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I am Yvonne Gibbons, I'm recording the oral history and speaking with Mr. Clarence Griffith Edwards at 40 Clan William St. Blackheath. It is the 11th of February 1993. Mr. Edwards, you were the Mayor of the Municipality of Strathfield for seven consecutive years. I am Yvonne Gibbons, I'm recording the oral history and speaking with Mr. Clarence Griffith Edwards at 40 Clan William St. Blackheath. It is the 11th of February 1993. Mr. Edwards, you were the Mayor of the Municipality of Strathfield for seven consecutive years.

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first in 1977, then the following six years to and including 1983. first in 1977, then the following six years to and including 1983.

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The records show that you were elected to a council, to the council, at an extraordinary election on 17th of March 1973 following the death of Alderman Cartwright. What was the main reason for motivating you to stand for election as an Alderman on 17th of March 1973? The records show that you were elected to a council, to the council, at an extraordinary election on 17th of March 1973 following the death of Alderman Cartwright. What was the main reason for motivating you to stand for election as an Alderman on 17th of March 1973?

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Well, I was a news agent in Homebush, Homebush was part of the Strathfield Municipality and as a result, I met a large number of people who used to come into my shop. Well, I was a news agent in Homebush, Homebush was part of the Strathfield Municipality and as a result, I met a large number of people who used to come into my shop.

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And quite often I would discuss Council affairs and the condition of roads, traffic and, especially at that time, the building of high density And quite often I would discuss Council affairs and the condition of roads, traffic and, especially at that time, the building of high density

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development and flats near where I had a newsagency on Burlington Road. development and flats near where I had a newsagency on Burlington Road.

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At least this development had gone ahead At least this development had gone ahead

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where old houses had been for many years and where old houses had been for many years and

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the local people at that time were highly incensed about this type of thing and um as a result of just talking to people, I became more and more interested in council affairs. the local people at that time were highly incensed about this type of thing and um as a result of just talking to people, I became more and more interested in council affairs.

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During the time on Strathfield Council, Mr. Edwards, what would you regard as the highlights of your time there? During the time on Strathfield Council, Mr. Edwards, what would you regard as the highlights of your time there?

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When I first joined the Council When I first joined the Council

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there was great concern about the high rise development that I just referred to, there was great concern about the high rise development that I just referred to,

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so, um so, um

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it was an early, it wasn't my initiative necessarily, but a town planner was appointed from that time on, and um a proper um zoning scheme was organized for the whole municipality. it was an early, it wasn't my initiative necessarily, but a town planner was appointed from that time on, and um a proper um zoning scheme was organized for the whole municipality.

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And I regarded as that as very important and I must say that at the time, was a highly controversial decision to appoint a town planner. And I regarded as that as very important and I must say that at the time, was a highly controversial decision to appoint a town planner.

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There were existing Aldermen on the Council who had been there, some, some of them I think had been there for 20 years. There were existing Aldermen on the Council who had been there, some, some of them I think had been there for 20 years.

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They really resented the idea of an officer, telling them what to do. They felt as though they could decide all these things, but um I’d say that was the beginning of Strathfield Council realising that we lived in a much more sophisticated society than in the past and that these, we needed the advice of um trained They really resented the idea of an officer, telling them what to do. They felt as though they could decide all these things, but um I’d say that was the beginning of Strathfield Council realising that we lived in a much more sophisticated society than in the past and that these, we needed the advice of um trained

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trained people with expertise in these specialised fields, such as town planning. trained people with expertise in these specialised fields, such as town planning.

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A controversial um matter at that early at that period also was a proposal to put an oil pipeline through Strathfield. A controversial um matter at that early at that period also was a proposal to put an oil pipeline through Strathfield.

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Many people were worried about it, there was Many people were worried about it, there was

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people were getting worried that people were getting worried that

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pipeline could explode and cause all sorts of damage, but eventually pipeline could explode and cause all sorts of damage, but eventually

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reason prevailed and reason prevailed and

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This pipeline has been there now I think, must be for 20 years and there's been no trouble. This pipeline has been there now I think, must be for 20 years and there's been no trouble.

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As a result of the deal between Strathfield Council and the oil pipeline or the oil companies, the Cooks River Valley was As a result of the deal between Strathfield Council and the oil pipeline or the oil companies, the Cooks River Valley was

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Landscaped, many from the from the oil companies paid for the landscaping and also they do now pay an annual fee for the privilege of having the pipeline through the Municipality. Landscaped, many from the from the oil companies paid for the landscaping and also they do now pay an annual fee for the privilege of having the pipeline through the Municipality.

