A meeting place for cultural collections and artificial intelligence
Amplify delivers audio material from a number of cultural institutions including libraries and museums across Australia. These oral histories, many of which have been preserved digitally from their original format, are being delivered online for the first time, paired with machine-generated transcripts. Here you can explore hours of fascinating interviews that capture Australian life, people and history. You can also help enrich these important cultural documents by correcting any errors in the transcripts you may find as you listen along.
Select a recording below to get started.
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 11 Side B] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 28s
12 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Alfred Baker [OH 50 Side A and Side B]
Alfred Baker interviewed by Janine Kitson on...
49m 52s
7 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 2, Side A]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
47m 25s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Joan Spencer [KDW Tape 3/7 Side A]
Joan Spencer was interviewed by Faye...
29m 54s
10 contributors
99% have edits
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Charles Elliott (Tape 1 Side B) 29th November 1993, interviewed by Nan Manefield
32m 29s
4 contributors
87% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Bill Johnson, RAN stoker Part 1
Bill Johnson joined the Royal Australian Navy...
41m 20s
10 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Frank Pemberton: a life in the Timber industry
Frank Pemberton worked in the timber industry...
11m 56s
8 contributors
100% have edits
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Bill Berge Phillips (Tape 2 Side A) 28th November 1997, interviewed by Janet Ingham
Bill Berge Phillips was a swimming official at...
29m 54s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Jenny Priestley
Interview with Jenny Priestley (née O'Brien),...
53m 41s
1 contributor
35% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 8 Side A] Interview with Ken Johnson
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 3m 1s
19 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 15] Interview with Norman Schofield
Interview summary: Norman Schofield speaks of...
30m 23s
23 contributors
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Charles Elliott (Tape 1 Side A) 29th November 1993, interviewed by Nan Manefield
Charles Elliott was the Manager of North...
3 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Robert Anthony Harris of Booker Bay, New Zealand Army artilleryman Part 2 of 2
Robert Anthony Harris was born in New Zealand...
39m 47s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 43 Part 1] Interview with William J Beggs
Interview summary: William Beggs discusses...
29m 55s
18 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Vida Woodhouse
Diana Ritch interviews Vida Woodhouse at...
9m 13s
5 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with the Pellicciari Family [Tape 1, Side B]
“But then whoever was on duty on Christmas...
31m 11s
7 contributors
99% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 1] Interview with J.R. Lloyd
Interview summary: J. R. Lloyd speaks of his...
8m 9s
16 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Margaret Donaldson [OH10 Side B]
Part 2 of an interview with Margaret...
26m 30s
7 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 1] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
47m 5s
16 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 10 Side A] Interview with John O'Donohoe
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
46m 54s
22 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Laurel O'Toole, Mayor of Strathfield, Interview 1
Laurel O'Toole was Mayor of Strathfield from...
59m 15s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Wally Paton
Interview with Wally Paton, regarding...
48m 43s
2 contributors
4% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Kathleen Smith
Frank Corcoran interviews Kathleen Smith as...
47m 22s
2 contributors
2% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 3] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
32m 23s
17 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Tom Sales (interviewed by Val Francis) circa 1985 Part 2 of 4
Tom Sales was born in the Wyong area around...
38m 20s
6 contributors
30% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 24 Part 1] Interview with Bill O'Brien
Interview summary: Bill O'Brien discusses his...
18m 22s
11 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 16 Part 2] Interview with Harold Rootsy
Interview summary: Harold Rootsy speaks of...
13m 47s
12 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 10 Side B] Interview with John O'Donohoe
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
17m 3s
20 contributors
98% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Vern Clifton: working the bullocks
Vern Clifton came from a family of 9 children....
11m 12s
13 contributors
Camden Voices
Mick Starr's Oral History
Mick Starr grew up at Camden Park and also...
54m 29s
2 contributors
48% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 18 Part 2] Interview with William Brindle
Interview summary: William Brindle discusses...
16m 33s
10 contributors
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Joan Smith [Tape KDW 1/11 Side A + Side B]
Joan Smith (nee Cazneaux) was interviewed by...
