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[Ruth] You just mentioned Joan that you think the boys may have been [Ruth] You just mentioned Joan that you think the boys may have been

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a bit put out at your involvement in the church. [Joan] Yes I- I- I  a bit put out at your involvement in the church. [Joan] Yes I- I- I 

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just get the buzz I  just get the buzz I 

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like I don't know that it is correct, but you know how they drop little hints every now and again. This is mainly as they get older and  like I don't know that it is correct, but you know how they drop little hints every now and again. This is mainly as they get older and 

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married and um, if um, see they don't- don't realise that when they are married and are away from the place married and um, if um, see they don't- don't realise that when they are married and are away from the place

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you have to fill your life. And so of course I would go to all the cu- things that were at the church  you have to fill your life. And so of course I would go to all the cu- things that were at the church 

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 voluntarily, that I ?inaudible? and our church is a   voluntarily, that I ?inaudible? and our church is a 

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very active church, there's always something going on. And perhaps um, they might sort of er say oh they'd come or  very active church, there's always something going on. And perhaps um, they might sort of er say oh they'd come or 

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something and I'd say "oh well er I'm going to such and such" and I think they might of thought well I really something and I'd say "oh well er I'm going to such and such" and I think they might of thought well I really

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hadn't, I shouldn't be doing that because I should be there for when they wanted hadn't, I shouldn't be doing that because I should be there for when they wanted

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to see me. [Ruth] But this was after to see me. [Ruth] But this was after

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they were grown- [Joan] yes [Ruth] after they'd left home [Joan] yes, yes. [Ruth] Um [brief pause] and you  they were grown- [Joan] yes [Ruth] after they'd left home [Joan] yes, yes. [Ruth] Um [brief pause] and you 

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mention also that it was mention also that it was

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a bond between you and your husband. [Joan] Yes. Yes my- my husband was right behind it. I   a bond between you and your husband. [Joan] Yes. Yes my- my husband was right behind it. I  

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mean unfortunately he died when he was 44 was mean unfortunately he died when he was 44 was

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a stroke. So I mean he wasn't just involved naturally [chuckles] as many years as I was but at the  a stroke. So I mean he wasn't just involved naturally [chuckles] as many years as I was but at the 

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all time that ah he was alive, he was strongly involved with the church and ah used to make all time that ah he was alive, he was strongly involved with the church and ah used to make

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sure when we were swimming and we got back and that uh the boys went to Sunday school sure when we were swimming and we got back and that uh the boys went to Sunday school

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and er used to encourage me and and as much as he could do himself.  and er used to encourage me and and as much as he could do himself. 

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Yeah. [Ruth] How old were the boys when your husband died Yeah. [Ruth] How old were the boys when your husband died

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 and how did you manage? [Joan] Well I think ah it wasn't easy, but I think  and how did you manage? [Joan] Well I think ah it wasn't easy, but I think

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because of the ages of boys, teenagers uh you had to get on with it. And ah I um, I sort of  because of the ages of boys, teenagers uh you had to get on with it. And ah I um, I sort of 

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I did- I went to work the first year because someone suggested it'd be nice for me, it'd I did- I went to work the first year because someone suggested it'd be nice for me, it'd

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take your mind off but ah I didn't like it because ah with 3 boys I had plenty to do and I take your mind off but ah I didn't like it because ah with 3 boys I had plenty to do and I

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I didn't ah, I didn't find going to work to my mind off it I mean nothing takes I didn't ah, I didn't find going to work to my mind off it I mean nothing takes

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your mind off it  you know it I mean. You just get on and you have your quiet your mind off it  you know it I mean. You just get on and you have your quiet

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times yourself in that's it. But uh- so I um, I only went to work for the one year and then I times yourself in that's it. But uh- so I um, I only went to work for the one year and then I

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considered that it was ah my job to rear them  so that not only did I love them because I considered that it was ah my job to rear them  so that not only did I love them because I

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did love them but other people-  if I went to visit someone did love them but other people-  if I went to visit someone

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and they said "gee your boys are great. Oh I love having you come here. "I felt I had achieved and they said "gee your boys are great. Oh I love having you come here. "I felt I had achieved

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something and to me that was just as important more than going to work, because um to work something and to me that was just as important more than going to work, because um to work

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you're only filling your own needs plus money. Well I wasn't interested in money  you're only filling your own needs plus money. Well I wasn't interested in money 

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I was- I had ah [clears throat] because Max was a TPI [clears throat]. [Ruth] A TPI?  I was- I had ah [clears throat] because Max was a TPI [clears throat]. [Ruth] A TPI? 

