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It's Ingrid McGaughey with Dave McCormack, the date is the twent- It's Ingrid McGaughey with Dave McCormack, the date is the twent-

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diesel mechanic, Casey 72, Mawson,  74, 78, 83, 86 and  diesel mechanic, Casey 72, Mawson,  74, 78, 83, 86 and 

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the focus of this discussion is mainly going to be on the Mawson years and I guess the 1st question to    the focus of this discussion is mainly going to be on the Mawson years and I guess the 1st question to   

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a little bit about your work program at Mawson over the years. [Dave] Yeah, the the Mawson, well to start with  a little bit about your work program at Mawson over the years. [Dave] Yeah, the the Mawson, well to start with 

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Mawson really appealed to me because it was  Mawson really appealed to me because it was 

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the real Antarctic. There was good sea ice there, a lot of this was told to me by the the real Antarctic. There was good sea ice there, a lot of this was told to me by the

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fellow that I was with at Casey, Ray Mitchell and he spent  fellow that I was with at Casey, Ray Mitchell and he spent 

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a couple of years at Morton and he said it was a a couple of years at Morton and he said it was a

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great place and he told me about the tractor trips and the good sea ice great place and he told me about the tractor trips and the good sea ice

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travelling in the, in the Huskie dog trips and all that sort of stuff not that he used to travelling in the, in the Huskie dog trips and all that sort of stuff not that he used to

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really go on the dog trips he was sort of really go on the dog trips he was sort of

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a bit old for that but. And all that appealed  to me as far as Antarctica was a bit old for that but. And all that appealed  to me as far as Antarctica was

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about, the real Antarctic, I really didn't, I really, as I said Casey about, the real Antarctic, I really didn't, I really, as I said Casey

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my 1st year there was was good for a 1st year but I really want to go to Mawson and my 1st year there was was good for a 1st year but I really want to go to Mawson and

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when I, when I came back from Casey I put my application in straight away to go, to go to when I, when I came back from Casey I put my application in straight away to go, to go to

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Mawson, I had the year off, seven-, ah, 73. And went overseas with the cook I was with Mawson, I had the year off, seven-, ah, 73. And went overseas with the cook I was with

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at, at Casey and then we both went back to Mawson in 74  at, at Casey and then we both went back to Mawson in 74 

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with a few other guys who were at Casey as well cos they all wanted to go to Mawson. So I, Mawson was with a few other guys who were at Casey as well cos they all wanted to go to Mawson. So I, Mawson was

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great because we had some really good programs coming up, in the field as great because we had some really good programs coming up, in the field as

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I say, 74 was the year of Enderby Land. They'd finished out in the  I say, 74 was the year of Enderby Land. They'd finished out in the 

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Prince Charles Mountains and our job was to set up a Prince Charles Mountains and our job was to set up a

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base out in Knuckey Peaks and eventually Mount King to run  base out in Knuckey Peaks and eventually Mount King to run 

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so that the people had a base to operate round Enderby Land. So, the major traverse that  so that the people had a base to operate round Enderby Land. So, the major traverse that 

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year was to get into, was to set up, carry all the fuel in a, on an autumn year was to get into, was to set up, carry all the fuel in a, on an autumn

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traverse to start with, the idea was in those days you, you carried as much fuel as you traverse to start with, the idea was in those days you, you carried as much fuel as you

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could inland in autumn to get a bit of could inland in autumn to get a bit of

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a head start so you wouldn't have to cart it all from the station in springtime and a head start so you wouldn't have to cart it all from the station in springtime and

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so you'd take the, the, the majority of the heavy sledges inland somewhere and so you'd take the, the, the majority of the heavy sledges inland somewhere and

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park 'em.  Sometimes that was Mount Twintops which was park 'em.  Sometimes that was Mount Twintops which was

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a lot of blue ice and it would be drift free. Other times you'd go a bit further but you'd have to a lot of blue ice and it would be drift free. Other times you'd go a bit further but you'd have to

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be pretty selective because inland from there further there's be pretty selective because inland from there further there's

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a lot of snow and then it would be all buried by the time we got there in the summertime, a lot of snow and then it would be all buried by the time we got there in the summertime,

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in the, in the springtime you'd have to dig it all out. Whereas if you just pull up there in the, in the springtime you'd have to dig it all out. Whereas if you just pull up there

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in the spring when you go in the spring traverse you'd just take your living van and gen  in the spring when you go in the spring traverse you'd just take your living van and gen 

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van and just van and just

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a little bit of fuel with you and then you'd get into Twintops and then all your a little bit of fuel with you and then you'd get into Twintops and then all your

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sledges'd be lined out on the ice and you'd arrange all your tractor, all your sledges'd be lined out on the ice and you'd arrange all your tractor, all your

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loadings behind your, your your tractors and off you'd head and ah, and just sort loadings behind your, your your tractors and off you'd head and ah, and just sort

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of inland and tr-, and navigate your way to, to where you were going. [Ingrid] So when you say  of inland and tr-, and navigate your way to, to where you were going. [Ingrid] So when you say 

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the fuel up there. What was pulling the fuel and how much were you taking up at a time? [Dave] Oh well, in those days we were the fuel up there. What was pulling the fuel and how much were you taking up at a time? [Dave] Oh well, in those days we were

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taking, everything was on what was called a Smith sledge and it held 24 200 litre taking, everything was on what was called a Smith sledge and it held 24 200 litre

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drums of fuel which was drums of fuel which was

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about 5 and a half ton and, and um, the, and those sledges were made to be towed behind the D5 tractors about 5 and a half ton and, and um, the, and those sledges were made to be towed behind the D5 tractors

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back from when we started traversing years ago back in back from when we started traversing years ago back in

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1957, 58 we had D4 tractors and they were towing behind them sledges which 1957, 58 we had D4 tractors and they were towing behind them sledges which

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were called Norwegian sledges and they were what was called a ?inaudible? were called Norwegian sledges and they were what was called a ?inaudible?

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um, that was the width of them, so that and they used to carry, they were wooden sledges roughly um, that was the width of them, so that and they used to carry, they were wooden sledges roughly

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and they used to stack drums and they used to stack drums

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of fuel on, but they were never made to tow heavy loads, they were a light weight sort of of fuel on, but they were never made to tow heavy loads, they were a light weight sort of

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a sledge and then Frank Smith had been there, he was a sledge and then Frank Smith had been there, he was

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a, a mechanic down there in ah, 1957 and he came back and he stayed a, a mechanic down there in ah, 1957 and he came back and he stayed

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with with

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the Division as well, the engineer, super-supervising sort of mechanic type thing and the Division as well, the engineer, super-supervising sort of mechanic type thing and

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he designed a, as as the time wore on we got well into he designed a, as as the time wore on we got well into

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D5 tractors, he designed a steel sledge that could be towed behind D5 D5 tractors, he designed a steel sledge that could be towed behind D5

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tractors and then and it just it went on and on and then when we got into D7s we tractors and then and it just it went on and on and then when we got into D7s we

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had bigger sledges and it, so it was, the whole lot it was just mated up so from had bigger sledges and it, so it was, the whole lot it was just mated up so from

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what the tractor could pull. Now so these other sledges, the Smith sledges, you'd have, you'd have, what the tractor could pull. Now so these other sledges, the Smith sledges, you'd have, you'd have,

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you could have up to sort of 3 or 4 of those, maybe 5 Smith sledges you could have up to sort of 3 or 4 of those, maybe 5 Smith sledges

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just fully loaded towing behind um, the, the D5s and  just fully loaded towing behind um, the, the D5s and 

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you'd tow these sledges up and they, the tow lines, the systems of towing behind you'd tow these sledges up and they, the tow lines, the systems of towing behind

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tractors sort of varied over the years. We had, when we started out we had 1 long tractors sort of varied over the years. We had, when we started out we had 1 long

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line. It was an old tow, it was an old ah, winch rope virtually   line. It was an old tow, it was an old ah, winch rope virtually  

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and off-, little tails off it which were clamped at intervals along the rope with and off-, little tails off it which were clamped at intervals along the rope with

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a, with a swaged eye ah, that passed underneath the sledges and you just a, with a swaged eye ah, that passed underneath the sledges and you just

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hooked it on with a D shackle  on to the tow eye of the tract-, of the sledge and that hooked it on with a D shackle  on to the tow eye of the tract-, of the sledge and that

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wasn't too bad although you had to keep your clamps done up pretty well and or wasn't too bad although you had to keep your clamps done up pretty well and or

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otherwise the loads would make the thing slide back and it hit the next sledge and as we went otherwise the loads would make the thing slide back and it hit the next sledge and as we went

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on into, and other guys had other ideas they used to have on into, and other guys had other ideas they used to have

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a separate line off the back of the tractor for every sledge so that  a separate line off the back of the tractor for every sledge so that 

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passed underneath the sledge and the 1st sledge would go to the next sledge and then you'd have passed underneath the sledge and the 1st sledge would go to the next sledge and then you'd have

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a longer line that'd go underneath those 2 to the next one and it sort of became sort of a longer line that'd go underneath those 2 to the next one and it sort of became sort of

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complicated and heavy and um, yeah, there was always the problem when you went around the complicated and heavy and um, yeah, there was always the problem when you went around the

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corner if you turned around too sharply the lines would pull underneath the corner if you turned around too sharply the lines would pull underneath the

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runners of the sledge and so there was methods designed to hold the, the tow runners of the sledge and so there was methods designed to hold the, the tow

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lines in lines in

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a bunch underneath the front and the back of the sledges and it went on and on a bunch underneath the front and the back of the sledges and it went on and on

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until we got into the D7s and towing these ?inaudible? sledges which were German until we got into the D7s and towing these ?inaudible? sledges which were German

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design- designed sledge. And they were a totally different ballgame to what the old design- designed sledge. And they were a totally different ballgame to what the old

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type sledges were. These sledges were, ah had 4 big runners and they had nylon type sledges were. These sledges were, ah had 4 big runners and they had nylon

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or, or teflon coated skis on them ah, for towing on the snow. They had or, or teflon coated skis on them ah, for towing on the snow. They had

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what was called a, um, they had a  what was called a, um, they had a 

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really big flat deck the deck, the deck probably weighted oh, about 5 or 6 really big flat deck the deck, the deck probably weighted oh, about 5 or 6

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ton, I suppose, 4 or 5 ton maybe, I've just forgotten now, I think all up they were about 7 and ton, I suppose, 4 or 5 ton maybe, I've just forgotten now, I think all up they were about 7 and

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a half ton. Pretty heavy sort of a sledge and they had a, what was called a half ton. Pretty heavy sort of a sledge and they had a, what was called

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a, a bunk and a bench underneath and a big a, a bunk and a bench underneath and a big

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swivel pin in the, in the centre that the, that the, the skis sort of walked swivel pin in the, in the centre that the, that the, the skis sort of walked

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on. The skis were sort of  on. The skis were sort of 

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?inaudible? and as the the deck used to be loaded with 120 drums of fuel that's what ?inaudible? and as the the deck used to be loaded with 120 drums of fuel that's what

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we're talking about here. We're talking 22 tonnes and there were, there were 60 drums on the, on the we're talking about here. We're talking 22 tonnes and there were, there were 60 drums on the, on the

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bottom deck and then you had bottom deck and then you had

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a layer of, of about 7 or 8 ply sheeting on the top of that, on the top of the a layer of, of about 7 or 8 ply sheeting on the top of that, on the top of the

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drums and then you put a, as drums and then you put a, as

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a deck and then you put another 60 drums on top of that and then you lash the whole a deck and then you put another 60 drums on top of that and then you lash the whole

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lot down with special sort of ah, tie down chains and clamps and things along  lot down with special sort of ah, tie down chains and clamps and things along 

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the sides. But that deck was absolutely rigid and so that as the deck, you the sides. But that deck was absolutely rigid and so that as the deck, you

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had to sort of get beside the sledge to watch how had to sort of get beside the sledge to watch how

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good these things were. You'd be towing it along behind the tractor and you good these things were. You'd be towing it along behind the tractor and you

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could and the, the skis'd be walking over the sastrugi and down holes and could and the, the skis'd be walking over the sastrugi and down holes and

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whatever and the benches and all this big pin, the whole lotd be sliding up and whatever and the benches and all this big pin, the whole lotd be sliding up and

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down, so the skis were sort of walking and running over down, so the skis were sort of walking and running over

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all the sastrugi and at the same time the bench was dropping down and tilting all the sastrugi and at the same time the bench was dropping down and tilting

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and dropping down and coming up but the, the deck of the sledge stayed  and dropping down and coming up but the, the deck of the sledge stayed 

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perfectly flat so that it sort of walked on and the back ones were doing exactly perfectly flat so that it sort of walked on and the back ones were doing exactly

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the same and so you'd say gee, look at this it's going to tip over, but the sledge'd just the same and so you'd say gee, look at this it's going to tip over, but the sledge'd just

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ride, it'd just ride up and down and it had big spherical bearings on the, ride, it'd just ride up and down and it had big spherical bearings on the,

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across on a, on across on a, on

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a rod, on a shaft between the 2, the tips, so that the, the spherical bearings a rod, on a shaft between the 2, the tips, so that the, the spherical bearings

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would move on the, on the shaft and sometimes they'd actually smash because they go so far, would move on the, on the shaft and sometimes they'd actually smash because they go so far,

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it didn't really stop the sledges but it, you know, but you had to grease them it didn't really stop the sledges but it, you know, but you had to grease them

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fairly, fairly regularly and they had these big um, um, shell bearings which were teflon  fairly, fairly regularly and they had these big um, um, shell bearings which were teflon 

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on line, inside the, inside the ski, the pivots of the ski that they rode on that. on line, inside the, inside the ski, the pivots of the ski that they rode on that.

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Um, but they were, they were, you know at the time when we got them they were sort of, Um, but they were, they were, you know at the time when we got them they were sort of,

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I wouldn't say there were ahead of their time but they were sort of the best type of thing we could I wouldn't say there were ahead of their time but they were sort of the best type of thing we could

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ever have had to tow. [Ingrid] Did you, did you make them or were they sourced from overseas? [Dave] No, they were sourced from Germany. They were designed by ever have had to tow. [Ingrid] Did you, did you make them or were they sourced from overseas? [Dave] No, they were sourced from Germany. They were designed by

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?Alan Alana? in Germany and they would never give us ah, the drawings of these ?Alan Alana? in Germany and they would never give us ah, the drawings of these

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things because they didn't, they knew we'd just make things because they didn't, they knew we'd just make

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our own and the steel in them was special cold, they used to call it special cold steel it was our own and the steel in them was special cold, they used to call it special cold steel it was

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cold, whether it was specially, it wasn't just your average steel off the cold, whether it was specially, it wasn't just your average steel off the

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rack here. It was made for, for cold temperatures and anyway I get off the track here rack here. It was made for, for cold temperatures and anyway I get off the track here

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a little bit. One of the engineers we had here with us, he looked at these sledges a little bit. One of the engineers we had here with us, he looked at these sledges

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and he said, oh, because we were paying at the time about  $55 000 which is not and he said, oh, because we were paying at the time about  $55 000 which is not

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a lot of money when you think about it for 1 of those sledges with, when the dollar  a lot of money when you think about it for 1 of those sledges with, when the dollar 

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was sort of like it was, back in those days. But he said, we could make these sledges here was sort of like it was, back in those days. But he said, we could make these sledges here

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so he, he took some photographs of the thing and he sent the pictures to  so he, he took some photographs of the thing and he sent the pictures to 

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a friend of his who was an architect or a friend of his who was an architect or

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a design-, something up in Launceston, and but he didn't photograph a design-, something up in Launceston, and but he didn't photograph

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up underneath on, on how the bench and the bunk were, were in this up underneath on, on how the bench and the bunk were, were in this

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had these big rods underneath that they move forward because the sledges were towed had these big rods underneath that they move forward because the sledges were towed

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through chains and they were towing through the runners ?inaudible? the bench and through chains and they were towing through the runners ?inaudible? the bench and

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the buck underneath not through the deck, the deck was, they weren't pulling the deck the buck underneath not through the deck, the deck was, they weren't pulling the deck

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of the sledge they were pulling the runners. It's hard to describe if you, well I think of the sledge they were pulling the runners. It's hard to describe if you, well I think

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?inaudible? up the backyard that day we were up there I was trying to describe how the ?inaudible? up the backyard that day we were up there I was trying to describe how the

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chains and they crossed underneath so that when you turned, it chains chains and they crossed underneath so that when you turned, it chains

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pulled and they, they turned the, the runners, they turned the front and the back runners pulled and they, they turned the, the runners, they turned the front and the back runners

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so they followed each other wh-when you turn them around. So, these sledges were  so they followed each other wh-when you turn them around. So, these sledges were 

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were really well designed and we had very little trouble with them virtually were really well designed and we had very little trouble with them virtually

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none. And this, the ones that were copied were made in Tasmania none. And this, the ones that were copied were made in Tasmania

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and we only ever had 2 of them made. We got into and we only ever had 2 of them made. We got into

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a lot of sort of legal, legal sort of wrangling about all this because this bloke claimed a lot of sort of legal, legal sort of wrangling about all this because this bloke claimed

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that we were going to buy that we were going to buy

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a lot of sledges off him and they turned out to be much heavier. They turned out to be a lot of sledges off him and they turned out to be much heavier. They turned out to be

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more expensive and ah, we had more expensive and ah, we had

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a lot of problems with them and because he didn't design up underneath a lot of problems with them and because he didn't design up underneath

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right, we had to modify them to make them worked when they arrived right, we had to modify them to make them worked when they arrived

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at Mawson in early 88 and the mods that we made for them at Mawson in early 88 and the mods that we made for them

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are still on there and those sledges are now up at the airfield at Casey holding holding are still on there and those sledges are now up at the airfield at Casey holding holding

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some building or something or other not used for traversing of course. But we had some building or something or other not used for traversing of course. But we had

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to make them work because we had to go to make them work because we had to go

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a long way into the northern Prince Charles Mountains that year we had nothing else to a long way into the northern Prince Charles Mountains that year we had nothing else to

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tow, tow behind that we had, we had to make them go. [Ingrid] So how did you modify them? [Dave] Oh, well, we pulled the deck tow, tow behind that we had, we had to make them go. [Ingrid] So how did you modify them? [Dave] Oh, well, we pulled the deck

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off to start with, with the crane and with the steel we had there we made, we made like a,  off to start with, with the crane and with the steel we had there we made, we made like a, 

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like a hammerhead on the end of the, the bunk to fit up underneath.  like a hammerhead on the end of the, the bunk to fit up underneath. 