44m 1s
11 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 6 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
24m 4s
8 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review
Stanton Library Anniversary
Feiko Bouman (2017) Interviewed by Ian Hoskins
Originally from the Netherlands, Feiko Bouman...
2h 15m 45s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 2 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
42m 46s
3 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Clarence "Clarrie" Edwards, Mayor of Strathfield, Interview 1
Clarrie Edwards was Mayor of Strathfield from...
17m 28s
5 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 36 Part 1] Interview with Stan London
Interview summary: Stan London discusses his...
46m 38s
20 contributors
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Viv Hudson, Deputy Town Clerk, Interview 1
Viv Hudson worked for Strathfield Council from...
59m 18s
4 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 3] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
21m 54s
15 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 1] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
30m 31s
17 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Brian Collins [Tape 1, Side B]
Brian Collins, born in 1922, was a Bondi boy...
37m 29s
5 contributors
99% have edits
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Joseph Craggs [KDW 8/3 Tape 1 of 2 Side A]
Joseph Craggs was interviewed by Louella...
47m 21s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Frank Norton [Tape 1, Side B]
“I was an honorary beach inspector, had a...
19m 11s
2 contributors
99% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 14] Interview with Ivan Stenson
Interview summary: Ivan Stenson discusses his...
25m 32s
14 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 44 Part 2] Interview with Jack Munro
Interview summary: Jack Munro describes his...
20m 16s
10 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 22 Part 1] Interview with Harry Vasiere
Interview summary: Harry Vasiere speaks of his...
5m 54s
7 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 3] Interview with Bob Colefax
Interview summary: Bob Colefax speaks of his...
7m 1s
10 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 4] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
6m 14s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 4] Interview with Walter Ellis
Interview summary: Walter (Wally) Ellis...
9m 39s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 2] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
32m 23s
16 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Warren Riley [Tape 1, Side A]
Warren Riley was born in 1936 in Bronte, where...
47m 6s
3 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 6] Interview with Bob Ross
Interview summary: Bob Ross speaks of working...
40m 39s
23 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 17] Interview with George Evernden
Interview summary: George Evernden speaks of...
20m 3s
18 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 7] Interview with Hugh Dunn
Interview summary: Hugh Dunn speaks of his...
25m 25s
16 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Jim Spencer [Tape 1, Side B]
“I’d been always advocating for walking up and...
27m 34s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Simon Townsend and Steve Townsend
Xanthi Pythagoras and Elida Meadows interview...
59m 20s
2 contributors
4% have edits
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Joseph Craggs [KDW 8/3 Tape 2 of 2 Side A]
Joseph Craggs was interviewed by Louella...
43m 53s
1 contributor
99% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 5 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
22m 29s
8 contributors
99% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Andrew Paterson: teacher at Wyong and The Entrance NSW
Andrew Paterson talks about his teaching...
34m 18s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Z. Charles L'Aube (Tape 1 Side A) 15th July 1996, interviewed by Lianne Hall
Born in Poland in 1919, Charles was in...
29m 57s
7 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Carl Jeppesen
Interview with Carl Jeppesen, Waverley Council...
47m 2s
3 contributors
30% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 38 Part 2] Interview with S.C. Robertson
Interview summary: S.C. Robertson discusses...
32m 30s
17 contributors
100% have edits
6% awaiting review
Camden Voices
John Wrigley and The Camden Museum
John Wrigley is the former President of the...
1h 12m 57s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with the Pellicciari Family [Tape 2, Side B]
“But then whoever was on duty on Christmas...
30m 51s
4 contributors
99% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 38 Part 1] Interview with S.C. Robertson
Interview summary: S.C. Robertson discusses...
32m 32s
11 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Warren Riley [Tape 1, Side B]
Warren Riley was born in 1936 in Bronte, where...
3m 44s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 5 Side A] Interview with Erica Mann and 'Shirley'
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 36s
16 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 2] Interview with Jack McCrae
Interview summary: Jack McCrae discusses his...
47m 19s
17 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 21] Interview with Vera Holliday (Lawson)
Interview summary: Vera Holliday speaks of her...
22m 48s
8 contributors
Camden Voices
Michael Wheeler's Oral History
Michael Wheeler recounts an idyllic childhood...
