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[Warren] Okay, now Norm ah this is Warren Grant. Ah, I'm interviewing ah Norm Whitford on behalf of ah The Reflections on the Clarence at his home at uh 86 Kent Street, Grafton. Ah how are you this afternoon Norm? [Norm] Very well thank you Warren. Bit of a croaky voice but - [Warren] Okay, now Norm ah this is Warren Grant. Ah, I'm interviewing ah Norm Whitford on behalf of ah The Reflections on the Clarence at his home at uh 86 Kent Street, Grafton. Ah how are you this afternoon Norm? [Norm] Very well thank you Warren. Bit of a croaky voice but -

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Um Um

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Norm when were you born? Norm when were you born?

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[Norm] 8th of the 1st '37 [Warren] ah [Norm] at Runnymede Hospital over in Queen Street, corner of Queen and Fitzroy. [Norm] 8th of the 1st '37 [Warren] ah [Norm] at Runnymede Hospital over in Queen Street, corner of Queen and Fitzroy.

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[Warren] Where were your parents born? [Warren] Where were your parents born?

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[Norm]  Dad was born in Grafton. Mum was born in Sydney. [Norm]  Dad was born in Grafton. Mum was born in Sydney.

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[Warren] How many brothers and sisters did you have? [Norm] I've got ah 2 brothers and 3 sisters. [Warren] And what were their names? [Warren] How many brothers and sisters did you have? [Norm] I've got ah 2 brothers and 3 sisters. [Warren] And what were their names?

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[Norm] Sister - older sister was Helen. [Norm] Sister - older sister was Helen.

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[Warren] Her married name is? [Warren] Her married name is?

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[Norm] Bishindon [Warren] yeah. [Norm] Bishindon [Warren] yeah.

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[Warren] And ah Jeanette was the next one, Jeanette Hanscombe. [Warren] And ah Jeanette was the next one, Jeanette Hanscombe.

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Then was Donald, Then was Donald,

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brother - middle brother brother - middle brother

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and then Diana, and then Diana,

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she now is and then my youngest brother, Jeffrey [Warren] Okay. she now is and then my youngest brother, Jeffrey [Warren] Okay.

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Where abouts did you live in Grafton Norm? [Norm] Lived in Powell Street, 99 Powell Street, between Prince and Queen Street.  [Warren] Okay ah and what sort of a house did you live in? Was it a timber home or brick and - [Norm] no weatherboard [Warren] yeah [Norm] weatherboard ah house corrugated iron roof [Warren] yeah [Norm] and ah Where abouts did you live in Grafton Norm? [Norm] Lived in Powell Street, 99 Powell Street, between Prince and Queen Street.  [Warren] Okay ah and what sort of a house did you live in? Was it a timber home or brick and - [Norm] no weatherboard [Warren] yeah [Norm] weatherboard ah house corrugated iron roof [Warren] yeah [Norm] and ah

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a brick a brick

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built through chimney through the lounge room ah built through chimney through the lounge room ah

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as a fireplace [Warren] yeah. The house had electricity? [Norm] Yep. [Warren] Uh did you have a bathroom and toilet inside the house? [Norm] Yes we did, ah gas and water [Warren] yes. as a fireplace [Warren] yeah. The house had electricity? [Norm] Yep. [Warren] Uh did you have a bathroom and toilet inside the house? [Norm] Yes we did, ah gas and water [Warren] yes.

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In those days um did your family grow their own food or was it all purchased? [Norm] No. Dad had quite a good garden down the back ah which he'd In those days um did your family grow their own food or was it all purchased? [Norm] No. Dad had quite a good garden down the back ah which he'd

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planted different things in, by season and ah planted different things in, by season and ah

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chooks, had some chooks. [Warren] So [Norm] big choko vine over the chook house. [Warren] Oh yeah. Uh what did Dad do for an occupation? [Norm] He was uh a fitter at the uh gas company. [Warren] At Grafton Gas Company? [Norm] Yeah Grafton Gas Company. [Warren] So he was a plumber [Norm] plumber, fitter, [Warren and Norm] yeah. [Norm] Gas fitter. [Warren] Yeah and this is when the Grafton Gas Company used to make their own gas? [Norm] Yeah, they used to uh chooks, had some chooks. [Warren] So [Norm] big choko vine over the chook house. [Warren] Oh yeah. Uh what did Dad do for an occupation? [Norm] He was uh a fitter at the uh gas company. [Warren] At Grafton Gas Company? [Norm] Yeah Grafton Gas Company. [Warren] So he was a plumber [Norm] plumber, fitter, [Warren and Norm] yeah. [Norm] Gas fitter. [Warren] Yeah and this is when the Grafton Gas Company used to make their own gas? [Norm] Yeah, they used to uh

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use coal, coaking coal and uh use coal, coaking coal and uh

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take the gas off it and um byproducts with coke and bitumen, creosote and different other things. [Warren] Was that all? All those byproducts, were they sold around town? [Norm] No, no, they were um - oh coke was [Warren] yeah [Norm] Um coke was sold take the gas off it and um byproducts with coke and bitumen, creosote and different other things. [Warren] Was that all? All those byproducts, were they sold around town? [Norm] No, no, they were um - oh coke was [Warren] yeah [Norm] Um coke was sold

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to different places including like blacksmiths and I think the brewery used to buy some crust, whether to feed the boiler or what, I'm not sure. [Warren] Yeah. to different places including like blacksmiths and I think the brewery used to buy some crust, whether to feed the boiler or what, I'm not sure. [Warren] Yeah.

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Bitumen uh Grafton City Council used to use bitumen in their hot tar pots and Bitumen uh Grafton City Council used to use bitumen in their hot tar pots and

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whatever and I'm trying to think of the whatever and I'm trying to think of the

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company that used to spray the streets. company that used to spray the streets.

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[Warren] Now that - that gas was distributed by [Warren] Now that - that gas was distributed by

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pipe underground pipe [Norm] yeah, underground pipe, yep [Warren] to all the houses in town [Norm] to all the houses in town uh mains - coastline, pipe underground pipe [Norm] yeah, underground pipe, yep [Warren] to all the houses in town [Norm] to all the houses in town uh mains - coastline,

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mains - sectional mains and um mains - sectional mains and um

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and then off-shoots to the different um customers by and then off-shoots to the different um customers by

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probably three-quarter pipe, gas pipe or water pipe or whatever you call it. [Warren] So your dad would have had to go out to the [Norm] oh yeah [Warren] to all the various houses. [Warren] Yeah, they spent a lot of time in those days, pick and shovel because there was no excavators or [Warren] no [Norm] that type of backhoe. So, all the mains and some of 'em got pretty deep at times were all done by hard labour by pick and shovel and probably three-quarter pipe, gas pipe or water pipe or whatever you call it. [Warren] So your dad would have had to go out to the [Norm] oh yeah [Warren] to all the various houses. [Warren] Yeah, they spent a lot of time in those days, pick and shovel because there was no excavators or [Warren] no [Norm] that type of backhoe. So, all the mains and some of 'em got pretty deep at times were all done by hard labour by pick and shovel and

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men in the trenches, as they said. [Warren] Yeah. men in the trenches, as they said. [Warren] Yeah.

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You don't remember when the uh Grafton Gas Company stopped producing gas do you? You don't remember when the uh Grafton Gas Company stopped producing gas do you?

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No, I couldn't tell you that. I know they went on to um No, I couldn't tell you that. I know they went on to um

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I was starting to get, I was starting to get,

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what do they call it? LPG, Liquid Petroleum Gas um what do they call it? LPG, Liquid Petroleum Gas um

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then they - they phased the um then they - they phased the um

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phased the coal gas out. phased the coal gas out.

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I think it at the latter stage they might have been mixing the 2 gases, I think it at the latter stage they might have been mixing the 2 gases,

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but then it was all coming by big road tanker and so forth. [Warren] Okay. but then it was all coming by big road tanker and so forth. [Warren] Okay.

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Getting back to when you were a young fella, uh did your mum make your own clothes or were all the clothes purchased? [Norm] Yes, Mum had the little old treadle singer sewing machine. Um whom I, Getting back to when you were a young fella, uh did your mum make your own clothes or were all the clothes purchased? [Norm] Yes, Mum had the little old treadle singer sewing machine. Um whom I,

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middle sister now has, in mint condition [Warren] yes [Norm] and um she even used to make the girls uh bras and pants. [Warren] Yeah? [Norm] She - she was an extremely good seamstress. She was good at everything. [Warren] Yes. middle sister now has, in mint condition [Warren] yes [Norm] and um she even used to make the girls uh bras and pants. [Warren] Yeah? [Norm] She - she was an extremely good seamstress. She was good at everything. [Warren] Yes.

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This having quite a large family, this would have been a very important input into the [Norm] oh yeah [Warren] family [Norm] yeah. Used to make our school shirts and shorts and This having quite a large family, this would have been a very important input into the [Norm] oh yeah [Warren] family [Norm] yeah. Used to make our school shirts and shorts and

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everything like that. [Warren] What school did - did you go to? [Norm] All went to Grafton Public School [Warren] mmm [Norm] and then on to the Grafton High School [Warren] yeah. everything like that. [Warren] What school did - did you go to? [Norm] All went to Grafton Public School [Warren] mmm [Norm] and then on to the Grafton High School [Warren] yeah.

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And did you wear a uniform to school? And did you wear a uniform to school?

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Yes, as such, but never uh had enough money to get shoes and socks. We used to wear uh sandals [Warren] yes [Norm] like uh leather sandals from and there's quite a few hand-me downs on those [Warren] yeah. Yes, as such, but never uh had enough money to get shoes and socks. We used to wear uh sandals [Warren] yes [Norm] like uh leather sandals from and there's quite a few hand-me downs on those [Warren] yeah.