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How we found out, when I, when they got there, I looked up underneath and said, oh this is  How we found out, when I, when they got there, I looked up underneath and said, oh this is 

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going to fall apart and we loaded the deck up with sledges and we drove down into going to fall apart and we loaded the deck up with sledges and we drove down into

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West Bay down West Bay down

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a slope and I put the brakes on the tractor on and the whole deck and the, a slope and I put the brakes on the tractor on and the whole deck and the,

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the weight of it just kept on going and all the bunk and the bench fell forward it sort of the weight of it just kept on going and all the bunk and the bench fell forward it sort of

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fell over underneath. [Ingrid] This was at Mawson? [Dave] This was at fell over underneath. [Ingrid] This was at Mawson? [Dave] This was at

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Mawson in early 88. I sent a, I sent an Mawson in early 88. I sent a, I sent an

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email back to, to Rob Sheers and I said look these things are bloody awful we've email back to, to Rob Sheers and I said look these things are bloody awful we've

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gotta fix them up. He said look you're just going have to do, do whatever you can. gotta fix them up. He said look you're just going have to do, do whatever you can.

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So we sat down and looked and looked at all the steel down there and we came up with So we sat down and looked and looked at all the steel down there and we came up with

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this idea and we just went ahead and fixed them. And well we spent weeks and this idea and we just went ahead and fixed them. And well we spent weeks and

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weeks welding and making up all this thing to make the things work underneath the weeks welding and making up all this thing to make the things work underneath the

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sledges and which they did in the end and ah, so they could sort of hold together and get us sledges and which they did in the end and ah, so they could sort of hold together and get us

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out in the field and back and but those sledges when you think about I just out in the field and back and but those sledges when you think about I just

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jump around a bit here like the French for example when they go on their traverses, I've been on jump around a bit here like the French for example when they go on their traverses, I've been on

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a traverse with them into Dome C. They don't go into big heavy sledges like you  a traverse with them into Dome C. They don't go into big heavy sledges like you 

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looking at 7, 7, 7 plus tons you're towing behind a tractor before you get to looking at 7, 7, 7 plus tons you're towing behind a tractor before you get to

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any payload on top of it and then you've got to add all that, all the stuff on top. any payload on top of it and then you've got to add all that, all the stuff on top.

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So the French make, what they tow in, they tow in 20 foot containers and all   So the French make, what they tow in, they tow in 20 foot containers and all  

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sorts of things but their, they have a, they tow things sorts of things but their, they have a, they tow things

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like containers and they have a bench and a bunk and a  like containers and they have a bench and a bunk and a 

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pair of skis which are fairly lightweight but they've got container pair of skis which are fairly lightweight but they've got container

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?inaudible? on the top of the bunk and what they do, they just, so it doesn't fall over they ?inaudible? on the top of the bunk and what they do, they just, so it doesn't fall over they

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 just flop, they, they, they strap up the the bench and the bunk, it's hard to describe this but  just flop, they, they, they strap up the the bench and the bunk, it's hard to describe this but

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it's simple. You got 2 skis and 2 skis and you've got your bench and your bunk bank standing up with it's simple. You got 2 skis and 2 skis and you've got your bench and your bunk bank standing up with

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container locks on it, you just get container locks on it, you just get

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a crane, lift up, lift your 20 foot container on the top drop it down, lock your container locks a crane, lift up, lift your 20 foot container on the top drop it down, lock your container locks

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and the container becomes and the container becomes

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the deck of the sledge, so you've got this box with skis on. And then you just hook it up behind your the deck of the sledge, so you've got this box with skis on. And then you just hook it up behind your

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tractors and you can have tractors and you can have

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a whole line of 'em. Tow them all the way into Dome C and when you get there, just with the cranes on the back of a whole line of 'em. Tow them all the way into Dome C and when you get there, just with the cranes on the back of

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the tractors just under your containers locks, lift the whole container off and if you  the tractors just under your containers locks, lift the whole container off and if you 

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don't, if you don't put your straps back on your cntainers, on your um, on your bench  don't, if you don't put your straps back on your cntainers, on your um, on your bench 

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in your bunk it'll just fall over, so you just, it'll just a in your bunk it'll just fall over, so you just, it'll just a

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ratchet strap's all you need just to hold them up and lift the container off and ratchet strap's all you need just to hold them up and lift the container off and

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dump it there and that stays at Dome Cor if you want to or you want to dump it there and that stays at Dome Cor if you want to or you want to

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exchange it with a, with 1 filled with rubbish which has got to be returned to the coast exchange it with a, with 1 filled with rubbish which has got to be returned to the coast

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you just pick up the container dump it straight on the top of those, ah, of the  you just pick up the container dump it straight on the top of those, ah, of the 

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skis and the bench bunk thing, lock 'em down and there's your sledge to tow back to, to um to the coast skis and the bench bunk thing, lock 'em down and there's your sledge to tow back to, to um to the coast

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and and that way, and they used because it's just and and that way, and they used because it's just

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a long straight traverse it's about 1300 ks and which is climbing all the a long straight traverse it's about 1300 ks and which is climbing all the

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way to Dome C, 'cos it's about 3 and a half thousand metres way to Dome C, 'cos it's about 3 and a half thousand metres

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I think from memory, high, it's just I think from memory, high, it's just

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a straight road and you're just driving day after day after day and it's just people think a straight road and you're just driving day after day after day and it's just people think

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oh, yeah, it's just a boring trip, and well I suppose it is,  but I mean I've done it oh, yeah, it's just a boring trip, and well I suppose it is,  but I mean I've done it

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a few times but, ah, it's interesting seeing the changing a few times but, ah, it's interesting seeing the changing

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surface, the snow surface as you get higher and drier, the snow becomes like surface, the snow surface as you get higher and drier, the snow becomes like

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marbles and ah and really dry and you get   marbles and ah and really dry and you get  

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away from the coastal weather patterns and you get this beautiful blue skies away from the coastal weather patterns and you get this beautiful blue skies

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and sort of thing inland and the wind dies down as you go further inland. and sort of thing inland and the wind dies down as you go further inland.

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At Dome C there's virtually no wind at all because you're so high. And the buil- At Dome C there's virtually no wind at all because you're so high. And the buil-

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and you've only got to look at the buildings they're like big tents. When I first got there I and you've only got to look at the buildings they're like big tents. When I first got there I

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think oh these things gonna blow away. But, they said, no, there's no wind  so it's amazing think oh these things gonna blow away. But, they said, no, there's no wind  so it's amazing

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and  and 

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a little bit of snowfall and stuff. You might get a breeze but nothing like down the coast a little bit of snowfall and stuff. You might get a breeze but nothing like down the coast

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Where you got the katabatics and all sorts of you know weather patterns come round Where you got the katabatics and all sorts of you know weather patterns come round

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the coastline and so yeah, that was the coastline and so yeah, that was

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a bit of an education as far as seeing how they work all that out, you know they a bit of an education as far as seeing how they work all that out, you know they

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didn't need all the tied down  didn't need all the tied down 

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buildings and and strong stuff it was just buildings and and strong stuff it was just

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a whole lot of tents you know insulated tents but big things to drive tractors into. a whole lot of tents you know insulated tents but big things to drive tractors into.

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You never closed the doors, you know, it was amazing.  You never closed the doors, you know, it was amazing. 

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Yeah. At Knuckey Peaks they set up, they set up ah  Yeah. At Knuckey Peaks they set up, they set up ah 

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caravans there and they had caravans there and they had

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a, a fuel dump. They we, they dumped all these drums, everything's in drums, fuel drums for helicopters ah they had a, a fuel dump. They we, they dumped all these drums, everything's in drums, fuel drums for helicopters ah they had

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a fuel depot there. They left quite a few caravans there  a fuel depot there. They left quite a few caravans there 

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like for, for, for um, the, what they called like for, for, for um, the, what they called

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the fly-, what they called the flies down, it was   the fly-, what they called the flies down, it was  

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a freighter van made by Freighter Industries. It was just a big  a freighter van made by Freighter Industries. It was just a big 

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aluminium sort of a aluminium sort of a

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clad box. There's quite a few of them still at Mawson now. There's 1 at Mount Henderson, there's 1 at Fang Peak. clad box. There's quite a few of them still at Mawson now. There's 1 at Mount Henderson, there's 1 at Fang Peak.

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Ah, there's 1 on Macey Island which is pretty rusted and  Ah, there's 1 on Macey Island which is pretty rusted and 

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sort of corroded away now 'cos all the salt spray over it all the years, because we put sort of corroded away now 'cos all the salt spray over it all the years, because we put

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that there in 1988. It's been there 20 odd, nearly, nearly 30 years I suppose, um, yeah,  23 years or something that there in 1988. It's been there 20 odd, nearly, nearly 30 years I suppose, um, yeah,  23 years or something

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and the, so they left all that sort of stuff out in field and just locked it up and the, so they left all that sort of stuff out in field and just locked it up

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winterised it and then it was there winterised it and then it was there

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some of it sort of with the wind blowing under it and everything they just sort of some of it sort of with the wind blowing under it and everything they just sort of

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toppled on their sides or tipped over a bit. But you just had to tow it out of the hole, toppled on their sides or tipped over a bit. But you just had to tow it out of the hole,

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a big hole that was blown around it during the winter. Set it up again and a big hole that was blown around it during the winter. Set it up again and

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away you went. [Ingrid] So how many weeks did the traverse traverses take? away you went. [Ingrid] So how many weeks did the traverse traverses take?

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To get into ah, ah, they took, oh gee, 2 to 3 weeks at To get into ah, ah, they took, oh gee, 2 to 3 weeks at

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least to get into Knuckey Peaks and it was probably, they, they, that was all least to get into Knuckey Peaks and it was probably, they, they, that was all

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new country no-one had been there before and they ran into some big crevasses and new country no-one had been there before and they ran into some big crevasses and

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there's some big crevasses on the way to Enderby Land and ah, they slotted a few   there's some big crevasses on the way to Enderby Land and ah, they slotted a few  

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tractors pretty badly tractors pretty badly

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a couple of times in there until they got a bit higher up the, up the slope. And we drove you were a couple of times in there until they got a bit higher up the, up the slope. And we drove you were

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driving over these valleys and you could see the crevasses come down the hill driving over these valleys and you could see the crevasses come down the hill

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they went underneath them then they came they went underneath them then they came

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out down there and you knew you were driving over the top of them but you couldn't do out down there and you knew you were driving over the top of them but you couldn't do

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much about it, but luckily we didn't fall into any but um, some of the, some of the much about it, but luckily we didn't fall into any but um, some of the, some of the

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bridges that we looked up and I said, look at those lines of bridges and well the Nella Dan was the ship bridges that we looked up and I said, look at those lines of bridges and well the Nella Dan was the ship

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we went down in those days, you couldn have dropped the Nella Dan  we went down in those days, you couldn have dropped the Nella Dan 

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into some of these things they were just huge they were just they were big into some of these things they were just huge they were just they were big

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slots. And ah, big sags but then when they went down into the valley where all the snow was slots. And ah, big sags but then when they went down into the valley where all the snow was

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underneath you, you were driving over the top of them, so you just but you were just wary underneath you, you were driving over the top of them, so you just but you were just wary

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when you're driving when you're driving on any, with, in any tractor which weighs you know, when you're driving when you're driving on any, with, in any tractor which weighs you know,

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I mean well the D7s weigh29 tons and the D5s used to weigh I mean well the D7s weigh29 tons and the D5s used to weigh

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sort of you know 14 15 ton or something I think from memory. You're, con-, you're sort of you know 14 15 ton or something I think from memory. You're, con-, you're

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pretty wary pretty wary

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about any big, any cracks opening up around you and if you start with sort of hairline cracks and about any big, any cracks opening up around you and if you start with sort of hairline cracks and

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then they get to that wide, then they get that wide and you think gee whiz you know then they get to that wide, then they get that wide and you think gee whiz you know

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where's the next one sort of thing and if the weather's marginal and it's drifting where's the next one sort of thing and if the weather's marginal and it's drifting

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and lousy and you're trying to look out, you're trying to look out the cab door and, and see where you're going and lousy and you're trying to look out, you're trying to look out the cab door and, and see where you're going

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it's time to stop because and wait till the weather cleans up a bit or go and have it's time to stop because and wait till the weather cleans up a bit or go and have

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a look around you know and sort of see they lay of the land if you're driving amongst a look around you know and sort of see they lay of the land if you're driving amongst

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sort of slotty domes and all sorts of stuff. Because there's no fun falling in sort of slotty domes and all sorts of stuff. Because there's no fun falling in

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a ?inaudible? I mean, there's just this, I've dropped a few a ?inaudible? I mean, there's just this, I've dropped a few

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tractors into crevasses but it's just the time. They are just a tractors into crevasses but it's just the time. They are just a

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it's a waste of time getting the stuff out, just getting things out of holes is in the it's a waste of time getting the stuff out, just getting things out of holes is in the

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field is just a pain. [laughs] [Ingrid] So how do you do that? [Dave] [laughs] It depends. Everyone's different it depends field is just a pain. [laughs] [Ingrid] So how do you do that? [Dave] [laughs] It depends. Everyone's different it depends

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how it goes into it. If you, if you run into a, the worst thing you can do is drop a drive how it goes into it. If you, if you run into a, the worst thing you can do is drop a drive

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parallel to crevasses, you usually try and drive across them if you have to. But if parallel to crevasses, you usually try and drive across them if you have to. But if

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they're wide enough and the tractor drops, it usually drops, the back will drop   they're wide enough and the tractor drops, it usually drops, the back will drop  

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down and if you're lucky it will catch on the winch or if it down and if you're lucky it will catch on the winch or if it

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goes goes

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a bit lower it will hit the cab and you usually jump out of the roof hatch and get out of a bit lower it will hit the cab and you usually jump out of the roof hatch and get out of

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the tractor and hopefully the blade's going to not drop down the other side. It'll it usually  the tractor and hopefully the blade's going to not drop down the other side. It'll it usually 

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the tractor will break through the tractor will break through

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or bridge and it'll jam somehow. So you've got to get across the other side, whatever or bridge and it'll jam somehow. So you've got to get across the other side, whatever

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you're towing then, the tow line's down the hole and it's it'll you're towing then, the tow line's down the hole and it's it'll

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pull up behind you. So, you've got to get another tractor or something across pull up behind you. So, you've got to get another tractor or something across

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that crevasse and to the other side and get on to the belly hook if it's got one or round that crevasse and to the other side and get on to the belly hook if it's got one or round

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the blade or somewhere to be able to tow that tractor up out of the hole.   the blade or somewhere to be able to tow that tractor up out of the hole.  

