A meeting place for cultural collections and artificial intelligence
Amplify delivers audio material from a number of cultural institutions including libraries and museums across Australia. These oral histories, many of which have been preserved digitally from their original format, are being delivered online for the first time, paired with machine-generated transcripts. Here you can explore hours of fascinating interviews that capture Australian life, people and history. You can also help enrich these important cultural documents by correcting any errors in the transcripts you may find as you listen along.
Select a recording below to get started.
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
John Camilleri (11 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with John Camilleri, cane inspector...
27m 39s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Gavin Caird (2012) Oral History
Gavin Caird was born in 1943. His father was a...
1h 16m 42s
3 contributors
14% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Bill Denman with Ruby Denman interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Bill Denman is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 12m 32s
8 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Norman South interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Norman South is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 22m 34s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Patrick Ryan interviewed by Yolanda Takacs
Patrick Ryan is interviewed by Yolanda Takacs...
47m 7s
6 contributors
100% have edits
33% awaiting review
Email Factory, Orange
Dudley Roth interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 1
Dudley Roth is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 29m 12s
10 contributors
45% have edits
12% awaiting review
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Margaret Flanders (8 March 1998) Oral History
Margaret Flanders, wife of a cane farmer,...
26m 14s
6 contributors
11% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Noreen Mullens interviewed by Joanne Keniry
Noreen Mullens is interviewed by Joanne Keniry...
45m 19s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Harry Maley [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Harry Maley, former mayor and deputy mayor...
1h 1m 58s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
George Nankivell Oral History (24 June 2008)
Interview with George Nankivell. George talks...
32m 15s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Kevin Cutler (14 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Kevin Cutler, engineer at...
31m 21s
2 contributors
43% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Maria McGee (5 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Maria McGee, emigrated to...
29m 52s
1 contributor
Oral History Project
Memories of Lloyd Petrie. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr. Petrie outlines the development of Pipe...
30m 5s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Jock Ferguson interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Jock Ferguson is interviewed by Elisabeth...
42m 40s
6 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Joyce Shuttlewood (12 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Joyce Shuttlewood who lived on...
29m 20s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Frank Victor Barlow interviewed by Yolanda Takacs
Frank Victor Barlow is interviewed by Yolanda...
34m 59s
5 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Elaine Young interviewed by Gai Winter
Elaine Young is interviewed by Gai Winter as...
35m 15s
8 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Doug Jacklin (7 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Doug Jacklin a cane farmer and...
28m 23s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Percy Moss interviewed by Yolanda Takacs
Percy Moss is interviewed by Yolanda Takacs on...
38m 23s
6 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Sam Bezzina (3 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Sam Bezzina, a cane farmer who...
27m 11s
6 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Neville Penhall interviewed by Rebecca Williams
Neville Penhall is interviewed by Rebecca...
43m 24s
3 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Joe Toft (16 March 1998) Oral History
Interview with Joe Toft, inventor and...
28m 31s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Jean Horner interviewed by Christine Gampierakis
Jean Horner is interviewed by Christine...
10m 50s
6 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Bill Ryan interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 2
Bill Ryan is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
15m 19s
8 contributors
Oral History Project
Mr and Mrs N. Endacott, 13 Mary Street, Merrylands. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr and Mrs Endacott give some details of the...
46m 16s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Joe Camenzuli. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Joe Camenzuli speaks of his early arrival...
34m 42s
7 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Jack Barnes and Bevan Farmer (2012) Oral History Part 2
Jack Barnes was born in 1942. His father had a...
9m 27s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Mrs Joan Gauci, Mrs Carmen Portelli and Mr Paul Portelli, 114 Greystanes Road. Tape 2. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Paul and Joan prepared an excellent sketch...
15m 34s
5 contributors
100% have edits
12% awaiting review
Email Factory, Orange
Morton Offner interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Morton Offner is interviewed by Elisabeth...
28m 36s
7 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Peter Gray interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Peter Gray is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
1h 18m 50s
7 contributors
Townsville City Oral Histories
Chrissie and Pat Prior Oral History (10 July 1995)
Interview with Chrissie and Pat Prior....
