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It's away, you and I can have our talk now, you've told me some great stories, but this is Bill Dougherty Interviewing Roy Morrow at It's away, you and I can have our talk now, you've told me some great stories, but this is Bill Dougherty Interviewing Roy Morrow at

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Dougherty Villa in Grafton, on the 15th of February and Roy's already given me a bit of his background and it is most interesting. Roy you were saying you were born at, on Ramornie Station or maybe you came to town. Your mother came to town. Dougherty Villa in Grafton, on the 15th of February and Roy's already given me a bit of his background and it is most interesting. Roy you were saying you were born at, on Ramornie Station or maybe you came to town. Your mother came to town.

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Ramornie Station.  Ramornie Station. 

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And your father was working there? And your father was working there?

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 [Roy} All his life at Ramornie station.  [Bill} And your mother, she was a Ford, you said?  [Roy] She was a Ford. They had moved her up to {???} and thats where dad met her and married her. [Bill} Right, and that's a great story of progress of your father's time on the Ramornie, he started off as a...[Roy] He started off as a boy at the house. He was then a Stockman. He was then the handyman because he was a considered a Bush.  [Roy} All his life at Ramornie station.  [Bill} And your mother, she was a Ford, you said?  [Roy] She was a Ford. They had moved her up to {???} and thats where dad met her and married her. [Bill} Right, and that's a great story of progress of your father's time on the Ramornie, he started off as a...[Roy] He started off as a boy at the house. He was then a Stockman. He was then the handyman because he was a considered a Bush.

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[Roy] Carpenter, who made all his own furniture and made all the flat bottom boats in the Upper river, and then he {classed???} 16 years he was there for on Ramornie. [Bill] Okay, was that, and you were telling me that who was at the Tyndall sent the letter? Was that about your father or your grand father? [Roy] My Grand father? [Bill] Oh, OK, and we'll come to that in a minute now, but that's a great story you told me about your grandmother. She was titled Lady in England from a. [Roy] Carpenter, who made all his own furniture and made all the flat bottom boats in the Upper river, and then he {classed???} 16 years he was there for on Ramornie. [Bill] Okay, was that, and you were telling me that who was at the Tyndall sent the letter? Was that about your father or your grand father? [Roy] My Grand father? [Bill] Oh, OK, and we'll come to that in a minute now, but that's a great story you told me about your grandmother. She was titled Lady in England from a.

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[Roy] Title Lady from the Coot family. The Coot Castle is still operating in England, but now tourist...? [Bill] is it? and and she fell in love with the gar- [Roy] The gardener from the next estate. [Bill] Yeah. married him? [Roy] married him and was disowned by the family. [Bill] Oh because she'd married beneath beneath her, aye? [Roy] Title Lady from the Coot family. The Coot Castle is still operating in England, but now tourist...? [Bill] is it? and and she fell in love with the gar- [Roy] The gardener from the next estate. [Bill] Yeah. married him? [Roy] married him and was disowned by the family. [Bill] Oh because she'd married beneath beneath her, aye?

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And then I came to Australia? They came to Australia, yes.  And then I came to Australia? They came to Australia, yes. 

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And they went to Ramornie? And they went to Ramornie?

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I had a I had a

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They had a store in the Hunter Valley first but failed on it. I don't suppose I had any experience yet and then he was employed at Ramornie station for the rest of his time. They had a store in the Hunter Valley first but failed on it. I don't suppose I had any experience yet and then he was employed at Ramornie station for the rest of his time.

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And you said then that they lived in a? And you said then that they lived in a?

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In a slab house with a bark roof. In a slab house with a bark roof.

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There was 15 in the family, two died in childbirth. There was 15 in the family, two died in childbirth.

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And there was a room added as a family grew bigger, there was just a room added to the old house. [Bill] And she'd come from being a titled Lady in a castle in England to a [bark hearth at Ramornie station..?]. And there was a room added as a family grew bigger, there was just a room added to the old house. [Bill] And she'd come from being a titled Lady in a castle in England to a [bark hearth at Ramornie station..?].

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[Bill} And yet she lived? [Roy] Till 90, in her 90's, I don't exactly know, but she was in her 90s. [Bill] Yeah, wasn't that great? [Ginkies?], say you sure got some history in your family and so you grew up, then, on Ramornie. [Roy] On Ramornie Station until I was 17 years old, when me father retired up to upper [Copper Nest..?]. [Bill} And yet she lived? [Roy] Till 90, in her 90's, I don't exactly know, but she was in her 90s. [Bill] Yeah, wasn't that great? [Ginkies?], say you sure got some history in your family and so you grew up, then, on Ramornie. [Roy] On Ramornie Station until I was 17 years old, when me father retired up to upper [Copper Nest..?].

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And I work around the farms and the stations there for a couple of years. And I work around the farms and the stations there for a couple of years.

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Until I went into the army permanently in 1941. Until I went into the army permanently in 1941.

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OK, but you had been. You went to school there around college. I went to school at Winegrove. Oh yeah, yeah, Winegrove which was a five or six mile away. You had to walk down to the river, row across the river and go several miles after, and that closed in 1932 through lack of pupils. OK, but you had been. You went to school there around college. I went to school at Winegrove. Oh yeah, yeah, Winegrove which was a five or six mile away. You had to walk down to the river, row across the river and go several miles after, and that closed in 1932 through lack of pupils.