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And um, and then break up your tractor train and whatever you're pulling and sort of get And um, and then break up your tractor train and whatever you're pulling and sort of get

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around the slot or you know whatever or put a, bridges across you around the slot or you know whatever or put a, bridges across you

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know if you have to. I never ever did that. I couldn't be bothered doing that sort of thing. know if you have to. I never ever did that. I couldn't be bothered doing that sort of thing.

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You'd get it as far away as you can. You just, you back out of that area you're obviously You'd get it as far away as you can. You just, you back out of that area you're obviously

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going into an area that's, the next one's going to be wider maybe, so you've just going into an area that's, the next one's going to be wider maybe, so you've just

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got to look at all that, turn around and go back got to look at all that, turn around and go back

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a couple of miles and say, well righto that's a couple of miles and say, well righto that's

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the wrong direction, you know, we'll go a bit higher or something like that. [Ingrid] Was there ever one that you couldn't get? the wrong direction, you know, we'll go a bit higher or something like that. [Ingrid] Was there ever one that you couldn't get?

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[Dave] Oh, you always get 'em out, otherwise you don't want to leave your tractor there. [laughs] [Ingrid] People have. [Dave] They have, yeah, [Dave] Oh, you always get 'em out, otherwise you don't want to leave your tractor there. [laughs] [Ingrid] People have. [Dave] They have, yeah,

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I know. Some of the big, the Americans have lost blokes down, down some big slots. I know. Some of the big, the Americans have lost blokes down, down some big slots.

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I know, it's just. Ah, we, we, I, my 1st one was a D4 at Casey down near I know, it's just. Ah, we, we, I, my 1st one was a D4 at Casey down near

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Cape Poinsett we just wandered off the track we were following an old cane line left  Cape Poinsett we just wandered off the track we were following an old cane line left 

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by the year before. And they wandered off the track down towards the coast into all these crevasses  by the year before. And they wandered off the track down towards the coast into all these crevasses 

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and then they, they found they were, they were just travelling in lousy weather they just kept putting canes out and then they, they found they were, they were just travelling in lousy weather they just kept putting canes out

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found they got into the slots and then they followed their tracks out of there found they got into the slots and then they followed their tracks out of there

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they damn bl-, they didn't pull the canes out. And we went along thinking, we were all green of course,  they damn bl-, they didn't pull the canes out. And we went along thinking, we were all green of course, 

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we went along thinking oh, we're on the right track and all of a sudden we're in we went along thinking oh, we're on the right track and all of a sudden we're in

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the same slots, they were. But when we turned around, I remember Murray Price was driving the same slots, they were. But when we turned around, I remember Murray Price was driving

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the Nodwell and he drove across this slot and the old Nodwell reared up and he just the Nodwell and he drove across this slot and the old Nodwell reared up and he just

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kept it, he just gunned it and and I changed track and went up kept it, he just gunned it and and I changed track and went up

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a bit and then I dropped in, I actually dropped the tractor into it and what held the  a bit and then I dropped in, I actually dropped the tractor into it and what held the 

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back of the tractor up was the draw back of the tractor up was the draw

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bar off the RMIT and it was just hanging in, in outer space and the blade was there bar off the RMIT and it was just hanging in, in outer space and the blade was there

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so, um, I remember I jumped out of the cab, run up the track jumped straight over so, um, I remember I jumped out of the cab, run up the track jumped straight over

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over the um, the blade onto the, onto the safe ice on th other side. God [laughs] what are we over the um, the blade onto the, onto the safe ice on th other side. God [laughs] what are we

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going to do now. Anyway we looked at it and Murray, we got this big cable and put going to do now. Anyway we looked at it and Murray, we got this big cable and put

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under the front of the track, we got, we dug under the front of the track, we got, we dug

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a hole and put it under the belly hook and he just towed it out a hole and put it under the belly hook and he just towed it out

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and towed the, we didn't even undo the draw bar of the, of the and towed the, we didn't even undo the draw bar of the, of the

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RMIT was all bent of course where it went, dropped down and jammed between the the RMIT was all bent of course where it went, dropped down and jammed between the the

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crevasse wall and the back crevasse wall and the back

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of the tractor but we just pulled the whole thing across and the inside of of the tractor but we just pulled the whole thing across and the inside of

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the, the RMIT was the, the RMIT was

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a hell of a mess when we, because it dropped into the thing and then pulled up and all a hell of a mess when we, because it dropped into the thing and then pulled up and all

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our food and you know, junk in the thing went all over the place. We had a hell of a mess to clean up our food and you know, junk in the thing went all over the place. We had a hell of a mess to clean up

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but yeah. [Ingrid] So how many men would go on this traverse, so the one but yeah. [Ingrid] So how many men would go on this traverse, so the one

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Oh, you'd have 3 tractors, 3 D5s to start with, so there was, there was 3  Oh, you'd have 3 tractors, 3 D5s to start with, so there was, there was 3 

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drivers and there usually, there was probably 6 or 7 I suppose at the most. And drivers and there usually, there was probably 6 or 7 I suppose at the most. And

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you'd have, you'd have a radio operator, you'd have at least you'd have, you'd have a radio operator, you'd have at least

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a mechanic or 2.  Um and there's usually 2 mechanics in those days on a mechanic or 2.  Um and there's usually 2 mechanics in those days on

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a traverse there was ah, either the station leader would go out, um and he try and a traverse there was ah, either the station leader would go out, um and he try and

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do the navigating. And there'd be another tradesman, or usually, usually on those trips you didn't have do the navigating. And there'd be another tradesman, or usually, usually on those trips you didn't have

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any, any, any sort of scientists or boffins or anybody. Sometimes you'd have any, any, any sort of scientists or boffins or anybody. Sometimes you'd have

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a met man on that, on those, a met bloke a met man on that, on those, a met bloke

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you'd definitely have a radio guy, ah, for the radio you'd always have a radio you'd definitely have a radio guy, ah, for the radio you'd always have a radio

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guy and that was  guy and that was 

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about it really so and some guys were asked did they want to go and traverse they about it really so and some guys were asked did they want to go and traverse they

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said, no, I don't want, they weren't interested in going out there and sort of doing it tough in the field  said, no, I don't want, they weren't interested in going out there and sort of doing it tough in the field 

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and living in a caravan and, and just worried and living in a caravan and, and just worried

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about, I don't know, worried about crevasses. Everybody worried about crevasses [laughs] cos it about, I don't know, worried about crevasses. Everybody worried about crevasses [laughs] cos it

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happened all the time, I mean, it was just a way of life and until you, until happened all the time, I mean, it was just a way of life and until you, until

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a route was formed, a good safe route, that was known and it was GPSd or a route was formed, a good safe route, that was known and it was GPSd or

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whatever or, or caned. We used to cane them all the time and we'd have all the   whatever or, or caned. We used to cane them all the time and we'd have all the  

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different flags on 'em and we'd, we'd write a, we'd have a, you know, different flags on 'em and we'd, we'd write a, we'd have a, you know,

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a track, a field and a track, a field and

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a route guide and you'd have all the canes and there'd be, we'd have all the comments beside it  a route guide and you'd have all the canes and there'd be, we'd have all the comments beside it 

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and you'd say, um, you know, this is cane, they'd be in alphabet sometimes, they'd be and you'd say, um, you know, this is cane, they'd be in alphabet sometimes, they'd be

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you know, you'd have an A Series, a B Series you know, you'd have an A Series, a B Series

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C, D Series of canes, there'd be maybe 50 or 100 canes in each one then you'd go to the C, D Series of canes, there'd be maybe 50 or 100 canes in each one then you'd go to the

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next one. And there'd be little comments beside it, you know there's going to be next one. And there'd be little comments beside it, you know there's going to be

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a dome off to your left and just so to keep you up with where you were and you'd say oh a dome off to your left and just so to keep you up with where you were and you'd say oh

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there's the dome over there and here's the cane coming up here and always had there's the dome over there and here's the cane coming up here and always had

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a pair of binoculars and when the canes weren't that, sometimes they were, they'd be a pair of binoculars and when the canes weren't that, sometimes they were, they'd be

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a couple of kilometres or a kilometre a couple of kilometres or a kilometre

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apart at least depending on the undulation of the land and you always had apart at least depending on the undulation of the land and you always had

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a pair of binoculars and you just sort of stop the tractor and have a look around and you could a pair of binoculars and you just sort of stop the tractor and have a look around and you could

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ah, yeah, there it is up in the distance and you could see it. But there might be a cane ah, yeah, there it is up in the distance and you could see it. But there might be a cane

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there, then there might be a cane, the next one might be over here and some guys would say, oh, there's the next cane there, then there might be a cane, the next one might be over here and some guys would say, oh, there's the next cane

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I'm not going to go to that one, I'll just cut across here but there I'm not going to go to that one, I'll just cut across here but there

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was was

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a reason for the, for the dog leg because there was slots in there you know a reason for the, for the dog leg because there was slots in there you know

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there's crevasses. So, and you'd get the odd bloke that would cut across and fall in a hole and there's crevasses. So, and you'd get the odd bloke that would cut across and fall in a hole and

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then you'd say well, that's why the thing was there you know and you'd put then you'd say well, that's why the thing was there you know and you'd put

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a note on the side, do not, do not cut across here, go to that, go to the next  a note on the side, do not, do not cut across here, go to that, go to the next 

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cane, you know sort of thing, you know tick it off, then turn left, you know cane, you know sort of thing, you know tick it off, then turn left, you know

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stuff like that. That happened all the time so until people you know, just stuff like that. That happened all the time so until people you know, just

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you'd just, you'd say to them, when the new party came in you'd just go through the, sometimes you'd go through the you'd just, you'd say to them, when the new party came in you'd just go through the, sometimes you'd go through the

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route guide and say now, when you get past Twintops and you turn left don't cut the corner route guide and say now, when you get past Twintops and you turn left don't cut the corner

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at Twintop passed through, that was a classic that one there, everybody want to cut the corner there at Twintop passed through, that was a classic that one there, everybody want to cut the corner there

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they'd say, why would you go, it's just over there, and there's these massive holes they'd say, why would you go, it's just over there, and there's these massive holes

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everywhere and the ice was really broken up because it was flowing everywhere and the ice was really broken up because it was flowing

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around, anywhere of course, as you know, where you've got a around, anywhere of course, as you know, where you've got a

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mountain range and you got ice flowing round it, you're going to get crevasses, it's mountain range and you got ice flowing round it, you're going to get crevasses, it's

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just, it's just just, it's just

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a fact of life so, um, y-you just need to watch out when you're, and domes, I mean  a fact of life so, um, y-you just need to watch out when you're, and domes, I mean 

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a dome meant the ice was flowing over a dome meant the ice was flowing over

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a nunatak or something underneath the ice and it's always going to crack and a nunatak or something underneath the ice and it's always going to crack and

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it'll flow down to the next valley and it all be, it will be full up of snow or whatever it'll flow down to the next valley and it all be, it will be full up of snow or whatever

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and it's usually fairly safe. So you just had to read the label and I used to look and it's usually fairly safe. So you just had to read the label and I used to look

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at it like as if when you approach mountains like, it's, it's like mountains here you get at it like as if when you approach mountains like, it's, it's like mountains here you get

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all the mountains but then down the bottom, you've got the foothills and then you got the all the mountains but then down the bottom, you've got the foothills and then you got the

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little valleys and so if you approach a mountain range it sort of gets little valleys and so if you approach a mountain range it sort of gets

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a little bit undulating and then you've got the valleys coming up and then all of a a little bit undulating and then you've got the valleys coming up and then all of a

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sudden the peaks stick out and that's when you gonna , the ice is flowing around it sudden the peaks stick out and that's when you gonna , the ice is flowing around it

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all so you're gonna get, you're gonna get your crevasses and all so you're gonna get, you're gonna get your crevasses and

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a l-, some you can see and some you can't. Some people say, oh, there's no slots up there you a l-, some you can see and some you can't. Some people say, oh, there's no slots up there you

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know, and you'd drive along. Like, if you drive up the side of Mount Henderson know, and you'd drive along. Like, if you drive up the side of Mount Henderson

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and Mi-, David Range for example and you're going up towards, you're ccoming out of Mawson you're going and Mi-, David Range for example and you're going up towards, you're ccoming out of Mawson you're going

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up to David Range and you go through Hordens Gap, you wouldn't believe  up to David Range and you go through Hordens Gap, you wouldn't believe 

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some of the big crevasses that are up there along, along ah, Mount Henderson just some of the big crevasses that are up there along, along ah, Mount Henderson just

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out from Fang Peak turn off and, and ah there's so much snow there but if you in  out from Fang Peak turn off and, and ah there's so much snow there but if you in 

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summertime you drive up there when a lot of it's summertime you drive up there when a lot of it's

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ablated away and and drifted away, and you, god, look at that wind, we've been driving in that all year ablated away and and drifted away, and you, god, look at that wind, we've been driving in that all year

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you know and there's some big holes up there, I tell you and especially through Hordens Gap you know and there's some big holes up there, I tell you and especially through Hordens Gap

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there's some massive holes up there and, and Hordens Gap was  there's some massive holes up there and, and Hordens Gap was 

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a notorious place because it was really crazed and broken up and it was a notorious place because it was really crazed and broken up and it was

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sort of shattered everywhere, where it flowed from up sort of shattered everywhere, where it flowed from up

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Mount Horden, and through there, through the gap and the top part of the David Mount Horden, and through there, through the gap and the top part of the David

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Range and for years and years, it was and you'd drive along through that Range and for years and years, it was and you'd drive along through that

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gap there and, and you'd be going, you'd be driving parallel to the slots and then all of a sudden they'd gap there and, and you'd be going, you'd be driving parallel to the slots and then all of a sudden they'd

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be, they'd be across there and they'd be, and they'd run into each other, they weren't the classic be, they'd be across there and they'd be, and they'd run into each other, they weren't the classic

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1, 2, 3, they you'd have, they'd go join and then they'd go out again you know and 1, 2, 3, they you'd have, they'd go join and then they'd go out again you know and

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you'd, you'd hit, all that area, it'd just shatter and fall in. It was   you'd, you'd hit, all that area, it'd just shatter and fall in. It was  

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terrible country, it was just rotten it was. And it was blue ice and some of those terrible country, it was just rotten it was. And it was blue ice and some of those

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holes there, I'd used to look down them and think, god, this just goes into  holes there, I'd used to look down them and think, god, this just goes into 

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black, there's nothing there. And I remember the last time I drive through there actually black, there's nothing there. And I remember the last time I drive through there actually

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was with um, a bloke called, it was in 0, it was in   was with um, a bloke called, it was in 0, it was in  

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01/02 01/02

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I, I went down on, on the boat, this is before we went to the, on the PC I, I went down on, on the boat, this is before we went to the, on the PC

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Mega in 0, 02/03 the following summer. And the guys who Mega in 0, 02/03 the following summer. And the guys who

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went into Mawson. It was a bloke called ah, Jim Dragisic went into Mawson. It was a bloke called ah, Jim Dragisic

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and a few other guys, and um, they hadn't done any traversing before they had and a few other guys, and um, they hadn't done any traversing before they had

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nothing to do with it and so they said to me, well they knew I was going down on the nothing to do with it and so they said to me, well they knew I was going down on the

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on the voyage to do the unloading with one of the barges and they said we're going to on the voyage to do the unloading with one of the barges and they said we're going to

