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My name's Ingrid McGaughey and I'm interviewing Hans Brinkies on the 7th of July 2011. My name's Ingrid McGaughey and I'm interviewing Hans Brinkies on the 7th of July 2011.

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Hans was a met observer down at Wilkes in 1966, but was also heavily involved with the building Hans was a met observer down at Wilkes in 1966, but was also heavily involved with the building

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of Repstat, which was the replacement station for Wilkes. Good morning Hans. [Hans] Good of Repstat, which was the replacement station for Wilkes. Good morning Hans. [Hans] Good

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morning Ingrid. [Ingrid] Hans, can you tell me how you got interested in going to the Antarctic? morning Ingrid. [Ingrid] Hans, can you tell me how you got interested in going to the Antarctic?

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This could be a long story. I received when I was This could be a long story. I received when I was

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a young boy, 3 books from my grandfather Fridtjof Nansen, in his expedition in a young boy, 3 books from my grandfather Fridtjof Nansen, in his expedition in

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1893 to 1896 to the Arctic. And I was fascinated what I read there and I 1893 to 1896 to the Arctic. And I was fascinated what I read there and I

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always wanted to do onto the expedition, but that was back in Germany and having always wanted to do onto the expedition, but that was back in Germany and having

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said that story, I completely forgot about it 'til I came to Australia as a said that story, I completely forgot about it 'til I came to Australia as a

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assisted migrant and found the interview in the paper of people who had been down assisted migrant and found the interview in the paper of people who had been down

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there. I can't remember where it was - I think it was in Sydney the 1st time and then I there. I can't remember where it was - I think it was in Sydney the 1st time and then I

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said "Hang on, if so I'm assistant migrant, I might apply for said "Hang on, if so I'm assistant migrant, I might apply for

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a position." And I applied for a position." And I applied for

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a position. Now, I still do not know but I think somebody made a position. Now, I still do not know but I think somebody made

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a small mistake, because my qualification are Dip. Med. Ing. I'm a metallurgist. a small mistake, because my qualification are Dip. Med. Ing. I'm a metallurgist.

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And somebody interpreted Dip. Med. Ing. as being a, a meteorologist. And somebody interpreted Dip. Med. Ing. as being a, a meteorologist.

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And having er, placed the application into the And having er, placed the application into the

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er, normal network, I was told "Hang on, we do not need a metallurgist er, normal network, I was told "Hang on, we do not need a metallurgist

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down there, but with your academic qualification would you be willing to do down there, but with your academic qualification would you be willing to do

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a course as met observer?" And I said "Yes, I wouldn't mind." And having said so, I was a course as met observer?" And I said "Yes, I wouldn't mind." And having said so, I was

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invited then to do the preliminary test and everything like that in Adelaide, invited then to do the preliminary test and everything like that in Adelaide,

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because I was working in Whyalla because I was working in Whyalla

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in those days, and suddenly got a reply, "Yes we're interested in you coming to in those days, and suddenly got a reply, "Yes we're interested in you coming to

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Melbourne to do the course." [Ingrid] So what sort of training to do you need to do, in order to become a met observer? [Hans] Well, we were Melbourne to do the course." [Ingrid] So what sort of training to do you need to do, in order to become a met observer? [Hans] Well, we were

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always told by the other always told by the other

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met blokes who did 2 year course, ?3? course, we were the 3 months wonders. met blokes who did 2 year course, ?3? course, we were the 3 months wonders.

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We had to do all the We had to do all the

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basic courses and the subjects in basic courses and the subjects in

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one way where we had to pass the examination after a few weeks with 60 percent, with one way where we had to pass the examination after a few weeks with 60 percent, with

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80 percent and later with 90 percent, to be able to do the met observation. 80 percent and later with 90 percent, to be able to do the met observation.

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And in those days we didn't have computers. We did all by slide rules and by tables, And in those days we didn't have computers. We did all by slide rules and by tables,

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As example we needed As example we needed

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to do a to do a

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balloon flight, which we had to do as well and so on. Er, we had to do one line as we called balloon flight, which we had to do as well and so on. Er, we had to do one line as we called

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it within one minute, but when we started learning it, we did effectively one it within one minute, but when we started learning it, we did effectively one

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line in one hour to understand everything like that, but as we went along we line in one hour to understand everything like that, but as we went along we

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clearly learnt how to do the clearly learnt how to do the

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normal routine work, which was of course easy by reading instruments and the hard... normal routine work, which was of course easy by reading instruments and the hard...

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and judging what the weather would be like, er, judging what we expect from the weather. and judging what the weather would be like, er, judging what we expect from the weather.

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Then of course, the most important was where these balloon flights which we had to do Then of course, the most important was where these balloon flights which we had to do

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either with radar sets, or with sets which they had here in Melbourne on various either with radar sets, or with sets which they had here in Melbourne on various

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testing grounds. [Ingrid] Ok. So, did you need to have an interview with the Antarctic Division in order testing grounds. [Ingrid] Ok. So, did you need to have an interview with the Antarctic Division in order

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to get the job? [Hans] Yes. Yes. I had - I think they were actually a representative of the to get the job? [Hans] Yes. Yes. I had - I think they were actually a representative of the

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Antarctic Division, because the interviews which I had were actually in Adelaide. I had Antarctic Division, because the interviews which I had were actually in Adelaide. I had

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to fly down from Melbourne ... from Whyalla to fly down from Melbourne ... from Whyalla

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to Adelaide, and I was er, interviewed at the - I think if I remember right - it's the to Adelaide, and I was er, interviewed at the - I think if I remember right - it's the

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Air Force base in Salisbury. And er, from then, yes, I think after that interview I Air Force base in Salisbury. And er, from then, yes, I think after that interview I

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was invited to come to Melbourne and I don't think I had another interview as such. I was invited to come to Melbourne and I don't think I had another interview as such. I

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was more introduced what ANARE was about, what Antarctic was all about and I was more introduced what ANARE was about, what Antarctic was all about and I

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got the job. [Ingrid] Excellent. So did you do any other pre-departure training before you actually left? [Hans] Yes. got the job. [Ingrid] Excellent. So did you do any other pre-departure training before you actually left? [Hans] Yes.

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Yeah. As a matter of fact, I remember, we had to do physical training and we did the Yeah. As a matter of fact, I remember, we had to do physical training and we did the

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training in the Y.M.C.A. training in the Y.M.C.A.

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building in Melbourne, er, where we had - we always thought he must have been an old building in Melbourne, er, where we had - we always thought he must have been an old

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sergeant, because he chased us around like anything er, you can imagine. sergeant, because he chased us around like anything er, you can imagine.

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Further to that which went for quite Further to that which went for quite

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a number of weeks - we had to go down to the, oh, Anglesea was Anglesea a number of weeks - we had to go down to the, oh, Anglesea was Anglesea

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area, where we did actually some er, surviving training meaning er, we had to live area, where we did actually some er, surviving training meaning er, we had to live

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in tents, we had to climb up the sandy hills in the way of going up the in tents, we had to climb up the sandy hills in the way of going up the

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dunes, you know, 3 steps forward, one steps back, and we had to live from survival dunes, you know, 3 steps forward, one steps back, and we had to live from survival

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rations. We lived in tents and survived on the rations, but then somebody found out - rations. We lived in tents and survived on the rations, but then somebody found out -

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that went for a couple of days - found out that there's that went for a couple of days - found out that there's

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the pub not far away. So needless to say what happened, there was quite the pub not far away. So needless to say what happened, there was quite

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a number of occasions where we sneaked out of camp and went into the pub to have a number of occasions where we sneaked out of camp and went into the pub to have

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a nice meal and then complain next day about the terrible a nice meal and then complain next day about the terrible

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[laughs] food what we had to eat. So we did [laughs] food what we had to eat. So we did

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a lot of training, and of course with the Met Bureau as well, we had to do a lot of training, and of course with the Met Bureau as well, we had to do

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a lot of training. We had to extra sets of courses and met a lot of training. We had to extra sets of courses and met

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observation. We had to do radar training because we had to track the balloons, by er, by observation. We had to do radar training because we had to track the balloons, by er, by

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our radar sets, and these were manually operated. Er, we did training near Essendon Airport which our radar sets, and these were manually operated. Er, we did training near Essendon Airport which

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was interest because whenever we let er, met balloon go, then we had to contact the tower was interest because whenever we let er, met balloon go, then we had to contact the tower