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I was only in fourth class and then I did three years in correspondence course. I was only in fourth class and then I did three years in correspondence course.

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Right and Roy in, in I, where was the school at Winegrove? I don't. I can, you know, turn to go down in. Turn to go round when you turn again go up right. Yeah. The Reeves's property, where the Reeves's property was on the next hill on the Reeves property. Yes before Apple Tree Flat and so you did have a fair way to get to school didn't have very young fella. We had to walk. So you had brothers and sisters? I had a sister that was still going to school and I Right and Roy in, in I, where was the school at Winegrove? I don't. I can, you know, turn to go down in. Turn to go round when you turn again go up right. Yeah. The Reeves's property, where the Reeves's property was on the next hill on the Reeves property. Yes before Apple Tree Flat and so you did have a fair way to get to school didn't have very young fella. We had to walk. So you had brothers and sisters? I had a sister that was still going to school and I

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Yeah, geez, that'd be it'd take you an hour or so to get there. Yeah, geez, that'd be it'd take you an hour or so to get there.

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???? yeah. ???? yeah.

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Had the row across the river, which at times was, you know, up and running  Had the row across the river, which at times was, you know, up and running 

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So you learnt to row at a pretty young? A very young age. So you learnt to row at a pretty young? A very young age.

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OK, so we're up now. You joined the army. That's during World War Two. Yeah. 1941. OK, so we're up now. You joined the army. That's during World War Two. Yeah. 1941.

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I did a camp with a light, fifteenth lighthorse in 1940 for three months. I did a camp with a light, fifteenth lighthorse in 1940 for three months.

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Then the regiment was taken into the Australian Armoured Division, which we were probably lucky because we trained in Australia up till 1945 early. Then the regiment was taken into the Australian Armoured Division, which we were probably lucky because we trained in Australia up till 1945 early.

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Then I and some others Then I and some others

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were sent to Canungra Jungle training camp and then we were sent up to the island as the reinforcement to the 2nd  48th Infantry battalion. That is in1945?  And the war's still on? The war still on. We did the landing at Tarakan, which is an island just off Borneo and in that campaign it was only a brigade of us. were sent to Canungra Jungle training camp and then we were sent up to the island as the reinforcement to the 2nd  48th Infantry battalion. That is in1945?  And the war's still on? The war still on. We did the landing at Tarakan, which is an island just off Borneo and in that campaign it was only a brigade of us.

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We lost two hundred and forty five killed and over twelve hundred wounded before we We lost two hundred and forty five killed and over twelve hundred wounded before we

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Annihilated the Japs. Annihilated the Japs.

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Yeah, on Tarakan? Yeah, on Tarakan?

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How long did that battle last there? We landed in How long did that battle last there? We landed in

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May and it was finished in August. May and it was finished in August.

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[Bill] Well, and that's when peace was declared. [Roy] That's when peace was declared. [Bill] Yeah yeah. [Roy] But they were defeated when night was they were only scattered in the jungle then yeah. [Bill] Well, and that's when peace was declared. [Roy] That's when peace was declared. [Bill] Yeah yeah. [Roy] But they were defeated when night was they were only scattered in the jungle then yeah.

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It was a jungle, it was a only an island that was It was a jungle, it was a only an island that was

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I think it was eleven mile long and three mile wide. But it was mostly jungle and that's what we were in. Holy mackerel, and what was the strategic importance of Tarakan was it? I think it was eleven mile long and three mile wide. But it was mostly jungle and that's what we were in. Holy mackerel, and what was the strategic importance of Tarakan was it?

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It's sad story that the Australian public in the It's sad story that the Australian public in the

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press who wasn't impressed with the, press who wasn't impressed with the,

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what they were getting out of the war, alI they we're doing mopping up operations in Ballie Papen, so they wanted something to write about, so they decided to take Tarakan, the uh, what they were getting out of the war, alI they we're doing mopping up operations in Ballie Papen, so they wanted something to write about, so they decided to take Tarakan, the uh,

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Americans bombed hell out of it first and they sent us in and they said the object was to capture the aerodrome. Well, it was only a landing strip and when we captured it we found it floated on the tide. Americans bombed hell out of it first and they sent us in and they said the object was to capture the aerodrome. Well, it was only a landing strip and when we captured it we found it floated on the tide.

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[Roy] Anything that could possibly land on it was a fighter aircraft [Bill] lighter aircraft. [Roy] lighter aircraft. [Bill]Yeah yeah. [Roy] Then they said the reason was to was to get the oil wells going. [Roy] Anything that could possibly land on it was a fighter aircraft [Bill] lighter aircraft. [Roy] lighter aircraft. [Bill]Yeah yeah. [Roy] Then they said the reason was to was to get the oil wells going.

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Well, when we, after the war, they did get one going and they were what oil they were pumping out, they were putting in forty four gallon drums. Yeah, so it wasn't much, aye? But at the same time, the Japanese had captured the island. So yeah, I guess it was part of the overall Well, when we, after the war, they did get one going and they were what oil they were pumping out, they were putting in forty four gallon drums. Yeah, so it wasn't much, aye? But at the same time, the Japanese had captured the island. So yeah, I guess it was part of the overall

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attempt to attempt to

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[Bill] Conquer the Japanese I suppose. [Roy] An interesting part on the local population that when we landed the Iroquois, they went into the jungle and when we landed, they come out, all of them from little kids. [Bill] Conquer the Japanese I suppose. [Roy] An interesting part on the local population that when we landed the Iroquois, they went into the jungle and when we landed, they come out, all of them from little kids.

