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My name is Ingrid McGaughey, the date is the 31st of August 2011. I'm My name is Ingrid McGaughey, the date is the 31st of August 2011. I'm

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having having

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a conversation with Mike Sherwood, Mike was the electrician at Davis in 1986. Hello a conversation with Mike Sherwood, Mike was the electrician at Davis in 1986. Hello

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Mike [Mike] Hello [Ingrid] Mike can you tell me Mike [Mike] Hello [Ingrid] Mike can you tell me

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a little bit about your life before you went down south. [Mike] Well, I became a little bit about your life before you went down south. [Mike] Well, I became

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an apprentice electrician in 1974 and spent my an apprentice electrician in 1974 and spent my

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apprenticeship with apprenticeship with

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a local company here in Hobart called E H Burgess, doing all sorts of a local company here in Hobart called E H Burgess, doing all sorts of

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commercial and domestic electrical work and after my commercial and domestic electrical work and after my

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apprentice finished there wasn't very much work on with the company so I thought apprentice finished there wasn't very much work on with the company so I thought

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well I'll need a job and a mate of mine came to me and said look well I'll need a job and a mate of mine came to me and said look

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a friend of mine is a repossession agent, do you want a job   a friend of mine is a repossession agent, do you want a job  

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with himAnd so, I said, it all depends on what it entails. He said well if you want   with himAnd so, I said, it all depends on what it entails. He said well if you want  

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to you can go out with him on  to you can go out with him on 

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a few jobs and just see whether or not you like it a few jobs and just see whether or not you like it

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And I stuck at that for 2 years um, before the company changed hands And I stuck at that for 2 years um, before the company changed hands

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and so the fellow who took the company over decided he was going and so the fellow who took the company over decided he was going

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to be a 1 man operation and um, I applied for and got a to be a 1 man operation and um, I applied for and got a

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a job as an electrician with Telstra. Um and I worked my way up through the ranks a job as an electrician with Telstra. Um and I worked my way up through the ranks

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at Telstra until um1993 I became the foreman of their electrical at Telstra until um1993 I became the foreman of their electrical

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workshops, in charge of 26 people, 19 of which were electricians and the rest were workshops, in charge of 26 people, 19 of which were electricians and the rest were

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diesel fitting mechanics. And we did all of Telstra's diesel fitting mechanics. And we did all of Telstra's

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electrical maintenance and installations in, in and around Tassie and King and electrical maintenance and installations in, in and around Tassie and King and

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Flinders Island. Umnd then later on I moved from there to Flinders Island. Umnd then later on I moved from there to

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Telstra's network design and Telstra's network design and

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construction department as there installation electrician, ah, until the demise construction department as there installation electrician, ah, until the demise

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of the the um Department in 2- the year 2000. of the the um Department in 2- the year 2000.

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While I was at Telstra While I was at Telstra

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a couple of the other guys that worked there actually did time in the Antarctic. a couple of the other guys that worked there actually did time in the Antarctic.

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1 went to Mawson for 12 months and the other 1 went to Casey for  1 went to Mawson for 12 months and the other 1 went to Casey for 

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12 months as electricians, as maintenance electricians, and from the stories that they were 12 months as electricians, as maintenance electricians, and from the stories that they were

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telling me I thought, I've got to try this, I have to try this. And I applied telling me I thought, I've got to try this, I have to try this. And I applied

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umin 1983 I think it was to start off with umin 1983 I think it was to start off with

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83 or 84  83 or 84 

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And was unsuccessful and um, after that I got married and I told the the And was unsuccessful and um, after that I got married and I told the the

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wife at the time that, I was going to go to the Antarctic if I got wife at the time that, I was going to go to the Antarctic if I got

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a chance and if, you know, if she had any qualms about that she'd better a chance and if, you know, if she had any qualms about that she'd better

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speak up before I apply again and she said no, she had no problems with that, and if I speak up before I apply again and she said no, she had no problems with that, and if I

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really wanted to go and she knew that I'd, I'd applied before and was you know really wanted to go and she knew that I'd, I'd applied before and was you know

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sort ofery interested after talking to these other people that had gone down. sort ofery interested after talking to these other people that had gone down.

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So, in 1985 I applied and was accepted So, in 1985 I applied and was accepted

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as the maintenance electrician to go down to Davis  as the maintenance electrician to go down to Davis 

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in 1986 for the winter . [Ingrid] How old were you then? [Mike] Um, it's a  in 1986 for the winter . [Ingrid] How old were you then? [Mike] Um, it's a 

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funny one because I turned, I was 28 when I got on the ship to go down funny one because I turned, I was 28 when I got on the ship to go down

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and I was 30 when I got off the ship to come back. I had and I was 30 when I got off the ship to come back. I had

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a birthday on the ship on the way down and I had a birthday on the ship on the way down and I had

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a birthday on the ship on the way back [laughs] [Ingrid] So what was the reaction of your family and a birthday on the ship on the way back [laughs] [Ingrid] So what was the reaction of your family and

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friends when you got the gig to do down south? [Mike] Ah, very apprehensive at 1st. friends when you got the gig to do down south? [Mike] Ah, very apprehensive at 1st.

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So was I, actually, I thought, oh my God, I've actually been accepted to go down So was I, actually, I thought, oh my God, I've actually been accepted to go down

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and I thought, this is great, but where do I start in setting everything up so that I can actually go and I thought, this is great, but where do I start in setting everything up so that I can actually go

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down there. I've got from the time I was accepted to the time I actually went into down there. I've got from the time I was accepted to the time I actually went into

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training was about 2 months. [Ingrid] So, a fairly short period. [Mike] And, and I was training was about 2 months. [Ingrid] So, a fairly short period. [Mike] And, and I was

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on on

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a sort of, there was that many things going on in my head at the time, how do   a sort of, there was that many things going on in my head at the time, how do  

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tackle this, how do I tackle that, how do tackle this, how do I tackle that, how do

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I set the wife up? How, what are we going to do you know, as far as her, while I was down there for I set the wife up? How, what are we going to do you know, as far as her, while I was down there for

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12 months. What was going to happen. And ah, after the 1st sort of 12 months. What was going to happen. And ah, after the 1st sort of

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4 weeks or so into the training, so it was accepted and you know everything was sort 4 weeks or so into the training, so it was accepted and you know everything was sort

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of hunky dory, so. [Ingrid] So, what did you pre-departure training involve? [Mike] Well we went of hunky dory, so. [Ingrid] So, what did you pre-departure training involve? [Mike] Well we went

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to Melbourne on a couple of courses. 1 of them was for Drager to Melbourne on a couple of courses. 1 of them was for Drager

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breathing apparatus because the electrician is also the fire chief. Ah, aAnd breathing apparatus because the electrician is also the fire chief. Ah, aAnd

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also because we've got the diesel generators down there, um we-I went to Melbourne also because we've got the diesel generators down there, um we-I went to Melbourne

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again with the diesel mechanics and did again with the diesel mechanics and did

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a course on the um, the um the diesel generator sets that were down there, how to a course on the um, the um the diesel generator sets that were down there, how to

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pull them down put them back together etc. pull them down put them back together etc.

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So and 1 of the new things that was down there [coughs] excuse me, 1 of the So and 1 of the new things that was down there [coughs] excuse me, 1 of the

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new things that was down was a PLC controlled new things that was down was a PLC controlled

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generator generator

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system. Now, I'd never struck these before I'm glad that the other DHC  system. Now, I'd never struck these before I'm glad that the other DHC 

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electrician Geoffrey Wallace had actually done electrician Geoffrey Wallace had actually done

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a course on those because the diesel generator system down there had only been in a course on those because the diesel generator system down there had only been in

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operation for 12 months odd and actually it was still, um under the control of D operation for 12 months odd and actually it was still, um under the control of D

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the year I went down. [Ingrid] So who are DHC? [Mike] Department of Housing and Construction as it was then the year I went down. [Ingrid] So who are DHC? [Mike] Department of Housing and Construction as it was then

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?inaudible? was the foreman and Geoffrey Wallace was his electrician and ?inaudible? was the foreman and Geoffrey Wallace was his electrician and

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my charge down there was the old, what they called at that stage, the emergency powerhouse. my charge down there was the old, what they called at that stage, the emergency powerhouse.

