thought.  We will get to it when we get to the Ring.  But Lohengrin, and thinking. It is so on display.  [MP]  W-, hold that thought.  We will get to it when we get to the Ring.  But Lohengrin,

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and now I and now I

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I wanted to ask you about, ah, this, ah, criticism that I've read of the lighting that um, and you have been ... I wanted to ask you about, ah, this, ah, criticism that I've read of the lighting that um, and you have been ...

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when lighting gets critical attention you get good attention when lighting gets critical attention you get good attention

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but it gets rare attention.  In this particular criticism is that, ah your your your, it drew attention to the lighting but it gets rare attention.  In this particular criticism is that, ah your your your, it drew attention to the lighting

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plot rather than the emotions of the moment.  It's always a hard thing for, f- for lighting isn't it to ... plot rather than the emotions of the moment.  It's always a hard thing for, f- for lighting isn't it to ...

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You want to be expressive but you, you can't ...  [NS over top] What is the exact comment?  You want to be expressive but you, you can't ...  [NS over top] What is the exact comment? 

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[NS] I don't remember that.  [MP] With the Sun Herald drawing, saying drawing attention to the lighting plot rather than the [NS] I don't remember that.  [MP] With the Sun Herald drawing, saying drawing attention to the lighting plot rather than the

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[NS] oh, so drawing attention to myself ... [MP] Yes ...  [NS] being a coarse lighting designer ...  [MP] Yes, yes [NS] oh, so drawing attention to myself ... [MP] Yes ...  [NS] being a coarse lighting designer ...  [MP] Yes, yes

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... by that old definition.  I suspect that that is partly coming from what  ... by that old definition.  I suspect that that is partly coming from what 

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I was saying before about my very unpopular aesthetic.  Ah, I mean, that Lohengrin was a perfect case in point.  A production that with I was saying before about my very unpopular aesthetic.  Ah, I mean, that Lohengrin was a perfect case in point.  A production that with

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one notable exception, was apparently monochromatic.   Certainly lit very, one notable exception, was apparently monochromatic.   Certainly lit very,

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very steeply, using very acute sharp angles, very harsh angles, very steeply, using very acute sharp angles, very harsh angles,

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and using a very large quantity of lights, of which I'm still guilty. and using a very large quantity of lights, of which I'm still guilty.

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It went to the back wall of the State theatre, It went to the back wall of the State theatre,

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at the Victorian Arts Centre.  That is a double depth stage. It was a big big production. at the Victorian Arts Centre.  That is a double depth stage. It was a big big production.

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And it also had one very spectacular moment, um, in the middle of the last act; that was my only disagreement with And it also had one very spectacular moment, um, in the middle of the last act; that was my only disagreement with

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August Everding who nominally directed that production, ah, in that he- he accused me actually of exactly that, August Everding who nominally directed that production, ah, in that he- he accused me actually of exactly that,

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that it is too spectacular. that it is too spectacular.

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it's too distracting from the moment.  My reply to that was, what moment?  It's yet another rousing rumpty-tum Wagner male it's too distracting from the moment.  My reply to that was, what moment?  It's yet another rousing rumpty-tum Wagner male

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chorus [MP laughs]  [NS] about going to war. What, hell, you know, let's at least make it look spectacular. chorus [MP laughs]  [NS] about going to war. What, hell, you know, let's at least make it look spectacular.

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So it's, So it's,

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it's interesting.  I, if I did read that at the time I've forgotten it.  It's the opposite of what I'm normally accused of it's interesting.  I, if I did read that at the time I've forgotten it.  It's the opposite of what I'm normally accused of

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but  that, that's good.  [MP] That's very interesting.  Um, also I'd like to ask you about but  that, that's good.  [MP] That's very interesting.  Um, also I'd like to ask you about

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another role of the lighting designer allegedly is, is to ... another role of the lighting designer allegedly is, is to ...

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you have a story telling role.  Speaking earlier of ... th- the dramaturgical design, ah, which you made a reference to, um you have a story telling role.  Speaking earlier of ... th- the dramaturgical design, ah, which you made a reference to, um

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Ah, wh- what's the storytelling role of the lighting designer? I was thinking about, this reading about, um Ah, wh- what's the storytelling role of the lighting designer? I was thinking about, this reading about, um

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when you have a challenge of a lot of short scenes, like the adaptation of Dymphna Cusack's 1935 novel when you have a challenge of a lot of short scenes, like the adaptation of Dymphna Cusack's 1935 novel

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Jungfrau, ah, which you did for Melbourne Playbox production.  Thirty-three scenes Jungfrau, ah, which you did for Melbourne Playbox production.  Thirty-three scenes

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or something?  Yeah, what is your storytelling role or something?  Yeah, what is your storytelling role

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when you got to light that kind of passing parade?  [NS] I will use a different production when you got to light that kind of passing parade?  [NS] I will use a different production

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if I may.  Um, just simply 'cause it illustrates the point better.  Exactly the same point but, ah, if I may.  Um, just simply 'cause it illustrates the point better.  Exactly the same point but, ah,

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and that is the very recent Chimerica, just closed a few weeks ago.  Massive big, and that is the very recent Chimerica, just closed a few weeks ago.  Massive big,

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open space.  So again you have no, there's no physical structure to help you, ah, as an audience, locate time and place. open space.  So again you have no, there's no physical structure to help you, ah, as an audience, locate time and place.

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This is a British play about ah, the ah, the story of the man, in a fictional story This is a British play about ah, the ah, the story of the man, in a fictional story

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perhaps, of the man who held up the tank at Tiananmen Square, holding his plastic shopping bags perhaps, of the man who held up the tank at Tiananmen Square, holding his plastic shopping bags

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and ah, so, a big space, not much on it, and about thirty up and ah, so, a big space, not much on it, and about thirty up

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but up, up to about thirty actors, so you had a lot of body movement and ... [NS] Thirty actors but up, up to about thirty actors, so you had a lot of body movement and ... [NS] Thirty actors

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and forty something scenes.  ah, Some of which were quite short and fleeting, others not.  So in terms of the storytelling, and forty something scenes.  ah, Some of which were quite short and fleeting, others not.  So in terms of the storytelling,

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you need to make absolutely sure that, within the shortest amount of time after the show begins, you establish a language you need to make absolutely sure that, within the shortest amount of time after the show begins, you establish a language

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with the audience. Not just for, with the audience. Not just for,

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but with the audience. That doesn't leave them wondering where am I now.  So one of the reasons I'm using Chimerica as an example is it but with the audience. That doesn't leave them wondering where am I now.  So one of the reasons I'm using Chimerica as an example is it

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goes between America and China, so it jumps continents goes between America and China, so it jumps continents

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and it consistently jumps from 1989 to 2012, and you don't want people sitting there and it consistently jumps from 1989 to 2012, and you don't want people sitting there

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missing the beginning of the scene because they're going, shit, where am I now? when I now? which, which time, and which country missing the beginning of the scene because they're going, shit, where am I now? when I now? which, which time, and which country

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am I in? And obviously there's a lot of, um, weapons in the arsenal to help do that storytelling. am I in? And obviously there's a lot of, um, weapons in the arsenal to help do that storytelling.

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[MP]  How? How do you start those scenes so that they don't lose track?  [NS] I meant other things other than light. [MP]  How? How do you start those scenes so that they don't lose track?  [NS] I meant other things other than light.

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So, what people are wearing being the obvious thing.  But in play of this nature often and there isn't a time or, indeed, So, what people are wearing being the obvious thing.  But in play of this nature often and there isn't a time or, indeed,

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there's not the desire for people to do massive costume changes or ... [MP] No, no there's not the desire for people to do massive costume changes or ... [MP] No, no

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So you make sure that each location has one overriding look to it, So you make sure that each location has one overriding look to it,

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and you make sure that the first time you go to that location. That's the first thing you show the audience. and you make sure that the first time you go to that location. That's the first thing you show the audience.

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You don't necessarily complete the image straight away. You show them the calling sign. You don't necessarily complete the image straight away. You show them the calling sign.

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You show them the, the-ah, identifying symbol ... [MP over] That's light  [NS]... light for that scene, and then, you light the rest of that scene. You show them the, the-ah, identifying symbol ... [MP over] That's light  [NS]... light for that scene, and then, you light the rest of that scene.

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the way ... [inaudible] [MP interrupts] Because there's a lot ... in Chimerica there's a lot of quick domestic scenes aren't there, and it moves at   the way ... [inaudible] [MP interrupts] Because there's a lot ... in Chimerica there's a lot of quick domestic scenes aren't there, and it moves at  

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quite a pace, [NS] Yep  [MP] and yet it is globally themed?  [NS] Yes, but if, if you ... particularly because that they are very fast moving quite a pace, [NS] Yep  [MP] and yet it is globally themed?  [NS] Yes, but if, if you ... particularly because that they are very fast moving

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and because some of them are very short, and because some of them are very short,

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if you've got your audience sitting there going, now hang on, where am I now, I'm confused, if you've got your audience sitting there going, now hang on, where am I now, I'm confused,

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they've missed half the information, in the (???) so that's a really vital piece of storytelling and  they've missed half the information, in the (???) so that's a really vital piece of storytelling and 

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and it, that is purely storytelling. and it, that is purely storytelling.

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It's not ... got nothing to do with manipulating an audience's feelings about any person It's not ... got nothing to do with manipulating an audience's feelings about any person

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or thing in that particular scene.  It is simply telling people ... setting up a set of signposts that are so recognisable that you or thing in that particular scene.  It is simply telling people ... setting up a set of signposts that are so recognisable that you

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don't have an audience going "hang on, where am I?"   [MP] You put a lot of cross-lighting in that production, didn't you?  That's a favourite signature. don't have an audience going "hang on, where am I?"   [MP] You put a lot of cross-lighting in that production, didn't you?  That's a favourite signature.

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Lighting that comes out of the sides, [NS] It is It is. Lighting that comes out of the sides, [NS] It is It is.

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and this causes on the dancers, quite a sculptural impact.  [NS]  Well, it's usually I mean the history of that kind of, low angle sidelight is and this causes on the dancers, quite a sculptural impact.  [NS]  Well, it's usually I mean the history of that kind of, low angle sidelight is

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absolutely from dance because it makes bodies look fantastic. absolutely from dance because it makes bodies look fantastic.

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And a long long long long time ago I started going, well hang on, it also makes peoples faces so much more interesting And a long long long long time ago I started going, well hang on, it also makes peoples faces so much more interesting

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and so much more present. and so much more present.

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And it solves the age-old problem of two people standing on stage at right angles to the audience talking to each other, And it solves the age-old problem of two people standing on stage at right angles to the audience talking to each other,

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the way we do in real life, where all the light is coming from the audience side or from behind them, the way we do in real life, where all the light is coming from the audience side or from behind them,

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but not actually from the axis on which their speaking to each other.  This in turn creates a whole lot of problems, but not actually from the axis on which their speaking to each other.  This in turn creates a whole lot of problems,

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but that's another conversation. but that's another conversation.

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It's, it's a great way of making an actor's face feel more present to somebody sitting long way away. It's, it's a great way of making an actor's face feel more present to somebody sitting long way away.

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It's not so terrific for people sitting in the front rows, but It's not so terrific for people sitting in the front rows, but

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when you've got a two thousand seat theatre you have to be a little bit democratic about the experience the people up when you've got a two thousand seat theatre you have to be a little bit democratic about the experience the people up

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the back are getting as well.  [MP] That's sensitive, because a lot of people sit up the back. ... um, the back are getting as well.  [MP] That's sensitive, because a lot of people sit up the back. ... um,

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The, ah, it must be stimulating, ah, and particularly around this period of, kind of, mid-nineties, um, to, to then The, ah, it must be stimulating, ah, and particularly around this period of, kind of, mid-nineties, um, to, to then

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then move into non-theatre settings, like you did with a Macbeth at the Australian Theatre for Young People which you did in a very then move into non-theatre settings, like you did with a Macbeth at the Australian Theatre for Young People which you did in a very

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cavernous shed in, ah cavernous shed in, ah

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and then in, the ??on Bay, again with Michael Scott-Mitchell.  Um, truckloads of rocks and earth, and a lot  and then in, the ??on Bay, again with Michael Scott-Mitchell.  Um, truckloads of rocks and earth, and a lot 

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kind of, shadows and candlelight.  Um, it was a very sc- scary Macbeth.  Was that the sort of image you were after?  [NS] Yeah  [MP] Scary kind of, shadows and candlelight.  Um, it was a very sc- scary Macbeth.  Was that the sort of image you were after?  [NS] Yeah  [MP] Scary

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and uh, kind of what, industrial?  [NS]  Because that's that Pier of H??on was not, um, unlike the wharf, and uh, kind of what, industrial?  [NS]  Because that's that Pier of H??on was not, um, unlike the wharf,

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it is not a beautiful atmospheric, it is not a beautiful atmospheric,

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[MP] Hadn't been done over, no.  [NS] of the 20's. No, it was just a big utilitarian industrial concrete metal shed. um, So that that production took on a flavour of the [MP] Hadn't been done over, no.  [NS] of the 20's. No, it was just a big utilitarian industrial concrete metal shed. um, So that that production took on a flavour of the

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place because otherwise why would you do it there?   That, if you look between the cracks, it kind of, maybe, hinted at a post-industrial place because otherwise why would you do it there?   That, if you look between the cracks, it kind of, maybe, hinted at a post-industrial

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world but sat quite happily as an industrial-timed world, um world but sat quite happily as an industrial-timed world, um

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and we were very fortunate with that because the ah, the Sydney airport tunnel, that we all now use, was being excavated and we were very fortunate with that because the ah, the Sydney airport tunnel, that we all now use, was being excavated

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at the time, and apparently dumping rock [MP] oh the rocks [NS] was really problematic, at the time, and apparently dumping rock [MP] oh the rocks [NS] was really problematic,

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so we thought whacko. We negotiated I think it was a hundred so we thought whacko. We negotiated I think it was a hundred

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and something tip-trucks worth of freshly ploughed out of the earth Sydney shale?  Beautiful stuff. and something tip-trucks worth of freshly ploughed out of the earth Sydney shale?  Beautiful stuff.

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and we, for a couple of days, we had this progression of tip-trucks, driving into the theatre as it were, and we, for a couple of days, we had this progression of tip-trucks, driving into the theatre as it were,

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but straight into the wharf, dumping the load but straight into the wharf, dumping the load

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and we had three bobcat geniuses driving around. And Michael and I would just stand there and go, I think that should just slope a and we had three bobcat geniuses driving around. And Michael and I would just stand there and go, I think that should just slope a

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little more steeply. And one of these guys would drive his little bobcat up there and do it.  [MP] laughs little more steeply. And one of these guys would drive his little bobcat up there and do it.  [MP] laughs

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And it only came back to bite us And it only came back to bite us

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when we discovered the dumping problem at the other end of the process.  That it was going to cost a fortune, having got it all when we discovered the dumping problem at the other end of the process.  That it was going to cost a fortune, having got it all

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free ... [MP] Oh right. [NS] No- nobody naively free ... [MP] Oh right. [NS] No- nobody naively

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 stopped to think why they were being so nice and giving it to us for free.  stopped to think why they were being so nice and giving it to us for free.

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It's because them, for the ATYP to get rid of it, was going to cost a prohibitive amount of a money. [coughs] I am not exactly quite sure about how they ended up solving that either. It's because them, for the ATYP to get rid of it, was going to cost a prohibitive amount of a money. [coughs] I am not exactly quite sure about how they ended up solving that either.

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That was a lot of um, a lot of real natural light sources. That was a lot of um, a lot of real natural light sources.

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So, a wall of three hundred odd candles.  We laid out a trail of little tea lights that brought the audience So, a wall of three hundred odd candles.  We laid out a trail of little tea lights that brought the audience

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the two hundred metres down the length of the pier.  We had the cement floor sprayed down with a hose every night before we opened the two hundred metres down the length of the pier.  We had the cement floor sprayed down with a hose every night before we opened

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the house so that all the tea lights just sat in the wet slicked asphalt floor, concrete floor.  Um, the house so that all the tea lights just sat in the wet slicked asphalt floor, concrete floor.  Um,

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and we used quite a bit of real flame in the show itself. And very, and we used quite a bit of real flame in the show itself. And very,

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very minimal light, lighting.  Because it's all part and parcel of why you do it in a warehouse not in a theatre. very minimal light, lighting.  Because it's all part and parcel of why you do it in a warehouse not in a theatre.

