Kiama Stories: oral histories
Arthur Campbell talking about WWI
Arthur Campbell tells stories about Gerringong...
27m 13s
11 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Norma Stead
Norma Stead, a long time resident of Kiama,...
42m 31s
6 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Ray Sproule
Ray Sproule talks about growing up and living...
1h 15m 30s
20 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Arthur Campbell: Part 2
Arthur Campbell talks about life growing up in...
26m 1s
5 contributors
100% have edits

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Ross Simmons
Ross talks about his family's involvement in...
1h 21m 34s
11 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Viv Edwards: Part 2
Vic Edwards talks with Carman Netherclift...
32m 7s
6 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Cecil Boniface
32m 20s
8 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Annette Hoskins
Annette Hoskins talks about her mother...
1m 7s
7 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Edna Boniface
Edna Boniface was married to Cecil Boniface....
28m 48s
6 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Keith Johnson
Margaret Sharpe talks with Keith Johnson about...
40m 9s
11 contributors
100% have edits
3% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Harold Tuohy
Harold Tuohy talks about growing up in Kiama...
32m 13s
6 contributors
100% have edits
5% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Roy Phillis: Part 2
Roy Phillis talks about working for Cleary...
29m 17s
8 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Arthur Campbell talking about the Gerringong & Gerroa area - Part 1
Arthur Campbell talking about the Gerroa area...
24m 38s
11 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Norma Stead
Michelle Hudson talks with Norma Stead about...
42m 36s
7 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Viv Edwards: Part 1
Vic Edwards talks with Carman Netherclift...
31m 14s
4 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Vince McGrath: Part 2
Carmen Netherclift and Fran Whalan talk with...
17m 44s
5 contributors
17% have edits
1% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Roy Phillis: Part 3
Roy Phillis talks about working for Cleary...
27m 42s
5 contributors
100% have edits
2% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Roy Phillis: Part 1
Roy Phillis talks about working for Cleary...
28m 27s
14 contributors
100% have edits
30% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Vince McGrath: Part 1
Carmen Netherclift and Fran Whalan talk with...
38m 23s
10 contributors
31% have edits

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Arthur Campbell talking about the Gerringong & Gerroa area - Part 2
Arthur Campbell talking about the Gerroa area...
26m 2s
5 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with 'Dinky' and Agnes Marks
'Dinky' and Agnes Marks are from Terragong,...
40m 56s
6 contributors
49% have edits
3% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Evan Evans
Evan Evans is interviewed by Barbara Roser...
36m 51s
14 contributors
100% have edits

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Betty Chittick
Betty Chittick recalls her early life growing...
15m 24s
9 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Molly Tuohy
Molly Tuohy talks about growing up on her...
33m 5s
14 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Gwyneth Hindmarsh
Margaret Sharpe interviews Gwyneth Hindmarsh...
27m 41s
16 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Arthur Campbell talking about WWII
Arthur Campbell tells stories about Gerringong...
30m 18s
14 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Peter McGlinchey
Peter McGlinchey talks about agriculture and...
1h 7m 6s
22 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Joan Grey
Joan Grey talks about where she grew up, on...
17m 46s
5 contributors

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Peter and Margaret Raison
Peter and Margaret Raison talk about their...
1h 26m 33s
12 contributors
62% have edits
2% awaiting review

Kiama Stories: oral histories
Interview with Arthur Campbell: Part 1
Arthur Campbell talks about life growing up in...
37m 32s
9 contributors