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Um, sorry. [Norm] I was just going to say um Um, sorry. [Norm] I was just going to say um

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at the high school, like we all went through high school and uh at the high school, like we all went through high school and uh

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I went to I went to

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Intermediate Certificate. Intermediate Certificate.

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I uh 3 sisters -  I uh 3 sisters - 

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all they did the HSC and - and all finished up, all they did the HSC and - and all finished up,

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2 of them finished up as schoolteachers, 2 of them finished up as schoolteachers,

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and one is a bank Johnny, uh worked for the NAB, but Jeanette, the middle sister, she was high school captain at one stage. and one is a bank Johnny, uh worked for the NAB, but Jeanette, the middle sister, she was high school captain at one stage.

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And uh all 3 sisters finished up prefects And uh all 3 sisters finished up prefects

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and and

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[Warren] What happened to you Norm? I don't know. [laughter] I had to get out and earn a dollar. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] A Quid. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Not a dollar. [Warren] Are there any particular teachers that you remember at school for any, any particular reason? [Norm] Oh yeah. [Warren] Yeah? [Warren] What happened to you Norm? I don't know. [laughter] I had to get out and earn a dollar. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] A Quid. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Not a dollar. [Warren] Are there any particular teachers that you remember at school for any, any particular reason? [Norm] Oh yeah. [Warren] Yeah?

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Plenty of funny stories. Sorry about that. Plenty of funny stories. Sorry about that.

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Oh no um Oh no um

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we - I had a great regard for our, I'm trying to think of his name now, we - I had a great regard for our, I'm trying to think of his name now,

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Mr. Bruce our tech teacher, our tech drawing teacher and um well I was to do with you know with metal work and that and Mr. Bruce our tech teacher, our tech drawing teacher and um well I was to do with you know with metal work and that and

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all our tech teachers were good teachers. all our tech teachers were good teachers.

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Wasn't really in favour of our Deputy Head but respected him greatly [Warren] yes, Wasn't really in favour of our Deputy Head but respected him greatly [Warren] yes,

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Mr. Smythe. Mr. Smythe.

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Yes, so um [Warren] I think [Norm] they're all good teachers in those days. [Warren] I - I think we - we - we did respect our teachers in those days [Norm] course we did. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Yeah. Yes, so um [Warren] I think [Norm] they're all good teachers in those days. [Warren] I - I think we - we - we did respect our teachers in those days [Norm] course we did. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Yeah.

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But um But um

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anybody who didn't respect them deserve what they got [Warren] mmm. anybody who didn't respect them deserve what they got [Warren] mmm.

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What sport did you play at school? What sport did you play at school?

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I never played any great amount of sport while I was at school. I was always I never played any great amount of sport while I was at school. I was always

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the 13th man or the 14th man, or the drink carrier or - or the Guernsey carrier. the 13th man or the 14th man, or the drink carrier or - or the Guernsey carrier.

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Until I left - left high school and uh started to play hockey and Until I left - left high school and uh started to play hockey and

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and associated with the hockey, of course, was - we had our hockey team, our sailing club had our hockey teams [Warren] we'll come [Norm] basketball teams [Warren] we'll come to that [Norm] squash teams [Warren] we'll come to that Norm. and associated with the hockey, of course, was - we had our hockey team, our sailing club had our hockey teams [Warren] we'll come [Norm] basketball teams [Warren] we'll come to that [Norm] squash teams [Warren] we'll come to that Norm.

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At school at the moment [Norm] yup. At school at the moment [Norm] yup.

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At school were there any special days that you remembered like Empire Day or? At school were there any special days that you remembered like Empire Day or?

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No, not - not really - no. No, not - not really - no.

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I would say that I would say that

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I wasn't all that fussed with school. I wasn't all that fussed with school.

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I did what I had to do but I did what I had to do but

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where do I - [Warren] you're handy with your hands. [Norm] Yeah, well that was, yeah, I was. I had a where do I - [Warren] you're handy with your hands. [Norm] Yeah, well that was, yeah, I was. I had a

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knack I suppose working with me hands, probably because of me dad [Warren] yeah [Norm] but um when I was in, up to year 6, I knack I suppose working with me hands, probably because of me dad [Warren] yeah [Norm] but um when I was in, up to year 6, I

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was flying, if you'd like to put it that way. I there was uh myself and me mate in whatever class we were in. We were top of the maths and all that sort of thing but was flying, if you'd like to put it that way. I there was uh myself and me mate in whatever class we were in. We were top of the maths and all that sort of thing but

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when you went to high school when you went to high school

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it was a totally different ball game and it was a totally different ball game and

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reas- and I got lost at high school with the maths and that. I um reas- and I got lost at high school with the maths and that. I um

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few months into it, yes, you know is first year or year 7 or whatever you call it, few months into it, yes, you know is first year or year 7 or whatever you call it,

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I broke me leg I broke me leg

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and uh it was just when we were getting the grounding on and uh it was just when we were getting the grounding on

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maths 2 and 3, trigonometry uh geometry and all that sort of thing and I missed 6 weeks of, maths 2 and 3, trigonometry uh geometry and all that sort of thing and I missed 6 weeks of,

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I missed about 5 weeks and then I used to walk like 1-2-3-4-5 blocks to school on crutches. I missed about 5 weeks and then I used to walk like 1-2-3-4-5 blocks to school on crutches.

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Used to generally get there late [Warren] mmm [Norm] and then uh Dad got me a lift on the South Coast bus. So, I used to pick it up at the top of the street and uh you know Henry's place [Warren] mmm [Norm] and go to school on the bus, but I'd missed the grounding on - on these 3 maths and um never ever recovered as far as maths were concerned. Used to generally get there late [Warren] mmm [Norm] and then uh Dad got me a lift on the South Coast bus. So, I used to pick it up at the top of the street and uh you know Henry's place [Warren] mmm [Norm] and go to school on the bus, but I'd missed the grounding on - on these 3 maths and um never ever recovered as far as maths were concerned.

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Completely bamboozled me and our uh class teacher at the time was, Completely bamboozled me and our uh class teacher at the time was,

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without mentioning names, the teacher that um without mentioning names, the teacher that um

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like uh look after his top five bods and - and the strugglers struggled on. [Warren] Did the best they could. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] And Mum and dad weren't high enough um like uh look after his top five bods and - and the strugglers struggled on. [Warren] Did the best they could. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] And Mum and dad weren't high enough um

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maths, you know they only knew it - well, Mum I think only went to about 14-year-old and she left school. I don't know how the old man he - he um maths, you know they only knew it - well, Mum I think only went to about 14-year-old and she left school. I don't know how the old man he - he um

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I think he went to Intermediate um Level, but I don't know whether he got his certificate. [Warren] No, so they weren't able to help ya? [Norm] No. [Warren] Um I think he went to Intermediate um Level, but I don't know whether he got his certificate. [Warren] No, so they weren't able to help ya? [Norm] No. [Warren] Um

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Did the family have a doctor? [Norm] A who? [Warren] A doctor? [Norm] Yeah, Doctor McDonald [Warren] yeah [Norm] those days and then um was McDonald, Dr. McGee, and then onto, Did the family have a doctor? [Norm] A who? [Warren] A doctor? [Norm] Yeah, Doctor McDonald [Warren] yeah [Norm] those days and then um was McDonald, Dr. McGee, and then onto,

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this is the time I'd just about grown up. Derek Palmer come out [Warren] oh that was later. [Norm] family doctor [Warren] yeah, yeah [Norm] that's in - when - after we got married or [Warren] yeah [Norm] whatever else. [Warren] So did you, when you were younger, did mum ever have any home remedies? this is the time I'd just about grown up. Derek Palmer come out [Warren] oh that was later. [Norm] family doctor [Warren] yeah, yeah [Norm] that's in - when - after we got married or [Warren] yeah [Norm] whatever else. [Warren] So did you, when you were younger, did mum ever have any home remedies?

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Mum swore by Mercurochrome [Warren] right [Norm] and I still do. [Warren] Yes. Mum swore by Mercurochrome [Warren] right [Norm] and I still do. [Warren] Yes.

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Considering that we had 6 kids and - and uh Considering that we had 6 kids and - and uh

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and were only sort of, and were only sort of,

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we weren't rich by any means, but we always had a jumper and uh always wore singlets [Warren] so you kept fairly healthy [Norm] so and there was no money for flash foods. It was always out of the garden and, you know, and we weren't rich by any means, but we always had a jumper and uh always wore singlets [Warren] so you kept fairly healthy [Norm] so and there was no money for flash foods. It was always out of the garden and, you know, and

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meat once a week or twice a week sort of thing. Sausages and - and cheap cuts and this sort of thing so we ate not, not uh flash but goods wholesome tucker. meat once a week or twice a week sort of thing. Sausages and - and cheap cuts and this sort of thing so we ate not, not uh flash but goods wholesome tucker.

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[Warren] Were - were religious activities important in the family at all? [Norm] Yes, they were, and we were Church of England and spent a lot of time, [Warren] Were - were religious activities important in the family at all? [Norm] Yes, they were, and we were Church of England and spent a lot of time,

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Sunday wise, it's Sunday schools and - and uh as we grow up into teens, we used to Sunday wise, it's Sunday schools and - and uh as we grow up into teens, we used to

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be involved in the Church of England Boy's, SEBS and uh GFS, the Girls - Girls Friendly Society. [Warren] So they were sort of in place of scouting groups? [Norm] Yeah uh we were scouts too [Warren] yeah [Norm] scouts and guides uh be involved in the Church of England Boy's, SEBS and uh GFS, the Girls - Girls Friendly Society. [Warren] So they were sort of in place of scouting groups? [Norm] Yeah uh we were scouts too [Warren] yeah [Norm] scouts and guides uh

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I went through uh into the scouts, through cubs, you know, the scouts and uh I went through uh into the scouts, through cubs, you know, the scouts and uh

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Helen and Helen and

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Jeanette, all 3 girls I think were involved in the girl guides, yeah. [Warren] So did you enjoy scouting? [Norm] Yeah very much so, yeah. Jeanette, all 3 girls I think were involved in the girl guides, yeah. [Warren] So did you enjoy scouting? [Norm] Yeah very much so, yeah.