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What's the point if you transport it ...  [MP] There are a lot of those shows at that time in Sydney, um and Carriageworks too, before What's the point if you transport it ...  [MP] There are a lot of those shows at that time in Sydney, um and Carriageworks too, before

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Carriageworks became what it is today. Carriageworks became what it is today.

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When it was just a cavernous space in that sense.  You did Black Mary about Captain Thunderbolt's mistress ... [NS] Yep  [MP] um When it was just a cavernous space in that sense.  You did Black Mary about Captain Thunderbolt's mistress ... [NS] Yep  [MP] um

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And didn't that have lots of, sort of scrub and hills and ... And didn't that have lots of, sort of scrub and hills and ...

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with more trucks of rocks?   [NS] Um that that had a massive rake of, I want to say it was sixty metres long, or in that region, um, with more trucks of rocks?   [NS] Um that that had a massive rake of, I want to say it was sixty metres long, or in that region, um,

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and came...was a very long drawn out triangle that came almost to a point at the bac, the upstage edge, um, and and came...was a very long drawn out triangle that came almost to a point at the bac, the upstage edge, um, and

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and had a kind of a waterfall at the back of a, ah, and had a kind of a waterfall at the back of a, ah,

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and that was built up over containers. Because to build a rake of that size would have been astronomically expensive.  Ah, so and that was built up over containers. Because to build a rake of that size would have been astronomically expensive.  Ah, so

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that was Belvoir Street. They got hold of a whole lot of shipping containers and then in fact, that was Belvoir Street. They got hold of a whole lot of shipping containers and then in fact,

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that's where some of the, you just reminded me, that's where some of the shale went from Macbeth.  [MP] laughs  [NS] It was used as in that's where some of the, you just reminded me, that's where some of the shale went from Macbeth.  [MP] laughs  [NS] It was used as in

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between filler, in between the shipping containers, between filler, in between the shipping containers,

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and then they became the basis for the structure of the rake.  But the rake was strong enough that it had two horses riding around on it. and then they became the basis for the structure of the rake.  But the rake was strong enough that it had two horses riding around on it.

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so no, it was quite quite a thing. so no, it was quite quite a thing.

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Unfortunately, Unfortunately,

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the seating bank was not strong enough to contain the number of audience who were sitting on it. And it all collapsed about 4 shows the seating bank was not strong enough to contain the number of audience who were sitting on it. And it all collapsed about 4 shows

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shows into the run and ended very, very badly. [MP] Oh yes that's right shows into the run and ended very, very badly. [MP] Oh yes that's right

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that was a disaster. Maybe it was the curse of Macbeth that played into the other play because that was a disaster. Maybe it was the curse of Macbeth that played into the other play because

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when I think you did Macbeth 's arm. You're about to do. Macbeth with the Melbourne Theatre Company. when I think you did Macbeth 's arm. You're about to do. Macbeth with the Melbourne Theatre Company.

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as you said earlier, but not so long ago the Sydney Theatre Company you did Macbeth with Hugo Weaving in the role as you said earlier, but not so long ago the Sydney Theatre Company you did Macbeth with Hugo Weaving in the role

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and you completely reversed the Wharf Theatre. You got an Award for lighting the Sydney and you completely reversed the Wharf Theatre. You got an Award for lighting the Sydney

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Wharf yes. Where the audience were sitting on the stage and the action was in the auditorium. How did you light that? [NS] Well the action Wharf yes. Where the audience were sitting on the stage and the action was in the auditorium. How did you light that? [NS] Well the action

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was also on the stage. The auditorium was used .. we used quite intentionally very, very sparingly was also on the stage. The auditorium was used .. we used quite intentionally very, very sparingly

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and the first time it was used was well into the evening, and the first time it was used was well into the evening,

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so we cheated the stage out over a couple or first 4 rows of the theatre. But so we cheated the stage out over a couple or first 4 rows of the theatre. But

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when you were sitting on stage in very uncomfortable seating as the audience never tied of reminding us (quite rightly when you were sitting on stage in very uncomfortable seating as the audience never tied of reminding us (quite rightly

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so) it was very uncomfortable. so) it was very uncomfortable.

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You felt like you were only seeing the stage. In fact you were seeing the stage and a couple of metres You felt like you were only seeing the stage. In fact you were seeing the stage and a couple of metres

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But we left the auditorium completely as a background for quite a long way, in fact pretty well up to the ghost of Banquo But we left the auditorium completely as a background for quite a long way, in fact pretty well up to the ghost of Banquo

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because [MP] Quite black? [NS] the whole idea, well no, not quite black. because [MP] Quite black? [NS] the whole idea, well no, not quite black.

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The whole idea of this massive indulgence you take an 880 seat theatre The whole idea of this massive indulgence you take an 880 seat theatre

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and you use the 880 seats as a backdrop and you have I think it was 400, 300 and   and you use the 880 seats as a backdrop and you have I think it was 400, 300 and  

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something very uncomfortable plastic chairs on stage for the audience to sit on. Tantalisingly showing them what are, something very uncomfortable plastic chairs on stage for the audience to sit on. Tantalisingly showing them what are,

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in my experience the most comfortable theatre seats in the world. Which they look at lovingly as they   in my experience the most comfortable theatre seats in the world. Which they look at lovingly as they  

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shifted in the little plastic buckets. The whole, that whole idea came from the weight of history, shifted in the little plastic buckets. The whole, that whole idea came from the weight of history,

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as represented by 800 empty chairs, just looming behind the events of the first couple of acts at Macbeth. as represented by 800 empty chairs, just looming behind the events of the first couple of acts at Macbeth.

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The feeling of those tombstones are those silent now dead witnesses who have seen all of this before, lived through The feeling of those tombstones are those silent now dead witnesses who have seen all of this before, lived through

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tyrants many over and over again. tyrants many over and over again.

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who are silently watching yet another repeat of this cycle being played out. So it was all those sorts of resonanes [MP] How did you light, those seats? who are silently watching yet another repeat of this cycle being played out. So it was all those sorts of resonanes [MP] How did you light, those seats?

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It was a combination of what I was accused of in Lohengrin - just what makes this place look good? It was a combination of what I was accused of in Lohengrin - just what makes this place look good?

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and partly, mainly, ...tombstones were a strong part of that. I found ways of highlighting the backs of the chairs, for instance, and partly, mainly, ...tombstones were a strong part of that. I found ways of highlighting the backs of the chairs, for instance,

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without lighting the fronts of them that really just gave you a set of upsidedown U-shaped shapes. without lighting the fronts of them that really just gave you a set of upsidedown U-shaped shapes.

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Much like the top of a tombstone if you wish, if you want to read it that way. And occasionally I be used. Much like the top of a tombstone if you wish, if you want to read it that way. And occasionally I be used.

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The the walls of that of the auditorium as well to make the thing feel The the walls of that of the auditorium as well to make the thing feel

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more enclosed. [MP] What about lighting as a window in psychological states? more enclosed. [MP] What about lighting as a window in psychological states?

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I was thinking of Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance that you did in '98 with the Sydney Theatre Company, again with I was thinking of Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance that you did in '98 with the Sydney Theatre Company, again with

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Simon Phillips directing, Michael Scott-Mitchell designing. A monumental set it was, teetering on the very bad taste Simon Phillips directing, Michael Scott-Mitchell designing. A monumental set it was, teetering on the very bad taste

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of the very rich of the very rich

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but it also something about the instability of those characters too. As it's  described to me. [NS] I adored that but it also something about the instability of those characters too. As it's  described to me. [NS] I adored that

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the play. the play.

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That's the second time I've done it. Which is  also strange because it is hardly a top pop That's the second time I've done it. Which is  also strange because it is hardly a top pop

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but it's... I think it is so much superior to Virginia Woolf. People refer to as it as the little sister. That  is, but it's... I think it is so much superior to Virginia Woolf. People refer to as it as the little sister. That  is,

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that is a study of people in crisis. And the whole point of the environment. that is a study of people in crisis. And the whole point of the environment.

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you've just described, being verging on bad taste, but also oozing money and comfort, creature comforts you've just described, being verging on bad taste, but also oozing money and comfort, creature comforts

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and in in this place that is replete with creature comforts, people who seem to have very settled boring, and in in this place that is replete with creature comforts, people who seem to have very settled boring,

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but prefectly happy lives, being eaten away at by something which is never named in the play. but prefectly happy lives, being eaten away at by something which is never named in the play.

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We never get to find out what it is. We never get to find out what it is.

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That causes Harry and Edna to turn up on the doorstep of their dearest oldest friends was a small suitcase each, saying That causes Harry and Edna to turn up on the doorstep of their dearest oldest friends was a small suitcase each, saying

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we've come to stay vecasue we're scared. That is a perfect example of using a shift in the entire  quality of the light throughout we've come to stay vecasue we're scared. That is a perfect example of using a shift in the entire  quality of the light throughout

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the evening to amplify this sense of unease. And it should the evening to amplify this sense of unease. And it should

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when you get that trick right, you should go from something that feels incredibly predictable looking when you get that trick right, you should go from something that feels incredibly predictable looking

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and where nothing about it calls itself into question. It doesn't cause anybody to have any any question at all about the and where nothing about it calls itself into question. It doesn't cause anybody to have any any question at all about the

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security and intactness of that home. And then imperceptibly very, very slowly throughout the evening. security and intactness of that home. And then imperceptibly very, very slowly throughout the evening.

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In that case, In that case,

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all the light just came from a completely different place over the course of about an hour. [MP] Did the actors respond to that as all the light just came from a completely different place over the course of about an hour. [MP] Did the actors respond to that as

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a sort of psychological reading outside them of themselves? [NS]  Absolutely a sort of psychological reading outside them of themselves? [NS]  Absolutely

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and I do spend a lot of time talking to actors about why things ...I'm doing things the way I am doing them, and I do spend a lot of time talking to actors about why things ...I'm doing things the way I am doing them,

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and I frequently get somebody to go and sit in the auditorium and I show them what they look like. and I frequently get somebody to go and sit in the auditorium and I show them what they look like.

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And I'll even run that lighting transition in fast forward so they can see the difference between the beginning And I'll even run that lighting transition in fast forward so they can see the difference between the beginning

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and the end for instance. Because  that.. assuming you are working with a halfways intelligent actor, that help... that's something that helps and the end for instance. Because  that.. assuming you are working with a halfways intelligent actor, that help... that's something that helps

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them to know how what it is that they do will be seen, literally seen them to know how what it is that they do will be seen, literally seen

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but also perceived by the audience for which they are doing it. [MP] I suppose a contrast, I jut want to talk to you about another play but also perceived by the audience for which they are doing it. [MP] I suppose a contrast, I jut want to talk to you about another play

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for the STC. The for the STC. The

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Love for Love, so we are suddenly in a Restoration setting with Congreve Love for Love, so we are suddenly in a Restoration setting with Congreve

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And it was the ??Ausset?? quoted critic again said it was overdesigned, affected production which And it was the ??Ausset?? quoted critic again said it was overdesigned, affected production which

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He he had some problem with because. He he had some problem with because.

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It's a play about a need to leave affectation behind in, It's a play about a need to leave affectation behind in,

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and kind of get real. What comment did you have on that and was the light over-affected and kind of get real. What comment did you have on that and was the light over-affected

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and overdesigned? It didn't say as it left out talking about  lighting design. [NS] I guess the first thing I would say is that I would agree with that in and overdesigned? It didn't say as it left out talking about  lighting design. [NS] I guess the first thing I would say is that I would agree with that in

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essence. I think that is a very valid criticism. essence. I think that is a very valid criticism.

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I think it was an overdesigned production. Um I don't think it particularly served the play very well. Um I think it was an overdesigned production. Um I don't think it particularly served the play very well. Um

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and I'm happy to be guilty by association. and I'm happy to be guilty by association.

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if I did contribute to that. I wouldn't have thought so particularly. But as I keep saying if I did contribute to that. I wouldn't have thought so particularly. But as I keep saying

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you really... provided the set designer and the lighting designer are working the way they should, the way you really... provided the set designer and the lighting designer are working the way they should, the way

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I believe they should, you really shouldn't be able to tell the difference between those two things. I believe they should, you really shouldn't be able to tell the difference between those two things.

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So [MP] yep [NS] As as that is absolutely my recollection of that production um I So [MP] yep [NS] As as that is absolutely my recollection of that production um I

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and I would acknowledge that criticism entirely. and I would acknowledge that criticism entirely.

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It .. speaking of criticism, how do you feel critical regard for your profession has changed? It .. speaking of criticism, how do you feel critical regard for your profession has changed?

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and I suppose the regard of your colleagues too, since the time and I suppose the regard of your colleagues too, since the time

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when you first stepped out in the Independent in 1977. Appreciating the role of designers. when you first stepped out in the Independent in 1977. Appreciating the role of designers.

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The lighting design [Nick] I once said, The lighting design [Nick] I once said,

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I think it was my first Helpmann Award, my acceptance speech was to dedicate the Award to the theatre critics of Australia I think it was my first Helpmann Award, my acceptance speech was to dedicate the Award to the theatre critics of Australia

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that Legionella men and women who are struck both deaf and dumb when it comes to the subject of design that Legionella men and women who are struck both deaf and dumb when it comes to the subject of design

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and particularly lighting design. I think the state of theatre criticism in Australia is parlous, I hasten to add. and particularly lighting design. I think the state of theatre criticism in Australia is parlous, I hasten to add.

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I'm not saying it's necessarily significantly better elsewhere, I'm not saying it's necessarily significantly better elsewhere,

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but I, unlike so many people in my profession,  so many colleagues right across the board, I don't hate theatre but I, unlike so many people in my profession,  so many colleagues right across the board, I don't hate theatre

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critics. I think they're...that they are there to perform a really important function. So when I get angry with critics critics. I think they're...that they are there to perform a really important function. So when I get angry with critics

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It is not because they don't know how to, how to comment on lighting It is not because they don't know how to, how to comment on lighting

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It is not because most of them don't know how to comment on directing either. Because that is is similarly misunderstood It is not because most of them don't know how to comment on directing either. Because that is is similarly misunderstood

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skill. It's much easier to talk about a set. It's concrete, it's there before you. You can go skill. It's much easier to talk about a set. It's concrete, it's there before you. You can go

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Yes I think this is appropriate. Or it's over-designed or its whatever. Much simpler. But if you, Yes I think this is appropriate. Or it's over-designed or its whatever. Much simpler. But if you,

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as I do regard the role of the critic as an informing intermediary between the people who make BR as I do regard the role of the critic as an informing intermediary between the people who make BR

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and the people who receive the art, then their principal role is that. They  are there to communicate and the people who receive the art, then their principal role is that. They  are there to communicate

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and are there to communicate in an informative way. and are there to communicate in an informative way.

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If I can't respect those people because I don't think they actually know enough about what they're talking about. If I can't respect those people because I don't think they actually know enough about what they're talking about.

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Then you've got a terrible disconnect. I'm obviously generalising massively here. There are Then you've got a terrible disconnect. I'm obviously generalising massively here. There are

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many notable exceptions to what I'm saying.  [Martin] Maybe they're just not getting your artistic intention to be able to communicate it too. many notable exceptions to what I'm saying.  [Martin] Maybe they're just not getting your artistic intention to be able to communicate it too.

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Well because I don't think they know enough about it. so therefore you Well because I don't think they know enough about it. so therefore you

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At worst, At worst,

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you have somebody who is set up as a pundit who is not in possession of the necessary information to fulfil that function. you have somebody who is set up as a pundit who is not in possession of the necessary information to fulfil that function.

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And I think, given the dwindling interest in theatre that there is in the Australian public, And I think, given the dwindling interest in theatre that there is in the Australian public,

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not that it's ever been great but it's not that it's ever been great but it's

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It is getting smaller not bigger. All the more reason why you need people who can communicate between the makers It is getting smaller not bigger. All the more reason why you need people who can communicate between the makers

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and the receivers or the perceivers of that art form. And those people need to be really bloody well informed. I would. and the receivers or the perceivers of that art form. And those people need to be really bloody well informed. I would.

