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Monday the 2nd of July 2007 with two interviewers from U3A, Marie Burrows and Gladys Anderson. Monday the 2nd of July 2007 with two interviewers from U3A, Marie Burrows and Gladys Anderson.

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And we're interviewing dot Edmunds at the Ossuman Villa in Grafton. dot, thank you very much indeed for taking part in this pleasure. Yeah. Where were you born Don't on in South Grafton. And when was that? On the 2nd of September. What year? 1900 night. Where were your parents born? And we're interviewing dot Edmunds at the Ossuman Villa in Grafton. dot, thank you very much indeed for taking part in this pleasure. Yeah. Where were you born Don't on in South Grafton. And when was that? On the 2nd of September. What year? 1900 night. Where were your parents born?

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Well, they all lived here all their lives and craft them, yeah. Well, they all lived here all their lives and craft them, yeah.

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And how many brothers and sisters did you have? I had one sister and Claire. And how many brothers and sisters did you have? I had one sister and Claire.

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Oh brothers watches Clary, Ellen, Jack and Sam. Four brothers. Oh brothers watches Clary, Ellen, Jack and Sam. Four brothers.

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How far back can you remember the house that you lived in? How far back can you remember the house that you lived in?

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Well, I can remember living in Ryan St. and it was an aleplace, but reeds millions to be alongside of it now. That's a long time ago. Reed's Bill used to be alongside because it's not there now. And what was the house made of? Doc Weatherborne. Well, I can remember living in Ryan St. and it was an aleplace, but reeds millions to be alongside of it now. That's a long time ago. Reed's Bill used to be alongside because it's not there now. And what was the house made of? Doc Weatherborne.

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Now where the board plays here in Ryan St. they were all out with the bull plies and Mendez. That's right. And did it have electricity? No, no electricity. So what did you use? A kerosene lamp? Yes. Or, or lamp in a night. Lamp on the table. The kerosene lamp or one of those other lamps to cut. Hurricane lamp? Hurricane lamp? Did you have a bathroom and a toilet inside the house or was it outside? Outside the house? Now where the board plays here in Ryan St. they were all out with the bull plies and Mendez. That's right. And did it have electricity? No, no electricity. So what did you use? A kerosene lamp? Yes. Or, or lamp in a night. Lamp on the table. The kerosene lamp or one of those other lamps to cut. Hurricane lamp? Hurricane lamp? Did you have a bathroom and a toilet inside the house or was it outside? Outside the house?

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How far away was the toilet? Oh, not very far. How far away was the toilet? Oh, not very far.

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How did your family get food? How did your family get food? Where did they go to shop in Grafton, in South Grafton, S Yeah, when Gerald just have the old place there and Mckittricks and all them old places. How did your family get food? How did your family get food? Where did they go to shop in Grafton, in South Grafton, S Yeah, when Gerald just have the old place there and Mckittricks and all them old places.

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And where did your family go to buy clothing? Oh, they've seen S drafting. Yeah. OK. What school did you go to, Doc? I went to the school up here on the hill now. And where did your family go to buy clothing? Oh, they've seen S drafting. Yeah. OK. What school did you go to, Doc? I went to the school up here on the hill now.

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The same skill as there now. The same skill as there now.

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In South Grafton. In South Grafton.

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Dad got grafted prawny in Bent St. Can you remember what you used to wear to school as a young child? Dad got grafted prawny in Bent St. Can you remember what you used to wear to school as a young child?

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You know, we never had any, any special clothes in those days. You just wore whatever you had, you know? Which teacher do you remember? Oh, dear. I can't remember her name. She was a lovely teacher, though. I had a girlfriend and I was Doris Watkins and I was Doris and we, we used to love our teacher and I used to call us the pets. You know, we never had any, any special clothes in those days. You just wore whatever you had, you know? Which teacher do you remember? Oh, dear. I can't remember her name. She was a lovely teacher, though. I had a girlfriend and I was Doris Watkins and I was Doris and we, we used to love our teacher and I used to call us the pets.

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Do you remember what games you used to play at school? Do you remember what games you used to play at school?