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[Joan] Totally and permanently incapacitated because of his ah, um stroke. He had high blood pressure which they [Joan] Totally and permanently incapacitated because of his ah, um stroke. He had high blood pressure which they

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attributed to the war because he was attributed to the war because he was

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a fighter pilot. And he was perfectly healthy when he went and ah he saw  a fighter pilot. And he was perfectly healthy when he went and ah he saw 

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a lot of his mates shot down, killed and um they considered after 2 years oh a lot of his mates shot down, killed and um they considered after 2 years oh

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of debating and all that like they do, ah they decided that yes it was service that had  of debating and all that like they do, ah they decided that yes it was service that had 

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contributed to his blood pressure and because it was hypertension as they call it contributed to his blood pressure and because it was hypertension as they call it

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which is blood pressure they can't get down. Um, he had that for 10 years, it was sort of a  which is blood pressure they can't get down. Um, he had that for 10 years, it was sort of a 

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dreadful heads and the threat of um you know anything could happen sorta thing and he was dreadful heads and the threat of um you know anything could happen sorta thing and he was

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 at a   at a 

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Youth Club dance. They did have dances there latterly er and some kid wanted to punch him up for something Youth Club dance. They did have dances there latterly er and some kid wanted to punch him up for something

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because he wanted to bring some drink in and Max said "no you can't" and so of course because he wanted to bring some drink in and Max said "no you can't" and so of course

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he had a stroke. You couldn't say it was just that incident he was  he had a stroke. You couldn't say it was just that incident he was 

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a sick man and anyway he um was taken to hospital and he was in a  a sick man and anyway he um was taken to hospital and he was in a 

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 coma of course 6 weeks and then he did come out of it, but he was paralysed  coma of course 6 weeks and then he did come out of it, but he was paralysed

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down one side and was blind and couldn't speak properly. So that was um for about  down one side and was blind and couldn't speak properly. So that was um for about 

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 7 months before he died. And um, oh I forgot what was leading up to that-  7 months before he died. And um, oh I forgot what was leading up to that-

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[Ruth] your husband had a TPI ?patient? [Joan] Mmm so when he died that made me a war  [Ruth] your husband had a TPI ?patient? [Joan] Mmm so when he died that made me a war 

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widow. Which means that I got a pension automatically, I was covered by widow. Which means that I got a pension automatically, I was covered by

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the veteran affairs for hospitals and medical and everything and a the veteran affairs for hospitals and medical and everything and a

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war widow is exceptionally lucky. Because um I have got friends who  war widow is exceptionally lucky. Because um I have got friends who 

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have had have had

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husbands in the war and they don't get a war widow's pension, they get an ordinary pension and husbands in the war and they don't get a war widow's pension, they get an ordinary pension and

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a war widow's one if far better. It's a war widow's one if far better. It's

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safer, it's- it's  just everything, if anything happens to me they just look after you. I don't safer, it's- it's  just everything, if anything happens to me they just look after you. I don't

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 have to pay any bills for any doctors, any medicals, any test, any er nursing home,  have to pay any bills for any doctors, any medicals, any test, any er nursing home,

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anything. [Ruth] And that went for the children when they were still at home you- [Joan] No no they didn't ah anything. [Ruth] And that went for the children when they were still at home you- [Joan] No no they didn't ah

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get any pension because- [Ruth] no not pension [Joan] no. [Ruth] But did they get medical care and things like that? [Joan] Um oh I spose  get any pension because- [Ruth] no not pension [Joan] no. [Ruth] But did they get medical care and things like that? [Joan] Um oh I spose 

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they did but I don't even remember them being sick where I had to- oh I don't even remember that, but I do. they did but I don't even remember them being sick where I had to- oh I don't even remember that, but I do.

