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This is Maree Burrows and today I'm speaking with Marie Crispin. Marie's agreed to do the interviews for the Re- Reflections of the Clarence Project. So, we'll get started Marie, with a few of the questions I've got written down. This is Maree Burrows and today I'm speaking with Marie Crispin. Marie's agreed to do the interviews for the Re- Reflections of the Clarence Project. So, we'll get started Marie, with a few of the questions I've got written down.

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When were you born? When were you born?

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The date of birth? [Marie] Yeah, 5th of May, 1927. [Maree] Yeah, and where was that that you were born? [Marie] at North Mead. [Maree] Thank you. Where were your par- The date of birth? [Marie] Yeah, 5th of May, 1927. [Maree] Yeah, and where was that that you were born? [Marie] at North Mead. [Maree] Thank you. Where were your par-

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parents born? parents born?

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Well, my father was born in Kempsey [Maree] yeah [Marie] and my mother was born in Well, my father was born in Kempsey [Maree] yeah [Marie] and my mother was born in

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Braidwood. [Maree] Braidwood. [Marie] Braidwood. [Maree] Near what did you say that was ne- [Marie] Southern Highlands. [Maree] Yeah. How did they meet if they're so far away? How do you, how did your parents meet, do you know? Braidwood. [Maree] Braidwood. [Marie] Braidwood. [Maree] Near what did you say that was ne- [Marie] Southern Highlands. [Maree] Yeah. How did they meet if they're so far away? How do you, how did your parents meet, do you know?

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[Marie] No. [Maree] Just often they come from the same place, you know? 'Cause you didn't get around those days like you do now. [Marie] No. [Maree] Just often they come from the same place, you know? 'Cause you didn't get around those days like you do now.

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How many brothers and sisters did you have? How many brothers and sisters did you have?

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I had 3, 3 sisters and 1 brother. I had 3, 3 sisters and 1 brother.

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[Maree] And some of them have died haven't they? [Marie] Yes. Yes. [Maree] And some of them have died haven't they? [Marie] Yes. Yes.

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And what kind of house did you live in as a child? And what kind of house did you live in as a child?

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[Marie] Oh, it was a full brick house. Wasn't brick veneer. It was [Maree] no [Marie] it was full, full brick [Maree] double brick, yeah [Marie] double brick tiled roof. [Marie] Oh, it was a full brick house. Wasn't brick veneer. It was [Maree] no [Marie] it was full, full brick [Maree] double brick, yeah [Marie] double brick tiled roof.

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[Maree] And you would have had electricity being in the city [Marie] mmm [Maree] I suppose, yeah. [Maree] And you would have had electricity being in the city [Marie] mmm [Maree] I suppose, yeah.

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Have a bathroom and toilet inside? Have a bathroom and toilet inside?

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[Marie] No. [Maree] Nah. Must have been outside those days. [Laughter] [Marie] No. [Maree] Nah. Must have been outside those days. [Laughter]

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Now we go to, just referring to food. How did the family get food and where did, did it come from? No supermarkets then. Now we go to, just referring to food. How did the family get food and where did, did it come from? No supermarkets then.

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[Marie] Father was a great gardener of vegetables [Maree] oh lovely [Marie] and he kept us and he had chooks and we had plenty of eggs. He had a cow that he used to milk himself, so we always had lots and lots of milk. [Marie] Father was a great gardener of vegetables [Maree] oh lovely [Marie] and he kept us and he had chooks and we had plenty of eggs. He had a cow that he used to milk himself, so we always had lots and lots of milk.

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[Maree] Lovely. [Marie] Then the tradesmen then used to call round to the house [Maree] excellent [Marie] to pick up my mother's orders. [Maree] When you say you had a cow and a big vegetable garden, you musta had more than a normal block of land, a house block. [Marie] Yes. [Maree] That you had [Marie] it was a double block, [Maree] double block [Marie] yeah [Maree] oh that'd be good [Marie] and that we had corn growing. [Maree] Lovely. [Marie] Then the tradesmen then used to call round to the house [Maree] excellent [Marie] to pick up my mother's orders. [Maree] When you say you had a cow and a big vegetable garden, you musta had more than a normal block of land, a house block. [Marie] Yes. [Maree] That you had [Marie] it was a double block, [Maree] double block [Marie] yeah [Maree] oh that'd be good [Marie] and that we had corn growing.

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[Maree] And this one's on clothing. How and where did the family get clothing like, did your mother sew or [Marie] yeah, she did, yes. [Maree] Make most things for the children? [Maree] And this one's on clothing. How and where did the family get clothing like, did your mother sew or [Marie] yeah, she did, yes. [Maree] Make most things for the children?

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[Marie] A lot of things. [Maree] Yeah. [Marie] A lot of things. [Maree] Yeah.

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Like living in Sydney, you'd had more access to, to shop bought clothing [Marie] mmm [Maree] you might say, wouldn't you? [Marie] I remember she used to take me into Coles and it had a big sign across the back with 'nothing over 2 and 6 pence'. [Maree] Oh, how lovely. [Marie] So I'd get little dresses for 2 and 6. [Maree] Oh dear. Like living in Sydney, you'd had more access to, to shop bought clothing [Marie] mmm [Maree] you might say, wouldn't you? [Marie] I remember she used to take me into Coles and it had a big sign across the back with 'nothing over 2 and 6 pence'. [Maree] Oh, how lovely. [Marie] So I'd get little dresses for 2 and 6. [Maree] Oh dear.

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What school did you attend? [Marie] I went to Northmead Public School [Maree] mmm [Marie] and then I went to Parramatta Home Science School in Parramatta. What school did you attend? [Marie] I went to Northmead Public School [Maree] mmm [Marie] and then I went to Parramatta Home Science School in Parramatta.