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I used to play hopscotch and I was to skip and we used to do the My power when your time in the backyard. What games did you play? Hide and seek or something like that? I used to play hopscotch and I was to skip and we used to do the My power when your time in the backyard. What games did you play? Hide and seek or something like that?

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Yeah. Yeah.

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Do you remember any special events? Do you remember any special events?

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Not really, I don't think. They're all all used to play the same games and everything. And I've done any special anniversaries or crowning of the king or opening of the bridge, perhaps. No, not that I remember. I think I was away when they happening at the bridge was on. And where did you go when you say you were away? Oh, well, when I got married, we traveled along all over the place, my husband. Not really, I don't think. They're all all used to play the same games and everything. And I've done any special anniversaries or crowning of the king or opening of the bridge, perhaps. No, not that I remember. I think I was away when they happening at the bridge was on. And where did you go when you say you were away? Oh, well, when I got married, we traveled along all over the place, my husband.

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For work with work you know. For work with work you know.

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And then when the children got older, we had to settle because they were going to school, you know? And what sort of work did your husband do? My husband used to be a sewerage contractor. And then when the children got older, we had to settle because they were going to school, you know? And what sort of work did your husband do? My husband used to be a sewerage contractor.

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With with a man that used to run with him. He used to live work with him and we went on up, we went right up Queensland, right out to Cunnamulla, 600 mile on the other side of Brisbane. With with a man that used to run with him. He used to live work with him and we went on up, we went right up Queensland, right out to Cunnamulla, 600 mile on the other side of Brisbane.

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And I was seven months pregnant then with my baby girl. I had two boys, 1/8 and 1/4 when I traveled right out there. And I had my baby girl out there and when she was 18 months old when we left out there. And I was seven months pregnant then with my baby girl. I had two boys, 1/8 and 1/4 when I traveled right out there. And I had my baby girl out there and when she was 18 months old when we left out there.

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And that's when he said back here. And that's when he said back here.

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When you settle back here, did you have a doctor or a nurse or a hospital handy? We had doctor used to be here in Grafton or South Grafton. When you settle back here, did you have a doctor or a nurse or a hospital handy? We had doctor used to be here in Grafton or South Grafton.

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And do you, did you have any home remedies? Not really. Well, any poultices for putting on splinters and that sort of thing. Poor old mum used to be the soap and sugar. And do you, did you have any home remedies? Not really. Well, any poultices for putting on splinters and that sort of thing. Poor old mum used to be the soap and sugar.

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Religious activities important to your family. Religious activities important to your family.

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Religious activities. Did the family go to church or did you go to Sunday school? I went to Sunday school and that little photo up there you see on there. Religious activities. Did the family go to church or did you go to Sunday school? I went to Sunday school and that little photo up there you see on there.

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That's where I was in the concert at Sunday school there. I was 13. Yeah, I was in the concert there. And was the church nearby or did you have to travel? No where. Church was here. close. That's where I was in the concert at Sunday school there. I was 13. Yeah, I was in the concert there. And was the church nearby or did you have to travel? No where. Church was here. close.

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When did your family first get a car? A car? Don't remember. We had horses. I'll give as long as. When did your family first get a car? A car? Don't remember. We had horses. I'll give as long as.

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I can remember a horse and talking. They never have a car. Did you have a bike or a horse? I can remember a horse and talking. They never have a car. Did you have a bike or a horse?

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Ride a horse, Yes. No voice. I couldn't manage a bike. I tried and tried and I couldn't manage a bike. Ride a horse, Yes. No voice. I couldn't manage a bike. I tried and tried and I couldn't manage a bike.

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When you settle down with your family, was there a bus service nearby? No. No, we never had any bus. But I can hear him. You know, We didn't walk, We had to go. Now, talking horse, would you tell tell us what employment your father or your mother were involved in? No, my mum never worked. And what about father? No, he didn't have to retire. He didn't do anything that. When you settle down with your family, was there a bus service nearby? No. No, we never had any bus. But I can hear him. You know, We didn't walk, We had to go. Now, talking horse, would you tell tell us what employment your father or your mother were involved in? No, my mum never worked. And what about father? No, he didn't have to retire. He didn't do anything that.