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[Ruth] But you revealed you didn't have to work. [Joan] No no. I mean I- if- if I wanted more money [Ruth] But you revealed you didn't have to work. [Joan] No no. I mean I- if- if I wanted more money

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 I could have worked. But I managed on- Max had a small insurance which I can't   I could have worked. But I managed on- Max had a small insurance which I can't 

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remember how much it was, but in those days it was- it was enough to sort of have remember how much it was, but in those days it was- it was enough to sort of have

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 a  a

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 little bit in the bank if you know what I mean and the er pension coming in every week, um well I   little bit in the bank if you know what I mean and the er pension coming in every week, um well I 

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was able to manage. But if- if I'd been- I didn't put any of the boys through was able to manage. But if- if I'd been- I didn't put any of the boys through

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the university because fortunately oh- oh I don't know whether  the university because fortunately oh- oh I don't know whether 

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it's a fortune, they weren't academics. So um they had to do things with their hands and ah other jobs you know so  it's a fortune, they weren't academics. So um they had to do things with their hands and ah other jobs you know so 

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that ah there was no ah universities to ah- but the that ah there was no ah universities to ah- but the

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Legacy um probably Legacy, there was some- some assistance were given I know Legacy um probably Legacy, there was some- some assistance were given I know

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when Ron went to Tech they when Ron went to Tech they

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they- they picked up his um fees and things cause er he was an electrical um doing  they- they picked up his um fees and things cause er he was an electrical um doing 

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you know electrical fitter mechanic and they did help there. And legacy would of helped  you know electrical fitter mechanic and they did help there. And legacy would of helped 

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any time you like but I- I was fairly strong character I suppose, I don't know and every any time you like but I- I was fairly strong character I suppose, I don't know and every

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time they rang or called I called I used to say "oh no I'm fine thank you" and I was as such. I mean time they rang or called I called I used to say "oh no I'm fine thank you" and I was as such. I mean

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you know you could er, well you could cry all the time I'd like this or I'd like that or- but I- as far as I was concerned I was  you know you could er, well you could cry all the time I'd like this or I'd like that or- but I- as far as I was concerned I was 

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managing it and I had my parents at that stage, no. My father had died, my sister died early with cancer at 32 and my managing it and I had my parents at that stage, no. My father had died, my sister died early with cancer at 32 and my

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father died bout a year and a half father died bout a year and a half

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after that,. I had my mother and then um Max died in 68' and then my mother died in  after that,. I had my mother and then um Max died in 68' and then my mother died in 

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73. So I had my mother there for a  73. So I had my mother there for a 

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a little while, um and after there was just me but I- I- I managed you know you- I- I've never been a little while, um and after there was just me but I- I- I managed you know you- I- I've never been

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been one that wanted a lot of money. I like money I  been one that wanted a lot of money. I like money I 

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lot of things to buy but I've never been- money has never been my goal or God. lot of things to buy but I've never been- money has never been my goal or God.

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[Ruth] We um, can we go back a bit to the boys at [Ruth] We um, can we go back a bit to the boys at

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Truscott School, were you involved with the school in any way? [Joan] Yes I was the um foundation  Truscott School, were you involved with the school in any way? [Joan] Yes I was the um foundation 

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fund for the mothers- what ever you call it. The um, firstly the mother's where used to make all the  fund for the mothers- what ever you call it. The um, firstly the mother's where used to make all the 

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sandwiches and that was the first school that I know that had Oslo or whatever they call them sandwiches.  sandwiches and that was the first school that I know that had Oslo or whatever they call them sandwiches. 

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You know everything was healthy and had to be ah, ah I think they called it Oslo- [Ruth] was it brown bread? [Joan] Oh yes brown You know everything was healthy and had to be ah, ah I think they called it Oslo- [Ruth] was it brown bread? [Joan] Oh yes brown

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breads and or wholemeal breads but the- the fillings had to be sultanas  breads and or wholemeal breads but the- the fillings had to be sultanas 

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and carrots and peanut butter and you know all- no pies, no lollies or no any of that, at ah playtime they used  and carrots and peanut butter and you know all- no pies, no lollies or no any of that, at ah playtime they used 

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to get chocolate bread which is made up of um margarine I spose and chocolate or something or other on the crust. to get chocolate bread which is made up of um margarine I spose and chocolate or something or other on the crust.

