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My name is Ingrid McGaughey and I'm having My name is Ingrid McGaughey and I'm having

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a conversation with Bob Dingle at his home in Swansea on the 24th of August 2011. a conversation with Bob Dingle at his home in Swansea on the 24th of August 2011.

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Bob did seven winters down south including Heard Island '51 and Mawson '54. Bob you've... Bob did seven winters down south including Heard Island '51 and Mawson '54. Bob you've...

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often said that Heard Island for you was one of your best years down south. often said that Heard Island for you was one of your best years down south.

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What made it so good? [Bob] Probably the environment itself sort of What made it so good? [Bob] Probably the environment itself sort of

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thing you know it was a..  a magical island I recall it thing you know it was a..  a magical island I recall it

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you know. Plenty of bird life, plenty of sea life you know. Plenty of bird life, plenty of sea life

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and ah some delightful walking opportunities too, and ah some delightful walking opportunities too,

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most of it on, on the icescape itself, sort of thing, yeah. most of it on, on the icescape itself, sort of thing, yeah.

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In fact we,  um the three of us,  were the first to walk around, do a In fact we,  um the three of us,  were the first to walk around, do a

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a complete circumnavigation of Heard Island. a complete circumnavigation of Heard Island.

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My two companions, who were on that trip with me,  they're no longer alive I'm afraid, there was My two companions, who were on that trip with me,  they're no longer alive I'm afraid, there was

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there's Nils Lied, who was a radio operator and there was there's Nils Lied, who was a radio operator and there was

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a ... one of the biologists sort of thing. Can't think of his name for  a ... one of the biologists sort of thing. Can't think of his name for 

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the moment, it'll come back to me eventually. But we did the  the moment, it'll come back to me eventually. But we did the 

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anticlockwise track around the island and I think it took us about anticlockwise track around the island and I think it took us about

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sixteen days or something like that.  Did a fair bit of fuller research work with the uh with the sixteen days or something like that.  Did a fair bit of fuller research work with the uh with the

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penguins and seals and things like that. penguins and seals and things like that.

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It was It was

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a good trip, yeah, I must admit, yeah . Sixteen days, I think from memory. It a good trip, yeah, I must admit, yeah . Sixteen days, I think from memory. It

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has been circumnavigated again, the following year I think has been circumnavigated again, the following year I think

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but they went in the reverse direction, but we were the first to do it, that's to our  but they went in the reverse direction, but we were the first to do it, that's to our 

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credit I think. Yeah credit I think. Yeah

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[Ingrid] What did the research work involve? [Bob]As far as ?met? goes?  [Ingrid]No when you circumnavigate ... [Ingrid] What did the research work involve? [Bob]As far as ?met? goes?  [Ingrid]No when you circumnavigate ...

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...gated the island? [Bob]  Ah, mostly so, mostly biological yeah yeah ...gated the island? [Bob]  Ah, mostly so, mostly biological yeah yeah

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We were doing doing sort We were doing doing sort

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of seal counts and penguin counts and all the rest of it. [Ingrid] When you of seal counts and penguin counts and all the rest of it. [Ingrid] When you

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you left Heard did you know you left Heard did you know

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then, that you would apply to go back with the Antarctic Division? [Bob] I think so yeah then, that you would apply to go back with the Antarctic Division? [Bob] I think so yeah

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I think so, I'm pretty sure of that. [Ingrid] So you've already talked about how Phil Law approached I think so, I'm pretty sure of that. [Ingrid] So you've already talked about how Phil Law approached

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you to go down with the for, the 1st group to go to Mawson in 1954.  Can you tell me a you to go down with the for, the 1st group to go to Mawson in 1954.  Can you tell me a

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a little bit about the pre-departure preparations for that? [Bob]What for the 1954? a little bit about the pre-departure preparations for that? [Bob]What for the 1954?

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Yeah well I would have spent most of my time at, at the Tottenham Depot where Yeah well I would have spent most of my time at, at the Tottenham Depot where

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most of our stores were packed sort of thing. And we had most, most of the most of our stores were packed sort of thing. And we had most, most of the

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buildings we took, well all the buildings we took with us naturally, sort of thing and buildings we took, well all the buildings we took with us naturally, sort of thing and

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they were sort of prefabricated. And ah they were sort of prefabricated. And ah

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the prefabricated units were sort of, landed at Tottenham  and then, then it was our  the prefabricated units were sort of, landed at Tottenham  and then, then it was our 

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job there to sort of, build the buildings at Tottenham to make sure that we knew what job there to sort of, build the buildings at Tottenham to make sure that we knew what

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we were doing sort of thing and make sure that everything fitted.  So we did we were doing sort of thing and make sure that everything fitted.  So we did

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a sort of a trial run of everything, construction work, before we sort of a sort of a trial run of everything, construction work, before we sort of

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directly landed at uh directly landed at uh

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at Mac... at Mawson yeah.  [Ingrid] Did you at Mac... at Mawson yeah.  [Ingrid] Did you

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have any other duties at the store as well? [Bob] Oh  just helping the, just helping the have any other duties at the store as well? [Bob] Oh  just helping the, just helping the

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stores manager sort of thing. Helping him to sort of pack stuff you know. Yeah, yeah stores manager sort of thing. Helping him to sort of pack stuff you know. Yeah, yeah

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He was always good scout to work with, no doubt about that, George Smith. I think he was He was always good scout to work with, no doubt about that, George Smith. I think he was

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he was of the main sort of research unit for he was of the main sort of research unit for