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I would welcome more negative reviews. What I'm really bored with is the standard one line adjectives you know, in a dramatic I would welcome more negative reviews. What I'm really bored with is the standard one line adjectives you know, in a dramatic

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stunning cyclical. stunning cyclical.

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They can do better than that. [Martin] This relates also to what the set and They can do better than that. [Martin] This relates also to what the set and

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and costume designer Stephen Curtis has written about, which is that the design is not a decorator role. That presumably and costume designer Stephen Curtis has written about, which is that the design is not a decorator role. That presumably

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there it once dismissed as. But a dramaturgical one. and that a critic needs to understand out about our design there it once dismissed as. But a dramaturgical one. and that a critic needs to understand out about our design

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and as you said a lighting designer that that is a key interpreter of meaning that role. So ...but and as you said a lighting designer that that is a key interpreter of meaning that role. So ...but

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Presumably they're  beginning to understand that about design and even lighting design. Presumably they're  beginning to understand that about design and even lighting design.

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I don't know. I don't see a huge amount of evidence of that.  [Martin] You don't see a shift? [Nick] Certainly a few critics have never forgotten that I was I don't know. I don't see a huge amount of evidence of that.  [Martin] You don't see a shift? [Nick] Certainly a few critics have never forgotten that I was

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petty enough to say that on an occasion where the whole arts world of Australia was sitting in the auditorium petty enough to say that on an occasion where the whole arts world of Australia was sitting in the auditorium

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I chose my moment very carefully to make that point. The mere fact that there is that kind of pettiness is kind of I chose my moment very carefully to make that point. The mere fact that there is that kind of pettiness is kind of

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gives you an idea of how adult that relationship is. In other words, gives you an idea of how adult that relationship is. In other words,

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one public criticism and you know, you are sent to Coventry ...[Martin] it's a very sensitive world on all sides the theatre world isn't it? [Nick] yes but your know one public criticism and you know, you are sent to Coventry ...[Martin] it's a very sensitive world on all sides the theatre world isn't it? [Nick] yes but your know

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critic being criticised back, I don't think is inappropriate [Martin] yes and I know there are very thin skins critic being criticised back, I don't think is inappropriate [Martin] yes and I know there are very thin skins

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in some critics. Another one described your 1999 production for the STC of Cyrano de in some critics. Another one described your 1999 production for the STC of Cyrano de

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Bergerac as magnificently lit, but Bergerac as magnificently lit, but

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but I bring that up because it actually said that as a lighting designer you created a really good illusionist Georg but I bring that up because it actually said that as a lighting designer you created a really good illusionist Georg

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and that surely is another important role for a designer. [Nick]  absolutely particularly in... that's a really good example because and that surely is another important role for a designer. [Nick]  absolutely particularly in... that's a really good example because

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you know  you always think of Cyrano as a big play seen through a proscenium arch. It's classic you know  you always think of Cyrano as a big play seen through a proscenium arch. It's classic

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to use the German term "looking box" -  Kukasterntheater. It's classic Prosc Arch territory to use the German term "looking box" -  Kukasterntheater. It's classic Prosc Arch territory

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This was a very conscious decision to take a piece of work that is usually framed in that way This was a very conscious decision to take a piece of work that is usually framed in that way

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and put it in a much smaller, much more intimate space in Wharf One. That said,you want to have your cake and eat  it as and put it in a much smaller, much more intimate space in Wharf One. That said,you want to have your cake and eat  it as

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well. well.

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You want there to be moments where that very small space suddenly does feel enormous, big. Big enough to embrace the You want there to be moments where that very small space suddenly does feel enormous, big. Big enough to embrace the

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world of the War in the fourth act  of that production, for instance. world of the War in the fourth act  of that production, for instance.

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But for that matter even big enough for the last act in the convent. But for that matter even big enough for the last act in the convent.

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[Martin] And how did you do it with light? [Nick] I.. we very much used the  empty shell of the wharf as the basic framework. [Martin] And how did you do it with light? [Nick] I.. we very much used the  empty shell of the wharf as the basic framework.

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so we didn't.. we didn't line the walls.  [Martin] Oh ?lovely? you went right back to the back wall. [Nick] Right back to the back wall so we didn't.. we didn't line the walls.  [Martin] Oh ?lovely? you went right back to the back wall. [Nick] Right back to the back wall

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and in fact we had the very very beautiful timber floor that is underneath the stage floor in the Wharf. We had that exposed and in fact we had the very very beautiful timber floor that is underneath the stage floor in the Wharf. We had that exposed

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and then we spent quite a lot of the set budget on getting it sort of stripped back, because it's got layers and then we spent quite a lot of the set budget on getting it sort of stripped back, because it's got layers

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and layers of lanolin because it was. and layers of lanolin because it was.

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So that its it is a floor with history. So into that empty space, So that its it is a floor with history. So into that empty space,

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we brought really just three big units that we used in different ways but, we brought really just three big units that we used in different ways but,

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so you ,,,I approached that by lighting the building a lot more than you normally might, in a theatre of that so you ,,,I approached that by lighting the building a lot more than you normally might, in a theatre of that

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nature. So was a lot of light actually on the bare walls of the theatre going up into the roof of the theatre. Something I nature. So was a lot of light actually on the bare walls of the theatre going up into the roof of the theatre. Something I

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explored further. explored further.

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a couple years later with Mother Courage.  It's just kind of a couple years later with Mother Courage.  It's just kind of

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changing the way an audience perceives the very familiar room. [Martin]  What do you do about keeping the focus on actors changing the way an audience perceives the very familiar room. [Martin]  What do you do about keeping the focus on actors

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though and the focus on drama and psychology? though and the focus on drama and psychology?

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and perhaps the other things we've been speaking about? [Nick] They're the things you got it is simultaneously. [Martin] At the  same time?  [Nick] all the time, yep. so never one at the   and perhaps the other things we've been speaking about? [Nick] They're the things you got it is simultaneously. [Martin] At the  same time?  [Nick] all the time, yep. so never one at the  

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cost of another. And where you do bias in one direction for one moment, you need to you careful cost of another. And where you do bias in one direction for one moment, you need to you careful

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but that's not too long. but that's not too long.

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You need to be very aware of what part of the play that is, in which you are doing that You need to be very aware of what part of the play that is, in which you are doing that

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and there's kind of the constant I serving this moment of this play in the best possible way by doing this? and there's kind of the constant I serving this moment of this play in the best possible way by doing this?

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or is this a bad decision? should I either not do this at all, or is this a bad decision? should I either not do this at all,

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or should I do it at some other point of the play? [Martin] I think you and Michael Scott-Mitchell have said elsewhere - will it last or should I do it at some other point of the play? [Martin] I think you and Michael Scott-Mitchell have said elsewhere - will it last

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EN is it a kind of a bright spark ideas. EN is it a kind of a bright spark ideas.

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that's quite good at the moment but  wh.. is it sustainable as a thematic interpretation to the end of the play? that's quite good at the moment but  wh.. is it sustainable as a thematic interpretation to the end of the play?

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[Nick] Yeah. And you have to keep doublechecking that. And you can only, once in done it [Nick] Yeah. And you have to keep doublechecking that. And you can only, once in done it

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you can only do that by setting in previews and learning to grow a set of you can only do that by setting in previews and learning to grow a set of

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antennae that think, hope, that they can kind of absorb the way the audience members around you are perceiving it. antennae that think, hope, that they can kind of absorb the way the audience members around you are perceiving it.

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And are receiving it. And that's a really, really important part of the process. This is going And are receiving it. And that's a really, really important part of the process. This is going

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Sometimes you come out of a preview and you think "they just didn't get that at all". And its obviously easy to say "stupid fucking audience. Sometimes you come out of a preview and you think "they just didn't get that at all". And its obviously easy to say "stupid fucking audience.

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They just didn't get it". They just didn't get it".

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But you'd be much better off questioning whether in fact it might be your fault that they didn't get it. [Martin] All through this period and through the 90's But you'd be much better off questioning whether in fact it might be your fault that they didn't get it. [Martin] All through this period and through the 90's

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 you have an expanding career overseas. You are working and teaching in Munich, You've this stage with RSC in  you have an expanding career overseas. You are working and teaching in Munich, You've this stage with RSC in

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London, Director Michael Bogdanov in Wales.  But by  by 2000 London, Director Michael Bogdanov in Wales.  But by  by 2000

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You're the first lighting designer at the Salzburg Festival of Cosi fan Tutti. [Nick] No [Martin] No? First Australian I should say. [Nick] I was  You're the first lighting designer at the Salzburg Festival of Cosi fan Tutti. [Nick] No [Martin] No? First Australian I should say. [Nick] I was 

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to.  Probably ?? just ?? the first lighting designer suffers from the same problem that German Theatre does. to.  Probably ?? just ?? the first lighting designer suffers from the same problem that German Theatre does.

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It's funny you should mention this now. I was to have done Cosi fan Tutti at the Salzburg Festival It's funny you should mention this now. I was to have done Cosi fan Tutti at the Salzburg Festival

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and it was part of a .. "2-movie deal" with a German Director called ?Hans Nineferz?? with whom I did six months and it was part of a .. "2-movie deal" with a German Director called ?Hans Nineferz?? with whom I did six months

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prior to when that would have been. Or a year prior to when that would have been prior to when that would have been. Or a year prior to when that would have been

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but I did a production of Nabucco at the West Berlin Opera. The German Opera in West Berlin. And he but I did a production of Nabucco at the West Berlin Opera. The German Opera in West Berlin. And he

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and I fell out so catastrophically that that became the only production my entire life. I have booked away from. and I fell out so catastrophically that that became the only production my entire life. I have booked away from.

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I said previously, I said previously,

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I offered to withdraw from Electra. But I just made the offer. In this case I left 4 days before opening night. [Martin] 4 Days I offered to withdraw from Electra. But I just made the offer. In this case I left 4 days before opening night. [Martin] 4 Days

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before opening? so you had done the work. [Nick]  I was able to say: it's done; it's there.   before opening? so you had done the work. [Nick]  I was able to say: it's done; it's there.  

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but I just I insisted on my name being taken off the show because I thought the production was so appalling. I just couldn't stand but I just I insisted on my name being taken off the show because I thought the production was so appalling. I just couldn't stand

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by any aspect of it, by any aspect of it,

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Not just the lighting, just all round.  So in doing that, I naturally... I got a very nice letter from ?jarrad Mortier? Not just the lighting, just all round.  So in doing that, I naturally... I got a very nice letter from ?jarrad Mortier?

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who was running the Salzburg Festival at the time saying: it's regrettable that... the news that you have left the production of Nabucco who was running the Salzburg Festival at the time saying: it's regrettable that... the news that you have left the production of Nabucco

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in Berlin is regrettable, but naturally that also means you have left the production in Salzburg. in Berlin is regrettable, but naturally that also means you have left the production in Salzburg.

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Funny, the reason I say Funny you should say this now is that I am about to do a production at the Salzburg Festival in a few Funny, the reason I say Funny you should say this now is that I am about to do a production at the Salzburg Festival in a few

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months time. [Martin] Right okay um months time. [Martin] Right okay um

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and then not long after this,  speaking of Verdi 's Nabucco, you did Macbeth again, Verdi's version and then not long after this,  speaking of Verdi 's Nabucco, you did Macbeth again, Verdi's version

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at least the Minnesota Opera. I bring this up 'cause you were the set designer as well,  and it seems a very at least the Minnesota Opera. I bring this up 'cause you were the set designer as well,  and it seems a very

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it seemed to me to read of a very... it was an abstraction in triangles, and  visual perspectives. And lit with lasers. it seemed to me to read of a very... it was an abstraction in triangles, and  visual perspectives. And lit with lasers.

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[Nick] Partly. [Martin] Partly Could you talk a little about what as a lighting designer you bring to set design. [Nick] Partly. [Martin] Partly Could you talk a little about what as a lighting designer you bring to set design.

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[Nick]If you ... [Martin] they're the same you'll say won't you? [Nick]If you ... [Martin] they're the same you'll say won't you?

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I ... well...  almost. If you, as a lighting designer, are constantly reshaping a space so you you shift the dynamic I ... well...  almost. If you, as a lighting designer, are constantly reshaping a space so you you shift the dynamic

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within a space. That is... I think of that as a kind of malleable second skin of a set. The outer one is solid. within a space. That is... I think of that as a kind of malleable second skin of a set. The outer one is solid.

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It's made of timber and canvas or steel or aluminium or whatever it is, and that's rigid. It's made of timber and canvas or steel or aluminium or whatever it is, and that's rigid.

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You can move that's obviously, You can move that's obviously,

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but it's it's an immutable thing. All you can do is rearrange its bits. At any given point in time within that existing solid but it's it's an immutable thing. All you can do is rearrange its bits. At any given point in time within that existing solid

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structure there's this bendable, malleable, flexible thing that's made of light. You can use that second skin in any number structure there's this bendable, malleable, flexible thing that's made of light. You can use that second skin in any number

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of ways. But it's its nearly always, at least in part, of ways. But it's its nearly always, at least in part,

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shifting the spatial dynamic within the existing immovable scenery. shifting the spatial dynamic within the existing immovable scenery.

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And you do that to dramaturgical effect. You do that... you can change the power relationship between two people on And you do that to dramaturgical effect. You do that... you can change the power relationship between two people on

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the State. the State.

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You can do that, whether they're in a tiny weenie little stage downstairs Belvoir Street You can do that, whether they're in a tiny weenie little stage downstairs Belvoir Street

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or a great big mass of Opera Stage. Absolutely the same principles, only a difference of scale. I'm saying all that because in ...I'm attempting or a great big mass of Opera Stage. Absolutely the same principles, only a difference of scale. I'm saying all that because in ...I'm attempting

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to answer your question about the the difference. In a way that's what I'm doing all the time. to answer your question about the the difference. In a way that's what I'm doing all the time.

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Anyway, Anyway,

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when I'm lighting a show. [Martin] But wouldn't your preference as lighting designer be to have no set at all. And then you could have clear space. [Nick] No when I'm lighting a show. [Martin] But wouldn't your preference as lighting designer be to have no set at all. And then you could have clear space. [Nick] No

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[Martin] You could make your skin out of light. [Nick] No No um I mean I love the challenge of lighting empty spaces. [Martin] You could make your skin out of light. [Nick] No No um I mean I love the challenge of lighting empty spaces.

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It is... it is something I really love doing. But you've got to come back to what serves the show the best. It is... it is something I really love doing. But you've got to come back to what serves the show the best.

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And an empty stage is very often not what serves a show the best. [Martin] Tell me about lasers because they are always very striking in the And an empty stage is very often not what serves a show the best. [Martin] Tell me about lasers because they are always very striking in the

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theatre and you get all these warnings about lasers and you go in theatre and you get all these warnings about lasers and you go in

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and ...they can easily dominate a stage and look very tricky. You did them you did them in and ...they can easily dominate a stage and look very tricky. You did them you did them in

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 the Minnesota Opera version of Macbeth as we've said. And also in Tannhäuser in '98 again with Michael Scott-Mitchell's  the Minnesota Opera version of Macbeth as we've said. And also in Tannhäuser in '98 again with Michael Scott-Mitchell's

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set. I gather the production budget blew out because of the price of the lasers. [Nick] Did it?   [Martin] What's the problem set. I gather the production budget blew out because of the price of the lasers. [Nick] Did it?   [Martin] What's the problem

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Oh yes, didn't you know? Oh yes, didn't you know?

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[Nick] I didn't worry my pretty little head about that at the time. [Martin] You have to be careful of lasers? [Nick] You do [Nick] I didn't worry my pretty little head about that at the time. [Martin] You have to be careful of lasers? [Nick] You do

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You have to be careful of them because... you've just said it. They are such eye-catching distracting things. You have to be careful of them because... you've just said it. They are such eye-catching distracting things.