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Um, with the um Um, with the um

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the church activities uh the church activities uh

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my father um, my father um,

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which is all in a - a book on the cathedral, which is all in a - a book on the cathedral,

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he was named Cecil Henry [Warren] yes he was named Cecil Henry [Warren] yes

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and he was christened by Bishop Cecil Henry Drewitt [Warren] oh right ok [Norm] and uh Henry, part of our name is just and he was christened by Bishop Cecil Henry Drewitt [Warren] oh right ok [Norm] and uh Henry, part of our name is just

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passed on so - passed on so -

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I'm Norman Henry and son's, John Henry and his son's Jack Henry. [Warren] So great, good thing. I'm Norman Henry and son's, John Henry and his son's Jack Henry. [Warren] So great, good thing.

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Did the family have a car? Did the family have a car?

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We eventually had uh Dad had an old We eventually had uh Dad had an old

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27 Chev ute with wooden spokes and that originally belonged to Bob Gardner. 27 Chev ute with wooden spokes and that originally belonged to Bob Gardner.

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[Warren] Bob Gardner was the [Warren and Norm] battery man.  [Warren] Bob Gardner was the [Warren and Norm] battery man. 

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[Norm] And uh so anyway [Warren] was it a 6 cylinder or a 4 cylinder? [Norm] No, only 4. [Warren] Only 4. [Norm] Yeah and uh Dad built a [Norm] And uh so anyway [Warren] was it a 6 cylinder or a 4 cylinder? [Norm] No, only 4. [Warren] Only 4. [Norm] Yeah and uh Dad built a

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canopy sort of thing over with uh canopy sort of thing over with uh

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timber framing, like slatting and uh that and then covered it with a timber framing, like slatting and uh that and then covered it with a

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waterproof canvas top and curtains on the side and uh fitted it out with a - a second seat behind the driver seat, which was just a canvas saddle or loop and used to fit 4 of us kids across there. waterproof canvas top and curtains on the side and uh fitted it out with a - a second seat behind the driver seat, which was just a canvas saddle or loop and used to fit 4 of us kids across there.

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[Warren] So, where'd you go on this car? [Warren] So, where'd you go on this car?

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[Norm] Yeah, we grew up, at Brooms Head here. Over the school holidays and that he uh - [Warren] did you camp down at Brooms Head? [Norm] Yeah, every uh school holidays and Christmas holidays from when I was about [Norm] Yeah, we grew up, at Brooms Head here. Over the school holidays and that he uh - [Warren] did you camp down at Brooms Head? [Norm] Yeah, every uh school holidays and Christmas holidays from when I was about

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say 10 through to when I was 15 or 16. [Warren] So you'd have a lot of happy memories of Brooms Head? [Norm] Oh yeah, great place. [Warren] yeah. say 10 through to when I was 15 or 16. [Warren] So you'd have a lot of happy memories of Brooms Head? [Norm] Oh yeah, great place. [Warren] yeah.

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Great place for kids and Great place for kids and

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and um and um

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social companionship and that sort of thing down there. social companionship and that sort of thing down there.

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Mainly lower river people, but they were still quite a - Mainly lower river people, but they were still quite a -

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a few Grafton people used to go there [Warren] yeah. [Norm]  Henry Caldwell used to go there first up. He used to have the next campsite to us [Warren] right. [Norm] Old uh Harry Worthing used to have his across the street of, we used to call it, him and all his gang and a few Grafton people used to go there [Warren] yeah. [Norm]  Henry Caldwell used to go there first up. He used to have the next campsite to us [Warren] right. [Norm] Old uh Harry Worthing used to have his across the street of, we used to call it, him and all his gang and

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horse racing and that over at New Year's weekend and so forth. horse racing and that over at New Year's weekend and so forth.

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[Warren] So um did you have a bike - push bike? [Norm] I did. I got a [Warren] So um did you have a bike - push bike? [Norm] I did. I got a

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another um, another um,

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was Dad's hand me down actually and he got a, used to always ride a bike to work. was Dad's hand me down actually and he got a, used to always ride a bike to work.

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So, he got a new bike, and I got his old bike and [Warren] was it a man- manufactured by [Norm] Malvern Star. [Warren] Malvern Star. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] So, and I think his new bike, but it might have been a Speedwell, I'm not sure. So, he got a new bike, and I got his old bike and [Warren] was it a man- manufactured by [Norm] Malvern Star. [Warren] Malvern Star. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] So, and I think his new bike, but it might have been a Speedwell, I'm not sure.

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And then all the kids, they, we all had bikes hand me downs or secondhand ones and Dad used to do 'em up and paint 'em up for Christmas and used to make half our Christmas toys and little fellows rocking, rocking horses and - And then all the kids, they, we all had bikes hand me downs or secondhand ones and Dad used to do 'em up and paint 'em up for Christmas and used to make half our Christmas toys and little fellows rocking, rocking horses and -

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and all that sort of thing. [Warren] And these would have been [Norm] dolls cots [Warren] yeah. They would have been appreciated too. [Norm] Oh yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] For sure. [Warren] Did - didn't have to have all these modern toys. [Norm] No, no. Well as I often say, the kids of today, like my grandkids and that and all that sort of thing. [Warren] And these would have been [Norm] dolls cots [Warren] yeah. They would have been appreciated too. [Norm] Oh yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] For sure. [Warren] Did - didn't have to have all these modern toys. [Norm] No, no. Well as I often say, the kids of today, like my grandkids and that

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uh they got a room full of toys, an absolute room full of toys, uh they got a room full of toys, an absolute room full of toys,

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and yet if you take 'em there and oh, they come down here, and yet if you take 'em there and oh, they come down here,

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and they spend and they spend

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hours and hours as happy as Larry would, pushing a block of wood through the dirt [laughter], you know, and all the flash toys are, they look at 'em for 10 minutes and then they're out the back and playing in the dirt. [Warren] Yeah. hours and hours as happy as Larry would, pushing a block of wood through the dirt [laughter], you know, and all the flash toys are, they look at 'em for 10 minutes and then they're out the back and playing in the dirt. [Warren] Yeah.

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How did your family entertain themselves? How did your family entertain themselves?

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They go to the movies, go to dances? [Norm] Oh we used to, once we got up a bit to the um, They go to the movies, go to dances? [Norm] Oh we used to, once we got up a bit to the um,

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um, sort of teenage or almost teenagers, perhaps the 10s and 12s, um, sort of teenage or almost teenagers, perhaps the 10s and 12s,

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um we used to get three pence to go to the pictures of a Saturday afternoon, the matinees, the Garden Theatre and that sort of thing and uh there was never any money left over for lollies or ice creams or anything like that, but um um we used to get three pence to go to the pictures of a Saturday afternoon, the matinees, the Garden Theatre and that sort of thing and uh there was never any money left over for lollies or ice creams or anything like that, but um

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used to enjoy it and watch Tom mixing cement and whatever [laughter]. used to enjoy it and watch Tom mixing cement and whatever [laughter].

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Hopalong Cassidy [Warren] and the uh - and the um Hopalong Cassidy [Warren] and the uh - and the um

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serial that used to come on every Saturday too, yeah. [Norm] Anyway, yeah. serial that used to come on every Saturday too, yeah. [Norm] Anyway, yeah.

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[Warren] So um [Norm] Lone Ranger or something like, I don't know. [Warren] Uh were your mother and father involved in any clubs or societies at all? [Norm] Yeah Dad um, not Mum. She was too busy, blimmin' lookin' after 6 kids. [Warren] Yeah. [Warren] So um [Norm] Lone Ranger or something like, I don't know. [Warren] Uh were your mother and father involved in any clubs or societies at all? [Norm] Yeah Dad um, not Mum. She was too busy, blimmin' lookin' after 6 kids. [Warren] Yeah.

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[Norm] Her outing was probably taking a couple of little ones up the street of a Friday, I think. [Norm] Her outing was probably taking a couple of little ones up the street of a Friday, I think.

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I dunno. Do what- whatever she - she did. We used to get groceries delivered by uh, I dunno. Do what- whatever she - she did. We used to get groceries delivered by uh,

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old uh, what was his name? Mr. Windsor in the horse and cart from Gerrards I think it was. [Warren] From Gerrards, yes. [Norm] Yeah, old uh, what was his name? Mr. Windsor in the horse and cart from Gerrards I think it was. [Warren] From Gerrards, yes. [Norm] Yeah,

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and um and um

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so, she'd probably go up and - and buy the odd thing and used to push us up in the pram, and uh I used to walk up beside when I was when she only had Helen, I think. Uh I used to walk once I was about 3-year-old beside her and hang onto the pram. [Warren] Yeah talking about delivery, she would have had your uh meat and um so, she'd probably go up and - and buy the odd thing and used to push us up in the pram, and uh I used to walk up beside when I was when she only had Helen, I think. Uh I used to walk once I was about 3-year-old beside her and hang onto the pram. [Warren] Yeah talking about delivery, she would have had your uh meat and um

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bread delivered? [Norm] Meat, bread and ice. [Warren] Ice, oh you didn't have a refrigerator you had ice. [Norm] No we did towards the end we had an old gas fridge that Dad got second hand from somewhere bread delivered? [Norm] Meat, bread and ice. [Warren] Ice, oh you didn't have a refrigerator you had ice. [Norm] No we did towards the end we had an old gas fridge that Dad got second hand from somewhere

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and it wasn't until we and it wasn't until we

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we got that, it had a um we got that, it had a um

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up until that time we used to have an ice chest up until that time we used to have an ice chest

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on the back verandah. on the back verandah.