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give you a bit of time at the end of the unlo-, of the changeover to go with these give you a bit of time at the end of the unlo-, of the changeover to go with these

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blokes and just sort of show em how to   blokes and just sort of show em how to  

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set up a traverse and all that sort of stuff so what we did, Richard set up a traverse and all that sort of stuff so what we did, Richard

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Mulligan was the um, the voyage leader. And we unloaded the ship and   Mulligan was the um, the voyage leader. And we unloaded the ship and  

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I was supposed to get a couple of days with them and we had virtually no time,  I said, listen I was supposed to get a couple of days with them and we had virtually no time,  I said, listen

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Richard, well I've got to get going and he said, oh well, you know, get ashore and   Richard, well I've got to get going and he said, oh well, you know, get ashore and  

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do what you can. So, um, I, I went ashore and I, they had all  do what you can. So, um, I, I went ashore and I, they had all 

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this and we had about this and we had about

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oh, 700 drums or something or other, on the ship, of ATK that was going to  oh, 700 drums or something or other, on the ship, of ATK that was going to 

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be taken into um, Mount Creswell, that was where the PC be taken into um, Mount Creswell, that was where the PC

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Mega, that, which was the German Australian expedition was going to be based from Mega, that, which was the German Australian expedition was going to be based from

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the following year and so I said to him, look forget about unloading it, they want to know, the following year and so I said to him, look forget about unloading it, they want to know,

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they were going to dump it all at the station then they had to  they were going to dump it all at the station then they had to 

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cart it from the station all the way up to Guam, and load it on the sledges. Look, forget cart it from the station all the way up to Guam, and load it on the sledges. Look, forget

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about that. We'll just take all the sledges up to Guam. You've got 3 helicopters on about that. We'll just take all the sledges up to Guam. You've got 3 helicopters on

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board just fly it straight off the deck of the ship straight up to Guam and unload and board just fly it straight off the deck of the ship straight up to Guam and unload and

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you can get you can get

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a circuit of um, helicopters going and we can unload all the fuel and dump it straight on a circuit of um, helicopters going and we can unload all the fuel and dump it straight on

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the deck of the sledges up there, we'll have  the deck of the sledges up there, we'll have 

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a group of blokes up there and they did. And they dropped it right on the, we got, towed all  a group of blokes up there and they did. And they dropped it right on the, we got, towed all 

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the sledges up there, lined them all up, and this is the ?inaudible? and we put, as they came in  the sledges up there, lined them all up, and this is the ?inaudible? and we put, as they came in 

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they, they, there was virtually 2 helicopters in the sky all the time, you know, just going  they, they, there was virtually 2 helicopters in the sky all the time, you know, just going 

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backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards and they had the blokes on  the back deck of the boat backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards and they had the blokes on  the back deck of the boat

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rolling the drums out and they did them in 3s. Put the hooks on, pick 'em up and bang, rolling the drums out and they did them in 3s. Put the hooks on, pick 'em up and bang,

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zzzz and you're up there in a couple zzzz and you're up there in a couple

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of minutes and straight down onto the deck and they'd stand them up, of minutes and straight down onto the deck and they'd stand them up,

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line them all up, 60 drums down, throw your sheets of your plywood up on the top line them all up, 60 drums down, throw your sheets of your plywood up on the top

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and the next 60 drums on the top then we'd tie them all down. Righto, next sledge and away we  and the next 60 drums on the top then we'd tie them all down. Righto, next sledge and away we 

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went. We got them all went. We got them all

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lined up and we just worked for, oh, we were going sort of 24 hours we just lined up and we just worked for, oh, we were going sort of 24 hours we just

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didn't stop and we had all the sledges loaded and we got the tractors up there we had, we didn't stop and we had all the sledges loaded and we got the tractors up there we had, we

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put the um, we had a living van, put the um, we had a living van,

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a couple of living vans and a gen van and we got the tractors up there, I showed them a couple of living vans and a gen van and we got the tractors up there, I showed them

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how to hook up all the lines, all the tow lines and we did all that stuff. And I said how to hook up all the lines, all the tow lines and we did all that stuff. And I said

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look let's go, let's go now. And it was look let's go, let's go now. And it was

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about sort of 12 o'clock in the afternoon we got, we sort of about sort of 12 o'clock in the afternoon we got, we sort of

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walked right through. And we just took off and we drove all the way up the David Range and we got through walked right through. And we just took off and we drove all the way up the David Range and we got through

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Hordens Gap. We didn't get through Hordens Gap we, the lights were working on Hordens Gap. We didn't get through Hordens Gap we, the lights were working on

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some tractors and it was in the pitch black in the dark room and it was about  some tractors and it was in the pitch black in the dark room and it was about 

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2 o'clock in the morning and the radio stopped working, that's right, the radio stopped and I  2 o'clock in the morning and the radio stopped working, that's right, the radio stopped and I 

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said to Jim, look, I'll go in front and try and follow me where I'm going as said to Jim, look, I'll go in front and try and follow me where I'm going as

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it's gonna be hard because there's it's gonna be hard because there's

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a lot of cre-, a lot of crevasses up here. Just try and follow me. So I was going through a lot of cre-, a lot of crevasses up here. Just try and follow me. So I was going through

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the Hordens Gap, watching the things and I was watching Mount Coates and where we were and I was trying to keep  the Hordens Gap, watching the things and I was watching Mount Coates and where we were and I was trying to keep 

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out in the middle and there was, pretty, the markers out there were just out in the middle and there was, pretty, the markers out there were just

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about non-existent, but I had about non-existent, but I had

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a rough idea where I was so, and I was sort of bang, you know you feel the tractor a rough idea where I was so, and I was sort of bang, you know you feel the tractor

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go down and you keep it going and then you look behind you because the last thing go down and you keep it going and then you look behind you because the last thing

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you want to do is have a sledge go in and tip you want to do is have a sledge go in and tip

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over and all those drums and they all go down the holes and you've lost over and all those drums and they all go down the holes and you've lost

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all your fuel you're payloads all gone and getting them out of there would have been all your fuel you're payloads all gone and getting them out of there would have been

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a pain. Anyway, I got my tractor train through, but Jim didn't. And he  a pain. Anyway, I got my tractor train through, but Jim didn't. And he 

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dropped his tractor in dropped his tractor in

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a big hole and I just watched the headlights facing up in the sky and thought oh  a big hole and I just watched the headlights facing up in the sky and thought oh 

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god. Anyway, I stopped my tractor. I walked back god. Anyway, I stopped my tractor. I walked back

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along and walked back in through the slots and got back to him and I said, look we're all along and walked back in through the slots and got back to him and I said, look we're all

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pretty tired and I was, I, I think on my, my caravan, my  pretty tired and I was, I, I think on my, my caravan, my 

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tractor train had the living van. So all the other guys ah, I said look just tractor train had the living van. So all the other guys ah, I said look just

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let's stop everything now and let's wait till daylight, just come back to the van have let's stop everything now and let's wait till daylight, just come back to the van have

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something quick to eat, get something quick to eat, get

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a few hours sleep and we'll get out in the morning in the daylight and we can see where a few hours sleep and we'll get out in the morning in the daylight and we can see where

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we're going then. I said, this is ludicrous but I was just trying to make as much ground we're going then. I said, this is ludicrous but I was just trying to make as much ground

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as I could. And ah, so we did that, We had as I could. And ah, so we did that, We had

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a bang. Had about 2 hours sleep, 2 and a half hours sleep. Got up in daylight and a bang. Had about 2 hours sleep, 2 and a half hours sleep. Got up in daylight and

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I'd unhooked my tractor, drove it back through the slots hooked it onto Jim's towed him out I'd unhooked my tractor, drove it back through the slots hooked it onto Jim's towed him out

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and we broke up the tractor train and got all of the, the sledges all the way through and we broke up the tractor train and got all of the, the sledges all the way through

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the rough stuff. Hooked it all up again and we started off again. And we'd gone right   the rough stuff. Hooked it all up again and we started off again. And we'd gone right  

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through Hordens Gap, out to where you turn left and then from there on through Hordens Gap, out to where you turn left and then from there on

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you can see, virtually see, Twintops in the dis-, just see the peaks of Twintops you can see, virtually see, Twintops in the dis-, just see the peaks of Twintops

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in the distance and you get up beside Mount Horden and then in the distance and you get up beside Mount Horden and then

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a big sort of, sort of a funny looking sort of a valley and then up over a skyline and then there it is a big sort of, sort of a funny looking sort of a valley and then up over a skyline and then there it is

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right in front of you Mount Twintop. And we got to about, it was right in front of you Mount Twintop. And we got to about, it was

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about, at that time it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and all of a sudden, we were driving along and about, at that time it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and all of a sudden, we were driving along and

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all of a sudden, helicopters land beside, just land on the snow beside us.  all of a sudden, helicopters land beside, just land on the snow beside us. 

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And they said, the ship's left Dave, get in. [laughs] We're leaving. You're leaving. And they had another   And they said, the ship's left Dave, get in. [laughs] We're leaving. You're leaving. And they had another  

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guy from, they picked up a guy from the station guy from, they picked up a guy from the station

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to take my place. And so I just bundled out, picked my bag up. I said, there's  to take my place. And so I just bundled out, picked my bag up. I said, there's 

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Twintops because they were trying to get to there, I was hoping to get there with them Twintops because they were trying to get to there, I was hoping to get there with them

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and show them how to  and show them how to 

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park on, on the blue ice. I said you're about 20 miles away, so look, just keep going park on, on the blue ice. I said you're about 20 miles away, so look, just keep going

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it- it's fairly well marked out there from here on, you might, but just keep on heading for the mountain it- it's fairly well marked out there from here on, you might, but just keep on heading for the mountain

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and you can't really go wrong. So, they, they headed off and I jumped in the and you can't really go wrong. So, they, they headed off and I jumped in the

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chopper and flew back to the ship which was by that stage out at sea and um, and I just went home chopper and flew back to the ship which was by that stage out at sea and um, and I just went home

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but I came back the following, next October I think it was but I came back the following, next October I think it was

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October. I went on the, I came down with Trevor Taylor and a couple of other  October. I went on the, I came down with Trevor Taylor and a couple of other 

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guys and we went from Cape Town on the Kapitan Khlebnikov. We  guys and we went from Cape Town on the Kapitan Khlebnikov. We 

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flew across to Cape Town spent flew across to Cape Town spent

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a couple of days there. Got in the Khlebnikov came down and we got to about 40 miles out of a couple of days there. Got in the Khlebnikov came down and we got to about 40 miles out of

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Mawson.  Was it October, no, it might have been September. It was. It was pretty early in the season .  Mawson.  Was it October, no, it might have been September. It was. It was pretty early in the season . 

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And they, then they, they flew us into Mawson and then we spent And they, then they, they flew us into Mawson and then we spent

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about 2 weeks preparing all the, we rebuilt the little gen van, the gen set and the gen van about 2 weeks preparing all the, we rebuilt the little gen van, the gen set and the gen van

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got all the food in got all the gear ready and then we headed off to where got all the food in got all the gear ready and then we headed off to where

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they'd dumped, they'd depoted all that fuel. Ah, they came, they got to Twintops that,  they'd dumped, they'd depoted all that fuel. Ah, they came, they got to Twintops that, 

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after I left them, the previous summer. They came back to Mawson and they went out after I left them, the previous summer. They came back to Mawson and they went out

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again in the, in the autumn about 2 months later I think it would've been. Picked up again in the, in the autumn about 2 months later I think it would've been. Picked up

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the sledges again and went further inland and dropped them again and then the sledges again and went further inland and dropped them again and then

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came all the way back to Mawson. So when we went inland came all the way back to Mawson. So when we went inland

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there in, in September October, ah, we went all the way into this place and the sledges were buried.  there in, in September October, ah, we went all the way into this place and the sledges were buried. 

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And all we found was the canes sticking out of the snow. So we d- we spent days, And all we found was the canes sticking out of the snow. So we d- we spent days,

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days, days,  days, days, 

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?inaudible? all them out. And, um, hooked them all up and then we started heading inland to Mount Cresswell ?inaudible? all them out. And, um, hooked them all up and then we started heading inland to Mount Cresswell

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which was which was

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about, oh, I don't know, 500, 600 kilometres away, inland, it was a fair- fairly long traverse. You know about, oh, I don't know, 500, 600 kilometres away, inland, it was a fair- fairly long traverse. You know

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Neil Young he just ret-, I think he just retired. He was down at the uni here. We went  in Neil Young he just ret-, I think he just retired. He was down at the uni here. We went  in

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?inaudible? Neil Young there and he's got all this satellite imagery of, of, and you ?inaudible? Neil Young there and he's got all this satellite imagery of, of, and you

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can, I think it's Ja-, I think it's can, I think it's Ja-, I think it's

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a Japanese satellite anyway you can, you can pick an area a Japanese satellite anyway you can, you can pick an area

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a lot of coordinates and they'll give you where the satellite passes over a lot of coordinates and they'll give you where the satellite passes over

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they'll take all the photographs of the land and this is they'll take all the photographs of the land and this is

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a ground penetrating sort of ah, imagery and it'll tell you where there's soft a ground penetrating sort of ah, imagery and it'll tell you where there's soft

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whether there's whether there's

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a soft or hard surfaces and one's sort of blue and one's something else.  I've just forgotten a soft or hard surfaces and one's sort of blue and one's something else.  I've just forgotten

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how it was but anyway. He, he put all these maps up on this big screen those big screens. how it was but anyway. He, he put all these maps up on this big screen those big screens.

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And he put these ah, and what you do you sort of, you, you go along with the mouse and you And he put these ah, and what you do you sort of, you, you go along with the mouse and you

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sort of just go click and where you where you click it will give you a coordinate sort of just go click and where you where you click it will give you a coordinate

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lat and long coordinate and then you go a bit further and you go, click, click and he, he made  lat and long coordinate and then you go a bit further and you go, click, click and he, he made 

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a winding in and out of what he thought was hard and soft areas a winding in and out of what he thought was hard and soft areas

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he made up he made up

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a route for us to get into Mount Creswell. Because no one had ever been there before this a route for us to get into Mount Creswell. Because no one had ever been there before this

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way. They went there in 1970, 71, 72, 73 way. They went there in 1970, 71, 72, 73

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but that route was way over to the east of where we went. We went to the west, we but that route was way over to the east of where we went. We went to the west, we

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had to go inland and turn off had to go inland and turn off

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at a place called Turners turn off. Go west about 100 ks or something and then pick up at a place called Turners turn off. Go west about 100 ks or something and then pick up

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a lot of old snow poles that Ian Allison wanted us to remeasure. No one had been a lot of old snow poles that Ian Allison wanted us to remeasure. No one had been

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there for years and he wanted us to remeasure and see how far they'd moved and what there for years and he wanted us to remeasure and see how far they'd moved and what

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the accumulation was there and they were big snow poles and he gave us a   the accumulation was there and they were big snow poles and he gave us a  

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special thing to clamp onto the poles and to, to measure, measure from these special thing to clamp onto the poles and to, to measure, measure from these

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known marks that they had on the poles and we did all that and because we didn't want known marks that they had on the poles and we did all that and because we didn't want

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to go all the way back out to the old route we stayed there and he navigated us from  to go all the way back out to the old route we stayed there and he navigated us from 

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there to Mount Creswell. And, and this route that he, he printed it all out gave us some copies  there to Mount Creswell. And, and this route that he, he printed it all out gave us some copies 

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and we put laminated and we had it in our tractors and away we went. And we  started off and we and we put laminated and we had it in our tractors and away we went. And we  started off and we

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started seeing all the slots and we thought we shouldn't be here and so we got on the started seeing all the slots and we thought we shouldn't be here and so we got on the

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satellite telephone and ring him up and say, ay, just have satellite telephone and ring him up and say, ay, just have

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a look at that area that we went again. And he said oh yeah, I know what I've done. The areas a look at that area that we went again. And he said oh yeah, I know what I've done. The areas

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that were supposed to be soft were hard and the other, it was the wrong way round. [laughs] that were supposed to be soft were hard and the other, it was the wrong way round. [laughs]