59m 46s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 32] Interview with Tom Ivory
Interview summary: Tom Ivory speaks of his...
27m 35s
17 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 10] Interview with Jack Rue
Interview summary: Jack Rue speaks of his...
22m 28s
18 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Wally O'Conell
Interview with Wally O'Conell.
36m 20s
1 contributor
1% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Ken East and Charlie Christensen [Tape 1, Side A]
“You need to love the surf, and be a good...
47m 21s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Tom Sales (interviewed by Val Francis) circa 1985 Part 1 of 4
Tom Sales was born in the Wyong area around...
32m 23s
6 contributors
32% have edits
Stanton Library Anniversary
Ted Mack (Interviewed by John Tingle on 2BL in 1983)
Ted Mack was Mayor of North Sydney from...
8m 20s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 43 Part 2] Interview with William J Beggs
Interview summary: William Beggs discusses...
17m 24s
18 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Gordon Alexander Sadlier [Tape OH 89 Side B]
Part 2 of an interview with Gordon Sadlier....
19m 43s
4 contributors
94% have edits
Camden Voices
Betty Yewen's Oral History
Betty grew up in Camden and has fond memories...
56m 19s
3 contributors
34% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Robert Anthony Harris of Booker Bay, New Zealand Army artilleryman Part 1 of 2
Robert Anthony Harris was born in New Zealand...
44m 42s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Camden Voices
Alba Marasco's stories of Camden.
Alba Marasco migrated to Australia in 1951...
1h 4m 46s
1 contributor
22% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 42] Interview with Carl Schoultz
Interview summary: Carl Schoultz discusses his...
30m 37s
30 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Douglas Cumming
Interview with Douglas Cumming, Waverley...
1h 5m 59s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
The Citrus Industry in the Gosford Region
This interview includes Ivy Smith, Orchardist;...
12m 13s
12 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with William Seghers [OH 15 Side A]
Part one of an interview with William Seghers...
31m 9s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 3] Interview with Jack McCrae
Jack McCrae discusses his work as concrete...
40m 43s
14 contributors
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Z. Charles L'Aube (Tape 1 Side B) 15th July 1996, interviewed by Lianne Hall
Born on Poland in 1919, Charles was in...
31m 2s
5 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 11] Interview with Jack Edwards
Interview summary: Jack Edwards discusses his...
18m 48s
14 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Fred Wheeler: The Great Depression, WW2 in the Gosford district
Fred M. Wheeler was born in Gosford in 1905....
31m 35s
8 contributors
94% have edits
4% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Eric Owen Dennett DFC of Narara NSW Part 4 of 4
Eric Owen Dennett was born in Parramatta in...
47m 47s
5 contributors
98% have edits
1% awaiting review
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Eve Dutton, Mayor of Strathfield, Interview 2
Eve Dutton served as Mayor of Strathfield from...
1h 1m 10s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 27 Part 2] Interview with Lynn Irvine
Interview summary: Lynn Irvine discusses his...
19m 33s
6 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 2] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
30m 24s
20 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Bill Johnson, RAN stoker Part 2
Bill Johnson joined the Royal Australian Navy...
47m 49s
6 contributors
100% have edits
6% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 46 Part 1] Interview with Bill Tarlington
Interview summary: Bill Tarlington worked as a...
32m 14s
14 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 6 Side B] Interview with Nick Matheson-Lines
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
39m 1s
15 contributors
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 6 Side A] Interview with Nick Matheson-Lines
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 6s
12 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Thelma Harris talks about Pearl Beach
Mrs Thelma Harris was interviewed by Jill...
37m 31s
10 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Arthur Gillott [Tape OH 39 Side A]
Part 1 of an interview with Arthur Gilott....
31m 26s
6 contributors
Kinchela Boys Home
Robert 'Bobby' Young interview by Paulette Whitton, 1 July 2017.
Robert ‘Bobby’ Young was born in New South...
2m 16s
1 contributor
Local Personalities
Interview with Cecile Edwards
Interview with Cecile Edwards at Lulworth...