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[Maree] And what kind of clothes did you wear to school? Did you wear a uniform or, or just ordinary clothes? [Marie] Um, in the public school, no. You could wear [Maree] mmm [Marie] whatever you liked, but in the um [Maree] And what kind of clothes did you wear to school? Did you wear a uniform or, or just ordinary clothes? [Marie] Um, in the public school, no. You could wear [Maree] mmm [Marie] whatever you liked, but in the um

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secondary school we had to wear, very strict. Tunic, blazers [Maree] oh [Marie] Panama hats, black stockings [Maree] oh goodness [Marie] gloves and black shoes [Maree] ok [Marie] and a, and a tie. [Maree] Kids wouldn't do that today. secondary school we had to wear, very strict. Tunic, blazers [Maree] oh [Marie] Panama hats, black stockings [Maree] oh goodness [Marie] gloves and black shoes [Maree] ok [Marie] and a, and a tie. [Maree] Kids wouldn't do that today.

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And what games did you, do you remember playing at school? And what games did you, do you remember playing at school?

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Sports [Marie] oh [Maree] within school. Sports [Marie] oh [Maree] within school.

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Basketball [Maree] yeah. [Marie] And a game called ?inaudible? [Maree] oh [Marie] Where you used to throw a rubber ring. Basketball [Maree] yeah. [Marie] And a game called ?inaudible? [Maree] oh [Marie] Where you used to throw a rubber ring.

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Tunnel ball. [Maree] Yeah. Tunnel ball. [Maree] Yeah.

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[Marie] Wasn't a great sports person, so didn't [Maree] ?inaudible? [Marie] interest me very much. [Marie] Wasn't a great sports person, so didn't [Maree] ?inaudible? [Marie] interest me very much.

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Do you recall any special events or celebrations at the school during school days? Do you recall any special events or celebrations at the school during school days?

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100 - 150th celebrations were held in Sydney for the 150th [Maree] oh yeah [Marie] anniversary [Maree] yeah [Marie] and Dad took us into, into Sydney and um 100 - 150th celebrations were held in Sydney for the 150th [Maree] oh yeah [Marie] anniversary [Maree] yeah [Marie] and Dad took us into, into Sydney and um

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watched it from on top of his shoulders I think it was. [Maree] oh that would have been exciting.  watched it from on top of his shoulders I think it was. [Maree] oh that would have been exciting. 

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Yeah. Yeah.

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The, then, we go on to health and medicine. The, then, we go on to health and medicine.

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A doctor, nurse A doctor, nurse

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and or hospital close by? He would have had his phone. [Marie] Was this when I was in Sydney? [Maree] Yeah, yeah. When you're young. [Marie] Yes, we had a, a lovely family doctor called Dr. O'Reilly [Maree] mmhmm [Marie] who was in Parramatta and, and he would come out at the drop of a hat [Maree] oh lovely [Marie] if you needed him, you know. [Maree] I think this question is probably in for people who were maybe born and lived out of town and maybe had primitive arrangements and had to travel to doctors and things, so you were one of the lucky ones who lived [Marie] mmm [Maree] close was, so and or hospital close by? He would have had his phone. [Marie] Was this when I was in Sydney? [Maree] Yeah, yeah. When you're young. [Marie] Yes, we had a, a lovely family doctor called Dr. O'Reilly [Maree] mmhmm [Marie] who was in Parramatta and, and he would come out at the drop of a hat [Maree] oh lovely [Marie] if you needed him, you know. [Maree] I think this question is probably in for people who were maybe born and lived out of town and maybe had primitive arrangements and had to travel to doctors and things, so you were one of the lucky ones who lived [Marie] mmm [Maree] close was, so

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one good thing about [Marie] yeah [Maree] living in the city. You had access to all those things. [Marie] Also, my mother had all of us at home. one good thing about [Marie] yeah [Maree] living in the city. You had access to all those things. [Marie] Also, my mother had all of us at home.

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[Maree] Yeah. Oh my goodness. [Marie] Didn't have to go to hospital. [Maree] Even though you were in the city? [Marie] Was born in [Maree] goodness [Marie] the house [Maree] mmm [Marie] and she always had a midwife [Maree] yeah. [Marie] And she'd, they'd call the doctor sort of at the last minute. And then she had a lady looking after her who was [Maree] mmm [Marie] like our auntie, we used to call her [Maree] yeah [Marie] who'd look after Mum, you know, while she uh [Maree] Yeah. Oh my goodness. [Marie] Didn't have to go to hospital. [Maree] Even though you were in the city? [Marie] Was born in [Maree] goodness [Marie] the house [Maree] mmm [Marie] and she always had a midwife [Maree] yeah. [Marie] And she'd, they'd call the doctor sort of at the last minute. And then she had a lady looking after her who was [Maree] mmm [Marie] like our auntie, we used to call her [Maree] yeah [Marie] who'd look after Mum, you know, while she uh

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?inaudible? the baby. ?inaudible? the baby.

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Do you recall any home remedies that were used in your home? You know, like castor oil was used [Marie] I was [Maree] for everything. Do you recall any home remedies that were used in your home? You know, like castor oil was used [Marie] I was [Maree] for everything.

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I remember Mum lining us up of a Saturday morning we'd all get our dose of syrup of figs. I remember Mum lining us up of a Saturday morning we'd all get our dose of syrup of figs.

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Or what was that other one? [Maree] ?inaudible? [Marie] ?inaudible? [Maree] Oh yes. [Marie] Yeah. And then she had a, a mania about uh our bowels, Or what was that other one? [Maree] ?inaudible? [Marie] ?inaudible? [Maree] Oh yes. [Marie] Yeah. And then she had a, a mania about uh our bowels,

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bowels acting [Maree] oh yeah [Marie] every day and if they didn't, bowels acting [Maree] oh yeah [Marie] every day and if they didn't,

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we would get the um we would get the um

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?inaudible? ?inaudible?

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Oh, she had a rubber pipe [Maree] oh like an, an enema? [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] Yeah. Oh my goodness. [Marie] We'd get over her knee in the bathroom [Maree] mmm [Marie] and we'd get an enema. Oh, she had a rubber pipe [Maree] oh like an, an enema? [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] Yeah. Oh my goodness. [Marie] We'd get over her knee in the bathroom [Maree] mmm [Marie] and we'd get an enema.

