Camden Voices
Harry and Frances Warner and Camden Park House
Harry and Frances Warner worked on Camden Park...
1h 46m 18s
2 contributors
100% have edits

Camden Voices
Joan Higgin's Oral History
Joan Higgins was born in Camden and her...
38m 31s
3 contributors
100% have edits

Camden Voices
John Wrigley and The Camden Museum
John Wrigley is the former President of the...
1h 12m 57s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Michael Wheeler's Oral History
Michael Wheeler recounts an idyllic childhood...
59m 46s
3 contributors
100% have edits
Camden Voices
Betty Yewen's Oral History
Betty grew up in Camden and has fond memories...
56m 19s
3 contributors
34% have edits
Camden Voices
Alba Marasco's stories of Camden.
Alba Marasco migrated to Australia in 1951...
1h 4m 46s
1 contributor
22% have edits

Camden Voices
Mick Starr's Oral History
Mick Starr grew up at Camden Park and also...
54m 29s
4 contributors
48% have edits
1% awaiting review