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Oh, thanks pal, that's really good. [laughs] so anyway, we had to change all the route Oh, thanks pal, that's really good. [laughs] so anyway, we had to change all the route

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to do it and actually the doctor at Mawson, ah, he was an American guy, oh, um, what was his,  to do it and actually the doctor at Mawson, ah, he was an American guy, oh, um, what was his, 

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he's gone back to the states now, um, you'll know this bloke if you ever heard his name, he's gone back to the states now, um, you'll know this bloke if you ever heard his name,

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um ah, I can't think of anyway, he, he took it upon um ah, I can't think of anyway, he, he took it upon

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himself he thought he was a pretty good navigator and he took it upon himself to, to himself he thought he was a pretty good navigator and he took it upon himself to, to

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make all these make all these

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special maps and that for us that we could carry in the cab as well and all the special maps and that for us that we could carry in the cab as well and all the

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stuff that he made, but it was all wrong because we, we, they gave us the wrong [laughs] we had  stuff that he made, but it was all wrong because we, we, they gave us the wrong [laughs] we had 

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instead of zig zag, we had to zag zig, sort of thing, [laughs] you know, to go, to go onto the   instead of zig zag, we had to zag zig, sort of thing, [laughs] you know, to go, to go onto the  

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other areas and um, but we got there in the end and it wasn't too other areas and um, but we got there in the end and it wasn't too

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bad, and we didn't, we didn't see any crevassing at all after that you know, so it was bad, and we didn't, we didn't see any crevassing at all after that you know, so it was

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pretty good safe journey till we got up to Cresswell and that's when the slots pretty good safe journey till we got up to Cresswell and that's when the slots

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were at Cresswell, god there was some were at Cresswell, god there was some

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massive things out there.  And we couldn't even get into Creswell. Creswell is a low sort of  massive things out there.  And we couldn't even get into Creswell. Creswell is a low sort of 

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a low sort of a mountain range, only  a low sort of a mountain range, only 

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very small compared to the rest of the, the Southern Prince Charles Mountains is just,  very small compared to the rest of the, the Southern Prince Charles Mountains is just, 

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just absolutely awesome and if you ever see it, have you ever been out there at all? You know, if you see it from the just absolutely awesome and if you ever see it, have you ever been out there at all? You know, if you see it from the

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air or you know like I did a  air or you know like I did a 

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lot of flights in there in, in the Twin Otter and helicopters lot of flights in there in, in the Twin Otter and helicopters

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all over the place and to the Mawson escarpment where the Germans had, um they set up all over the place and to the Mawson escarpment where the Germans had, um they set up

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all these camps in, along the glaciers, right along the Mawson escarpment and it's  just all these camps in, along the glaciers, right along the Mawson escarpment and it's  just

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a fantastic place and we flew, in the 1st few weeks we were there the Twin Otter  a fantastic place and we flew, in the 1st few weeks we were there the Twin Otter 

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flew in from Davis. And all, we had 700 drums of fuel there and we unloaded them all and flew in from Davis. And all, we had 700 drums of fuel there and we unloaded them all and

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we used to chuck these drums 6 or 7 or something in the back of this Twin Otter every- we used to chuck these drums 6 or 7 or something in the back of this Twin Otter every-

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we'd go and then we'd take off because we made a big airstrip there with the we'd go and then we'd take off because we made a big airstrip there with the

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2 D7s. We just put 'em side  2 D7s. We just put 'em side 

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by side and just dozed this big airstrip for the Twin Otter to land. Ah,  by side and just dozed this big airstrip for the Twin Otter to land. Ah, 

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helicopters came out too and brought all the boffins out and everybody, all  the geologists, helicopters came out too and brought all the boffins out and everybody, all  the geologists,

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everybody who was going to do the work and we set up all the big tents, everybody who was going to do the work and we set up all the big tents,

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We had a big We had a big

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mess. Ah, what were those things called, they were New Zealand, they were New Zealand, yes they were special, mess. Ah, what were those things called, they were New Zealand, they were New Zealand, yes they were special,

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?forgot the? name of them, too, gee. They were white and insulated and they had ?forgot the? name of them, too, gee. They were white and insulated and they had

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their own floor in 'em and we set up the mess in there. And they were made really cozy you know their own floor in 'em and we set up the mess in there. And they were made really cozy you know

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and we had the, we cooked in there and we cooked in the, in the, in the living van and we had the, we cooked in there and we cooked in the, in the, in the living van

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and we had and we had

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a microwave in the, in the tractor train living van and we cooked a lot of  a microwave in the, in the tractor train living van and we cooked a lot of 

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meals in there and then we carried it, we covered it over meals in there and then we carried it, we covered it over

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with aluminium and we took it into, into the main thing and served meals out. And I was one of the   with aluminium and we took it into, into the main thing and served meals out. And I was one of the  

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cooks and one of the blokes helped me. And I found this old book they're cooks and one of the blokes helped me. And I found this old book they're

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called the Central Cookery book which I don't know if you've heard it all it's, it's called the Central Cookery book which I don't know if you've heard it all it's, it's

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a Tasmanian thing and it's ah, it's made for one of the, one of the a Tasmanian thing and it's ah, it's made for one of the, one of the

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girls' high schools or something around, I don't know some high school, it become girls' high schools or something around, I don't know some high school, it become

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a part of the curriculum anyway, for many many years, you can still buy it in  a part of the curriculum anyway, for many many years, you can still buy it in 

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town. Um, and, I, I hadn't done much cooking before and I found this old central cookery book and I said, oh this is easy town. Um, and, I, I hadn't done much cooking before and I found this old central cookery book and I said, oh this is easy

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you know you know

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so I start [laughs]to make all this stuff. And we didn't have much gear but I, we sent this, so I start [laughs]to make all this stuff. And we didn't have much gear but I, we sent this,

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I rang up the blokes at Davis and ah, Rob, Rob Clifton was actually the I rang up the blokes at Davis and ah, Rob, Rob Clifton was actually the

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field leader of that PC Mega and ah, he, he brought out   field leader of that PC Mega and ah, he, he brought out  

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some, you know ah, some in- instruments, not instruments some  some, you know ah, some in- instruments, not instruments some 

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from the chef gave us, out of Davis  from the chef gave us, out of Davis 

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so we could cook things you know, cake tins and all sorts of things so we could cook things you know, cake tins and all sorts of things

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and I made loaves. And oh, I had a great time, it was, actually when I came back from there  and I made loaves. And oh, I had a great time, it was, actually when I came back from there 

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I went to, I started to go I went to, I started to go

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to cookery lessons up there in Elizabeth College. And ah, went to Drysdale, did some stuff, breadmaking  to cookery lessons up there in Elizabeth College. And ah, went to Drysdale, did some stuff, breadmaking 

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and all sorts of things oh, I got right into it over  and all sorts of things oh, I got right into it over 

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a few years but it was good fun. [Ingrid] So you basically took a few years but it was good fun. [Ingrid] So you basically took

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the tractors out for the PCM Mega jolly, then you worked as the chef or the cook [Dave] That's right for the whole summer [Ingrid] Whole summerand then you took the tractors  the tractors out for the PCM Mega jolly, then you worked as the chef or the cook [Dave] That's right for the whole summer [Ingrid] Whole summerand then you took the tractors 

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Well I didn't because they wanted me to fl-, I was going to, I wanted to, I stayed there for  Well I didn't because they wanted me to fl-, I was going to, I wanted to, I stayed there for 

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whole summer and then the boat arrived back whole summer and then the boat arrived back

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at Mawson, so they said we want you back here to drive the barge again to unload the  at Mawson, so they said we want you back here to drive the barge again to unload the 

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ship. This is Richard Mulligan, I think he was on the boat again. So they flew me ship. This is Richard Mulligan, I think he was on the boat again. So they flew me

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back in the Twin Otter which was coming back to Mawson anyway and um, on the way back back in the Twin Otter which was coming back to Mawson anyway and um, on the way back

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we had a look for the weasel, you know the weasel I was looking for out    we had a look for the weasel, you know the weasel I was looking for out   

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that Dovers' weasel, we had a look for that with, with the magnetometer  that Dovers' weasel, we had a look for that with, with the magnetometer 

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underneath the bird, underneath the plane. But we didn't have enough fuel to sort of underneath the bird, underneath the plane. But we didn't have enough fuel to sort of

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hang aroung and because we were towing hang aroung and because we were towing

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a bird on a wire, underneath an aeroplane you can only fly a bird on a wire, underneath an aeroplane you can only fly

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a certain height you're not allowed to fly down low to the ground and [Ingrid] What's a bird? [Dave] The bird is the,    a certain height you're not allowed to fly down low to the ground and [Ingrid] What's a bird? [Dave] The bird is the,   

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is the cesium head magnetometer which hangs underneath the aeroplane. It's like a torpedo is the cesium head magnetometer which hangs underneath the aeroplane. It's like a torpedo

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and they hang it on, on a wire. And it's, it's the, the um receiving like and they hang it on, on a wire. And it's, it's the, the um receiving like

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it sends out this signal down to, shoots a it sends out this signal down to, shoots a

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signal down into the ice and it bounces back and then it's recorded on equipment that signal down into the ice and it bounces back and then it's recorded on equipment that

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travels up through the wire back up to the plane and they can, they can read depth of  travels up through the wire back up to the plane and they can, they can read depth of 

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ice and all sorts of stuff underneath the ice. And the Germans had this fantastic ice and all sorts of stuff underneath the ice. And the Germans had this fantastic

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array of gear inside, the back of this aeroplane was crammed full of all their gear because they array of gear inside, the back of this aeroplane was crammed full of all their gear because they

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used to go out, part of the, the main part of their thing was to do the high altitude  used to go out, part of the, the main part of their thing was to do the high altitude 

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ah, passes. They'd have all these passes they'd go out, oh, miles and miles from where the camp ah, passes. They'd have all these passes they'd go out, oh, miles and miles from where the camp

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was and they'd fly up and down, all night, up and down up, covering all this area was and they'd fly up and down, all night, up and down up, covering all this area

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reading what was underneath the ice. Um, and then they'd wind the bird in reading what was underneath the ice. Um, and then they'd wind the bird in

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and then come back and land and they'd get back at all and then come back and land and they'd get back at all

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hours of the morning sort of thing. They'd sleep, then they'd go out again and we hours of the morning sort of thing. They'd sleep, then they'd go out again and we

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had had

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to try and, it was pretty hard to fit in, we adjusted at clocks to fit in  to try and, it was pretty hard to fit in, we adjusted at clocks to fit in 

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with them for meal times and all sorts of stuff and all the other guys were with them for meal times and all sorts of stuff and all the other guys were

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out in tents living all along and they were being supported by helicopters and they out in tents living all along and they were being supported by helicopters and they

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were just living in tents and living on rat packs. And we had all these plastic boxes ah, which, which were just living in tents and living on rat packs. And we had all these plastic boxes ah, which, which

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we carted out there. I think we had we carted out there. I think we had

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about a 100, 300 or, I think it was 300 of these plastic fish about a 100, 300 or, I think it was 300 of these plastic fish

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boxes full of all these ah, food and stuff and look that went down the year before and boxes full of all these ah, food and stuff and look that went down the year before and

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we, it was in a 20 foot container it was jam packed full of them and we towed that out in the we, it was in a 20 foot container it was jam packed full of them and we towed that out in the

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field and because it was all, you know packet stuff and when, it was funny field and because it was all, you know packet stuff and when, it was funny

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because when the Germans got out in the field and I they started undoing these rat because when the Germans got out in the field and I they started undoing these rat

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packs and looki- at them, they were full of cake mix and all sorts of stuff that  was totally useless to them packs and looki- at them, they were full of cake mix and all sorts of stuff that  was totally useless to them

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you know [laughs] And they said, how are we going to eat this stuff, just ridiculous and it looked like as if you know [laughs] And they said, how are we going to eat this stuff, just ridiculous and it looked like as if

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the providore or the providore or

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whoever it was who supplied it, I don't know whether they were given a guide, they must have been  whoever it was who supplied it, I don't know whether they were given a guide, they must have been 

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given some sort of a guide but they put all this useless stuff in, you needed given some sort of a guide but they put all this useless stuff in, you needed

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a kitchen, a kitchen,

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a full kitchen with milk and eggs and stuff that you didn't have in the field to a full kitchen with milk and eggs and stuff that you didn't have in the field to

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cook all this stuff, you know and it was just absolutely ludicrous and back at the cook all this stuff, you know and it was just absolutely ludicrous and back at the

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camp we had a go at cooking some of them, we made some of the cakes, but  camp we had a go at cooking some of them, we made some of the cakes, but 

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a lot of it was just rubbish, you know. It was packed up and brought back and   a lot of it was just rubbish, you know. It was packed up and brought back and  

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actually do you remember the fire at Biscoe, in, at Mawson, back of the station the year after the actually do you remember the fire at Biscoe, in, at Mawson, back of the station the year after the

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Mega? [Ingrid] So, 2003, 2004. [Dave] Yeah, 4, that's when they had the fire in Biscoe and one of the heaters Mega? [Ingrid] So, 2003, 2004. [Dave] Yeah, 4, that's when they had the fire in Biscoe and one of the heaters

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on the wall caught fire or something or other. That place was stacked with, with old, with on the wall caught fire or something or other. That place was stacked with, with old, with

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those rat packs in those pa-, boxes and all those rat packs in those pa-, boxes and all

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a lot of the other gear from PC, a lot of the other gear from PC,

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left over from the PC Mega.  And um, of course the place, everything inside was all smoke  left over from the PC Mega.  And um, of course the place, everything inside was all smoke 

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damaged and whatev-, and they brought all of that stuff home and a couple of years later they were unp- damaged and whatev-, and they brought all of that stuff home and a couple of years later they were unp-

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I remember there was a, oh, what's her name, ah she was a  I remember there was a, oh, what's her name, ah she was a 

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a Canadian, a Canadian FTO she was with the Division, probably know her  a Canadian, a Canadian FTO she was with the Division, probably know her 

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?inaudible? my brain's going. Anyway, she, they got all these rat packs and they said ?inaudible? my brain's going. Anyway, she, they got all these rat packs and they said

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anybody who wants to come and take what you like, you know, all these um, they had freeze dried  anybody who wants to come and take what you like, you know, all these um, they had freeze dried 

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food in there as well and a lot of that food in there as well and a lot of that

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a lot of the stuff, you just, it was so badly fire damaged and smoke damaged just  a lot of the stuff, you just, it was so badly fire damaged and smoke damaged just 

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threw it in the rubbish bin you know, just threw it all away. But a lot of it was um, was threw it in the rubbish bin you know, just threw it all away. But a lot of it was um, was

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worthwhile keeping just to go bushwalking. She said we're only going to throw it in the rubbish so if you worthwhile keeping just to go bushwalking. She said we're only going to throw it in the rubbish so if you

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want to come and take it. Well all the blokes in the workshop went in there and they scrounged  want to come and take it. Well all the blokes in the workshop went in there and they scrounged 

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through it and some blokes took half a dozen packets and some blokes through it and some blokes took half a dozen packets and some blokes

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took this and that. There was, there was even old chocolate there, but I mean, I didn't, took this and that. There was, there was even old chocolate there, but I mean, I didn't,

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I wasn't worried about smoke, smoke damaged chocolate, [laughs] it was pretty terrible you know  I wasn't worried about smoke, smoke damaged chocolate, [laughs] it was pretty terrible you know 

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threw most of that stuff away, but yeah, that was the last of the PC Mega  threw most of that stuff away, but yeah, that was the last of the PC Mega 

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food that went up in that, in the fire you know, so, yeah. [Ingrid] So, what was your most memorable food that went up in that, in the fire you know, so, yeah. [Ingrid] So, what was your most memorable

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traverse out of Mawson? [Dave] Ah, most memorable [Ingrid] Or interesting? [Dave] Ah, probably the one into  traverse out of Mawson? [Dave] Ah, most memorable [Ingrid] Or interesting? [Dave] Ah, probably the one into 

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to the, to the,

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I mean that wasn't bad going into the Southern PCMs, it was just great to see the I mean that wasn't bad going into the Southern PCMs, it was just great to see the

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mountains, you, you, come, they just come out up on the horizon and there they are, there's just mountains  mountains, you, you, come, they just come out up on the horizon and there they are, there's just mountains 