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It was an old manual set up system whereby It was an old manual set up system whereby

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you had to synchronise the generators,  manually stop them, manually start them and you had to synchronise the generators,  manually stop them, manually start them and

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it was the 1st time I'd ever come across a, a multiple generator system even though it was the 1st time I'd ever come across a, a multiple generator system even though

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when I was working for Telstra we did the maintenance on 50 odd diesel generators when I was working for Telstra we did the maintenance on 50 odd diesel generators

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around the state. This was the 1st time I'd ever come across a system whereby around the state. This was the 1st time I'd ever come across a system whereby

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you had to actually start 2 generators up, synchronise them and put them on you had to actually start 2 generators up, synchronise them and put them on

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line supply to supply the station. That was line supply to supply the station. That was

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a bit, bit of fun, because Geoffrey Wallace was the other way round, he'd always a bit, bit of fun, because Geoffrey Wallace was the other way round, he'd always

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worked on the program or logic control generated systems and not on the manual ones worked on the program or logic control generated systems and not on the manual ones

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and it was funny there, 1 day we went out on a bit of and it was funny there, 1 day we went out on a bit of

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a jolly and at that stage they decided to do some maintenance on the on the new a jolly and at that stage they decided to do some maintenance on the on the new

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powerhouse and Geoff was sent down to start up the emergency generators, synchronise them powerhouse and Geoff was sent down to start up the emergency generators, synchronise them

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and put them on and put them on

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a line, so that they could shut the main powerhouse down and he got on the radio  a line, so that they could shut the main powerhouse down and he got on the radio 

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to me and said, I can't do it, I can't synchronise the generou and so to me and said, I can't do it, I can't synchronise the generou and so

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I said well look, we'll be back shortly, I'll do it for you and actually Albert  I said well look, we'll be back shortly, I'll do it for you and actually Albert 

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Bruehwiler, who was the the head dieso, got me on the radio Bruehwiler, who was the the head dieso, got me on the radio

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a little while later on and said I've already done it. You don't have to worry about a little while later on and said I've already done it. You don't have to worry about

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it. I've synchronised them. And what the problem was is when you are standing at the diesel it. I've synchronised them. And what the problem was is when you are standing at the diesel

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cubicles they are marked number 1 and number 2 and when you turn around and look at the generator cubicles they are marked number 1 and number 2 and when you turn around and look at the generator

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it was back to front and so he was trying to synchronise the generator it was back to front and so he was trying to synchronise the generator

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to, to itself and [laughs]  to, to itself and [laughs] 

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therefore the, the instruments were going haywire and he couldn't understand therefore the, the instruments were going haywire and he couldn't understand

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why, because he got his left and right hand mixed up when he turned around why, because he got his left and right hand mixed up when he turned around

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and looking at the generators, it was back to front. But, um, yeah, so and looking at the generators, it was back to front. But, um, yeah, so

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Getting off the track  Getting off the track 

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a bit. [laughs] Ah, but, ah, yeah, it was very funny there to watch him, I actually took him a bit. [laughs] Ah, but, ah, yeah, it was very funny there to watch him, I actually took him

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down to the powerhouse later on and showed him how to do it properly. And after that down to the powerhouse later on and showed him how to do it properly. And after that

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he was, he was right. But, I still never have got the hang of the of the he was, he was right. But, I still never have got the hang of the of the

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new powerhouse as far as the program or logic control at that stage it was it was beyond new powerhouse as far as the program or logic control at that stage it was it was beyond

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me, because I'd never ever come across 1 before. [Ingrid] Did you have to do any other me, because I'd never ever come across 1 before. [Ingrid] Did you have to do any other

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training courses in areas outside electrics or diesel? [Mike] Ah yes, I was also the station training courses in areas outside electrics or diesel? [Mike] Ah yes, I was also the station

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anaesthetist. And that was very interesting, ah, I spent 2 weeks in the operating anaesthetist. And that was very interesting, ah, I spent 2 weeks in the operating

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theatres at the Royal Hobart, learning how to inject oranges and etc. We also theatres at the Royal Hobart, learning how to inject oranges and etc. We also

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spent spent

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a week in the operating theatres itself working with the anaesthetist at the time and ah a week in the operating theatres itself working with the anaesthetist at the time and ah

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keeping people alive [laughs] on the operating table. It was very, that was funny too, because while I keeping people alive [laughs] on the operating table. It was very, that was funny too, because while I

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was doing my training was doing my training

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a couple of times I actually went into post-op with the people that I'd been   a couple of times I actually went into post-op with the people that I'd been  

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in the operating theatres with and I had in the operating theatres with and I had

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a badge on, even though I had all my greens and everything on from the hospital I had a badge on, even though I had all my greens and everything on from the hospital I had

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a badge on which said Davis Station, Mike Sherwood, Electrician and that got a badge on which said Davis Station, Mike Sherwood, Electrician and that got

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a few comments, that you know bring people around and they say, are you the anaesthetist? a few comments, that you know bring people around and they say, are you the anaesthetist?

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I said, no I'm an electrician and sort of they eh? [laughs] ah, also  I said, no I'm an electrician and sort of they eh? [laughs] ah, also 

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we did a barge handling course down at the wharves um to we did a barge handling course down at the wharves um to

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unload the, the ships when they got down there, that was about all unload the, the ships when they got down there, that was about all

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the training, oh we did the training, oh we did

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a 2 week fire fighting course with the Australian Maritime College up in a 2 week fire fighting course with the Australian Maritime College up in

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Bell Bay, yeah [Ingrid] [coughs] Did you have much of an opportunity to Bell Bay, yeah [Ingrid] [coughs] Did you have much of an opportunity to

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meet the people that you were going to winter with? [Mike] We did a 2 week meet the people that you were going to winter with? [Mike] We did a 2 week

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We did 2 weeks We did 2 weeks

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at Lake Augusta, which is I think it was called at Lake Augusta, which is I think it was called

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Bernacchi which was ah, sort of a Bernacchi which was ah, sort of a

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lodge up at Lake Augusta where they got all the people that were going  lodge up at Lake Augusta where they got all the people that were going 

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winter together up there and virtually threw them together and observed. winter together up there and virtually threw them together and observed.

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[phone rings] Sorry, I'm going to turn that off. I forgot about it. [Ingrid] [laughs] How did that go  [phone rings] Sorry, I'm going to turn that off. I forgot about it. [Ingrid] [laughs] How did that go 

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How did that go at Bernacchi? [Mike] Bernacchi, that was very interesting. We had to we How did that go at Bernacchi? [Mike] Bernacchi, that was very interesting. We had to we

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had to cook for ourselves. Um and, iwe did some some sort of had to cook for ourselves. Um and, iwe did some some sort of

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survival training as in survival training as in

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a bit of rock climbing and ah, you know belaying off a bit of rock climbing and ah, you know belaying off

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a small cliff face that was near there and but I think basically it was to, it was to a small cliff face that was near there and but I think basically it was to, it was to

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keep, put everybody together and just see what the reactions were. At the same keep, put everybody together and just see what the reactions were. At the same

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time, they were um, ah, sort of giving us an idea  time, they were um, ah, sort of giving us an idea 

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of what, what we were to expect while we were down there, sort of the basic of what, what we were to expect while we were down there, sort of the basic

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the basic training. And we must have survived that all right because the basic training. And we must have survived that all right because

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all those that were there, ended up going down, so there was, they had  all those that were there, ended up going down, so there was, they had 

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the lot of us they're alike the lot of us they're alike

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I was saying for the 2 Chinese expeditioners who were supposed to come down on the 2nd I was saying for the 2 Chinese expeditioners who were supposed to come down on the 2nd

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voyage. We, we didn't actually get to meet them because of the problems with the Icebird voyage. We, we didn't actually get to meet them because of the problems with the Icebird

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[Ingrid] So you had 20 people wintering? [Mike] Wintering down there, yes. [Ingrid] What was your recollection of the trip down? [Ingrid] So you had 20 people wintering? [Mike] Wintering down there, yes. [Ingrid] What was your recollection of the trip down?

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Leaving from Ho- from Hobart and the actual trip.  [Mike] Well ah, when I was, when I got on the Leaving from Ho- from Hobart and the actual trip.  [Mike] Well ah, when I was, when I got on the

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ship and sort of finally watched Hobart disappear in the distance I was, what  have ship and sort of finally watched Hobart disappear in the distance I was, what  have

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I let myself in for? It was, the the apprehension was probably I let myself in for? It was, the the apprehension was probably

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 ?inaudible? it finally hit home that I was not going to be here for 12 months.  ?inaudible? it finally hit home that I was not going to be here for 12 months.

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And it was, well I don't know, I, I felt very subdued for the 1st couple of days. And it was, well I don't know, I, I felt very subdued for the 1st couple of days.

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The trip itself, I don't really recall The trip itself, I don't really recall

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a lot of it until we started to get into the rough stuff. Um, what happened was that we a lot of it until we started to get into the rough stuff. Um, what happened was that we

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were probably 2 or 3 days out and the call came through were probably 2 or 3 days out and the call came through

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that the Nella Dan was stuck fast in ice that the Nella Dan was stuck fast in ice

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about 12 nautical miles off Molodezhnaya. And, it was about 12 nautical miles off Molodezhnaya. And, it was

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really stuck fast in as it was on top of the ice it had actually come out of the really stuck fast in as it was on top of the ice it had actually come out of the

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ice ice

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?inaudible? and it had closed and it was solid ice. Um, they did a couple of recces and it was ?inaudible? and it had closed and it was solid ice. Um, they did a couple of recces and it was

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spice for several nautical miles around the ship. spice for several nautical miles around the ship.

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And, th-they had to go to or their next, ah, the next part of their   And, th-they had to go to or their next, ah, the next part of their  

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voyage was to go to Heard Island and pick up the expeditioners there was voyage was to go to Heard Island and pick up the expeditioners there was

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I think 12 expeditioners on Heard Island, and, they weren't going to make it. So we I think 12 expeditioners on Heard Island, and, they weren't going to make it. So we

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were then diverted to Heard Island. So we headed out were then diverted to Heard Island. So we headed out

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towards Heard Island and I remember there for about 2 or 3 days, um we towards Heard Island and I remember there for about 2 or 3 days, um we

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had, we were beaking directly into had, we were beaking directly into

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about a 12 metre swell and the winds were gusting to 105 knots. about a 12 metre swell and the winds were gusting to 105 knots.

