Austinmer Stories
Peter & May Sharman
Peter and May Sharman had happy and free...
1h 5m 18s
1 contributor

Austinmer Stories
Carol North
Carol North is 99 years old and has lived in...
42m 25s
2 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Col Bruton
Col Bruton grew up in Coledale and shares his...
1h 12m 29s
2 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Don Bath Part 2 of 2
Don Bath was born in Coledale Hospital in the...
1h 27m 10s
7 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Marge Gilleland
Marge Gilleland talks about her life growing...
46m 50s
4 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Jane Taylor
Jane worked at Cringila Public School...
44m 9s
3 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Don Bath Part 1 of 2
Don Bath was born in Coledale Hospital in the...
1h 39m 7s
9 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Robert Woodhill & Peter Cuninghame
Robert Woodhill grew up in Austinmer and his...
1h 2m 12s
7 contributors
17% have edits

Austinmer Stories
Elaine Wilton
This interview with Elaine Wilton captures...
1h 27m 29s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Austinmer Stories
Val Mahoney
Val has lived in Austinmer since 1957 and has...
36m 19s
5 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Joy Lynch
Joy grew up in Austinmer and went to the local...
32m 54s
3 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Roma Bates
Roma’s first memories of Austinmer are from...
22m 7s
2 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Jim Bates
Jim’s parents moved to Austinmer in the 1950s...
37m 2s
2 contributors

Austinmer Stories
Mollie Armstrong
Mollie Armstrong was born in Austinmer in 1920...
48m 22s
2 contributors