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just everywhere. It is just so huge, it's just hard to comprehend and when you get an just everywhere. It is just so huge, it's just hard to comprehend and when you get an

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aeroplane as I aeroplane as I

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say and fly out there and dump all, we used to, flew out into the field and dump all the, the fuel dumps up say and fly out there and dump all, we used to, flew out into the field and dump all the, the fuel dumps up

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these glaciers, these, these couple of blokes, these glaciers, these, these couple of blokes,

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a couple of pilots in this, who worked for ah, this Canadian mob, what were they called, a couple of pilots in this, who worked for ah, this Canadian mob, what were they called,

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Don, ah, no, no, DM, no, forgotten their name now, um, they just they're  Don, ah, no, no, DM, no, forgotten their name now, um, they just they're 

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really good bush aeroplanes these things and not like the CASAs we've got  really good bush aeroplanes these things and not like the CASAs we've got 

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gotta have a perfect run to land otherwise they fall to bits  gotta have a perfect run to land otherwise they fall to bits 

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these things, you just you fly up a glacier, and look at it and say oh yeah there's these things, you just you fly up a glacier, and look at it and say oh yeah there's

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a slot there, there's a slot there, OK, you go [makes aeroplane noise] and you come round again [makes aeroplane noise] and just put it down a slot there, there's a slot there, OK, you go [makes aeroplane noise] and you come round again [makes aeroplane noise] and just put it down

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and he'd just keep it ticking over and righto Dave, check out the drums and he'd just keep it ticking over and righto Dave, check out the drums

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and you'd open the back door and just kick all the drums out on, on the snow and then he'd just and you'd open the back door and just kick all the drums out on, on the snow and then he'd just

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taxi round and he, he'd be off between here and the front gate I mean it was just [makes aeroplane noise] because, because taxi round and he, he'd be off between here and the front gate I mean it was just [makes aeroplane noise] because, because

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you know the short take off and landing type aeroplanes and um you know the short take off and landing type aeroplanes and um

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and he'd be all the way back to, to the camp again fill it up again, come back again, drop the next load  and he'd be all the way back to, to the camp again fill it up again, come back again, drop the next load 

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and the next load they'd drop up, they'd go to the next glacier up there. No airfields and the next load they'd drop up, they'd go to the next glacier up there. No airfields

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there was no prepared nothing it was just out of the blue you know you'd just fly over and there was no prepared nothing it was just out of the blue you know you'd just fly over and

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look at it and say yes we can get down there, no we can't, whatever and away you go you know they look at it and say yes we can get down there, no we can't, whatever and away you go you know they

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were great pilots and great aeroplanes really and perfect for that sort of for were great pilots and great aeroplanes really and perfect for that sort of for

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that sort of country. But that, I mean that was great seeing that on that that sort of country. But that, I mean that was great seeing that on that

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trip but probably the most, ah, was the one in 88, early 88 going out to the North trip but probably the most, ah, was the one in 88, early 88 going out to the North

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Prince Charles Mountains when we went into, again we got to, we got past Prince Charles Mountains when we went into, again we got to, we got past

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Peak 7 and then ah, there was um, Mack-, Mount, wasn't Mount Macklin, the ANARE  Peak 7 and then ah, there was um, Mack-, Mount, wasn't Mount Macklin, the ANARE 

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Nunataks Nunataks

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I think they were called and we got to the top of there and we climbed up there in the morning I think they were called and we got to the top of there and we climbed up there in the morning

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I remember the morning we climbed up there and with the sun just came up and there they were I remember the morning we climbed up there and with the sun just came up and there they were

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all these mountains, all the Northern Prince Charles Mountains without any horizon we said all these mountains, all the Northern Prince Charles Mountains without any horizon we said

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wow look at that. That was wow look at that. That was

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a sight to behold, it really was. And then we started, we headed off over here towards ah, um, Mount Macey a sight to behold, it really was. And then we started, we headed off over here towards ah, um, Mount Macey

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ah which is why we had ah which is why we had

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to right across here to Mount Macey then back into the bottom because all the main mountain range    to right across here to Mount Macey then back into the bottom because all the main mountain range   

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was sort of over there, Bechervaise and all was sort of over there, Bechervaise and all

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those peaks and we went into near the, the Scylla and Charybdis glacier  those peaks and we went into near the, the Scylla and Charybdis glacier 

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Mount Jacklyn was the place we were heading for and we set up on the, where the, the Mount Jacklyn was the place we were heading for and we set up on the, where the, the

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the moraine line ran out from the end of the ah, ran on to the Chary-, I think it was the  the moraine line ran out from the end of the ah, ran on to the Chary-, I think it was the 

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Charybdis glacier from Mount  Charybdis glacier from Mount 

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Jacklyn ah, just back in there, in, that's where Dovers was set up. It was out on Jacklyn ah, just back in there, in, that's where Dovers was set up. It was out on

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the ice here that we found the 250 mile depot and that's where they, they,  the ice here that we found the 250 mile depot and that's where they, they, 

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Doug Leckie flew there in a Beaver, I think it was Doug Leckie flew there in a Beaver, I think it was

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a Beaver, in ah, in 1960, 1959, 60 it was and he dumped on the, on the ice there a Beaver, in ah, in 1960, 1959, 60 it was and he dumped on the, on the ice there

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he dumped a Weasel trac, um, some bogies, axles  he dumped a Weasel trac, um, some bogies, axles 

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they're the, they're the, the um bogie wheels the trac-, that run on the tracks, underneath on they're the, they're the, the um bogie wheels the trac-, that run on the tracks, underneath on

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the track suspension and they got the track suspension and they got

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a spring across the [Ingrid] For the Weasels? [Dave] For the Weasels, all weasel stuff. There was bogies, a spring across the [Ingrid] For the Weasels? [Dave] For the Weasels, all weasel stuff. There was bogies,

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there was a, a whole pile of rope, there was there was a, a whole pile of rope, there was

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a box of, full of all, everything from rolls of paper towels to a box of, full of all, everything from rolls of paper towels to

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a bit of food in there and some clothing and there was a bit of food in there and some clothing and there was

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even some windproofs and stuff with Doug Leckie's name tag on the back of them you even some windproofs and stuff with Doug Leckie's name tag on the back of them you

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know that was still left there [Ingrid] It was still all there at the 250 mile depot? [Dave] 250 mile depot and there was a know that was still left there [Ingrid] It was still all there at the 250 mile depot? [Dave] 250 mile depot and there was a

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bit of bit of

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a debris field sort of past there were bits and pieces had blown and we followed, a debris field sort of past there were bits and pieces had blown and we followed,

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we walked down, we drove down the Hagglund actually, down the ice, down, down the glacier we walked down, we drove down the Hagglund actually, down the ice, down, down the glacier

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and picked up bits and places and way down there was and picked up bits and places and way down there was

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a, a dog sledge runner because that depot was put there to support Syd Kirkby a, a dog sledge runner because that depot was put there to support Syd Kirkby

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and the station leader, Bill Bewsher. Now there was Syd Kirkby and the station leader, Bill Bewsher. Now there was Syd Kirkby

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and Bill Bewsher ah, they, and the other bloke was Lin, Lin Gardner I think, he was and Bill Bewsher ah, they, and the other bloke was Lin, Lin Gardner I think, he was

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a diesel mechanic and he stayed with the Weasels there, at the depot site  a diesel mechanic and he stayed with the Weasels there, at the depot site 

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because they couldn't go any further 'cos they couldn't cross the, the Charybdis glacier was just because they couldn't go any further 'cos they couldn't cross the, the Charybdis glacier was just

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so broken up and crevassy, huge crevasses, but the dogs were there   so broken up and crevassy, huge crevasses, but the dogs were there  

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with them and so Syd and the other guy um took off and they were in the field, they were, with them and so Syd and the other guy um took off and they were in the field, they were,

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I think they were in the field for about 84 days from memory and  I think they were in the field for about 84 days from memory and 

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a long time from when they lef- left Mawson to you know, getting back sort of, you know, 84 days is a long time from when they lef- left Mawson to you know, getting back sort of, you know, 84 days is

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a whole summertime and they drove those dogs and climbed most of the peaks around the a whole summertime and they drove those dogs and climbed most of the peaks around the

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northern, they went on peaks that no one's been to. to this day, you know northern, they went on peaks that no one's been to. to this day, you know

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that no one's been back to and they, they saw areas, it must have been an incredible experience. that no one's been back to and they, they saw areas, it must have been an incredible experience.

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And they came back and then they hopped in the Weasel and drove all the way back to Mawson and they left And they came back and then they hopped in the Weasel and drove all the way back to Mawson and they left

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all that stuff on the ice and when we found it, there it was, no one had seen it since they'd left  all that stuff on the ice and when we found it, there it was, no one had seen it since they'd left 

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their, in that was in 19, in 1950-, 56, 1956. their, in that was in 19, in 1950-, 56, 1956.

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Yeah, but so that was fantastic to find that and we still got Yeah, but so that was fantastic to find that and we still got

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a lot of that stuff back at the Division. And now and what I did, I got this dog a lot of that stuff back at the Division. And now and what I did, I got this dog

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runner and, and I, Phil Barnard, the Station Leader with me at the time, he said   runner and, and I, Phil Barnard, the Station Leader with me at the time, he said  

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why don't we, why don't we cut it up and and, send a   why don't we, why don't we cut it up and and, send a  

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piece to all the blokes who were involved in those early years like from the  piece to all the blokes who were involved in those early years like from the 

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fif-, well the blokes most of them are dead from 54, so there was, there was ah, 55, 56, whatever fif-, well the blokes most of them are dead from 54, so there was, there was ah, 55, 56, whatever

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and the bl-, guys who operated out there, Syd Kirkby was one of the them anyway and Bill and the bl-, guys who operated out there, Syd Kirkby was one of the them anyway and Bill

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Bewsher was the other one. He was still alive,  Bewsher was the other one. He was still alive, 

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I think he's still alive now, I'm not sure. I heard he's got Parkinsons Disease  I think he's still alive now, I'm not sure. I heard he's got Parkinsons Disease 

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pretty bad, he might have even died. But, so I cut the runner up into sections about pretty bad, he might have even died. But, so I cut the runner up into sections about

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that long [Ingrid] About a foot and a half long [Dave] Yeah, about a foot and a half long and I made a little that long [Ingrid] About a foot and a half long [Dave] Yeah, about a foot and a half long and I made a little

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copper plate and I screwed it to it and I stamped into it 250 mile depot PC copper plate and I screwed it to it and I stamped into it 250 mile depot PC

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M, North, North Prince Charles Mountains, ah and 1988, blah, blah and then I put the name of the guy who M, North, North Prince Charles Mountains, ah and 1988, blah, blah and then I put the name of the guy who

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we're sending it to. We wrapped them all up and I, and I put little brass things to hold the, we're sending it to. We wrapped them all up and I, and I put little brass things to hold the,

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the ah, it was the the ah, it was the

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the fibreglass lining underneath this thing and I've got a the fibreglass lining underneath this thing and I've got a

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piece of it at home. I got a piece and I think Phil Barnard got a  piece of it at home. I got a piece and I think Phil Barnard got a 

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piece. There wasn't enough pieces to go round for everybody of course, but, but we cut them into these sections of piece. There wasn't enough pieces to go round for everybody of course, but, but we cut them into these sections of

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big long runner. But Syd Kirkby still got his mounted on the wall at home.  big long runner. But Syd Kirkby still got his mounted on the wall at home. 

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He said that was one of the greatest keepsakes he's ever had sent to him you know to have He said that was one of the greatest keepsakes he's ever had sent to him you know to have

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this piece of this runner from those years because that's one of the most memorable  this piece of this runner from those years because that's one of the most memorable 

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times that he was ever down there you know, like he did times that he was ever down there you know, like he did

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a lot of trips the old Syd Kir-, you know Syd Kirkby at all very well? And ah a lot of trips the old Syd Kir-, you know Syd Kirkby at all very well? And ah

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he, he, yeah. Yeah, but he was most happy to receive that in the mail for a bit of   he, he, yeah. Yeah, but he was most happy to receive that in the mail for a bit of  

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a keepsake thing and, and so I was Bill Bewsher. I went, I went and saw Bill Bewsher that following a keepsake thing and, and so I was Bill Bewsher. I went, I went and saw Bill Bewsher that following

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year. I haven't seen him since and he doesn't go to year. I haven't seen him since and he doesn't go to

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the midwinters and someone said he's pretty crook, so he, as I say, he might have passed on but  the midwinters and someone said he's pretty crook, so he, as I say, he might have passed on but 

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[Ingrid] ?inaudible? [Dave] Yeah, well the 50 mile depot was um, the 1st depot that Dovers set up  [Ingrid] ?inaudible? [Dave] Yeah, well the 50 mile depot was um, the 1st depot that Dovers set up 

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to go inland and, and, like he  to go inland and, and, like he 

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we're trying to do a bit of a reconnaissance inland so he headed off in the Weasel this was we're trying to do a bit of a reconnaissance inland so he headed off in the Weasel this was

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after all of the early stuff that happened in 54 when he, when he lost the 2 Weasels after all of the early stuff that happened in 54 when he, when he lost the 2 Weasels

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like the 1st one down at Scullin like the 1st one down at Scullin

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Monolith, the 2nd one at, burnt out at the station and the 3rd, number 3 Weasel Monolith, the 2nd one at, burnt out at the station and the 3rd, number 3 Weasel

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the one we're still looking for, it's still out there, was a  the one we're still looking for, it's still out there, was a 

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conglomeration sort of, of the bits and pieces left over off well you could say conglomeration sort of, of the bits and pieces left over off well you could say

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it was bits and pieces left over off the other 2 Weasels because before the other it was bits and pieces left over off the other 2 Weasels because before the other

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one sank. Dovers stripped off bits off number 1 Weasel which was the one sank. Dovers stripped off bits off number 1 Weasel which was the

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one he was driving and he, he kept them and put them in number 2 Weasel and then that one he was driving and he, he kept them and put them in number 2 Weasel and then that

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went back, got, finally got back to Mawson and it  went back, got, finally got back to Mawson and it 

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burnt out, but he, he kept bits and pieces off that and the burnt out framework burnt out, but he, he kept bits and pieces off that and the burnt out framework

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was what the mechanic John Russell used to build was what the mechanic John Russell used to build

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the cab on number 3 Weasel. [Ingrid] 'Cos originally it was an open Weasel it didn't have a cab [Dave] That's right. Exactly, it was an open Weasel   the cab on number 3 Weasel. [Ingrid] 'Cos originally it was an open Weasel it didn't have a cab [Dave] That's right. Exactly, it was an open Weasel  

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and John Russell used bits of plywood and perspex, and whatever he could get his hands on  and John Russell used bits of plywood and perspex, and whatever he could get his hands on 

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aluminium and whatever to make this cab with sliding doors and all sorts of things aluminium and whatever to make this cab with sliding doors and all sorts of things

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and little hatches in the roof and you know spinning glass and a plane and little hatches in the roof and you know spinning glass and a plane

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spotter window and all this ?inaudible? I've got all these pictures out of his diary spotter window and all this ?inaudible? I've got all these pictures out of his diary

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of the whole thing before he drew it. Ah, so, Dovers headed off later in the springtime to  of the whole thing before he drew it. Ah, so, Dovers headed off later in the springtime to 

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go inland and what, he headed off with the dogs and, and just only had 1 Weasel of go inland and what, he headed off with the dogs and, and just only had 1 Weasel of

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course and they got in and they broke course and they got in and they broke

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a track, one of the tracks on the Weasel broke. And the dogs weren't tethered they just a track, one of the tracks on the Weasel broke. And the dogs weren't tethered they just

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used, he just let them run along behind the Weasel, he knew they wouldn't run away because they  used, he just let them run along behind the Weasel, he knew they wouldn't run away because they 

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knew that's where the food was so they weren't going to run knew that's where the food was so they weren't going to run

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away and there's no where to go so he knew they'd just, rather then have them all tied up and drag them away and there's no where to go so he knew they'd just, rather then have them all tied up and drag them

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by the neck um, and he got to this place, they, they broke the track so and they by the neck um, and he got to this place, they, they broke the track so and they