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[Roy] Praying for you loud used to stop and bow to us. [Bill] is that right? [Roy] Cause that's what the Japanese taught them. [Bill] Taught them? Yeah. [Roy] we went up in the jungle for we were up there for about three weeks or so and we were taken out for a spell, and the first local kid we saw said. Hello Joe, how are you? [Roy] Praying for you loud used to stop and bow to us. [Bill] is that right? [Roy] Cause that's what the Japanese taught them. [Bill] Taught them? Yeah. [Roy] we went up in the jungle for we were up there for about three weeks or so and we were taken out for a spell, and the first local kid we saw said. Hello Joe, how are you?

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[Roy] It didn't take them long. [Bill] Yeah, to get to get the Japanese out of the system and get the Aussie in. [Roy] It didn't take them long. [Bill] Yeah, to get to get the Japanese out of the system and get the Aussie in.

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School bus later when we're waiting to come home when the war was over, the school bus used to drive past and when they got near our camp, they used to sing Ki Yi Yay Yippy Yippy Yo. School bus later when we're waiting to come home when the war was over, the school bus used to drive past and when they got near our camp, they used to sing Ki Yi Yay Yippy Yippy Yo.

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[Bill] So there there wouldn't have been. Was there a big native population there or? [Roy] I couldn't tell you when it wouldn't have made senile and was only 11 like 3? It wasn't a big one [Bill] and that'd be [Roy] spoil wells though. That was the whole set that was. [Bill] So there there wouldn't have been. Was there a big native population there or? [Roy] I couldn't tell you when it wouldn't have made senile and was only 11 like 3? It wasn't a big one [Bill] and that'd be [Roy] spoil wells though. That was the whole set that was.

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Oh, I get yah, oh yeah, they're still fighting over oil and, and then after the war, you? After the war I decided to stay and take a job in Sydney for six months. I stayed thirty six years. Oh, I get yah, oh yeah, they're still fighting over oil and, and then after the war, you? After the war I decided to stay and take a job in Sydney for six months. I stayed thirty six years.

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I went and worked at the Australian Gas Light Company for two years as a labourer. I went and worked at the Australian Gas Light Company for two years as a labourer.

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Then I went to International Majora Paints as a storeman. Then I went to International Majora Paints as a storeman.

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Later I was made leading hand then head storeman in charge of Later I was made leading hand then head storeman in charge of

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Country dispatch. interstate and island shipping then in 19 Country dispatch. interstate and island shipping then in 19

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67 I was appointed warehouse manager. 67 I was appointed warehouse manager.

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[Roy] I was sitting on top of the world 'cause I knew every job back with. But then in 1969, it was an English firm, They were sold out in England to the same company that aren't ?torbans? Paints in I cloud the out and ran tires so we were out of a job. [Bill] Oh and 69. Yeah. [Roy]  I worked at British paint for a full while. [Roy] I was sitting on top of the world 'cause I knew every job back with. But then in 1969, it was an English firm, They were sold out in England to the same company that aren't ?torbans? Paints in I cloud the out and ran tires so we were out of a job. [Bill] Oh and 69. Yeah. [Roy]  I worked at British paint for a full while.

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Then I went to the distributors of Canon and Yakka Cameras as the store manager, that was taken over by Rank Industries. Then I went to the distributors of Canon and Yakka Cameras as the store manager, that was taken over by Rank Industries.

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So then I went and worked for Rite Heaten as store manager. Rite Heaten was a country, was a distributor of groceries for the country stores, mainly out west. Oh, Yes yes. So I worked there as a manager. Then that was sold out to, to, Tooths Brewery. So then I went and worked for Rite Heaten as store manager. Rite Heaten was a country, was a distributor of groceries for the country stores, mainly out west. Oh, Yes yes. So I worked there as a manager. Then that was sold out to, to, Tooths Brewery.

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And I was then put as head storeman and in charge of country dispatch. At Tooth's? at yeah, still at Rite Heaton's. right. And I was then put as head storeman and in charge of country dispatch. At Tooth's? at yeah, still at Rite Heaton's. right.

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Rite Heatons. But they were owned by Tooths. Then the usual story that was sold out, by a Singapore firm and we were made redundant. Rite Heatons. But they were owned by Tooths. Then the usual story that was sold out, by a Singapore firm and we were made redundant.

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I was then sixty one, so I didn't fancy my chances of getting another job so I retired and went on the war veterans pension and came back to Grafton. I was then sixty one, so I didn't fancy my chances of getting another job so I retired and went on the war veterans pension and came back to Grafton.

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The Clarence was still in your blood. Clarence was still here. The Clarence was still in your blood. Clarence was still here.

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Yeah. Yeah.

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I live with me sister for a couple of years and then I joined the Clarence, The Clarence River Retirement Village. As you did. Yes, yes and that's where I had the pleasure of meeting up with you and enjoying your company and your support as we tried to run the joint between us and but you'd never married. I live with me sister for a couple of years and then I joined the Clarence, The Clarence River Retirement Village. As you did. Yes, yes and that's where I had the pleasure of meeting up with you and enjoying your company and your support as we tried to run the joint between us and but you'd never married.

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Now well, my girlfriend died at a young age in 1948. Now well, my girlfriend died at a young age in 1948.