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and as you can see, you've just summed up most of them. I had a brief period of experimenting with them, and as you can see, you've just summed up most of them. I had a brief period of experimenting with them,

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partly because of what we're saying about light and scenery. They, you  know if you handle them in the right way, partly because of what we're saying about light and scenery. They, you  know if you handle them in the right way,

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and if you put enough smoke in the room, which unfortunately is a consequence of it, and if you put enough smoke in the room, which unfortunately is a consequence of it,

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You can kind of make walls of light with them. Which is absolutely what I did with the lasers in that Macbeth. You can kind of make walls of light with them. Which is absolutely what I did with the lasers in that Macbeth.

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They were used only in the witches scene. They were used used within a triangularly framed space, They were used only in the witches scene. They were used used within a triangularly framed space,

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that was one single laser. That that shone that triangle back out into the auditorium so they, the witches existed within that was one single laser. That that shone that triangle back out into the auditorium so they, the witches existed within

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this kind of endless cone of blue laser. It never moved. this kind of endless cone of blue laser. It never moved.

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I used it as though it were a glass box. And I think that's terribly important. The laser in Tannhauser never moved. I used it as though it were a glass box. And I think that's terribly important. The laser in Tannhauser never moved.

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It was trying to shake. It was trying to shake.

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I had people from the Opera saying to me, I had people from the Opera saying to me,

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Oh you know that you can do other things with lasers? Yes. I do.  You go to a club Oh you know that you can do other things with lasers? Yes. I do.  You go to a club

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and I will stay at the Opera. [laughter] I did use it. I used a moving laser only twice - once at the very end of Macbeth. and I will stay at the Opera. [laughter] I did use it. I used a moving laser only twice - once at the very end of Macbeth.

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I used if for Burnum Wood I used if for Burnum Wood

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and that was this sort of long slow undulating spidery green sheet that started up on the roof, and  came down through the and that was this sort of long slow undulating spidery green sheet that started up on the roof, and  came down through the

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audience to the floor. [Martin] Suggesting the forest moving to the castle? audience to the floor. [Martin] Suggesting the forest moving to the castle?

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Yes And I used a, very difficult to use, red laser. Cause it's so hard to see Yes And I used a, very difficult to use, red laser. Cause it's so hard to see

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in a not dissimilar fashion at the very end of Parsifal in Adelaide. Where I also brought it down, in a not dissimilar fashion at the very end of Parsifal in Adelaide. Where I also brought it down,

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but that was so painstakingly set up as a static red beam of light, reinforced by a red spear always disappearing but that was so painstakingly set up as a static red beam of light, reinforced by a red spear always disappearing

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up the same hole in the roof. It was the Grail. up the same hole in the roof. It was the Grail.

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If you like. The blood of Christ and at the very end, it descended. [Martin] How has lighting technology changed so that If you like. The blood of Christ and at the very end, it descended. [Martin] How has lighting technology changed so that

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This change what an audience can see on stage This change what an audience can see on stage

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and what you can do with the lighting. [Nick] Oh it has changed in quantum leaps. In the 6-5-6-7 years. and what you can do with the lighting. [Nick] Oh it has changed in quantum leaps. In the 6-5-6-7 years.

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I was away being a stage manager back in the late 70s, early 80s. I was away being a stage manager back in the late 70s, early 80s.

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By the time I came back to lighting, lighting desks had gone from being manually controlled to being computerised. By the time I came back to lighting, lighting desks had gone from being manually controlled to being computerised.

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The light globes inside most theatre lamps had gone from being something the size of a small football to something the The light globes inside most theatre lamps had gone from being something the size of a small football to something the

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size of a golf ball. Their colour temperature had increased massively. size of a golf ball. Their colour temperature had increased massively.

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But also so had the heat they put out. So therefore there was a whole new range of gel colours. But also so had the heat they put out. So therefore there was a whole new range of gel colours.

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None of which behaved the same way that their  predecessors did. [Martin] A bit more more subtle colour palette? None of which behaved the same way that their  predecessors did. [Martin] A bit more more subtle colour palette?

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Ultimately, but not for that reason. They simply... old ones simply melted with that amount of heat. Ultimately, but not for that reason. They simply... old ones simply melted with that amount of heat.

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But you know that was in the space of ... generously only ten years - in the late 70s early 80s. But you know that was in the space of ... generously only ten years - in the late 70s early 80s.

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[Martin] and you could get a hotter light? Hotter white light? [Nick] Colder. So whiter [Martin] and you could get a hotter light? Hotter white light? [Nick] Colder. So whiter

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Less yellow. Obviously the control side of it, with computerised lighting desks, has completely changed everything, Less yellow. Obviously the control side of it, with computerised lighting desks, has completely changed everything,

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And they went from, like so many things in their early days, they were actually very  cumbersome and klutzy and unsubtle And they went from, like so many things in their early days, they were actually very  cumbersome and klutzy and unsubtle

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and you could see the step in every fade and you could see the step in every fade

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and we all missed the the immediate hands-on control of a good lighting operator. and we all missed the the immediate hands-on control of a good lighting operator.

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Nobody even thinks about that nowadays. Because of computerised desks. The control you have now with is so immensely more Nobody even thinks about that nowadays. Because of computerised desks. The control you have now with is so immensely more

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complex. And fine-tuneable. It... obviously... they... [Martin] So you're not dependent on anybody doing a slow fade manually. [Nick] Nope. complex. And fine-tuneable. It... obviously... they... [Martin] So you're not dependent on anybody doing a slow fade manually. [Nick] Nope.

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You can be, if that's really important. I mean it You can be, if that's really important. I mean it

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It has slightly mechanised that aspect. Which is a shame. But as I say you can be driving a thousand It has slightly mechanised that aspect. Which is a shame. But as I say you can be driving a thousand

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 channels of lighting and have all of them start at the same time  channels of lighting and have all of them start at the same time

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and give every single one of them a different finishing point. Just as one instance of what you can do. So you can have a and give every single one of them a different finishing point. Just as one instance of what you can do. So you can have a

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thousand channels going from a level to zero no. thousand channels going from a level to zero no.

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Two of them actually taking the same number of seconds. You can stagger Two of them actually taking the same number of seconds. You can stagger

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and control within that everything. You can virtually move the light continuously throughout an entire performance, and control within that everything. You can virtually move the light continuously throughout an entire performance,

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without anyone in the audience without anyone in the audience

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and being aware of what you are doing. It's given us that much control. That's on the good side of the ledger. I'll pass over and being aware of what you are doing. It's given us that much control. That's on the good side of the ledger. I'll pass over

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moving lights because we are.. you know theatres always learn to take things from other industries, moving lights because we are.. you know theatres always learn to take things from other industries,

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both the humble, the humble PAR can both the humble, the humble PAR can

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and the moving light, came from the world of rock'n'roll. We're very good at bowerbirding those things and the moving light, came from the world of rock'n'roll. We're very good at bowerbirding those things

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and slowly we tend to meld them to our own purposes and slowly we tend to meld them to our own purposes

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and that's kind of happened with moving lights to a fair degree. Could be better but it's fine. and that's kind of happened with moving lights to a fair degree. Could be better but it's fine.

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And that's also given us a lot more flexibility. And that's also given us a lot more flexibility.

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The ...on the actively bad side of the ledger is the revolution in  LED technology. The ...on the actively bad side of the ledger is the revolution in  LED technology.

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Which is kind of shocking to me. I mean.. do you want me to talk about why? [Martin] Yes just briefly. [Nick] there's a thing called a colour Which is kind of shocking to me. I mean.. do you want me to talk about why? [Martin] Yes just briefly. [Nick] there's a thing called a colour

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rendering index. It's a scale from nought to one hundred. A  hundred is a full spectrum light rendering index. It's a scale from nought to one hundred. A  hundred is a full spectrum light

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and is based on sunlight. Which to the human eye reveals the entire visible light spectrum and is based on sunlight. Which to the human eye reveals the entire visible light spectrum

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and LED rates, at best, a really expensive one, rates at around seventy on that scale. That in simplistic terms means that and LED rates, at best, a really expensive one, rates at around seventy on that scale. That in simplistic terms means that

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it stops you seeing thirty percent of the visible colour spectrum. it stops you seeing thirty percent of the visible colour spectrum.

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Now I think that is appalling. And I think there's far too many people embracing that shortcoming. And  Now I think that is appalling. And I think there's far too many people embracing that shortcoming. And 

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 I'm not talking only about in theatre  I'm not talking only about in theatre

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and I don't want to spend my life living in a flat that's ... where I'm only seeing seventy percent of the visible colour and I don't want to spend my life living in a flat that's ... where I'm only seeing seventy percent of the visible colour

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spectrum. That's shocking And we only see by the light that an object reflects back into our eyes. spectrum. That's shocking And we only see by the light that an object reflects back into our eyes.

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That's why you see me only by that light reflecting off my face bank and your art, That's why you see me only by that light reflecting off my face bank and your art,

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So the light is key. It's everything.  [Martin] But this is reducing the colour palate you can use on stage, not expanding it. So the light is key. It's everything.  [Martin] But this is reducing the colour palate you can use on stage, not expanding it.

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I thought technology was doing. [Nick] No. Absolutely correct. [Martin] This  LED argument I thought technology was doing. [Nick] No. Absolutely correct. [Martin] This  LED argument

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And one of the very critical bits of that missing thirty percent is the section of the spectrum that is most And one of the very critical bits of that missing thirty percent is the section of the spectrum that is most

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sympathetic to skintones. So for lighting actors' faces, instead of relying on the bit of the visible spectrum that will sympathetic to skintones. So for lighting actors' faces, instead of relying on the bit of the visible spectrum that will

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find a flesh tone and reflect that back in your eye, find a flesh tone and reflect that back in your eye,

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you have to resort to literally turning backlight into a flesh toned colour in order to reveal the face, [martin] Oh [Nick] Now  I'm you have to resort to literally turning backlight into a flesh toned colour in order to reveal the face, [martin] Oh [Nick] Now  I'm

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putting this in its most simplistic terms on purpose, putting this in its most simplistic terms on purpose,

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but essentially that is the process. So that that I think is a real problem. [Martin] I wanted to segue there about the use of a but essentially that is the process. So that that I think is a real problem. [Martin] I wanted to segue there about the use of a

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colour palette from technology to your capacity to to suggest place with it. And to suggest Australia. colour palette from technology to your capacity to to suggest place with it. And to suggest Australia.

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and thinking of your 2001 Opera Australia production of Elixir of Love, and thinking of your 2001 Opera Australia production of Elixir of Love,

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which was taken from Italy to outback Australia. Lots of undulating ochre hills, and corrugated iron and a big blue sky which was taken from Italy to outback Australia. Lots of undulating ochre hills, and corrugated iron and a big blue sky

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again with designer Michael Scott-Mitchell again with designer Michael Scott-Mitchell

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and Director Phillips. Was that a palette you consciously looked for to represent Australia? [Nick] yeah and Director Phillips. Was that a palette you consciously looked for to represent Australia? [Nick] yeah

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I mean the ... there are 2 essential elements to that set design. I mean the ... there are 2 essential elements to that set design.

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One is that everything is made of corrugated iron. One is that everything is made of corrugated iron.

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And its painted. Everything to do with the painting of that corrugated iron is is kind of ...stolen from And its painted. Everything to do with the painting of that corrugated iron is is kind of ...stolen from

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or influenced by a couple of ... a very small range of iconic Australian painters Nolan, Fred Williams, Boyd in particular. or influenced by a couple of ... a very small range of iconic Australian painters Nolan, Fred Williams, Boyd in particular.

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And it's exaggerated. Like it's a big silly old comedy. So it is incredibly bright. I mean And it's exaggerated. Like it's a big silly old comedy. So it is incredibly bright. I mean

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 I doubt whether the Opera Theatre, given the history of doom  I doubt whether the Opera Theatre, given the history of doom

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and gloom, Opera lighting has ever seen such bright show in it. and gloom, Opera lighting has ever seen such bright show in it.

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I think the lights on the rest of Bennelong Point dim every time the first queue in that show comes up.  But the I think the lights on the rest of Bennelong Point dim every time the first queue in that show comes up.  But the

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colour palate is... the colour palette I use is drawn exactly from those painters colour palate is... the colour palette I use is drawn exactly from those painters

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and from the painting of those pieces of scenery. So in time-honoured tradition. and from the painting of those pieces of scenery. So in time-honoured tradition.

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The use though the best sympathetic tone of the same colour as the painting that allows you to exploit the greatest The use though the best sympathetic tone of the same colour as the painting that allows you to exploit the greatest

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range of colours with in colour, range of colours with in colour,

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So the upper part of that set which is all blue sky has, in terms of the pigment that it's painted with, has, let's say, six So the upper part of that set which is all blue sky has, in terms of the pigment that it's painted with, has, let's say, six

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different blue tones within it and some white. So it's lit with four different kinds of blue light. different blue tones within it and some white. So it's lit with four different kinds of blue light.

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The lightest of which is such a pale blue that it will cause the whites to correct The lightest of which is such a pale blue that it will cause the whites to correct

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and become white even if I'm using very heavy dark blue. and become white even if I'm using very heavy dark blue.

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over the rest of it. It's kind of a quaintly old-fashioned concept nowadays but .. it's about knowing exactly over the rest of it. It's kind of a quaintly old-fashioned concept nowadays but .. it's about knowing exactly

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and it's about spending a lot of time in the paint shop when that set is painted. and it's about spending a lot of time in the paint shop when that set is painted.

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And getting very involved in exactly which tones are applied in which order. I come back to watching the glazes on my And getting very involved in exactly which tones are applied in which order. I come back to watching the glazes on my

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brother 's paintings as a child. You're mad if you're not in there and all over that process in the paint shop brother 's paintings as a child. You're mad if you're not in there and all over that process in the paint shop

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because that that kind does half the job for you. because that that kind does half the job for you.

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That gives you the means to get the greatest range of variety out of the product That gives you the means to get the greatest range of variety out of the product

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when it's sitting on stage. Without turning it into something that it isn't. [Martin] Yes And the technology with which when it's sitting on stage. Without turning it into something that it isn't. [Martin] Yes And the technology with which

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like that colour to bring Ocala fellow loan. like that colour to bring Ocala fellow loan.

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In lighting Australia you in 2003 lit Bangara Dance Theatre's Bush. And In lighting Australia you in 2003 lit Bangara Dance Theatre's Bush. And

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you've lit many Bangara, well some Bangara productions since. And very  notable ones. For Bush, you've lit many Bangara, well some Bangara productions since. And very  notable ones. For Bush,

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you won the Helpmann Award.  What approach do you did you do you have to take to lighting dances? [Nick] Given my you won the Helpmann Award.  What approach do you did you do you have to take to lighting dances? [Nick] Given my

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aforementioned predilection towards side light. A very similar one to how I light theatre. aforementioned predilection towards side light. A very similar one to how I light theatre.

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Ironically, the very first dance. Ironically, the very first dance.

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I ...I've lit very little dance and it's not a theatre form that particularly draws me. But  the very first dance pieces  I ...I've lit very little dance and it's not a theatre form that particularly draws me. But  the very first dance pieces 

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I lit were for a small company in Brisbane called Expressions.  [Martin] Quite a few in Brisbane in the 80s? I lit were for a small company in Brisbane called Expressions.  [Martin] Quite a few in Brisbane in the 80s?

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and partly because it was in the Studio Theatre QPAC and partly because it was in the Studio Theatre QPAC

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and has no... which has no wings being a studio Theatre. I kind of ironically, and has no... which has no wings being a studio Theatre. I kind of ironically,

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I explored lighting dance with outside like their home. By the time I then did do did Bush. I explored lighting dance with outside like their home. By the time I then did do did Bush.

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The first show with Bangara, I sort of thought, No this is a bit silly. And The first show with Bangara, I sort of thought, No this is a bit silly. And

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There is also very simply the the added difficulty presented by lighting skin that is anything other than There is also very simply the the added difficulty presented by lighting skin that is anything other than

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reasonably white. reasonably white.

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It's like need to be very careful about what colour you use the deeper the skin tone. And good old full spectrum   It's like need to be very careful about what colour you use the deeper the skin tone. And good old full spectrum  

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From white light is actually the best way to do that, From white light is actually the best way to do that,

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It still depends massively... the single most important decision is not which light you use or which colour it's in. It still depends massively... the single most important decision is not which light you use or which colour it's in.