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Were um from the ?lay off's? and they, they brought those for whatever and they were were marvellous! At- the kids even talk of them Were um from the ?lay off's? and they, they brought those for whatever and they were were marvellous! At- the kids even talk of them

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today they today they

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love the um chocolate crust. [Ruth] How did that come about that you were the first canteen to  love the um chocolate crust. [Ruth] How did that come about that you were the first canteen to 

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incorporate Osmo lunches at school? [Joan] I don't know I think it was the- Margaret  incorporate Osmo lunches at school? [Joan] I don't know I think it was the- Margaret 

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McMillan who lived in Edmondson  McMillan who lived in Edmondson 

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Street, she was the first, ah what do you call them the one in charge? Um you know  Street, she was the first, ah what do you call them the one in charge? Um you know 

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to um- [Ruth] president? [Joan] Yeah I spose so, although she wasn't really a to um- [Ruth] president? [Joan] Yeah I spose so, although she wasn't really a

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president because it- it- it was, it wasn't the PNC because though that was there as well, I mean I belonged to president because it- it- it was, it wasn't the PNC because though that was there as well, I mean I belonged to

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that. But this was just- I spose you could call it the mothers club because it was only the  that. But this was just- I spose you could call it the mothers club because it was only the 

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mothers of the children that use to have their roster and you'd- so many would go in everyday and you'd mothers of the children that use to have their roster and you'd- so many would go in everyday and you'd

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make all the sandwiches in the morning and Margaret was such- the type of person that everyone she make all the sandwiches in the morning and Margaret was such- the type of person that everyone she

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she was just so joyous and out um you know going. That people- and she'd know all the kids names, they'd come and she was just so joyous and out um you know going. That people- and she'd know all the kids names, they'd come and

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she'd say "Oh Billy what have you been up to today?" and "Tommy I saw you running around there she'd say "Oh Billy what have you been up to today?" and "Tommy I saw you running around there

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in the playground" you know and she just ah- I think it was because of her that the ah- in the playground" you know and she just ah- I think it was because of her that the ah-

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so of course while the- my boys were all there with Ted starting and then Phil and then Ron eventually ah so of course while the- my boys were all there with Ted starting and then Phil and then Ron eventually ah

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I- I was involved in that for quite a  I- I was involved in that for quite a 

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 number of years as the um, you know doing the sandwiches. And- And we had Oslo lunches for all the time I was there but  number of years as the um, you know doing the sandwiches. And- And we had Oslo lunches for all the time I was there but

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I suppose Margaret organised all that, but they probably came and approached her to see if she I suppose Margaret organised all that, but they probably came and approached her to see if she

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she'd be you know interested in it. [Ruth] Now what happened after Truscott Street with the boys education? she'd be you know interested in it. [Ruth] Now what happened after Truscott Street with the boys education?

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[Joan] Well Ken there again went to Ryde High School because Peter Board [Joan] Well Ken there again went to Ryde High School because Peter Board

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wasn't, which was called North Ryde High in those days. Um North Ryde High wasn't built then  wasn't, which was called North Ryde High in those days. Um North Ryde High wasn't built then 

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and so he went to Ryde High School which is up there on Smalls Road and again he was a  and so he went to Ryde High School which is up there on Smalls Road and again he was a 

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another boarder for at least 12 months or so, because he was going to you North another boarder for at least 12 months or so, because he was going to you North

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Ryde High School um and he- he started there and of course- [Ruth] um North Ryde High School  Ryde High School um and he- he started there and of course- [Ruth] um North Ryde High School 

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is um on the Epping is um on the Epping

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Road there- [Joan] No no it's in Smalls Road, Ryde- [Ruth] oh that's where- in Smalls Road- [Joan] it's closed now. [Ruth] But the one that um- [Joan] oh North Ryde High- Road there- [Joan] No no it's in Smalls Road, Ryde- [Ruth] oh that's where- in Smalls Road- [Joan] it's closed now. [Ruth] But the one that um- [Joan] oh North Ryde High-