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A traffic plan was drawn up during the time I was there, there was great agitation about the, about traffic going down residential streets. I remembered at the time one of the statistics was that 70% of all traffic in Strathfield had neither its origin nor its destination in the Municipality. A traffic plan was drawn up during the time I was there, there was great agitation about the, about traffic going down residential streets. I remembered at the time one of the statistics was that 70% of all traffic in Strathfield had neither its origin nor its destination in the Municipality.

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People were getting alarmed about heavy traffic going down residential streets. So a hierarchy of streets was drawn up by traffic consultants. People were getting alarmed about heavy traffic going down residential streets. So a hierarchy of streets was drawn up by traffic consultants.

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to contain the major traffic to where the main road, so as to protect the um the residential streets. Another very to contain the major traffic to where the main road, so as to protect the um the residential streets. Another very

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interesting um period during the time I was there, for me personally, was being involved with the way trees were pruned in the Municipality. interesting um period during the time I was there, for me personally, was being involved with the way trees were pruned in the Municipality.

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Before my time, Before my time,

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trees were pruned under power lines on one side of the road. trees were pruned under power lines on one side of the road.

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And to maintain uniformity, the trees on the other side were pruned in the same way. And to maintain uniformity, the trees on the other side were pruned in the same way.

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Very severely pruned, I might say, that I think at the time was described as one man sitting in the fork of a tree and just cutting off everything you could reach with a, with a saw. It was highly controversial. There were stories in the Sydney daily papers. And Very severely pruned, I might say, that I think at the time was described as one man sitting in the fork of a tree and just cutting off everything you could reach with a, with a saw. It was highly controversial. There were stories in the Sydney daily papers. And

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people reacted badly to it, and eventually a new policy was introduced people reacted badly to it, and eventually a new policy was introduced

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which meant that only trees were pruned that interfered with overhead wires or interfered with traffic. And that, I believe is still the case in Strathfield. which meant that only trees were pruned that interfered with overhead wires or interfered with traffic. And that, I believe is still the case in Strathfield.

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Central Library, new Central Library being built was Central Library, new Central Library being built was

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and it's hard to believe, when looking back now to realize it was a controversial decision to build a new Central Library. But and it's hard to believe, when looking back now to realize it was a controversial decision to build a new Central Library. But

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it was felt by moving the branch library from Homebush Road to the other side of the railway line. I'm sorry, it wasn't Homebush Road, it was on Parramatta Road and it was necessary to close that one down and build the new library in Rochester Street, Homebush as a more centralised position. Some people opposed it, but however, that went through. The Strathfield Plaza development was also a big problem at the time. It had been agreed it was felt by moving the branch library from Homebush Road to the other side of the railway line. I'm sorry, it wasn't Homebush Road, it was on Parramatta Road and it was necessary to close that one down and build the new library in Rochester Street, Homebush as a more centralised position. Some people opposed it, but however, that went through. The Strathfield Plaza development was also a big problem at the time. It had been agreed

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I think the famous expression was, that it was before my time, an Alderman had got up on the Council and said that he enthusiastically welcomed the proposal to build I think the famous expression was, that it was before my time, an Alderman had got up on the Council and said that he enthusiastically welcomed the proposal to build

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um, the new Strathfield Plaza without the benefit of the town planner or or a building inspector. um, the new Strathfield Plaza without the benefit of the town planner or or a building inspector.

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Then coming on, the Council and being confronted with a decision that had already been made and Then coming on, the Council and being confronted with a decision that had already been made and

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I think the new Aldermen felt that it was a massive over-development of the site, so it meant trying to persuade the developers to contain it in some way. I think the new Aldermen felt that it was a massive over-development of the site, so it meant trying to persuade the developers to contain it in some way.

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I don't think any of the new Alderman had really agreed with what eventually happened there, but there were some setbacks and I don't think any of the new Alderman had really agreed with what eventually happened there, but there were some setbacks and

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uh, there was a lot of attention made to the type of building materials used. That was the best way to get out of what we thought was a bad, a bad deal at the time. uh, there was a lot of attention made to the type of building materials used. That was the best way to get out of what we thought was a bad, a bad deal at the time.

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Hudson Park Driving Range was Hudson Park Driving Range was

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constructed during my time. Proved a very popular decision. When the Expressway was. constructed during my time. Proved a very popular decision. When the Expressway was.

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planned through the Homebush area, a lot of residents of Homebush were planned through the Homebush area, a lot of residents of Homebush were

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disadvantaged by being cut off from their recognised areas of shopping, so the Council successfully negotiated with the Department of Main Roads at that time to construct a footbridge across the um expressway, which um I believe was very beneficial for those people and disadvantaged by being cut off from their recognised areas of shopping, so the Council successfully negotiated with the Department of Main Roads at that time to construct a footbridge across the um expressway, which um I believe was very beneficial for those people and

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is there today. is there today.