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Antarctic Division because he knew how to sort of analyse what the people were Antarctic Division because he knew how to sort of analyse what the people were

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like sort of thing, you know. He was a good,  he was like sort of thing, you know. He was a good,  he was

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a good sort of, he was always able to sort of say. "Well this fellow is no bloody  a good sort of, he was always able to sort of say. "Well this fellow is no bloody 

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good" sort of thing and that was good" sort of thing and that was

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a big help, yeah yeah.   Nothing, nothing unusual for George to a big help, yeah yeah.   Nothing, nothing unusual for George to

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sort of come and say "You're going to get trouble with that bastard you know...."  [Ingrid] And was  sort of come and say "You're going to get trouble with that bastard you know...."  [Ingrid] And was 

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he right? [Bob]  He was right yeah yeah yeah. He was,  he was he right? [Bob]  He was right yeah yeah yeah. He was,  he was

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he was more adept at picking people not Phil Law was,  I would say yeah. he was more adept at picking people not Phil Law was,  I would say yeah.

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Yes. [Ingrid]So was George Smith actually involved with the selection process or did he Yes. [Ingrid]So was George Smith actually involved with the selection process or did he

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just make his comments known later?  [Bob] No he would make his comments known. Now what his just make his comments known later?  [Bob] No he would make his comments known. Now what his

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communication link with Phil Law was I,  I wouldn't really know but I think he was communication link with Phil Law was I,  I wouldn't really know but I think he was

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was the sort of person who would sort of, if he sort of doubted somebody, I think he was the sort of person who would sort of, if he sort of doubted somebody, I think he

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would sort of get the message through to Phil Law. Yeah because most people had to spend a would sort of get the message through to Phil Law. Yeah because most people had to spend a

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fair bit of time out at Tottenham fair bit of time out at Tottenham

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sort of  helping to sort of pack supplies, and, and pre ... sort of  helping to sort of pack supplies, and, and pre ...

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and manage buildings sort of thing.  [Ingrid] So to your knowledge was anyone ever selected and and manage buildings sort of thing.  [Ingrid] So to your knowledge was anyone ever selected and

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then did not go south because they were found to be unsuitable in that intervening period? [Bob] No I  then did not go south because they were found to be unsuitable in that intervening period? [Bob] No I 

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I can't, I can't.. that sort of thing, no, no. I mean it could have happened, yeah. I can't, I can't.. that sort of thing, no, no. I mean it could have happened, yeah.

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Could happen. [Ingrid]Can you tell me Could happen. [Ingrid]Can you tell me

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a little bit about your trip down to Mawson and your first impressions? a little bit about your trip down to Mawson and your first impressions?

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Yeah that was when we sort of had the Kista Dan wasn't it? Yeah that was when we sort of had the Kista Dan wasn't it?

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Yeah the Kista Dan that came to, to Mawson Yeah the Kista Dan that came to, to Mawson

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Took a fair bit of... took a fair time sort of.... There was a fear that Took a fair bit of... took a fair time sort of.... There was a fear that

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a lot of bad ice that year sort of thing, took us such an awful  a lot of bad ice that year sort of thing, took us such an awful 

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long time to sort of get into the actual, long time to sort of get into the actual,

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the actual sort of uh landing area. the actual sort of uh landing area.

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I think it was I think it was

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a bad year for ice and we....a lot of the stuff was a bad year for ice and we....a lot of the stuff was

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landed before we actually got to the coast sort of thing. It landed on the sea landed before we actually got to the coast sort of thing. It landed on the sea

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ice and ah, and trucked in.  When I say trucked in, using weasel power to sort of ice and ah, and trucked in.  When I say trucked in, using weasel power to sort of

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take take it in, but not too much because as I say it was a such take take it in, but not too much because as I say it was a such

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a sort of tricky business sort of... but a sort of tricky business sort of... but

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Bob Davis was keen, keen to to get ashore and get started and I think he  Bob Davis was keen, keen to to get ashore and get started and I think he 

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?scored? some of the advanced work a little too early sort of thing you ?scored? some of the advanced work a little too early sort of thing you

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know, because he lost one weasel in broken ice and probably put know, because he lost one weasel in broken ice and probably put

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the fair bit of pressure on the other weasels too sort of thing. When the fair bit of pressure on the other weasels too sort of thing. When

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if we waited another couple of weeks we could have done it quite easily yeah. if we waited another couple of weeks we could have done it quite easily yeah.

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So when you say one weasel was lost through the broken ice was that So when you say one weasel was lost through the broken ice was that

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during the landing stage ? [Bob]During the .... before the landing yeah. [Ingrid] Was that weasel during the landing stage ? [Bob]During the .... before the landing yeah. [Ingrid] Was that weasel

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ever recovered. [Bob]Um I can't remember . Can't remember. I think I think I ever recovered. [Bob]Um I can't remember . Can't remember. I think I think I

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think it was actually. think it was actually.

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I think it went down with three, three wheels.  Yeah I think it would have been I think it went down with three, three wheels.  Yeah I think it would have been

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recovered.  But it wasn't, it didn't actually sort of sink or anything like that, it just sort of recovered.  But it wasn't, it didn't actually sort of sink or anything like that, it just sort of

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broke through the ice and the the rest of the ice, free ice sort of kept it broke through the ice and the the rest of the ice, free ice sort of kept it

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from sinking yeah yeah . I have to think about these things . [Ingrid] So what did, from sinking yeah yeah . I have to think about these things . [Ingrid] So what did,

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what was sort of the pattern of work over that first couple of weeks when you were at what was sort of the pattern of work over that first couple of weeks when you were at

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Mawson? [Bob] Oh hectic, hectic, no question about that, yeah.    Because there was a,  there's Mawson? [Bob] Oh hectic, hectic, no question about that, yeah.    Because there was a,  there's

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no, there was no level ground at Mawson anywhere, I mean it was, it was a very much no, there was no level ground at Mawson anywhere, I mean it was, it was a very much

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a sort of a hilly sort of environment. a sort of a hilly sort of environment.