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in er, the airport so it wouldn't interfere with the flights which was going out of Essendon in er, the airport so it wouldn't interfere with the flights which was going out of Essendon

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Airport in those days. So in other words yes, we did Airport in those days. So in other words yes, we did

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a lot of, of training before we actually left the place. [Ingrid] What did your family think a lot of, of training before we actually left the place. [Ingrid] What did your family think

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you going to Antarctica? [Hans] Well, I was by myself. I was a you going to Antarctica? [Hans] Well, I was by myself. I was a

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single bloke. And I hadn't told my parents about it. And this is single bloke. And I hadn't told my parents about it. And this is

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a story which made headline news in my hometown. Er, my hometown in Germany is a story which made headline news in my hometown. Er, my hometown in Germany is

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suddenly had a suddenly had a

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story in "Son of our town goes to the Antarctic." I hadn't told my parents about it, so story in "Son of our town goes to the Antarctic." I hadn't told my parents about it, so

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my er, my father who actually er, was ?being? down in the town went to work and found my er, my father who actually er, was ?being? down in the town went to work and found

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out from people who said "Oh, your son is in the paper isn't he?" My father didn't know. out from people who said "Oh, your son is in the paper isn't he?" My father didn't know.

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Then after various people ask him if he knew about it he said "No." Then after various people ask him if he knew about it he said "No."

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So again, the story goes on that he bought then 6 or 7 papers to show the rest of the So again, the story goes on that he bought then 6 or 7 papers to show the rest of the

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family because there was family because there was

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a photo of me doing the training down in Anglesea in the outfit, and going to a photo of me doing the training down in Anglesea in the outfit, and going to

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the Antarctic, and then of course he was more the Antarctic, and then of course he was more

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and both my mother as well, they were proud than anything that I would go down to and both my mother as well, they were proud than anything that I would go down to

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being being

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a German going to the Australian Antarctic expedition, so. [Ingrid] How did the newspaper get to hear about this? a German going to the Australian Antarctic expedition, so. [Ingrid] How did the newspaper get to hear about this?

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I was involved with the German Club in Melbourne. And the German club, we always had I was involved with the German Club in Melbourne. And the German club, we always had

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people from the German newspaper as part of the normal occasion, and then somebody said people from the German newspaper as part of the normal occasion, and then somebody said

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"Oh, Hans is going to the Antarctic" and on one occasion one of the reporters heard "Oh, Hans is going to the Antarctic" and on one occasion one of the reporters heard

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that, and she came over and said "Well, is that true?" and I said "Yes" and she asked if she that, and she came over and said "Well, is that true?" and I said "Yes" and she asked if she

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could have an interview and write could have an interview and write

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a story about it. That's how they found out. [Ingrid] So when you went to the a story about it. That's how they found out. [Ingrid] So when you went to the

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Antarctic down in 1966, may I ask how old you were then Hans? [Hans] Yes, I was 30. Antarctic down in 1966, may I ask how old you were then Hans? [Hans] Yes, I was 30.

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And when had you emigrated to Australia? [Hans] Only a couple of years before in 1962. [Ingrid] So what And when had you emigrated to Australia? [Hans] Only a couple of years before in 1962. [Ingrid] So what

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had been the impetus for you coming to had been the impetus for you coming to

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Australia in the first place? [Hans] I was just, I think we were just keen. We were a group of young people who read in the Australia in the first place? [Hans] I was just, I think we were just keen. We were a group of young people who read in the

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papers papers

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Australia need, er need experienced people, and we applied, and Australia need, er need experienced people, and we applied, and

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some of my acquaintances they didn't hear anything again, and er, in my case I got a reply some of my acquaintances they didn't hear anything again, and er, in my case I got a reply

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"Oh yes" er, you know, "you seem to be" er, "available to do certain jobs" and being "Oh yes" er, you know, "you seem to be" er, "available to do certain jobs" and being

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a metallurgist, I said "Hang on yes, er, I go to the Antarctic - er, go to er, Australia." a metallurgist, I said "Hang on yes, er, I go to the Antarctic - er, go to er, Australia."

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And had to sign a statement that I would stay for 2 years in this country, and I And had to sign a statement that I would stay for 2 years in this country, and I

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understand I'm the only one left. Most of the other people who came out with us, went understand I'm the only one left. Most of the other people who came out with us, went

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all back to Germany or back to America or wherever they went to. [Ingrid] When you were in all back to Germany or back to America or wherever they went to. [Ingrid] When you were in

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Melbourne for your pre-departure training, did you meet Phil Law at all? [Hans] Yes, yes. Phil Melbourne for your pre-departure training, did you meet Phil Law at all? [Hans] Yes, yes. Phil

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Law. Er, I would say because then what set of us was in ?singular word? and we met all the Law. Er, I would say because then what set of us was in ?singular word? and we met all the

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people who are still, like McMahon, and all of the people who are still with us to people who are still, like McMahon, and all of the people who are still with us to

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a certain extent, you know, that quick as a certain extent, you know, that quick as

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a radio, radio man, and er, yes, we met Phil Law many many times, those occasions, yes. [Ingrid] What a radio, radio man, and er, yes, we met Phil Law many many times, those occasions, yes. [Ingrid] What

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was your impression of Phil Law? [Hans] I was er - how shall I say - I was was your impression of Phil Law? [Hans] I was er - how shall I say - I was

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amazed about his interest in, in Antarctica, and I was amazed in his amazed about his interest in, in Antarctica, and I was amazed in his

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memory, because even later when we came back and even here memory, because even later when we came back and even here

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a few years ago when I met him on the Midwinter dinner here, he said "Oh you are a few years ago when I met him on the Midwinter dinner here, he said "Oh you are

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the the

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German ?fed? said, and that was the amaze thing, because with my accent I was known in German ?fed? said, and that was the amaze thing, because with my accent I was known in

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the Antarctic Division and in our expedition because whenever we had the Antarctic Division and in our expedition because whenever we had

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the radio scan, er, I didn't er, didn't have to say the radio scan, er, I didn't er, didn't have to say

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"V.N.J." such and such. Er, normally the answer from the other side came from camp, "Hans, "V.N.J." such and such. Er, normally the answer from the other side came from camp, "Hans,

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what do you want?" because I've got enough my accent [laughs]. [Ingrid] [laughs] So what were your what do you want?" because I've got enough my accent [laughs]. [Ingrid] [laughs] So what were your

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recollections of the voyage down there? [Hans] The recollections was that 90 percent of our recollections of the voyage down there? [Hans] The recollections was that 90 percent of our

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crew was seasick. Now er, I don't get seasick. So we had actually fun crew was seasick. Now er, I don't get seasick. So we had actually fun

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in counting how many people turning up for breakfast in the morning, and er, we had a in counting how many people turning up for breakfast in the morning, and er, we had a

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fairly rough er, trip, we went down with the Nella Dan, and we understand that on that occasion fairly rough er, trip, we went down with the Nella Dan, and we understand that on that occasion

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we rolled the ship more than was - the ship rolled more than ever before - but as I say, we rolled the ship more than was - the ship rolled more than ever before - but as I say,

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the condition was, it was, every one of us expecting to go down there. We had terrific the condition was, it was, every one of us expecting to go down there. We had terrific

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parties in inverted commas, 'til we got frozen in. And then we were frozen in, and we had to, parties in inverted commas, 'til we got frozen in. And then we were frozen in, and we had to,

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we, we were drifting in the sea ice er, I think for 4 or 5 days and then we, we were drifting in the sea ice er, I think for 4 or 5 days and then

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the American er, coast guard cutter - the - I think it was called Eastwind. Or something ... [Ingrid] North. the American er, coast guard cutter - the - I think it was called Eastwind. Or something ... [Ingrid] North.

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They were - they cut us out. So to, to go through. But we went then also via Dumont d’Urville. They were - they cut us out. So to, to go through. But we went then also via Dumont d’Urville.