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The first roundabout in Strathfield was constructed at the corner of Dickson Street and Coventry Road. The first roundabout in Strathfield was constructed at the corner of Dickson Street and Coventry Road.

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Parking areas were constructed at the Homebush Shopping Centre and at Enfield. Parking areas were constructed at the Homebush Shopping Centre and at Enfield.

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The negotiations were taking place about the Bicentennial Park at Homebush Bay. The negotiations were taking place about the Bicentennial Park at Homebush Bay.

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Renovation for the council chambers that took place during my time. Renovation for the council chambers that took place during my time.

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The council chamber - hadn’t been patched for many years and there were holes in the ceiling which The council chamber - hadn’t been patched for many years and there were holes in the ceiling which

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Let water in during rainy periods, but the decision was made Let water in during rainy periods, but the decision was made

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to improve the council chamber, although there was a very conservative mood in  Strathfield at that time that we shouldn't spend too much money on council chambers. There was a scandal all over the metropolitan area of councils creating Taj Mahals for themselves. Anything that was done at Strathfield was always a very conservative to improve the council chamber, although there was a very conservative mood in  Strathfield at that time that we shouldn't spend too much money on council chambers. There was a scandal all over the metropolitan area of councils creating Taj Mahals for themselves. Anything that was done at Strathfield was always a very conservative

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decision and um decision and um

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we tried to contain expenses as much as possible. we tried to contain expenses as much as possible.

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One of the One of the

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That pleased me during my time was the creation of the Historical Society. That pleased me during my time was the creation of the Historical Society.

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I called a public meeting at the, the new central library. I can't remember the date now. I called a public meeting at the, the new central library. I can't remember the date now.

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To see if people were interested in a Historical Society and it was a good attendance. The society was formed, it's still going and To see if people were interested in a Historical Society and it was a good attendance. The society was formed, it's still going and

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I think a lot of the history of Strathfield has been better preserved as a result of that. I think a lot of the history of Strathfield has been better preserved as a result of that.

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And at the end of my time, I felt that I'd And at the end of my time, I felt that I'd

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been on the council nearly ten years and been on the council nearly ten years and

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It was time for me to move on. I felt as though there weren't enough ten year periods in your life to concentrate on one thing like that. But I do have some regrets about having left Strathfield. It was time for me to move on. I felt as though there weren't enough ten year periods in your life to concentrate on one thing like that. But I do have some regrets about having left Strathfield.

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It was a very exciting and enjoyable time for me and I would say very educational for me personally. It was a very exciting and enjoyable time for me and I would say very educational for me personally.

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During your tenure as mayor, Mr. Edwards, the municipality was threatened with being amalgamated with Ashfield, Burwood, Concord and Drummoyne municipalities. During your tenure as mayor, Mr. Edwards, the municipality was threatened with being amalgamated with Ashfield, Burwood, Concord and Drummoyne municipalities.

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What are your recollections of that? What are your recollections of that?

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Oh, my first recollection is that it was thought at one time to be a fait accompli and the proposal was to amalgamate Oh, my first recollection is that it was thought at one time to be a fait accompli and the proposal was to amalgamate

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Drummoyne, Concord, Strathfield, Burwood and Ashfield Drummoyne, Concord, Strathfield, Burwood and Ashfield

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municipalities. municipalities.

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And the government of the day, you know, virtually wouldn't discuss it with us. They virtually said this was how it was going to happen and And the government of the day, you know, virtually wouldn't discuss it with us. They virtually said this was how it was going to happen and

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there were a lot of people who said, well, you might, you can't beat the government. You might as well just give in. But there were a lot of people who said, well, you might, you can't beat the government. You might as well just give in. But

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I must say at the time Keith Manwaring was Town Clerk of Strathfield and I must say at the time Keith Manwaring was Town Clerk of Strathfield and

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he was very much opposed to it. I'm not sure that he hadn't been through a previous fight on amalgamation. he was very much opposed to it. I'm not sure that he hadn't been through a previous fight on amalgamation.

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And he advised me that we should fight it And he advised me that we should fight it

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all the way. all the way.

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And we did that by And we did that by

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deciding to go political. At that time deciding to go political. At that time

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the seat of Burwood was held by the Labor Party on a very knife edge the seat of Burwood was held by the Labor Party on a very knife edge

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majority. majority.

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So So

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meetings were held. meetings were held.