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And once again there wasn't an awful lot of building that we had to deal with while we were there.  And once again there wasn't an awful lot of building that we had to deal with while we were there. 

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There was the main sort of accommodation hut,  where everything happened  ??? There was the main sort of accommodation hut,  where everything happened  ???

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out  main accommodation hut anyway, I mean we all slept together aboard a ... out  main accommodation hut anyway, I mean we all slept together aboard a ...

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say, we did have cubicles sort of thing but they measured about six feet wide say, we did have cubicles sort of thing but they measured about six feet wide

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or something like that. The kitchen was in the main hut . It was or something like that. The kitchen was in the main hut . It was

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the main recreation area, the main toilet area, the main weather bureau sort of the main recreation area, the main toilet area, the main weather bureau sort of

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yeah yeah.  [Ingrid] So that was Bisco Hut?  [Bob]That was Bisco, yeah. [Ingrid] So when you say that there yeah yeah.  [Ingrid] So that was Bisco Hut?  [Bob]That was Bisco, yeah. [Ingrid] So when you say that there

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was the main radio area, so there was the rec room and the mess at one end? was the main radio area, so there was the rec room and the mess at one end?

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The mess would've been at one end, yeah the mess and the kitchen would have been at one end. The mess would've been at one end, yeah the mess and the kitchen would have been at one end.

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And there would have been about four, would have been about three ... three bunk And there would have been about four, would have been about three ... three bunk

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areas on the same side that the kitchen was on, and there would have been about seven bunk areas on the same side that the kitchen was on, and there would have been about seven bunk

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areas on the other side, yeah. [Ingrid] And the radio room and the ablutions area? areas on the other side, yeah. [Ingrid] And the radio room and the ablutions area?

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Now the ah, radio no .... Now the ah, radio no ....

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the radio was separate. There was a separate building for the radio and that  the radio was separate. There was a separate building for the radio and that 

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building housed the, ah, the doctor's surgery, building housed the, ah, the doctor's surgery,

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radio.  That would have been it I think yeah. [Ingrid] And what did you do for your ablutions radio.  That would have been it I think yeah. [Ingrid] And what did you do for your ablutions

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block?  [Bob]  Ah, that was down the ah block?  [Bob]  Ah, that was down the ah

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ablutions block would would have been down at the, ah, main main diesel generator section, ablutions block would would have been down at the, ah, main main diesel generator section,

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the main, the main source of power. I think we had three, three ?Vista? the main, the main source of power. I think we had three, three ?Vista?

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power generators. Three diesel power generators and power generators. Three diesel power generators and

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we had we had

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a bathroom off the, off the engine room a bathroom off the, off the engine room

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and the exhaust from the diesel units went through the main and the exhaust from the diesel units went through the main

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water tank so that we sort of, threw the snow into the water tank and the water tank so that we sort of, threw the snow into the water tank and the

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exhaust mel.. melted,  melted up the water for us. exhaust mel.. melted,  melted up the water for us.

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And that was quite some distance from the main station yeah. And that was quite some distance from the main station yeah.

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[Ingrid] And did you have the opportunity to have showers or baths during your time there?  [Bob] Oh yeah [Ingrid] And did you have the opportunity to have showers or baths during your time there?  [Bob] Oh yeah

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yeah about once a yeah about once a

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a week or something like that, yeah.  I don't know if it would have been once a a week or something like that, yeah.  I don't know if it would have been once a

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a week because there was you see, there was twelve of us I think a week because there was you see, there was twelve of us I think

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I think first year . Twelve? I think first year . Twelve?

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Ten or twelve.  A good think about this .... Ten or twelve.  A good think about this ....

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I've probably got I've probably got

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I've probably got a job to remember the people's names.  I've probably got a job to remember the people's names. 

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This old book gets a lot of use. [Ingrid]The ANARE This old book gets a lot of use. [Ingrid]The ANARE

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Outpost book by Bechervaise and Law?  [Bob] Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Outpost book by Bechervaise and Law?  [Bob] Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

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This is Mawson we're talking about isn't it? [ Ingrid] Mmm, Mawson '54. This is Mawson we're talking about isn't it? [ Ingrid] Mmm, Mawson '54.

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[Bob] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 now ten of us. [Ingrid]  Ten.  [Bob] There were ten of us. [Bob] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 now ten of us. [Ingrid]  Ten.  [Bob] There were ten of us.