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Bob Carter was our butter man. I suppose he was our ice man too at the time Bob Carter was our butter man. I suppose he was our ice man too at the time

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and um and um

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[Warren] So that would, when you say butter man that would mean from the Grafton Butter Factory [Norm] yeah, yeah [Warren] down the riverbank. [Norm] Yeah, I don't know whether he [Warren] So that would, when you say butter man that would mean from the Grafton Butter Factory [Norm] yeah, yeah [Warren] down the riverbank. [Norm] Yeah, I don't know whether he

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bought it off them and then t- then resold it or whether he just run it from them sort of thing. [Warren] Mmm. bought it off them and then t- then resold it or whether he just run it from them sort of thing. [Warren] Mmm.

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[Norm] But then when we got that old fridge uh it had a freezing chamber and Mum used to make us one of - the milk used to, that well that old HarleyGerard was our milkman [Warren] oh right yeah [Norm] and what's her name getting buried today, um his son um Mal [Norm] But then when we got that old fridge uh it had a freezing chamber and Mum used to make us one of - the milk used to, that well that old HarleyGerard was our milkman [Warren] oh right yeah [Norm] and what's her name getting buried today, um his son um Mal

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and um [Warren] Mel Gerard? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah [Norm] Uh he was only the boy then, but he used to sometimes come in with the milk, but old, old Harley used to come past with the horse and cart, and he used to have his - his and um [Warren] Mel Gerard? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah [Norm] Uh he was only the boy then, but he used to sometimes come in with the milk, but old, old Harley used to come past with the horse and cart, and he used to have his - his

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horse yard was, joined our back fence [Warren] oh right [Norm] behind the choko lines and the horses, used to give them a bit of a chewin' at times. [Warren] They liked them, didn't they? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Cows used to like them too. horse yard was, joined our back fence [Warren] oh right [Norm] behind the choko lines and the horses, used to give them a bit of a chewin' at times. [Warren] They liked them, didn't they? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Cows used to like them too.

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Everyone liked them bar me. [laughter] [Norm] Yeah well, that's another thing being Everyone liked them bar me. [laughter] [Norm] Yeah well, that's another thing being

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Dad used to, they used to grow all along the back fence over the chook house and Mum, Mum could make. Dad used to, they used to grow all along the back fence over the chook house and Mum, Mum could make.

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desert desert

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and we'd have stewed apples, or stewed pears, or stewed peaches, and half of 'em were chocos, and I defy you to tell the difference. [laughter] [Warren] Some of them are very good. Well, I could, put something in them, close in them to make them into apples [Norm] yeah [Warren] or something. [Warren] Used to have 'em boiled, white sauce and uh and we'd have stewed apples, or stewed pears, or stewed peaches, and half of 'em were chocos, and I defy you to tell the difference. [laughter] [Warren] Some of them are very good. Well, I could, put something in them, close in them to make them into apples [Norm] yeah [Warren] or something. [Warren] Used to have 'em boiled, white sauce and uh

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oh, like um, um dish, white - white sauce with a cheese topping on it. We had 'em every way you could think. oh, like um, um dish, white - white sauce with a cheese topping on it. We had 'em every way you could think.

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[Warren] You eat 'em today? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah? [Norm] Don't mind 'em. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Didn't like 'em for a while. [Warren] No. [Norm] Gt too much of it. [Warren] Yeah. [Warren] You eat 'em today? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah? [Norm] Don't mind 'em. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Didn't like 'em for a while. [Warren] No. [Norm] Gt too much of it. [Warren] Yeah.

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Um OK, so about this stage um you were reaching your uh end of high school [Norm] yeah [Warren] years [Norm] mmm [Warren] and um Um OK, so about this stage um you were reaching your uh end of high school [Norm] yeah [Warren] years [Norm] mmm [Warren] and um

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so, what did you decide to do? so, what did you decide to do?

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Well, I was looking for a job, any sort of a job and because um Well, I was looking for a job, any sort of a job and because um

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Dad had grown up with Bill Dicken, Harold Hastings, who owned engineering shop, they asked me, could I - Dad had grown up with Bill Dicken, Harold Hastings, who owned engineering shop, they asked me, could I -

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asked, he asked them, could I get a start as a asked, he asked them, could I get a start as a

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try out for apprenticeship, which I was, I left school when I try out for apprenticeship, which I was, I left school when I

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but um I think 15 was school leaving age, but I left a bit before that I didn't turn but um I think 15 was school leaving age, but I left a bit before that I didn't turn

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turn um 15 till uh January [Warren] yeah [Norm] so uh turn um 15 till uh January [Warren] yeah [Norm] so uh

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yeah, I went straight into the into the overalls and big heavy boots and into the workforce, which was yeah, I went straight into the into the overalls and big heavy boots and into the workforce, which was

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pretty hard for a - for a soft kid from high school [Warren] yeah. pretty hard for a - for a soft kid from high school [Warren] yeah.

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and uh different things and I remember, old, old Dick sent me up to Wicks and Parker one day and uh different things and I remember, old, old Dick sent me up to Wicks and Parker one day

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to get a length of angle iron on the push bike. [Warren] Did he? [Norm] And uh yeah and uh anyway, I come back with this, it would have had to have been to get a length of angle iron on the push bike. [Warren] Did he? [Norm] And uh yeah and uh anyway, I come back with this, it would have had to have been

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oh 16 - oh 16 -

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18 foot long. 18 foot long.

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A bag wrapped around it so it didn't bust me shoulder on the way and ?inaudible? hoping that I didn't meet a truck or something on the corner. I managed to get it there without falling off or breaking me back. [Warren] Do you think he really needed or was he testing you out? A bag wrapped around it so it didn't bust me shoulder on the way and ?inaudible? hoping that I didn't meet a truck or something on the corner. I managed to get it there without falling off or breaking me back. [Warren] Do you think he really needed or was he testing you out?

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Oh, I think we needed - we needed for a job. There's only one other place you could get stuff was Wicks and like engineering shop wise, we all carried different sized steels we just run out on, Oh, I think we needed - we needed for a job. There's only one other place you could get stuff was Wicks and like engineering shop wise, we all carried different sized steels we just run out on,

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I'm just trying to think was something to do with [Warren] yeah [Norm] the job for the brewery and had to be done at certain time, so - [Warren] so being the apprentice, you [Norm] yeah, copped all the [Warren] you copped all the - [Norm] all the crap jobs. [Warren] Yeah. That's the standard practice at times - those. [Norm] Yeah that's true. [Warren] But you completed your apprenticeship? [Norm] Yeah, I completed me apprenticeship, yeah. [Warren] And did you go to tech at Grafton Tech? [Norm] I did. Grafton Tech which was then where um, who's down there now, Sam's. I'm just trying to think was something to do with [Warren] yeah [Norm] the job for the brewery and had to be done at certain time, so - [Warren] so being the apprentice, you [Norm] yeah, copped all the [Warren] you copped all the - [Norm] all the crap jobs. [Warren] Yeah. That's the standard practice at times - those. [Norm] Yeah that's true. [Warren] But you completed your apprenticeship? [Norm] Yeah, I completed me apprenticeship, yeah. [Warren] And did you go to tech at Grafton Tech? [Norm] I did. Grafton Tech which was then where um, who's down there now, Sam's.

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[Warren] Yeah. [Norm] From Grafton Tech it went to Auswald Motors. [Warren] Yes. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] From Grafton Tech it went to Auswald Motors. [Warren] Yes.

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[Norm] I think and then uh, uh Half Kay's and now it's, I think it's Sam's. [Warren] Yeah Sam's Warehouse, yeah [Norm] mmm [Warren] and now there - and now it's um yeah down on the corner of whatever, but um okay uh so how long did you stay as uh at Hasting's? [Norm] Well, I did me 5 years [Warren] yeah [Norm] which was apprenticeship. [Norm] I think and then uh, uh Half Kay's and now it's, I think it's Sam's. [Warren] Yeah Sam's Warehouse, yeah [Norm] mmm [Warren] and now there - and now it's um yeah down on the corner of whatever, but um okay uh so how long did you stay as uh at Hasting's? [Norm] Well, I did me 5 years [Warren] yeah [Norm] which was apprenticeship.

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and I still and I still

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I'm still apprentice, doing me apprenticeship when I did me National Service at Amberley in the Air Force uh in 1956. So, I eventually come back and finished me apprenticeship and I'm still apprentice, doing me apprenticeship when I did me National Service at Amberley in the Air Force uh in 1956. So, I eventually come back and finished me apprenticeship and

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and then um and then um

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walked next door and got a job with Oxenford's. [Warren] So, so uh when you're at Hastings, were there any major construction jobs going on that you're involved in - in town? [Norm] Yeah well, whatever major job was going on at the time, the brewery, the baths that you said a while ago. walked next door and got a job with Oxenford's. [Warren] So, so uh when you're at Hastings, were there any major construction jobs going on that you're involved in - in town? [Norm] Yeah well, whatever major job was going on at the time, the brewery, the baths that you said a while ago.

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Let me think. Let me think.

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There's one job [Warren] Peters Creameries [Norm] Peters, yeah, but they had their own fitters mainly. [Warren] Yeah. There's one job [Warren] Peters Creameries [Norm] Peters, yeah, but they had their own fitters mainly. [Warren] Yeah.

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We did a hell of a lot of uh the We did a hell of a lot of uh the

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sawmill work [Warren] ah yeah. [Norm] Frasers. Well, we always had Frasers because they're just across the road sort of thing but especially Billies Creek, Clouds Creek um, sawmill work [Warren] ah yeah. [Norm] Frasers. Well, we always had Frasers because they're just across the road sort of thing but especially Billies Creek, Clouds Creek um,

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oh, all the different sawmills around. There was only 2 firms in Grafton. 1 was South Grafton Engineering who, they did the same type of work, but they were the maintenance section of George Hudson Proprietary Limited who owned sawmills all over, Reid's and all that [Warren] mmm [Norm] and any other sawmills around well, we seem to do the work for them. [Warren] Okay. oh, all the different sawmills around. There was only 2 firms in Grafton. 1 was South Grafton Engineering who, they did the same type of work, but they were the maintenance section of George Hudson Proprietary Limited who owned sawmills all over, Reid's and all that [Warren] mmm [Norm] and any other sawmills around well, we seem to do the work for them. [Warren] Okay.