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Epping Highway yes. It's now Peter Board but it was called North Ryde High in those days. So ken Epping Highway yes. It's now Peter Board but it was called North Ryde High in those days. So ken

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eventually went there, then Phil went there, that was when it opened Ken went there, Phil  eventually went there, then Phil went there, that was when it opened Ken went there, Phil 

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went there went there

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and then Ron went there. And I belonged there again to the er canteen and the PNC's and then Ron went there. And I belonged there again to the er canteen and the PNC's

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you know the diff- the ah and Max and I used to take turns to er, who'd go to that again, who'd you know the diff- the ah and Max and I used to take turns to er, who'd go to that again, who'd

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because we was- somebody was with the boys. [Disruption in audio] [Ruth] Just back  because we was- somebody was with the boys. [Disruption in audio] [Ruth] Just back 

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tracking again, there was something I wanted to ask you ah about when you first moved in tracking again, there was something I wanted to ask you ah about when you first moved in

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into the house, did you have furniture? How did you  into the house, did you have furniture? How did you 

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furnish it? [Joan] Well yes we did have furniture because when we married in 19 furnish it? [Joan] Well yes we did have furniture because when we married in 19

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47 [truck reversing] we heard of a lady at Kirribilli who was selling, moving and she  47 [truck reversing] we heard of a lady at Kirribilli who was selling, moving and she 

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we went over to see if we could apply for the we went over to see if we could apply for the

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flat at Kirribilli. And we were fortunate enough to get the  flat at Kirribilli. And we were fortunate enough to get the 

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 flat and then we discovered that she was selling most of the furniture that she  flat and then we discovered that she was selling most of the furniture that she

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had in- in the flat, which consisted of had in- in the flat, which consisted of

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a bedroom suite, a lounge with the ah tables and um writing desk and  a bedroom suite, a lounge with the ah tables and um writing desk and 

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a sun room that had a lounge and a  a sun room that had a lounge and a 

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couple of chairs and almost enough for a ?second winner house? so we bought her couple of chairs and almost enough for a ?second winner house? so we bought her

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furniture, borrowing from my father again. And- so therefore when we moved into the  furniture, borrowing from my father again. And- so therefore when we moved into the 

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this flat it was- we- the things she didn't take which was very little, bedroom ?inaudible? as I said to her this flat it was- we- the things she didn't take which was very little, bedroom ?inaudible? as I said to her

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and ah ah, we just used all her furniture. So we had all that furniture which we then took to  and ah ah, we just used all her furniture. So we had all that furniture which we then took to 

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Chatswood and then we then brought to here. [Ruth] So you had a  Chatswood and then we then brought to here. [Ruth] So you had a 

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a brand new house, you had it furnished and you had the car. [Joan] Yes. yeah. [Ruth] That was pretty lucky wasn't it- [Joan] it was a brand new house, you had it furnished and you had the car. [Joan] Yes. yeah. [Ruth] That was pretty lucky wasn't it- [Joan] it was

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considering that er there were several in the streets as I say didn't have a car considering that er there were several in the streets as I say didn't have a car

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and it was just- we- ah, it was just so joyous.  and it was just- we- ah, it was just so joyous. 

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[Ruth] What about now. What is your involvement in the community? [Ruth] What about now. What is your involvement in the community?

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[Joan] Well my biggest involvement still of course is the Church. I've been right through  [Joan] Well my biggest involvement still of course is the Church. I've been right through 

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everything that you could go in the Church, I was a Deacon, an Elder, er all the positions that you  everything that you could go in the Church, I was a Deacon, an Elder, er all the positions that you 

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could be. I've been on a committee for 35 years of- of my time here, I- I've played the- every role that you could could be. I've been on a committee for 35 years of- of my time here, I- I've played the- every role that you could

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play in my local Church, being involved and  play in my local Church, being involved and 

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everything, Sunday School, teaching and helping with the youth and raising money and just  everything, Sunday School, teaching and helping with the youth and raising money and just 

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just- just involvement, just everything I could possibly do. Um a part from that in the  just- just involvement, just everything I could possibly do. Um a part from that in the 

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local community I'm not- I played tennis but not in the local community, I'm over at er Roseville.  local community I'm not- I played tennis but not in the local community, I'm over at er Roseville. 