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And after you left school, what employment did you have? I used to look after teacher produced a teacher at the school and and 11 little child. I used to look after them. And after you left school, what employment did you have? I used to look after teacher produced a teacher at the school and and 11 little child. I used to look after them.

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That was a paid job, yes, seven and six a week. That was a paid job, yes, seven and six a week.

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At what age were you when you were married? When I was married, I was married at 20. At what age were you when you were married? When I was married, I was married at 20.

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And you were married here in in South Grafton? No, I was married in Tamworth. And you were married here in in South Grafton? No, I was married in Tamworth.

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How come that happened? How come you married in chambers and everything else seemed to happen here? How come that happened? How come you married in chambers and everything else seemed to happen here?

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While we married in Tamworth when everything else happened in when I when I left here, we traveled about my winter tablet and that's where I stopped for a while and that's where I met my husband. I see so. While we married in Tamworth when everything else happened in when I when I left here, we traveled about my winter tablet and that's where I stopped for a while and that's where I met my husband. I see so.

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How did your family entertain themselves? Oh, well, I don't. My father used to step dance and sing. Yeah. How did your family entertain themselves? Oh, well, I don't. My father used to step dance and sing. Yeah.

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We just have a little house party, you know, one night, one week would have a beer, next week would have. And dad used to step dance and sing and this is where you got your singing voice. We just have a little house party, you know, one night, one week would have a beer, next week would have. And dad used to step dance and sing and this is where you got your singing voice.

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We might mention that Doris last year played Dorothy in the pantomime at Time in very good voice. We might mention that Doris last year played Dorothy in the pantomime at Time in very good voice.

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Were the family involved in any clubs or groups? No, no Tennis Club or anything in that. Were the family involved in any clubs or groups? No, no Tennis Club or anything in that.

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You made my father's family? No, your family. We used to play tennis. You made my father's family? No, your family. We used to play tennis.

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Did you go to Dancers? Oh, plenty. Did you go to Dancers? Oh, plenty.

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All night, all night, all night. And where did you go for that? We used to go to Kids Crossing and we went out there for a bus trip the other day and the old hall was still there, but I used to dance in lovely. Yeah. Yeah. So you go out. So you'd go out in hoarse and sulky to the net. Anyway, we used to get this. As long as we got there, it didn't matter long as we got there, but mostly in horse and sulky. All night, all night, all night. And where did you go for that? We used to go to Kids Crossing and we went out there for a bus trip the other day and the old hall was still there, but I used to dance in lovely. Yeah. Yeah. So you go out. So you'd go out in hoarse and sulky to the net. Anyway, we used to get this. As long as we got there, it didn't matter long as we got there, but mostly in horse and sulky.

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Did you go to the pictures later on? Thank God we used to go to the pictures. Yeah. Where would that have been? South Grafton on the corner. Wall Street and 3rd St. I think on the corner. Did you go to the pictures later on? Thank God we used to go to the pictures. Yeah. Where would that have been? South Grafton on the corner. Wall Street and 3rd St. I think on the corner.

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Yeah, right there. Yeah, we just got down Peanut Alley. Yeah, right there. Yeah, we just got down Peanut Alley.

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Do you recall any local events or a disaster which has left the lasting impression on you? Do you recall any local events or a disaster which has left the lasting impression on you?

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Ever involved in any floods in South Africa? Oh, plenty of floods. Yeah. Never. Never in the air hurt me yet. My sister used that. She was used to be in that street office of the fire station that little St. that I can't think of the name of it bent straight out of the near she or had to get out of. When this floods was there. Did you have to leave your home? No, I never did. We were up on the hill further. Oh, that was fortunate she had to. Ever involved in any floods in South Africa? Oh, plenty of floods. Yeah. Never. Never in the air hurt me yet. My sister used that. She was used to be in that street office of the fire station that little St. that I can't think of the name of it bent straight out of the near she or had to get out of. When this floods was there. Did you have to leave your home? No, I never did. We were up on the hill further. Oh, that was fortunate she had to.