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So, I had a fair bit to do with the construction and uh early stages of Koolkhan and the brewery. So, I had a fair bit to do with the construction and uh early stages of Koolkhan and the brewery.

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Built the fence around Koolkahn [Warren] yeah [Norm] chain wire fence with all those pipe posts and whatever. Built the fence around Koolkahn [Warren] yeah [Norm] chain wire fence with all those pipe posts and whatever.

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[Warren] Okay, so you went over to Oxenford's now, Oxfenford's were - their main occupation was - [Norm] at the time was only gravel crushing and uh, I used to grab the  used to [Warren] Okay, so you went over to Oxenford's now, Oxfenford's were - their main occupation was - [Norm] at the time was only gravel crushing and uh, I used to grab the  used to

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bring the grab up and drop it all on the deck and go back, and that was a one, what the one-line grab, I used to have to uh [Warren] when you when you talk about the deck th- th- this was actually on a - on a - on a [Norm] on a barge [Warren] on a barge. [Norm] A big three  bring the grab up and drop it all on the deck and go back, and that was a one, what the one-line grab, I used to have to uh [Warren] when you when you talk about the deck th- th- this was actually on a - on a - on a [Norm] on a barge [Warren] on a barge. [Norm] A big three 

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[Warren] The crane was all fitted on the barge. [Norm] Yeah, it - it wasn't - It wasn't a crane as we know it nowadays. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Was just a jib pole. [Warren] Right. [Norm] And um had a on the back end of that, it was powered by 2 steam [Warren] The crane was all fitted on the barge. [Norm] Yeah, it - it wasn't - It wasn't a crane as we know it nowadays. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Was just a jib pole. [Warren] Right. [Norm] And um had a on the back end of that, it was powered by 2 steam

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engines, through propellers, engines, through propellers,

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had a boiler on there and it had uh, had a boiler on there and it had uh,

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2 major steam winches at the back and one up the front for mooring with pipes run through underneath the deck and up deck. 2 major steam winches at the back and one up the front for mooring with pipes run through underneath the deck and up deck.

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It was originally, one of the, one of the barges that was brought to the river to build the Grafton Bridge. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] It's one of those barges that you've seen photographs of the sections [Warren] oh the [Norm] the [Warren] floating out the ?inaudible? stream It was originally, one of the, one of the barges that was brought to the river to build the Grafton Bridge. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] It's one of those barges that you've seen photographs of the sections [Warren] oh the [Norm] the [Warren] floating out the ?inaudible? stream

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and uh they bought 2 off - off the railway or whoever built it after that and yeah, use them uh to - to get um the gravel, the one with moor is a smaller barge which they just used for maintenance, wharf uh building which they did quite a bit of and uh they bought 2 off - off the railway or whoever built it after that and yeah, use them uh to - to get um the gravel, the one with moor is a smaller barge which they just used for maintenance, wharf uh building which they did quite a bit of

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and um and um

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just in later years, when gravel got more and more demand for it, they used to take it up and load it up and - just in later years, when gravel got more and more demand for it, they used to take it up and load it up and -

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and Old Ron Oxenford used to bring it down with an old single - and Old Ron Oxenford used to bring it down with an old single -

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single um motored boat, called the 'India'. [Warren] Right. [Norm] I just don't know where it come [Warren] sort of a tug type? [Norm] Oh, well it wasn't actually a tug with - we used to push it [Warren] right [Norm] like, but I dare say you'd call it a tug. It didn't have a cabin or anything, it was just like a big open - single um motored boat, called the 'India'. [Warren] Right. [Norm] I just don't know where it come [Warren] sort of a tug type? [Norm] Oh, well it wasn't actually a tug with - we used to push it [Warren] right [Norm] like, but I dare say you'd call it a tug. It didn't have a cabin or anything, it was just like a big open -

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an open boat with a [Warren] yeah [Norm] big old - think it was an old simplex. an open boat with a [Warren] yeah [Norm] big old - think it was an old simplex.

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Single lung Single lung

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motor in it that used to, on winter mornings, used to just about break everybody's heart to try and get it going. [Warren] Yeah. motor in it that used to, on winter mornings, used to just about break everybody's heart to try and get it going. [Warren] Yeah.

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Once they bring it back, you - you're bringing the - whereabouts in the river were they getting this gravel? [Norm] Well, they had to get the gravel off gravel leases uh which extended, they had leases from Once they bring it back, you - you're bringing the - whereabouts in the river were they getting this gravel? [Norm] Well, they had to get the gravel off gravel leases uh which extended, they had leases from

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just above Susan Island gravel lease this is, just above Susan Island. just above Susan Island gravel lease this is, just above Susan Island.

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Right through, past Koolkhan up around the bend, almost up to Whiteman Creek. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] Except for one little bit. Right through, past Koolkhan up around the bend, almost up to Whiteman Creek. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] Except for one little bit.

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Where the Southampton Ferry was and um Where the Southampton Ferry was and um

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right in the middle of that, uh small lease, right in the middle of that, uh small lease,

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what was, you know, Kenny Graham had it. [Warren] Okay, h- what depth of water were you pulling this gravel up out of? [Norm] Oh well, when you start off, it's only about 20-25 feet. [Warren] Right. [Norm] By the time you're finished, you can be down to 30 or 35 feet. what was, you know, Kenny Graham had it. [Warren] Okay, h- what depth of water were you pulling this gravel up out of? [Norm] Oh well, when you start off, it's only about 20-25 feet. [Warren] Right. [Norm] By the time you're finished, you can be down to 30 or 35 feet.

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With the single line grab, you could go probably as far down as you wanted until you With the single line grab, you could go probably as far down as you wanted until you

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start bringing up um start bringing up um

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mud [Warren] yes [Norm] but you could only dig within a certain distance of the bank, otherwise it affected the bank. [Warren] Oh right. [Norm] And the and the Lands Department was pretty - pretty um mud [Warren] yes [Norm] but you could only dig within a certain distance of the bank, otherwise it affected the bank. [Warren] Oh right. [Norm] And the and the Lands Department was pretty - pretty um

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diligent um watching that sort of thing, you had to work a batter [Warren] okay [Norm] on the - under the water like, you can see a batter on a - on a - above the water on a bank or something like that, but underwater well, it still had to be worked on a batter. diligent um watching that sort of thing, you had to work a batter [Warren] okay [Norm] on the - under the water like, you can see a batter on a - on a - above the water on a bank or something like that, but underwater well, it still had to be worked on a batter.

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[Warren] Eventually um you progress right through the uh - the organisation and - and you ended up uh managing the whole operation. [Norm] Yeah, uh the last, I worked there for [Warren] Eventually um you progress right through the uh - the organisation and - and you ended up uh managing the whole operation. [Norm] Yeah, uh the last, I worked there for

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35 years and um at Oxenford and uh or Oxenford BMG and then Boral as they overtook the - everybody and um 35 years and um at Oxenford and uh or Oxenford BMG and then Boral as they overtook the - everybody and um

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up until um the last 5 years I managed, the last 5 years when I reach - retired, I took over from him. I didn't have a um up until um the last 5 years I managed, the last 5 years when I reach - retired, I took over from him. I didn't have a um

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I didn't have a um Manager's Licence, but they applied to the um I didn't have a um Manager's Licence, but they applied to the um

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to the um Quarry Institute or whoever it was, I just forget at the moment and uh, because I'd worked there for 30 odd years and over time had um been involved in all aspects of the quarry work, they awarded me a - a licence. [Warren] Okay. to the um Quarry Institute or whoever it was, I just forget at the moment and uh, because I'd worked there for 30 odd years and over time had um been involved in all aspects of the quarry work, they awarded me a - a licence. [Warren] Okay.

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Now, back in your earlier days, when you started there, you also um took up sailing? [Norm] Yep. [Warren] Yeah. Tell us a bit about this, the Grafton's, Clarence River Sailing Club. [Norm] Yeah well, actually I started sailing when I was still at Hastings, which come, Now, back in your earlier days, when you started there, you also um took up sailing? [Norm] Yep. [Warren] Yeah. Tell us a bit about this, the Grafton's, Clarence River Sailing Club. [Norm] Yeah well, actually I started sailing when I was still at Hastings, which come,

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come about by um, come about by um,

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our leading hand at that time, Mick Rowles, who used to sail with - our leading hand at that time, Mick Rowles, who used to sail with -

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with um Neil Landenberger and Vicky. Uh Neil Landenberger and Baden Powell. [Warren] Vicky was a VS sailing [Norm] Vicky was a VS [Warren] first class [Norm] class sailing boat yeah, with um Neil Landenberger and Vicky. Uh Neil Landenberger and Baden Powell. [Warren] Vicky was a VS sailing [Norm] Vicky was a VS [Warren] first class [Norm] class sailing boat yeah,

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and  um and  um

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Baden was unavailable one day and Nick asked me would I like to go for a run in the sailing boat, which I did and Baden was unavailable one day and Nick asked me would I like to go for a run in the sailing boat, which I did and

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I was hooked after that. I sailed in another VS when Baden come back with ah Bank Manager, I was hooked after that. I sailed in another VS when Baden come back with ah Bank Manager,

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Jack Lister and Ranger and uh Jack Lister and Ranger and uh

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as I'd, I had a few other rides in different boats. I sailed a couple of times, I think with Pop, but uh [Warren] they're a good training boat. [Norm] They were. [Warren] Yes. [Norm] A good training boat they - [Warren] They are three handed sailing, you learned to [Norm] yeah [Warren] all aspects of sailing. [Norm] Yeah. Putting spinnakers up and working the sheets, balance. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Swim. [Warren] Yeah. as I'd, I had a few other rides in different boats. I sailed a couple of times, I think with Pop, but uh [Warren] they're a good training boat. [Norm] They were. [Warren] Yes. [Norm] A good training boat they - [Warren] They are three handed sailing, you learned to [Norm] yeah [Warren] all aspects of sailing. [Norm] Yeah. Putting spinnakers up and working the sheets, balance. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Swim. [Warren] Yeah.