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So ah, that was very uncomfortable there weren't many people on deck. I remember Albert So ah, that was very uncomfortable there weren't many people on deck. I remember Albert

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I didn't see him for about 4 days he was so seasick.  And after I didn't see him for about 4 days he was so seasick.  And after

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about the second day, they said, look, all we are going to do is hove to, point into it and let  about the second day, they said, look, all we are going to do is hove to, point into it and let 

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people get some sleep. [laughs] It was rough, I, I have never seen  people get some sleep. [laughs] It was rough, I, I have never seen 

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seas, I've done a bit of sailing etc. seas, I've done a bit of sailing etc.

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I've never seen seas like that. And we got to Heard Island and it had completely I've never seen seas like that. And we got to Heard Island and it had completely

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calmed right out. It was, it was calmed right out. It was, it was

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a mill pond. So we picked up the expeditioners from Heard Island. We had 2 Army a mill pond. So we picked up the expeditioners from Heard Island. We had 2 Army

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LARCs on board and their crews, and they put those over the side, went and got the LARCs on board and their crews, and they put those over the side, went and got the

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expeditioners off the Island at Atlas Cove and then   expeditioners off the Island at Atlas Cove and then  

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we were going to take those people through to Mawson with us we were going to take those people through to Mawson with us

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and they then diverted the ship again to the Nella Dan. The Nella Dan and they then diverted the ship again to the Nella Dan. The Nella Dan

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had run out of supplies. So we prepared ourselves then for had run out of supplies. So we prepared ourselves then for

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to get as close as we could, break them out if we could because the Icebird was to get as close as we could, break them out if we could because the Icebird was

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supposed to be able to go through I think it was about supposed to be able to go through I think it was about

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a metre half of ice at 5 knots which was, because it was a, it's it was a metre half of ice at 5 knots which was, because it was a, it's it was

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an an

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ice strengthened freighter, it wasn't an icebreaker. So we got within ice strengthened freighter, it wasn't an icebreaker. So we got within

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helicopter flight distance of them and ah, then we started helicopter flight distance of them and ah, then we started

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loading supplies into nets um, and they were taking them out on to the deck and flying  loading supplies into nets um, and they were taking them out on to the deck and flying 

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mail and supplies  mail and supplies 

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etc. over and also picking up expedion- other expeditioners off etc. over and also picking up expedion- other expeditioners off

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Nella Dan that had to come back at the time. And I remember the Icebird   Nella Dan that had to come back at the time. And I remember the Icebird  

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I think the Icebird took about, had about I think the Icebird took about, had about

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enough room for about 60 expeditioners, I think we had 80 on board.  So, enough room for about 60 expeditioners, I think we had 80 on board.  So,

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even the the, um the lounges and everything on each deck were converted into   even the the, um the lounges and everything on each deck were converted into  

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dormitories so that there was enough room for [laughs] people to sleep. So by the time we actually dormitories so that there was enough room for [laughs] people to sleep. So by the time we actually

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got to Mawson, um we were told that the the Shirase got to Mawson, um we were told that the the Shirase

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which was which was

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a brand new Japanese icebreaker was heading to the Nella Dan. So we headed to a brand new Japanese icebreaker was heading to the Nella Dan. So we headed to

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then headed to Mawson and um we then headed to Mawson and um we

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offloaded their supplies and picked up some of their expeditioners and so we were  offloaded their supplies and picked up some of their expeditioners and so we were 

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even more crowded. [laughs] But luckily we dropped off the Mawson expeditioners so that   even more crowded. [laughs] But luckily we dropped off the Mawson expeditioners so that  

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yeah, we were still probably about, for a while there we had 90 on board while they did the  yeah, we were still probably about, for a while there we had 90 on board while they did the 

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changeover, for the 2 or 3 days because we could only get within changeover, for the 2 or 3 days because we could only get within

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helicopter flight distance off pff Mawson, so we flew in and flew back helicopter flight distance off pff Mawson, so we flew in and flew back

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of of

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a daytime and they also sent out Hagglunds with sleds ah, because they weren't a daytime and they also sent out Hagglunds with sleds ah, because they weren't

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sure of how they could get anything heavier out. They were thinking of bringing a dozer out  sure of how they could get anything heavier out. They were thinking of bringing a dozer out 

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with sleds, but they weren't quite sure how the ice it take it on-  taken with sleds, but they weren't quite sure how the ice it take it on-  taken

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once the, once the Icebird had nosed in and  once the, once the Icebird had nosed in and 

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fractured the ice enough for it fractured the ice enough for it

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to break up or whatever. So, yeah, that was my 1st sighting   to break up or whatever. So, yeah, that was my 1st sighting  

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of the Antarctic continent itself. [Ingrid] What did you think? [Mike] Wow. of the Antarctic continent itself. [Ingrid] What did you think? [Mike] Wow.

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That was it. Wow. I mean we got off, we got off the ship when it was nosed into That was it. Wow. I mean we got off, we got off the ship when it was nosed into

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the ice and walked, you know, several kilometres  the ice and walked, you know, several kilometres 

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away from it.  nd, it was just so quiet.  away from it.  nd, it was just so quiet. 

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Totally unreal, it was something I'd never expected you know, you could hear a pin drop Totally unreal, it was something I'd never expected you know, you could hear a pin drop

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and when you looked at the horizon it was just and when you looked at the horizon it was just

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a blue fading to white there was no distinct horizon as such and a blue fading to white there was no distinct horizon as such and

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because we werewe were, we were so far away from because we werewe were, we were so far away from

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the ship it was like that 360 degrees, it was, yeah, the only the ship it was like that 360 degrees, it was, yeah, the only

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noise, the only distraction from that was every now and again the noise, the only distraction from that was every now and again the

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helicopter'd flow, yeah. [Ingrid] So were you 1st impressions of Davis Station? helicopter'd flow, yeah. [Ingrid] So were you 1st impressions of Davis Station?

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We came in to Davis Station on the normal shipping route into Davis which you We came in to Davis Station on the normal shipping route into Davis which you

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know went round a, an iceberg alley and know went round a, an iceberg alley and

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a few other bits and pieces and when I 1st saw Davis I looked at it and I a few other bits and pieces and when I 1st saw Davis I looked at it and I

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thought is that it? There's this muddle of thought is that it? There's this muddle of

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buildings, no snow, because the, because Davis is on the Vestfold Hills buildings, no snow, because the, because Davis is on the Vestfold Hills

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which is ice free.  Um, yeah, it's just rocky outcrop with this bunch of higgledy which is ice free.  Um, yeah, it's just rocky outcrop with this bunch of higgledy

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piggledy buildings on it. Some of them old, some of them new because piggledy buildings on it. Some of them old, some of them new because

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there's still. We were, when I finally got there I found we were, we were still in the old there's still. We were, when I finally got there I found we were, we were still in the old

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donga line there that was built in 1956 or something and I thought donga line there that was built in 1956 or something and I thought

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this is home. [laughs] Pardon, me, but where are the luxuries? [laughs]  this is home. [laughs] Pardon, me, but where are the luxuries? [laughs] 

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My, when I 1st was told this is your donga, it's temporary because we've got  My, when I 1st was told this is your donga, it's temporary because we've got 

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the la-last year's electrician Ricky Besso staying over with us because of the la-last year's electrician Ricky Besso staying over with us because of

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the dive program that they were running there at the time, um, yeah, he the dive program that they were running there at the time, um, yeah, he

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they gave me this donga which had been, well it looked like it had they gave me this donga which had been, well it looked like it had

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been stripped out, it was you know, the 1st thing I got to do is become been stripped out, it was you know, the 1st thing I got to do is become

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a carpenter. [laughs] [Ingrid] So, what was the donga set up? [Mike] The donga set up? As in a carpenter. [laughs] [Ingrid] So, what was the donga set up? [Mike] The donga set up? As in

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it was a 2 ahalf metre by 3 and a half metre room with a curtain as it was a 2 ahalf metre by 3 and a half metre room with a curtain as

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a door, And  a door, And 

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a bed and a desk. And the desk was underneath the bed. The bed was raised up  a bed and a desk. And the desk was underneath the bed. The bed was raised up 

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later I found out because warmer up there [laughs] and  later I found out because warmer up there [laughs] and 

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a small slot in the, at the end of the bed which probably um, was no more than  a small slot in the, at the end of the bed which probably um, was no more than 

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about 500 mil wide which was a wardrobe, with about 500 mil wide which was a wardrobe, with

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the curtain hanging over the front of it. And, I was um, sort of the curtain hanging over the front of it. And, I was um, sort of

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a bit, a bit you know, is this, this for real, is this actually were we are going to  a bit, a bit you know, is this, this for real, is this actually were we are going to 

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live. And, ah, but no, it's quite cozy, I, well when Ricky live. And, ah, but no, it's quite cozy, I, well when Ricky

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left and I was to take over the other, his donga because it was opposite the left and I was to take over the other, his donga because it was opposite the

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fire panel I didn't really want to leave the 1 I'd just refurbished. [laughs] It got cozy. [Ingrid] So what fire panel I didn't really want to leave the 1 I'd just refurbished. [laughs] It got cozy. [Ingrid] So what