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Just after the war? Yeah, after the war, TB. Just after the war? Yeah, after the war, TB.

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Good, I then took up sport a lot and I played competition tennis in Sydney, started in C one grade and finished up in A reserve, but that was probably one quite a lot of competitions in Good, I then took up sport a lot and I played competition tennis in Sydney, started in C one grade and finished up in A reserve, but that was probably one quite a lot of competitions in

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Mens and mixed. Yeah. Then I played cricket for the RSL. Mens and mixed. Yeah. Then I played cricket for the RSL.

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On our last cricket match, before I retired. Col Snell who tired up to Yamba but also, him and I bowled unchanged against Bankstown and, and got them out for eighty odd. Oh yeah, you bowled all the way, so you must have been a fast bowler. Col, I was always sour on Col, he had four wickets and I had three, but I got the last recognised batsman out and the three tail enders come in and Col got a hat trick on 'em, On our last cricket match, before I retired. Col Snell who tired up to Yamba but also, him and I bowled unchanged against Bankstown and, and got them out for eighty odd. Oh yeah, you bowled all the way, so you must have been a fast bowler. Col, I was always sour on Col, he had four wickets and I had three, but I got the last recognised batsman out and the three tail enders come in and Col got a hat trick on 'em,

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seven wickets. seven wickets.

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Yeah, there's a lot of difference at getting the good batsmen out and getting the tail out. Oh. gingies. You know when I  joined Enfield RSL Yeah, there's a lot of difference at getting the good batsmen out and getting the tail out. Oh. gingies. You know when I  joined Enfield RSL

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I was a sports organizer there for I was a sports organizer there for

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Three years I represented them at cricket, tennis, table tennis, baseball and bowls. That's a lot aye, how about that. That was Enfield RSL, so you must have been living around there? Yeah, I was living. Yeah right in '63 I give cricket and bowls away, no, cricket and tennis away. And I joined in for your Bowling Club. Three years I represented them at cricket, tennis, table tennis, baseball and bowls. That's a lot aye, how about that. That was Enfield RSL, so you must have been living around there? Yeah, I was living. Yeah right in '63 I give cricket and bowls away, no, cricket and tennis away. And I joined in for your Bowling Club.

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Successful sporting team. Successful sporting team.

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I uh, I uh,

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Enfield Bowling Club, Enfield RSL and Grafton City Bowling Club, I won twenty six club titles or higher. Enfield Bowling Club, Enfield RSL and Grafton City Bowling Club, I won twenty six club titles or higher.

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I won three metropolitan RSL pairs. Hell? I played in the team that won the Western Suburbs District fours and also the Clarence River District fours. I won three metropolitan RSL pairs. Hell? I played in the team that won the Western Suburbs District fours and also the Clarence River District fours.

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Yeh, so bowls was your greatest. Yeh, so bowls was your greatest.

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And you've given that up now? Well, I've had to give it up. And you've given that up now? Well, I've had to give it up.

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Then I took on bridge. Then I took on bridge.

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Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah bridge yeah. Also won the championships twice with Jean Felton. Oh with Jean. And I was President of the Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah bridge yeah. Also won the championships twice with Jean Felton. Oh with Jean. And I was President of the

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Bridge Club for three, uh four years. Bridge Club for three, uh four years.

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Yeah, and and so then when you moved into Clarence Village in the retirement village you were there for what? Fourteen years. Fourteen was it and one of and your sisters? Yeah, and and so then when you moved into Clarence Village in the retirement village you were there for what? Fourteen years. Fourteen was it and one of and your sisters?

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Yes we do. Although me three sisters, all went through it. Yes yes. Yes we do. Although me three sisters, all went through it. Yes yes.

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In the administration, part of my life. In the administration, part of my life.

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I was captain of the Tennis Club, I was captain of the Tennis Club,

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I was sports organizer for the RSL, at Enfield. Yeah, I was. I was sports organizer for the RSL, at Enfield. Yeah, I was.

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Selector and coach at the Enfield bowling club for some number of years. Selector and coach at the Enfield bowling club for some number of years.

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and when I come back to Grafton, I was on the committee up here for many years, I did the publicity officer. I did the sport organization. At the RSL, yeah. Ah not the the RSL, and when I come back to Grafton, I was on the committee up here for many years, I did the publicity officer. I did the sport organization. At the RSL, yeah. Ah not the the RSL,

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Grafton City Bowling Club. Oh Grafton City Bowling Club, oh I get you yeah. And so turning back to ah, to those early days at Ramournie, Grafton City Bowling Club. Oh Grafton City Bowling Club, oh I get you yeah. And so turning back to ah, to those early days at Ramournie,

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your method of getting to school you, you walked you said, walk and then rode the boat and walked again? Yeah.  Did you but I guess there would be other kids come on horseback or. your method of getting to school you, you walked you said, walk and then rode the boat and walked again? Yeah.  Did you but I guess there would be other kids come on horseback or.

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Most walked.  Most. But there was odd ones went on horseback. Yeah but most of us walked. Barefoot? Barefoot. Yeah, barefoot aye. Most walked.  Most. But there was odd ones went on horseback. Yeah but most of us walked. Barefoot? Barefoot. Yeah, barefoot aye.

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And those, and in those your teen years And those, and in those your teen years

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what, what happened as far as entertainment was concerned? We had to make our own, when we were on the farm, the McClymont family was next door and the next closest one was a couple of miles away. Goma McClymont was a year younger than I. what, what happened as far as entertainment was concerned? We had to make our own, when we were on the farm, the McClymont family was next door and the next closest one was a couple of miles away. Goma McClymont was a year younger than I.