14m 6s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Eugene 'Jack' Daly Oral History (27 February 2007)
Interview with Eugene 'Jack' Daly. In the...
53m 6s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
John Camilleri (11 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with John Camilleri, cane inspector...
29m 37s
10 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Barry Morgan is interviewed by Gai Winter
Barry Morgan is interviewed by Gai Winter on...
30m 57s
9 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Nobby Hart (26 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Nobby Hart, worker at the...
31m 48s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Helen Stone interviewed by Belinda Fardell
Helen Stone is interviewed by Belinda Fardell...
25m 31s
6 contributors
Townsville City Oral Histories
Russell Butler Oral History (13 July 1993) Part Two
Two part interview with Russell Butler. In the...
31m 25s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
John and Gladys Plant Oral History (7 June 1995) Part One
Two part interview with John and Gladys Plant....
31m 37s
1 contributor
10% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Violet Groundwater (16 March 1998) Oral History
Interview with Violet Groundwater, widowed at...
27m 1s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Balgay Cannery
Interview with Laurie Rolfe, 18 September 1991
Laurie Rolfe talks about his time working at...
45m 21s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Norman and Shirley Grinyer and Brenda McDonald. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Grinyer outlines his personal background...
49m 2s
5 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Bill Ryan interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 1
Bill Ryan is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
1h 30m 9s
11 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Joan Townsend interviewed by Gai Winter
Joan Townsend is interviewed by Gai Winter on...
44m 58s
12 contributors
45% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Kathleen Ruth Nugar Oral History (14 August 1995) Part Two
Two part interview with Kathleen Ruth Nugar....
5m 33s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Victor Byrne interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Victor Byrne is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 30m 6s
14 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Townsville City Oral Histories
Bill Adams Oral History (2007)
Interview with Bill Adams. Bill talks about...
9m 10s
4 contributors
98% have edits
Camden Voices
Mick Starr's Oral History
Mick Starr grew up at Camden Park and also...
54m 29s
2 contributors
48% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Frank Hoy, Email Plant Administrative Manager, interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 3
Frank Hoy is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
41m 34s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Maria McGee (5 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Maria McGee, emigrated to...
28m 45s
1 contributor
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Denis Foster (24 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Denis Foster retired staff...
28m 5s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Harry Maley [tape 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Maley's long association with council takes...
7m 41s
4 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Olive Green interviewed by Gai Winter
Olive Green is interviewed by Gai Winter on 10...
37m 33s
7 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Gunther Sielicki interviewed by Gai Winter
Gunther Sielicki is interviewed by Gai Winter...
31m 6s
4 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Leon Kiho interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 2
Leon Kiho is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
30m 14s
4 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Frank Hoy, Email Plant Administrative Manager, interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 1
Frank Hoy is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
1h 30m 10s
11 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Daphne Grant and her husband Ray. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster and Margaret Edwards.
Daphne gives clear memories of early...
30m 11s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Mrs Gladys O'Malley [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mrs O'Malley's discusses her early life - its...
1h 1m 28s
9 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Ernie Maguire (4 April 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Ernie Maguire, a mill worker,...
31m 55s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Eileen Neville, Betty Hogan, Eileen James, Lil Condon, and Kath Dalkeith [tape 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
This tape gives more general memories of...
7m 14s
3 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Email Factory, Orange
Dudley Roth interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 2
Dudley Roth is interviewed by Elisabeth...
6m 49s
7 contributors
Oral History Project
Mrs Joan Gauci, Mrs Carmen Portelli and Mr Paul Portelli, 114 Greystanes Road. Tape 1. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Focus for this interview was a local newspaper...
1h 1m 59s
3 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Mrs Lottie Reade, Gwen and Reg Walker, Lance Robinson, Norm and Ann Treble, Frank Wandsworth, and Keith and Beth Douglas [tape 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Lottie Reade, who ran the local delicatessen...
51m 45s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Bill Jones (2012) Oral History Part 1
Bill Jones was born in Gympie in the 1920s....
14m 8s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Jack Takagaki (21 November 1997) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Jack Takagaki, son of a...
31m 20s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Frank and Rita Cefai. Interviewed by Jane Camilleri.