21m 14s
1 contributor
12% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 27 Part 1] Interview with Lynn Irvine
Interview summary: Lynn Irvine discusses his...
17m 6s
16 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 5 Side B] Interview with Erica Mann and 'Shirley'
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 38s
14 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 1 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
45m 5s
9 contributors
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Paul Wilson, Chief Health and Building Surveyor at Strathfield, Interview 2
Paul Wilson worked at Strathfield Council from...
1h 2m 10s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Helen Sullivan
Diana Ritch interviews Helen Sullivan at...
22m 43s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 33] Interview with Cliff Anning
Interview summary: Cliff Anning describes his...
30m 3s
16 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Jean and Hazel Isherwood
Interview with Jean and Hazel Isherwood,...
26m 54s
1 contributor
1% have edits
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Joseph Craggs [KDW 8/3 Tape 1 of 2 Side B]
Joseph Craggs was interviewed by Louella...
35m 21s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Kinchela Boys Home
Paul Whitton interviewed by Paulette Whitton, 30 June 2017.
Paul Whitton (1941-2023) was born at Moree and...
1m 39s
1 contributor
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Paul Wilson, Chief Health and Building Surveyor at Strathfield, Interview 1
Paul Wilson worked at Strathfield Council from...
1h 30s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Gordon Alexander Sadlier [Tape OH 89 Side A]
Part 1 of an interview with Gordon Sadlier....
31m 23s
7 contributors
43% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 7 Side A]
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
35m 24s
16 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Eric Cooper [Tape OH 13 Side B]
Part 2 of an interview with Eric Cooper. Eric...
19m 43s
3 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Charles Alexander
"Sydney surfs mostly by the calendar and not...
24m 31s
1 contributor
69% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 3] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
10m 37s
12 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 3 Side B] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 32s
9 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Gwen Smith: Memories of The Entrance and Long Jetty
Gwen Smith was a constant holiday visitor to...
32m 32s
10 contributors
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Bill Berge Phillips (Tape 3 Side A) 28th November 1997, interviewed by Janet Ingham
Bill Berge Phillips was a swimming official at...
26m 7s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 30 Part 1] Interview with Frank Villagrand
Interview summary: Frank Villagrand speaks of...
23m 26s
13 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with the Pellicciari Family [Tape 2, Side A]
“But then whoever was on duty on Christmas...
31m 10s
5 contributors
99% have edits
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Eileen Stirk, Strathfield Councillor, Interview 1
Eileen Stirk was an Alderman for Strathfield...
55m 45s
6 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Tom Sales (interviewed by Val Francis) circa 1985 Part 4 of 4
Tom Sales was born in the Wyong area around...
45m 11s
10 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Malcolm Brooks: Memories of Gosford
In this 1997 interview late Gosford Councillor...
53m 28s
14 contributors
29% have edits
4% awaiting review
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Bill Berge Phillips (Tape 1 Side A) 28th November 1997, interviewed by Janet Ingham
Bill Berge Phillips was a swimming official at...
31m 30s
3 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Winifred Graham [OH 53 Side A and Side B]
Winifred Graham (nee Holden) was interviewed...
35m 49s
11 contributors
64% have edits
2% awaiting review
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Paul Wilson, Chief Health and Building Surveyor at Strathfield, Interview 3
Paul Wilson worked at Strathfield Council from...
1h 55s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 7 Side B]
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
40m 6s
16 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Mollie Baldwin
Born in 1901, Mollie Baldwin lived at Arden...
3 contributors
30% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Ken Hawthorne [Tape 1, Side A]
Ken Hawthorne, born in February of 1920, first...
47m 11s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 13 Side A] Interview with Clive Madigan
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
46m 26s
18 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Tom Sales (interviewed by Val Francis) circa 1985 Part 3 of 4
Tom Sales was born in the Wyong area around...
33m 29s
10 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Mr Hylton Moore of East Gosford
Mr Hylton Moore speaks with interviewer Andrew...
27m 9s
8 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Ray Parsons - Red Bus driver Tape 2 of 2
Ray Parsons started with The Entrance Red Bus...
19m 32s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 18 Part 1] Interview with William Brindle
Interview summary: William Brindle discusses...