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Dumont d’Urville again, er, memory to Dumont d’Urville was that Dumont d’Urville again, er, memory to Dumont d’Urville was that

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a lot of the people up there could not speak English. The French people spoke a lot of the people up there could not speak English. The French people spoke

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French. But, some people spoke German, and that was a advantage for me French. But, some people spoke German, and that was a advantage for me

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because I befriended myself in those couple of hours with the helicopter pilot so because I befriended myself in those couple of hours with the helicopter pilot so

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whilst the other people were climbing up the hills and slipping down the hills after having whilst the other people were climbing up the hills and slipping down the hills after having

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a couple of er, heavy drinks, I was invited to fly down with the a couple of er, heavy drinks, I was invited to fly down with the

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er, with the helicopter back to the ship, and was able to actually film my teammates er, with the helicopter back to the ship, and was able to actually film my teammates

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coming down the hill. I still got the films, by the way. [Ingrid] So, when you arrived coming down the hill. I still got the films, by the way. [Ingrid] So, when you arrived

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at Wilkes, what were your first impressions of the station? [Hans] Oh, at Wilkes, what were your first impressions of the station? [Hans] Oh,

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the impression was I first say, they say look dirty, because there was the impression was I first say, they say look dirty, because there was

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not much ice and snow around the camp area, and we say "Alright, lets make the best not much ice and snow around the camp area, and we say "Alright, lets make the best

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out of it." That was the - and you didn't have much time to think, because you have a out of it." That was the - and you didn't have much time to think, because you have a

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change over. You were pretty active from the moment you wake up you had to unload change over. You were pretty active from the moment you wake up you had to unload

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the ship you had to go with the ducks, load it up and load it er, you know to, ashore, change the ship you had to go with the ducks, load it up and load it er, you know to, ashore, change

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over, and from the moment - I can't remember how many days we actually had - I think it over, and from the moment - I can't remember how many days we actually had - I think it

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was 3 or 4 days, because you are starting to do your job already. So it means the old was 3 or 4 days, because you are starting to do your job already. So it means the old

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met team moved away and we took over with them straight away. And the only met team moved away and we took over with them straight away. And the only

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real memory I have after the ship left that you say, "Hang on - no we are locked up here real memory I have after the ship left that you say, "Hang on - no we are locked up here

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for the next er, next 12 months, could be even 24 months" and that was for the next er, next 12 months, could be even 24 months" and that was

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a moment where you say "Did I do the a moment where you say "Did I do the

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right thing or not?" And then suddenly, when the ship was gone, you right thing or not?" And then suddenly, when the ship was gone, you

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accepted the situation and made the best out of it, and I must say I have not regretted accepted the situation and made the best out of it, and I must say I have not regretted

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ever to have been down there. Er, the memory I have when we had the first blizzard ever to have been down there. Er, the memory I have when we had the first blizzard

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must have been after 8 days at must have been after 8 days at

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the station. I was amazed, because here we were inside the buildings and it sounded the station. I was amazed, because here we were inside the buildings and it sounded

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like a train coming and rolling through the station, and you are, er, we were - I like a train coming and rolling through the station, and you are, er, we were - I

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was er, more or less ?brewing? "Will the stations withstand the storm?" but then you was er, more or less ?brewing? "Will the stations withstand the storm?" but then you

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realise of course the station was already half embedded in ice. You know we had round the realise of course the station was already half embedded in ice. You know we had round the

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first 3 feet was already solid ice, so we had no problems here that the station would first 3 feet was already solid ice, so we had no problems here that the station would

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ever fly away. But that was the first impression I got. "Hang on, it is going to be ever fly away. But that was the first impression I got. "Hang on, it is going to be

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a rough time." [Ingrid] So Wilkes was actually built by the Americans a rough time." [Ingrid] So Wilkes was actually built by the Americans

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originally. Can you sort of describe to me about the station - how it was sort of originally. Can you sort of describe to me about the station - how it was sort of

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set up? [Hans] Well, I would er, explaining it - the main complex of the set up? [Hans] Well, I would er, explaining it - the main complex of the

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station when you look down from the hill, was the centre corridor of the building station when you look down from the hill, was the centre corridor of the building

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with sleeping quarters to the left and sleeping quarters to the right, with with sleeping quarters to the left and sleeping quarters to the right, with

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the er, mess hall also on the right hand side and the ablution block to the er, mess hall also on the right hand side and the ablution block to

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the left and in between they had a little er, a little Chapel. the left and in between they had a little er, a little Chapel.

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Then, further away from the station, I would say from the main station, round about, ooh - Then, further away from the station, I would say from the main station, round about, ooh -

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50 to 100 yards were old nissen huts. They were partially collapsed because they were 50 to 100 yards were old nissen huts. They were partially collapsed because they were

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covered with er, with canvas, and that was actually covered with er, with canvas, and that was actually

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a treasure chest for us because we used to go in during the a treasure chest for us because we used to go in during the

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year when we had nothing to do, and dig some stuff out. Digging stuff out we found year when we had nothing to do, and dig some stuff out. Digging stuff out we found

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blankets and er, on the end of one sleeping quarters, the blankets and er, on the end of one sleeping quarters, the

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building had already collapsed, and the room was half-filled with ice and building had already collapsed, and the room was half-filled with ice and

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again, the er, issues there were, "What can we find in there?" and I found again, the er, issues there were, "What can we find in there?" and I found

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an old saxophone in there. Er, an old er, small kit an old saxophone in there. Er, an old er, small kit

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piano which er, didn't work anymore, but the saxophone, after I defrosted it completely, it piano which er, didn't work anymore, but the saxophone, after I defrosted it completely, it

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was, it was working, and unfortunately I wanted to play it. Er, the was, it was working, and unfortunately I wanted to play it. Er, the

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rest of the team threatened me to throw me [laughs] out rest of the team threatened me to throw me [laughs] out

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of camp because my musical ability wasn't the best so I actually played of camp because my musical ability wasn't the best so I actually played

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several times or tried to play in the old balloon release hut which was round about several times or tried to play in the old balloon release hut which was round about

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100 yards down the track. So. But the station itself was 100 yards down the track. So. But the station itself was

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comfortable. We had the sleeping areas of each room had normally 2 comfortable. We had the sleeping areas of each room had normally 2

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bunks in there, and I was er, sharing my er, area with Noel Barrett, bunks in there, and I was er, sharing my er, area with Noel Barrett,

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and what we did is er, to have complete privacy, we had 2 metal and what we did is er, to have complete privacy, we had 2 metal

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cupboards. And so what we did is, hang on if we put cupboards. And so what we did is, hang on if we put

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the metal cupboards in the middle of the room, one facing my side, one facing his the metal cupboards in the middle of the room, one facing my side, one facing his

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side, we have practically 2 separate rooms just side, we have practically 2 separate rooms just

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divided by these 2 cupboards and this worked out quite er, quite well. [Ingrid] Did the others do that divided by these 2 cupboards and this worked out quite er, quite well. [Ingrid] Did the others do that

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as well? [Hans] No, not all. Not all. Er, interesting, as well? [Hans] No, not all. Not all. Er, interesting,

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interesting we had nicknames for the places because on one side of the camp, interesting we had nicknames for the places because on one side of the camp,

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the sleeping quarters, we had only the Victorians and the South the sleeping quarters, we had only the Victorians and the South

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Australians. On the other side we had er, the Queensland people. Australians. On the other side we had er, the Queensland people.

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And er, I do not know if I should say the word, but we were called, our area was And er, I do not know if I should say the word, but we were called, our area was

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called er, Skid Road because it was fairly cold, and the called er, Skid Road because it was fairly cold, and the

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other one was called a certain name of paradise because it was very hot and other one was called a certain name of paradise because it was very hot and

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smelly in that area, so I don't want to go into more, more details but that was definitely smelly in that area, so I don't want to go into more, more details but that was definitely

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you know, you can't use the terminology nowadays anymore. [Ingrid] Can you spell it? you know, you can't use the terminology nowadays anymore. [Ingrid] Can you spell it?

