Remember When
Pat Quinn 5 - The Morrisson Building
Moving to Singleton at the age of 11, and...
31m 19s
5 contributors
51% have edits
3% awaiting review
Remember When
Betty Butler 1 - Life story
Elizabeth “Betty” Joan Monkley, was born 1929...
41m 10s
8 contributors
100% have edits
Seniors and Schoolies
SS10 - Roy Palmer
Born in Japan in 1940, Roy Palmer details the...
27m 14s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Seniors and Schoolies
SS04 - Kevin Benjamin
Kevin Benjamin talks about a passion for...
14m 42s
5 contributors
33% have edits
Author Talks
Rebecca Wilson "Kate Kelly" : Author Talks @ Singleton Library
Rebecca Wilson talks about her book Kate Kelly...
33m 27s
4 contributors
75% have edits
Remember When
Pat Quinn 1 - Born in Temora
Moving to Singleton at the age of 11, and...
52m 16s
7 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review
Remember When
Muriel Bird: A rural life in the Hunter Valley
Muriel Bird, nee Butler, was born at Fairholm,...
1h 3m 43s
7 contributors
100% have edits
Author Talks
Mark Dunn "The Convict Valley" : Author Talks @ Singleton Library
Mark Dunn is a professional historian...
41m 35s
7 contributors
59% have edits
Remember When
Pat Quinn 3 - Mining Industry
Moving to Singleton at the age of 11, and...
21m 20s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Remember When
Ron Stokes : A Singleton Dairy Famer's Life
Born in 1933, Ron Stokes grew up in rural...
55m 16s
14 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review
Remember When
Betty Butler 2 - Eulogy, OAM
Elizabeth “Betty” Joan Monkley, was born 1929...
22m 15s
7 contributors
100% have edits
4% awaiting review