Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Fred Fryer, 21 Apr 1992 [Side 2]
Interview with Fred Fryer of Townsville who...
29m 27s
8 contributors
100% have edits
18% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Mervyn Bell, 6 May 1992
Interview with Mervyn Bell from Goondiwindi,...
11m 46s
4 contributors
100% have edits
7% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Myrtle Singleton, 7 May 1992
Interview with Myrtle Singleton, a Townsville...
22m 46s
4 contributors
100% have edits
9% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Arlo Gilpatrick, 5 May 1992
Interview with Mr Arlo Gilpatrick who, after...
31m 14s
6 contributors
100% have edits
10% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with John Perkins, 8 May 1992 [Side 1]
Interview with John Perkins from Connecticut,...
31m 21s
6 contributors
100% have edits

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Michael Kobylarz, 7 May 1992
Interview with Mr Mike Kobylarz from New...
25m 34s
10 contributors
100% have edits
7% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Walter P Maiersperger, 5 May 1992 [Side 1]
Interview with Walter P Maiersperger from...
31m 18s
6 contributors
100% have edits

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Arvo Jutila, May 1992
Interview with Mr Arvo Jutila from Minnesota,...
22m 19s
9 contributors
82% have edits
1% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Fred Fryer, 21 Apr 1992 [Side 1]
Interview with Fred Fryer of Townsville who...
31m 23s
10 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Max Norman, 7 May 1992
Interview with Max Norman, a New Yorker who...
25m 23s
8 contributors
100% have edits
11% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with John Perkins, 8 May 1992 [Side 2]
Interview with John Perkins from Connecticut,...
6m 14s
7 contributors
100% have edits
9% awaiting review

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Neil Fairbanks, 8 May 1992
Interview with Neil Fairbanks from Minnesota,...
14m 11s
10 contributors

Coral Sea '92 Commemoration Oral History
Interview with Walter P. Maiersperger, 5 May 1992 [Side 2]
Interview with Walter P Maiersperger from...
9m 43s
12 contributors
100% have edits