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was was

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the set up of the dongas? Were they all model dongas in 1 building? [Mike] Yeah, what the set up of the dongas? Were they all model dongas in 1 building? [Mike] Yeah, what

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what it was, it was a, virtually what it was, it was a, virtually

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a corridor with, what was  a corridor with, what was 

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a building with the amenities in the middle,  so you had you know your laundry um and a building with the amenities in the middle,  so you had you know your laundry um and

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showers and bathroom area ah, in the middle. There was showers and bathroom area ah, in the middle. There was

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a sewing room on the other side and then there was a sewing room on the other side and then there was

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a corridor off each end which serviced probably 8 or 10 dongas on each a corridor off each end which serviced probably 8 or 10 dongas on each

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side.  I said, curtains for doors side.  I said, curtains for doors

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and it was heated by a a recirculated  and it was heated by a a recirculated 

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hot water. So you had a little radiator underneath hot water. So you had a little radiator underneath

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your desk. And in the centre corridor itself there was your desk. And in the centre corridor itself there was

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a fan coil unit which just blew hot air down a fan coil unit which just blew hot air down

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warm air down the, down the corridor and that was it. Ah, gymnasium at 1 end warm air down the, down the corridor and that was it. Ah, gymnasium at 1 end

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and at the, at the the top end there was also and at the, at the the top end there was also

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a dark room, because down there a dark room, because down there

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you developed all, all your own photographs, um, that was black and white and also you used the old you developed all, all your own photographs, um, that was black and white and also you used the old

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E-6 Kit slide developing system. Um, there was always E-6 Kit slide developing system. Um, there was always

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a fight over the, who was going to use the the photographics equipment. a fight over the, who was going to use the the photographics equipment.

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Because well down there in summer and sort of everything was new, rolls and rolls Because well down there in summer and sort of everything was new, rolls and rolls

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and rolls of film we used. [laughs] And everybody was trying to try to develop their photographs and rolls of film we used. [laughs] And everybody was trying to try to develop their photographs

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every every evening after they'd come back from from going out and doing their jobs every every evening after they'd come back from from going out and doing their jobs

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and taking lots of photographs. [Ingrid] Did they have a  and taking lots of photographs. [Ingrid] Did they have a 

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a roster on the door? [Mike] Well, over, well what we would normally do especially over a roster on the door? [Mike] Well, over, well what we would normally do especially over

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summer is that you'd organise with a couple of other people, summer is that you'd organise with a couple of other people,

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a community run where you sort of, here's half a dozen rolls of mine and half a community run where you sort of, here's half a dozen rolls of mine and half

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a dozen rolls of yours and half a dozen rolls of yours and half

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a dozen rolls of yours and we'd do them that way but over a dozen rolls of yours and we'd do them that way but over

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winter it wasn't so bad. winter it wasn't so bad.

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I mean, it was, after the novelty of taking all these photographs had worn off you were I mean, it was, after the novelty of taking all these photographs had worn off you were

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usually pretty right, you could do down and virtually pick your time ah, but there was a sort of a usually pretty right, you could do down and virtually pick your time ah, but there was a sort of a

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a white board on the door a white board on the door

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or a blackboard as it was there on the door and you just wrote your name and or a blackboard as it was there on the door and you just wrote your name and

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what time you wanted to use it, or the developing room or the  what time you wanted to use it, or the developing room or the 

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the black and white room. [Ingrid] Can you remember anything about the gymnasium? [Mike] The gymnasium was  the black and white room. [Ingrid] Can you remember anything about the gymnasium? [Mike] The gymnasium was 

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very basic. There was an exercise bike. A treadmill. very basic. There was an exercise bike. A treadmill.

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And a rowing machine and And a rowing machine and

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a set of weights was virtually the gymnasium. Um, very stark it was just a sort of a set of weights was virtually the gymnasium. Um, very stark it was just a sort of

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I think it was a room probably 5 or 6 metres square, painted yellow, I think it was a room probably 5 or 6 metres square, painted yellow,

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a few posters on the wall. And, in 1 corner, because I did the, I ended up being in a few posters on the wall. And, in 1 corner, because I did the, I ended up being in

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charge of doing the station video, there was charge of doing the station video, there was

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a little storeroom off to 1 side which all it could fit in it was a desk and a  a little storeroom off to 1 side which all it could fit in it was a desk and a 

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a couple of chairs and I set that up to do our station videos. a couple of chairs and I set that up to do our station videos.

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Anybody that would come in and say, here I've got some video here you might want I had Anybody that would come in and say, here I've got some video here you might want I had

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a couple of video recorders set up and we used to transfer video backwards a couple of video recorders set up and we used to transfer video backwards

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and forwards, somebody'd want some of my video and I'd want some of their video, but I mean but they and forwards, somebody'd want some of my video and I'd want some of their video, but I mean but they

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were, it was very basic, as in the technology as far as video recorders went were, it was very basic, as in the technology as far as video recorders went

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back then was, you know, rather primitive and not like today back then was, you know, rather primitive and not like today

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where you've got a where you've got a

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handycam you put in your hand, it'd fit in the palm of your hand back, back then it was handycam you put in your hand, it'd fit in the palm of your hand back, back then it was

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you had a video recorder in a backpack and you had a video recorder in a backpack and

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a separate video camera. It was rather clumsy heavy to cart around but a separate video camera. It was rather clumsy heavy to cart around but

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How did the How did the

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video go in terms of um batteries, power, given the temperatures down there are quite cold? [Mike] Well, what video go in terms of um batteries, power, given the temperatures down there are quite cold? [Mike] Well, what

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you normally did was, um, you would take the battery out of your video camera while you you normally did was, um, you would take the battery out of your video camera while you

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were travelling if you, if you were going out to do lake sampling or you were were travelling if you, if you were going out to do lake sampling or you were

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going out to service going out to service

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a hut or something like that, or do some seal tagging or whatever you a hut or something like that, or do some seal tagging or whatever you

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went out to do, um, you would usually take the video camera batteries went out to do, um, you would usually take the video camera batteries

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out, of, of the camera and usually put it as close to your skin as possible because  out, of, of the camera and usually put it as close to your skin as possible because 

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warm. We had several occasions down there where either, the battery batteries had warm. We had several occasions down there where either, the battery batteries had

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failed while you were trying to video something or it was that cold that the video failed while you were trying to video something or it was that cold that the video

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tapes actually broke [laughs] because you just couldn't, couldn't physically keep this big tapes actually broke [laughs] because you just couldn't, couldn't physically keep this big

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backpack warm enough. Um, and also, the cameras, cameras themselves backpack warm enough. Um, and also, the cameras, cameras themselves

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often you'd take them out of the pack and they'd literally freeze up. often you'd take them out of the pack and they'd literally freeze up.

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Or the lens would frost up and you, you just couldn't use them but the still Or the lens would frost up and you, you just couldn't use them but the still

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cameras weren't weren't too bad. We had, well, I had mine winterised before we went down cameras weren't weren't too bad. We had, well, I had mine winterised before we went down

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I bought it brand new and said look, before I take it I want it winterised and I I bought it brand new and said look, before I take it I want it winterised and I

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never had never had

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a failure with the still camera,but the video cameras were a bit fickle. [Ingrid] How do you winterise a failure with the still camera,but the video cameras were a bit fickle. [Ingrid] How do you winterise

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a camera? [Mike] I don't know. I was told that they use some sort of dry a camera? [Mike] I don't know. I was told that they use some sort of dry

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silicone grease on all the shutter parts etc. silicone grease on all the shutter parts etc.

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but I, apart from that I don't know, all it cost me was $40 to have my but I, apart from that I don't know, all it cost me was $40 to have my

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camera, brand new camera, pulled apart and put back together again. [Ingrid] So, did the accommodation block camera, brand new camera, pulled apart and put back together again. [Ingrid] So, did the accommodation block

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where the gym and dark room was did that have a name? [Mike]. It was just called the donga line. where the gym and dark room was did that have a name? [Mike]. It was just called the donga line.

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It was as, it was It was as, it was

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a timber building, looked like it was made out of plywood a timber building, looked like it was made out of plywood

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with, um some sort of insulating material between 2 layers of plywood with, um some sort of insulating material between 2 layers of plywood

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and then it was middle clad with sheet metal which you kept away and then it was middle clad with sheet metal which you kept away

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from when there was a blizzard because from when there was a blizzard because

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the humidity was so dry down there that in the case of the humidity was so dry down there that in the case of

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a blizzard there was that much static build up you'd walk past a blizzard there was that much static build up you'd walk past

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a building and you didn't get within probably a building and you didn't get within probably

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a metre of the building because you knew that if you accidentally touched any part a metre of the building because you knew that if you accidentally touched any part

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of that building you were going to get zapped. They had big problems with with it of that building you were going to get zapped. They had big problems with with it

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because the, even the radio room, because that was the same type of construction. because the, even the radio room, because that was the same type of construction.

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They had failures with the They had failures with the

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telex machines and everything because of the static. We actually went and laid anti  telex machines and everything because of the static. We actually went and laid anti 

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static carpet in there static carpet in there

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the year I was down there, because the new telex machines were failing because the year I was down there, because the new telex machines were failing because

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people were zapping them all the time. [laughs] [Ingrid] So, you mentioned in your donga you had  people were zapping them all the time. [laughs] [Ingrid] So, you mentioned in your donga you had 

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a small covered area. [Mike] Yep. [Ingrid] What things in particular did you pack to go down south a small covered area. [Mike] Yep. [Ingrid] What things in particular did you pack to go down south

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personal luggage? personal luggage?