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Some of the local girls that go to my church they still um, they go to the same thing. I run and have run Some of the local girls that go to my church they still um, they go to the same thing. I run and have run

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since um 1980 [people talking in the background] I think a card club that we have up at the Church and that- we pay since um 1980 [people talking in the background] I think a card club that we have up at the Church and that- we pay

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a dollar to go in and with that money we've given over a dollar to go in and with that money we've given over

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$300 to the community aid, we've brought things for the Church, furniture, we've given it to other- $300 to the community aid, we've brought things for the Church, furniture, we've given it to other-

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wherever we feel we want to give it. And ah that is still going in fact, it's got wherever we feel we want to give it. And ah that is still going in fact, it's got

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bigger again, we're about now up to about 20 odd, um every wo- every month, once a month.  bigger again, we're about now up to about 20 odd, um every wo- every month, once a month. 

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So that's another thing that ah- [Ruth] what games do you play?  So that's another thing that ah- [Ruth] what games do you play? 

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[Joan] canasta or 500, or um Bolivia, or um Scrabble. It depends on the people that come what [Joan] canasta or 500, or um Bolivia, or um Scrabble. It depends on the people that come what

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they want to do but er wer- fairly strong canastas -  no Bridge I mean Bridge doesn't  they want to do but er wer- fairly strong canastas -  no Bridge I mean Bridge doesn't 

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seem to have come into my life, my mother was you know great on Bridge but er we- we'd play these other games,   seem to have come into my life, my mother was you know great on Bridge but er we- we'd play these other games,  

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we have a we have a

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great time. And they're not all Church people er which is good because I like to have ah other friends great time. And they're not all Church people er which is good because I like to have ah other friends

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as well as much as my Church friends and ah we've got a very strong Friday  as well as much as my Church friends and ah we've got a very strong Friday 

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group called Care and Share which is not all um Church people either. That's been going for um- group called Care and Share which is not all um Church people either. That's been going for um-

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I'm a member of that too um, that's been going for over I'm a member of that too um, that's been going for over

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25 years ah- [Ruth] Where do you meet there? [Joan] In the Church hall, Winston Hall it's got a hall up there in our local  25 years ah- [Ruth] Where do you meet there? [Joan] In the Church hall, Winston Hall it's got a hall up there in our local 

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Church and ah we have then up to 30 people, might be more. Um we have Church and ah we have then up to 30 people, might be more. Um we have

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a speaker every week and ah there are a speaker every week and ah there are

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a lot of people there that are not Church members which is excellent, because er there was some a lot of people there that are not Church members which is excellent, because er there was some

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go to Anglican, some get- don't go anywhere and it's just a  go to Anglican, some get- don't go anywhere and it's just a 

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very good group. Um Monday group also meets up there, that's a ?Senior Sixth? that has been  very good group. Um Monday group also meets up there, that's a ?Senior Sixth? that has been 

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going for over 25 years and when we started that. And um we have lost a few going for over 25 years and when we started that. And um we have lost a few

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 members because the RSL have a  members because the RSL have a

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very big Senior Sixth group and they could offer so much more financially wise than us, but  very big Senior Sixth group and they could offer so much more financially wise than us, but 

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I mean we- we do I mean we- we do

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a need for people who um don't wanna go down to the club. [Ruth] What do you see the function of a need for people who um don't wanna go down to the club. [Ruth] What do you see the function of

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the Care and Share group? [Joan] Well I think it's an outreach group. It's a  the Care and Share group? [Joan] Well I think it's an outreach group. It's a 

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different um, ah well it's educational because of the speakers and the type of speakers it's a different um, ah well it's educational because of the speakers and the type of speakers it's a

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is is

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a very strong commitment because it is Care and Share. Everyone is interested in- in ah the members a very strong commitment because it is Care and Share. Everyone is interested in- in ah the members

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that are there, it's a  that are there, it's a 

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very ah low key, we don't have um secretaries and ah we have a treasurer of course because you very ah low key, we don't have um secretaries and ah we have a treasurer of course because you