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p u p u

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double f, t r. [Ingrid] Enough said. [laughs] And double f, t r. [Ingrid] Enough said. [laughs] And

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what about the heating for the er ... [Hans] Heating was done via the er, oil heaters, oil heaters we what about the heating for the er ... [Hans] Heating was done via the er, oil heaters, oil heaters we

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had on, on the hillside behind or next to the station we had big inflatable had on, on the hillside behind or next to the station we had big inflatable

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rubber tanks, and they were actually filled during the change over and they would rubber tanks, and they were actually filled during the change over and they would

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deflate with more and more diesel oil running down into the station, so it was deflate with more and more diesel oil running down into the station, so it was

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warm enough I must only say. [Ingrid] So was the diesel oil pumped into a ... [Hans] I don't know the warm enough I must only say. [Ingrid] So was the diesel oil pumped into a ... [Hans] I don't know the

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technical of how it works. I think it was more or less er, I would say gravity feed technical of how it works. I think it was more or less er, I would say gravity feed

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because it was high up, but I don't know how that came in to the station [Ingrid] What because it was high up, but I don't know how that came in to the station [Ingrid] What

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about the mess? How was that configured? [Hans] Well, we had er, the mess had about the mess? How was that configured? [Hans] Well, we had er, the mess had

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facilities to sit easily along tables. Er, probably they held 20 to 30 facilities to sit easily along tables. Er, probably they held 20 to 30

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people easily. On one side of the mess we had the kitchen. On the other side people easily. On one side of the mess we had the kitchen. On the other side

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of the mess we had actually a little bar. of the mess we had actually a little bar.

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A little bar was built in there which people did before, and as A little bar was built in there which people did before, and as

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a matter of fact, now that you ask that question, er, at the bar there was one, a matter of fact, now that you ask that question, er, at the bar there was one,

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a nice er, display, because we were stationed without any female around there, a nice er, display, because we were stationed without any female around there,

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and er, above the, on the left hand side of the bar was and er, above the, on the left hand side of the bar was

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a beautiful bra hanging, with the words underneath "lest we forget". [Ingrid] I actually know a beautiful bra hanging, with the words underneath "lest we forget". [Ingrid] I actually know

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who owns that bra. [both laugh] It was Noel Barrett's sister. [Hans] Well - I wouldn't be - I didn't who owns that bra. [both laugh] It was Noel Barrett's sister. [Hans] Well - I wouldn't be - I didn't

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know that, but I, it had just appeared on one occasion and it was there all, all the year. know that, but I, it had just appeared on one occasion and it was there all, all the year.

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obvious. [Ingrid] Were there many other pictures of obvious. [Ingrid] Were there many other pictures of

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females on the station? [Hans] Not really. [Ingrid] So not in the public spaces or in the private - females on the station? [Hans] Not really. [Ingrid] So not in the public spaces or in the private -

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[Hans] Not really - [Ingrid] privacy of the rooms? [Hans] But even the private - I think I had a couple of pictures up or one [Hans] Not really - [Ingrid] privacy of the rooms? [Hans] But even the private - I think I had a couple of pictures up or one

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or 2 pictures but no, not really. [Ingrid] Hmm. And what else did you have in terms of recreational or 2 pictures but no, not really. [Ingrid] Hmm. And what else did you have in terms of recreational

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space? [Hans] Well, one area on the left hand side that I got - forgot to space? [Hans] Well, one area on the left hand side that I got - forgot to

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mention that, that was our library. Er, they had in that a big reading room mention that, that was our library. Er, they had in that a big reading room

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you might say. There was a billiard table, that was also er, you might say. There was a billiard table, that was also er,

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the room where we had we had our film projectors, for film. the room where we had we had our film projectors, for film.

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Yes, and? Yes, and?

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a couple of other games as well. That was more or less the entertainment area outside a couple of other games as well. That was more or less the entertainment area outside

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the mess, mess hall. [Ingrid] So it was quite separate from the mess area? [Hans] It was quite separate, yes, that's right. the mess, mess hall. [Ingrid] So it was quite separate from the mess area? [Hans] It was quite separate, yes, that's right.

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And can you recall much about the film nights? [Hans] Yes. We were interested in watching all And can you recall much about the film nights? [Hans] Yes. We were interested in watching all

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the films and then er, after the films and then er, after

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a few months, we only put the reels on which were of interest, so the rest just a few months, we only put the reels on which were of interest, so the rest just

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went, went aside. went, went aside.

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So yes, we saw quite So yes, we saw quite

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a number of films, ?per se? after a while you get a little bit bored because you see the a number of films, ?per se? after a while you get a little bit bored because you see the

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same film again, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, so. [Ingrid] Which were your favourite films? same film again, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, so. [Ingrid] Which were your favourite films?

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I couldn't really remember - I couldn't remember - oh I know there was one film - er, A Star Was Born, I couldn't really remember - I couldn't remember - oh I know there was one film - er, A Star Was Born,

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with Judy Garland - I remember that one - but I have to think back - I honestly can't remember with Judy Garland - I remember that one - but I have to think back - I honestly can't remember

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what, what sort of films they were. [Ingrid] You mentioned that you'd found a what, what sort of films they were. [Ingrid] You mentioned that you'd found a

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saxophone. Did any of the other expeditioners have musical instruments, or was there saxophone. Did any of the other expeditioners have musical instruments, or was there

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a band at any stage? [Hans] Oh [laughs] yes. As a band at any stage? [Hans] Oh [laughs] yes. As

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a matter of fact er, you see I used to play in the band, er, I used to play guitar so I had my a matter of fact er, you see I used to play in the band, er, I used to play guitar so I had my

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guitar with me, and yes we had guitar with me, and yes we had

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a couple of sing-songs. Er, I think we had 2 more guitars. a couple of sing-songs. Er, I think we had 2 more guitars.

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I would say so - 2 more guitars there. We had a I would say so - 2 more guitars there. We had a

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a couple of sing-songs, yes. Quite happy er, occasions. So it a couple of sing-songs, yes. Quite happy er, occasions. So it

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was I say - I don't know if anybody ever tried to play that piano but in the was I say - I don't know if anybody ever tried to play that piano but in the

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church chapel there was church chapel there was

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a pianola, or one of these harmonium. And that was still working, but I don't think that if anybody a pianola, or one of these harmonium. And that was still working, but I don't think that if anybody

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ever played that one. [Ingrid] Were there any other instruments on station? [Hans] No. No. Definitely ever played that one. [Ingrid] Were there any other instruments on station? [Hans] No. No. Definitely

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not. [Ingrid] So did you get out much on jollies or trips out into the field? [Hans] Yes. not. [Ingrid] So did you get out much on jollies or trips out into the field? [Hans] Yes.

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On one occasion we went out with 9 dogs. Er, there was On one occasion we went out with 9 dogs. Er, there was

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a field trip outside. Er, I was er, supposed to go on that first field trip, and something a field trip outside. Er, I was er, supposed to go on that first field trip, and something

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happened er, that I had to stay at happened er, that I had to stay at

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the station, but the field, field trip which went around the triangle to the er, the station, but the field, field trip which went around the triangle to the er,

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to the dome er, needed some spare parts. And we worked out to the dome er, needed some spare parts. And we worked out

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that if we take the dogs up to the that if we take the dogs up to the

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er, track where the er, er, track where the er,

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where the people should come up on that leg towards S2, towards S2, where the people should come up on that leg towards S2, towards S2,

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we could actually supply, er give them the spare parts there. Somebody we could actually supply, er give them the spare parts there. Somebody

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can collect the parts, but we got blizzed in. And as the track was going on all the time we can collect the parts, but we got blizzed in. And as the track was going on all the time we

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missed it so we spent, the first time we spent 2 nights out with the dogs missed it so we spent, the first time we spent 2 nights out with the dogs

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approximately 20 miles away from the station, and then we turned back because we approximately 20 miles away from the station, and then we turned back because we

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couldn't reach couldn't reach

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a track anymore. That was the first experience which was great. I must only say I a track anymore. That was the first experience which was great. I must only say I

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enjoyed that, and then I was able to go onto the second field trip, which was supposed enjoyed that, and then I was able to go onto the second field trip, which was supposed

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to last for 3 months and we were, I think we were 8 or - 8 or 9 weeks we were out. to last for 3 months and we were, I think we were 8 or - 8 or 9 weeks we were out.