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My personal luggage. [coughs] Um,  My personal luggage. [coughs] Um, 

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Jeez that's that's Jeez that's that's

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the hard 1. [Ingrid] Did you take anything like for hobbies or for recreation or cigarettes or alcohol the hard 1. [Ingrid] Did you take anything like for hobbies or for recreation or cigarettes or alcohol

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Yes took down, well I, before I went down I went to the Duty Free shop and did the usual Yes took down, well I, before I went down I went to the Duty Free shop and did the usual

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thing bought, bought the cigarettes and the, I bought some, I was thing bought, bought the cigarettes and the, I bought some, I was

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a Southern Comfort drinker at the time, so there was the Southern Comfort and I was told that a Southern Comfort drinker at the time, so there was the Southern Comfort and I was told that

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you know there was only certain amount of um, provisions put aside for your you know you know there was only certain amount of um, provisions put aside for your you know

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once once

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a week you would get your, your ration of um the Coca-cola and um, chocolates a week you would get your, your ration of um the Coca-cola and um, chocolates

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and the basic necessities like and the basic necessities like

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your soap and toothpaste etc. So, um, I also went to the at the your soap and toothpaste etc. So, um, I also went to the at the

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Duty Free shop I also bought, uI think was about 20 cartons of Duty Free shop I also bought, uI think was about 20 cartons of

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Coke, u, a couple of dozen bottles of Southern Comfort, I also Coke, u, a couple of dozen bottles of Southern Comfort, I also

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packed from home a, a dozen bottles of port, quite partial to port packed from home a, a dozen bottles of port, quite partial to port

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every now and again, so, apart from that it was just your normal underwear etc. every now and again, so, apart from that it was just your normal underwear etc.

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you know and plus the, plus the, the clothing etc. that was issued by the you know and plus the, plus the, the clothing etc. that was issued by the

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by the Division.  My hobby, I took down my  by the Division.  My hobby, I took down my 

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a computer at the time which was a fairly good computer although it was a computer at the time which was a fairly good computer although it was

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a Commodore 64, ah, [coughs] so therefore I also had to pack a a Commodore 64, ah, [coughs] so therefore I also had to pack a

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TV, so I had a, I went and bought a little 12 inch portable TV. TV, so I had a, I went and bought a little 12 inch portable TV.

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Colour TV at the time and that was basically it. Colour TV at the time and that was basically it.

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[Ingrid] Was there a luggage restriction in terms of size or weight for your year's supply, or you're just not aware. [Mike] Not that,  [Ingrid] Was there a luggage restriction in terms of size or weight for your year's supply, or you're just not aware. [Mike] Not that, 

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not that I can recall. So it was, there was, there was not that I can recall. So it was, there was, there was

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it was to it was to

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a point where you took the stuff down to the stores down there ready to be loaded and a point where you took the stuff down to the stores down there ready to be loaded and

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I know I know

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a couple of people were told no that's enough. But it wasn't, I don't think there was a couple of people were told no that's enough. But it wasn't, I don't think there was

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any real restriction on what you could take down, there was any real restriction on what you could take down, there was

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it came down to, all your personal stuff that was going down for the winter it came down to, all your personal stuff that was going down for the winter

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to Davis goes in that container. And it was, yeah, if, if it fitted it was OK. to Davis goes in that container. And it was, yeah, if, if it fitted it was OK.

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If they reckoned it wasn't going to fit, no I think you'd better take it back home. If they reckoned it wasn't going to fit, no I think you'd better take it back home.

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And a lot, but also you've got to realise that a  And a lot, but also you've got to realise that a 

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a lot of people came from, came from other parts of Australia, and me being a  a lot of people came from, came from other parts of Australia, and me being a 

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local I could go down and take anything down I wanted, anytime I wanted until we left. local I could go down and take anything down I wanted, anytime I wanted until we left.

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But there were other people who were travelling light from other parts of Australia But there were other people who were travelling light from other parts of Australia

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anyway, so, I know the chippie  anyway, so, I know the chippie 

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he took down his hobby, or some stuff to do his hobby, he refurbished golf clubs and he took down his hobby, or some stuff to do his hobby, he refurbished golf clubs and

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he took down a big chest full of all broken golf clubs etc. he took down a big chest full of all broken golf clubs etc.

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for him to work on while he was down there. Other people took musical instruments for him to work on while he was down there. Other people took musical instruments

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etc. but. [Ingrid] Hmm. Was there ever a case that ah people's supply didn't get in? etc. but. [Ingrid] Hmm. Was there ever a case that ah people's supply didn't get in?

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Yes, ah, the, being  Yes, ah, the, being 

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a local like I say, my duty free was virtually delivered to the Division a local like I say, my duty free was virtually delivered to the Division

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the day after I ordered it so it got into the day after I ordered it so it got into

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a container go on to the ship on the voyage we went down on. A lot of other a container go on to the ship on the voyage we went down on. A lot of other

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people their duty free was going down on the 2nd expedi- oh people their duty free was going down on the 2nd expedi- oh

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the 2nd voyage down, which didn't make it because the Icebird had gearbox  the 2nd voyage down, which didn't make it because the Icebird had gearbox 

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problems and they returned to problems and they returned to

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Australia. They were only 2 or 3 days out of Hobart when, when this happened and so Australia. They were only 2 or 3 days out of Hobart when, when this happened and so

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the 2nd voyage didn't actually get to Davis and the 2nd voyage didn't actually get to Davis and

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a lot of people's duty free or, that they'd bought didn't arrive like the a lot of people's duty free or, that they'd bought didn't arrive like the

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cigarettes and their alcohol etc. and it was very interesting that cigarettes and their alcohol etc. and it was very interesting that

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there were 6 smokers on, at the station and I was the only 1 with cigarettes there were 6 smokers on, at the station and I was the only 1 with cigarettes

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in the end, because they had bought up what they could on the ship to go, on the ship to in the end, because they had bought up what they could on the ship to go, on the ship to

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go down when, when they went down, but as the 2nd voyage didn't arrive go down when, when they went down, but as the 2nd voyage didn't arrive

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a lot of the provisions that were coming down for Davis ended up being offloaded a lot of the provisions that were coming down for Davis ended up being offloaded

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at Casey on that voyage but that, the third voyage, but the third voyage wasn't at Casey on that voyage but that, the third voyage, but the third voyage wasn't

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going to Davis, so we missed out on a lot of the goodies etc. going to Davis, so we missed out on a lot of the goodies etc.

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that were being sent down for our midwinter's and all the other that were being sent down for our midwinter's and all the other

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little luxuries plus little luxuries plus

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virtually everybody else's duty free. People didn't have their full virtually everybody else's duty free. People didn't have their full

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complement of film, camera film, and things like that. So, complement of film, camera film, and things like that. So,

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it was very interesting to see um, what the smokers did after not finding out that  it was very interesting to see um, what the smokers did after not finding out that 

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their their

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supplies weren't coming down. Albert, the plant inspector had  supplies weren't coming down. Albert, the plant inspector had 

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a case of handmade Swiss cigars and that was a case of handmade Swiss cigars and that was

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about it apart from my supply of cigarettes. So it was about it apart from my supply of cigarettes. So it was

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funny to watch the other smokers every time they, that I looked like I was going to the funny to watch the other smokers every time they, that I looked like I was going to the

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to my workshop which was a  to my workshop which was a 

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desig-designated smoking area or to the bar desig-designated smoking area or to the bar

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which was a designated smoking area. The eyes were on me to see whether or not I was  which was a designated smoking area. The eyes were on me to see whether or not I was 

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going to light up a cigarette, because I'd get to within going to light up a cigarette, because I'd get to within

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a couple of puffs of the filter and they'd say, can I have that please? [laughs][Ingrid] So they were a couple of puffs of the filter and they'd say, can I have that please? [laughs][Ingrid] So they were

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desperate. [Mike] They were getting desperate. Um, the same as with the, when we had desperate. [Mike] They were getting desperate. Um, the same as with the, when we had

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special occasions like New Year's Eve or midwinter's, etc. I'd bring out  special occasions like New Year's Eve or midwinter's, etc. I'd bring out 

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a packet of cigarettes and just throw them on the bar and it was like the seagulls a packet of cigarettes and just throw them on the bar and it was like the seagulls

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and the bag of hot chips. It was, that one's mine, that one's mine and the packet'd and the bag of hot chips. It was, that one's mine, that one's mine and the packet'd

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be empty you know within about 5 minutes and there were people walking around with cigarettes be empty you know within about 5 minutes and there were people walking around with cigarettes

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across their, hanging out, across their ears and all sorts of things like that and they'd be happy for across their, hanging out, across their ears and all sorts of things like that and they'd be happy for

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a little while. [laughs] [Ingrid] Were you able to use your cigarettes as a  a little while. [laughs] [Ingrid] Were you able to use your cigarettes as a 

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bartering tool on station? [Mike] Oh, definitely, definitely, 2 things you could barter bartering tool on station? [Mike] Oh, definitely, definitely, 2 things you could barter

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with on the station were cans of Coke, which I had plenty and cigarettes of which I with on the station were cans of Coke, which I had plenty and cigarettes of which I

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had plenty. Um, you could buy had plenty. Um, you could buy

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a carton of beer for a cigarette or or a can of coke. You could buy a carton of beer for a cigarette or or a can of coke. You could buy

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I bought, I bought I bought, I bought

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a couple of bottles of Chivas Regal, for a packet of cigarettes, it was, people were that a couple of bottles of Chivas Regal, for a packet of cigarettes, it was, people were that

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desperate for their, for their Coke and their cigarettes desperate for their, for their Coke and their cigarettes

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at times, it was, it was hilarious to watch the antics. [Ingrid] So you mentioned at times, it was, it was hilarious to watch the antics. [Ingrid] So you mentioned

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that that

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a lot of your stuff got offloaded at Casey, the goodies, what sort of stuff did that involve a lot of your stuff got offloaded at Casey, the goodies, what sort of stuff did that involve

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and how did it impact upon the base.[Mike] It was all the, all the little luxuries that we and how did it impact upon the base.[Mike] It was all the, all the little luxuries that we

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were going to have for midwinter's dinner etc. were going to have for midwinter's dinner etc.