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pay a dollar to go in and you pay a dollar for your sandwiches which is the girls are ah on a  pay a dollar to go in and you pay a dollar for your sandwiches which is the girls are ah on a 

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 roster and they do the sandwiches so you get a   roster and they do the sandwiches so you get a 

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very good sandwich for a dollar. And it's just a ah a wonderful outreach but it's  very good sandwich for a dollar. And it's just a ah a wonderful outreach but it's 

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a very caring group, because if anyone sick or that type of thing, everyone's concerned and a very caring group, because if anyone sick or that type of thing, everyone's concerned and

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and each week before we start we have one lady Mary ?inaudible? who has done it for quite a- lea-  and each week before we start we have one lady Mary ?inaudible? who has done it for quite a- lea- 

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led it as you might say. Ah we got others on the committee who help us but she's the one that's  led it as you might say. Ah we got others on the committee who help us but she's the one that's 

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the focal and she'll all say so and so's been sick, this one's better, that's ones happened so  the focal and she'll all say so and so's been sick, this one's better, that's ones happened so 

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that the whole group knows what is going on and ah apart from that, everyone um does their that the whole group knows what is going on and ah apart from that, everyone um does their

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own free will, they get in touch and ah keep ?inaudible? but it's just a  own free will, they get in touch and ah keep ?inaudible? but it's just a 

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a very successful warm group. And every time we get a speaker that comes they say "oh  a very successful warm group. And every time we get a speaker that comes they say "oh 

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gee this groups great!" and ah they- they really can feel the atmosphere because it is a  gee this groups great!" and ah they- they really can feel the atmosphere because it is a 

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 reaching out friendly group and- and you can talk to each other and you can say things  reaching out friendly group and- and you can talk to each other and you can say things

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 to the speakers and there's no inhibition and there's no um bitchiness going on    to the speakers and there's no inhibition and there's no um bitchiness going on  

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on it-it's just a on it-it's just a

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a- a great group. [brief pause] [Ruth] I wonder Joan  a- a great group. [brief pause] [Ruth] I wonder Joan 

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anything else that you'd like to add? [Joan] Well I think the mention should be made about anything else that you'd like to add? [Joan] Well I think the mention should be made about

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our street club, Edmondson Street because in the early days there wasn't television and we used to make  our street club, Edmondson Street because in the early days there wasn't television and we used to make 

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 our own fun by having this street club. And particularly on New Years Eve and   our own fun by having this street club. And particularly on New Years Eve and 

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um Christmas time and that, we'd have parties out in the garden of one of the homes and  um Christmas time and that, we'd have parties out in the garden of one of the homes and 

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everybody would come and during the night of course the men would all scat to check on the children everybody would come and during the night of course the men would all scat to check on the children

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 because we left all the kids at home asleep and we'd use to party on [Ruth chuckles] in the street our  because we left all the kids at home asleep and we'd use to party on [Ruth chuckles] in the street our

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selves. [Ruth chuckles] And then the um North Ryde School of Arts always had annual ball things and um selves. [Ruth chuckles] And then the um North Ryde School of Arts always had annual ball things and um

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autumn balls and all this ah type and we- then- we'd have to get the children minded then, but we'd go Edmondson  autumn balls and all this ah type and we- then- we'd have to get the children minded then, but we'd go Edmondson 

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Street over to these balls there and you'd decorate all your table and by this stage, because we were Street over to these balls there and you'd decorate all your table and by this stage, because we were

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Edmondson Street to Brooke Street it'd have and Kokoda Street would have  Edmondson Street to Brooke Street it'd have and Kokoda Street would have 

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a similar table decoration but they didn't have the same fellowship that the a similar table decoration but they didn't have the same fellowship that the

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Edmondson Street Social Club. We'd use to hire a bus and go down to ?Ostomere? Edmondson Street Social Club. We'd use to hire a bus and go down to ?Ostomere?