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In our young days we used to play Cowboys and Indians and play cricket a lot, against another and all that sort of thing, you had to make your own fishing of course in the river yes. And so as far as food was concerned, a lot of it was what you grew and what was produced? We grew In our young days we used to play Cowboys and Indians and play cricket a lot, against another and all that sort of thing, you had to make your own fishing of course in the river yes. And so as far as food was concerned, a lot of it was what you grew and what was produced? We grew

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yeah, and we got our meat from Ramournie Station that used to kill every Friday. So we have, were given meat every Saturday morning, we used to have to go in and get it. yeah, and we got our meat from Ramournie Station that used to kill every Friday. So we have, were given meat every Saturday morning, we used to have to go in and get it.

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Otherwise, groceries had to come up by the cream lorry. Otherwise, groceries had to come up by the cream lorry.

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Right, yeah, yeah. Right, yeah, yeah.

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And so that dairy farm, it was a dairy farm in the, in the fathers latter days, milk and how many cows do you remember? Yes, we've milked up the highest we ever milk with 110. Gees aye. Normally in the summertime it was between 90 and 100 and the winter time, around 70 odd. And so that dairy farm, it was a dairy farm in the, in the fathers latter days, milk and how many cows do you remember? Yes, we've milked up the highest we ever milk with 110. Gees aye. Normally in the summertime it was between 90 and 100 and the winter time, around 70 odd.

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And so you'd separate, you were producing cream for the? Cream. Cream for the butter factory. So did the did the the the cream lorry call each day, did it? You had to take it out to the road, which was about five miles away. Which was a job on that what?  The draft horse and the sly or car? Cart, horse and cart. The big problem was when the river was up you had to take it down to the river, boat it across and then carry it up the bank the other side. And so you'd separate, you were producing cream for the? Cream. Cream for the butter factory. So did the did the the the cream lorry call each day, did it? You had to take it out to the road, which was about five miles away. Which was a job on that what?  The draft horse and the sly or car? Cart, horse and cart. The big problem was when the river was up you had to take it down to the river, boat it across and then carry it up the bank the other side.

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And we used to have quite, with the number of cows we milked we had quite a lot of cream in summer time. You would have had, yeah. And we had a, of course, we had it was all milk by hand. Yes, the machines hadn't? The machines hadn't been in, while we had an uncle that lived with us and we generally had two hired men, besides. Gees, yes to milk that many cows. You'd be up early starting to milk. And we used to have quite, with the number of cows we milked we had quite a lot of cream in summer time. You would have had, yeah. And we had a, of course, we had it was all milk by hand. Yes, the machines hadn't? The machines hadn't been in, while we had an uncle that lived with us and we generally had two hired men, besides. Gees, yes to milk that many cows. You'd be up early starting to milk.

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We got up at daylight every morning. We got up at daylight every morning.

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Yeah. Yeah.

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Geez aye, so that must have been a fair sized farm to be able to? Yeah it was a big farm. They were big farms, both ours and the McClymonts. Yeah, and they were shared with Ramournie. And yeah, shared with Ramournie yeah. Geez aye, so that must have been a fair sized farm to be able to? Yeah it was a big farm. They were big farms, both ours and the McClymonts. Yeah, and they were shared with Ramournie. And yeah, shared with Ramournie yeah.

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Yeah. Yeah.

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I'd forgotten that they had dairy farms on Ramournie.  Well actually they finished up with seven dairy farms on Ramournie Station. I'd forgotten that they had dairy farms on Ramournie.  Well actually they finished up with seven dairy farms on Ramournie Station.

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And this is still in Tyndall ownership, of course in those days. Oh yes although they wasn't there. And this is still in Tyndall ownership, of course in those days. Oh yes although they wasn't there.

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It was managed by Bill Hughes It was managed by Bill Hughes

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not the Prime Minister of course. not the Prime Minister of course.

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Bill Hughes was the manager. This is during the 1930s? Yeah yeah. Well then Peter Tyndall later come back. He came back later. Yeah, yeah alright, OK geez, so that's quite a story that's. Bill Hughes was the manager. This is during the 1930s? Yeah yeah. Well then Peter Tyndall later come back. He came back later. Yeah, yeah alright, OK geez, so that's quite a story that's.

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Things were were were tough in those days, they, that would, did they ever have a car, your family? Not till very late, just before we left. Things were were were tough in those days, they, that would, did they ever have a car, your family? Not till very late, just before we left.

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In 1939 Dad bought an old car. Then in 1938 yeah, and when we moved to Copmanhurst my brother who was in the fire brigade in Sydney In 1939 Dad bought an old car. Then in 1938 yeah, and when we moved to Copmanhurst my brother who was in the fire brigade in Sydney

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come up with a 1930 Whippet which we, Dad bought off him. Oh yeah, a Whippet aye? That's what I learned to drive on, we used to drive to Grafton and it was a gravel road. All corrugated. It run all right if you didn't go over thirty mile an hour, if you went above that everything vibrated and shook and it was flat out at thirty five mile an hour. come up with a 1930 Whippet which we, Dad bought off him. Oh yeah, a Whippet aye? That's what I learned to drive on, we used to drive to Grafton and it was a gravel road. All corrugated. It run all right if you didn't go over thirty mile an hour, if you went above that everything vibrated and shook and it was flat out at thirty five mile an hour.