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There was crayfish and there was, other, other There was crayfish and there was, other, other

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you know foodstuffs like, even, frozen flake. you know foodstuffs like, even, frozen flake.

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And, just bits and pieces like that there was And, just bits and pieces like that there was

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the sort of the icing on the cake for the,  for the expedition and for the special the sort of the icing on the cake for the,  for the expedition and for the special

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occasions etc. And just didn't arrive so, and neither did the the 2 occasions etc. And just didn't arrive so, and neither did the the 2

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Chinese expeditioners that were supposed to of wintered with us, they ended up being Chinese expeditioners that were supposed to of wintered with us, they ended up being

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ended up wintering at Casey. [Ingrid] Were Casey appreciative of their good fortune in getting the extra crayfish? ended up wintering at Casey. [Ingrid] Were Casey appreciative of their good fortune in getting the extra crayfish?

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They were, we were, we were in radio contact with them and they, they rubbed it in They were, we were, we were in radio contact with them and they, they rubbed it in

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that they'd had the extra crayfish for midwinter's that they'd had the extra crayfish for midwinter's

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etc. but then we said well, for some funny reason, we've got all your  etc. but then we said well, for some funny reason, we've got all your 

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beer. And, on the next expedition, Casey's quota of beer. And, on the next expedition, Casey's quota of

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of beer, which was in a ?inaudible? of beer, which was in a ?inaudible?

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container with that, that was supposed to be dropped off container with that, that was supposed to be dropped off

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at Davis. The whole lot was dropped off at Davis, so, in the end what happened was at Davis. The whole lot was dropped off at Davis, so, in the end what happened was

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that, the quota system for the handing out of the beer that, the quota system for the handing out of the beer

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every, every week along with the chocolates etc. was, oh, we won't worry about that every, every week along with the chocolates etc. was, oh, we won't worry about that

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?inaudible? container's over there, you know where it is and it got to the point where ?inaudible? container's over there, you know where it is and it got to the point where

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I radioed, I had a radio I radioed, I had a radio

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schedule with the new incoming electrician for schedule with the new incoming electrician for

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97, for 87, sorry. And I said, do you drink beer and he said yes I 97, for 87, sorry. And I said, do you drink beer and he said yes I

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do. So, I said, well what I'll do is I'll do. So, I said, well what I'll do is I'll

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leave you some supplies and before, after I cleaned up my donga I went up leave you some supplies and before, after I cleaned up my donga I went up

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to the, went up to the stores and got about to the, went up to the stores and got about

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a dozen cartons of beer and stashed them in any place I could fit them around his donga. a dozen cartons of beer and stashed them in any place I could fit them around his donga.

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Before he arrived. [laughs] So, I was told it was in, was going to be in short Before he arrived. [laughs] So, I was told it was in, was going to be in short

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supply that year for the summer so I made sure he had plenty. [Ingrid] Was anything else in supply that year for the summer so I made sure he had plenty. [Ingrid] Was anything else in

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short supply for the summer? short supply for the summer?

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Not really. Um, can't think of anything else Not really. Um, can't think of anything else

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that was actually in short supply  that was actually in short supply 

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apart from the, well for the summer that we had, like I said was the cigarettes apart from the, well for the summer that we had, like I said was the cigarettes

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and the Coca-cola, but and the Coca-cola, but

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basically. [Ingrid] So no shortage of any foodstuffs? [Mike] No, no, no, there was   basically. [Ingrid] So no shortage of any foodstuffs? [Mike] No, no, no, there was  

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like over summer there was plenty it was, it was in winter when you were like over summer there was plenty it was, it was in winter when you were

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living on potatoes in sawdust and carrots in sawdust and oiled eggs etc. living on potatoes in sawdust and carrots in sawdust and oiled eggs etc.

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You missed the little luxuries of fresh milk etc. it was all powdered milk but You missed the little luxuries of fresh milk etc. it was all powdered milk but

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[Ingrid] What was the food like when you were down South? [Mike] Actually the food was really [Ingrid] What was the food like when you were down South? [Mike] Actually the food was really

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good. Our chef, well, he was a chef he good. Our chef, well, he was a chef he

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was a French chef, Roger Milliet was his name, he had was a French chef, Roger Milliet was his name, he had

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I think it was at 3 French restaurants in Brisbane and he always used to tell us I think it was at 3 French restaurants in Brisbane and he always used to tell us

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that he'd done that he'd done

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a 24 year chef's apprenticeship under his grandmother in France and he always telling a 24 year chef's apprenticeship under his grandmother in France and he always telling

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us that us that

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and what he could do with some of that food was incredible, he was brilliant as and what he could do with some of that food was incredible, he was brilliant as

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far as, as far as the menus went. Filet Mignon and all this  far as, as far as the menus went. Filet Mignon and all this 

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sort of stuff. And I remember there once he, he was making some Bearnaise sauce and I sort of stuff. And I remember there once he, he was making some Bearnaise sauce and I

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remember he did something wrong and 5 kilos of butter went in  remember he did something wrong and 5 kilos of butter went in 

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the garbage bin. [laughs] The OIC wasn't really happy about that but Roger said it wasn't the garbage bin. [laughs] The OIC wasn't really happy about that but Roger said it wasn't

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good enough. [laughs] And then there was another time, said to, the question was good enough. [laughs] And then there was another time, said to, the question was

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asked of Roger, we haven't had any meringues, can you make asked of Roger, we haven't had any meringues, can you make

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a meringue and he said I don't think I can do it with the oiled eggs, he said but I'll give it a meringue and he said I don't think I can do it with the oiled eggs, he said but I'll give it

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a go and he tried I think 3 times to make meringues, and he said, no, no can't make it a go and he tried I think 3 times to make meringues, and he said, no, no can't make it

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no, there's no way. Unbeknowst to him, Russell McLoughlin The UAP no, there's no way. Unbeknowst to him, Russell McLoughlin The UAP

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Physicist had had Physicist had had

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a radio schedule and, and talked to his Mum, and he was  a radio schedule and, and talked to his Mum, and he was 

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a week later, he was on nightwatch and we came up to the kitchen next a week later, he was on nightwatch and we came up to the kitchen next

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morning and there's 3 perfect pavlovas  sitting on the cupboard in the kitchen morning and there's 3 perfect pavlovas  sitting on the cupboard in the kitchen

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so no need to say, that Roger got stirred for about the next fortnight when are you  so no need to say, that Roger got stirred for about the next fortnight when are you 

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making some pavlovas, when are you making a making some pavlovas, when are you making a

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a meringue. And he actually, he actually secretly tried again, we found out a meringue. And he actually, he actually secretly tried again, we found out

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later on to do it and still couldn't cook ?inaudible? [laughs]. [Ingrid] So what was the secret? [Mike] I don't know  later on to do it and still couldn't cook ?inaudible? [laughs]. [Ingrid] So what was the secret? [Mike] I don't know 

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it was, it was Russell's Mum's recipe I suppose. [laughs] [Ingrid] Did any of the other expeditioners have stand out it was, it was Russell's Mum's recipe I suppose. [laughs] [Ingrid] Did any of the other expeditioners have stand out

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meals or special recipes that they used during the year? [Mike] No, no, I can't meals or special recipes that they used during the year? [Mike] No, no, I can't

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really think of any, that was, for like when it was when it was really think of any, that was, for like when it was when it was

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a slushy's turn a slushy's turn

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to cook, it was usually very basic. [Ingrid] What sort of things would you cook? [Mike] Um I to cook, it was usually very basic. [Ingrid] What sort of things would you cook? [Mike] Um I

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cooked steak, eggs and chips, that was the easiest [laughs] [Ingrid] ?inaudible? cooked steak, eggs and chips, that was the easiest [laughs] [Ingrid] ?inaudible?