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or that- that'd be all the children and everybody. But we were just a very close knit group and  or that- that'd be all the children and everybody. But we were just a very close knit group and 

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in fact the whole of the war service are very close knit because of their in fact the whole of the war service are very close knit because of their

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circumstances and even today I know so many people as I go up the street I know circumstances and even today I know so many people as I go up the street I know

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this one or that one, they don't live in my street but they're in the area because they- they moved this one or that one, they don't live in my street but they're in the area because they- they moved

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 in similarly to when I moved in and I think that drew us together for the bond  in similarly to when I moved in and I think that drew us together for the bond

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but the Edmondson Street itself ah, was very strong. And we've still got from my place down  but the Edmondson Street itself ah, was very strong. And we've still got from my place down 

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 the original ones who moved in, in 53' and 54' as so- some of the others.  the original ones who moved in, in 53' and 54' as so- some of the others.

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[Ruth] Do you still have those street parties? [Joan] No. Television came and um you know it sort of altered things  [Ruth] Do you still have those street parties? [Joan] No. Television came and um you know it sort of altered things 

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and ah our neighbours over the road Evans, they were the first ones to get television and they used to have  and ah our neighbours over the road Evans, they were the first ones to get television and they used to have 

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an open house and all the kids use to go over and sit on the loungeroom floor and they'd watch an open house and all the kids use to go over and sit on the loungeroom floor and they'd watch

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television and we'd all be you know. And- and Thea's husband ah Jack, they used to call him Big Daddy  television and we'd all be you know. And- and Thea's husband ah Jack, they used to call him Big Daddy 

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 every time the ice cream man came round which was quite often in those days. He used to   every time the ice cream man came round which was quite often in those days. He used to 

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whistle and say "righto kids!" and out they'd all come, our three and everybody and he'd whistle and say "righto kids!" and out they'd all come, our three and everybody and he'd

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shou- buy them all ice creams, this happened regularly. [Ruth] "Whe- when" did t-television  shou- buy them all ice creams, this happened regularly. [Ruth] "Whe- when" did t-television 

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 come to Edmondson Street about? How old were your children? [Joan] Oooh gee, I don't know they must of been ah  come to Edmondson Street about? How old were your children? [Joan] Oooh gee, I don't know they must of been ah

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just early starting their teens I spose. Ooh yes so I- I- I'm not really positive but I know  just early starting their teens I spose. Ooh yes so I- I- I'm not really positive but I know 

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we went- Max knew the fellow over in um, oh ?Betty Henry Parade? over there that had it on for the we went- Max knew the fellow over in um, oh ?Betty Henry Parade? over there that had it on for the

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first time. And we- we went over with the boys and sat and watched ?Boost in July? first time. And we- we went over with the boys and sat and watched ?Boost in July?

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I think he was or wherever he was that sort of said this is the television- ooh we thought I think he was or wherever he was that sort of said this is the television- ooh we thought

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it was marvellous. I- I don't know I spose they would of been you know, 8 10 or 12 perhaps or round about. it was marvellous. I- I don't know I spose they would of been you know, 8 10 or 12 perhaps or round about.

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[Ruth] Mmm. [Joan] But we didn't get it for quite a [Ruth] Mmm. [Joan] But we didn't get it for quite a

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a long while because we couldn't afford it and uh- but another exciting thing was when we- we got  a long while because we couldn't afford it and uh- but another exciting thing was when we- we got 

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carpet. You know and er we had the carpet and all our neighbours used to come up and have a look carpet. You know and er we had the carpet and all our neighbours used to come up and have a look

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because you got a new carpet, not this one funnily enough and ah you know you because you got a new carpet, not this one funnily enough and ah you know you

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shared all your news. And then when someone finally got a car we'd all go and have a look shared all your news. And then when someone finally got a car we'd all go and have a look

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and it  and it 

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was a real- Edmondson Street was a- was a wonderful close um, close ah knit family I'd was a real- Edmondson Street was a- was a wonderful close um, close ah knit family I'd

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call us. And of course we still as I say this area we've grown up with- with kids and then their call us. And of course we still as I say this area we've grown up with- with kids and then their

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kids and grandchildren and grandchildren are getting children, so it's a- a very um, very wonderful  kids and grandchildren and grandchildren are getting children, so it's a- a very um, very wonderful 

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area. I'd never ever want to move. [Ruth] Thanks a lot Joan.  area. I'd never ever want to move. [Ruth] Thanks a lot Joan.