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With 6 people. With the snow, with the snow tracks and the various mechanic er, he could do With 6 people. With the snow, with the snow tracks and the various mechanic er, he could do

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the same job what the other people have done, doing the surveying job along er, the the same job what the other people have done, doing the surveying job along er, the

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3 triangles, you know, the triangles which you had of the ice movements behind 3 triangles, you know, the triangles which you had of the ice movements behind

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Wilkes Station, going up to ?low stone? and then they had the smaller triangle on the other Wilkes Station, going up to ?low stone? and then they had the smaller triangle on the other

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side. And we had to go down to the sea ice. Now, I can't side. And we had to go down to the sea ice. Now, I can't

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remember the exact reason, but I remember that on the remember the exact reason, but I remember that on the

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sea ice, or very close to the sea ice, there were big round black, looked sea ice, or very close to the sea ice, there were big round black, looked

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like tables. Markers. And we had to measure the distance between these like tables. Markers. And we had to measure the distance between these

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huge round markers, they were black, and if I remember right, these were markers for huge round markers, they were black, and if I remember right, these were markers for

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when aircrafts take measurements. But this is, I might be completely wrong there - as is only when aircrafts take measurements. But this is, I might be completely wrong there - as is only

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my memory. So by actually measuring the correct the distance between these markers my memory. So by actually measuring the correct the distance between these markers

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which were probably couple of 100 yards away, we got some sort of scale, but which were probably couple of 100 yards away, we got some sort of scale, but

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what's really happening with the ice flow. But I'm, I'm very dicey because I only know what's really happening with the ice flow. But I'm, I'm very dicey because I only know

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?the hour? that we had to leave the normal ice flow and had to go down to the ?the hour? that we had to leave the normal ice flow and had to go down to the

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crevasse area where the ice was breaking up, and I remember that we made crevasse area where the ice was breaking up, and I remember that we made

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a decision because we were 6 people, and we said hang on, only the people who have no a decision because we were 6 people, and we said hang on, only the people who have no

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family go down there. Er, so that if something happens it happens to family go down there. Er, so that if something happens it happens to

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us because we don't have any family ties in this way in case we disappear into us because we don't have any family ties in this way in case we disappear into

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a crevasse or not, because we actually had to climb across crevasses before we ?ate? a crevasse or not, because we actually had to climb across crevasses before we ?ate?

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more snow bridges before we could actually reach stations, to certain positions to more snow bridges before we could actually reach stations, to certain positions to

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measure the system, because the measurement was done with Teller - Teller ?Romydove? measure the system, because the measurement was done with Teller - Teller ?Romydove?

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I think. These were the big dishes which were used and to use I think. These were the big dishes which were used and to use

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electrical impulse travelling between 2 ?purposes? units to work out what the distance electrical impulse travelling between 2 ?purposes? units to work out what the distance

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is. [Ingrid] So how many men of that group didn't have family? [Hans] Oh. is. [Ingrid] So how many men of that group didn't have family? [Hans] Oh.

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I would say about 6 people. Er, a radio op I would say about 6 people. Er, a radio op

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called Huddy. Radio man. He was single. called Huddy. Radio man. He was single.

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Tony Blundell, a radio operator was single. I think Ted Tony Blundell, a radio operator was single. I think Ted

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Giddings just got married. Er, and I think the others Giddings just got married. Er, and I think the others

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had family, so we actually 3. 3 of us who did not have, you know, family ties in had family, so we actually 3. 3 of us who did not have, you know, family ties in

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the way of having children or a wife waiting at home. [Ingrid] Were the people who had family - the way of having children or a wife waiting at home. [Ingrid] Were the people who had family -

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were they happy to, to stay to stay back? [Hans] Yes. I think they did because I had an were they happy to, to stay to stay back? [Hans] Yes. I think they did because I had an

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argument with one of er, the other people because I said this might be argument with one of er, the other people because I said this might be

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a responsibility if I'm going down there, and er, the argument was, "No, you would have a responsibility if I'm going down there, and er, the argument was, "No, you would have

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a responsibility to the rest of your family as well." So we had some arguments. As a responsibility to the rest of your family as well." So we had some arguments. As

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a matter of fact, that's something which you would find I made a matter of fact, that's something which you would find I made

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a statement in the interview which I had in 1967 - you learn to live with people. a statement in the interview which I had in 1967 - you learn to live with people.

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And what I meant by that is - after a while you go on to each other's nerves. And what I meant by that is - after a while you go on to each other's nerves.

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And I remember on one occasion er, somebody in this team of 6 said to me "Hans, if we And I remember on one occasion er, somebody in this team of 6 said to me "Hans, if we

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wouldn't have to rely on you, I would belt the living daylight out of you." But the wouldn't have to rely on you, I would belt the living daylight out of you." But the

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same person, as soon as we came back into the environment of the camp - that was all same person, as soon as we came back into the environment of the camp - that was all

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gone. Because we were blizzed in with our caravans for gone. Because we were blizzed in with our caravans for

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one occasion 6 days, and all what you can do is lie in the caravan and wait one occasion 6 days, and all what you can do is lie in the caravan and wait

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that er, wind stops that you could do some more measurements. Now you hear the same story again, that er, wind stops that you could do some more measurements. Now you hear the same story again,

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somebody might be snoring in your way which you don't like, somebody might be somebody might be snoring in your way which you don't like, somebody might be

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talking in a way which you don't like. You er, the crossword puzzles which talking in a way which you don't like. You er, the crossword puzzles which

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you had to get, you rub, rubbed out the words so many times already that you couldn't use them you had to get, you rub, rubbed out the words so many times already that you couldn't use them

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anymore, and all what you do is you are lying there. So it's, anymore, and all what you do is you are lying there. So it's,

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it's a psychological er, situation where you really have as I said, you have to live it's a psychological er, situation where you really have as I said, you have to live

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with people. And some of them managed. [Ingrid] Did you all manage, or did some people with people. And some of them managed. [Ingrid] Did you all manage, or did some people

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find that aspect very difficult? [Hans] Yes, we all managed. We find that aspect very difficult? [Hans] Yes, we all managed. We

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had - I won't mention names - I think we had 1 or 2 people who were very close to had - I won't mention names - I think we had 1 or 2 people who were very close to

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cracking up. Er, we understand that actually in workstation one of the rooms cracking up. Er, we understand that actually in workstation one of the rooms

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had been changed the year before, or 2 years before into a, into had been changed the year before, or 2 years before into a, into

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a cell with padding because somebody was going beside himself. So yes, you a cell with padding because somebody was going beside himself. So yes, you

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had that situation, you know. [Ingrid] In those days, did you receive any psychological had that situation, you know. [Ingrid] In those days, did you receive any psychological

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counselling either before or after, when you came back? [Hans] No, no. We had counselling either before or after, when you came back? [Hans] No, no. We had

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a debriefing session but at time, no way psychological, no. [Ingrid] Mmm. Ok. So [tape jumps] a debriefing session but at time, no way psychological, no. [Ingrid] Mmm. Ok. So [tape jumps]

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field trip, can just just give me field trip, can just just give me

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a bit of an idea about the type of transport you had and sort of the daily a bit of an idea about the type of transport you had and sort of the daily

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routine? [Hans] Yes. We had er, we had 2 snow tracks. Er, these were routine? [Hans] Yes. We had er, we had 2 snow tracks. Er, these were

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the sort of, the sort of,

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the little snow, er snow tracks which had Porche engine, which we used to drive constantly the little snow, er snow tracks which had Porche engine, which we used to drive constantly

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up and down our direction, er, so if we had up and down our direction, er, so if we had

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the scouting eagles, then we had 1 er, caterpillar - I think it was a the scouting eagles, then we had 1 er, caterpillar - I think it was a

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D4 or D6 with 2 er, sledges on the back. D4 or D6 with 2 er, sledges on the back.

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1, 1 was actually the er, larger caravan 1, 1 was actually the er, larger caravan

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come the size of a come the size of a

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shipping container like that. That was actually our kitchen plus workshop plus shipping container like that. That was actually our kitchen plus workshop plus

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sleeping quarters for 2 people in there. Er, then we had the Notwell, the Notwell sleeping quarters for 2 people in there. Er, then we had the Notwell, the Notwell

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which carried actually also which carried actually also

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a caravan behind it and this caravan could sleep [whistles]1, 2, 3, 4 a caravan behind it and this caravan could sleep [whistles]1, 2, 3, 4

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people. Yes, 4 people - 2 lengthwise, 2 across. And we had people. Yes, 4 people - 2 lengthwise, 2 across. And we had

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the little, yes. So 4 people that was the sleeping thing. And the way how we worked is the little, yes. So 4 people that was the sleeping thing. And the way how we worked is

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that the main equipment was moving the Notwell and the Caterpillar moved constantly that the main equipment was moving the Notwell and the Caterpillar moved constantly

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in a constant speed along the, the line of sight, you might say. And in a constant speed along the, the line of sight, you might say. And

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the scouting people were used to go up and down for measurements and er, snow state the scouting people were used to go up and down for measurements and er, snow state

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measurement, distant measurements and so on. Yep. [Ingrid] So the shipping container which measurement, distant measurements and so on. Yep. [Ingrid] So the shipping container which

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contained sleeping quarters for 2 people, and your kitchen, [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] I guess, your public contained sleeping quarters for 2 people, and your kitchen, [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] I guess, your public

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space. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] Was it space. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] Was it

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a 20 foot or 40 foot size container? [Hans] I would say 20 foot. [Ingrid] 20 foot. And the heating for the, a 20 foot or 40 foot size container? [Hans] I would say 20 foot. [Ingrid] 20 foot. And the heating for the,

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the caravan [Hans] Kerosene. [Ingrid] Kerosene. What about the cooking facilities in the field? the caravan [Hans] Kerosene. [Ingrid] Kerosene. What about the cooking facilities in the field?