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But ah, no, it was all, all very basic apart from that, I mean you couldn't But ah, no, it was all, all very basic apart from that, I mean you couldn't

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outdo Roger, so. [Ingrid] Were there any standout meals during the day or sorry, during the year outdo Roger, so. [Ingrid] Were there any standout meals during the day or sorry, during the year

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from the chef? [Mike] You'd have to say midwinter's. He excelled from the chef? [Mike] You'd have to say midwinter's. He excelled

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himself with midwinter's. [Ingrid] What did he do? [Mike] There was that much food. We had, himself with midwinter's. [Ingrid] What did he do? [Mike] There was that much food. We had,

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we had a pig on, a pig on the spit and oh, I we had a pig on, a pig on the spit and oh, I

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couldn't remember couldn't remember

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a lot of it, I mean, it was, there was just that much food and it was excellent. a lot of it, I mean, it was, there was just that much food and it was excellent.

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We had fondues and all sorts of things that he'd come up with. [Ingrid] And what else did We had fondues and all sorts of things that he'd come up with. [Ingrid] And what else did

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you do to celebrate midwinter? [Mike] We had the usual midwinter's play. you do to celebrate midwinter? [Mike] We had the usual midwinter's play.

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Plus poetry reading etc. Plus poetry reading etc.

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I, I actually didn't get into that I was too busy with I, I actually didn't get into that I was too busy with

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the video camera, but ah, so we could get it all down on tape, but ah there was the  the video camera, but ah, so we could get it all down on tape, but ah there was the 

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midwinter's play itself was Snow White and the 7 expeditioners. midwinter's play itself was Snow White and the 7 expeditioners.

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?inaudible? it was run along the Snow White theme, but it was ?inaudible? it was run along the Snow White theme, but it was

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all all

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about you know, the um, the expeditioners, it was Snow White set about you know, the um, the expeditioners, it was Snow White set

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in Antarctica virtually [laughs] rather appropriate being Snow White. [Ingrid] Was there a in Antarctica virtually [laughs] rather appropriate being Snow White. [Ingrid] Was there a

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band or? [Mike] We had we had a couple of the guys down there play guitar band or? [Mike] We had we had a couple of the guys down there play guitar

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etc. And there was etc. And there was

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a couple of couple of skits done around that tof thing. Like 1 of the a couple of couple of skits done around that tof thing. Like 1 of the

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expeditioners decided to um, be a bit of a clown with a, with a guitar and using it expeditioners decided to um, be a bit of a clown with a, with a guitar and using it

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like a violin and he was playing it, oh, gee, it was good like a violin and he was playing it, oh, gee, it was good

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[Ingrid] Did you have a midwinter swim or any other activities for midwinter's? [Mike] No, [Ingrid] Did you have a midwinter swim or any other activities for midwinter's? [Mike] No,

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we didn't have we didn't have

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a midwinter swim because we couldn't get through the ice to do it, it was too thick. a midwinter swim because we couldn't get through the ice to do it, it was too thick.

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And it had rafted up along the beach several metres high in places so it was, we would And it had rafted up along the beach several metres high in places so it was, we would

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have had to have gone out to you know, 20 or 30 kilometres out to actually get near any water have had to have gone out to you know, 20 or 30 kilometres out to actually get near any water

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at that stage. [Ingrid] Cool, mmm. I guess this is the early days when women started going down you at that stage. [Ingrid] Cool, mmm. I guess this is the early days when women started going down you

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mentioned that Gillian was, was the doctor, was a female. [Mike] Yes, yes. [Ingrid] Was there still much of  mentioned that Gillian was, was the doctor, was a female. [Mike] Yes, yes. [Ingrid] Was there still much of 

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a culture of girlie pictures or magazines a culture of girlie pictures or magazines

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around on the station. [Mike] Oh definitely, definitely. You'd go into all the workshops etc. and there around on the station. [Mike] Oh definitely, definitely. You'd go into all the workshops etc. and there

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were, you know, there were the usual pictures on the wall, the pin ups out of were, you know, there were the usual pictures on the wall, the pin ups out of

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the magazines etc. So, you know you'd on, usually you'd have the magazines etc. So, you know you'd on, usually you'd have

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a new batch of magazines a new batch of magazines

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etc. come down on the ship and, you know the, the pinups would come out and be etc. come down on the ship and, you know the, the pinups would come out and be

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stuck on the workshop walls etc. Aealising that she was the only stuck on the workshop walls etc. Aealising that she was the only

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female on the station, Gillian accepted it to a  female on the station, Gillian accepted it to a 

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certain extent but there was also probably, in the library etc., there was certain extent but there was also probably, in the library etc., there was

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a lot of magazines that we said, OK, then look, what we'll do is because she a lot of magazines that we said, OK, then look, what we'll do is because she

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decided she was going to be the librarian, we'll put those in boxes and put them decided she was going to be the librarian, we'll put those in boxes and put them

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away, we know where they are, but you know we'll, we'll get rid of some, some of  away, we know where they are, but you know we'll, we'll get rid of some, some of 

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the more you know evocative type posters etc. the more you know evocative type posters etc.

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but don't expect them all to disappear but we'll sort of, we'll sort of but don't expect them all to disappear but we'll sort of, we'll sort of

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make sure that ah, there's nothing sort of [Ingrid] Around. [Mike] Yes. [Ingrid] So what was it like having make sure that ah, there's nothing sort of [Ingrid] Around. [Mike] Yes. [Ingrid] So what was it like having

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a single female on station with 19 other men? a single female on station with 19 other men?

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It polarised the station slightly in that It polarised the station slightly in that

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the usual rumours were going around as to who was spending time with the usual rumours were going around as to who was spending time with

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who etc. and what that meant or to the extent of it but who etc. and what that meant or to the extent of it but

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it, it, apart from that side of things she was treated like anybody it, it, apart from that side of things she was treated like anybody

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else. There was, there was a couple things that had to change  else. There was, there was a couple things that had to change 

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The only bath in the place was in the donga line, so if she wanted to take The only bath in the place was in the donga line, so if she wanted to take

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a bath, there were big signs put up on either end of the donga line saying  a bath, there were big signs put up on either end of the donga line saying 

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you know Gillian's got the bathroom, [laughs] don't go near it. [Ingrid] Did, what did the signs actually you know Gillian's got the bathroom, [laughs] don't go near it. [Ingrid] Did, what did the signs actually

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say? [Mike] Well I gue-, all it was, was, I think 1 of them said, Gillian's about or say? [Mike] Well I gue-, all it was, was, I think 1 of them said, Gillian's about or

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something like that it was just a something like that it was just a

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sign saying, you know, like, she's in the bathroom, steer clear, because before that sign saying, you know, like, she's in the bathroom, steer clear, because before that

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it was just 1 amenities block there's a bath there, there's a couple of showers there. [Ingrid] So, it was all open it was just 1 amenities block there's a bath there, there's a couple of showers there. [Ingrid] So, it was all open

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so, showers with curtains and a bath. [Mike] Yeah, that's all it was it, there so, showers with curtains and a bath. [Mike] Yeah, that's all it was it, there

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was was

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a shower, 2 showers I think with curtains in 1 room and then there was a shower, 2 showers I think with curtains in 1 room and then there was

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a bath which doubled as a soaking [laughs]  a bath which doubled as a soaking [laughs] 

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?inaudible? for clothing, because in that room there was also 2 washing machines and but ?inaudible? for clothing, because in that room there was also 2 washing machines and but

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she also had she also had

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a toilet for herself because down there in those days was the gas fired what they used to call a toilet for herself because down there in those days was the gas fired what they used to call

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the crappers, I don't know whether they're still there, or, but there was 1  the crappers, I don't know whether they're still there, or, but there was 1 

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there was 1 gas fired there was 1 gas fired

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toilet up near her donga which was hers exclusively that was toilet up near her donga which was hers exclusively that was

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put aside, not so much in summer, I mean, we, in summer we had probably had half put aside, not so much in summer, I mean, we, in summer we had probably had half

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a dozen women on station but yes, that was her dong- that was her, her toilet and we had a dozen women on station but yes, that was her dong- that was her, her toilet and we had

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the gas crappers down next to the donger line. [Ingrid] Hmm, was there any culture of the gas crappers down next to the donger line. [Ingrid] Hmm, was there any culture of

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extracurricular drugs? [Mike] Not that I'm aware of. [Ingrid] No, so, nothing grown in hydroponics?   extracurricular drugs? [Mike] Not that I'm aware of. [Ingrid] No, so, nothing grown in hydroponics?  

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[Mike] No, no. [Ingrid] Did you have hydroponics? [Mike] Yes, we had hydroponics. Hyrdroponics grew [Mike] No, no. [Ingrid] Did you have hydroponics? [Mike] Yes, we had hydroponics. Hyrdroponics grew

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basically, chilies, capsicum, basically, chilies, capsicum,

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and a few other bits and pieces like that, but there was nothing, nothing growing down there, and a few other bits and pieces like that, but there was nothing, nothing growing down there,

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not at all. [Ingrid] And, so who was in charge of hydroponics was that more the chef not at all. [Ingrid] And, so who was in charge of hydroponics was that more the chef

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or was it you as the electrician? [Mike] No, um, the hydroponics was a bit of  or was it you as the electrician? [Mike] No, um, the hydroponics was a bit of 

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everybody's. Like for instance, ah everybody's. Like for instance, ah

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a couple, there was a couple, there was

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a couple more than others that used to look after the hydroponics, but it a couple more than others that used to look after the hydroponics, but it

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was a bit of like you'd was a bit of like you'd

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duck in there every now and duck in there every now and

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again, just to see how things were going. Me as the electrician make sure the lighting again, just to see how things were going. Me as the electrician make sure the lighting

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was still working and the time switches were still working etc. was still working and the time switches were still working etc.