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A bit of that too. [laughter] [Norm] Fair bit of that too. We don't get westerly's like we used to. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Anyway, uh I then A bit of that too. [laughter] [Norm] Fair bit of that too. We don't get westerly's like we used to. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Anyway, uh I then

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decided because a lot of the other boy's um was getting into um decided because a lot of the other boy's um was getting into um

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BJs. So, I [Warren] They were - they were a smaller but [Norm] small [Warren] only uh 2 - 2-handed. [Norm] They were uh Vaucluse  Junior, where the BSs were Vaucluse Seniors [Warren] mmm [Norm] and uh Malcolm Eggins he was a gun BJs. So, I [Warren] They were - they were a smaller but [Norm] small [Warren] only uh 2 - 2-handed. [Norm] They were uh Vaucluse  Junior, where the BSs were Vaucluse Seniors [Warren] mmm [Norm] and uh Malcolm Eggins he was a gun

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sailor at the time and was building uh I think he built one boat 'bout every 2 seasons for a while. sailor at the time and was building uh I think he built one boat 'bout every 2 seasons for a while.

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Every boat he built was uh named with a T. Every boat he built was uh named with a T.

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Tumult. Tumult.

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Toorooky. Tyrant was mine. [Warren] Torment. [Norm] Torment. Yeah, there was [Warren] Tornado [Norm] Tornado. There was heaps of 'em. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Typhoon. [Warren] Yeah. Toorooky. Tyrant was mine. [Warren] Torment. [Norm] Torment. Yeah, there was [Warren] Tornado [Norm] Tornado. There was heaps of 'em. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Typhoon. [Warren] Yeah.

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Um Um

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so so

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that was where we um got into uh sailing and I sailed a BJ with my young brothers. that was where we um got into uh sailing and I sailed a BJ with my young brothers.

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Youngest brother was ?inaudible? hand ah Youngest brother was ?inaudible? hand ah

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for quite some time and then I finished up selling the BJ uh when I got married, or to get married, or get some money to get married. for quite some time and then I finished up selling the BJ uh when I got married, or to get married, or get some money to get married.

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[Warren] So it's all [Norm] while I was there, I became involved in this hockey [Warren] yeah [Norm] um [Warren] so the sailing club formed a team. [Warren] So it's all [Norm] while I was there, I became involved in this hockey [Warren] yeah [Norm] um [Warren] so the sailing club formed a team.

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Yeah, the sailing club um Yeah, the sailing club um

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they had a couple that were playing, I think, in a - they had a couple that were playing, I think, in a -

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no, the club has um and I'm thinking it might have been um no, the club has um and I'm thinking it might have been um

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surf club team or something like that, and then they decided during the offseason and told they weren't sailing, surf club team or something like that, and then they decided during the offseason and told they weren't sailing,

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that played all [door bang] - band together and make a full, um full number sailing and call it sailing club, full number hockey team and call it sailing club. We had a couple of reserves that played all [door bang] - band together and make a full, um full number sailing and call it sailing club, full number hockey team and call it sailing club. We had a couple of reserves

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and um was only hangers on or, also ran them, didn't know anything about it. and um was only hangers on or, also ran them, didn't know anything about it.

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Then we just went on from there and Then we just went on from there and

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strength to strength and over years, strength to strength and over years,

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because I was involved with the sailing club hockey, we also played basketball, had a basketball team, had squash team. because I was involved with the sailing club hockey, we also played basketball, had a basketball team, had squash team.

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[Warren] This was the [Norm] bask- [Warren] basketball when they used to play basketball in the drill hall. [Norm] Drill hall, yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] This was the [Norm] bask- [Warren] basketball when they used to play basketball in the drill hall. [Norm] Drill hall, yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] Yeah.

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I don't think we ever won any championships. [Warren] Had a lot of fun. [Norm] Had a lot of fun, yeah. I don't think we ever won any championships. [Warren] Had a lot of fun. [Norm] Had a lot of fun, yeah.

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And um And um

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yeah, so yeah, so

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once I left high school and become involved with the - the sailing, and the hockey, and squash, and basketball, and I played, played more sport than I ever thought I ever would [Warren] mmm. once I left high school and become involved with the - the sailing, and the hockey, and squash, and basketball, and I played, played more sport than I ever thought I ever would [Warren] mmm.

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Um about this time, you must have met your future wife. [Norm] Yeah when I was still working at Hastings, when we're teenagers, probably about 17-18 or something. Yeah, she used to live next door, adjacent to Hastings Brothers [Warren] mmm [Norm] and Um about this time, you must have met your future wife. [Norm] Yeah when I was still working at Hastings, when we're teenagers, probably about 17-18 or something. Yeah, she used to live next door, adjacent to Hastings Brothers [Warren] mmm [Norm] and

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yeah. [Warren] What was your wife's maiden name? [Norm] Oxenford. [laughter] [Warren] Oxenford. [Norm] Yeah. yeah. [Warren] What was your wife's maiden name? [Norm] Oxenford. [laughter] [Warren] Oxenford. [Norm] Yeah.

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So um, I started to work for them when I come back Saturday mornings for a bit of more pocket money or money in the bank, if you like to put it that way, uh building up crusher parts and working on different uh structural things that So um, I started to work for them when I come back Saturday mornings for a bit of more pocket money or money in the bank, if you like to put it that way, uh building up crusher parts and working on different uh structural things that

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was uh was uh

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that I'd learnt to do at the engineering shop, and from there on we just, that I'd learnt to do at the engineering shop, and from there on we just,

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as I went to work for 'em in - in the gravel as I went to work for 'em in - in the gravel

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crushing and screening and delivery, sand and gravel got um more involved and - and uh grew and grew - and uh crushing and screening and delivery, sand and gravel got um more involved and - and uh grew and grew - and uh

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we were building our own truck bodies we were building our own truck bodies

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and uh we then went into and uh we then went into

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Ready Mix, had our own Ready Mix, Ready Mix, had our own Ready Mix,

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and um and um

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well, there's always loaders and buildin' up crusher parts, buildin' up putting new blades on loader buckets and [Warren] did you those new punts? [Norm] Yeah, I, we um, well, there's always loaders and buildin' up crusher parts, buildin' up putting new blades on loader buckets and [Warren] did you those new punts? [Norm] Yeah, I, we um,

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we built uh, our big punt or Boral's big punt that's down there now, uh was 90 foot long by 30 foot wide by 6-foot-deep. [Warren] What sort of load would that carry? we built uh, our big punt or Boral's big punt that's down there now, uh was 90 foot long by 30 foot wide by 6-foot-deep. [Warren] What sort of load would that carry?

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Oh about Oh about

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it carried about a 100  it carried about a 100 

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with - with the big crane and that on it, it used to carry 100 and something odd cubic metres [Warren] mmm. with - with the big crane and that on it, it used to carry 100 and something odd cubic metres [Warren] mmm.

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120 perhaps or bit more and it was, weighed about 120 perhaps or bit more and it was, weighed about

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oh 1-1/4 tonne wet, gravel, so you know a fair bit of weight on it. oh 1-1/4 tonne wet, gravel, so you know a fair bit of weight on it.

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[Warren] That 1-1/4 ton per cubic metre? [Norm] yeah [Warren] mmm [Norm] and probably a bit more if it was muddy or wet or they got a real big ?inaudible? - sometimes they get a big grab full but at that stage of the game we [Warren] That 1-1/4 ton per cubic metre? [Norm] yeah [Warren] mmm [Norm] and probably a bit more if it was muddy or wet or they got a real big ?inaudible? - sometimes they get a big grab full but at that stage of the game we

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had uh, we walked a crane off uh Smiths, grab crane or they were used to drag lines or whatever had uh, we walked a crane off uh Smiths, grab crane or they were used to drag lines or whatever

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with a 50-foot gib and - and what we call a 2-line grab bucket on it, with a 50-foot gib and - and what we call a 2-line grab bucket on it,

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whereas the old one, they just used to let the grab down and then let it go and it'd trip and then it'd close and bring it up but with a 2-line. whereas the old one, they just used to let the grab down and then let it go and it'd trip and then it'd close and bring it up but with a 2-line.