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It's where It's where

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you put the light - relative to the stage and relative  to a performer. And for all of those reasons, you put the light - relative to the stage and relative  to a performer. And for all of those reasons,

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plus the fact that Bush was unlike those early works of expressions, Bush was such a... it was such a visual piece... the shows  plus the fact that Bush was unlike those early works of expressions, Bush was such a... it was such a visual piece... the shows 

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that I've done with Stephen at Bangara - Stephen Page - I'm doing one right now -  [Martin] Bennelong? [Nick] Bennelong. That kind of big   that I've done with Stephen at Bangara - Stephen Page - I'm doing one right now -  [Martin] Bennelong? [Nick] Bennelong. That kind of big  

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picture visual element is a hugely important part of those shows. And you, picture visual element is a hugely important part of those shows. And you,

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you would undervalue that at yoru peril. I don't think that would serve the work very well. [Martin] Why is Bangara "Big Picture"? Because it's a dance theatre you would undervalue that at yoru peril. I don't think that would serve the work very well. [Martin] Why is Bangara "Big Picture"? Because it's a dance theatre

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 storytelling? [Nick] Because it's so much about the place and its inhabitants.  storytelling? [Nick] Because it's so much about the place and its inhabitants.

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[Martin] Yep  [Nick]  But by extension [Martin] But it's the place is strong[?] [Nick] And its the story telling, particularly in in this work, Bennelong [Martin] Yep  [Nick]  But by extension [Martin] But it's the place is strong[?] [Nick] And its the story telling, particularly in in this work, Bennelong

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and it's predecessor ?Patagirang?  three years ago. They're a bit of a departure for Stephen and it's predecessor ?Patagirang?  three years ago. They're a bit of a departure for Stephen

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and that they are based on very real people and that they are based on very real people

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and they are a little bit more storyline based. So you do have to be wary of making sure that you don't leave the audience behind. and they are a little bit more storyline based. So you do have to be wary of making sure that you don't leave the audience behind.

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I won't say they have a plot but they have a very clear dramatic structure. [Martin] And lighting has a point to play I won't say they have a plot but they have a very clear dramatic structure. [Martin] And lighting has a point to play

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in that storytelling thread? [Nick] Yep  in that storytelling thread? [Nick] Yep 

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and with Jacob Nash's sets,  Jennifer Irwin's costumes... she's been doing costurmes  with Bangara for [Nick] Yonks [Martin] almost since the beginning and with Jacob Nash's sets,  Jennifer Irwin's costumes... she's been doing costurmes  with Bangara for [Nick] Yonks [Martin] almost since the beginning

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You're dealing with very vivid colours even before you turn the lights on. [Nick] Yeah although  the set for Patagorang had this You're dealing with very vivid colours even before you turn the lights on. [Nick] Yeah although  the set for Patagorang had this

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beautiful huge back wall that you could read as a sandstone cliff. That had surprisingly little colour beautiful huge back wall that you could read as a sandstone cliff. That had surprisingly little colour

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in it. I mean I used amounts of colour on those shows that I normally would not go anywhere near in it. I mean I used amounts of colour on those shows that I normally would not go anywhere near

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and it... that became a fabulous kind of... not blank and it... that became a fabulous kind of... not blank

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but a fabulously flexible canvas for taking all kinds of colour and qualities of light but a fabulously flexible canvas for taking all kinds of colour and qualities of light

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and then the the other set pieces that were introduced into the space in front of that  wall were all primary red. so it's a   and then the the other set pieces that were introduced into the space in front of that  wall were all primary red. so it's a  

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fantastic contrast. And that inside an otherwise black box. [Martin] Yes it's brilliant fantastic contrast. And that inside an otherwise black box. [Martin] Yes it's brilliant

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and yet you mentioned that the challenge of lighting darker bodies. Is there anything else in your and yet you mentioned that the challenge of lighting darker bodies. Is there anything else in your

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approach or or artistry in lighting indigenous dancers approach or or artistry in lighting indigenous dancers

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and their stories? And how you go about the job? [Nick] In terms of the practical, it is about being very careful about colour and their stories? And how you go about the job? [Nick] In terms of the practical, it is about being very careful about colour

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and choosing the (I didn't really finish saying this properly before) choosing the the optimum light angle and choosing the (I didn't really finish saying this properly before) choosing the the optimum light angle

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and that is "low cross light". That is that kind of light that dancers often, nearly always are lit with.  So I  haven't and that is "low cross light". That is that kind of light that dancers often, nearly always are lit with.  So I  haven't

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chosen to reinvent that wheel. That to the pragmatic... to the sort of chosen to reinvent that wheel. That to the pragmatic... to the sort of

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The other end of it, I'm about the whitest thing The other end of it, I'm about the whitest thing

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you can imagine in that context. I mean I feel so white in the world of Bangara. [Martin] Ayran in fact    you can imagine in that context. I mean I feel so white in the world of Bangara. [Martin] Ayran in fact   

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[Nick] Aryan In fact! In fact. But it's kind of actually, lest you needed it [Nick] Aryan In fact! In fact. But it's kind of actually, lest you needed it

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It's a really useful reminder of how strongly you can feel to be 'the other'. It's kind of quite useful  reference point to be the It's a really useful reminder of how strongly you can feel to be 'the other'. It's kind of quite useful  reference point to be the

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 boot on the other foot. I'm saying that  boot on the other foot. I'm saying that

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Because the other really important thing to me about the work I do with them is making sure that I genuinely know the Because the other really important thing to me about the work I do with them is making sure that I genuinely know the

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story, in all its complexity. story, in all its complexity.

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And that complexity is nearly always its historical background. Which being as white as I am, I need to be told. I don't And that complexity is nearly always its historical background. Which being as white as I am, I need to be told. I don't

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share that cultural upbringing obviously. [Martin] But do you still have the same artistic freedom to play with the story in the lighting? share that cultural upbringing obviously. [Martin] But do you still have the same artistic freedom to play with the story in the lighting?

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Absolutely but a) you need to do that out of respect anyway, Absolutely but a) you need to do that out of respect anyway,

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but b) you wouldn't be doing your job very well as a theatre maker. but b) you wouldn't be doing your job very well as a theatre maker.

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If you weren't  in full If you weren't  in full

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if you weren't fully cognisant of every element that is behind that story. So if it's a real person like a patagorang if you weren't fully cognisant of every element that is behind that story. So if it's a real person like a patagorang

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or or a Bennelong, that's relatively simple. You do your historical homework and research, and you, in her case, or or a Bennelong, that's relatively simple. You do your historical homework and research, and you, in her case,

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you also read up on Dawes et cetera. But it's it's about much more than that. you also read up on Dawes et cetera. But it's it's about much more than that.

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It's its where, it's where the movement library lexicon that Stephen draws on effortlessly , where that comes from. What It's its where, it's where the movement library lexicon that Stephen draws on effortlessly , where that comes from. What

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significance. significance.

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It is and it goes way beyond "this is the emu dance"  and "this is the kangaroo dance". Its it's amazing to  watch him It is and it goes way beyond "this is the emu dance"  and "this is the kangaroo dance". Its it's amazing to  watch him

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but salient, to watch him just kind of draw movements out of what seems to be a song book of movements. but salient, to watch him just kind of draw movements out of what seems to be a song book of movements.

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and have a room full of dancers who all immediately know what it is. And it is that common cultural heritage that...which, and have a room full of dancers who all immediately know what it is. And it is that common cultural heritage that...which,

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as I don't share it, I need to understand it. [Martin] Thank you. You mentioned, we were talking about  the drive   as I don't share it, I need to understand it. [Martin] Thank you. You mentioned, we were talking about  the drive  

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the lighting designer as storyteller, um and in this sense, the lighting designer as storyteller, um and in this sense,

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just as you just have. Do you have any comment to the MTC adaptation of.. by director Simon Phillips of the just as you just have. Do you have any comment to the MTC adaptation of.. by director Simon Phillips of the

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multi-scened Great Expectations that were done in Melbourne, multi-scened Great Expectations that were done in Melbourne,

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I was interested to read ... how um your lighting a lot of praise for that. Often startling I was interested to read ... how um your lighting a lot of praise for that. Often startling

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lighting changes to make rapid shifts in place and time and mood. With characters illuminated in isolation, lighting changes to make rapid shifts in place and time and mood. With characters illuminated in isolation,

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like figments of imagination, all the past. Yeah you were pretty good. How did you do all that? [Nick] That  was really hard work.  like figments of imagination, all the past. Yeah you were pretty good. How did you do all that? [Nick] That  was really hard work. 

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Well it shows so I'm glad.  I should get reviews from you. Well it shows so I'm glad.  I should get reviews from you.

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It was very, very complex. It was kind of just pre the use of moving lights in straight theatre. It was very, very complex. It was kind of just pre the use of moving lights in straight theatre.

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So it was done with a ridiculously large number of lights and a ridiculously large number of cues. So it was done with a ridiculously large number of lights and a ridiculously large number of cues.

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I did most of that ...I plotted  I did most of that ...I plotted 

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most of that show between eleven o'clock at night five o'clock in the morning because the whole thing was such a most of that show between eleven o'clock at night five o'clock in the morning because the whole thing was such a

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massive undertaking massive undertaking

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and as usual it was done on the perfectly normal schedule for a Melbourne Theatre company show, which is you know, is barely long enough for and as usual it was done on the perfectly normal schedule for a Melbourne Theatre company show, which is you know, is barely long enough for

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simple shows, let alone something that complex simple shows, let alone something that complex

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and massively long. Our first preview went to nearly midnight. It was ridiculous. [Martin] And so many scenes, but all in different places and massively long. Our first preview went to nearly midnight. It was ridiculous. [Martin] And so many scenes, but all in different places

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so you had to plot different scenes? [Martin] Yup and flipping between okay, so you had to plot different scenes? [Martin] Yup and flipping between okay,

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there is another example of signposts for an audience. Flicks between um I'll say probably only five locations, there is another example of signposts for an audience. Flicks between um I'll say probably only five locations,

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from memory that you needed to know - we're back here. Same thing about a visual signpost or a marker. from memory that you needed to know - we're back here. Same thing about a visual signpost or a marker.

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This is where this scene is taking place. Between that at one extreme and a lot of scenes that happen somewhere This is where this scene is taking place. Between that at one extreme and a lot of scenes that happen somewhere

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and it doesn't really matter where that place is. [Martin] Yes [Nick] But it's very important. and it doesn't really matter where that place is. [Martin] Yes [Nick] But it's very important.

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what that place feels like. It needs to feel outside, and cold and uncomfortable or it needs to feel inside, warm what that place feels like. It needs to feel outside, and cold and uncomfortable or it needs to feel inside, warm

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and cosy. The two simplistic streams. Then another whole language of narration. Narration by an individual, narration by a and cosy. The two simplistic streams. Then another whole language of narration. Narration by an individual, narration by a

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series of individuals but still speaking, still narrating from their own series of individuals but still speaking, still narrating from their own

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If you like, personal perspective If you like, personal perspective

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and then all of those narrators being combined into a kind of a Greek chorus, So there's a whole lot of stylistic distinctions and then all of those narrators being combined into a kind of a Greek chorus, So there's a whole lot of stylistic distinctions

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that you have to make. And again it is all simply in the interests of making sure you never have the audience sitting there that you have to make. And again it is all simply in the interests of making sure you never have the audience sitting there

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going "Hang on are you talking to me as that character you you were just playing in the previous scene going "Hang on are you talking to me as that character you you were just playing in the previous scene

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or are you now talking to me as a neutral narrator?" You don't want people thinking that. As they are missing the show. while they're trying or are you now talking to me as a neutral narrator?" You don't want people thinking that. As they are missing the show. while they're trying

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to figure that out. It's just misleading and confusing. So it is sometimes about resorting to very unsubtle signposting. to figure that out. It's just misleading and confusing. So it is sometimes about resorting to very unsubtle signposting.

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But only to that end. [Martin] You are really supporting actors who are making the shifts in playing many roles [Nick] Yeah but But only to that end. [Martin] You are really supporting actors who are making the shifts in playing many roles [Nick] Yeah but

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 you also just doing your level best to keep the communication channel with the audience as open as possible.  you also just doing your level best to keep the communication channel with the audience as open as possible.

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Not putting barriers in their way, but removing them. [Martin] Nothing could be as long as The Ring. Not putting barriers in their way, but removing them. [Martin] Nothing could be as long as The Ring.

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No, [Martin] it is sixteen and a half hours I think of music No, [Martin] it is sixteen and a half hours I think of music

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and Elke Neidhardt came to you wanting your lighting for Wagner 's great epic, for the first full Australian and Elke Neidhardt came to you wanting your lighting for Wagner 's great epic, for the first full Australian

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production to be staged by the country 's smallest opera company. production to be staged by the country 's smallest opera company.

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The South Australian State Opera in 2004. What did you think... why did  The South Australian State Opera in 2004. What did you think... why did 

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she want you to do it, do you think? [Nick] Elke and I um first met when I ... she  she want you to do it, do you think? [Nick] Elke and I um first met when I ... she 

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She was redirecting, or restaging George Ogilvie 's Don Giovanni at Opera Australia in '79 She was redirecting, or restaging George Ogilvie 's Don Giovanni at Opera Australia in '79

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which was my first show there. So there I was in this very strange world of people who turned up to rehearsals which was my first show there. So there I was in this very strange world of people who turned up to rehearsals

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and high heels and folk oats in the middle of like they just come from the local bank, and high heels and folk oats in the middle of like they just come from the local bank,

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where they were that the branch manager. Which, all which sounds silly, where they were that the branch manager. Which, all which sounds silly,

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but it was a bit of a shock to the system to somebody who is used to actors and their ways and there looks. but it was a bit of a shock to the system to somebody who is used to actors and their ways and there looks.

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And I found myself in a rehearsal room with Joan Sutherland, conducted by Richard Bonynge. Don Giovanni  And I found myself in a rehearsal room with Joan Sutherland, conducted by Richard Bonynge. Don Giovanni 

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played by James Morris who at that stage was very much a world class baritone. Greta Elkins Clifford Grant, It was a played by James Morris who at that stage was very much a world class baritone. Greta Elkins Clifford Grant, It was a

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kind of an all-star cast.  kind of an all-star cast. 

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and I had four days to learn the show before it went to Melbourne.  It was this funny season in Melbourne in the and I had four days to learn the show before it went to Melbourne.  It was this funny season in Melbourne in the

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middle of the Sydney season. So and Elke was redirecting it middle of the Sydney season. So and Elke was redirecting it

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and we just, apart from the fact we are both German, we just got on really well, right from the word go.  And became firm  and we just, apart from the fact we are both German, we just got on really well, right from the word go.  And became firm 

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friends.  friends. 

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And I did all of Elke's, I think I am right in saying all, of Elke's own productions in Australia. And I did all of Elke's, I think I am right in saying all, of Elke's own productions in Australia.

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Once she left Opera Australian and went freelance which culminated in The Ring. [Martin] It was a team. Once she left Opera Australian and went freelance which culminated in The Ring. [Martin] It was a team.

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Of course, with a costume designer ... Steven Curtis Of course, with a costume designer ... Steven Curtis

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and your old colleague Michael Scott-Mitchell doing the set, and um and your old colleague Michael Scott-Mitchell doing the set, and um

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I gather you all locked yourselves away I gather you all locked yourselves away

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up in the Blue Mountains, you turned your mobiles off.  Three years earlier. [Nick] Five years earlier. [Martin] To work out what you were going  up in the Blue Mountains, you turned your mobiles off.  Three years earlier. [Nick] Five years earlier. [Martin] To work out what you were going 

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to do with it. What.. your experience of Wagner is ... is ambiguous to do with it. What.. your experience of Wagner is ... is ambiguous

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but you came to it. You were accredited as an associate set designer.  What did that mean in the team dynamic? but you came to it. You were accredited as an associate set designer.  What did that mean in the team dynamic?