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Do you remember any national events particularly? I don't love anything to do with the wars. The ending of the war. Can't remember any of your family guys with the boy, That's all. Yeah. My brother Alan went to the war. He came back. Yes, he came back here. I put a bat lock in the depression. How did that affect you? Do you remember any national events particularly? I don't love anything to do with the wars. The ending of the war. Can't remember any of your family guys with the boy, That's all. Yeah. My brother Alan went to the war. He came back. Yes, he came back here. I put a bat lock in the depression. How did that affect you?

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It didn't really. We just, we had to go and line up sometimes and get whatever you wanted. You know, they used to give you a ticket or something. I remember. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Had to have vouchers to get bread or butter with sugar, whatever you wanted. It didn't really. We just, we had to go and line up sometimes and get whatever you wanted. You know, they used to give you a ticket or something. I remember. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Had to have vouchers to get bread or butter with sugar, whatever you wanted.

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There's only land so much. I think it's fine, yeah. Do you have any memories of the Clarence River particularly? No, not really. Did you travel on the ferry across from South? Yes. We go on the old punt, the old pump and the ferry. We used to dance on the side, on the Grafton side. We catch the old pump home and 1:30 in the morning and walk. There's only land so much. I think it's fine, yeah. Do you have any memories of the Clarence River particularly? No, not really. Did you travel on the ferry across from South? Yes. We go on the old punt, the old pump and the ferry. We used to dance on the side, on the Grafton side. We catch the old pump home and 1:30 in the morning and walk.

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Way up on the hill home. Do you remember how much the ferry cost? Way up on the hill home. Do you remember how much the ferry cost?

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No, I'm done, darling. It wouldn't cook very much or nothing. No, I'm done, darling. It wouldn't cook very much or nothing.

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Do you have any particular memories of the Jacaranda Festival in the early days? No, not in the early days over there. Didn't that matter. Well, tell us about your singing daughter in the Wizard of Oz. Oh, well, I was, of course. I was done up with Dorothy. Pretty old Dorothy, and I had to sing and whatever she sang, you know, and Yellow Brick Road. Do you have any particular memories of the Jacaranda Festival in the early days? No, not in the early days over there. Didn't that matter. Well, tell us about your singing daughter in the Wizard of Oz. Oh, well, I was, of course. I was done up with Dorothy. Pretty old Dorothy, and I had to sing and whatever she sang, you know, and Yellow Brick Road.

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We had the brick road, it was all done up beautiful. I've done it up lovely and. We had the brick road, it was all done up beautiful. I've done it up lovely and.

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I had a singer and of course I done all the playing and that night just walked about with the the little dog that she had, you know, and that. And then then I had to do the singing and then we done all whatever. But whatever it was done anyway. We won the Gold Cup. I had a singer and of course I done all the playing and that night just walked about with the the little dog that she had, you know, and that. And then then I had to do the singing and then we done all whatever. But whatever it was done anyway. We won the Gold Cup.

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Yeah. Yeah.

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Do you? Do you?

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Have any recollections of the hospital? Did your family ever need emergency treatment? Any accidents or no? I can't remember any. I don't remember any accidents like that. We had really. And most of your babies were born at home. Have any recollections of the hospital? Did your family ever need emergency treatment? Any accidents or no? I can't remember any. I don't remember any accidents like that. We had really. And most of your babies were born at home.

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Yes. So I had, all my babies were born except the one I had in Caramel. She was the only one I had in the hospital and the other two babies at home. Yeah, OK. Yeah. Yes. So I had, all my babies were born except the one I had in Caramel. She was the only one I had in the hospital and the other two babies at home. Yeah, OK. Yeah.

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Dark. Dark, What else teaches? What else did you do? Dark. Dark, What else teaches? What else did you do?

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In the past with singing and acting and did you ever go in shows or in Grafton or? In the past with singing and acting and did you ever go in shows or in Grafton or?