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One used to hold the weight of it, but the other one used to make it close up, so they used to have to drop it down and One used to hold the weight of it, but the other one used to make it close up, so they used to have to drop it down and

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hold it with one and then pull the other one in, and it used to close it up but you had a lot more control over it [Warren] mmm [Norm] and um and so we had it sitting on the - walked it on the barge on big heavy timber girders and - hold it with one and then pull the other one in, and it used to close it up but you had a lot more control over it [Warren] mmm [Norm] and um and so we had it sitting on the - walked it on the barge on big heavy timber girders and -

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and the other little barge that we had, we used to take alongside it and we'd load it first, and the other little barge that we had, we used to take alongside it and we'd load it first,

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and um bring it down. By that time, we had our own tank which uh was built over on the Richmond and um bring it down. By that time, we had our own tank which uh was built over on the Richmond

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and uh we brought it back here and unloaded it off um old Bally Austin, a trucking company at the time and uh we brought it back here and unloaded it off um old Bally Austin, a trucking company at the time

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and then brought it over on the back of a tug it, on the back of his trucks and we'd [door bang] and we offloaded it and put it on a carriage, slipway carriage. We built our own slipway down into the river. [Warren] What was the name of that tug? [Norm] Pebbles. [Warren] Pebbles. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] And um old Ronnie Oxenford uh nicknamed it Pebbles or named it Pebble. [Warren] So that was built at Swan Bay, was it? [Norm] Yep, Swan Bay yeah. [Warren] By York Brothers? [Norm] Pardon? [Warren] By York Brothers. [Norm] York brothers. That's correct. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] We built - and then brought it over on the back of a tug it, on the back of his trucks and we'd [door bang] and we offloaded it and put it on a carriage, slipway carriage. We built our own slipway down into the river. [Warren] What was the name of that tug? [Norm] Pebbles. [Warren] Pebbles. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] And um old Ronnie Oxenford uh nicknamed it Pebbles or named it Pebble. [Warren] So that was built at Swan Bay, was it? [Norm] Yep, Swan Bay yeah. [Warren] By York Brothers? [Norm] Pardon? [Warren] By York Brothers. [Norm] York brothers. That's correct. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] We built -

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built the um wheelhouse on it in the back shed over behind the built the um wheelhouse on it in the back shed over behind the

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truck shed and uh we just took it down with - a with a loader I think, might have been a crane and sat it up on top and I just trimmed it and welded it down and - and we put the engine in it uh Wrexon and - and old Ronnie had the major doings of that, aligned it all up and bend it in properly. 5LW Gardner, beautiful motor, beautiful, still going [Warren] mmm. [Norm] Tugs going as good as the day it was put in then. truck shed and uh we just took it down with - a with a loader I think, might have been a crane and sat it up on top and I just trimmed it and welded it down and - and we put the engine in it uh Wrexon and - and old Ronnie had the major doings of that, aligned it all up and bend it in properly. 5LW Gardner, beautiful motor, beautiful, still going [Warren] mmm. [Norm] Tugs going as good as the day it was put in then.

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Okay, now getting back to your courting days, Okay, now getting back to your courting days,

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did you go to dances? [Norm] Yeah. Used to love going to the dance, going to the pictures. That was about all there was to do. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Go to the odd ball. [Warren] Yeah uh, and the dances were where? [Norm] At the Barn. [Warren] At the Barn. [Norm] Yeah mainly at the Barn, some- did you go to dances? [Norm] Yeah. Used to love going to the dance, going to the pictures. That was about all there was to do. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Go to the odd ball. [Warren] Yeah uh, and the dances were where? [Norm] At the Barn. [Warren] At the Barn. [Norm] Yeah mainly at the Barn, some-

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Yeah. Yeah.

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Do you remember the name of the orchestra that used to play at the barn? [Norm] Martin's, I think, most of it. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] And uh I don't think, they didn't play until Matthew's, I'm trying to - who it was over there. [Warren] So what year did you get married? Do you remember the name of the orchestra that used to play at the barn? [Norm] Martin's, I think, most of it. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] And uh I don't think, they didn't play until Matthew's, I'm trying to - who it was over there. [Warren] So what year did you get married?

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[Norm] Did you ask me something? [Warren] Yeah, I did. [Norm] Did you ask me something? [Warren] Yeah, I did.

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[Norm] OK ?inaudible? [Warren] ?inaudible? [Norm] OK ?inaudible? [Warren] ?inaudible?

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Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.

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Children, how many children was there? [Norm] Yeah, we had 3 kids [Warren] yeah [Norm] uh a girl, a boy and a girl. [Warren] Okay and their names were? Children, how many children was there? [Norm] Yeah, we had 3 kids [Warren] yeah [Norm] uh a girl, a boy and a girl. [Warren] Okay and their names were?

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Julie, John and Suzanne. [Warren] Okay. Julie, John and Suzanne. [Warren] Okay.

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And they're all educated here in Grafton? [Norm] Yeah, they all went to Grafton High School. None of them reached any great heights and academically, but in saying that um And they're all educated here in Grafton? [Norm] Yeah, they all went to Grafton High School. None of them reached any great heights and academically, but in saying that um

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Suzanne Suzanne

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got the HSC, and I think - and I think Julie got her HSC - I'm not sure, John did I know. got the HSC, and I think - and I think Julie got her HSC - I'm not sure, John did I know.

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Suzanne went on and did a uh Suzanne went on and did a uh

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university course uh in Queensland and uh finished up with a Diploma of um Business Management and Tourism. university course uh in Queensland and uh finished up with a Diploma of um Business Management and Tourism.

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[Warren] I thought you said they didn't reach any great heights? [Warren] I thought you said they didn't reach any great heights?

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[Norm] I sort of forgot about that. [Warren] Yeah. Okay, now [Norm] she come back to town and m- and managed uh [Norm] I sort of forgot about that. [Warren] Yeah. Okay, now [Norm] she come back to town and m- and managed uh

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?inaudible? tourist part of the bus company. [Warren] Oh yeah. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Schwinghammers [Norm] mmm. ?inaudible? tourist part of the bus company. [Warren] Oh yeah. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Schwinghammers [Norm] mmm.

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[Warren] Okay, now [Warren] Okay, now

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hockey. Norm, you've - you've played a - a great formation part of um hockey. Norm, you've - you've played a - a great formation part of um

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of the hockey uh environment in Grafton. Hockey is a very, very popular sport in the town [Norm] mmm [Warren] um you must be able to tell us a bit about of the hockey uh environment in Grafton. Hockey is a very, very popular sport in the town [Norm] mmm [Warren] um you must be able to tell us a bit about

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history of the Hockey in Grafton. history of the Hockey in Grafton.

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[Norm] Well, as I said before um [Norm] Well, as I said before um

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I - I haven't got a great - I - I haven't got a great -

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great memory about things. I can't remember years. The only year I remember, was the year I did me National Service. great memory about things. I can't remember years. The only year I remember, was the year I did me National Service.

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No, I started playing hockey in No, I started playing hockey in

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in about '52, in about '52,

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mainly because that's when we kicked the sailors off - that's how I remember that. mainly because that's when we kicked the sailors off - that's how I remember that.

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Um and play reserve grade Um and play reserve grade

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for some years and then I played A-grade for probably - for some years and then I played A-grade for probably -

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won the - won the premiership, minor and majors 4 years running and uh [Warren] this for Sailors? [Norm] Sailors, yeah and then uh went a break and then we won it one more year and [Warren] mmm [Norm] and um won the - won the premiership, minor and majors 4 years running and uh [Warren] this for Sailors? [Norm] Sailors, yeah and then uh went a break and then we won it one more year and [Warren] mmm [Norm] and um

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and then I sort of dwindled off, but by this time, I was training kids and uh I kicked the um juniors off. Sailors juniors, and I was totally involved with them um and then I sort of dwindled off, but by this time, I was training kids and uh I kicked the um juniors off. Sailors juniors, and I was totally involved with them um

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every day of the week. every day of the week.

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Used to train as a - as the club - as the junior club grew Used to train as a - as the club - as the junior club grew

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um um

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finished up with 2 teams every afternoon, I used to train 'em. It was alright at first because I only had under 10s finished up with 2 teams every afternoon, I used to train 'em. It was alright at first because I only had under 10s

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and then 2 years later I had under 10's, and under 12's and 2 years later I had under 14's, under 10's, and under 12's, and under 16's and Keith Tayler gave me a hand, and Tommy Muller also major helpers with the - with the boys, but um and then 2 years later I had under 10's, and under 12's and 2 years later I had under 14's, under 10's, and under 12's, and under 16's and Keith Tayler gave me a hand, and Tommy Muller also major helpers with the - with the boys, but um

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yeah, we - we um we developed quite a strong junior club yeah, we - we um we developed quite a strong junior club

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and it sort of - it's still going today and uh the seniors are still going we've and it sort of - it's still going today and uh the seniors are still going we've

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had ups and downs with our fortunes like had ups and downs with our fortunes like

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Premiership wise, if you like to put it that way, we find that oh over years we seem to have Premiership wise, if you like to put it that way, we find that oh over years we seem to have

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um um

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seem to have attracted the - the brainy kids. I don't know why. In saying that I mean seem to have attracted the - the brainy kids. I don't know why. In saying that I mean

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we get an A-grade team together and they train together from about un- well, probably from 12 through we get an A-grade team together and they train together from about un- well, probably from 12 through

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but they finish up about 17s and that and um but they finish up about 17s and that and um

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the A-grade status, probably win an A-grade premiership. the A-grade status, probably win an A-grade premiership.

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then they all go off to University. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Majority of them.[Warren] That's the story of the country town. [Norm] Yeah, yeah. And now I've only heard, one of the other um, I'm not sure whether it was Royals or Barbarians saying this the other day, it's happening to them now [Warren] mmm then they all go off to University. [Warren] Yeah. [Norm] Majority of them.[Warren] That's the story of the country town. [Norm] Yeah, yeah. And now I've only heard, one of the other um, I'm not sure whether it was Royals or Barbarians saying this the other day, it's happening to them now [Warren] mmm

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[Norm] that the top hockey players appear to be top scholars [Warren] mmm [Norm] and they move on to metropolitan area to Universities or whatever and [Warren] Continue to play the sport. [Norm] continue to play sport [Warren] mmm [Norm] playing hockey, yeah for sure [Warren] well [Norm] quite a few sprinkles through the state teams. [Warren] Yeah, my understanding Norm is that you've played a prominent part in this over the years and - and uh hockey has is a - as I said earlier is a - is a premium sport in town. We've produced some very good [Norm] my word [Warren] uh world standard  [Norm] that the top hockey players appear to be top scholars [Warren] mmm [Norm] and they move on to metropolitan area to Universities or whatever and [Warren] Continue to play the sport. [Norm] continue to play sport [Warren] mmm [Norm] playing hockey, yeah for sure [Warren] well [Norm] quite a few sprinkles through the state teams. [Warren] Yeah, my understanding Norm is that you've played a prominent part in this over the years and - and uh hockey has is a - as I said earlier is a - is a premium sport in town. We've produced some very good [Norm] my word [Warren] uh world standard 

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hockey hockey

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players out of the - the town and uh [Norm] yeah [Warren] it's thanks to blokes like you that um, players out of the - the town and uh [Norm] yeah [Warren] it's thanks to blokes like you that um,

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[Norm] oh [Warren] that these young blokes have come through and girls. [Norm] oh [Warren] that these young blokes have come through and girls.