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didn't have didn't have

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a spare track with them, so he thought, damn this, I'll go back to Mawson, so he jumped, he got, a spare track with them, so he thought, damn this, I'll go back to Mawson, so he jumped, he got,

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he hitched the dogs up to the dog sledge they were towing behind the Weasel and  he hitched the dogs up to the dog sledge they were towing behind the Weasel and 

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he drove all, he drove the dog he drove all, he drove the dog

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team all the way back to Mawson, threw a Weasel track on the dog sledge and then dog  team all the way back to Mawson, threw a Weasel track on the dog sledge and then dog 

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sledged all the way back to the Weasel, fitted the track and left the, the broken sledged all the way back to the Weasel, fitted the track and left the, the broken

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track was left there  track was left there 

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somewhere, I tried to find it. And it's around there somewhere, but we couldn't dig up the somewhere, I tried to find it. And it's around there somewhere, but we couldn't dig up the

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whole place trying to find it. Ah, but we found his depot and he stood up, he stood up whole place trying to find it. Ah, but we found his depot and he stood up, he stood up

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his crevasse bridging timber which was his crevasse bridging timber which was

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a big piece of Oregon about that thick and a big piece of Oregon about that thick and

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about that wide. [Ingrid] So a foot by a foot. [Dave] Yeah, It's really thick timber and those 2 timbers, crevasse bridging  about that wide. [Ingrid] So a foot by a foot. [Dave] Yeah, It's really thick timber and those 2 timbers, crevasse bridging 

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timbers were on top of the, on top of the barge caravans and I don't know whether you remember timbers were on top of the, on top of the barge caravans and I don't know whether you remember

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when we looked at the caravans inside that, inside that building the shed when we looked at the caravans inside that, inside that building the shed

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at work there, at out the back of the Division there was at work there, at out the back of the Division there was

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a cradle on the top of the barge caravan, like a U shaped cradle with  a cradle on the top of the barge caravan, like a U shaped cradle with 

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a bolt hole, bolt through it and these crevasse bridging timbers. Or they were, they were  a bolt hole, bolt through it and these crevasse bridging timbers. Or they were, they were 

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tide crack bridging timbers originally to get from the ship into the tide crack bridging timbers originally to get from the ship into the

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shore and if you had to cross shore and if you had to cross

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a tide crack you'd just pull the pin out, and pull these bridges off lay them across the a tide crack you'd just pull the pin out, and pull these bridges off lay them across the

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crack and then you towed your  crack and then you towed your 

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sledge across there. So, these timbers had sledge across there. So, these timbers had

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a hole in each end where the pin went through to hold them on the roof and he stood a hole in each end where the pin went through to hold them on the roof and he stood

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up, this crevasse  up, this crevasse 

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bridging timber between the um, a couple of  bridging timber between the um, a couple of 

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a petrol drums. And he stacked up beside them all a petrol drums. And he stacked up beside them all

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a whole lot of dog food, pemmican in, in boxes and some little ration packs in a whole lot of dog food, pemmican in, in boxes and some little ration packs in

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calico bags and that was all stacked up and he stood beside a what he called calico bags and that was all stacked up and he stood beside a what he called

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a ?dural?, a ?dural? which was ?duralium? tube of piping. It was like  a ?dural?, a ?dural? which was ?duralium? tube of piping. It was like 

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a cane, but it was only, they were only short lengths and he just made little short lengths of a cane, but it was only, they were only short lengths and he just made little short lengths of

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these markers and the canes they used in those days were not the 6 metre jobs we these markers and the canes they used in those days were not the 6 metre jobs we

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use big Rangoon, 6 metre  use big Rangoon, 6 metre 

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canes, you're looking at 18, 20 feet, you know a cane, a big whippy cane. He used  canes, you're looking at 18, 20 feet, you know a cane, a big whippy cane. He used 

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a smaller shorter thing probably wouldn't be any more than 10 feet long. And these a smaller shorter thing probably wouldn't be any more than 10 feet long. And these

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sort of canes were quickly buried out there as we found out 'cos I was hoping to sort of canes were quickly buried out there as we found out 'cos I was hoping to

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find some when I was looking for the Weasel but I haven't seen one yet although we  find some when I was looking for the Weasel but I haven't seen one yet although we 

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found some laying down in the ice in some odd places and I've got found some laying down in the ice in some odd places and I've got

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a few back at the Division there ah, still with the bunting of the, of the flag  a few back at the Division there ah, still with the bunting of the, of the flag 

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tied on to the top, when they're flapping in the breeze and it's all worn back and it's just tied on to the top, when they're flapping in the breeze and it's all worn back and it's just

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right down to the, to the very end of it and it's got the name of the mob in Melbourne  right down to the, to the very end of it and it's got the name of the mob in Melbourne 

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who made the flags on 'em. So this  who made the flags on 'em. So this 

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depot was left there and he continued on and he went all the way, depot was left there and he continued on and he went all the way,

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all the way in and he got to Peak 7. And they, he was pretty crook he had something wrong with his  all the way in and he got to Peak 7. And they, he was pretty crook he had something wrong with his 

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gut sort of thing and he, I think the doctor was with him um. Anyway, he climbed the  gut sort of thing and he, I think the doctor was with him um. Anyway, he climbed the 

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top of the, of this nunatak and they saw the mountains in the distance but top of the, of this nunatak and they saw the mountains in the distance but

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they couldn't go any further. He wanted to get right in but was left to  they couldn't go any further. He wanted to get right in but was left to 

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Bechervaise the year after so he just drove all the way back to Mawson and his year was  Bechervaise the year after so he just drove all the way back to Mawson and his year was 

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virtually over so virtually over so

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[phone rings] the ship was. And um [phone rings] so the [phone rings] the ship was. And um [phone rings] so the

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next year Bechervaise went inland and he took the same Weasel and they drove past next year Bechervaise went inland and he took the same Weasel and they drove past

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the depot [Ingrid] The 50 mile depot? [Dave] The 50 depot, because they had to follow the same route the depot [Ingrid] The 50 mile depot? [Dave] The 50 depot, because they had to follow the same route

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went all the way into the North PCMs, and on the way back, the Weasel broke down  went all the way into the North PCMs, and on the way back, the Weasel broke down 

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and then they came all the way back to Mawson with 1 Weasel and all the blokes were  and then they came all the way back to Mawson with 1 Weasel and all the blokes were 

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sitting on the sledge behind. The sledges were rode all the way back from that  sitting on the sledge behind. The sledges were rode all the way back from that 

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between F5 and F6 which is halfway between Peak 7 and Depot Peak. It's about between F5 and F6 which is halfway between Peak 7 and Depot Peak. It's about

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20 miles between there I think from memory you can see one, one peak 20 miles between there I think from memory you can see one, one peak

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on a good day from the next and it's in that big depression where the, where the Weasel  on a good day from the next and it's in that big depression where the, where the Weasel 

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is ah, and but nobody went out there again after that, oh Syd Kirkby went past it in is ah, and but nobody went out there again after that, oh Syd Kirkby went past it in

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19 - 56, they did, 56 was the last year they went 19 - 56, they did, 56 was the last year they went

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past it and kept on going. They went past the Weasel, they took past it and kept on going. They went past the Weasel, they took

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a photograph of the Weasel, they went out and did all their trip a photograph of the Weasel, they went out and did all their trip

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came back to Mawson and the next year was the year of the D4. So the came back to Mawson and the next year was the year of the D4. So the

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D4 tractors came into Mawson and they started to traverse out of Mawson but they didn't D4 tractors came into Mawson and they started to traverse out of Mawson but they didn't

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go that way, they went up out of Mawson and they went up the David Range and  go that way, they went up out of Mawson and they went up the David Range and 

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through Hordens Gap and then inland from there. Now it took them years, it  and took them 10 through Hordens Gap and then inland from there. Now it took them years, it  and took them 10

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years I think before they got, it's hard to believe this because we go, you go down there  years I think before they got, it's hard to believe this because we go, you go down there 

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today and you get today and you get

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in a Hagglund and you just drive, you just, because it's all well known and marked and everything you just in a Hagglund and you just drive, you just, because it's all well known and marked and everything you just

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get out, you're following your route or your GPS get out, you're following your route or your GPS

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or whatever and you go across to Fang Peak and you come out of   or whatever and you go across to Fang Peak and you come out of  

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there, you go up the David Range, you go across to Hordens Gap and away you go. But people don't there, you go up the David Range, you go across to Hordens Gap and away you go. But people don't

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appreciate how long it took to pioneer that route, to get that route up there and to appreciate how long it took to pioneer that route, to get that route up there and to

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go, to go inland and there was many, many weeks and some blokes tractors were in  go, to go inland and there was many, many weeks and some blokes tractors were in 

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holes in weeks sometimes before they could holes in weeks sometimes before they could

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pull 'em out. Um, but because of that,that diversion and the new way of going inland pull 'em out. Um, but because of that,that diversion and the new way of going inland

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to go to the, eventually go to the Southern Prince Charles Mountains many years later, ah, well  to go to the, eventually go to the Southern Prince Charles Mountains many years later, ah, well 

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1960 they made it out there, that's Syd Kirkby again, 1959,60. Nobody went out that way again and so  1960 they made it out there, that's Syd Kirkby again, 1959,60. Nobody went out that way again and so 

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nobody went out past behind Mount Henderson, up near the ?inaudible? nobody went out past behind Mount Henderson, up near the ?inaudible?

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where we dug the caravan out, the barge caravan out where it was left and nobody went inland to where we dug the caravan out, the barge caravan out where it was left and nobody went inland to

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Depot Peak on that back route and that's when we went in there and Phil Barnard  Depot Peak on that back route and that's when we went in there and Phil Barnard 

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said, why don't we try and navigate our back from, this is at the end of the said, why don't we try and navigate our back from, this is at the end of the

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summer, or sort of midsummer, we drove the summer, or sort of midsummer, we drove the

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tractor train home, or part of the tractor train home from Mount Jacklyn in the tractor train home, or part of the tractor train home from Mount Jacklyn in the

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north PCMs ah, we came back to Depot Peak and from Depot Peak instead of going north PCMs ah, we came back to Depot Peak and from Depot Peak instead of going

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on the normal route we came before, we got Dovers' old records, old route and on the normal route we came before, we got Dovers' old records, old route and

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in reverse we came from Depot Peak to the back of Mount Henderson in reverse we came from Depot Peak to the back of Mount Henderson

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down past, there's 2 nunataks there, one of them's called down past, there's 2 nunataks there, one of them's called

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the mechanic, John, John Russell, Russell Nunatak, and then on the Mount Henderson. the mechanic, John, John Russell, Russell Nunatak, and then on the Mount Henderson.

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Ah, and, but on that way back we got to the area where we thought the 50 mile Ah, and, but on that way back we got to the area where we thought the 50 mile

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depot was and there was nothing there, we looked around, we, we were pretty spot on where depot was and there was nothing there, we looked around, we, we were pretty spot on where

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we thought we were, we couldn't, we never found we thought we were, we couldn't, we never found

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a cane yet, but because they were all buried but we went I think it was about 5 ks a cane yet, but because they were all buried but we went I think it was about 5 ks

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or 5 miles, I've forgotten now, past there and there it was, just off the edge of the track or 5 miles, I've forgotten now, past there and there it was, just off the edge of the track

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the top of the crevasse bridging timber, sticking out of the snow. [Ingrid] How much was  the top of the crevasse bridging timber, sticking out of the snow. [Ingrid] How much was 

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[Dave] About that much, I've got a photograph of it. [Ingrid] A foot.  [Dave] About that much, I've got a photograph of it. [Ingrid] A foot. 

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 foot. [Dave] Yeah, not even that much, oh yeah, probably 9 inches I reckon   foot. [Dave] Yeah, not even that much, oh yeah, probably 9 inches I reckon 

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The old 9 inches sticking it and The old 9 inches sticking it and

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the little top of a cane beside it as well, and there we found the 50 the little top of a cane beside it as well, and there we found the 50

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mile depot. So we got the tractor and we dozed all around it and then we dug into it and there mile depot. So we got the tractor and we dozed all around it and then we dug into it and there

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it was just like he left it you know with the, just like he described in his diary you know, it was just like he left it you know with the, just like he described in his diary you know,

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you know when he went past there and the other blokes who went past there just you know when he went past there and the other blokes who went past there just

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said, oh yes we went past, dep-, Dovers' Depot there was the stuff was sort of half buried and said, oh yes we went past, dep-, Dovers' Depot there was the stuff was sort of half buried and

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whatever it was and there was this creva-, Bechervaise mentioned it in his diary about the  whatever it was and there was this creva-, Bechervaise mentioned it in his diary about the 

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crevasse bridging timber between the, the petrol drums. There was no diesel drums in those crevasse bridging timber between the, the petrol drums. There was no diesel drums in those

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days because everything, petrol, diesel, Weasels run on  days because everything, petrol, diesel, Weasels run on 

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petrol, a petrol motor. Um, and there was all the stuff stacked up there just like petrol, a petrol motor. Um, and there was all the stuff stacked up there just like

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it was and the cali-, we undid the calico bags and it was like he left it yesterday it was and the cali-, we undid the calico bags and it was like he left it yesterday

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it was unbelievable all the, the square blocks and McRobertsons chocolate and the it was unbelievable all the, the square blocks and McRobertsons chocolate and the

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Nescafe instant coffee and, and all the other food they had it was just  Nescafe instant coffee and, and all the other food they had it was just 

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perfect condition you know, absolutely perfect and the dog blocks, just like they were, still perfect condition you know, absolutely perfect and the dog blocks, just like they were, still

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wrapped up in their paper and all sealed in the boxes. And the petrol, your beautiful super wrapped up in their paper and all sealed in the boxes. And the petrol, your beautiful super

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petrol, it wasn't really good to smell super petrol, you know the old red stuff you petrol, it wasn't really good to smell super petrol, you know the old red stuff you

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get, used to get in the old days, you know, you don't get that stuff now, but you know with the  get, used to get in the old days, you know, you don't get that stuff now, but you know with the 

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high lead content in it. And um, yeah, it was all there, and the petrol drums were the old type gall,  high lead content in it. And um, yeah, it was all there, and the petrol drums were the old type gall, 

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heavy duty gall drums which you cannot get for love nor money now, they were, if drop them out of an aeroplane  heavy duty gall drums which you cannot get for love nor money now, they were, if drop them out of an aeroplane 

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they'd just bounce, boom, boom, you know. Really solid strong drums the stuff they'd just bounce, boom, boom, you know. Really solid strong drums the stuff

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today's paper thin and you'd dint and bend, and you know they're just rubbish really. So, yeah, it was all there today's paper thin and you'd dint and bend, and you know they're just rubbish really. So, yeah, it was all there

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and ah, so it was just so good to find that depot and then later on in the year  and ah, so it was just so good to find that depot and then later on in the year 

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later later

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that summer we dug out the barge caravan to really top it all off to get those 2 things that summer we dug out the barge caravan to really top it all off to get those 2 things

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from that era, you know from and to find it and then that sort of sent me, it was years from that era, you know from and to find it and then that sort of sent me, it was years

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later that I started working at the Division in, in the nineties, that I started to  later that I started working at the Division in, in the nineties, that I started to 

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rebuild this Weasel. Which I had, which was to replicate  rebuild this Weasel. Which I had, which was to replicate 

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the Bostock which is in, that's the one in the shed out the back now at the Division and   the Bostock which is in, that's the one in the shed out the back now at the Division and  

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then I got onto the fact that this other Weasel was still out there and that's then I got onto the fact that this other Weasel was still out there and that's

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when the big search started for the, for the Weasel, you know for the, for Dovers' Weasel [Ingrid] Did you  when the big search started for the, for the Weasel, you know for the, for Dovers' Weasel [Ingrid] Did you 

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find it? [Dave] No, we never found it, but I know where it is, I mean there's a whole, I've got a find it? [Dave] No, we never found it, but I know where it is, I mean there's a whole, I've got a

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whole slide show that I show people about the history of Weasels  whole slide show that I show people about the history of Weasels 

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the Australian Weasels. ANARE Weasels, put it that way. How we got the 1st the Australian Weasels. ANARE Weasels, put it that way. How we got the 1st