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I thought it was ten. [Ingrid] So you mention that the 1st few weeks were very hectic so you put up I thought it was ten. [Ingrid] So you mention that the 1st few weeks were very hectic so you put up

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Bisco Hut,  the hut for the radio room and the doctor's surgery. [Bob]Yeah yeah.  [Ingrid]  and also Bisco Hut,  the hut for the radio room and the doctor's surgery. [Bob]Yeah yeah.  [Ingrid]  and also

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a diesel [Bob] diesel generator ...[Ingrid] generator hut . [Bob]And the, the mechanics workshop a diesel [Bob] diesel generator ...[Ingrid] generator hut . [Bob]And the, the mechanics workshop

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sort of thing.  [Ingrid] Were there any other huts at all?  [Bob] No no. Oh there were a couple of sort of thing.  [Ingrid] Were there any other huts at all?  [Bob] No no. Oh there were a couple of

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couple of stores huts, sort of thing, where we could, sort of um,  couple of stores huts, sort of thing, where we could, sort of um, 

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the two, two... There was one store hut that I can remember the two, two... There was one store hut that I can remember

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better that the other one.  [Ingrid] So what was your feeling when you watched the ships sail off leaving the better that the other one.  [Ingrid] So what was your feeling when you watched the ships sail off leaving the

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ten of you ten of you

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for the, to be in the first wintering [Bob]Yeah [Ingrid] station group? [Bob]I really can't remember. for the, to be in the first wintering [Bob]Yeah [Ingrid] station group? [Bob]I really can't remember.

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I don't think there was any sort of big reaction sort of I don't think there was any sort of big reaction sort of

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thing I mean it happened, that's it. You've got to take it. thing I mean it happened, that's it. You've got to take it.

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It's so long ago I can't sort of, recollect any feeling.  [Ingrid] So what was the year It's so long ago I can't sort of, recollect any feeling.  [Ingrid] So what was the year

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like?  [Bob]  It was a good year actually yeah. We had a, we had a cook like?  [Bob]  It was a good year actually yeah. We had a, we had a cook

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a cook who was,  had a cook who was,  had

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a drink problem. So we had to sort of handle him a drink problem. So we had to sort of handle him

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a little bit sort of thing. We had a little bit sort of thing. We had

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a Frenchman who was, supposedly a a Frenchman who was, supposedly a

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dog handler but he was,  he wasn't of much use at all actually, he was dog handler but he was,  he wasn't of much use at all actually, he was

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physically incapable I would say.  There were people physically incapable I would say.  There were people

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like Macey . You know Macy with a like Macey . You know Macy with a

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a background sort of.  Phil Storer of course a background sort of.  Phil Storer of course

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Bill, Bill was quite handy with tools, or I mean you know, he could sort of put, put a Bill, Bill was quite handy with tools, or I mean you know, he could sort of put, put a

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put a hut together and all the rest of it. put a hut together and all the rest of it.

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But there were But there were

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a couple of um, I would say misfits. When I say misfits not, not suitable a couple of um, I would say misfits. When I say misfits not, not suitable

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expeditioners really.  And the cook was one of them, must admit expeditioners really.  And the cook was one of them, must admit

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a bit of a a bit of a

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a problem. That was the only time I had trouble with fellow a problem. That was the only time I had trouble with fellow

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expedition members, I would say. yeah. [Ingrid] So how did the station group manage the expedition members, I would say. yeah. [Ingrid] So how did the station group manage the

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cook? [Bob] Well we had to sort of cook? [Bob] Well we had to sort of

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make sure that the liquor we had, we didn't have much liquor sort of thing, but the make sure that the liquor we had, we didn't have much liquor sort of thing, but the

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there was some stuff that we sort of um inherited from there was some stuff that we sort of um inherited from

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a previous British expedition that Phil had suddenly picked up somewhere or other a previous British expedition that Phil had suddenly picked up somewhere or other

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including clothing and grog and it was the grog to had to including clothing and grog and it was the grog to had to

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keep the, with the watch out keep keep the, with the watch out keep

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a watch on sort of thing. Yes a watch on sort of thing. Yes

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we inherited quite a fair bit of old British  we inherited quite a fair bit of old British 

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clothing. Because once again it was nothing special for Antarctic people in  clothing. Because once again it was nothing special for Antarctic people in 

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those days, sort of thing.  I mean we were, we were under underdressed I would say if  those days, sort of thing.  I mean we were, we were under underdressed I would say if 

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anything. I think ?sub? Antarctic anything. I think ?sub? Antarctic

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version in the 1950s was a version in the 1950s was a

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was hand outs all round. [Ingrid] So what sort of was hand outs all round. [Ingrid] So what sort of

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gear were you provided with? [Bob]Well I mean, it was, it was reasonable sort of thing I  gear were you provided with? [Bob]Well I mean, it was, it was reasonable sort of thing I 

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mean. I've still got one of the garments here as, as it is sort of thing mean. I've still got one of the garments here as, as it is sort of thing

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gaberdine type um weatherproof. gaberdine type um weatherproof.

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And then And then

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a few heavy, heavier items for specialised work or things like that, but I mean a few heavy, heavier items for specialised work or things like that, but I mean

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when we were, when we did the circuit of Heard Island I mean, we were sort of underdressed when we were, when we did the circuit of Heard Island I mean, we were sort of underdressed

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I would say quite, quite thoroughly I would say quite, quite thoroughly

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and the main, the main, the main people with us that year would have been, would have and the main, the main, the main people with us that year would have been, would have

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have been let me see,  Bill Storer; have been let me see,  Bill Storer;

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John Russell, who was the engineer; Bill Harvey, who was a carpenter. John Russell, who was the engineer; Bill Harvey, who was a carpenter.