Mr Frank Cefai tells of early life in Malta,...
39m 48s
8 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Doug Anderson (2012) Oral History
Doug Anderson was born in 1935. His dad was a...
1h 33m 7s
3 contributors
17% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Katherine Frugoni (26 March 1998) Oral History
Interview with Katherine Frugoni, a wife of a...
31m 41s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Fred Thompson (7 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Fred Thompson, retired union...
8m 35s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Joseph Cudars interviewed by Marilyn Bull
Joseph Cudars is interviewed by Marilyn Bull...
38m 46s
11 contributors
36% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Harry Paton interviewed by Marilyn Bull
Harry Paton is interviewed by Marilyn...
43m 9s
8 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Jack Barnes and Bevan Farmer (2012) Oral History Part 1
Jack Barnes was born in 1942. His father had a...
5m 17s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Eva Smith inteviewed by Joanne Keniry
Eva Smith is interviewed by Joanne Keniry on...
21m 34s
7 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Ray Muller (2 November 1997) Oral History
Interview with Ray Muller, an early pioneer of...
24m 49s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of George Graham and Netta Robinson. Interviewed by by Sister Gabriel Forster.
George Graham and Netta Robinson talk of the...
1h 1m 19s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Val and Noelene Nadalini. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Val Nadalini speaks of his home village in...
50m 4s
5 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review
Townsville City Oral Histories
John and Gladys Plant Oral History (7 June 1995) Part Two
Two part interview with John and Gladys Plant....
31m 5s
3 contributors
64% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Pat Egan interviewed by Yolanda Takacs
Pat Egan is interviewed by Yolanda Takacs on...
39m 10s
9 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Russell Butler Oral History (13 July 1993) Part One
Two part interview with Russell Butler. In the...
31m 28s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Bill Pincott [tape 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Bill and Sister Gabriel went on a trip along...
54m 52s
2 contributors
79% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Peter Cottrell interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Peter Cottrell is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 7m 36s
7 contributors
Oral History Project
Arthur and Herbert Douglas, 32 Douglas Street, Merrylands. Interviewed by Pat Miller and Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mrs Miller led this interview gathering from...
48m 10s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Lawrence and Yvonne Mizzi (26 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Lawrence Mizzi, cane farmer,...
31m 51s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Mario Cristaudo (27 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Mario Cristaudo, sugar cane...
19m 20s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Tom Wilson (12 March 1998) Oral History
Interview with Tom Wilson, a carpenter at...
21m 58s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Charlie Mackey. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Charlie talked of his arrival in Westmead and...
31m 13s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Max Fricke interviewed by Joanne Keniry
Max Fricke is interviewed by Joanne Keniry on...
35m 27s
14 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Bill Jones (2012) Oral History Part 2
Bill Jones was born in Gympie in the 1920s....
16m 2s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Lawrence and Yvonne Mizzi (26 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Lawrence Mizzi, cane farmer,...
31m 40s
2 contributors
20% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Pat Duritz (16 March 1998) Oral History
Interview with Pat Duritz, manager at the...
26m 59s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Kathleen Ruth Nugar Oral History (14 August 1995) Part One
Two part interview with Kathleen Ruth Nugar....
31m 35s
10 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Harry and Frances Warner and Camden Park House
Harry and Frances Warner worked on Camden Park...
1h 46m 18s
1 contributor
16% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Don McNeill interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Don McNeill is interviewed by Elisabeth...
34m 38s
14 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Graham Colley, Email Personnel Manager, interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 2
Graham Colley is interviewed by Elisabeth...
3m 13s
10 contributors
Camden Voices
Betty Yewen's Oral History
Betty grew up in Camden and has fond memories...
56m 19s
3 contributors
34% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Shirley Naylor interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Shirley Naylor is interviewed by Elisabeth...
59m 25s
9 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Nobby Hart (26 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Nobby Hart, worker at the...
30m 43s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Baxter's Holroyd Coaches. Gary Baxter interviewed by Reg Rannard.
Mr Reg has a long history of service with...
25m 56s
5 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Jack Barnes and Bevan Farmer (2012) Oral History Part 3
Jack Barnes was born in 1942. His father had a...