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Drastic. Drastic.

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And the next subject's on religion. And the next subject's on religion.

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Religious activities important in your family? Religious activities important in your family?

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[Marie] Well, we were all made to go to Sunday school. [Maree] Yep. [Marie] I attended the Northmead Methodist Sunday School. We were actually christened Church of England, but Mum didn't like the teacher, the Church of England Church, so she sent us to the Methodist, which was the happiest days of my life. I loved it. [Maree] Oh that's alright. It's the same God. [Marie] Well, we were all made to go to Sunday school. [Maree] Yep. [Marie] I attended the Northmead Methodist Sunday School. We were actually christened Church of England, but Mum didn't like the teacher, the Church of England Church, so she sent us to the Methodist, which was the happiest days of my life. I loved it. [Maree] Oh that's alright. It's the same God.

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So [Marie] yes [Maree] OK and you had a church nearby where you [Marie] we walked to church. [Maree] Yeah? Great. So [Marie] yes [Maree] OK and you had a church nearby where you [Marie] we walked to church. [Maree] Yeah? Great.

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And about transport, did your family have a car? And about transport, did your family have a car?

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Several cars. They were all second hand. [Maree] Mmhmm. [Marie] But prior to that my Dad had a motorbike and sidecar. [Maree] Oh, how lovely. [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] I bet you loved going in that. Several cars. They were all second hand. [Maree] Mmhmm. [Marie] But prior to that my Dad had a motorbike and sidecar. [Maree] Oh, how lovely. [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] I bet you loved going in that.

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And you, yourse-, did you have a bike or a horse? [Marie] Yes. I had a bike. [Maree] A bike, yeah? And was there a good bus service near your [Marie] yeah [Maree] home? [Marie] Yes, we only lived 3 doors up from the corner. And you, yourse-, did you have a bike or a horse? [Marie] Yes. I had a bike. [Maree] A bike, yeah? And was there a good bus service near your [Marie] yeah [Maree] home? [Marie] Yes, we only lived 3 doors up from the corner.

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[Maree] Now he, round to employment. What employment was your father in- involved in? And you said [Marie] Well, he was a [Marie] clerk [Maree] clerk [Marie] at the Australian Gas Light Company [Maree] Now he, round to employment. What employment was your father in- involved in? And you said [Marie] Well, he was a [Marie] clerk [Maree] clerk [Marie] at the Australian Gas Light Company

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Parramatta and then he went to the Sydney office. Parramatta and then he went to the Sydney office.

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[Maree] So all his working life he was there? [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] So all his working life he was there? [Marie] Yeah.

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And what about when you left school? What employment did you go to? And what about when you left school? What employment did you go to?

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When I left school, I went to Stott's Business College in Parramatta for 12 months to learn typing, shorthand and bookkeeping. When I left school, I went to Stott's Business College in Parramatta for 12 months to learn typing, shorthand and bookkeeping.

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And after that 12 months, my Dad who knew everybody, And after that 12 months, my Dad who knew everybody,

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got me a job with uh Coleman and Greig solicitors [Maree] mmm mmm [Marie] in Parramatta and I was there till I got married. got me a job with uh Coleman and Greig solicitors [Maree] mmm mmm [Marie] in Parramatta and I was there till I got married.

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Things were done in those days and [Marie] mmm [Maree] it was OK. [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] Nothing wrong with it. Things were done in those days and [Marie] mmm [Maree] it was OK. [Marie] Yeah. [Maree] Nothing wrong with it.

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Now on to entertainment. Now on to entertainment.

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Did your family entertain themselves? I think they're referring here to if you, you know, played board games or cards or something at home, or if you went out, went to the pictures or [Marie] mmm, yeah, we did a lot of uh Did your family entertain themselves? I think they're referring here to if you, you know, played board games or cards or something at home, or if you went out, went to the pictures or [Marie] mmm, yeah, we did a lot of uh

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trips to the pictures because it was during the war years [Maree] yeah [Marie] and um, there wasn't much on but we used to have sing songs round the piano. My auntie lived up the road and she was our resident pianist. [Maree] How lovely. [Marie] She'd come down and play away and we'd all sing [Maree] mmhmm [Marie] and we'd have parties [Maree] yes [Marie] and things like that, mmm. trips to the pictures because it was during the war years [Maree] yeah [Marie] and um, there wasn't much on but we used to have sing songs round the piano. My auntie lived up the road and she was our resident pianist. [Maree] How lovely. [Marie] She'd come down and play away and we'd all sing [Maree] mmhmm [Marie] and we'd have parties [Maree] yes [Marie] and things like that, mmm.

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And what about? And what about?

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Did you did any of the brothers or sisters or yourself, John, any groups like the the? Did you did any of the brothers or sisters or yourself, John, any groups like the the?

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Any clubs or scouts or any of that? Or didn't you do that now? Did you have dances near your home? Any clubs or scouts or any of that? Or didn't you do that now? Did you have dances near your home?

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When I was getting up around 1415, some 16 perhaps, we go up to the local hall every Friday night and Saturday night. When I was getting up around 1415, some 16 perhaps, we go up to the local hall every Friday night and Saturday night.

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All time dancing and I loved it. That's good. All time dancing and I loved it. That's good.

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And this subjects called general so we're watching local event or disaster has left a lasting impression on you and why? And this subjects called general so we're watching local event or disaster has left a lasting impression on you and why?

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I think this this question is referring a lot to Grafton and a lot of people speak about the floods. I know you grew up in Sydney, but you have been in Grafton for a long time. So maybe if you can put your mind to floods or something else that's happening Grafton that you recall. I think this this question is referring a lot to Grafton and a lot of people speak about the floods. I know you grew up in Sydney, but you have been in Grafton for a long time. So maybe if you can put your mind to floods or something else that's happening Grafton that you recall.