12m 34s
7 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 34] Interview with Bert Payne
Interview summary: Bert Payne discusses his...
10m 42s
11 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Eric Owen Dennett DFC of Narara NSW Part 3 of 4
Eric Owen Dennett was born in Parramatta in...
38m 10s
4 contributors
98% have edits
1% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 28 Part 2] Interview with Dave Irvine
Interview summary: Dave Irvine discusses his...
12m 57s
10 contributors
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Bill Berge Phillips (Tape 1 Side B) 28th November 1997, interviewed by Janet Ingham
Bill Berge Phillips was a swimming official at...
31m 26s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Kinchela Boys Home
Vincent Wenberg interviewed by Paulette Whitton, 24 June 2017
Vincent Wenberg (1932-2022) was born on...
1m 31s
1 contributor
Central Coast Voices
Amos and Andrew Douglass of Mangrove Creek
Amos and Andrew Douglass describe their life...
24m 3s
9 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 26 Part 2] Interview with Reg Saunders
Interview summary: Reg Saunders discusses his...
29m 58s
15 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Beatrice Luker
Interview with Beatrice Luker at Lulworth...
7m 31s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Harry and Frances Warner and Camden Park House
Harry and Frances Warner worked on Camden Park...
1h 46m 18s
1 contributor
16% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Florence Thomas [OH 65 Side A]
Part two of an interview with Florence Mary...
31m 41s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 2] Interview with Vin G Moloney
Interview summary: Vin G. Moloney speaks of...
2m 49s
11 contributors
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Robert Jordan, Strathfield Alderman, Interview 1
Robert Jordan was an Alderman for Strathfield...
26m 51s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Schools in the Gosford area
Collected interviews with students and...
14m 26s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 31] Interview with Peter Meichen
Interview summary: Peter Meichen speaks of his...
18m 51s
21 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Jim Spencer [Tape 2, Side A]
“I’d been always advocating for walking up and...
10m 12s
5 contributors
99% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Phyllis Bennett: a quarter-century of teaching at Gosford High School
Phyllis (perhaps better known as Phyl) Bennett...
13m 26s
12 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 22 Part 2] Interview with Harry Vasiere
Interview summary: Harry Vasiere speaks of his...
4m 43s
8 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Brian Collins [Tape 1, Side A]
Brian Collins, born in 1922, was a Bondi boy...
47m 26s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 8 Side B] Interview with Ken Johnson
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
24m 13s
14 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Ken Hawthorne [Tape 1, Side B]
Ken Hawthorne, born in February of 1920, first...
11m 28s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 24 Part 2] Interview with Bill O'Brien
Interview summary: Bill O'Brien discusses his...
20m 17s
11 contributors
Camden Voices
Joan Higgin's Oral History
Joan Higgins was born in Camden and her...
38m 31s
3 contributors
98% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 12 Side A] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
47m 47s
14 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Eric Owen Dennett DFC of Narara NSW Part 2 of 4
Eric Owen Dennett was born in Parramatta in...
45m 38s
3 contributors
98% have edits
Kinchela Boys Home
Roger Jarrett interview by Paulette Whitton, 22 July 2017.
Roger Jarrett was born in New South Wales in...
3m 4s
1 contributor
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 25] Interview with Pat Crawley
Interview summary: Pat Crawley disccusses his...
23m 38s
14 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 2, Side B]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
3m 45s
4 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Bill Johnson, RAN stoker Part 3
Bill Johnson joined the Royal Australian Navy...
44m 37s
8 contributors
99% have edits
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Bill Berge Phillips (Tape 2 Side B) 28th November 1997, interviewed by Janet Ingham
Bill Berge Phillips was a swimming official at...
30m 2s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 13] Interview with Archie Meek
Interview summary: Archie Meek discusses...
18m 42s
14 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 16 Part 1] Interview with Harold Rootsy
Interview summary: Harold Rootsy speaks of...
15m 55s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 12 Part 2] Interview with Tom Evans
Interview summary: Tom Evans speaks of his...
2m 12s
10 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Eric Owen Dennett DFC of Narara NSW Part 1 of 4
Eric Owen Dennett was born in Parramatta in...