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You know how you went to Jack Randall last year? Had you done anything off that previously? No. Or had not really. No, No. Just did it at home to the family. Yeah. Yeah. I never acted or done anything till I come here and done that last year in your busy life. You know how you went to Jack Randall last year? Had you done anything off that previously? No. Or had not really. No, No. Just did it at home to the family. Yeah. Yeah. I never acted or done anything till I come here and done that last year in your busy life.

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Doris, have you had time to do any craft or look? I was useless. I couldn't stay on, I couldn't knit and I couldn't do anything my mother couldn't either. Doris, have you had time to do any craft or look? I was useless. I couldn't stay on, I couldn't knit and I couldn't do anything my mother couldn't either.

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And I used to have a cousin, she used to do all that for me. I think she spoiled me and I didn't have to do it. So she used to do it all for me. Now I couldn't. I couldn't sound, I couldn't knit or anything. And I used to have a cousin, she used to do all that for me. I think she spoiled me and I didn't have to do it. So she used to do it all for me. Now I couldn't. I couldn't sound, I couldn't knit or anything.

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Must have been very interesting travelling with your husband. It was and what memories have you got is that when we traveled up from from Grafton he went ahead of me because we have a go with the people who were working for and I followed on with the children. Must have been very interesting travelling with your husband. It was and what memories have you got is that when we traveled up from from Grafton he went ahead of me because we have a go with the people who were working for and I followed on with the children.

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We caught the train at Brisbane is 600 mile from Brisbane to where I had to go to. We caught the train at Brisbane is 600 mile from Brisbane to where I had to go to.

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And one boy was eight and one was four. And I was seven months pregnant and had to go. And the aisle Puff and Billy train. Oh. And one boy was eight and one was four. And I was seven months pregnant and had to go. And the aisle Puff and Billy train. Oh.

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I think it took all that to get there. Yeah, yeah. And and yeah. Well, when we stopped there before she was born out there and she was 18 months old when we left out there to come home. I think it took all that to get there. Yeah, yeah. And and yeah. Well, when we stopped there before she was born out there and she was 18 months old when we left out there to come home.

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Did you go to any other towns before that? That was mine. But that was a big trip. Yeah, that was the biggest trip that we had little jobs around, but that was the biggest trip. You have good living conditions when you got there. N House and. Did you go to any other towns before that? That was mine. But that was a big trip. Yeah, that was the biggest trip that we had little jobs around, but that was the biggest trip. You have good living conditions when you got there. N House and.

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My husband went ahead and had a nice furnace place for and the people were beautiful. You know the lady next door when she knew that I was going to have a rugby, she came over and she said look, don't worry about anything, she said. My husband went ahead and had a nice furnace place for and the people were beautiful. You know the lady next door when she knew that I was going to have a rugby, she came over and she said look, don't worry about anything, she said.

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Look after he has been children wandering the hospital and when you come out you can have a pram. I got a pram and you can borrow that. Look after he has been children wandering the hospital and when you come out you can have a pram. I got a pram and you can borrow that.

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Did you ever go away on a family holiday, Doris? No, not that I can think of. What do I think? Oh, we used to go to Willow when we were kids. Yeah, all was going to wool Eye in them days. It was cheaper. When we were kids. We used to buy a block of ground for 10 shillings. Did you ever go away on a family holiday, Doris? No, not that I can think of. What do I think? Oh, we used to go to Willow when we were kids. Yeah, all was going to wool Eye in them days. It was cheaper. When we were kids. We used to buy a block of ground for 10 shillings.

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And picture a tent there and we can stop there as long as you like for that. But where is the park alongside the hole and where's the dance or not and just go into a tent? And picture a tent there and we can stop there as long as you like for that. But where is the park alongside the hole and where's the dance or not and just go into a tent?

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Yes, we always went to Wollo, packed up the olive cart or whatever. You get the stuff in and go and cook the Christmas dinner in the old camp oven. Yeah, that's what we used to do when we are. Yeah. You must have gotten to know a lot of the old dance bands. It would have been around in that time. Can you remember anything about them? Yes, we always went to Wollo, packed up the olive cart or whatever. You get the stuff in and go and cook the Christmas dinner in the old camp oven. Yeah, that's what we used to do when we are. Yeah. You must have gotten to know a lot of the old dance bands. It would have been around in that time. Can you remember anything about them?