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I came up to live in Grafton just after I was married. I was only 20 years old. I came up to live in Grafton just after I was married. I was only 20 years old.

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On in 1948, I think it was. On in 1948, I think it was.

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And in 1950 we had the big 1950 flood, and I didn't know what it hit me. I've never seen anything like it in my life. And in 1950 we had the big 1950 flood, and I didn't know what it hit me. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

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And I was pregnant with my first child and. And I was pregnant with my first child and.

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I've got this letter here that I wrote to my mother, telling her all about what happened, you know? I've got this letter here that I wrote to my mother, telling her all about what happened, you know?

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That's a wonderful thing to have. So for the recording now, showing me a beautiful handwritten letter on paper and the envelope's all yellows and but beautiful handwriting that everyone had in those days. And it's a great memory to have. It's wonderful. I hope that's going to be led to somebody so trusted that you can trust with it. Mary, that's a wonderful thing to have. My daughter and granddaughter will look after that, I'm sure. And you must get some good platter copies of it. So you stick it around. That's good on all. Yeah, it's a lovely memory. That's a wonderful thing to have. So for the recording now, showing me a beautiful handwritten letter on paper and the envelope's all yellows and but beautiful handwriting that everyone had in those days. And it's a great memory to have. It's wonderful. I hope that's going to be led to somebody so trusted that you can trust with it. Mary, that's a wonderful thing to have. My daughter and granddaughter will look after that, I'm sure. And you must get some good platter copies of it. So you stick it around. That's good on all. Yeah, it's a lovely memory.

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Thanks for showing me that, Marie. Thanks for showing me that, Marie.

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There. Have you got any memories of a national event? You know something that happened in applies other than grafting that you really. There. Have you got any memories of a national event? You know something that happened in applies other than grafting that you really.

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I can think of, well, I need disaster. I can think of is the war breaking out? We're still at school. Is that relevant? Yes, of course. I can think of, well, I need disaster. I can think of is the war breaking out? We're still at school. Is that relevant? Yes, of course.

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More was declared when I was 11 and I remember. More was declared when I was 11 and I remember.

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My mum and dad, you know, looking absolutely shocked and worried and and I went through all my school years and secondary school. My mum and dad, you know, looking absolutely shocked and worried and and I went through all my school years and secondary school.

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With air ride drills. With air ride drills.

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Running down into Air Rd. shelters that were dug in the playground of our school. Running down into Air Rd. shelters that were dug in the playground of our school.

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And we had to practice, practice all the time, waiting for the real thing. And it was a very worrying time. And then when I was about, oh. And we had to practice, practice all the time, waiting for the real thing. And it was a very worrying time. And then when I was about, oh.

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1415. That was when the Subs entered Sydney Harbour. We just lived, you know, 15 miles out of Sydney. 1415. That was when the Subs entered Sydney Harbour. We just lived, you know, 15 miles out of Sydney.

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And it was the most frightening thing I've ever been through. And it was the most frightening thing I've ever been through.

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Or shivered and shook and my sister wet herself and waiting for the planes to come over. And bombers, you know, we didn't know what was going on. That's what you expected. Dreadful day was terrible. Or shivered and shook and my sister wet herself and waiting for the planes to come over. And bombers, you know, we didn't know what was going on. That's what you expected. Dreadful day was terrible.

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Is there a person in your life who's made a lasting impression on you for any reason, Anytime? Is there a person in your life who's made a lasting impression on you for any reason, Anytime?

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Could be a relative or a teacher or someone in church or. Could be a relative or a teacher or someone in church or.

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Well, last one or on our two? One was more primary school teacher Mr. Faulkner, who I just adored. Well, last one or on our two? One was more primary school teacher Mr. Faulkner, who I just adored.

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And he used to call me Rosemarie. And he used to call me Rosemarie.

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And. And.

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He just taught me how to write proper. You said I had nice handling. Well, I think Mr. Faulkner for that because he had a beautiful handwriting. I just looked up to him. You know, he was just a wonderful teacher because my kids are scared of their teachers and that locked them at all. So it's really good and refreshing to hear so much. And I love they teach you. That's lovely. And who you said they were too. The other one came into more love, much, much lighter. He just taught me how to write proper. You said I had nice handling. Well, I think Mr. Faulkner for that because he had a beautiful handwriting. I just looked up to him. You know, he was just a wonderful teacher because my kids are scared of their teachers and that locked them at all. So it's really good and refreshing to hear so much. And I love they teach you. That's lovely. And who you said they were too. The other one came into more love, much, much lighter.

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That was Jack Shamrock. Oh OK very good. Very de framed and so loving and. That was Jack Shamrock. Oh OK very good. Very de framed and so loving and.

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I just missed him terribly. I just missed him terribly.

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Recording that's where I met Marie. I used to work at Asian and Villa and Jack was a resident there and Murray used to come and visit him with very, very good friend who he looked forward to regular visits and that's it's a big gap in the life when when Jack read. So thanks for that Mary. And what memories do you have of the Clarence River? Recording that's where I met Marie. I used to work at Asian and Villa and Jack was a resident there and Murray used to come and visit him with very, very good friend who he looked forward to regular visits and that's it's a big gap in the life when when Jack read. So thanks for that Mary. And what memories do you have of the Clarence River?

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Flood, recreation, employment or travel will You've given us a very good description of the flood. Flood, recreation, employment or travel will You've given us a very good description of the flood.

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Anything else? Have you ever been on boats on the river much? Anything else? Have you ever been on boats on the river much?

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Oh, I've been on one boat, but the one that sticks in my memory is the flowing boat. Oh, of course. And when my dad passed away, I had to go to Sydney, and Jeff was only a little baby. And we flew down in the flying boat and came back on it, and I brought my mother back with me. That's the one and only time I've ever been on it. It was so sad that they took it away. Yes. What was the other thing you mentioned? Oh, I've been on one boat, but the one that sticks in my memory is the flowing boat. Oh, of course. And when my dad passed away, I had to go to Sydney, and Jeff was only a little baby. And we flew down in the flying boat and came back on it, and I brought my mother back with me. That's the one and only time I've ever been on it. It was so sad that they took it away. Yes. What was the other thing you mentioned?