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So this is in., this is a by about 1940 I suppose? Yeah yeah 1939 onwards yeah. So this is in., this is a by about 1940 I suppose? Yeah yeah 1939 onwards yeah.

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Oh goodness, those times there and Oh goodness, those times there and

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That was a That was a

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Your brothers, then, where did they get to your brothers and sisters? Only had one brother and he was the oldest of the family. I was the youngest. He was seventeen years older than me. I can't remember him at home, but he went to Sydney when I was only about three years old or something to join the police force. But he joined the fire brigade instead. Your brothers, then, where did they get to your brothers and sisters? Only had one brother and he was the oldest of the family. I was the youngest. He was seventeen years older than me. I can't remember him at home, but he went to Sydney when I was only about three years old or something to join the police force. But he joined the fire brigade instead.

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Stayed with them. Stayed with them until he retired. And your sisters there were three weren't there? Four sisters? Stayed with them. Stayed with them until he retired. And your sisters there were three weren't there? Four sisters?

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And they all, most of them stayed around here, didn't they? And they all, most of them stayed around here, didn't they?

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Well, all except one, Doris. We used to call her Pat. She married a bloke who was in the Air Force from Grafton,  Kearns. Well, all except one, Doris. We used to call her Pat. She married a bloke who was in the Air Force from Grafton,  Kearns.

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But they moved up to Brisbane and lived in Brisbane after the war. After the war, yeah. But they moved up to Brisbane and lived in Brisbane after the war. After the war, yeah.

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And the others were? The others, And the others were? The others,

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Linda, the youngest one, lived in Newcastle for some years, but came back to Grafton where she was originally. Linda, the youngest one, lived in Newcastle for some years, but came back to Grafton where she was originally.

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Hilda and Stella of course lived in Grafton all their lives. Hilda and Stella of course lived in Grafton all their lives.

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Yes, so the Morrows aye, and your mom and dad. Your dad died, when did? Yes, so the Morrows aye, and your mom and dad. Your dad died, when did?

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He died in 1964. He was eighty nine. He died in 1964. He was eighty nine.

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And Mom died in '68 also aged eighty nine. Gee aye, they were long livers and, and were they buried at Copmanhurst or? No, they're buried at South Grafton. South Grafton where they? And Mom died in '68 also aged eighty nine. Gee aye, they were long livers and, and were they buried at Copmanhurst or? No, they're buried at South Grafton. South Grafton where they?

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Well, that happened when you were, by then you were back in Grafton were you? No I was in Sydney. You were in Sydney still, right? Well, that happened when you were, by then you were back in Grafton were you? No I was in Sydney. You were in Sydney still, right?

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Yeah, you got quite a story Roy. Yeah, you got quite a story Roy.

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So here we are now, here now. So here we are now, here now.

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You're born what was it, 192? '22. So you eighty? Eighty five, yeah '22. That's right . You're born what was it, 192? '22. So you eighty? Eighty five, yeah '22. That's right .

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Yeah, you got quite a story mate. Yeah, quite a story. Yeah, you got quite a story mate. Yeah, quite a story.

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That um That um

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you didn't con... you didn't con...

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to be, weren't tempted after World War Two to join up and go to the occupation forces in Japan, you, you'd had enough? We had to volunteer, could have volunteered for that, but we, all we thought about was getting home. Yeah, getting out of Tarakan. to be, weren't tempted after World War Two to join up and go to the occupation forces in Japan, you, you'd had enough? We had to volunteer, could have volunteered for that, but we, all we thought about was getting home. Yeah, getting out of Tarakan.

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And we had to wait, the war finished sometime in August. Yes. And it was early December before we got a boat home. Out of Tarakan? Yes. What the hell did you do in those times? And we had to wait, the war finished sometime in August. Yes. And it was early December before we got a boat home. Out of Tarakan? Yes. What the hell did you do in those times?

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The fighting was over. Oh yeah, well we, we used to play a lot of softball and the thing. And yeah. The fighting was over. Oh yeah, well we, we used to play a lot of softball and the thing. And yeah.

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muck around most of the time, we didn't have much to do. No. muck around most of the time, we didn't have much to do. No.

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Fishing any good? No, we never went fishing there. Fishing any good? No, we never went fishing there.

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One thing I always got set on One thing I always got set on

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was was

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We got powdered egg, which was done up like a scrambled egg every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Sunday we got a ration of bacon with it. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we had baked beans for breakfast. That's why I swore I'd never eat either again. We got powdered egg, which was done up like a scrambled egg every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Sunday we got a ration of bacon with it. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we had baked beans for breakfast. That's why I swore I'd never eat either again.

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You've come off baked beans and powdered eggs, yeah, oh geez, I couldn't come to powdered eggs. I remember during the war I was at boarding school, we got things like that. Oh yeah, and I must admit I've never become the baked beans, but I've never liked them. I had to try 'em of course, it's marvelous what eat when you're hungry isn't it? Oh of course it is. You've come off baked beans and powdered eggs, yeah, oh geez, I couldn't come to powdered eggs. I remember during the war I was at boarding school, we got things like that. Oh yeah, and I must admit I've never become the baked beans, but I've never liked them. I had to try 'em of course, it's marvelous what eat when you're hungry isn't it? Oh of course it is.

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No other choice. No other choice.