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Pebbly used to play for the dancers, yeah. Pebbly used to play for the dancers, yeah.

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I can't think of the line it's used apart so so it's so long ago when memory. I can't think of the line it's used apart so so it's so long ago when memory.

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Now I can't, but that was good that were all good, beautiful all out on if you are some of them now how to do that would know what you're talking about. Now I can't, but that was good that were all good, beautiful all out on if you are some of them now how to do that would know what you're talking about.

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Do this, yeah, and before you come to live as an umbrella. Do this, yeah, and before you come to live as an umbrella.

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What's the house you were in? The house you had lived in for a long time? What's the house you were in? The house you had lived in for a long time?

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Yes, yes. Time has he lived in with your family, with your children and husband lived in Swing Hammer St. on the South side. Yeah. Just near the tin bridge there, you know. Yeah. I lived there for a long time. Yeah. Yeah. And you're happy you made the move to come into the hospital? Well, yeah. If you, as I say, if you weren't not happy here, you're not, you know. Yes, yes. Time has he lived in with your family, with your children and husband lived in Swing Hammer St. on the South side. Yeah. Just near the tin bridge there, you know. Yeah. I lived there for a long time. Yeah. Yeah. And you're happy you made the move to come into the hospital? Well, yeah. If you, as I say, if you weren't not happy here, you're not, you know.

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My children are away. See that one? They're all in. I've only got the ball and the girl and they left and they live in Sydney. My children are away. See that one? They're all in. I've only got the ball and the girl and they left and they live in Sydney.

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And they were happy for me to come and have somebody to look after me and save them worrying about me. Yeah. See those out of you there, Mom? And you get looked after. We weren't worried about you. If you're living on your own, we'll worry about you, you know? So that's how I come to get to be here, you know, Is that what they do look after? If there's no doubt about that. So they're happy for me to be here. And they were happy for me to come and have somebody to look after me and save them worrying about me. Yeah. See those out of you there, Mom? And you get looked after. We weren't worried about you. If you're living on your own, we'll worry about you, you know? So that's how I come to get to be here, you know, Is that what they do look after? If there's no doubt about that. So they're happy for me to be here.

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Getting looked after very good. I've never seen your family live to a older truck. It's not yard or anywhere close to it. Getting looked after very good. I've never seen your family live to a older truck. It's not yard or anywhere close to it.

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My sister just died. She was. She was two years younger than me. So what was that? My sister just died. She was. She was two years younger than me. So what was that?

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96 years and my brothers were in the up in their 80s or they're all gone. All in their 80s, Yes, because Annie may lift. Goodness, they're all gone. My sister just died about 6-7 months ago. She was in the home in Sydney in one of the nice homes there for a long, long time. 96 years and my brothers were in the up in their 80s or they're all gone. All in their 80s, Yes, because Annie may lift. Goodness, they're all gone. My sister just died about 6-7 months ago. She was in the home in Sydney in one of the nice homes there for a long, long time.

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Because she went down there because her people were daughters were there and they could go and look after, you know, and get visitor. And that that's why she left Grafton to go down there because she couldn't look after herself here. So children could go there and look after and see her feed and all that. And I finished. She had to be fed and everything in the finish, you know. Because she went down there because her people were daughters were there and they could go and look after, you know, and get visitor. And that that's why she left Grafton to go down there because she couldn't look after herself here. So children could go there and look after and see her feed and all that. And I finished. She had to be fed and everything in the finish, you know.

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So I'm lucky to be able to get around and still get around. So I'm lucky to be able to get around and still get around.

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Very good he is now. Very good he is now.

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Well, have you got anything else you'd like to tell us about? Anything interesting that you remember or No, I don't think. I think you've got everything. That's been great. Thank you very much. That's been wonderful. Well, have you got anything else you'd like to tell us about? Anything interesting that you remember or No, I don't think. I think you've got everything. That's been great. Thank you very much. That's been wonderful.

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Thank you. Thank you.