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Um actually nothing, because Michael and I Um actually nothing, because Michael and I

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 have just, as I've said, have always work like that. That was that was actually at Michael saying,  have just, as I've said, have always work like that. That was that was actually at Michael saying,

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I think it's ridiculous that you're not credited with doing all of that. So I think it's ridiculous that you're not credited with doing all of that. So

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it was just a very generous gesture on his part.  I mean the other , to just go back to my ambivalent feelings about Wagner it was just a very generous gesture on his part.  I mean the other , to just go back to my ambivalent feelings about Wagner

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and the reason I keep doing them, 'cause I've done most of them now,  is the challenge of staging them is irresistible. So even though and the reason I keep doing them, 'cause I've done most of them now,  is the challenge of staging them is irresistible. So even though

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like when I do an Opera, I learn the music like when I do an Opera, I learn the music

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and I mean I learn it. So to learn sixteen and a half hours of what I find fairly repugnant music, is that was a and I mean I learn it. So to learn sixteen and a half hours of what I find fairly repugnant music, is that was a

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really big decision for me to do that. really big decision for me to do that.

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It's one thing doing...[Martin]  What do you do to learn it? What does that mean? [Nick] I sit down with a recording and the score It's one thing doing...[Martin]  What do you do to learn it? What does that mean? [Nick] I sit down with a recording and the score

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and I listen to it over and over and over and over and over again. Just as I read a play over and over and over and I listen to it over and over and over and over and over again. Just as I read a play over and over and over

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and over and over again. Operas are quicker to learn than plays because music always helps you as a memory guide and over and over again. Operas are quicker to learn than plays because music always helps you as a memory guide

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but I don't just listen to it once and that's that. No. So that was a big decision but  it but I don't just listen to it once and that's that. No. So that was a big decision but  it

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It is compensated for, by the just the sheer challenge of staging those works. One of the reasons it took us so long It is compensated for, by the just the sheer challenge of staging those works. One of the reasons it took us so long

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to work through The Ring. Camp Wagner lasted for a week at the house to work through The Ring. Camp Wagner lasted for a week at the house

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We rented up the Blue Mountains arms We rented up the Blue Mountains arms

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and at the end of that week we had got five minutes into the first opera. Five minutes out of 16 and 1/2  hours. Four and at the end of that week we had got five minutes into the first opera. Five minutes out of 16 and 1/2  hours. Four

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of those five minutes were what we were going to do during the prelude to Rheingold. So it's  of those five minutes were what we were going to do during the prelude to Rheingold. So it's 

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not even addressing the very first aged action haven't was caught. not even addressing the very first aged action haven't was caught.

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but of course that that time was... staking out the whole kind of... beginning to come to grips with the whole thing like but of course that that time was... staking out the whole kind of... beginning to come to grips with the whole thing like

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what's the framework? what's the framework?

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or was this  is going to be seen within ... the same question why are we doing that maybe not millions but several thousandth Ring Cycle or was this  is going to be seen within ... the same question why are we doing that maybe not millions but several thousandth Ring Cycle

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and why we doing it in Adelaide, And  all of those things. So  it takes a long long time to to work all of that out. [Martin] That and why we doing it in Adelaide, And  all of those things. So  it takes a long long time to to work all of that out. [Martin] That

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production was praised for its, I saw it,  its clarity of story telling, its grounded characterisations. production was praised for its, I saw it,  its clarity of story telling, its grounded characterisations.

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Its wit and its beauty. It was sort of there was an Australian kind of um directness about it. It was stripped back. Its wit and its beauty. It was sort of there was an Australian kind of um directness about it. It was stripped back.

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I seem to remember a stage that was not heavily setted and  I seem to remember a stage that was not heavily setted and 

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and I remember very striking lighting. What what what was your vision of the lighting for it? [Nick]  Very importantly that it and I remember very striking lighting. What what what was your vision of the lighting for it? [Nick]  Very importantly that it

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... the space that we ended up with  ... the space that we ended up with 

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and we did end up with an almost through-going framing space, knowing that into that space, and we did end up with an almost through-going framing space, knowing that into that space,

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we were going to be introducing massive set pieces the  we were going to be introducing massive set pieces the 

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The set for what we referred to Wotan's offices, is this massive ?raked? lightbox ?four? covered in a completely cle... clear The set for what we referred to Wotan's offices, is this massive ?raked? lightbox ?four? covered in a completely cle... clear

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acrylic sculptures of statue of David sinking to various degrees into the floor acrylic sculptures of statue of David sinking to various degrees into the floor

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and that's just two scenes. The Drago's hand that was a squillion dollars worth of hydraulics and that's just two scenes. The Drago's hand that was a squillion dollars worth of hydraulics

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and pneumatics that could lift the singer up on the palm of his hand. I mean those kind of huge.. [Martin] A bit like if  and pneumatics that could lift the singer up on the palm of his hand. I mean those kind of huge.. [Martin] A bit like if 

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Michael Scott Mitchell had put Cathy Freeman on, lifting her up for the Olympics. [Nick] That was more akin to Michael Scott Mitchell had put Cathy Freeman on, lifting her up for the Olympics. [Nick] That was more akin to

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Brunnhilde's lift. [Martin] Oh right. Ok. [Nick] The same company did the flame for both in fact  Brunnhilde's lift. [Martin] Oh right. Ok. [Nick] The same company did the flame for both in fact 

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but so you've got all these massive big set pieces. but so you've got all these massive big set pieces.

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It.. the kind of big picture that we never lost sight of was, there has to be relief from that. You mustn't... if you lose sight It.. the kind of big picture that we never lost sight of was, there has to be relief from that. You mustn't... if you lose sight

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whatever I may think of it, if you if you lose sight of the human, even though they're gods whatever I may think of it, if you if you lose sight of the human, even though they're gods

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The human stories that are being told over that amount of time. The human stories that are being told over that amount of time.

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If you subsume those under masses of fabulous looking visuals, If you subsume those under masses of fabulous looking visuals,

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then you you've just lost the core of the whole thing. You've got... it. then you you've just lost the core of the whole thing. You've got... it.

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it has no guts any more. [Martin] Because you lit the gods quite harshly, didn't you. Weren't you... [Nick] Vari...varyingly it has no guts any more. [Martin] Because you lit the gods quite harshly, didn't you. Weren't you... [Nick] Vari...varyingly

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but we always made sure we came back to an empty stag. That was just a permeable box framework with no scenery in it.  but we always made sure we came back to an empty stag. That was just a permeable box framework with no scenery in it. 

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and just lots of light. And that light in those interlude sections even more so than usual. and just lots of light. And that light in those interlude sections even more so than usual.

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All about the people. The focus being absolutely on the singers and not on what the box looked like. [Martin] And characters. All about the people. The focus being absolutely on the singers and not on what the box looked like. [Martin] And characters.

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The other characters were really well lit and explained by the lighting The other characters were really well lit and explained by the lighting

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and the storytelling was was crucially clear. And so it was an uncluttered by earlier interpretations. and the storytelling was was crucially clear. And so it was an uncluttered by earlier interpretations.

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[Nick] And a story that you know you can very easily get lost in if you  [Nick] And a story that you know you can very easily get lost in if you 

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 are one of those rare, uninitiated people who goes to the Ring Cycle without knowing it   are one of those rare, uninitiated people who goes to the Ring Cycle without knowing it 

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Inside out and back to front. I was a bit like that but we won't go there.  [Martin] How did your career um shape up after such a huge international, Inside out and back to front. I was a bit like that but we won't go there.  [Martin] How did your career um shape up after such a huge international,

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It was an international hit, but I...I was interested that the the agent Virginia Braddon said It was an international hit, but I...I was interested that the the agent Virginia Braddon said

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that for all you three designers, the offers were not rushing it. that for all you three designers, the offers were not rushing it.

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In in fact the contrary. In in fact the contrary.

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It was um the year after that, 2005, was the first time in probably, certainly ten years. It was um the year after that, 2005, was the first time in probably, certainly ten years.

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Maybe a few more, where I suddenly found I had a year where  Maybe a few more, where I suddenly found I had a year where 

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with quite a few gaps in it. And Michael also. And our theory is that that that comes from two things: with quite a few gaps in it. And Michael also. And our theory is that that that comes from two things:

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One is that we had spent so much of the previous five years unavailable, One is that we had spent so much of the previous five years unavailable,

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I mean, we spent 3 months ...[Martin] Locked yourself out of circulation, I mean, we spent 3 months ...[Martin] Locked yourself out of circulation,

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Yeah we spent three months with most of The Ring on stage and pre-rehearsed in Adelaide, the year before. Yeah we spent three months with most of The Ring on stage and pre-rehearsed in Adelaide, the year before.

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and then we were both there for four months of 2004, when we actually did it. And for the  and then we were both there for four months of 2004, when we actually did it. And for the 

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two years preceding that, 2001 and 2002, we spent two years preceding that, 2001 and 2002, we spent

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 so much time on the design of that. I mean Elke and I would spend a week talking through one act of one of those  so much time on the design of that. I mean Elke and I would spend a week talking through one act of one of those

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shows. shows.

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And I would describe exactly how the light was from one point to the next. How it would be. And it takes forever so that's And I would describe exactly how the light was from one point to the next. How it would be. And it takes forever so that's

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part of the problem. We kind of put ourselves our of  circulation for quite a while. part of the problem. We kind of put ourselves our of  circulation for quite a while.

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And the other part of the problem is that it was so big, The set was stored afterwards in 38 shipping And the other part of the problem is that it was so big, The set was stored afterwards in 38 shipping

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containers. That is a huge amount of scenery. You might normally expect two for an Opera. containers. That is a huge amount of scenery. You might normally expect two for an Opera.

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Three perhaps. It's so big.  I used a lighting rig that had over a thousand lamps Three perhaps. It's so big.  I used a lighting rig that had over a thousand lamps

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and ... like it was a thing of excess. Of glorious excess. and ... like it was a thing of excess. Of glorious excess.

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But it was massive. I'm pretty sure, to this day, it remains the theoretically the biggest interior show ever done in But it was massive. I'm pretty sure, to this day, it remains the theoretically the biggest interior show ever done in

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this country. Not counting huge things in stadiums. I think we both kind of were branded as "They only do this country. Not counting huge things in stadiums. I think we both kind of were branded as "They only do

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huge now.  huge now. 

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I think there's genuinely an element of that. And yet a couple of years later I did this one-man show that Matthew I think there's genuinely an element of that. And yet a couple of years later I did this one-man show that Matthew

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?Witted?  had written ?Witted?  had written

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and performed downstairs at Belvoir Street. I cut the space in half so went from 90 seats to 45. and performed downstairs at Belvoir Street. I cut the space in half so went from 90 seats to 45.

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and I lit it with these six tiny little lamps that I carried up the hill the morning of the bump-in, in a plastic Officeworks tub.  and I lit it with these six tiny little lamps that I carried up the hill the morning of the bump-in, in a plastic Officeworks tub. 

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And I loved doing that. But people again people pigeonhole you. [Martin] 2005 And I loved doing that. But people again people pigeonhole you. [Martin] 2005

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Simone Young, new to the Hamburg State Opera as music director. She took you up and the director Simon Phillips Simone Young, new to the Hamburg State Opera as music director. She took you up and the director Simon Phillips

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for Benjamin Britten 's Midsummer Night 's dream for Benjamin Britten 's Midsummer Night 's dream

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and then in 2007, Billy Budd.  Which must have been really stimulating.  [Nick] Fantastic. I mean I love both and then in 2007, Billy Budd.  Which must have been really stimulating.  [Nick] Fantastic. I mean I love both

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of those pieces. They're ...they're perfect examples of the Operas of those pieces. They're ...they're perfect examples of the Operas

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I love musically. I actually listened to Billy Budd last weekend, just because I hadn't  I love musically. I actually listened to Billy Budd last weekend, just because I hadn't 

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heard it for a while and I was missing it. Um No, brilliant.   heard it for a while and I was missing it. Um No, brilliant.  

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And a stage that is .... like most big German opera houses, their stages can do a lot. Like you can lift entire And a stage that is .... like most big German opera houses, their stages can do a lot. Like you can lift entire

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sections of the stage up out of the basement and disappear them into the roof and another whole set underneath it. All of which we sections of the stage up out of the basement and disappear them into the roof and another whole set underneath it. All of which we

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exploited to the max.  exploited to the max. 

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I think we nearly broke the technical department of that  company over those 2 shows. [Martin] A year later you lit I think we nearly broke the technical department of that  company over those 2 shows. [Martin] A year later you lit

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the Sydney Theatre Company's Hedda Gabler with, starring Cate Blanchett, the Sydney Theatre Company's Hedda Gabler with, starring Cate Blanchett,

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which toured to New York. I suppose lighting her which toured to New York. I suppose lighting her

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and I just wanted to allude to the late designer Kristian Frederickson  and I just wanted to allude to the late designer Kristian Frederickson 

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and his costumes which are always, everyone always describes as gorgeous.  The lighting the costume and  and his costumes which are always, everyone always describes as gorgeous.  The lighting the costume and 

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In that case, particularly as worn by  In that case, particularly as worn by 

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by Blanchett must have been a striking experience. [Nick] Well Cate is ... by Blanchett must have been a striking experience. [Nick] Well Cate is ...

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She makes my life unbelievably easy. She has a luminosity to her skin. She makes my life unbelievably easy. She has a luminosity to her skin.

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that is just is extraordinary. And and rarely or unusually, it responds equally well to both extremes of warm and cool that is just is extraordinary. And and rarely or unusually, it responds equally well to both extremes of warm and cool

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light. I mean a lot of people's skin tones are very happy in one end of the spectrum light. I mean a lot of people's skin tones are very happy in one end of the spectrum

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and you really are struggling at the other end. Cate's is somehow.. you know it  just continues to be luminous.  and you really are struggling at the other end. Cate's is somehow.. you know it  just continues to be luminous. 

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and in fact the other person of whom I would say that,  Australian actor anyway, of whom I would say that was my first Hedda Gabler  and in fact the other person of whom I would say that,  Australian actor anyway, of whom I would say that was my first Hedda Gabler 

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and that's Judy Davis. So I would say it was 18 years between the two, and that's Judy Davis. So I would say it was 18 years between the two,

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and in the same theatre. In Wharf One. Judy's Hedda Gabler was actually the first show I lit at Sydney Theatre Company. [Martin] I suppose we could leap  and in the same theatre. In Wharf One. Judy's Hedda Gabler was actually the first show I lit at Sydney Theatre Company. [Martin] I suppose we could leap 

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forward to your production. forward to your production.

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Lighting of Blanchett in A Streetcar named Desire, which also went to New York. Sydney Theatre Company production Lighting of Blanchett in A Streetcar named Desire, which also went to New York. Sydney Theatre Company production

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and the capacity of that wonderful play by Tennessee Williams to have New Orleans just out the door, the sound of it. and the capacity of that wonderful play by Tennessee Williams to have New Orleans just out the door, the sound of it.

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The lighting of it. The storms around it; the train going by. The lighting of it. The storms around it; the train going by.

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It's terribly rich for the sound designer as well as the light designer as well. It's terribly rich for the sound designer as well as the light designer as well.

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And you were lighting.. you were lighting her Blanche with quite bold lights weren't you? And you were lighting.. you were lighting her Blanche with quite bold lights weren't you?

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I remember it, of open bulbs. [Nick] Yup I remember it, of open bulbs. [Nick] Yup

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[Martin] But then also the sort of shadowy lights that she might well have preferred with her vanity. [Nick] But again [Martin] But then also the sort of shadowy lights that she might well have preferred with her vanity. [Nick] But again

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it's um... Cate's physiognomy I'll say, can cope with all of that it's um... Cate's physiognomy I'll say, can cope with all of that

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and then some. My favourite bit visually of that Street Car was the progression, Blanche's progression out of the and then some. My favourite bit visually of that Street Car was the progression, Blanche's progression out of the

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house house

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and across the front of the stage at the very very end of the show. The front of the stage that has been rarely used up until that and across the front of the stage at the very very end of the show. The front of the stage that has been rarely used up until that

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point. [Martin] Taken away...[Nick] Taken away  point. [Martin] Taken away...[Nick] Taken away 

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to the the asylum. Where I just poured all this ice cold light down the front of the wall. That was the qui.. quintessential to the the asylum. Where I just poured all this ice cold light down the front of the wall. That was the qui.. quintessential

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opposite to all of the cosy interiors that had been in those rooms. [Martin] Because she was always covering up bulbs wasn't she? [Nick] Just this  opposite to all of the cosy interiors that had been in those rooms. [Martin] Because she was always covering up bulbs wasn't she? [Nick] Just this 

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this sort of merciless sheet of very cold, this sort of merciless sheet of very cold,

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white light onto this suddenly incredibly fragile little figure, wearing white. white light onto this suddenly incredibly fragile little figure, wearing white.