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Great fun. Great fun. We had, Great fun. Great fun. We had,

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we were lucky - and I can mention the name - Ted Gain - Ted Giddings, who was our we were lucky - and I can mention the name - Ted Gain - Ted Giddings, who was our

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second mech, mechanic - but in the same way he was, er, not just a amateur second mech, mechanic - but in the same way he was, er, not just a amateur

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cook. He was a cook. He was a

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good cook. Er, he actually I understand he did some cooking in some hotels good cook. Er, he actually I understand he did some cooking in some hotels

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before we went, and Ted was on our field trip, so we have had marvellous food to be quite before we went, and Ted was on our field trip, so we have had marvellous food to be quite

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honest. I reckon - I can't complain honest. I reckon - I can't complain

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a bit - what Ted prepared for us on the field was just unbelievable a bit - what Ted prepared for us on the field was just unbelievable

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as simple as that. But interesting fact of course is - but people don't realise - you have as simple as that. But interesting fact of course is - but people don't realise - you have

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so much snow and so much ice around you, but you don't have enough water. You have so much snow and so much ice around you, but you don't have enough water. You have

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to melt the water to do that, and er, the problem then is of course, hygiene. Hygiene. to melt the water to do that, and er, the problem then is of course, hygiene. Hygiene.

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Now, we had to drop the - we had worked out in such Now, we had to drop the - we had worked out in such

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a way. Everybody had to do at one stage slushy work, helping Ted doing a way. Everybody had to do at one stage slushy work, helping Ted doing

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with this interest. And pending on er, who was on duty the next day, he had the right to with this interest. And pending on er, who was on duty the next day, he had the right to

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have actually strip wash. So what that means, yes, we had actually big have actually strip wash. So what that means, yes, we had actually big

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container of water which was melted from er, container of water which was melted from er,

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from er, ice around the place, and he was the one who was the first one to use that from er, ice around the place, and he was the one who was the first one to use that

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water for a wash. So then after he was finished, and he could do that in the privacy water for a wash. So then after he was finished, and he could do that in the privacy

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of our big caravan, so it was complete where the the hygiene was very well of our big caravan, so it was complete where the the hygiene was very well

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established. And then of course, you don't waste the water. The next person might use established. And then of course, you don't waste the water. The next person might use

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the same water again - it goes down the line, like that. So the other the same water again - it goes down the line, like that. So the other

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point there you mentioned cooking was, you don't, don't worry about so much about point there you mentioned cooking was, you don't, don't worry about so much about

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body odours - it's too cold. But er you worr... er, you worry about er, washing body odours - it's too cold. But er you worr... er, you worry about er, washing

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your underwear, thanks my god. And the fun was always to wash your underwear in your underwear, thanks my god. And the fun was always to wash your underwear in

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some water, which we did, and then you got it some water, which we did, and then you got it

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freeze-dried, because it was so solid. But, yes, it brings back memories, freeze-dried, because it was so solid. But, yes, it brings back memories,

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questions like that, because you don't think about it for all these years but has questions like that, because you don't think about it for all these years but has

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happened. [Ingrid] So I can understand about you er, sharing happened. [Ingrid] So I can understand about you er, sharing

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the bathwater. How did you decide who used it second and third and fourth and fifth? [Hans] I think the bathwater. How did you decide who used it second and third and fourth and fifth? [Hans] I think

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we had just, I think it went automatically, it was just, "It's my turn" you know and we had just, I think it went automatically, it was just, "It's my turn" you know and

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there was no argument. That was there was no argument. That was

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the most amazing part. [Ingrid] Yep. So the 6 men who went out on the trip - there was yourself... [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] in your the most amazing part. [Ingrid] Yep. So the 6 men who went out on the trip - there was yourself... [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] in your

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role as met... [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] and also the role as met... [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] and also the

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leader of that group? [Hans] No, no, the leader of the group was er, Leigh Pfitzner - he was our leader of that group? [Hans] No, no, the leader of the group was er, Leigh Pfitzner - he was our

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glaciologist. Leigh Pfitzner. So, there was Leigh Pfitzner, and I was his driver. Leigh Pfitzner effectively, glaciologist. Leigh Pfitzner. So, there was Leigh Pfitzner, and I was his driver. Leigh Pfitzner effectively,

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we worked it out. Then we had er, Tony Blundell who was our radio operator, and we worked it out. Then we had er, Tony Blundell who was our radio operator, and

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we had Col Huddy. Col Huddy who was a we had Col Huddy. Col Huddy who was a

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radio technician. Who was er, was then with er, David ?Ryman? the other er, er, snow radio technician. Who was er, was then with er, David ?Ryman? the other er, er, snow

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track, and then Bob Roff was driving the er, Caterpillar, track, and then Bob Roff was driving the er, Caterpillar,

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and Ted Giddings was driving the Notwell. So we have, had and Ted Giddings was driving the Notwell. So we have, had

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a ?factory? Bob Roff and Ted Giddings were the mechanics. So we had the technical supply er, there a ?factory? Bob Roff and Ted Giddings were the mechanics. So we had the technical supply er, there

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and I did the standard met and I did the standard met

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observation and even did one balloon flight up on the ?Law's? Dome. Er, otherwise I would observation and even did one balloon flight up on the ?Law's? Dome. Er, otherwise I would

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say 90 percent of my time was actually involved in helping Lee doing the normal say 90 percent of my time was actually involved in helping Lee doing the normal

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distance measurements, driving up and down the first track. [Ingrid] So many people wintered at distance measurements, driving up and down the first track. [Ingrid] So many people wintered at

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Wilkes in '66? Ballpark. [Hans] I would say, going by, Wilkes in '66? Ballpark. [Hans] I would say, going by,

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18. [Ingrid] Uh huh. And how did they decide which ones went out on the field trip? 18. [Ingrid] Uh huh. And how did they decide which ones went out on the field trip?

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Well, the field trips were organised by Antarctic Division. So they had to have Well, the field trips were organised by Antarctic Division. So they had to have

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a field trip to do certain type of work. Er, each field trip needed a field trip to do certain type of work. Er, each field trip needed

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a number of people for support. So the O.I.C. a number of people for support. So the O.I.C.

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Alan Blyth, was actually in charge to deciding who is going to go and who is not going Alan Blyth, was actually in charge to deciding who is going to go and who is not going

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to go. There were to go. There were

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a number of people who didn't want to go. They said "No, I'm not going out on the a number of people who didn't want to go. They said "No, I'm not going out on the

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field, field trip." I was really interesting as I said earlier, I was, wanted to go on field, field trip." I was really interesting as I said earlier, I was, wanted to go on

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the first field trip, that's why I couldn't make it - and I can't remember the reason, but there was the first field trip, that's why I couldn't make it - and I can't remember the reason, but there was

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some shortage of I don't know. [Ingrid] Did you do any other trips locally around station some shortage of I don't know. [Ingrid] Did you do any other trips locally around station

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with the dogs? [Hans] Yes. Yes, we - when we took the dogs out on this with the dogs? [Hans] Yes. Yes, we - when we took the dogs out on this

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emergency trip which we wanted to do, we did some training. So we took the dogs out emergency trip which we wanted to do, we did some training. So we took the dogs out

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for a for a

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run, and learned how to, how to drive along with the dogs right in front of us er, we run, and learned how to, how to drive along with the dogs right in front of us er, we

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did some training there, but also, er, what we did is, we did did some training there, but also, er, what we did is, we did

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a lot of walks, in inverted commas, around er, around the camp area. And when the a lot of walks, in inverted commas, around er, around the camp area. And when the