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ones from Phil Law got 'em from the Snowy Mountains Authority and he bought the ?summer? Weasel ones from Phil Law got 'em from the Snowy Mountains Authority and he bought the ?summer? Weasel

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from an auction in Cooma. And, and they had one Weasel off the French  from an auction in Cooma. And, and they had one Weasel off the French 

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that was number one that was the one that sank at Scullin Monolith and the other Weasel that was number one that was the one that sank at Scullin Monolith and the other Weasel

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came, one came from the Snowy Mountains and the other one, the 3rd one, which came, one came from the Snowy Mountains and the other one, the 3rd one, which

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is number 3 was actually, they picked that up at Kerguelen Island on the way  is number 3 was actually, they picked that up at Kerguelen Island on the way 

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down down

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to Mawson, and so that, that was the French, I call it the French Weasel and so does Dovers to Mawson, and so that, that was the French, I call it the French Weasel and so does Dovers

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he calls it the French Weasel in his diary many times. And so, that was given to he calls it the French Weasel in his diary many times. And so, that was given to

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Phil Law to take down when they called in there and they picked up water and a few Phil Law to take down when they called in there and they picked up water and a few

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barrels barrels

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of wine and all that sort of stuff from Kerguelen Island to get it going. Yeah, so, it's of wine and all that sort of stuff from Kerguelen Island to get it going. Yeah, so, it's

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just, I don't know, I just, it's the one thing that I have not completely, I just feel I haven't achieved just, I don't know, I just, it's the one thing that I have not completely, I just feel I haven't achieved

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what I wanted to do and that was what I wanted to do and that was

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to find that Weasel out there. And we marked out, we went down 2 seasons and the 1st season  to find that Weasel out there. And we marked out, we went down 2 seasons and the 1st season 

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and we had a, a search with a, um, with a bomb detector from,  and we had a, a search with a, um, with a bomb detector from, 

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a military bomb detector from the Air Force was a military bomb detector from the Air Force was

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a German military bomb detector which was owned by the Australian Air Force  a German military bomb detector which was owned by the Australian Air Force 

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and I had to go to the Minister, through the Minister of Defence to get that released to me and I had to go to the Minister, through the Minister of Defence to get that released to me

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and we took that down and we found, we were in the wrong pl-, Bob Jones was with me that summer and we took that down and we found, we were in the wrong pl-, Bob Jones was with me that summer

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and he went into Dovers and I flew in there from Davis and on the way   and he went into Dovers and I flew in there from Davis and on the way  

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back we had a, they dropped me there and I stayed with  back we had a, they dropped me there and I stayed with 

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a bloke called Adrian Giffin and we lived in these 2 polar pyramid tents for a bloke called Adrian Giffin and we lived in these 2 polar pyramid tents for

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a week and I went out and did some searches but it turned out the helicopter pilots had a week and I went out and did some searches but it turned out the helicopter pilots had

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put us in the wrong place we were out by about half put us in the wrong place we were out by about half

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a kilometre or something so we may as well be on the moon when you're looking for a kilometre or something so we may as well be on the moon when you're looking for

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something like that, that small. Anyway, we got, we, we refined the search area by something like that, that small. Anyway, we got, we, we refined the search area by

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digging out all, Syd Kirkby got involved in this too and some of the digging out all, Syd Kirkby got involved in this too and some of the

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surveyors, early surveyors from those years, we got all their reports. We got Dovers' the 55 surveyors, early surveyors from those years, we got all their reports. We got Dovers' the 55

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of one Lacey, I think his name was and Bill Bewsher the bloke with Bill Bewsher or was that  of one Lacey, I think his name was and Bill Bewsher the bloke with Bill Bewsher or was that 

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Syd Kirkby and they got all those, those reports out and, and, and they   Syd Kirkby and they got all those, those reports out and, and, and they  

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came out with this area, now I've just forgotten which one it is now, but one, when you're doing came out with this area, now I've just forgotten which one it is now, but one, when you're doing

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navigating down there with astro navigating down there with astro

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compass it's, it's, is it latitute or longitude, I think it's the longitude, longitude's the hardest compass it's, it's, is it latitute or longitude, I think it's the longitude, longitude's the hardest

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one to get, you got to be so accurate with your watch and, and to get the distance  one to get, you got to be so accurate with your watch and, and to get the distance 

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right. Otherwise you can be out by miles really quickly you know and that's why right. Otherwise you can be out by miles really quickly you know and that's why

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they made the area bigger than what they thought it was going to be in. So it made it 2 by 1 they made the area bigger than what they thought it was going to be in. So it made it 2 by 1

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kilometres to search in. Now I've since found out this bloke, ah John, now what's his name, he kilometres to search in. Now I've since found out this bloke, ah John, now what's his name, he

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did, he looked at it again the year after that and he said, no I reckon it's did, he looked at it again the year after that and he said, no I reckon it's

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just outside there and that was the area I wanted the Germans to fly over with the   just outside there and that was the area I wanted the Germans to fly over with the  

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magnetometer under the bir-, under the plane. But they didn't, they flew under another one out here   magnetometer under the bir-, under the plane. But they didn't, they flew under another one out here  

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where we got a pick up out here somewhere inside the rectangle when we flew it with where we got a pick up out here somewhere inside the rectangle when we flew it with

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a S76. And we had, also had a bird, which we and a, what was called a S76. And we had, also had a bird, which we and a, what was called

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a ?inaudible? Acquisition system which was the box that recorded all the stuff from a ?inaudible? Acquisition system which was the box that recorded all the stuff from

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the, from the cesium head of the, of the bird. That was all given to us by the, from the cesium head of the, of the bird. That was all given to us by

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a bloke, by World Geoscience a bloke, by World Geoscience

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which was which was

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a geophysical place over in West Australia. And they were really only interested in the  a geophysical place over in West Australia. And they were really only interested in the 

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publicity, the fact that we loaned them this gear to do the search for this Weasel   publicity, the fact that we loaned them this gear to do the search for this Weasel  

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and they didn't really care much that it wasn't working all that well and it turned and they didn't really care much that it wasn't working all that well and it turned

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out that the GPS out that the GPS

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card in that, in that box wasn't working at all so all of the, the card in that, in that box wasn't working at all so all of the, the

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we had to divide this thing into lines that the helicopter would we had to divide this thing into lines that the helicopter would

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fly and then he'd turn around and come back and fly the next one and they were only, it fly and then he'd turn around and come back and fly the next one and they were only, it

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could only be so many yards apart or metres apart because the bird was flying could only be so many yards apart or metres apart because the bird was flying

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about 25, 30 feet above the ground and, and the pick up angle was pretty about 25, 30 feet above the ground and, and the pick up angle was pretty

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narrow so if it didn't  narrow so if it didn't 

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overlap you could actually miss the Weasel. It might be there and you might fly here and  overlap you could actually miss the Weasel. It might be there and you might fly here and 

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over there and the Weasel was in the middle and you'd miss it, you know so we had over there and the Weasel was in the middle and you'd miss it, you know so we had

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these, these canes on these poles and we'd, we'd when the bir-, when the helicopter was these, these canes on these poles and we'd, we'd when the bir-, when the helicopter was

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flying and he'd, he'd, the, I hired a  flying and he'd, he'd, the, I hired a 

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guy from the Curtin University in Western Australia and he actually operated the thing he came guy from the Curtin University in Western Australia and he actually operated the thing he came

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down with me and I paid him 4000 bucks or something for his, for his time and down with me and I paid him 4000 bucks or something for his, for his time and

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turn around and we'd have these big canes with flags on and the helicopter pilot come in and he'd turn around and we'd have these big canes with flags on and the helicopter pilot come in and he'd

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line up the 2 flags from the air I mean line up the 2 flags from the air I mean

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?inaudible? when you're flying in that massive area down there and he'd come, he'd line up, get the bird, they'd switch it   ?inaudible? when you're flying in that massive area down there and he'd come, he'd line up, get the bird, they'd switch it  

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and he'd say right and he'd say right

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now, and he'd turn the thing on and record, go, di-di-di-di-di all the way across  now, and he'd turn the thing on and record, go, di-di-di-di-di all the way across 

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that kilometre, then he'd turn it off, then he'd do a  that kilometre, then he'd turn it off, then he'd do a 

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big circuit come in and line up on the, in that time ?inaudible? big circuit come in and line up on the, in that time ?inaudible?

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walk along to the line and stand there with   walk along to the line and stand there with  

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the cane and we did about half of that 2 kilometres before they found out that it the cane and we did about half of that 2 kilometres before they found out that it

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wasn't recording because he went back for the data and he said we've got some blips on wasn't recording because he went back for the data and he said we've got some blips on

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here but we don't know where they are because the GPS  here but we don't know where they are because the GPS 

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wasn't working, recording it you know. So it made it, we were really disappointed wasn't working, recording it you know. So it made it, we were really disappointed

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anyway, we went back, um Peter anyway, we went back, um Peter

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Boyer was actually the bloke in charge of all this area of public relations  Boyer was actually the bloke in charge of all this area of public relations 

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at that time and he was really, he thought we were going to find this thing and I  thought we were at that time and he was really, he thought we were going to find this thing and I  thought we were

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too and we, I lined up a guy in Western Australia with too and we, I lined up a guy in Western Australia with

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a new, with the latest sort of gear which was an aerial array underneath, it fitted a new, with the latest sort of gear which was an aerial array underneath, it fitted

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underneath a Squirrel helicopter and he had underneath a Squirrel helicopter and he had

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a screen inside and he just sat in the helicopter and he could hover on the a screen inside and he just sat in the helicopter and he could hover on the

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ground, this far off the ground. You could just hover over the area and just read you know ground, this far off the ground. You could just hover over the area and just read you know

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what was underneath the ice and I said that's the way to go. And it was going to cost about what was underneath the ice and I said that's the way to go. And it was going to cost about

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100,000 bucks to, to hire this thing and the pilot and the bloke who operated it for  100,000 bucks to, to hire this thing and the pilot and the bloke who operated it for 

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the summer, you had for the time it took to go, all the gear had to go down there the summer, you had for the time it took to go, all the gear had to go down there

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and go inland, do the job, come back, you know, and I thought that's not too bad  and go inland, do the job, come back, you know, and I thought that's not too bad 

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you know when you think about it, by, by today's standards anyway. We got to I you know when you think about it, by, by today's standards anyway. We got to I

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didn't even mention that to Rex, he was the Director at the time, Rex Moncur  and they had didn't even mention that to Rex, he was the Director at the time, Rex Moncur  and they had

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a meeting about what was going to be on the next summer and ?Evelyn Barratt? went to the a meeting about what was going to be on the next summer and ?Evelyn Barratt? went to the

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meeting and I went along too. And they just said, oh no, the Weasel program's finished now we're meeting and I went along too. And they just said, oh no, the Weasel program's finished now we're

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not going to bother looking for it anymore so they just pulled the pin on the whole thing and not going to bother looking for it anymore so they just pulled the pin on the whole thing and

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we never went back there. [Ingrid] Do you think you'll ever get the opportunity to go back again? [Dave] Oh, look, I'd love to, because I know where I'd go. I'd go straight we never went back there. [Ingrid] Do you think you'll ever get the opportunity to go back again? [Dave] Oh, look, I'd love to, because I know where I'd go. I'd go straight

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to this bloke, John, I can't think of his name at the moment, I'd go to this bloke, John, I can't think of his name at the moment, I'd go

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straight to, and I reckon that's where it is. Because, it's, it's right on the, if I showed you on the maps straight to, and I reckon that's where it is. Because, it's, it's right on the, if I showed you on the maps

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and the F series of flags, you know 1, 2, 3, 4 from Depot Peak and  and the F series of flags, you know 1, 2, 3, 4 from Depot Peak and 

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there's there's

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F5  and there's F6 and it's and if, the rectangle they put the rectangle F5  and there's F6 and it's and if, the rectangle they put the rectangle

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too far east. They should have put it over, overlap the line. But even Ian Allison   too far east. They should have put it over, overlap the line. But even Ian Allison  

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said to me, that area is an area of the virtually zero velocity ice movement said to me, that area is an area of the virtually zero velocity ice movement

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because it's in this huge sort of depression between Depot Peak and Peak 7 and because it's in this huge sort of depression between Depot Peak and Peak 7 and

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over here is the drainage area for the, for the Lambert Glacier and if it had been over here is the drainage area for the, for the Lambert Glacier and if it had been

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over here you would have said, oh, it's gone, you know, it would have drifted 20 miles  over here you would have said, oh, it's gone, you know, it would have drifted 20 miles 

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could have been in those 30, 40 years. could have been in those 30, 40 years.

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Here, it's absolutely stagnant ice and it's not going to move anywhere you know so Here, it's absolutely stagnant ice and it's not going to move anywhere you know so

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the, the rectangle they should have overlapped the area over where the  the, the rectangle they should have overlapped the area over where the 

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route was, but they didn'tthey put it off to one side. Who knows, but it's route was, but they didn'tthey put it off to one side. Who knows, but it's

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definitely there and I reckon it's down about  definitely there and I reckon it's down about 

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oh, it'd be probably, I reckon probably 15 feet you'd pull it up because it's,  oh, it'd be probably, I reckon probably 15 feet you'd pull it up because it's, 

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it's a high wind area it's not it's a high wind area it's not

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a real, not a lot of accumulation out there, it's very, very windy and the canes we put a real, not a lot of accumulation out there, it's very, very windy and the canes we put

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there, this is, this is there, this is, this is

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a real proving point about the whole thing. We pulled out most of the canes except a real proving point about the whole thing. We pulled out most of the canes except

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for the cane, ah, in the centre and the 2, the 2 canes up this end of the for the cane, ah, in the centre and the 2, the 2 canes up this end of the

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rectangle and when we flew over, because I gave the Germans those coordinates in the rectangle and when we flew over, because I gave the Germans those coordinates in the

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Twin Otter and I just, I said here's the coordinates fly straight to them and we flew Twin Otter and I just, I said here's the coordinates fly straight to them and we flew

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from the, from the Mount Cresswell way out here someone right across, across the, the mountains here  from the, from the Mount Cresswell way out here someone right across, across the, the mountains here 

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and, and there it was and we flew down without putting the bird out to start with and I   and, and there it was and we flew down without putting the bird out to start with and I  

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looked out. On the side of the Twin Otter they had this big bubble and I looked out and looked out. On the side of the Twin Otter they had this big bubble and I looked out and

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we were flying about, oh, we were flying about, oh,

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I don't know, probably a couple of hundred feet off the ground and bang, there was  I don't know, probably a couple of hundred feet off the ground and bang, there was 

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the cane. Right spot on, he says, the pilot says, it's there now. And I looked out and there it was  the cane. Right spot on, he says, the pilot says, it's there now. And I looked out and there it was 

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there's the coordinate. And this cane, was just like it was when I put it there. How long, that there's the coordinate. And this cane, was just like it was when I put it there. How long, that

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was in 2 th-, 95 and that was in 2-, that was 5, about 8 years  was in 2 th-, 95 and that was in 2-, that was 5, about 8 years 

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before that and there was the cane still standing there, just like I left it, before that and there was the cane still standing there, just like I left it,

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you know and I said, well there you go. [Ingrid] Do you think you'll get back down south at all? you know and I said, well there you go. [Ingrid] Do you think you'll get back down south at all?

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Oh, I might get down to Mawson, next, in February, January, February to do  Oh, I might get down to Mawson, next, in February, January, February to do 

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the changeover of Mawson. But I mean, oh look, they've virtually, they've stopped all the  the changeover of Mawson. But I mean, oh look, they've virtually, they've stopped all the 

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programs flying inland from Mawson to that area. It's just, it's just a hell of programs flying inland from Mawson to that area. It's just, it's just a hell of

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a shame you know, I think oh god. What a   a shame you know, I think oh god. What a  

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a waste of all that time you know. But no one's interested in it in the Division they're not ?inaudible? a waste of all that time you know. But no one's interested in it in the Division they're not ?inaudible?

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they wouldn't know what a Weasel was those people there at the moment [laughs] ?inaudible?  they wouldn't know what a Weasel was those people there at the moment [laughs] ?inaudible? 

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Yeah. Yeah.