Royal Brisbane Hospital Graduate Nurses' Association Oral History
Interview with Lillian Stevenson, 9 Jul 1992 [Part 1]
Oral history with Lillian Stevenson regarding...
31m 10s
14 contributors
100% have edits
1% awaiting review
Royal Brisbane Hospital Graduate Nurses' Association Oral History
Interview with Jean Green, 21 Oct 1993 [Part 2]
Oral history with Jean Green regarding her...
30m 5s
7 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Royal Brisbane Hospital Graduate Nurses' Association Oral History
Interviews with Isobel Bailey and Ida Bell [Part 3]
Oral histories with Isobel Bailey and Ida Bell...
15m 44s
14 contributors
Royal Brisbane Hospital Graduate Nurses' Association Oral History
Interview with Lillian Stevenson, 9 Jul 1992 [Part 2]
Oral history with Lillian Stevenson regarding...
31m 6s
8 contributors