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Oh, just a suggestion. If you had flood, recreation, employment or travel connected with the river, that was all. Oh, just a suggestion. If you had flood, recreation, employment or travel connected with the river, that was all.

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Some people employment is fishing by the pro neutral that's that you you obviously haven't got that. Some people employment is fishing by the pro neutral that's that you you obviously haven't got that.

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And what about memories of the Jacqueline Festival? Have you ever got interested in in the festival match? Oh yeah, I was a judge once. I loved it. And what about memories of the Jacqueline Festival? Have you ever got interested in in the festival match? Oh yeah, I was a judge once. I loved it.

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I've only done it the ones that would have been difficult. I've only done it the ones that would have been difficult.

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It was a long trek on a hot day, but it was very rewarding. It was a long trek on a hot day, but it was very rewarding.

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We got a lovely cup of Toon scones at the end of it. Yeah, that's what I saw. Really nice. And I've been to all the things that have been on, you know, and all the cultural displays and whatever. It's a good time, isn't it? It's a lovely thing to have. Now that's the end of those. We got a lovely cup of Toon scones at the end of it. Yeah, that's what I saw. Really nice. And I've been to all the things that have been on, you know, and all the cultural displays and whatever. It's a good time, isn't it? It's a lovely thing to have. Now that's the end of those.

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Describe question to mark side, but we just want to talk about about other things. Describe question to mark side, but we just want to talk about about other things.

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Obviously you've told us how you grew up in Sydney and became a local in Grafton when you were 20 and that's fine, but that I reckon 60 plus years match your local so. Obviously you've told us how you grew up in Sydney and became a local in Grafton when you were 20 and that's fine, but that I reckon 60 plus years match your local so.

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I just thought we'd have a bit of a talk about what you've done since you've been here and about your family and. I just thought we'd have a bit of a talk about what you've done since you've been here and about your family and.

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I was surprised when I rang Marie to arrange the interview that her son is Jeff Crispin and I know you 3A maps event his workshop and have a look at his beautiful works of art and he's a very clever person. So Marie is very proud of him that she's got, I'm sure lots of good stories to tell us about a life in Grafton as well as she's already told us about Sydney. I was surprised when I rang Marie to arrange the interview that her son is Jeff Crispin and I know you 3A maps event his workshop and have a look at his beautiful works of art and he's a very clever person. So Marie is very proud of him that she's got, I'm sure lots of good stories to tell us about a life in Grafton as well as she's already told us about Sydney.

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So, Mary, what start? When you came, what was your husband? So, Mary, what start? When you came, what was your husband?

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Employing and And how did you settling into Grafton? He was in the Air Force during the war and of course when the war ended he had to get back to civilian life. So he went back to his child of being an electrician. But he still had to finish his Technical College and after we were married in 1947, he did that for about 6 months. We lived in a flat in Sydney and then his father was living on his own up here in Grafton and he pleaded with us to come up to Grafton. Employing and And how did you settling into Grafton? He was in the Air Force during the war and of course when the war ended he had to get back to civilian life. So he went back to his child of being an electrician. But he still had to finish his Technical College and after we were married in 1947, he did that for about 6 months. We lived in a flat in Sydney and then his father was living on his own up here in Grafton and he pleaded with us to come up to Grafton.

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So we climbed to Grafton and he worked for. So we climbed to Grafton and he worked for.

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Oh, in his early years he worked for Sid Coleman, the electrician, And when we came back, he got a job with Frank Richardson. Oh, in his early years he worked for Sid Coleman, the electrician, And when we came back, he got a job with Frank Richardson.

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And he was with Frank for 25 years, I think. And he was with Frank for 25 years, I think.

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And so I had my first child, I think 16 months after I was married. That was Pam. She's now Pam Day, married to Phillip. And so I had my first child, I think 16 months after I was married. That was Pam. She's now Pam Day, married to Phillip.

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And then Jeff came along in 1951. And then Jeff came along in 1951.

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He was married to Fiona Gavins. He was married to Fiona Gavins.

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They've since separated, unfortunately. I had two children and the youngest one is Jennifer Island. They've since separated, unfortunately. I had two children and the youngest one is Jennifer Island.

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And. And she lives in Grafton and your older daughters in Tamworth and Jess here. And. And she lives in Grafton and your older daughters in Tamworth and Jess here.

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You're surrounded by family, you might say. You've got grandchildren, you've got 6 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. You're surrounded by family, you might say. You've got grandchildren, you've got 6 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

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And. And.

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Jeff, you know, pops in and you even brings me in meals. Jeff, you know, pops in and you even brings me in meals.

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Cooking. And so I'm very grateful for those. Yes, you got a good life. Cooking. And so I'm very grateful for those. Yes, you got a good life.

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And. And.

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When did your husband die? When did your husband die?

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Who died in 1992. Who died in 1992.

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We were in business in Prince St. We had the MK Lighting centre. We were in business in Prince St. We had the MK Lighting centre.

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And he was still working as an electrician for Frank Richardson. No, we he was working for Rich. One thing. That's right, when Frank was drowned at Yamba. And he was still working as an electrician for Frank Richardson. No, we he was working for Rich. One thing. That's right, when Frank was drowned at Yamba.

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And then he. And then he.

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Took a job with Richmond. Took a job with Richmond.

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And it was, well, always ours to look after the shop and he just be buckled at the nose. His legs went from under him one day and we knew that there was something radically wrong. And it was, well, always ours to look after the shop and he just be buckled at the nose. His legs went from under him one day and we knew that there was something radically wrong.

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So he went to the doctor and of course he was diagnosed with bowel cancer. So he went to the doctor and of course he was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

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And. And.