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 the pumps for the water were still running. But it was  the pumps for the water were still running. But it was

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a bit of everybody's you know, just sort of go and see what was happening. [Ingrid] Mike did you have a bit of everybody's you know, just sort of go and see what was happening. [Ingrid] Mike did you have

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much of an opportunity to get off station during your year? [Mike] Yes, we the well the much of an opportunity to get off station during your year? [Mike] Yes, we the well the

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1st, the 1st time I went off station we did a trip. 1st, the 1st time I went off station we did a trip.

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We went by helicopter out to Platcha Hut and we did We went by helicopter out to Platcha Hut and we did

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a survival training course and walked back to the station from there, down a survival training course and walked back to the station from there, down

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through Deep Lake etc., we bivvied out through Deep Lake etc., we bivvied out

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1 night beside ah, beside the lake there and then walked from there back and we 1 night beside ah, beside the lake there and then walked from there back and we

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did a little bit of you know survival training on the way back did a little bit of you know survival training on the way back

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like you know if you've got caught sliding down like you know if you've got caught sliding down

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a slope or something, how do you use your ice pick etc.   a slope or something, how do you use your ice pick etc.  

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to arrest your fall, and we did all that type of thing, deliberately to arrest your fall, and we did all that type of thing, deliberately

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throwing yourself down the slope and trying to stop etc. [laughs] throwing yourself down the slope and trying to stop etc. [laughs]

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But, ah, there was, and belaying, and using, using the ropes But, ah, there was, and belaying, and using, using the ropes

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to you know sort of to walk along crevasse riddled terrain etc. to you know sort of to walk along crevasse riddled terrain etc.

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So we went through all that, that type of thing up on the plateau and then So we went through all that, that type of thing up on the plateau and then

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walked back to the station over a period of I think it was 3 days. [Ingrid] And, did you get out during winter months? walked back to the station over a period of I think it was 3 days. [Ingrid] And, did you get out during winter months?

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During winter we did lake sampling. Um, I went on several trips with lake sampling During winter we did lake sampling. Um, I went on several trips with lake sampling

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and also seal tagging and doing and also seal tagging and doing

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observations on the penguin rookeries, the Adelie penguin rookeries nearby, go out   observations on the penguin rookeries, the Adelie penguin rookeries nearby, go out  

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and sort of do surveys on you know the population of the of the and sort of do surveys on you know the population of the of the

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Penguins themselves. Also we did  Penguins themselves. Also we did 

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a couple of you know, sort of holiday type trips. I remember it was Tim Price a couple of you know, sort of holiday type trips. I remember it was Tim Price

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the plumber, Graham Canterbury, who was the  the plumber, Graham Canterbury, who was the 

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sparkie, the, sorry, the carpenter and myself. We went out to  sparkie, the, sorry, the carpenter and myself. We went out to 

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I think it was Mossy Hut. We took skidoos as far as the bottom end of I think it was Mossy Hut. We took skidoos as far as the bottom end of

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Lake ?inaudible? and then walked from there out to Mossy Hut which was Lake ?inaudible? and then walked from there out to Mossy Hut which was

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about a 2 and a half to 3 hour walk and we got to the hut just as a  about a 2 and a half to 3 hour walk and we got to the hut just as a 

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blizzard hit and so we, we ended up being stuck in that hut and not be able blizzard hit and so we, we ended up being stuck in that hut and not be able

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to get out for 5 days and we just sat there and played cards and  to get out for 5 days and we just sat there and played cards and 

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and read virtually. [Ingrid] So how big was the hut? [Mike] The hut itself would and read virtually. [Ingrid] So how big was the hut? [Mike] The hut itself would

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have been probably, the main room in the hut itself probably would have been no more  have been probably, the main room in the hut itself probably would have been no more 

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than about 4 and a half to 5 metres square. [Ingrid] With two lots of than about 4 and a half to 5 metres square. [Ingrid] With two lots of

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?inaudible? so the cooking facilities [Mike] Yes, the cooking facilities and the table and   ?inaudible? so the cooking facilities [Mike] Yes, the cooking facilities and the table and  

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a small cold porch to get outside and so we were stuck there for   a small cold porch to get outside and so we were stuck there for  

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yeah for 5 days. [Ingrid] Did you enjoy that time? [Mike] It got, it was alright  yeah for 5 days. [Ingrid] Did you enjoy that time? [Mike] It got, it was alright 

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to start off with, oh look, we're stuck out in the blizz, after about the third  to start off with, oh look, we're stuck out in the blizz, after about the third 

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day, the, you know the enthusiasm day, the, you know the enthusiasm

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had worn off and we were sort of starting to get a bit niggly with each other. And then we had worn off and we were sort of starting to get a bit niggly with each other. And then we

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once the blizzard had cleared because weather was coming to once the blizzard had cleared because weather was coming to

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coming, you know from the Davis direction we got coming, you know from the Davis direction we got

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a ra- on 1 of the radio scheds schedules they said the blizzard was clearing a ra- on 1 of the radio scheds schedules they said the blizzard was clearing

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and, and that we'd be able to get out soon and everything died down sort of 1 afternoon so and, and that we'd be able to get out soon and everything died down sort of 1 afternoon so

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we thought we'll head back to the skidoos and it took us another 3 hours we thought we'll head back to the skidoos and it took us another 3 hours

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to dig the skidoos out of the snow before we could start them and head, head home. But, yeah, that was to dig the skidoos out of the snow before we could start them and head, head home. But, yeah, that was

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a, that was an experience. [Ingrid] So what other activities did you do for recreation? a, that was an experience. [Ingrid] So what other activities did you do for recreation?

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Oh we um, we had Oh we um, we had

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a mini golf course in the, in the snow. We had a mini golf course in the, in the snow. We had

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Winter Olympics. [Ingrid] Tell me about the golf course and the Olympics. [Mike] [laughs] The golf course was Winter Olympics. [Ingrid] Tell me about the golf course and the Olympics. [Mike] [laughs] The golf course was

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a little 9 hole golf course which, I didn't play, I didn't play very much a little 9 hole golf course which, I didn't play, I didn't play very much

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golf but with golf but with

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a little 9 hole golf course which is 1 of the hardest golf courses I h ever a little 9 hole golf course which is 1 of the hardest golf courses I h ever

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played. It was, each hole, it was only set up like played. It was, each hole, it was only set up like

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a mini golf course but it was nothing to have 70 or 80 shots to get round the 9 a mini golf course but it was nothing to have 70 or 80 shots to get round the 9

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holes. [laughs] And what they would do is that they would rig up little balls of snow holes. [laughs] And what they would do is that they would rig up little balls of snow

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so that the ball had to, like we didn't have bunkers, so we had have other obstacles in so that the ball had to, like we didn't have bunkers, so we had have other obstacles in

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the way. the way.

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And there were things like they'd build up little walls of snow so that if you got stuck And there were things like they'd build up little walls of snow so that if you got stuck

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behind them you had hit backwards to get over the top of it and things like that. behind them you had hit backwards to get over the top of it and things like that.

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But that was good. And we had, so I said the midwinter Olympics But that was good. And we had, so I said the midwinter Olympics

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where we had skidoo races, um, we'd set up a figure 8 course where we had skidoo races, um, we'd set up a figure 8 course

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for skidoo races. We had ice-iceblock throwing competitions instead of for skidoo races. We had ice-iceblock throwing competitions instead of

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shot put. We had javelin which was actually marker canes, that's shot put. We had javelin which was actually marker canes, that's

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javelin. Ah, and we had, um what else did we  javelin. Ah, and we had, um what else did we 

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have have

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oh, skiing, the usual skiing and skating competitions out on the tarn you had to scrape oh, skiing, the usual skiing and skating competitions out on the tarn you had to scrape

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a skating competition and then ski-skiing competitions. I could  a skating competition and then ski-skiing competitions. I could 

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never stand on a set of skis and I still can't. [Ingrid] So, what sort of time frame was never stand on a set of skis and I still can't. [Ingrid] So, what sort of time frame was

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the Olympics run over? [Mike] Oh, it was only run over a day. It was only the Olympics run over? [Mike] Oh, it was only run over a day. It was only

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a short Olympics but a short Olympics but

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[Ingrid] A good . [M1ike] Yeah, a good 1. Oh, we had a, we had up on the helipad we had a cricket [Ingrid] A good . [M1ike] Yeah, a good 1. Oh, we had a, we had up on the helipad we had a cricket

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pitch, which was packing crates, was the actual pitch, was the actual pitch itself pitch, which was packing crates, was the actual pitch, was the actual pitch itself

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and we used to have competitions, 1 dayers as we used to call them but and we used to have competitions, 1 dayers as we used to call them but

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[Ingrid] It sounds like you had a good year. [Mike] Oh yeah we did. [Ingrid] [laughs] On that note we're just going to take [Ingrid] It sounds like you had a good year. [Mike] Oh yeah we did. [Ingrid] [laughs] On that note we're just going to take

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a short break and then we'll come back to talk about your work program. [Mike] Right. a short break and then we'll come back to talk about your work program. [Mike] Right.