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Yeah well, and other than here your health problems, you've, other than what was it? Is it your knee or your? What was it? Well, first of all, I had a coronary in 1976. Yeah well, and other than here your health problems, you've, other than what was it? Is it your knee or your? What was it? Well, first of all, I had a coronary in 1976.

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at um. at um.

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They must have fixed that up pretty good. They must have fixed that up pretty good.

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But then But then

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later up here I had to have a open heart operation for the main Aorta. Well, first of all I had an operation for a spine operation. later up here I had to have a open heart operation for the main Aorta. Well, first of all I had an operation for a spine operation.

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Which was serious, but when they did that, they discovered that the Aorta was plainly blocked so I had to have an open heart with that. Which was serious, but when they did that, they discovered that the Aorta was plainly blocked so I had to have an open heart with that.

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mmm mmm

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Then of course later I had both knees replaced. Yes. Unfortunately, that was about twelve years ago and they've gone again now, I can hardly, I can't stand much now. Yeah, but I doubt if I could stand another operation. Yeah, yes you wonder, don't you, yeah and but but you still stand erect? How, how tall are you your six foot? Six foot three. Six foot three, Yeah, gingees Then of course later I had both knees replaced. Yes. Unfortunately, that was about twelve years ago and they've gone again now, I can hardly, I can't stand much now. Yeah, but I doubt if I could stand another operation. Yeah, yes you wonder, don't you, yeah and but but you still stand erect? How, how tall are you your six foot? Six foot three. Six foot three, Yeah, gingees

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That's quite a height and you're still, you're still pretty upright. That's quite a height and you're still, you're still pretty upright.

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Goods. Goods.

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Well, I think we've covered your story pretty quickly. Well, I think we've covered your story pretty quickly.

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You've spoke about the get the difficulty getting to school when the river was up. You've spoke about the get the difficulty getting to school when the river was up.

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You weren't here for the '50 and '54? The real big floods. But there was a big flood in there in the 20s, late 20s, wasn't there? You weren't here for the '50 and '54? The real big floods. But there was a big flood in there in the 20s, late 20s, wasn't there?

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No in the '50 or '51 one of the floods, I know I was up here on holidays. Yeah, my work on the brewery truck. No in the '50 or '51 one of the floods, I know I was up here on holidays. Yeah, my work on the brewery truck.

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????? ?????

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In uh In uh

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But of course you, you did, when the river was really up. I think there was a time 1937, oh but you were finished school, '37 are you. yeah. '36 was a big drought, a big, terrible big drought in 1936. Was it, aye? But of course you, you did, when the river was really up. I think there was a time 1937, oh but you were finished school, '37 are you. yeah. '36 was a big drought, a big, terrible big drought in 1936. Was it, aye?

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I just remember March '37 there being a river rise, I just remember March '37 there being a river rise,

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rise. I can remember the floods up there, but I can't wouldn't be able to tell you what years rise. I can remember the floods up there, but I can't wouldn't be able to tell you what years

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The '36 drought The '36 drought

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that's when I finished school. I was finished school because Ramournie  taken tolls that's when I finished school. I was finished school because Ramournie  taken tolls

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we and Gomer McClymont, that if we rode the paddocks around we and Gomer McClymont, that if we rode the paddocks around

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Ramournie to look after cattle that were down we could have the hides. Ramournie to look after cattle that were down we could have the hides.

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We made a fortune we thought, 'cause we used to skin these cattle and we used to get from eight shillings to ten shillings a  hide. For the hide. Yeah, so the cattle, the cattle were dead or did you? Couldn't get up. So you, you killed them. But of course. We made a fortune we thought, 'cause we used to skin these cattle and we used to get from eight shillings to ten shillings a  hide. For the hide. Yeah, so the cattle, the cattle were dead or did you? Couldn't get up. So you, you killed them. But of course.

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Gal and I said if they don't get up pretty quick, we'll shoot. Gal and I said if they don't get up pretty quick, we'll shoot.

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So yeah, and you got the hide money. well never forget the last, when the drought broke So yeah, and you got the hide money. well never forget the last, when the drought broke

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I got word that a beast that fell over the cliff up the river from Ramournie I got word that a beast that fell over the cliff up the river from Ramournie

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So up I went to skin it ant there was this big storm coming So up I went to skin it ant there was this big storm coming

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fourteen year old and it used to be a pretty good job to skin a beast on your own. When you gonna turn it over and everything, yeah. But anyway I got it skinned. fourteen year old and it used to be a pretty good job to skin a beast on your own. When you gonna turn it over and everything, yeah. But anyway I got it skinned.

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And then of course, the blood, me horse, I couldn't get the hide on, I had to put the hide on a stump. And then of course, the blood, me horse, I couldn't get the hide on, I had to put the hide on a stump.

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Lightning flashing and me horse playing up. I finally forced it over to get, to drag the hide onto the saddle and then Lightning flashing and me horse playing up. I finally forced it over to get, to drag the hide onto the saddle and then

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headed for home headed for home

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Did you, did you have to leave the horse or did you? No rode it? Yeah, rode it with the hide across, across the back. Yeah yeah across the back, with a skitterish horse, it smelled the blood. And Oh yeah, yeah yeah, spooky trip right? It was a spooky trip. Did you, did you have to leave the horse or did you? No rode it? Yeah, rode it with the hide across, across the back. Yeah yeah across the back, with a skitterish horse, it smelled the blood. And Oh yeah, yeah yeah, spooky trip right? It was a spooky trip.