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I had to leave. We had to sell up the shop to, you know, I had to look after him. I had to leave. We had to sell up the shop to, you know, I had to look after him.

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And. And.

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I think it was about 10 months later he died. I think it was about 10 months later he died.

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So I was left alone up in the house in Robert's Drive. So I was left alone up in the house in Robert's Drive.

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I stayed there for 11 years. I stayed there for 11 years.

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On my own and trying to cope. On my own and trying to cope.

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So in the end I sold it and bought this unit that I'm in now. So in the end I sold it and bought this unit that I'm in now.

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And you're happy here. Very happy. Good. And you mentioned earlier you're still working. And you're happy here. Very happy. Good. And you mentioned earlier you're still working.

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At 80 parts, I think it's pretty good. Tell us about your work. At 80 parts, I think it's pretty good. Tell us about your work.

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Well, after all my three children went to school when the youngest one was 5 and went to school. Well, after all my three children went to school when the youngest one was 5 and went to school.

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I didn't feel fulfilled enough to just stay at home. I wanted to get a job and I love the legal work that I did in Sydney. I didn't feel fulfilled enough to just stay at home. I wanted to get a job and I love the legal work that I did in Sydney.

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So I went and saw Mr. Nini and Owen one day to ask him if he had a vacancy. You know that I had experience. So I went and saw Mr. Nini and Owen one day to ask him if he had a vacancy. You know that I had experience.

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So he put me on for casual work at 1st and then developed into full time. So he put me on for casual work at 1st and then developed into full time.

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And I was there for 14 1/2 years. And I was there for 14 1/2 years.

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Full time. Full time.

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And then I took a break from that for a while and then I got a job at Foot Law and Co and I was there for. And then I took a break from that for a while and then I got a job at Foot Law and Co and I was there for.

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Peridot in months. I think it was and. Peridot in months. I think it was and.

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Then from there I went to the health Commission I work for, Doctor Boosie. Then from there I went to the health Commission I work for, Doctor Boosie.

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And while I was there, it was when we decided we'd open the lighting shop. And while I was there, it was when we decided we'd open the lighting shop.

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So I left the. I wasn't real happy there anyway, OK? So I left the. I wasn't real happy there anyway, OK?

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Here we started the Lord and shop and that better I've talked to. Here we started the Lord and shop and that better I've talked to.

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And now you're at the church. Yes, I'm at the Uniting Church and I've been there for 15 years and I work 4 mornings a week from 9:00 till 12:30. And now you're at the church. Yes, I'm at the Uniting Church and I've been there for 15 years and I work 4 mornings a week from 9:00 till 12:30.

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He and I really love it. Yeah. I'm sure that they're great place to work. Yeah, very good. I think that's wonderful. He and I really love it. Yeah. I'm sure that they're great place to work. Yeah, very good. I think that's wonderful.

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And how about we mentioned Jeff's work and how that started your son Jeff and how he started in a potting business. Yeah, well he. And how about we mentioned Jeff's work and how that started your son Jeff and how he started in a potting business. Yeah, well he.

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Received I when he set for the high school certificate. Received I when he set for the high school certificate.

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What did they call it they give them? What did they call it they give them?

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A scholarship scholarship to go to either Alexander Mackie College or I'll forget the other one. A scholarship scholarship to go to either Alexander Mackie College or I'll forget the other one.

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We didn't really know what he wanted to do. We didn't really know what he wanted to do.

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So anyway, he went to University of NSW. So anyway, he went to University of NSW.

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And umm. And umm.

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He got his Bachelor of Science degree and from that he branched into ceramics and he had a fantastic teacher called Ivan Mcmeekin who lived at Warrenora. He got his Bachelor of Science degree and from that he branched into ceramics and he had a fantastic teacher called Ivan Mcmeekin who lived at Warrenora.

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And Jeff used to live on the property in this little cabin thing that he had. And Jeff used to live on the property in this little cabin thing that he had.

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And he taught him everything he knew. And he taught him everything he knew.

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And then? And then?

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Oh, he's had lots of trips overseas and. Oh, he's had lots of trips overseas and.

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He got, he said, studied free some. He got, he said, studied free some.

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Master of songs and he got there and then after that he started studied for. Master of songs and he got there and then after that he started studied for.

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Master of Education. And he got that. Master of Education. And he got that.

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So he's had a good education. So he's had a good education.

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And his work is admired all over the world. And his work is admired all over the world.

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And they're doing a retrospective of him at the gallery. And they're doing a retrospective of him at the gallery.

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Soon. He's just gathering up stuff now, you know. Soon. He's just gathering up stuff now, you know.

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So has he taught? He has taught. Yeah. In schools or uni? No, I think it was a tech college. Tech college, You're right. He could tell you more about it than I could. Yeah, I'm going to get onto Jeff and see if I can do an interview with him up. Don't tell him. I think, no, it's a bit embarrassed. So has he taught? He has taught. Yeah. In schools or uni? No, I think it was a tech college. Tech college, You're right. He could tell you more about it than I could. Yeah, I'm going to get onto Jeff and see if I can do an interview with him up. Don't tell him. I think, no, it's a bit embarrassed.

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Now when I talk about your books, because that's the person who's referred, you spoke about your writing and I've got it in front of me. Two, two books called From the Corners of My Mind and the way it was 1939 to 1945 now. Now when I talk about your books, because that's the person who's referred, you spoke about your writing and I've got it in front of me. Two, two books called From the Corners of My Mind and the way it was 1939 to 1945 now.

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How about we talk a bit about these two? Which one do you want first? This one, This one from the consume Armand Now how did you come to write that? That's a story of my childhood. Well, anything that I could remember or put it into chapters. Yes, all about my school days and his mouth organ and. How about we talk a bit about these two? Which one do you want first? This one, This one from the consume Armand Now how did you come to write that? That's a story of my childhood. Well, anything that I could remember or put it into chapters. Yes, all about my school days and his mouth organ and.