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I think they were, they were about the main productive workers. You know some I think they were, they were about the main productive workers. You know some

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people are productive and some of them are sort of bludgers. Yeah people are productive and some of them are sort of bludgers. Yeah

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[Ingrid]How was Bob Dovers as the OIC? [Bob]No good, no.  Because he spent most of his [Ingrid]How was Bob Dovers as the OIC? [Bob]No good, no.  Because he spent most of his

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time out in the field, sort of thing, so I'd say that Lem Macey sort of time out in the field, sort of thing, so I'd say that Lem Macey sort of

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provide the,  the control of the of the station, sort of thing. Lem was provide the,  the control of the of the station, sort of thing. Lem was

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a good scout yeah. [Ingrid]And what was Lem's official role down there? [Bob]He  a good scout yeah. [Ingrid]And what was Lem's official role down there? [Bob]He 

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was second in, second in charge sort of thing, but he was senior, senior radio operator sort yeah was second in, second in charge sort of thing, but he was senior, senior radio operator sort yeah

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Yeah . [Ingrid] And you also had Bruce  Yeah . [Ingrid] And you also had Bruce 

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Stinear down,[Bob] Oh Bruce Stinear... [Ingrid]he was a geologist.   [Bob]yeah yeah Stinear down,[Bob] Oh Bruce Stinear... [Ingrid]he was a geologist.   [Bob]yeah yeah

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Yeah Bruce, because he was tied up with the geology sort of thing. Yeah Bruce, because he was tied up with the geology sort of thing.

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But he was not a, Bruce was not a... not a  But he was not a, Bruce was not a... not a 

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very practical person, you know what I mean. You know some people can handle tools and some people very practical person, you know what I mean. You know some people can handle tools and some people

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I'm afraid Bruce was one of them, he was, I wouldn't say he was incapable but ah... I'm afraid Bruce was one of them, he was, I wouldn't say he was incapable but ah...

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Because it was an interesting year in that you very much had your own work program Because it was an interesting year in that you very much had your own work program

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as well as the building of a station?  [Bob]As well as the building, yeah yeah  [Ingrid]  So there were as well as the building of a station?  [Bob]As well as the building, yeah yeah  [Ingrid]  So there were

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a lot of roles you needed to do outside your work?  [Bob]Yeah yeah . I think I think a lot of roles you needed to do outside your work?  [Bob]Yeah yeah . I think I think

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I think Bill Storer, and myself and, and the carpenter were the I think Bill Storer, and myself and, and the carpenter were the

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main sort of workers there or, once again the diesel mechanic main sort of workers there or, once again the diesel mechanic

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was a busy, busy boy too. I think there are six of us who was a busy, busy boy too. I think there are six of us who

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were other nationals and there were four Australians I think, and the others were were other nationals and there were four Australians I think, and the others were

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were sort of from other parts of the world, yeah . Frenchmen and the were sort of from other parts of the world, yeah . Frenchmen and the

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the Cook was came from the, from the the Cook was came from the, from the

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oh dear, oh dear.... What's the British oh dear, oh dear.... What's the British

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Islands? [Ingrid] Jersey, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight?  [Bob] No, no further south Islands? [Ingrid] Jersey, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight?  [Bob] No, no further south

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Sicily. Sicily.

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I'll think of it later on. I'll think of it.  It'll come to me. I'll think of it later on. I'll think of it.  It'll come to me.

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The the islands were taken over by the uh The the islands were taken over by the uh

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South Americans. South Georgia. [Ingrid] Falklands. [Bob] Falklands. Yeah that's it. South Americans. South Georgia. [Ingrid] Falklands. [Bob] Falklands. Yeah that's it.

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He came from Falklands. He came from Falklands.

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So there was a Frenchman, a Falkland Islander. There was So there was a Frenchman, a Falkland Islander. There was

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a New Zealander and three of us from the U.K. I think a New Zealander and three of us from the U.K. I think

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Yeah three of us from the U.K. Odd, odd, odd group . Yeah three of us from the U.K. Odd, odd, odd group .

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[Ingrid] So what did your work duties involve? [Bob]Well mine, mine was primarily [Ingrid] So what did your work duties involve? [Bob]Well mine, mine was primarily

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the, the weather side of it. And you sort of made the, the weather side of it. And you sort of made

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you made sure  that you helped anybody else who wanted help sort of thing, yeah.  you made sure  that you helped anybody else who wanted help sort of thing, yeah. 

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I mean you had to work together there was no question about that. [Ingrid]So what sort of I mean you had to work together there was no question about that. [Ingrid]So what sort of

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program did you have for the meteorological observations? [Bob] Ah well they were, they were program did you have for the meteorological observations? [Bob] Ah well they were, they were

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three hourlies, but there was ah, the stats at  three hourlies, but there was ah, the stats at 

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6 ... 6 in the morning and the observations were 6, 9, 12, 3, 6 ... 6 in the morning and the observations were 6, 9, 12, 3,

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6 and 9 at night. And then the rest of the night was for sleeping 6 and 9 at night. And then the rest of the night was for sleeping

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yeah.  And I was, I was equipped with  yeah.  And I was, I was equipped with 

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the normal sort of weather observing sort of equipment, sort of thing .... the normal sort of weather observing sort of equipment, sort of thing ....

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We did, did balloon flights but we did not have We did, did balloon flights but we did not have

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the facilities for the facilities for

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upper atmosphere sort of, examination sort of thing. upper atmosphere sort of, examination sort of thing.

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But most of my, most of my work would have been tied up with the building work I would say But most of my, most of my work would have been tied up with the building work I would say

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yeah.   [Ingrid] So with the balloon flights, what was the purpose of those?  [Bob]  Wind, wind yeah.   [Ingrid] So with the balloon flights, what was the purpose of those?  [Bob]  Wind, wind

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upper winds yeah.  [Ingrid]  And were there other weather observers with you that year?  upper winds yeah.  [Ingrid]  And were there other weather observers with you that year? 