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weather was permitting, we actually went out on skis. And er, unfortunately I was one of weather was permitting, we actually went out on skis. And er, unfortunately I was one of

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those who broke I think, 2 sets of skis, and I was not permitted to go anymore those who broke I think, 2 sets of skis, and I was not permitted to go anymore

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because I was one of the few people who grew up on skis and so I can do the same but because I was one of the few people who grew up on skis and so I can do the same but

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unfortunately when you go with skis over ?sus story? you suddenly find yourself in the unfortunately when you go with skis over ?sus story? you suddenly find yourself in the

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position where you can have a bad fall. But we did position where you can have a bad fall. But we did

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a lot of walking around the coastline, and the amazing thing but a lot of walking around the coastline, and the amazing thing but

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a lot of people don't realise - there's a lot of people don't realise - there's

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a lot of coastline, you know the ice is not going right to the water there, walks and a lot of coastline, you know the ice is not going right to the water there, walks and

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?bolus? and so on, we went up to the penguin rookery, which was not ?bolus? and so on, we went up to the penguin rookery, which was not

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far away from Wilkes. So. [Ingrid] That was an far away from Wilkes. So. [Ingrid] That was an

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Adélie penguin rookery? [Hans] Yes, yes. Approximately, I think round about 20,000 or 30,000 birds. [Ingrid] Was there Adélie penguin rookery? [Hans] Yes, yes. Approximately, I think round about 20,000 or 30,000 birds. [Ingrid] Was there

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much other wild life around Casey? [Hans] No only the schools which are normally around there, but much other wild life around Casey? [Hans] No only the schools which are normally around there, but

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otherwise no. Only, only the dogs. [laughs]. [Ingrid] Do you have any recollections about the dogs otherwise no. Only, only the dogs. [laughs]. [Ingrid] Do you have any recollections about the dogs

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at all? [Hans] Yes, because everybody in the team I think, had some special dog. You know, at all? [Hans] Yes, because everybody in the team I think, had some special dog. You know,

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we had, mine was ?Cannick? which was er, was one of the dogs er, I think it was called ?Cannick? we had, mine was ?Cannick? which was er, was one of the dogs er, I think it was called ?Cannick?

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a white, white dog. She was a white, white dog. She was

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a bitch. She had actually pups down there. Er, you'd walk up to the dog line and you'd talk to a bitch. She had actually pups down there. Er, you'd walk up to the dog line and you'd talk to

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the dog er, but you have to be careful because dogs are very jealous. If you have the dog er, but you have to be careful because dogs are very jealous. If you have

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the dog team, you can't just say "Oh I prefer that dog or the other dog." You have the dog team, you can't just say "Oh I prefer that dog or the other dog." You have

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to treat them at the same level all the time around. But yes, everybody seemed to have to treat them at the same level all the time around. But yes, everybody seemed to have

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some sort of favourites dog in the ?? [Ingrid] What about feeding the dogs? How did you manage some sort of favourites dog in the ?? [Ingrid] What about feeding the dogs? How did you manage

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that? [Hans] Er, we had that? [Hans] Er, we had

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a lot of dogs biscuits supply, but then our dog handler, that was Joe Bray - who's not a lot of dogs biscuits supply, but then our dog handler, that was Joe Bray - who's not

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alive er, anymore - he actually was responsible for feeding the dogs and we went out alive er, anymore - he actually was responsible for feeding the dogs and we went out

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several times to shoot er, seals. And the seals where then er, divided into little pieces several times to shoot er, seals. And the seals where then er, divided into little pieces

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for dog food. And that's what for dog food. And that's what

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a lot of people don't realise - when you go out with the dogs, the m... er, the main load you're a lot of people don't realise - when you go out with the dogs, the m... er, the main load you're

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carrying is not your survival gear, is actually food for carrying is not your survival gear, is actually food for

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the dogs, because they, they have to carry their own load on the sledge. [Ingrid] So where did the dogs, because they, they have to carry their own load on the sledge. [Ingrid] So where did

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you keep the supply of seal meat in between? [Hans] Outside. [Ingrid] So it was just in you keep the supply of seal meat in between? [Hans] Outside. [Ingrid] So it was just in

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a snow bank? [Hans] In, in the snow, yes. [Ingrid] What about food for the expedition a snow bank? [Hans] In, in the snow, yes. [Ingrid] What about food for the expedition

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on station? Did you also keep your frozen food in a snow bank or a cave? [Hans] No. That was er, part of on station? Did you also keep your frozen food in a snow bank or a cave? [Hans] No. That was er, part of

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the er, building which was I think was like a nissen hut, had enormous supply of the er, building which was I think was like a nissen hut, had enormous supply of

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of er, of a pantry you might say, with everything you can imagine. As of er, of a pantry you might say, with everything you can imagine. As

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a matter of fact, we had so much of food in tins that you could, er, if you want to have a matter of fact, we had so much of food in tins that you could, er, if you want to have

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smoked oysters er, 6 times smoked oysters er, 6 times

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a day, you know you just open a tin. You know, and there was so much materials a day, you know you just open a tin. You know, and there was so much materials

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there that er, our cook which we had, he didn't mind if we said look we want something like there that er, our cook which we had, he didn't mind if we said look we want something like

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this provided we didn't go on to the normal rations which came with each er, each trip down this provided we didn't go on to the normal rations which came with each er, each trip down

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there, because we had one storage facilities for food and vegetables, one there, because we had one storage facilities for food and vegetables, one

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area was er, deep frozen meat, and then - I don't know how many boxes of area was er, deep frozen meat, and then - I don't know how many boxes of

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er, of tins there were - and that reminds me of er, of tins there were - and that reminds me of

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a story. Now, I personally hate vegemite. Now, we went up to S2, a story. Now, I personally hate vegemite. Now, we went up to S2,

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and er, that was on a field trip, and we climbed into S2. S2 and er, that was on a field trip, and we climbed into S2. S2

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Station er, is a food equip station, it was a food equip station. Station er, is a food equip station, it was a food equip station.

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So, for some reason we ran out of Vegemite I think. So, for some reason we ran out of Vegemite I think.

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And we went into it S2 and looked into the storage facilities, we found And we went into it S2 and looked into the storage facilities, we found

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a box of vegemite. Now, every day I understand, when we had the radio sched visit, er visit a box of vegemite. Now, every day I understand, when we had the radio sched visit, er visit

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the station, "Have you still got some vegemites left?" [laughs]. By the time we reached the station I the station, "Have you still got some vegemites left?" [laughs]. By the time we reached the station I

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don't think there was any vegemite left, you know, but these are little, little stories don't think there was any vegemite left, you know, but these are little, little stories

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because you develop because you develop

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a taste for something which is gone. Now for me, er, I stopped er, I stopped a taste for something which is gone. Now for me, er, I stopped er, I stopped

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smoking down there. I used, didn't smoke too much, but I ran out of the cigarettes smoking down there. I used, didn't smoke too much, but I ran out of the cigarettes

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which I wanted to smoke. So one way you're dying for something but was the best way which I wanted to smoke. So one way you're dying for something but was the best way

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of, of dry reaching you might say. [Ingrid] Did the Antarctic Division supply cigarettes or alcohol to the... of, of dry reaching you might say. [Ingrid] Did the Antarctic Division supply cigarettes or alcohol to the...