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Dies at the beach? Yes, that we had, and we had it rented a little house at Dwyer. We used to go to do Y every year. Dies at the beach? Yes, that we had, and we had it rented a little house at Dwyer. We used to go to do Y every year.

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And I just love doing it and I wanted to put it down for my children. And I just love doing it and I wanted to put it down for my children.

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Yeah, I think it's good. And what about the way it was? Yeah, I think it's good. And what about the way it was?

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It's all about the war years, of course, 39 to 45. It's all about the war years, of course, 39 to 45.

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And walls. And walls.

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I've just got the way it was at home during the war years, looking through the eyes of an 11 year old child growing up to 10 years. I've just got the way it was at home during the war years, looking through the eyes of an 11 year old child growing up to 10 years.

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For my children and grandchildren. For my children and grandchildren.

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Lovely. Lovely.

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And it's. And it's.

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The chapters are at war with Germany and then the war with Japan and the effects on our lifestyle, what we wore, what we did, what we couldn't do. The chapters are at war with Germany and then the war with Japan and the effects on our lifestyle, what we wore, what we did, what we couldn't do.

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Pin fringe and postage. I had a pen friend. My husband actually was my pen friend. I just can't ask you where where lovely, you know had another American girl. You know, I used to write to when we're only about 14, all about the rationing system and all the things that are in short supply. Pin fringe and postage. I had a pen friend. My husband actually was my pen friend. I just can't ask you where where lovely, you know had another American girl. You know, I used to write to when we're only about 14, all about the rationing system and all the things that are in short supply.

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Our emotions and keeping up morale. Our emotions and keeping up morale.

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American and British forces which were in Sydney at the time. American and British forces which were in Sydney at the time.

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How we prepared for the invasion that we thought we were going to have. How we prepared for the invasion that we thought we were going to have.

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The *** Subs in Sydney Harbour. The *** Subs in Sydney Harbour.

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Servicemen in New Guinea. Servicemen in New Guinea.

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Interners and women in the workforce, Well, that's interesting. Interners and women in the workforce, Well, that's interesting.

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Wages and housing, Dress and hair Fashion. Oh yes. Wages and housing, Dress and hair Fashion. Oh yes.

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Department stores and theatres. Department stores and theatres.

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And austerity, which meant we had to save here and save. And austerity, which meant we had to save here and save.

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And then peace was declared another chapter on after peace. And then peace was declared another chapter on after peace.

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And how it was. And how it was.

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For the soldiers to get back to Sydney St. For the soldiers to get back to Sydney St.

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And the circle, That's what it's made-up of. And when did you write that? How long ago? And the circle, That's what it's made-up of. And when did you write that? How long ago?

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Was while I was working at Foot Law. I can't remember the exact year, but it was bound by the prisoners of the jail. And what about from the corners of my mind? When did you write that? Was while I was working at Foot Law. I can't remember the exact year, but it was bound by the prisoners of the jail. And what about from the corners of my mind? When did you write that?

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Sign here anymore? I wonder, is it? Is it? Sign here anymore? I wonder, is it? Is it?

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Did it come first or second? Did it come first or second?

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Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.

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Oh, look at that. Oh, look at that.

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I love me. And Mary was saying that Native, these books have been published, that she just had them done for her own. I love me. And Mary was saying that Native, these books have been published, that she just had them done for her own.

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Our family, friends and what have you. But then they're wonderful, yeah. My daughter and Tamworth has also written hers. It's beautiful. Our family, friends and what have you. But then they're wonderful, yeah. My daughter and Tamworth has also written hers. It's beautiful.

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That's good. And you've got some other things here, Mary, is there anything you'd like mention on the on the interview? That's good. And you've got some other things here, Mary, is there anything you'd like mention on the on the interview?

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Yeah, it met me. Married, right? Tom. Sick. Well, I've got one here. Berries in the bottom of my garden. I think we've all dreamt about having series at the garden. Some stars. That's lovely. That's a picture taken of the end of the war during the Congo and Lonely. That's a picture of a British sailor that we used to entertain during the war, Used to come out and stay with us. He was on the HMAS Victorious, the aircraft carrier. Yeah, it met me. Married, right? Tom. Sick. Well, I've got one here. Berries in the bottom of my garden. I think we've all dreamt about having series at the garden. Some stars. That's lovely. That's a picture taken of the end of the war during the Congo and Lonely. That's a picture of a British sailor that we used to entertain during the war, Used to come out and stay with us. He was on the HMAS Victorious, the aircraft carrier.

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That's flayed paint. But thank you. No, it's only a little fella. He is a little. That's lovely. That's flayed paint. But thank you. No, it's only a little fella. He is a little. That's lovely.

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Mary looks up. She's a collector. She's got all sorts of goodies here in albums. And folks, a poem I wrote about a little girl's war, what it was like for me as a little girl who were living in the feelings I felt and everything. Oh, that's nice too. Gosh, you've been busy. Mary looks up. She's a collector. She's got all sorts of goodies here in albums. And folks, a poem I wrote about a little girl's war, what it was like for me as a little girl who were living in the feelings I felt and everything. Oh, that's nice too. Gosh, you've been busy.

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Ohh, there's lots of good stuff. Do you find it just once you start it all comes rolling back. Is it easy to ride or do you have to really work on it? Ohh, there's lots of good stuff. Do you find it just once you start it all comes rolling back. Is it easy to ride or do you have to really work on it?

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Enough harm. So you both used to come fairly usually to me because it was all in my head and I had to get it out and you just triggered it in there at time. Yeah, that's a copy of a letter I wrote to Right Honourable Bob Hawke. All right, what's your art team for? I just said I felt compelled to write to you to ask you why we are selling Australia out to the Japanese. Enough harm. So you both used to come fairly usually to me because it was all in my head and I had to get it out and you just triggered it in there at time. Yeah, that's a copy of a letter I wrote to Right Honourable Bob Hawke. All right, what's your art team for? I just said I felt compelled to write to you to ask you why we are selling Australia out to the Japanese.