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[Bob]No no no. [Ingrid] So you did all of the obs from six? [Bob] All of the obs yeah from 6 [Ingrid] through 9.  [Bob]till 9 [Bob]No no no. [Ingrid] So you did all of the obs from six? [Bob] All of the obs yeah from 6 [Ingrid] through 9.  [Bob]till 9

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yeah.  [Ingrid]   And you mentioned that yeah.  [Ingrid]   And you mentioned that

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a lot of your work was the building program.  Are there any particular aspects of that that a lot of your work was the building program.  Are there any particular aspects of that that

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you can recall? [Bob]Of the building? No except for the fact that some of these things you can recall? [Bob]Of the building? No except for the fact that some of these things

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sort of got out of shape in the process of good travelling from, from Melbourne to sort of got out of shape in the process of good travelling from, from Melbourne to

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Antarctic, sort of thing.  Or maybe it was because we didn't have the Antarctic, sort of thing.  Or maybe it was because we didn't have the

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right equipment to sort of make sure that the things were level and right equipment to sort of make sure that the things were level and

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all the rest of it sort of, yeah.  Because the surface area was pretty all the rest of it sort of, yeah.  Because the surface area was pretty

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rough there, there was no question about that. I think we spent more time hammering lumps of rough there, there was no question about that. I think we spent more time hammering lumps of

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lumps of rock than doing anything else.[Ingrid] To provide lumps of rock than doing anything else.[Ingrid] To provide

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a level platform for the building?  [Bob] Yeah yeah . And then you all had to be a level platform for the building?  [Bob] Yeah yeah . And then you all had to be

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tied down, yeah and that meant sort of tied down, yeah and that meant sort of

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using the air compressor drills to sort of ah, drill, drill holes, and then sort of using the air compressor drills to sort of ah, drill, drill holes, and then sort of

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secure our ropes into the hull,  sort of thing, to wire them down you know. secure our ropes into the hull,  sort of thing, to wire them down you know.

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Can you recall how the Can you recall how the

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the huts were put together?  [Bob]Well they, they  built them  the huts were put together?  [Bob]Well they, they  built them 

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in sections and then there was a steel rod, that was sort of, go from one in sections and then there was a steel rod, that was sort of, go from one

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direction, from that from one building into the other one sort of thing and then direction, from that from one building into the other one sort of thing and then

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they were bolted together, do you know what I mean? That's lengthwise, yeah. [Ingrid]So they were  they were bolted together, do you know what I mean? That's lengthwise, yeah. [Ingrid]So they were 

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the silver, like the silver, like

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a sort of box? [Bob]Yeah [Ingrid] The ?excel? plastics huts? Cool. Did a sort of box? [Bob]Yeah [Ingrid] The ?excel? plastics huts? Cool. Did

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you have any other interesting work programs during the year other than the you have any other interesting work programs during the year other than the

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building of the huts?  [Bob] No building of the huts?  [Bob] No

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I wouldn't say so I wouldn't say so

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because,  though there was Dovers and Stinear spent a fair bit of because,  though there was Dovers and Stinear spent a fair bit of

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time in the field sort of thing and Bill Storer there time in the field sort of thing and Bill Storer there

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well did spend well did spend

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a fair bit of time with them too, actually because ah there were four of them who did  a fair bit of time with them too, actually because ah there were four of them who did 

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one of their main projects  and they, there was, there was one of their main projects  and they, there was, there was

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a there  Dovers, ah Bill Storer, a there  Dovers, ah Bill Storer,

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Bill Harvey the carpenter,  and Bruce Stinear, who did the main, Bill Harvey the carpenter,  and Bruce Stinear, who did the main,

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one of the main sort of exploratory trips and they, they had trouble one of the main sort of exploratory trips and they, they had trouble

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and in the direction of  ??? Island, sort of thing and the ice broke up and sort of and in the direction of  ??? Island, sort of thing and the ice broke up and sort of

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they got trapped there for they got trapped there for

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a while yeah.  [Ingrid]Did a while yeah.  [Ingrid]Did

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you have the opportunity to do any field trips while you were down there? [Bob]Me no you have the opportunity to do any field trips while you were down there? [Bob]Me no

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I can't, no if you're the weather work you sort of stay with it sort  I can't, no if you're the weather work you sort of stay with it sort 

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of thing. No I never did any field trips, sort of thing. Except  of thing. No I never did any field trips, sort of thing. Except 

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when stations were there were three or four weather men with your sort of thing  when stations were there were three or four weather men with your sort of thing 

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you would do it then yeah fair enough. But I was mostly, mostly base camp you would do it then yeah fair enough. But I was mostly, mostly base camp

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so tied up mostly on the main station. so tied up mostly on the main station.

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Once again I'd sort of did the sort of navigation of, of Heard Island Once again I'd sort of did the sort of navigation of, of Heard Island

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and the circumnavigation of Macquarie Island too, for that matter. and the circumnavigation of Macquarie Island too, for that matter.

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You would have done the one around Macquarie didn't you?  Yeah. Delightful Island isn't it? You would have done the one around Macquarie didn't you?  Yeah. Delightful Island isn't it?