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You can do all of that with Cate You can do all of that with Cate

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and she is just fine. [Martin] Let me just ask you about musicals because that's ...that was added to your and she is just fine. [Martin] Let me just ask you about musicals because that's ...that was added to your

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canvas when you did the um stage adaptation by director Simon Phillips in 2006 canvas when you did the um stage adaptation by director Simon Phillips in 2006

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of the film hit "Adventures of Priscilla, of the film hit "Adventures of Priscilla,

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Queen of the Desert" with Brian Thompson doing the set. Is this... were you learning about Australian Queen of the Desert" with Brian Thompson doing the set. Is this... were you learning about Australian

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we've spoken about Australian colours on the Centre we've spoken about Australian colours on the Centre

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and  the bigness of Opera. I suppose it's the same ?relationship? for a musical? [Nick] It is. Stylised in a completely different and  the bigness of Opera. I suppose it's the same ?relationship? for a musical? [Nick] It is. Stylised in a completely different

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way. I mean the entire through-going set for Priscilla is hot pink. Not actually an outback colour, way. I mean the entire through-going set for Priscilla is hot pink. Not actually an outback colour,

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but it's it's a classic case of one of those choices. but it's it's a classic case of one of those choices.

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that's evocative ?evolve? that's evocative ?evolve?

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and you just push it a little bit further in this direction or in that. And one of the earliest starting points for that design and you just push it a little bit further in this direction or in that. And one of the earliest starting points for that design

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was that it might feel like you were watching every single one of those locations through the lens of a drag show in a was that it might feel like you were watching every single one of those locations through the lens of a drag show in a

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pub at the Imperial in Newtown. So so a very humble simple means - the little campfire literally has cellophane pub at the Imperial in Newtown. So so a very humble simple means - the little campfire literally has cellophane

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and flickering lights in it. Even the kind of rather massive bead curtains and flitter curtains and flickering lights in it. Even the kind of rather massive bead curtains and flitter curtains

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and drops and things, are all from the repertoire of an either tacky or and drops and things, are all from the repertoire of an either tacky or

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or glorious drag show in the back room of a small pub in suburban  Sydney. So that that was a kind of starting point for it.  or glorious drag show in the back room of a small pub in suburban  Sydney. So that that was a kind of starting point for it. 

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Which we progressively moved away from. Particularly once we introduced a million dollars worth of a a very high-tech bus into Which we progressively moved away from. Particularly once we introduced a million dollars worth of a a very high-tech bus into

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the middle of the process. Which nearly killed the show ... and us. But more to the point, the middle of the process. Which nearly killed the show ... and us. But more to the point,

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it's a real departure for me. It's not my cup of tea it's a real departure for me. It's not my cup of tea

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and certainly not my usual territory. [Martin] The razzamatazz required of musical lighting, of sound? [Nick] Yeah  and certainly not my usual territory. [Martin] The razzamatazz required of musical lighting, of sound? [Nick] Yeah 

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It's more just... [Martin]  Choreography, singing. It's more just... [Martin]  Choreography, singing.

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I just don't like it as a form. It's not a theatre form that has ever particularly drawn me I just don't like it as a form. It's not a theatre form that has ever particularly drawn me

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or attracted me. It's a little bit like my reasons for doing Wagner. I did get to the point or attracted me. It's a little bit like my reasons for doing Wagner. I did get to the point

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where I need to stop being snotty about this. And just have a little reality check where I need to stop being snotty about this. And just have a little reality check

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and make sure that I really can do what I am, slightly looking down my nose at, as being all flash and make sure that I really can do what I am, slightly looking down my nose at, as being all flash

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and giggle. And not much craft. And I certainly was wrong to the extent that it is... it's bloody hard work and giggle. And not much craft. And I certainly was wrong to the extent that it is... it's bloody hard work

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and I mean just the numbers you're dealing with in one of those shows. There's 2500 lighting cues in and I mean just the numbers you're dealing with in one of those shows. There's 2500 lighting cues in

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Priscilla. And every time I sit down to do it again. Priscilla. And every time I sit down to do it again.

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I have this sort of sinking feeling that you're at the bottom of Everest base camp, I have this sort of sinking feeling that you're at the bottom of Everest base camp,

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and there is a big number 2500 up there. and yo are kind of crawling on your hands and knees and there is a big number 2500 up there. and yo are kind of crawling on your hands and knees

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and you know it's gonna take you the next three weeks to get through it. Love Never Dies is a different case in point because and you know it's gonna take you the next three weeks to get through it. Love Never Dies is a different case in point because

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it is so firmly rooted in the world of the Opera. it is so firmly rooted in the world of the Opera.

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It's a much... [Martin] Love Never Dies is  Andrew Lloyd Webber's sequel to Phantom of..Phantom. [Nick] Exactly  It's a much... [Martin] Love Never Dies is  Andrew Lloyd Webber's sequel to Phantom of..Phantom. [Nick] Exactly 

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[Martin] and you did that in 2011 so it was kind of panned in London and you were wanting [Martin] and you did that in 2011 so it was kind of panned in London and you were wanting

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and you and the team had to kind of re-make it. [Nick] Well Andrew approached Simon Phillips and said, and you and the team had to kind of re-make it. [Nick] Well Andrew approached Simon Phillips and said,

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can you rethink this show for me because it can you rethink this show for me because it

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it was going to be rolled out in eight countries. They they talked of it in terms of a roll-out. It was going to be it was going to be rolled out in eight countries. They they talked of it in terms of a roll-out. It was going to be

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rolled out in eight countries around the world, almost immediately upon its London opening. Except it was then so badly rolled out in eight countries around the world, almost immediately upon its London opening. Except it was then so badly

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panned that the rollout rolled back in very quickly. I mean it was a massively ambitious plan and panned that the rollout rolled back in very quickly. I mean it was a massively ambitious plan and

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and then somewhere along the line, Andrew approached Simon and then somewhere along the line, Andrew approached Simon

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and said what are your thoughts about rewrites, restructures, rethinks? and said what are your thoughts about rewrites, restructures, rethinks?

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and we were very happy little vegemites a few years later and we were very happy little vegemites a few years later

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when Andrew joined us onstage on the Opening night in Melbourne saying this was now the only production of this show that when Andrew joined us onstage on the Opening night in Melbourne saying this was now the only production of this show that

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he ever will allow. And so far he's been good to his word. And we've done it since... we've done the German production we've done  he ever will allow. And so far he's been good to his word. And we've done it since... we've done the German production we've done 

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it in Japan and later this year it will do ...the now it in Japan and later this year it will do ...the now

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It'll do a national tour in America but not Broadway. Because Broadway producers don't like it. [Martin] Wow Ok.  It'll do a national tour in America but not Broadway. Because Broadway producers don't like it. [Martin] Wow Ok. 

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but that that's of much less "out of character thing" for me to be doing than Priscilla, but that that's of much less "out of character thing" for me to be doing than Priscilla,

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That really is... Priscilla is almost unique in my work, in terms of that that style That really is... Priscilla is almost unique in my work, in terms of that that style

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[Martin] I want to ask you about the actor 's company. Which is the dream of so many theatre makers to sort of work in an [Martin] I want to ask you about the actor 's company. Which is the dream of so many theatre makers to sort of work in an

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ongoing ensemble and in 2008 Robyn Nevin the artistic director of the Sydney Theatre Company  ongoing ensemble and in 2008 Robyn Nevin the artistic director of the Sydney Theatre Company 

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formed the Actors Company formed the Actors Company

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and invited you to participate in it. As well as some dozen actors... over a three year period. What  and invited you to participate in it. As well as some dozen actors... over a three year period. What 

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did you think of this model did you think of this model

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and the output? [Nick] I completely disagreed with it. And had quite strong disagreements with Robyn about it. Because and the output? [Nick] I completely disagreed with it. And had quite strong disagreements with Robyn about it. Because

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I unlike most, the vast majority of people in Australia I have lots of experience of working in ensemble companies. Because all I unlike most, the vast majority of people in Australia I have lots of experience of working in ensemble companies. Because all

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of the German theatre companies I've worked in, are ensemble companies. All of them. Without exception. They perform in rep, of the German theatre companies I've worked in, are ensemble companies. All of them. Without exception. They perform in rep,

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but they do not play ensuite. That's a  critical difference. So that they perform a different show every night of the week but they do not play ensuite. That's a  critical difference. So that they perform a different show every night of the week

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and therefore are in rehearsals for yet more different shows every morning. So there is a need for an ensemble. and therefore are in rehearsals for yet more different shows every morning. So there is a need for an ensemble.

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it's it's ... Actually, not just desirable. it's it's ... Actually, not just desirable.

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It is an active need to have a lot of actors on staff so that that scheduling system can work. Because a successful It is an active need to have a lot of actors on staff so that that scheduling system can work. Because a successful

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production will open at the beginning of the season and play right through to the end of that year. production will open at the beginning of the season and play right through to the end of that year.

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But it might only play twice a week. So there's just a logistic need there, But it might only play twice a week. So there's just a logistic need there,

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But it is also based on having an ensemble of about fifty or sixty people. But it is also based on having an ensemble of about fifty or sixty people.

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You can't make that work with twelve people unless, in Robyn's terminology, You can't make that work with twelve people unless, in Robyn's terminology,

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the guru version of an ensemble. By which she means an ensemble grouped around one specific theatre maker the guru version of an ensemble. By which she means an ensemble grouped around one specific theatre maker

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of whatever discipline, who make their own work. of whatever discipline, who make their own work.

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That's completely different. If you've got twelve people collaborating on the very writing with a piece of work then that's That's completely different. If you've got twelve people collaborating on the very writing with a piece of work then that's

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a completely different story. Then you have all of the undoubted gains of an ensemble a completely different story. Then you have all of the undoubted gains of an ensemble

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where people are, by constantly working together,  they develop their own extraordinary set of relationships in a way that where people are, by constantly working together,  they develop their own extraordinary set of relationships in a way that

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by default, by default,

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some actors in Australia because the pool is so small, have ended up doing over the years, some actors in Australia because the pool is so small, have ended up doing over the years,

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but never with that continuity of exposure to each other. but never with that continuity of exposure to each other.

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That's fine. But if you've got a company of twelve and they're immutable, That's fine. But if you've got a company of twelve and they're immutable,

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so it's always that group of twelve people who will do a show. For starters your repertoire choices are limited so it's always that group of twelve people who will do a show. For starters your repertoire choices are limited

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to things that will service twelve people. So already to things that will service twelve people. So already

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you're trying to service the ensemble, rather than the ensemble servicing the production you're trying to service the ensemble, rather than the ensemble servicing the production

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and so we ended up with ... well the 2 main bits of fallout were, a couple of bits of gender-bending casting that was not and so we ended up with ... well the 2 main bits of fallout were, a couple of bits of gender-bending casting that was not

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done as intentional gender bending casting. It was done perforce because you know there are... [Martin] Peter Carroll, John Gaden? [Nick]  Well I was going to say done as intentional gender bending casting. It was done perforce because you know there are... [Martin] Peter Carroll, John Gaden? [Nick]  Well I was going to say

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and then there is one glorious example of and then there is one glorious example of

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where that was brought...  brought to huge advantage and that is Peter Carroll's unforgettable portrayal of Girly  where that was brought...  brought to huge advantage and that is Peter Carroll's unforgettable portrayal of Girly 

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Pogson in The Season at Sarsaparilla. That was not an enforced choice. That was, that would have been the case anyway Pogson in The Season at Sarsaparilla. That was not an enforced choice. That was, that would have been the case anyway

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but you don't want to be in a situation where those kind of genuine choices are being obscured but you don't want to be in a situation where those kind of genuine choices are being obscured

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by the number of times you might have to do it because you've got X number of women,. by the number of times you might have to do it because you've got X number of women,.

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X number of men and the roles of fall out differently. X number of men and the roles of fall out differently.

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That's just one instance of it. Then you've got age, type, That's just one instance of it. Then you've got age, type,

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and all the rest of it. All the rest of the variables that normally would go into normally would inform your and all the rest of it. All the rest of the variables that normally would go into normally would inform your

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every casting choice. every casting choice.

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And suddenly you've got the same 12 faces, the same 12 people. Who an audience will very quickly discover, like all of us,  And suddenly you've got the same 12 faces, the same 12 people. Who an audience will very quickly discover, like all of us, 

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their own mannerisms, their own limitations, their own style. their own mannerisms, their own limitations, their own style.

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I ended up feelling really sorry for those actors because they were exposed to more I ended up feelling really sorry for those actors because they were exposed to more

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or less the same audience over three years. In roles that they were  or less the same audience over three years. In roles that they were 

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more often than not, simply type cast in, because you are trying to cast a twelve person play from twelve people. more often than not, simply type cast in, because you are trying to cast a twelve person play from twelve people.

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And just be clear what is the difference between that And just be clear what is the difference between that

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and the repertory company that you applaud? Where there's a greater turnover of plays - rehearsed in the morning and the repertory company that you applaud? Where there's a greater turnover of plays - rehearsed in the morning

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and performed in the evening. [Nick] Fifty actors to choose from. [Martin] The size of the... and performed in the evening. [Nick] Fifty actors to choose from. [Martin] The size of the...

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And still because they're German companies with lots of money, still augmented with guest actors as well. And still because they're German companies with lots of money, still augmented with guest actors as well.

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But 50 is not an uncommon number. It is coming down in size. But 50 is not an uncommon number. It is coming down in size.

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The first shows I did at the Schiller theatre, they were ensemble The first shows I did at the Schiller theatre, they were ensemble

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and there were 70 people.  The ?Kammersch? theatre in Munich until it's recently been decimated, was an extraordinary ensemble of and there were 70 people.  The ?Kammersch? theatre in Munich until it's recently been decimated, was an extraordinary ensemble of

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actors, numbering about 60, high 50s. That gives you a choice of people to draw from. actors, numbering about 60, high 50s. That gives you a choice of people to draw from.

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That's completely different to saying there are twelve people and they have to be the entire play. That's completely different to saying there are twelve people and they have to be the entire play.

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You can't even use Peter Carroll and John Gaden from the Actors Company You can't even use Peter Carroll and John Gaden from the Actors Company

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and insert them in a different production in that year. But they were an immutable group. [Martin] You think of the actors, of course, and insert them in a different production in that year. But they were an immutable group. [Martin] You think of the actors, of course,

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in these ensembles.  But you are the lighting designer. Did it affect the fact that it was an actor 's company. in these ensembles.  But you are the lighting designer. Did it affect the fact that it was an actor 's company.

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In this way. Did it affect how you worked? [Nick] No, In this way. Did it affect how you worked? [Nick] No,

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Because so many of those people as it happens, are good friends of mine. That that I had that close relationship with them Because so many of those people as it happens, are good friends of mine. That that I had that close relationship with them

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anyway. So but had had that not been the case, anyway. So but had had that not been the case,

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it is possible um that I would have got closer to some of those people than I otherwise would have, it is possible um that I would have got closer to some of those people than I otherwise would have,

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but under the circs it didn't really apply. but under the circs it didn't really apply.

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I also didn't do every one of their production by any means. [Martin] You did the War of the Roses - Part one and two, I also didn't do every one of their production by any means. [Martin] You did the War of the Roses - Part one and two,

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which is the sort of standout production in 2009 which is the sort of standout production in 2009

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directed by Benedict Andrews. You won a Helpmann Awards for that and awards in Sydney and Melbourne. directed by Benedict Andrews. You won a Helpmann Awards for that and awards in Sydney and Melbourne.

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What did you get right with the lighting there? What did you get right with the lighting there?