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You and a lot of others want the answer to that. That's when it was all going on up the Gold Coast, you know? You and a lot of others want the answer to that. That's when it was all going on up the Gold Coast, you know?

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Did you get a reply? Did you get a reply?

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Yes, or or sent it to Ian Robinson as well, and that is a good move. Let him know what's going on in his area. Yes, or or sent it to Ian Robinson as well, and that is a good move. Let him know what's going on in his area.

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I'll be back to you. I'll be back to you.

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Are you? Here we go? Are you? Here we go?

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You see, Mrs. Kristen, I wish to acknowledge your letter, the 27th of tomorrow, regarding Japanese investment in Australia and protesting it against the establishment of a pulp mill in the current area. On your behalf, I have made representation in the matter of Japanese investment in Australia to the Prime Minister, the Honourable RJ Oak Hook ACMP. You see, Mrs. Kristen, I wish to acknowledge your letter, the 27th of tomorrow, regarding Japanese investment in Australia and protesting it against the establishment of a pulp mill in the current area. On your behalf, I have made representation in the matter of Japanese investment in Australia to the Prime Minister, the Honourable RJ Oak Hook ACMP.

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Many thanks for writing to me with best wishes. Many thanks for writing to me with best wishes.

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Yours sincerely, Anne Robinson. Yours sincerely, Anne Robinson.

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Oh well, that's off the palpable account. Oh well, that's off the palpable account.

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There's a lot larger went down about the pulp mill, wasn't they? Yeah, yeah. There's a lot larger went down about the pulp mill, wasn't they? Yeah, yeah.

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Two more books of poetry, Chocolate block ones. This ones from childhood through the war years and beyond. Two more books of poetry, Chocolate block ones. This ones from childhood through the war years and beyond.

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Oh, how nice. Another one. Book two. My poetry. I read a lot of them to the people out of the Hunt nursing house. Yes, I bet they love that. I would understand. Oh, how nice. Another one. Book two. My poetry. I read a lot of them to the people out of the Hunt nursing house. Yes, I bet they love that. I would understand.

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Even a busy girl. Even a busy girl.

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I think we can see where your son gets his artistic ability. I think we can see where your son gets his artistic ability.

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Oh, you're just challenging. You just challenge yours into words and he's into pottery. Oh, you're just challenging. You just challenge yours into words and he's into pottery.

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But it's all very clever and it's. But it's all very clever and it's.

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So overall, Mary, are you pleased you made the move to Grafton and you've been happy living here? Oh you sorry would never ever go back to Sydney. I'll go back to visit my sister Eileen, alright. She lives out at Kellyville. So overall, Mary, are you pleased you made the move to Grafton and you've been happy living here? Oh you sorry would never ever go back to Sydney. I'll go back to visit my sister Eileen, alright. She lives out at Kellyville.

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I'll go back when I can, yes, but I would never go back there to live. No, no, no. That's too much of A reproach. New yay. I'll go back when I can, yes, but I would never go back there to live. No, no, no. That's too much of A reproach. New yay.

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And my other sister lives at down the Cessnock area. And my other sister lives at down the Cessnock area.

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Is there anything else that staining your lock to tell us about or share with us what this great big book we've got out now? What's in it? I was. I was in the writers group. Oh, yeah, Run by Dorothy Hillers. And she would give us a subject every week to write on. It just poured out of me. Is there anything else that staining your lock to tell us about or share with us what this great big book we've got out now? What's in it? I was. I was in the writers group. Oh, yeah, Run by Dorothy Hillers. And she would give us a subject every week to write on. It just poured out of me.

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And this is a story. So you've kept copies of them all? Yeah, they're the original ones. There's 144 there. And I've got another book with just as many in it again, and I'm trying to put them all out on the computer. And this is a story. So you've kept copies of them all? Yeah, they're the original ones. There's 144 there. And I've got another book with just as many in it again, and I'm trying to put them all out on the computer.

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Get me to a book. Get me to a book.

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Great. Great.

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So what are you manly occupy yourself with now? Just going to work? Do you do anything, Do any sport or anything? I know you said before you're not in sport, sports person, but the only two hobbies I've got is I sing with the Grafton Glue Singers. Oh how lovely and I've been with him for 2025 years. So what are you manly occupy yourself with now? Just going to work? Do you do anything, Do any sport or anything? I know you said before you're not in sport, sports person, but the only two hobbies I've got is I sing with the Grafton Glue Singers. Oh how lovely and I've been with him for 2025 years.

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And now, only last night I joined the ukulele club. And now, only last night I joined the ukulele club.

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Really. Didn't know we had one. Sonny knew. All right, who's running that? Really. Didn't know we had one. Sonny knew. All right, who's running that?

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His name's Robert someone. I can't think of his surname. His name's Robert someone. I can't think of his surname.

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And we had a great old time last night. Andy, you're a fan of You collide when I was a child, yeah. And my daughter dubbed me in. And we had a great old time last night. Andy, you're a fan of You collide when I was a child, yeah. And my daughter dubbed me in.

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To Lucy Dye, who's running. To Lucy Dye, who's running.

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Because it's not a really well known instrument. Because it's not a really well known instrument.

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Of course, so I only joined that last night. I don't know how I'm going to go, but I'm finding it hard for my fingers to. Of course, so I only joined that last night. I don't know how I'm going to go, but I'm finding it hard for my fingers to.

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But apart from that, that's about all I do. But apart from that, that's about all I do.

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Is there anything I should like to add to the interview before we finish up, or do you think we've covered everything? I think it's pretty broad, you know? Is there anything I should like to add to the interview before we finish up, or do you think we've covered everything? I think it's pretty broad, you know?

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Think you've had a very interesting love. I'm so glad I asked you to do the interview. Thank you so much. Thank you. That's good. So we're finished now. Think you've had a very interesting love. I'm so glad I asked you to do the interview. Thank you so much. Thank you. That's good. So we're finished now.