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[Ingrid] Beautiful.  [Bob] Yeah yeah. And I think it would have been even better in my diaries,  [Ingrid] Beautiful.  [Bob] Yeah yeah. And I think it would have been even better in my diaries, 

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my days because, the the destruction of rabbits and all the rest of it my days because, the the destruction of rabbits and all the rest of it

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has only been done in a matter of the last fifty odd years or so, in the last 40 odd years yeah has only been done in a matter of the last fifty odd years or so, in the last 40 odd years yeah

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yeah. yeah.

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What were the medical facilities like at Mawson in '54? What were the medical facilities like at Mawson in '54?

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Basic I would say yeah . I don't think there was Basic I would say yeah . I don't think there was

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the bed for the bed for

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a sick man or anything like that. Surgery was a sick man or anything like that. Surgery was

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minimal. minimal.

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I think Bob Summers spent more time looking after the dogs than he did human people sort of I think Bob Summers spent more time looking after the dogs than he did human people sort of

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thing, yeah I think I think we were thing, yeah I think I think we were

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a pretty fit group of people in that respect. I don't know what would have a pretty fit group of people in that respect. I don't know what would have

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happened if we had anything, if we had happened if we had anything, if we had

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a real problem. [Ingrid] Did you have your appendix out before you went down? [Bob]I did yeah. a real problem. [Ingrid] Did you have your appendix out before you went down? [Bob]I did yeah.

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Did all of the men have their appendix out? Did all of the men have their appendix out?

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And the food on the station? [Bob] Well mostly canned food. Oh we did eat a fair amount of And the food on the station? [Bob] Well mostly canned food. Oh we did eat a fair amount of

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some of us,  some of us who would accept it would eat seal. Seal meat some of us,  some of us who would accept it would eat seal. Seal meat

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Never tried penguins. Didn't do any fishing. No time for fishing Never tried penguins. Didn't do any fishing. No time for fishing

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But I would say mostly, mostly canned food and get a bit sort  But I would say mostly, mostly canned food and get a bit sort 

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of sick of that don't you? What was it like in your time? [Ingrid] Not of sick of that don't you? What was it like in your time? [Ingrid] Not

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bad.  [Bob] Not bad it would have been sort of cold storage wouldn't you?  [Ingrid]  Oh yeah I mean we had bad.  [Bob] Not bad it would have been sort of cold storage wouldn't you?  [Ingrid]  Oh yeah I mean we had

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canned food and frozen meats and fish and cray fish for special occasions. canned food and frozen meats and fish and cray fish for special occasions.

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[Bob] Fish and cray fish.  [Ingrid] And we also had a hydroponics so we used to grow  [Bob] Fish and cray fish.  [Ingrid] And we also had a hydroponics so we used to grow 

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a small amount of fresh lettuce and  a small amount of fresh lettuce and 

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cucumbers.  [Bob]  Yeah.  [Ingrid] So did you have any frozen meat or anything?  [Bob] Very little because we cucumbers.  [Bob]  Yeah.  [Ingrid] So did you have any frozen meat or anything?  [Bob] Very little because we

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didn't have the facilities and I'm talking about Mawson, sort of thing didn't have the facilities and I'm talking about Mawson, sort of thing

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didn't have facilities to sort of, the freezer facilities to sort of preserve it. didn't have facilities to sort of, the freezer facilities to sort of preserve it.

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So did you leave most of your food stuffs in the store or in a pile in So did you leave most of your food stuffs in the store or in a pile in

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a snowbank or....? [Bob] No in the store. Yeah. a snowbank or....? [Bob] No in the store. Yeah.

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No the variety of food was not, was not good. No the variety of food was not, was not good.

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Not the way I would live normally. Must admit. [Ingrid] No biscuits. [Bob]No biscuits no porridge Not the way I would live normally. Must admit. [Ingrid] No biscuits. [Bob]No biscuits no porridge

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Oh yeah, porridge there would be porridge. Definitely. [Ingrid] Where there any Oh yeah, porridge there would be porridge. Definitely. [Ingrid] Where there any

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memorable meals or celebrations while you were down there?  [Bob] Oh birthday celebrations yeah memorable meals or celebrations while you were down there?  [Bob] Oh birthday celebrations yeah

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yeah but nothing nothing really memorable sort of thing. I mean if you had yeah but nothing nothing really memorable sort of thing. I mean if you had

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a birthday well you had a birthday well you had

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a sort of celebration somewhere or other.  Those who sort of like a sort of celebration somewhere or other.  Those who sort of like

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the odd drink would have helped themselves sort of thing but other than that it was pretty the odd drink would have helped themselves sort of thing but other than that it was pretty

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pretty primitive yeah . [Ingrid] Did you have any midwinter celebrations? pretty primitive yeah . [Ingrid] Did you have any midwinter celebrations?

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I think we might have had, but I don't really remember them, sort of thing. I can remember them on I think we might have had, but I don't really remember them, sort of thing. I can remember them on

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places like, like Wilkes station because, as I say, I was officer in charge of the base sort of thing places like, like Wilkes station because, as I say, I was officer in charge of the base sort of thing

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and you had to sort of, you know, do and you had to sort of, you know, do

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a few things. Yes a few things. Yes

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it was amazing how we managed at Wilkes, I must admit.  Still I'm getting away from Mawson. it was amazing how we managed at Wilkes, I must admit.  Still I'm getting away from Mawson.

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So you'd already wintered on Heard island in '51. Were there any particular that you took down to So you'd already wintered on Heard island in '51. Were there any particular that you took down to

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Mawson, books or hobbies or special interests in your personal luggage for the year? Mawson, books or hobbies or special interests in your personal luggage for the year?

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. .

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I don't think we had I don't think we had

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any films. We might have had some records.  any films. We might have had some records. 