2h 6m 4s
4 contributors
8% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of the Booth Family of the Municipality of Prospect and Sherwood [Part 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Elizabeth gives some idea of the family...
1h 2m 45s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Marcia Montgomery. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Miss Montgomery speaks of the family...
37m 21s
4 contributors
99% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Tina Ross and Nina Benn Oral History (10 July 1995)
Interview with Tina Ross and Nina Benn. Tina...
27m 5s
2 contributors
31% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
John Pearson (27 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with John Pearson a prominent cane...
31m 42s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Daphne Frendo and John Pankhurst. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Pankhurst begins by giving a picture of the...
29m 46s
5 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Mrs Lottie Reade, Gwen and Reg Walker, Lance Robinson, Norm and Ann Treble, Frank Wandsworth, and Keith and Beth Douglas [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Lottie Reade, who ran the local delicatessen...
1h 1m 17s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Graham Colley, Email Personnel Manager, interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 1
Graham Colley is interviewed by Elisabeth...
1h 29m 57s
10 contributors
60% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Janelle Patterson. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Information for this interview was supplied by...
32m 41s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Frank Hoy, Email Plant Administrative Manager, interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 2
Frank Hoy is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
1h 31m 33s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Joan Higgin's Oral History
Joan Higgins was born in Camden and her...
38m 31s
3 contributors
98% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Ryan Critchlow, Email Production Manager, interviewed by Marilyn Bull
Ryan Critchlow is interviewed by Marilyn Bull...
7 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Joyce Shuttlewood (12 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Joyce Shuttlewood who lived on...
31m 27s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Eileen Neville, Betty Hogan, Eileen James, Lil Condon, and Kath Dalkeith [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Three of these ladies, Lil, Kath and Betty,...
1h 1m 45s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Mr Norm and Mrs June McNamara. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Norm McNamara tells briefly a little of his...
35m 58s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Leon Kiho interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 4
Leon Kiho is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
22m 53s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Mrs Emily Byrnes. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mrs Byrnes began by giving something of the...
58m 32s
5 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Wilma Cudars interviewed by Marilyn Bull
Wilma Cudars is interviewed by Marilyn Bull on...
38m 45s
12 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of the Booth Family of the Municipality of Prospect and Sherwood [Part 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Elizabeth gives some idea of the family...
29m 47s
6 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Neville Cornish interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Neville Cornish is interviewed by Elisabeth...
56m 49s
7 contributors
Oral History Project
Jack Crossman Oral History [Part 1]. Introduced by Sister Gabriel Forster and interviewed by Nance Roche and children from the St Margaret Mary's School, Merrylands.
This first part of the interview includes an...
31m 36s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Elizabeth Stevenson (8 April 1998) Oral History
Interview with Elizabeth Stevenson, female...
30m 54s
3 contributors
80% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Cissy Burr [tape 1]. Interviewed by Norma Garner.
Mrs Cissy Burr recalls her early family life...
1h 1m 46s
11 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Tony Maston, 31 Patten Avenue, Merrylands [Part 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Tony speaks on something of the American...
1h 1m 54s
4 contributors
91% have edits
Oral History Project
Keith Douglas, 10 McKern Street, Wentworthville. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Keith gives an outline of his family story...
22m 59s
4 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Tony Siemer interviewed by Gai Winter
Tony Siemer is interviewed by Gai Winter on 30...
1h 27s
7 contributors
Oral History Project
Sr. David Fitzmaurice and Nance Roche. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Sister David Fitzmaurice and Miss Nance Roche...
52m 10s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Jack Takagaki (21 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Jack Takagaki, son of a...
29m 17s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Terry Bridges interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Terry Bridges is interviewed by Elisabeth...
57m 4s
6 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Carmella Pelligra [tape 2]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Carmella was joined by her cousin, Maria...
8m 1s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Michael Wheeler's Oral History
Michael Wheeler recounts an idyllic childhood...
59m 46s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Mr. Arthur Byron. Interviewed by Margaret Edwards
Mr Arthur Byron tells of how his early family...
1h 11m 23s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Kevin Cutler (14 March 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Kevin Cutler, engineer at...