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And things like that happen in the bush, aye and I suppose you did your share of fencing. And things like that happen in the bush, aye and I suppose you did your share of fencing.

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a big thing though. a big thing though.

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I did work, up at Heiffer Station, at Sir Earle Pages property, grubbing and ring barking. Oh yeah. I did work, up at Heiffer Station, at Sir Earle Pages property, grubbing and ring barking. Oh yeah.

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Yeah, that that's something we don't hear about our ring barking. Yeah, that that's something we don't hear about our ring barking.

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Timbers too valuable and and I guess that the greenie approach. Timbers too valuable and and I guess that the greenie approach.

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The attitude for that. The attitude for that.

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Ring barking, so would you be paid by the number of trees or? No, no. I got paid ten shillings a day it was. Ten bob  day, yeah. Ring barking, so would you be paid by the number of trees or? No, no. I got paid ten shillings a day it was. Ten bob  day, yeah.

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And working from daylight to dark? And working from daylight to dark?

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Did you see much of old Sir Earl in those times? Did you see much of old Sir Earl in those times?

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No, but. No, but.

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one day I got something in my eye which they couldn't one day I got something in my eye which they couldn't

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the other workers couldn't get out, so I had to get on my horse and ride into Heiffer Station. the other workers couldn't get out, so I had to get on my horse and ride into Heiffer Station.

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to Sir Earl to take it out. OK. to Sir Earl to take it out. OK.

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Was quite good, he was, he put me in and then called for the housemaid to bring a cup of tea. Oh did he? He discussed me father, who of course he knew, knew from boat building. Yeah, that's quite a story about your father building those boats. They they're pulling boat. They're pulling, not rowing, those flat bottom ones, yeah. Was quite good, he was, he put me in and then called for the housemaid to bring a cup of tea. Oh did he? He discussed me father, who of course he knew, knew from boat building. Yeah, that's quite a story about your father building those boats. They they're pulling boat. They're pulling, not rowing, those flat bottom ones, yeah.

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Yeah, and he'd sell them of course. Yeah. Well, the used to pay, I don't think he got too much for them but I think the ones the farmers around used to asking to build he didn't like. Yeah, and he'd sell them of course. Yeah. Well, the used to pay, I don't think he got too much for them but I think the ones the farmers around used to asking to build he didn't like.

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It was a business. When we left It was a business. When we left

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Grenarville to come to Upper Copmanhurst, cedar trees within nonexistent, but a knew one area out of the back of Ramournie somewhere that he went out the Sunday before he left with a horse and cart and cut a couple of slabs out of it because he used it for the nose of the boats. Grenarville to come to Upper Copmanhurst, cedar trees within nonexistent, but a knew one area out of the back of Ramournie somewhere that he went out the Sunday before he left with a horse and cart and cut a couple of slabs out of it because he used it for the nose of the boats.

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Yeah, for the nose, yeah? Yeah, for the nose, yeah?

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Oh knew, he knew his way around. Oh knew, he knew his way around.

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He didn't have a lot. I wonder what happened to all his brothers and sisters. You know, he's one of what do you say, fourteen were there? He didn't have a lot. I wonder what happened to all his brothers and sisters. You know, he's one of what do you say, fourteen were there?

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Well, he, well he was the third youngest. Well, he, well he was the third youngest.

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I remember once just after the war I remember once just after the war

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one of his brother who was ninety odd and Dad was only about seventy, he'd come up from Melbourne where he went to see young brothers and sisters. They were all in their seventies. one of his brother who was ninety odd and Dad was only about seventy, he'd come up from Melbourne where he went to see young brothers and sisters. They were all in their seventies.

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Still, in the paper of it, so they are they scattered all over the country? All over the country. Still, in the paper of it, so they are they scattered all over the country? All over the country.

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Anywhere I know Nana Glenn. Anywhere I know Nana Glenn.

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Everywhere, so you have a lot of Uncles and Aunties, Roy? Yeah, well Dad being the third youngest and mum was about the second youngest of her family of eleven. Everywhere, so you have a lot of Uncles and Aunties, Roy? Yeah, well Dad being the third youngest and mum was about the second youngest of her family of eleven.

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All me cousins. All me cousins.

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Children were as old as all I was. Yeah, that's right. Yeah yeah, 'cause yeah coming down the bottom of the family. Yeah, yeah goodness. Children were as old as all I was. Yeah, that's right. Yeah yeah, 'cause yeah coming down the bottom of the family. Yeah, yeah goodness.

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That was him, you've still got a lot of cousins, I suppose? That was him, you've still got a lot of cousins, I suppose?

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Yeah, well I wouldn't know hardly any of them. I don't know what's happened, or if any of them's alive now or not. I've only know two of them, but still in Grafton. Yeah, well I wouldn't know hardly any of them. I don't know what's happened, or if any of them's alive now or not. I've only know two of them, but still in Grafton.

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Alright, I think with anything in that there that you think we've missed that? mWell, I don't think so. We've covered the story. Pretty well. You know that's good alright? Well, Many thanks Roy. Will will switch her off, make her off and just see how. Alright, I think with anything in that there that you think we've missed that? mWell, I don't think so. We've covered the story. Pretty well. You know that's good alright? Well, Many thanks Roy. Will will switch her off, make her off and just see how.

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Stop. Stop.