45m 49s
5 contributors
98% have edits
3% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Isabel Ward: Memories of Ettalong NSW and the Women's Land Army at Griffith NSW
Isabel Ward is interviewed by Jill Baxter....
36m 40s
9 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 14 Side A] Interview with Tommy Gaynor
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
24m 45s
23 contributors
100% have edits
8% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Geoffrey Tom Maidment, British Merchant Seaman WW2 Interviewed at Saratoga, NSW 1995 Part 3
Geoffrey Maidment was born in 1926 in...
46m 45s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 12 Part 1] Interview with Tom Evans
Interview summary: Tom Evans speaks of his...
46m 43s
16 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with William Seghers [OH 15 Side B]
Part two of an interview with William Seghers...
31m 19s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Estelle Cooper [OH 66 Side A]
Estelle Cooper interviewed by Pat Charlton....
31m 34s
5 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 4 Side B] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
8m 44s
16 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 19 Part 2] Interview with Charles Brown
Interview summary: Charles Brown discusses his...
4m 11s
10 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Frank Norton [Tape 1, Side A]
“I was an honorary beach inspector, had a...
31m 17s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 3, Side B]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
2m 14s
4 contributors
92% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Eric Cooper [Tape OH 13 Side A]
Part 1 of an interview with Eric Cooper. Eric...
25m 17s
2 contributors
Former Mayors of Strathfield Council
Eve Dutton, Mayor of Strathfield, Interview 1
Eve Dutton served as Mayor of Strathfield from...
1h 12s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Isabel Hammond and Albert Hammond [OH 61 Side A]
Isabel Hammond and Albert Hammond interviewed...
26m 7s
4 contributors
99% have edits
2% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 2] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
30m 31s
17 contributors
Stanton Library Anniversary
Hazel Barker & Anne Berry (2SER.FM Interview)
Hazel Barker and Anne Berry worked at Stanton...
14m 28s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 37 Part 1] Interview with H.A. Peach
Interview summary: H.A. Peach discusses his...
21 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 5] Interview with George Scott
Interview summary: George Scott explains the...
16m 14s
22 contributors
Local Personalities
Interview with Elsie Warr
Harriet Rowe interviews Elsie Warr at Lulworth...
35m 13s
3 contributors
35% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Alex Menzies [Tape 1, Side A]
Alex Menzies was born in August, 1937, and has...
47m 7s
7 contributors
99% have edits
Ku-ring-gai During War
Interview with Bertie Lloyd [KDW Tape 6/2 Side A]
Bertie Lloyd interviewed by Emily...
26m 29s
3 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 13 Side B] Interview with Clive Madigan
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
39m 31s
15 contributors
100% have edits
7% awaiting review
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 30 Part 2] Interview with Frank Villagrand
Interview summary: Frank Villagrand speaks of...
18m 20s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 35] Interview with Mrs McCrae
Interview summary: Mrs McCrae speaks of her...
18m 11s
14 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 1, Side A]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
47m 17s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 11 Side A] Interview with Hal Hertberg
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 26s
15 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 3 Side A] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 2m 35s
13 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with the Pellicciari Family [Tape 1, Side A]
“But then whoever was on duty on Christmas...
31m 28s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Ken East and Charlie Christensen [Tape 1, Side B]
“You need to love the surf, and be a good...
9m 41s
4 contributors
99% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 23] Interview with Alf Shields
Interview summary: Alf Shields speaks of his...
23m 20s
16 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Alex Menzies [Tape 1, Side B]
Alex Menzies was born in August, 1937, and has...
43m 53s
7 contributors
99% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Lillian Monk
Interview with Lillian Monk at Lulworth House,...
14m 48s
5 contributors
99% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Margaret Donaldson [OH10 Side A]
Part 1 of an interview with Margaret...
31m 33s
10 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 46 Part 2] Interview with Bill Tarlington
Interview summary: Bill Tarlington worked as a...
19m 12s
14 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Arthur Gillott [Tape OH 39 Side B]
Part 2 of an interview with Arthur Gilott....