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[Norm] I always say that um you can only, [Norm] I always say that um you can only,

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what do they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink so [Warren] that is true [Norm] you can [Warren] yes [Norm] train 'em and [Warren] yes [Norm] and all that sort of thing. [Warren] But then again, if you don't do the right thing, you turn them off [Norm] have [Warren] too. [Norm] That's exactly right. You've, you've gotta be um what do they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink so [Warren] that is true [Norm] you can [Warren] yes [Norm] train 'em and [Warren] yes [Norm] and all that sort of thing. [Warren] But then again, if you don't do the right thing, you turn them off [Norm] have [Warren] too. [Norm] That's exactly right. You've, you've gotta be um

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mother, father, schoolteacher [Warren] mmm [Norm] uh mate mother, father, schoolteacher [Warren] mmm [Norm] uh mate

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and all and - and the kids [Warren] mmm and all and - and the kids [Warren] mmm

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[Norm] I haven't been involved with kids in the last uh 6 or 8 years, but up until then um we used to cart the kids to um, all over the state to state carnivals and that sort of thing and [Norm] I haven't been involved with kids in the last uh 6 or 8 years, but up until then um we used to cart the kids to um, all over the state to state carnivals and that sort of thing and

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um, yeah. We used to have some successes and [Warren] Are you playing veteran hockey as well? [Norm] No, I can't. Me knees won't let me. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] I just had a knee replacement. [Warren] That's from your sailing days. [Norm] Yeah, it didn't help. [Warren] No. [Norm] And so many miles on the squash courts. So many miles around the hockey park, yeah. [Warren] Mainly the hockey in Grafton was played in Lower Fisher Park? [Norm] Yes, and um as I was pointing out the other day a um, yeah. We used to have some successes and [Warren] Are you playing veteran hockey as well? [Norm] No, I can't. Me knees won't let me. [Warren] Okay. [Norm] I just had a knee replacement. [Warren] That's from your sailing days. [Norm] Yeah, it didn't help. [Warren] No. [Norm] And so many miles on the squash courts. So many miles around the hockey park, yeah. [Warren] Mainly the hockey in Grafton was played in Lower Fisher Park? [Norm] Yes, and um as I was pointing out the other day a

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photograph photograph

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of of

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when we first kicked the juniors off, there was only grass fields. There was no amenities block. [dog barking] There's a great big gathering, at Langley across the field at the base of the [dog barking] Flame Tree Avenue there when we first kicked the juniors off, there was only grass fields. There was no amenities block. [dog barking] There's a great big gathering, at Langley across the field at the base of the [dog barking] Flame Tree Avenue there

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and uh and uh

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anyway, they put the sand based thing in and [dog barking] and amenities block there and there was a [dog barking] grass field below that, where the wet, where the new wet surface is [dog barking] anyway, they put the sand based thing in and [dog barking] and amenities block there and there was a [dog barking] grass field below that, where the wet, where the new wet surface is [dog barking]

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and you could still see [dog barking] the green patch where that big drain used to run across before they put the wet surface on. [Warren] Oh right yeah [dog barking] [Norm] and um dry times and [dog barking] all the fields will be burnt off in winter uh and brown and [dog barking] so forth but there's [dog barking] still this green patch where that [dog barking] big diagonal drain used to run across the [dog barking] hockey field. and you could still see [dog barking] the green patch where that big drain used to run across before they put the wet surface on. [Warren] Oh right yeah [dog barking] [Norm] and um dry times and [dog barking] all the fields will be burnt off in winter uh and brown and [dog barking] so forth but there's [dog barking] still this green patch where that [dog barking] big diagonal drain used to run across the [dog barking] hockey field.

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[Warren] Is there anything that you think that we should mention about uh [Warren] Is there anything that you think that we should mention about uh

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hockey or - [dog barking] [Norm] Well, all I can say is um hockey or - [dog barking] [Norm] Well, all I can say is um

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the old stalwarts, if you like to call us that, there's uh Mick Wunderlich and Tom, Tommy Moller and - and myself and the old stalwarts, if you like to call us that, there's uh Mick Wunderlich and Tom, Tommy Moller and - and myself and

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we've all been involved for years and years, I think. we've all been involved for years and years, I think.

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I've been uh privileged enough to - I've been uh privileged enough to -

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to be made um [dog barking] Life Member of [dog barking] to be made um [dog barking] Life Member of [dog barking]

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so, I was the juniors and the senior hockey uh associations. I'm pretty sure Tom and - so, I was the juniors and the senior hockey uh associations. I'm pretty sure Tom and -

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and the other fella's are also but the people that are [dog barking] running it now, they've sure had foresight and um, and the other fella's are also but the people that are [dog barking] running it now, they've sure had foresight and um,

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and worked in - and worked in -

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I was going to say butt's off, but fingers to the bone [laughing] [Warren] yeah, they have. [Norm] Um they've done a - [Warren] they've done impressive work [Norm] a marvelous job [Warren] yeah. With the - they got, first of all, they ended up with, what was the first improved field they put in? I was going to say butt's off, but fingers to the bone [laughing] [Warren] yeah, they have. [Norm] Um they've done a - [Warren] they've done impressive work [Norm] a marvelous job [Warren] yeah. With the - they got, first of all, they ended up with, what was the first improved field they put in?

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[Norm] Yeah, the sand based. [Warren] The Sand based. [Norm] Well I was pretty involved with um, [Norm] Yeah, the sand based. [Warren] The Sand based. [Norm] Well I was pretty involved with um,

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getting the amenities block there in the first place. getting the amenities block there in the first place.

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and planning through the Grafton City Council and Sports Ground Management Committee and all that sort of thing and planning through the Grafton City Council and Sports Ground Management Committee and all that sort of thing

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but then but then

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I was just starting to - I was just starting to -

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to um ease off if you like to put it that way, or when they put the um sand base in, to um ease off if you like to put it that way, or when they put the um sand base in,

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and then, of course, they went [dog barking] went on again, they paid for that [dog barking] in extra good time paid it off and so now [dog barking] they've got the other, and then, of course, they went [dog barking] went on again, they paid for that [dog barking] in extra good time paid it off and so now [dog barking] they've got the other,

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uh wet surface and that big um accommodation block there [Warren] mmm [Norm] tremendous amount of thought. [Warren] Oh tremendous amount of work yeah. [Norm] But uh in saying that um, uh wet surface and that big um accommodation block there [Warren] mmm [Norm] tremendous amount of thought. [Warren] Oh tremendous amount of work yeah. [Norm] But uh in saying that um,

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it not only um caters for the hockey, but it caters for other sporting organisation, like rowers and basketballs, netballers. it not only um caters for the hockey, but it caters for other sporting organisation, like rowers and basketballs, netballers.

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[Warren] To the accommodation? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] It's - it's tremendous asset to the team. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Absolutely. [Norm] Tremendous asset to the team. [Warren] Going to be a lot of towns give their eye teeth for that. [Norm] Yeah, for sure. [Warren] Mmm. [Warren] To the accommodation? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] It's - it's tremendous asset to the team. [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Absolutely. [Norm] Tremendous asset to the team. [Warren] Going to be a lot of towns give their eye teeth for that. [Norm] Yeah, for sure. [Warren] Mmm.

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And up before they uh put the second wet surface in, the Grafton City Council got to be commended for the - And up before they uh put the second wet surface in, the Grafton City Council got to be commended for the -

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the upkeep and that and um I know that hockey fella's um put a fair bit into it. The lining and the uh that sort of thing. Lining meaning marking of lines and so forth the upkeep and that and um I know that hockey fella's um put a fair bit into it. The lining and the uh that sort of thing. Lining meaning marking of lines and so forth

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but the surface has always mowed and - and um but the surface has always mowed and - and um

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extremely better, better grass surface than anywhere else in the state [Warren] mmm [Norm] I've never ever run across. extremely better, better grass surface than anywhere else in the state [Warren] mmm [Norm] I've never ever run across.

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You go to Parks or Orange, or you're up and down and lumps and bumps and yeah. You go to Parks or Orange, or you're up and down and lumps and bumps and yeah.

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People come here from other districts, the state carnivals and - and even if they have to play the prelims on the grass surface, they got nothing but, you know, praise for the surface as they play on [Warren] mmm [Norm] very good. People come here from other districts, the state carnivals and - and even if they have to play the prelims on the grass surface, they got nothing but, you know, praise for the surface as they play on [Warren] mmm [Norm] very good.

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Well Norm, we're just about um coming to the end of the interview. Have you um, are you happy with the interview? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] Yeah, sure. Well Norm, we're just about um coming to the end of the interview. Have you um, are you happy with the interview? [Norm] Yeah. [Warren] Mmm. [Norm] Yeah, sure.

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[Warren] Okay. [Warren] Okay.

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Well, I've got nothing else to say. Well, we'll wind up and um thanks very much for your contribution and I'm sure this will be of interest to people in future years and I congratulate you for your effort that you've put into the town that you've called home. Well, I've got nothing else to say. Well, we'll wind up and um thanks very much for your contribution and I'm sure this will be of interest to people in future years and I congratulate you for your effort that you've put into the town that you've called home.

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[Norm] For quite some years. [Warren] Thanks Norm. [Norm] Thank you, Warren. Thank you. [Norm] For quite some years. [Warren] Thanks Norm. [Norm] Thank you, Warren. Thank you.

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Pleasure. Pleasure.