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That would have been it. Packs of cards yes.  Dart board possibly. That would have been it. Packs of cards yes.  Dart board possibly.

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You know there was nothing, there were no sort of outstanding sort of items of equipment You know there was nothing, there were no sort of outstanding sort of items of equipment

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in that respect. [Ingrid]Did you bring back any mementos of Mawson or make anything in that respect. [Ingrid]Did you bring back any mementos of Mawson or make anything

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while you were down there?  [Bob] No I didn't. Too busy on things meteorological while you were down there?  [Bob] No I didn't. Too busy on things meteorological

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Yeah.  [Ingrid]  Was music Yeah.  [Ingrid]  Was music

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a part of your time down there? [Bob] Well it could have been, yeah a part of your time down there? [Bob] Well it could have been, yeah

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[Ingrid] Did you take any musical instruments or .....? [Bob] Ah, no, no instruments. [Ingrid] Did you take any musical instruments or .....? [Bob] Ah, no, no instruments.

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[Ingrid] It was a fairly austere year really wasn't it?  [Bob] Yeah it would have been.  [Ingrid]Work, work, work! [Ingrid] It was a fairly austere year really wasn't it?  [Bob] Yeah it would have been.  [Ingrid]Work, work, work!

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Yeah that's right Yeah that's right

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there was so much to be done sort of thing. And  there was so much to be done sort of thing. And 

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once again we didn't, a place like Mawson, I mean, there was no recreation room sort of thing once again we didn't, a place like Mawson, I mean, there was no recreation room sort of thing

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you know. I mean the ah, d I mean you all live together and that was it. you know. I mean the ah, d I mean you all live together and that was it.

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No come to think of it No come to think of it

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the living conditions were sort of pretty, pretty, oh dear the living conditions were sort of pretty, pretty, oh dear

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ordinary.  Yeah very ordinary. [Ingrid] So living together in fairly close ordinary.  Yeah very ordinary. [Ingrid] So living together in fairly close

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proximity did that create any particular problems during the year? [Bob] Not really. No, no, no.  Our only proximity did that create any particular problems during the year? [Bob] Not really. No, no, no.  Our only

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problem was problem was

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the drunken cook sort of thing.  And we learned how to sort of control that eventually. [Ingrid] So the drunken cook sort of thing.  And we learned how to sort of control that eventually. [Ingrid] So

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overall if you had to sum up your year at Mawson, how would you encapsulate it? overall if you had to sum up your year at Mawson, how would you encapsulate it?

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It was a hard year I would say. It was It was a hard year I would say. It was

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a hard year. Mainly because of the sort of restricted living a hard year. Mainly because of the sort of restricted living

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conditions yeah yeah. [Ingrid]There is conditions yeah yeah. [Ingrid]There is

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a picture of the raising of the flag at Mawson. It was in the February  a picture of the raising of the flag at Mawson. It was in the February 

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1954 when you first arrived. [Bob] Oh yeah, yeah.  [Ingrid] Can you tell me 1954 when you first arrived. [Bob] Oh yeah, yeah.  [Ingrid] Can you tell me

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a little bit about that,  how that was organised?  [Bob]Not really. Probably been a little bit about that,  how that was organised?  [Bob]Not really. Probably been

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re..  probably been sort of worked on by, by er re..  probably been sort of worked on by, by er

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Dick Thompson or somebody or other. Yeah.   [Ingrid] And did you have much media coverage Dick Thompson or somebody or other. Yeah.   [Ingrid] And did you have much media coverage

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or did the expedition itself have much media coverage either before or after you or did the expedition itself have much media coverage either before or after you

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came back?  [Bob] Ah... well not that I know of, sort of thing yeah came back?  [Bob] Ah... well not that I know of, sort of thing yeah

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I was certainly never involved with anything like that. [Ingrid]So there was no sort of fuss or fanfare when you [Bob] No, no I was certainly never involved with anything like that. [Ingrid]So there was no sort of fuss or fanfare when you [Bob] No, no

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[Ingrid]you arrived back at  [Ingrid]you arrived back at 

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[Bob] no no no, there would have been [Ingrid]Melbourne? [Bob] There would have been a sort of, relatives [Bob] no no no, there would have been [Ingrid]Melbourne? [Bob] There would have been a sort of, relatives

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relatives and friends sort of, at the wharf, sort of thing. For the departure down at, for  relatives and friends sort of, at the wharf, sort of thing. For the departure down at, for 

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about the return I don't know because that was who was unpredict .... about the return I don't know because that was who was unpredict ....

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able sort of thing. [Ingrid] Is there any other comments you'd like to make about your year at Mawson? able sort of thing. [Ingrid] Is there any other comments you'd like to make about your year at Mawson?

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Well I would say it was a hard year, but it was Well I would say it was a hard year, but it was

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by all accounts a fairly successful year. Yeah yeah yeah. We had by all accounts a fairly successful year. Yeah yeah yeah. We had

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a few problems though, yeah yeah, transport, the uh ... a few problems though, yeah yeah, transport, the uh ...

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sort of suitability of the weasel sort of suitability of the weasel

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and  that sort of thing. and  that sort of thing.

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And the facts that of we had dogs but we didn't make as much use of them as we should have And the facts that of we had dogs but we didn't make as much use of them as we should have

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done sort of thing. done sort of thing.

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Yes it was Yes it was

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a hard year. No question.  [Ingrid]We might finish  a hard year. No question.  [Ingrid]We might finish 

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there then. there then.