22m 9s
2 contributors
Garry Wotherspoon
Garry Wotherspoon [Tape 4 Side A] Interview with John Craig and Brian Barry
Interview summary: Garry Wotherspoon...
1h 3m 3s
12 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 19 Part 1] Interview with Charles Brown
Interview summary: Charles Brown discusses his...
30m 13s
10 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 3, Side A]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
46m 58s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 40 Part 1] Interview with John Andrews
Interview summary: John Andrews speaks of his...
30m 33s
12 contributors
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Cerdric Godlonton [OH 24B Side A and B]
Cedric Godlonton interviewed by Pam Marr on...
39m 12s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 1, Side B]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
47m 26s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 3 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
6 contributors
100% have edits
14% awaiting review
Central Coast Voices
Geoff Morris on growing up around Ourimbah NSW
Geoff Morris grew up in the Central Coast...
8m 34s
10 contributors
Local Personalities
Vincent Napier recounts the events of Black Sunday, Bondi Beach
Account by Vincent Napier of Bondi Surf...
24m 6s
4 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 36 Part 2] Interview with Stan London
Interview summary: Stan London discusses his...
37m 33s
27 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 44 Part 1] Interview with Jack Munro
Interview summary: Jack Munro describes his...
30m 23s
14 contributors
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Jim Spencer [Tape 1, Side A]
“I’d been always advocating for walking up and...
31m 30s
8 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Ray Parsons - Red Bus driver Tape 1 of 2
Ray Parsons started with The Entrance Red Bus...
28m 46s
16 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Roberta Morrison: life on the home front WW2 Part 2 of 2
Roberta Paterson married airman Leslie...
6m 36s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 29] Interview with Harry Tomrop
Interview summary: Harry Tomrop discusses his...
37m 18s
13 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Geoffrey Tom Maidment, British Merchant Seaman WW2 Interviewed at Saratoga, NSW 1995 Part 2
Geoffrey Maidment was born in 1926 in...
47m 38s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Local Personalities
Interview with Jim and Noeline Bradley
"We made our own fun… Saturday night you’d go...
43m 1s
2 contributors
13% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 41] Interview with Clarrie Erdman
Interview summary: Clarrie Erdman discusses...
30m 16s
14 contributors
Kinchela Boys Home
Colin Davis interviewed by Paulette Whitton, 23 June 2017.
Colin Davis was born near Cowra, New South...
1m 9s
1 contributor
Local Personalities
Interview with James Prior
James Prior and Frank Corcoran walk around...
24m 21s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 28 Part 1] Interview with Dave Irvine
Interview summary: Dave Irvine discusses his...
27m 21s
20 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 8 Part 1] Interview with Jack McCrae
Interview summary: Jack McCrae discusses his...
21m 39s
9 contributors
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 9] Interview with Ian Ferrier
Interview summary: Ian Ferrier speaks of his...
46m 33s
27 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Les Morrison: WW2 Lancaster airman Part 4 of 6
Les Morrison was born in Gosford and grew up...
45m 31s
6 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Lifeguard History Project
Interview with Aubrey Laidlaw [Tape 4, Side A]
Aub Laidlaw was one of the most famous...
24m 37s
4 contributors
98% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 20] Interview with Doug May
Interview summary: Doug May discusses working...
13m 47s
8 contributors
Central Coast Voices
Geoffrey Tom Maidment, British Merchant Seaman WW2 Interviewed at Saratoga, NSW 1995 Part 1
Geoffrey Maidment was born in 1926 in...
45m 15s
7 contributors
100% have edits
6% awaiting review
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Daina Fletcher, interviewed on ABC radio, 9th February 1999
Daina fletcher, Senior curator at the...
15m 13s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Life in Ku-ring-gai
Interview with Florence Mary Thurles Thomas [OH 64 Side A]
Florence Mary Thurles Thomas interviewed by...
30m 50s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Central Coast Voices
Roberta Morrison: life on the home front WW2 Part 1 of 2
Roberta Paterson married airman Leslie...
44m 11s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Bridge Builders
Bridge Builders [Tape 39 Part 3] Interview with Norm McAlpine
Interview summary: Norm McAlpine speaks of his...
29m 40s
22 contributors