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Big empty space. [Martin] Yes that's right [Nick] That's just a really stunning piece of work. That whole Big empty space. [Martin] Yes that's right [Nick] That's just a really stunning piece of work. That whole

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production. Very very rigourously conceived production. Very very rigourously conceived

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and beyond Benedict, a major part played in that by Tom Wright, and beyond Benedict, a major part played in that by Tom Wright,

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who adapted the plays. Because a massive slash. Even though it ended up at two, four and a bit hours. who adapted the plays. Because a massive slash. Even though it ended up at two, four and a bit hours.

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parts. [Martin] Some 4 or 5 plays. [Nick] Henry the fifth reduced to, you know a mere cipher. parts. [Martin] Some 4 or 5 plays. [Nick] Henry the fifth reduced to, you know a mere cipher.

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but very.. like ... edited in the genuine sense of the word. You go but very.. like ... edited in the genuine sense of the word. You go

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This is why we are doing these plays. This is the story we want to tell. Everything that doesn't fit that is out until This is why we are doing these plays. This is the story we want to tell. Everything that doesn't fit that is out until

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we find we need it back in.  we find we need it back in. 

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But the starting point is - it's out. Rather than the other way round. But look, just a  really really solidly thought But the starting point is - it's out. Rather than the other way round. But look, just a  really really solidly thought

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through production. Benedict at the height of his of his talents, before he left Australia. [Martin] You worked with  Benedict again in  through production. Benedict at the height of his of his talents, before he left Australia. [Martin] You worked with  Benedict again in 

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The next year. The next year.

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on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure

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and at  Belvoir. Which was set in a glass box with a sort of hotel room with actors running surveillance cameras.  and at  Belvoir. Which was set in a glass box with a sort of hotel room with actors running surveillance cameras. 

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It was quite controversial as was other productions of the Belvoir at  that period for the radical rewriting of It was quite controversial as was other productions of the Belvoir at  that period for the radical rewriting of

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Classics.  Classics. 

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And resetting them often in Australian locations. But just setting them somewhere completely different. Your  And resetting them often in Australian locations. But just setting them somewhere completely different. Your 

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perspective as a lighting man? perspective as a lighting man?

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Perhaps one drawn to abstraction about that argument? That concern for the text lost? No one will ever know the Perhaps one drawn to abstraction about that argument? That concern for the text lost? No one will ever know the

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Classic in its original, because no one  sees it that way?  Anymore. [Nick] For a start Measure for Measure was barely rewritten. It was Classic in its original, because no one  sees it that way?  Anymore. [Nick] For a start Measure for Measure was barely rewritten. It was

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no more than... no no more than... no

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No more than you'd always edit bits of Shakespeare. It wasn't rewritten. There were a few small cuts. My take on that No more than you'd always edit bits of Shakespeare. It wasn't rewritten. There were a few small cuts. My take on that

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whole hot potato issue is that, there are some classics that actively deserve,  not need, whole hot potato issue is that, there are some classics that actively deserve,  not need,

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but deserve to be reconceived through today's eyes. but deserve to be reconceived through today's eyes.

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Otherwise I don't believe they will retain their classic status. I think the argument in terms of Shakespeare's a Otherwise I don't believe they will retain their classic status. I think the argument in terms of Shakespeare's a

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no-brainer. Shakespeare set  everything he wrote in his own time. He set no-brainer. Shakespeare set  everything he wrote in his own time. He set

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Julius Caesar in Elizabethan times. Just as he set Timon of Athens in Elizabethan times. Julius Caesar in Elizabethan times. Just as he set Timon of Athens in Elizabethan times.

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I don't think that... anyone who yearns for the days of what they see as being true Shakespearian productions just needs to go I don't think that... anyone who yearns for the days of what they see as being true Shakespearian productions just needs to go

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and do their homework. and do their homework.

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God even knows what they think those true productions might have looked like it, God even knows what they think those true productions might have looked like it,

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that's not really ...that's not so much about rewriting. That's about what time you play them that's not really ...that's not so much about rewriting. That's about what time you play them

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or how the ... I think it's useful in terms of the rewriting question, to look at translations where a rewrite is necessary because or how the ... I think it's useful in terms of the rewriting question, to look at translations where a rewrite is necessary because

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you need to translate the piece into English. I believe that anything in translation needs to be regularly refreshed. you need to translate the piece into English. I believe that anything in translation needs to be regularly refreshed.

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Because a translation will age very, very quickly. Because a translation will age very, very quickly.

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Every single word that a translator chooses is a value judgement Every single word that a translator chooses is a value judgement

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and that value judgement is formed by the time in which that translator lives. So last week I read a William ?Archer?  and that value judgement is formed by the time in which that translator lives. So last week I read a William ?Archer? 

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translation of Ghosts that he did in the 20's, if not even a bit earlier.[ Martin]  Of Ibsen's Ghosts? [Nick] Of Ibsen's Ghosts translation of Ghosts that he did in the 20's, if not even a bit earlier.[ Martin]  Of Ibsen's Ghosts? [Nick] Of Ibsen's Ghosts

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[Martin] are you lighting it somewhere soon? [Nick] Mmm and I read that knowing it would be a very old-fashioned production [Martin] are you lighting it somewhere soon? [Nick] Mmm and I read that knowing it would be a very old-fashioned production

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er translation but also knowing that it would be very faithful translation. er translation but also knowing that it would be very faithful translation.

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and I think it's really important to have those to go back to it. But there is no way you would choose to play that translation now. and I think it's really important to have those to go back to it. But there is no way you would choose to play that translation now.

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You're just putting a great big wall between the piece You're just putting a great big wall between the piece

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and the audience. You're asking them to... it is not incomprehensible. Of course not. and the audience. You're asking them to... it is not incomprehensible. Of course not.

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But you're asking them to kind of think around a corner or perceive around a corner. Because the language But you're asking them to kind of think around a corner or perceive around a corner. Because the language

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they're hearing is just not the English that we speak today. And it would no more be the English that is spoken in UK. they're hearing is just not the English that we speak today. And it would no more be the English that is spoken in UK.

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That's not a cultural thing. That's not a cultural thing.

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It's just simply to do with time. Now if you accept that a translation needs to be refreshed because the translation is It's just simply to do with time. Now if you accept that a translation needs to be refreshed because the translation is

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bound by the choices a translator makes in his time of life bound by the choices a translator makes in his time of life

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I think you can apply that same thinking to something that doesn't... a text that doesn't require translating. Sometimes it I think you can apply that same thinking to something that doesn't... a text that doesn't require translating. Sometimes it

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simply needs retelling in its own time. simply needs retelling in its own time.

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I would, I stress, I would, I stress,

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to make a very clear distinction between a text which is printed to be read and a text which is to be performed. I would to make a very clear distinction between a text which is printed to be read and a text which is to be performed. I would

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scream and howl louder than anybody if anybody were to revisit Willie Hazlett scream and howl louder than anybody if anybody were to revisit Willie Hazlett

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and start doing reduced versions of Shakespeare or "tinkered with" versions of Shakespeare as a text to read and start doing reduced versions of Shakespeare or "tinkered with" versions of Shakespeare as a text to read

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and as a text used as a starting point. But as soon as you make a performing version of that text. and as a text used as a starting point. But as soon as you make a performing version of that text.

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I think it is up for grabs.  I think it is up for grabs. 

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And know...  you update it or you rework it at your own peril. [Martin] I was interested to see the connection And know...  you update it or you rework it at your own peril. [Martin] I was interested to see the connection

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'cause Simon Stone at that time of Belvoir Street 's productions,  was was similarly commented on as the ones with is 'cause Simon Stone at that time of Belvoir Street 's productions,  was was similarly commented on as the ones with is

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the one by Benedict Andrew that we've just discussed.  And then you were in 2011 the one by Benedict Andrew that we've just discussed.  And then you were in 2011

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doing a co-production with Simon at the MTC and the STC of of Brecht's Baal. And you designed doing a co-production with Simon at the MTC and the STC of of Brecht's Baal. And you designed

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and lit that. And you too had a big two sided box and lit that. And you too had a big two sided box

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in it. [Nick] I did [Martin] Was that kind of the signature of this sort of Theatre making? Seemed to be big boxes? [Nick] No. because in it. [Nick] I did [Martin] Was that kind of the signature of this sort of Theatre making? Seemed to be big boxes? [Nick] No. because

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mine was a two sided box mine was a two sided box

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and had no glass walls. Look the glass wall, the glass box is a trope stolen directly from German theatre and had no glass walls. Look the glass wall, the glass box is a trope stolen directly from German theatre

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and mostly from the Schaubuhn in Berlin. Which for a time, the generation that is Benedict and mostly from the Schaubuhn in Berlin. Which for a time, the generation that is Benedict

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and slightly later than him that is ?set in stone?. Massively influenced by that. It's just one of those cultural fads and slightly later than him that is ?set in stone?. Massively influenced by that. It's just one of those cultural fads

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or not fads, that's denigrating it. I don't mean that. It's a little mini movement that flutters through and it will pass on, or not fads, that's denigrating it. I don't mean that. It's a little mini movement that flutters through and it will pass on,

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it's just about, the glass boxes is just about gone again. We've had our glass box moment. [Martin]  But you are onto it  it's just about, the glass boxes is just about gone again. We've had our glass box moment. [Martin]  But you are onto it 

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so you must have been sassy at the time? [Nick] Yeah but  so you must have been sassy at the time? [Nick] Yeah but 

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and indeed I did use a glass box in the Face to Face that I did with Simon two years later. No Baal's more interesting, and indeed I did use a glass box in the Face to Face that I did with Simon two years later. No Baal's more interesting,

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Baal was about... the first half has to be an interior Baal was about... the first half has to be an interior

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and has to be a reasonably contained claustrophobic interior. And the second half has to be completely open outside in and has to be a reasonably contained claustrophobic interior. And the second half has to be completely open outside in

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nature. And I wanted it to rain for the whole of the second act. [Martin] That was the thing in the nineties. nature. And I wanted it to rain for the whole of the second act. [Martin] That was the thing in the nineties.

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Everyone had ,,, there was always rain in the 90's. [Nick] Yeah But rain you rarely see it done well, Because it's hard Everyone had ,,, there was always rain in the 90's. [Nick] Yeah But rain you rarely see it done well, Because it's hard

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and it's never making the rain. It's getting rid of the bloody stuff that's hard.  and it's never making the rain. It's getting rid of the bloody stuff that's hard. 

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But also how you get from one of the other. And that stumped me for weeks. So we knew we wanted a white room with two sides and But also how you get from one of the other. And that stumped me for weeks. So we knew we wanted a white room with two sides and

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when you.. we... it could only have two sides because of the two different spaces when you.. we... it could only have two sides because of the two different spaces

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it was going in Malthouse and the Wharf. And I wanted a blank open space it was going in Malthouse and the Wharf. And I wanted a blank open space

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and a rectangle of rain over that rectangular space. But how do you get from one of the other? and a rectangle of rain over that rectangular space. But how do you get from one of the other?

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and then I remembered the Buster Keaton film in the Tornado where he walks up to the front of the barn and then I remembered the Buster Keaton film in the Tornado where he walks up to the front of the barn

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and you watch the whole barn fall fall towards him. and you watch the whole barn fall fall towards him.

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and he ends standing up in the little cut out hole from the hay loft.  And I thought that's how you do it. and he ends standing up in the little cut out hole from the hay loft.  And I thought that's how you do it.

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So the wall fell. [Martin] That's a great image. Something worked. It won 2 awards and a foundation grant  So the wall fell. [Martin] That's a great image. Something worked. It won 2 awards and a foundation grant 

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for design and your lighting for Baal. We could talk forever, but I must ask you, we must finish for design and your lighting for Baal. We could talk forever, but I must ask you, we must finish

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and I just ask you, this important question about ... as a teenager in 1977 and I just ask you, this important question about ... as a teenager in 1977

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you did an Australia Council course for ten weeks in lighting design. And since at NIDA you've taught you did an Australia Council course for ten weeks in lighting design. And since at NIDA you've taught

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and consistently in Munich, you've taught the subject. What are students today learning now in Australian and consistently in Munich, you've taught the subject. What are students today learning now in Australian

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 courses about lighting design and are they adequate? [Nick] Not enough.  courses about lighting design and are they adequate? [Nick] Not enough.

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No, there's a course on lighting design at WAPA which has been there for over 10 years. [Martin] In Perth [Nick] Yes   No, there's a course on lighting design at WAPA which has been there for over 10 years. [Martin] In Perth [Nick] Yes  

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but  you need to go to Perth if you want to study lighting design in Australia. There's a bit of a problem. In these days of a much more but  you need to go to Perth if you want to study lighting design in Australia. There's a bit of a problem. In these days of a much more

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enlightened administration enlightened administration

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at NIDA, who I am not at war with. That is now well in train. [Martin]  to happen [Nick] But you know  at NIDA, who I am not at war with. That is now well in train. [Martin]  to happen [Nick] But you know 

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It's not starting a course from scratch.  It's not starting a course from scratch. 

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If you want to do it halfways decently it's not something that can happen overnight. Its an enormous amount of work If you want to do it halfways decently it's not something that can happen overnight. Its an enormous amount of work

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And I'm discovering those enormous amount of bureaucracy to do with, because all of these institutions are now I think And I'm discovering those enormous amount of bureaucracy to do with, because all of these institutions are now I think

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someone regrettably, universities. There's a whole lot of university constraints that need to be met someone regrettably, universities. There's a whole lot of university constraints that need to be met

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and in terms of that, implying great rigour and in terms of that, implying great rigour

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obviously, obviously,

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I think it's a terrific thing. But some of it is ... because... the whole idea... they're a little bit antithetical to the I think it's a terrific thing. But some of it is ... because... the whole idea... they're a little bit antithetical to the

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principle of  university courses. principle of  university courses.

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It's not theoretical knowledge to theoretical knowledge esse. It has to be practical knowledge as well It's not theoretical knowledge to theoretical knowledge esse. It has to be practical knowledge as well

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and that's where I think the whole university system gets in the way sometimes and that's where I think the whole university system gets in the way sometimes

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or their criteria. So it's a long way of saying it takes a long time to structure it. Put together the course components or their criteria. So it's a long way of saying it takes a long time to structure it. Put together the course components

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and then make it fit into the guiding principles of ...or the guidelines of the university system. and then make it fit into the guiding principles of ...or the guidelines of the university system.

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but it is it is happening. But God it's long overdue. And really. and Again - Same old thinking. but it is it is happening. But God it's long overdue. And really. and Again - Same old thinking.

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It is taught de facto as one of 6,7,8, subjects to the production students. As though yet something  It is taught de facto as one of 6,7,8, subjects to the production students. As though yet something 

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the technician does,  the technician does, 

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and it it means that another whole generation of people who will end up being lighting designers aren't  starting playing and it it means that another whole generation of people who will end up being lighting designers aren't  starting playing

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in the same sandpit as the set designs and the costume designers. If you just started all those people together, in the same sandpit as the set designs and the costume designers. If you just started all those people together,

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for God 's sake, there's only three visual elements to what you see on most stages. It's the room for God 's sake, there's only three visual elements to what you see on most stages. It's the room

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the people are standing in, the clothes they are wearing and the light that is lighting all of above. that is they are the the people are standing in, the clothes they are wearing and the light that is lighting all of above. that is they are the

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visual. [Martin] Perhaps the sound they hear. [Nick] no the visual. So there are only those three.  there... surely they're parts of a whole. visual. [Martin] Perhaps the sound they hear. [Nick] no the visual. So there are only those three.  there... surely they're parts of a whole.

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So why separate them? Why not start them altogether. It just defies description to me. So why separate them? Why not start them altogether. It just defies description to me.

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and it used to be easy to write that off as a quaint bit of  1950s thinking at NIDA.  and it used to be easy to write that off as a quaint bit of  1950s thinking at NIDA. 

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and all the other institutions. NIDA is by no means the only place  guilty. But it's been... and all the other institutions. NIDA is by no means the only place  guilty. But it's been...

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The world of theatre has changed far too long ago for that still to be an excuse. The world of theatre has changed far too long ago for that still to be an excuse.

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thank you for talking with us and congratulations on your career and for sharing with us. [Nick] Pleasure. [Martin] It was nice to meet you. thank you for talking with us and congratulations on your career and for sharing with us. [Nick] Pleasure. [Martin] It was nice to meet you.

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Thank you Thank you