17m 57s
2 contributors
13% have edits
Camden Voices
Alba Marasco's stories of Camden.
Alba Marasco migrated to Australia in 1951...
1h 4m 46s
0 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Kathleen Codd. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mrs Codd was well known to the Marist Sisters...
38m 25s
6 contributors
Queensland Windmills Oral History
Mervyn Ohl (2012) Oral History
Mervyn Ohl was born on 2 March 1926 in...
1h 6m 58s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Ernie Maguire (4 April 1998) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Ernie Maguire, a mill worker,...
18m 28s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Ken and Vivienne Rollans and Fred and Phyllis Harrison. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
This is another tape where each person speaks...
50m 54s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Mabel 'Mabs' Duncan Oral History (27 April 2007; 4 May 2007) Part One
Interview with Mabel 'Mabs' Duncan. Mabs talks...
36m 4s
3 contributors
99% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Denis Foster (24 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Denis Foster retired staff...
29m 38s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Cathy Thomson interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards
Cathy Thomson is interviewed by Elisabeth...
22m 56s
5 contributors
Oral History Project
Jack Crossman Oral History [Part 2]. Compliment by Mr. Reg and Mrs. Olive Rannard and Misses Nance Roche and Noeline Hughes. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Jack's Crossman daughter, Olive - nee Crossman...
20m 40s
6 contributors
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Denise Fritz (17 November 1998) Oral History
Interview with Denise Fritz, who lived and...
26m 7s
4 contributors
54% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Doug Jacklin (7 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Doug Jacklin a cane farmer and...
29m 29s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Cissy Burr [tape 2]. Interviewed by Norma Garner.
Cissy speaks of married life and the...
23m 24s
7 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
William Lawless with Dorrie Lawless interviewed by Joanne Keniry
William Lawless is interviewed by Joanne...
1h 27m 24s
9 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Sam Bezzina (3 November 1997) Oral History Part 2
Interview with Sam Bezzina, a cane farmer who...
18m 47s
3 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Bill Pincott [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Born on the Prospect property near Lawson's...
1h 51s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of Mr Henry and Mrs Lillian Newbould, Mrs Noelene Noblett, Mrs Sylvia Bush, and Mrs Yvonne Durran. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Henry spoke of the coming of the two Newbould...
31m 18s
5 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Carmella Pelligra [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Carmella tells of the family's home village in...
1h 2m 7s
6 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Arthur Buck Oral History (17 April 2006)
Interview with Arthur Buck. Arthur talks about...
29m 8s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
John Wrigley and The Camden Museum
John Wrigley is the former President of the...
1h 12m 57s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Memories of John Langford. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster and Harry Maley.
Mr Langford tells of the development of the...
20m 35s
5 contributors
Oral History Project
Memories of Rosie Cavallo. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster and Camella Pellagra.
Mrs Cavallo tells something of the family...
31m 22s
4 contributors
Email Factory, Orange
Leon Kiho interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 3
Leon Kiho is interviewed by Elisabeth...
30m 3s
4 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Mario Cristaudo (27 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Mario Cristaudo, sugar cane...
31m 37s
1 contributor
100% have edits
Oral History Project
Tony Maston, 31 Patten Avenue, Merrylands [tape 1]. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
This very informative tape gives clear...
24m 12s
5 contributors
100% have edits
Sweet Talking Oral Histories
Fred Thompson (7 March 1998) Oral History Part 1
Interview with Fred Thompson, retired union...
31m 37s
2 contributors
100% have edits
Townsville City Oral Histories
Mabel 'Mabs' Duncan Oral History (27 April 2007; 4 May 2007) Part Two
Interview with Mabel 'Mabs' Duncan. Mabs talks...
16m 58s
2 contributors
98% have edits
Oral History Project
Frank Bloxham, experiences of life in Toongabbie in the early days. Interviewed by Sister Gabriel Forster.
Mr Frank Bloxham, born in Griffiths, moved...
52m 59s
14 contributors
99% have edits
Email Factory, Orange
Leon Kiho interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards - Part 1
Leon Kiho is interviewed by Elisabeth Edwards...
30m 4s
7 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review