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A marquee was put up in Strathfield Park and residents were invited to this meeting. I think it was over 2,000 people turned up at that particular meeting. A marquee was put up in Strathfield Park and residents were invited to this meeting. I think it was over 2,000 people turned up at that particular meeting.

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And they voted overwhelmingly against the idea of amalgamation. The government of the day, I think was facing an election coming up soon. They didn't want to lose the seat of Burwood, in my opinion, and And they voted overwhelmingly against the idea of amalgamation. The government of the day, I think was facing an election coming up soon. They didn't want to lose the seat of Burwood, in my opinion, and

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as a result of the campaign by Strathfield and, I must say it was masterminded by the Town Clerk of Strathfield at that time, Keith Manwaring, as a result of the campaign by Strathfield and, I must say it was masterminded by the Town Clerk of Strathfield at that time, Keith Manwaring,

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the government backed off and the domino effect occurred. The amalgamations in Strathfield were abandoned and there were no talk of amalgamations anywhere in the metropolitan area of Sydney. the government backed off and the domino effect occurred. The amalgamations in Strathfield were abandoned and there were no talk of amalgamations anywhere in the metropolitan area of Sydney.

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Some of the statistics that were proved and proven at that time was that a small municipality was much more efficient than a large municipality. I particularly remember that the five councils that were proposed were a very similar population to Sutherland Shire and it was shown that the cost of running Sutherland Shire was Some of the statistics that were proved and proven at that time was that a small municipality was much more efficient than a large municipality. I particularly remember that the five councils that were proposed were a very similar population to Sutherland Shire and it was shown that the cost of running Sutherland Shire was

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considerably more than considerably more than

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than what the than what the

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five Councils that were proposed for amalgamation five Councils that were proposed for amalgamation

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cost each year for the rate-players. So statistics like that cost each year for the rate-players. So statistics like that

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and others which were produced at the time. I think there's quite a few samples on this that were produced at the time, so that um smaller municipalities are much more efficient than large ones. and others which were produced at the time. I think there's quite a few samples on this that were produced at the time, so that um smaller municipalities are much more efficient than large ones.

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We won the day, which is important as Strathfield still exists. We won the day, which is important as Strathfield still exists.

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Well, there were a couple of other things that occurred which were very important. Well, there were a couple of other things that occurred which were very important.

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The formation of Strathfield State Emergency Service was a very important function of the council at that time. Council advertised The formation of Strathfield State Emergency Service was a very important function of the council at that time. Council advertised

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to see if they could get a director and the successful person was Jonathan Fowler. to see if they could get a director and the successful person was Jonathan Fowler.

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Council provided the premises of the old Enfield Council Chambers. Council provided the premises of the old Enfield Council Chambers.

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And it's been a very successful service and I believe over the years since that time they've assisted a lot of people during emergencies in the Municipality. And it's been a very successful service and I believe over the years since that time they've assisted a lot of people during emergencies in the Municipality.

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25 Broughton Road Homebush, which was a properly purchased by the council for the purpose of extending Fitzgerald Park, but having purchased the property, we found that there was another need and that was the Strathfield Occasional Care Childcare Centre. 25 Broughton Road Homebush, which was a properly purchased by the council for the purpose of extending Fitzgerald Park, but having purchased the property, we found that there was another need and that was the Strathfield Occasional Care Childcare Centre.

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So rather than demolish what was a perfectly good building, it was given to these people and I believe it's been operated successfully So rather than demolish what was a perfectly good building, it was given to these people and I believe it's been operated successfully

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since that time. since that time.

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I've, I've just become aware of the number of people that were naturalised during the time I was on the council, 1,052 is quite surprising to me. I've, I've just become aware of the number of people that were naturalised during the time I was on the council, 1,052 is quite surprising to me.

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They were, They were,

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Naturalization ceremonies were very large affairs when I first joined the Council.  At first the whole county town hall was used. Naturalization ceremonies were very large affairs when I first joined the Council.  At first the whole county town hall was used.

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But a lot of the naturalisation ceremonies were done under a smaller scale during my time. But a lot of the naturalisation ceremonies were done under a smaller scale during my time.

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As the naturalisation applications got to perhaps 20 or so we had. As the naturalisation applications got to perhaps 20 or so we had.

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Naturalization ceremonies almost regularly in the Council, in the Council Chamber. Naturalization ceremonies almost regularly in the Council, in the Council Chamber.

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So it seems as though it's got to a very impressive number, 1,052. It was a very pleasing activity of a mayor during that time, and I enjoyed those ceremonies. So it seems as though it's got to a very impressive number, 1,052. It was a very pleasing activity of a mayor during that time, and I enjoyed those ceremonies.