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Alcohol as well, yes. We had er, I can't remember exactly with the cigarettes, but we Alcohol as well, yes. We had er, I can't remember exactly with the cigarettes, but we

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had always I think each week we were entitled to had always I think each week we were entitled to

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a couple of cans of beer, which had to be drunk er, after had been issued a couple of cans of beer, which had to be drunk er, after had been issued

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with, at with, at

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the bar because beer could become money at the station. Er, but the bar because beer could become money at the station. Er, but

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if you can buy something off somebody else, whiskey and so, officially if you can buy something off somebody else, whiskey and so, officially

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the cans had to be opened. You were not allowed to take the cans back into your into your er, into the cans had to be opened. You were not allowed to take the cans back into your into your er, into

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your apartments. Mind you, rules are rules, but I kept photographs where I have quite nice stack of your apartments. Mind you, rules are rules, but I kept photographs where I have quite nice stack of

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cans as well in the image. [Ingrid] In your donga? [Hans] In the donga, yes. [Ingrid] [laughs] And did you make cans as well in the image. [Ingrid] In your donga? [Hans] In the donga, yes. [Ingrid] [laughs] And did you make

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any home brew? [Hans] Yes, we made home brew, and again, as a home brew it was any home brew? [Hans] Yes, we made home brew, and again, as a home brew it was

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a very fresh home brew. Now, we never had testing facilities to find out if the a very fresh home brew. Now, we never had testing facilities to find out if the

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home brew was good not, but if you had a big er - I would say - home brew was good not, but if you had a big er - I would say -

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a big pot with homebrew, and you had to cover it with what you call nowadays, glad- a big pot with homebrew, and you had to cover it with what you call nowadays, glad-

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wrap, and when the gladwrap stopped rising, then we'd know it was keep - it was wrap, and when the gladwrap stopped rising, then we'd know it was keep - it was

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er, fermenting underneath. Yes, we had home brew I must say. [Ingrid] And you then used to decant it into bottles? er, fermenting underneath. Yes, we had home brew I must say. [Ingrid] And you then used to decant it into bottles?

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Oh we didn't have time for that. [Ingrid] [laughs]. Ok. So how often would you have Oh we didn't have time for that. [Ingrid] [laughs]. Ok. So how often would you have

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a home brew day, when you would be making the home brew. Was it a home brew day, when you would be making the home brew. Was it

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a weekly station event, or? [Hans] I can't remember. a weekly station event, or? [Hans] I can't remember.

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I can't remember, I must say. [Ingrid] So the food down the station - you mention that you had a chef - I can't remember, I must say. [Ingrid] So the food down the station - you mention that you had a chef -

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did you - where you were required to cook at any stage? [Hans] Yes. What we did is we had our did you - where you were required to cook at any stage? [Hans] Yes. What we did is we had our

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official er, chef was Steve Kaloczy. That was our cook. And the second official er, chef was Steve Kaloczy. That was our cook. And the second

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one as I said was Steve, er was Ted Giddings, who would take over from time to one as I said was Steve, er was Ted Giddings, who would take over from time to

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time just to give a variation. But then everybody had to volunteer for one day as time just to give a variation. But then everybody had to volunteer for one day as

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slushy. And then you had to do some cooking as well, you know. Er, well, it is always slushy. And then you had to do some cooking as well, you know. Er, well, it is always

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with assistance of the cook, he taught me to use certain juices and so on, but it was not so with assistance of the cook, he taught me to use certain juices and so on, but it was not so

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much the much the

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cooking, er, it was cleaning up. The cleaning up of the whole lot because you're responsible cooking, er, it was cleaning up. The cleaning up of the whole lot because you're responsible

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to clean all the pots and pans, and then in work station er, the to clean all the pots and pans, and then in work station er, the

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slushy - was it the slushy, or was it when you had the night watch? slushy - was it the slushy, or was it when you had the night watch?

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We had always somebody on night watch at the station, and that was normally We had always somebody on night watch at the station, and that was normally

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the slushy, yes, because he could do the dishes and then stay up at night time er, to do er, the slushy, yes, because he could do the dishes and then stay up at night time er, to do er,

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the normal routine of looking after the station. Er, but the person also was the normal routine of looking after the station. Er, but the person also was

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responsible with the new slushy to do the water run. And the water run is responsible with the new slushy to do the water run. And the water run is

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approximately 2, 300 metre away from the big station approximately 2, 300 metre away from the big station

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was a melt lake, and er, you would actually punch was a melt lake, and er, you would actually punch

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a hole through the ice, and would pump the water from the war... from that lake into a hole through the ice, and would pump the water from the war... from that lake into

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a container which was approximately I would say, 6 feet by 6 feet a container which was approximately I would say, 6 feet by 6 feet

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by 3 feet high, and that water was then pumped into the station. So we had by 3 feet high, and that water was then pumped into the station. So we had

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actually actually

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a line er, from the er, from the outside of the station er, by hose to go into a line er, from the er, from the outside of the station er, by hose to go into

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the ablution block, where we had the ablution block, where we had

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that water tank for water for the station, so that was part of the slushy's job as that water tank for water for the station, so that was part of the slushy's job as

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well, to do that. And he had to do also the toilet run. That takes the cans out and so on. [Ingrid] And the well, to do that. And he had to do also the toilet run. That takes the cans out and so on. [Ingrid] And the

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cans were just taken out to the sea ice? [Hans] They were taken to an area not on the sea ice, cans were just taken out to the sea ice? [Hans] They were taken to an area not on the sea ice,

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there was an area further away from the camp which was still on solid, er solid ground there was an area further away from the camp which was still on solid, er solid ground

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that where, actually all the refuge was thrown in that area. [Ingrid] So like a tip? that where, actually all the refuge was thrown in that area. [Ingrid] So like a tip?

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Like a tip, yes, yeah. [Ingrid] So that was all the refuse for the station in terms of food scraps, [Hans] yes Like a tip, yes, yeah. [Ingrid] So that was all the refuse for the station in terms of food scraps, [Hans] yes

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bits and pieces from mechanical workshops as well as faecal and urine material. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] So you bits and pieces from mechanical workshops as well as faecal and urine material. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] So you

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mentioned that you were pumping water from the melt lake into this container. Did mentioned that you were pumping water from the melt lake into this container. Did

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you ever have problems where you couldn't get water because it had frozen so solid? you ever have problems where you couldn't get water because it had frozen so solid?

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Well, we had to, we had to just make certain that we used to use picks and everything Well, we had to, we had to just make certain that we used to use picks and everything

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?nice? to go through the ice. The water was always down there, but we had to have ?nice? to go through the ice. The water was always down there, but we had to have

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actually the water in actually the water in

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the pump, running on the trip for 300 yards away from the station to the station so the pump, running on the trip for 300 yards away from the station to the station so

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water was constantly er, recircled or recycled through water was constantly er, recircled or recycled through

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the pump to avoid freezing. [Ingrid] So the, that pump was operating 24 hours the pump to avoid freezing. [Ingrid] So the, that pump was operating 24 hours

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a day. [Hans] No. I'm talking about the pump on the sledge with the container where we a day. [Hans] No. I'm talking about the pump on the sledge with the container where we

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actually carried the water from the lake to the station. In the station it was warm actually carried the water from the lake to the station. In the station it was warm

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enough that we don't need it, but there was enough that we don't need it, but there was

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a pump to pump the water into the shower facilities and so on, but er, that was like any a pump to pump the water into the shower facilities and so on, but er, that was like any

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domestic pump I would say, that didn't run 24 hours a day. [Ingrid] What were the shower facilities domestic pump I would say, that didn't run 24 hours a day. [Ingrid] What were the shower facilities

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like? [Hans] One shower. One, one shower. Er, we had enough, we also, we had enough water to like? [Hans] One shower. One, one shower. Er, we had enough, we also, we had enough water to

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have a good er, good wash there, and we had actually in that area we had have a good er, good wash there, and we had actually in that area we had

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a washing machine, the shower, we had a washing machine, the shower, we had

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a couple of wash basins, and this was, was very well set up for a couple of wash basins, and this was, was very well set up for

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that person. [Ingrid] So there was enough water for you to have that person. [Ingrid] So there was enough water for you to have

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a shower every day? [Hans] Yes, yes. [Ingrid] And the actual configuration of the shower, was it... a shower every day? [Hans] Yes, yes. [Ingrid] And the actual configuration of the shower, was it...

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It was just a corner. A corner, I would compare it with probably like you find in prison It was just a corner. A corner, I would compare it with probably like you find in prison

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cells, you know. A, a, a wall, a wall with a curtain, and behind that was a shower, yes. [Ingrid] So was it cells, you know. A, a, a wall, a wall with a curtain, and behind that was a shower, yes. [Ingrid] So was it

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a fixed head... [Hans] Fixed head yes, yeah [Ingrid] shower rose where the water would come out? Alright, well we might have a fixed head... [Hans] Fixed head yes, yeah [Ingrid] shower rose where the water would come out? Alright, well we might have

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a break just then, and then we'll come back after the break and have a break just then, and then we'll come back after the break and have

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a talk about er, your role in station in terms of your work projects, but also Midwinter a talk about er, your role in station in terms of your work projects, but also Midwinter

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celebrations. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] So thanks, Hans. celebrations. [Hans] Yes. [Ingrid] So thanks, Hans.